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Lesson 36 A chance in a million

1、credulous adj.轻信的

-He is more credulous than me.

Credulous/credible/believable比较:credulous (多修饰人)

Credible 可信的,可靠的(多修饰事物)

-The story he told us is credible.


- He demanded for believable explanation.

反义词:incredulous / incredible/unbelievable 2、Improbable adj.不大可能(=impossible)Probable adj.可能的(=possible)

Probably adv.可能地(=possibly)

3、obscure adj.


-The bus stopped at an obscure little town.

2)模糊不清的(not clearly )

-An obscure figure can be seen through the fog. Vague 多用于比喻意,指不明确说明而造成的模糊不清-what he said is vague.

4、maidservant n.女仆,女佣

Maid 女仆

Servant 仆人,佣人


5、presume v.假定(take sth. as true)presume that 根据过去的经验或感觉作出推断Presumption n.假定

assume 与事实不相符合

- Let us assume that your words are fact. suppose 猜想、陈述自己的看法(最普通的用词)- I suppose that it was my fault.

6、wickedly adv.心眼坏地,居心叵测地Wicked adj.邪恶的

Wicked stepmother 邪恶的继母

7、plot v.密谋

Plot against 密谋反对

Plot to do sth. 密谋做某事

-The criminals were plotting to rob the bank. N.情节

故事情节plots of the story

8、downfall n.倒台,垮台

Collapse 垮台

Step down 倒台

Bankruptcy 破产

9、naive adj.天真的,幼稚的

Naive person 幼稚的人

Naive remark 幼稚的话

Lovable 可爱的

Cute (尤指孩子)可爱的

Adorable 可爱的(口语常用)

10、unacceptable adj.不能接受的

Be unacceptable to sb. 对某人来说不能接受

-Failure is unacceptable to me.

11、conspire v.(事件)巧合促成;密谋

Conspire to do sth. 事件凑在一起促成

-Pollution and neglect have conspired to ruin the city. -污染加之疏于管理毁了这座城市。

Conspire to do sth. 共谋做某事

-They conspired to steal the car.


plot v.密谋一人或多人秘密谋划伤害他人

-The criminals were plotting to rob the bank. conspire 众多人合谋做重大的犯法勾当尤指反叛12、incredible adj.难以置信的,惊人的,极妙的

-The hotel is incredible.

Credible adj.可靠的,可信的

13、scorn n.嘲弄,挖苦

pour scorn on (=pour contempt on )鄙视...


- He poured scorn on his wife's suggestion.

look down upon 瞧不起,蔑视


contempt 蔑视,强烈谴责某人或某事低贱、卑鄙,语气强于scorn

despite 语气较弱,表示嘲弄

-His suggestion was dismissed with scorn.

-His face showed the scorn/despite he felt.

14、acquaint v.使了解

be acquainted with sth.

- I have been acquainted with the secret.

acquaint sb. with/of sth. 使某人认识/熟悉

-I will acquaint him with modern art.

make a person acquainted with sb 介绍某人同另一个人认识

-Let me make Tom acquainted with you. Acquainted adj.知晓的,认识的

acquaintance 熟人

15、resemblance n.相似的(=likeness)
