考古学家一层一层地挖开火山岩屑,深埋在地下的庞贝城终于“出 土”了。曾被淹没的庞贝为古罗马文明的研究提供了难得的史料。 在一幕幕重见天日的遗迹前,人们对往昔的怀念是如此地生动,几 乎触手可及。这就使今日的庞贝充满了无穷的魅力。庞贝人奔放的 个
难怪德国诗人歌德看见庞贝后说:“在世界上发生的诸多灾难中, 还从未有过任何灾难像庞贝一样,它带给后人的是如此巨大的愉 悦。”而法国历史学家泰纳从庞贝归来后感叹道:“那时候的人, 是用整个身体活着。” 徜徉在庞贝城中,望着那一座座建筑,满眼的断壁残垣,心中 不自觉地会生出很多感慨。你会慨叹面临自然的灾难,人类生命是 何等的脆弱;你会慨叹会经过2000年的尘封,庞贝城竟然还会如此 完整地重现在我们的面前;你更会慨叹人类的智慧、劳动所孕育的 巨大创造力,而这创造力使得人类不断地发展从而走到了今天,而 且还将继续走下去。。。
庞贝是古罗马文明最有意义的见证之一。 它像一本打开的书,向我们展示着其往昔辉煌 时期的艺术、风俗、手工艺及日常生活。该城 从悠悠世纪的漆黑中再现,就像具有毁灭性的 维苏威火山爆发喷出的火山岩灰的厚层突然覆 盖它时那样。那是公元79年。这场悲剧是巨大 的:在这曾是古罗马时代最有活力、最为昌盛 的中心之一,生命永远停息了。火山喷发物的 厚层将它淹没了,但由于该厚层的大部分是由 非坚硬的火山灰和火山砾组成,所以使庞贝无 论在其建筑还是在其居住区和店铺内部的方方 面面上都得以保存完整至今,构成一幅难以置 信、魅力无穷的“日常”生活。
庞贝城占地面积1.8平方米,用石头砌建的城墙周 长4.8千米,在塔楼14座,城门7个,蔚为壮观。纵 横的4条石铺大街组成一个“井”字形,全城分割成 9区,每城区又有很多大街小巷相通,金属车轮在大 街上碾出了深深的车辙,历历在目,仿佛马车刚刚 驶过一般。在大街的十字路口都设有高近1米,长约 2米的石头水槽,用来向市民供水。那么水槽里的水 又是从哪里引来的呢?原来水槽与城里的水塔相通, 水塔的水则是通过砖石砌成的渡槽从城外高山上引 进来的。然后分流到各个十字路口的公共水槽中, 这个系统也为贵族富商庭院的喷泉和鱼池供水。城 西南有一个长方形广场,是全城政治、经济和宗教 中心,四周建有官署、法庭、神庙和市场。
Uncovering the City
Beware of dog
Graffiti walls
Recognized as Pompeii in 1736. Fully excavated in 1748 Skeletons found in 1982 that may have
boarded ships. All excavations finished in 1983
Current restoration and conservation
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Many repairs and reconstruction Trying to Carry on with life as usual Booming Economy
Large Mediterranean trade point Holiday Villas of the Rich profiting
Wells dried up 10 days before Cows on the hills were behaving strangely
Uncovering the City
Beware of dog
Graffiti walls
Laura Ragoonanan Chantal Raymond
Kevin Moore
Eruption of August 24-25 79AD
Pliny --a Roman administrator and poet, whose many vivid letters have been preserved
Many repairs and reconstruction Trying to Carry on with life as usual Booming Economy
Large Mediterranean trade point Holiday Villas of the Rich profiting
or the young.
Many died from Thermal Shock
At least 750oF
Eruption cont…
Long periods of inactivity at Vesuvius
介绍庞贝古城英文作文英文:Pompeii, a city in Italy that was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, is a fascinating archaeological site. The city was buried under layers of ash and pumice, preserving the buildings, streets, and even the people who lived there. Pompeii is one of the mostwell-preserved ancient cities in the world, and it provides a unique glimpse into the daily life of the ancient Romans.As I walked through the ruins of Pompeii, I was struck by the sheer size of the city. The streets were wide and lined with shops and houses, and the public buildings were grand and impressive. One of the most interesting things about Pompeii is the way that the city was designed. The streets were designed to be narrow and winding, which helped to keep the city cool in the hot summer months. The buildings were also designed with this in mind, with high ceilings and open courtyards to allow for air flow.One of the most impressive buildings in Pompeii is the amphitheater. This massive structure could seat up to20,000 people, and it was used for gladiatorial games and other public spectacles. As I stood in the center of the amphitheater, I could almost hear the roar of the crowd and the clash of swords.Another fascinating aspect of Pompeii is the artwork that has been preserved there. The walls of the houses and public buildings are covered in intricate frescoes and mosaics, depicting scenes from everyday life and mythological stories. One of my favorite examples is the House of the Vettii, which has some of the most well-preserved frescoes in the city.Overall, Pompeii is an incredible site that provides a unique glimpse into the ancient world. Walking through the ruins and imagining what life was like in this city almost 2,000 years ago is a truly awe-inspiring experience.中文:庞贝是意大利的一个城市,公元79年,维苏威火山爆发,摧毁了这座城市。
Writing essays helps to develop coherent arguments and evidence-based writing. It involves learning different essay formats and structures, as well as practice in writing different types of essays.
The predicate is the part of the sentence that expresses an action or state of being and typically includes a verb.
A modifier is a word or phrase that adds descriptive information to the subject or predicate. Adjectives and adverbs are common types of modifiers.
Grammar and punctuation
Essay writing
Writing for different purposes
Writing skills
Developing the ability to listen actively and understand the main points of what is being said is essential for effective communication. This involves asking questions, clarifying points, and paraphrasing to ensure understanding.
? Many died from Thermal Shock
? At least 750oF
Eruption cont…
? Long periods of inactivity at Vesuvius
? False sense of security ? People were not aware of
? Many repairs and reconstruction ? Trying to Carry on with life as usual ? Booming Economy
? Large Mediterranean trade point ? Holiday Villas of the Rich profiting
? Recognized as Pompeii in 1736. ? Fully excavated in 1748 ? Skeletons found in 1982 that may have
boarded ships. ? All excavations finished in 1983
? Current restoration and conservation
the impact of past eruptions
? Wiped out previously densely populated sites
? Avellino prumice 1800 BC
Pompeii: Before the Eruption
Pompeii的历史遗产保护应遵循“保护为主、抢 救第一、合理利用、加强管理”的原则。
采取有效措施,包括修缮、维护和监测等,确保 Pompeii历史遗产的安全和完整性。
制定科学的保护规划,合理安排游客数量、游览 线路和时间等,避免对历史遗产造成破坏。
Pompeii的社会地位分为富人、中产阶级和穷人三个等级。富人通 常拥有更多的财富和更高的地位,而穷人则生活在贫困中。
Pompeii的社交活动包括宴会、聚会、送礼等。这些活动通常发生 在家庭或公共场合中,有助于加强社交联系和建立友谊。
Pompeii的社交礼仪包括如何称呼他人、如何给予礼物、如何表达感 谢等。这些礼仪有助于维护社会秩序和建立良好的人际关系。
Pompeii的哲学也非常发达,包括斯多亚学派、伊壁鸠鲁学派等。这些哲学思 想对古罗马人民的精神生活和文化发展产生了深远的影响。
Pompeii居民主要食用谷物、蔬菜、水果、肉类等食物。他们通常会在家中烹饪,而富人 则常常会雇佣厨师来为他们准备食物。
Pompeii有许多节日和庆典,包括农神节、酒神节、丰收节等。这些节日通常会持续数天,期间会有祭祀、宴会、表 演等活动。
Pompeii有许多公共事务,包括市政厅的选举、公共工程的修建等。这些事务通常由富人和贵族来管理 ,他们也会在公共场合举行会议来讨论这些事务。
Pompeii puzzles solved庞贝考古之谜
Pompeii puzzles solved庞贝考古之谜作者:王立柱来源:《疯狂英语·新悦读》2023年第12期1 The ruins of the ancient Roman City of Pompeii are full of strange mysteries. In 79CE, a volcanic eruption wiped out the city of between 10,000 and 20,000 residents.Massive volcanic ash and floating stones shot out of Mount Vesuvius, killing Pompeiisresidents by not letting them breathe air. Archaeologists have found the remains of over1300 victims in the site of the city of Naples over the last 250 years.2 Some of the bodies of Pompeii were also preserved in plaster (石膏), but not fromMount Vesuvius and not in 79 CE. In the 1860s and 1870s, archaeologists led byGiuseppe Fiorelli poured plaster into the empty space left behind by the bodies. Thesecasts typically have the bone remains deeply fixed in the plaster that keeps the bodyshape and give a realistic image of victims of the eruption.3“Pompeii is one of the most important places from an archaeological view,” GianniGallello,an archeologist at the University of Vale ncia in Spain says.“ Pompeii stopped atthat moment after the eruption,all stuck in time.” However, the plaster may have pollutedthe chemical composition of the bones, according to Gianni. While the plaster may havechanged the chemical make⁃up of the bones, bioarchaeological analysis still supportsthe theory that these specific victims died from asphyxiation (窒息) and not from forceinjury from rocks or burning.4 Gallello brought a technique called portable X⁃ray fluorescence as a way to examinethee lemental composition of the bones and plaster for the first time.“ Its a portable devicethat takes the material profile invisibly,” Gallello explains.5 Using portable X⁃ray fluorescence, the archaeologists found that the plaster fromPompeii was completely different from the burned and unburned bones from the collection.Testing out this method for the first time on the Pompeii casts also helped add to the popu⁃lar theories of what killed these specific residents of Pompeii during the eruption. Whilethe plaster pollution makes it more difficult to study, the chemical analysis supports thetheory that the victims suffocated (窒息)from the volcanic ash.ReadingCheck1. What do we know about the ruins of Pompeii City?A. They were caused by fires made by residents.B. Over 20,000 bodies of residents were dug out.C. So many puzzles about them wait to be solved.D. Archaeologists have proved the reasons for them.2. What is the finding of Gianni Gallellos team?A. Pompeii once suffered severe pollution.B. Pompeii victims died from too much volcanic ash.C. Pompeii victims died from burning and heat.D. Volcanic eruption in Pompeii was frequent.3. How did Gianni Gallellos team get the results?A. By checking up the function of the volcanic ash.B. By working out the loss caused by the eruption.C. By examining the composition of rocks in Pompeii.D. By studying the chemicals in the bones and plaster.4. What does the text try to convey?A. Chemical analysis reveals some mysteries in Pompeii.B. Pompeiis archaeological puzzles won't be solved.C. With a little help from chemistry we can defeat all.D. A new device helps Pompeii return to the past.语篇解码本文是一篇关于庞贝古城遗址和其石膏人模的考古学文章,主要介绍了庞贝古城被火山喷发摧毁后的情况,以及考古学家是如何在19世纪60年代和19世纪70年代使用石膏对庞贝古城的遗体进行模型化保存的。
The Governor wants these trade routes re-opened.总督要重开这些贸易路线These rebel Celts need to be dealt with once and for all.叛乱的凯尔特人必须一次解决斩草除根This entire territory requires a clear and well-defined message. 这旨令要明确传达到各领地Yes,Tribune Corvus.是科佛斯护民官No!不Kill them.杀掉他们Kill them all.格杀勿论导演保罗·安德森Useless!真没用You've dragged me from a perfectly adequate brothel for this?你把我从温柔乡拖来就为看这个?What Caesar saw in this hell hole,I'll never know.我想不通凯撒为何中意这种狗窝These Thracians are far too costly to feed.养这些色雷斯人代价太昂贵They're always maiming the guards.他们老是和警卫过不去I'm looking for something new,Bellator,我在寻找新的贝雷特something fresh.新鲜的血液They call him The Celt.大家叫他凯尔特人They say his people were horsemen and that he is the last of them. 他的族人都是驯马高手他是唯一幸存者Celt! Celt! Celt!凯尔特人凯尔特人Wasted out here in the provinces,wouldn't you say,Master?这人留在乡下浪费了吧主人?Make way! Make way!让路快让路Off! Off the road! Off!离开道路闪开Off the road!离开道路Make way for your betters!让路给上等人Move it,scum!快走人♥渣♥Clear the way there!离开道路Move!快走The horse.那匹马Back in line,slave!回去奴隶The horse is in pain,you ignorant pig!马也会痛你这无知的猪Stop!住手Let him help the horse.让他去帮帮那匹马Yes,My Lady.是小姐Easy. Easy,boy.放松别怕孩子Put pressure on the top of the leg here,so he doesn't feel the pain when I move him. 压住前腿上方这样它断气时才不会痛苦I'm sorry,My Lady. He's a savage.抱歉小姐他是野蛮人Get up!起来Harness another horse.换一匹马Why would the brute do that?为何那个粗人要杀马?Because it was the kindest thing to do.因为那是最仁慈的做法Come.走吧Thank you.谢谢Go on!快走A whole year in Rome and I never saw you look at any man在罗马一整年从没见你看过别的男人the way you looked at that slave.用看那奴隶的眼神I can't believe he had the strength to do that.我不敢相信他的力量Didn't you see his muscles?你没看见他的肌肉吗?- That's not what I meant. - Really?- 我不是那个意思 - 真的?Please...别逗我了Look. There it is.你看就在那里We're home.我们到家了Driver,what is it?车夫怎么了?The Vinalia,My Lady.维纳丽亚节小姐The streets are blocked. Drunkards everywhere.街道堵住了人太多了- What? - Come on.- 干嘛?- 走吧My Lady?小姐?My Lady!小姐- We'll meet you back at the villa. - My Lady!- 我们逛逛回家见 - 小姐I remember every statue,every street corner.我记得这每座雕像每个街角Does it make you miss Rome?会使你想念罗马吗?It makes me forget it.会使我忘记那里Cassia,it's so good to see you.凯西雅真高兴见到你But how are you here? We weren't expecting you until after Vinalia. 你怎么回来了?我们以为节庆后你才会回来I couldn't bear to spend another day in Rome.我在罗马一天也呆不下去Too many arrogant men who flatter you with their presence.太多傲慢的人巴结奉承你It sounds like my baby is no longer a child.听起来我的宝贝长大了Father,are you crying?爸你哭了吗?Tell no one. Or I'll never haggle a decent price again.别说出去否则我会很没面子的We missed you.我们好想你Juno's tit! Is this all your luggage?不得了这全是你的行李?What have you done,purchase the entire city of Rome?你是买♥♥下整座罗马城吗?Did you meet anyone there?遇到心上人吗?- Nobody worth talking about in Pompeii. - Well,not to worry.- 跟庞贝城比没人值得一提 - 嘿别担心I think your father has informed every unmarried man in the city of your return. 我想你父亲已经昭告全城的单身汉为你准备欢迎宴会去了Oh,no. Really?不会吧真的?Now,come on. I want to hear everything about Rome.快来我要听听有关罗马的一切I've missed you.我好想你Welcome to your new home,savages.欢迎到你们的新家野蛮人Keep walking!继续走Stop!站住Unlock them.解开他们Feed these animals.喂这些畜牲Vires!弗尔斯I missed you.我好想你I missed you. Hello.我好想你你好He's pleased to see you,My Lady.它见到你很高兴小姐And I can see he's been in good hands. Thank you,Felix. 我看得出它受到良好照顾谢谢你菲力克斯And I'll have Vires ready for you first thing tomorrow. 明天一早我会把弗尔斯准备好交给您- I'll exercise him myself tonight. - Thank you.- 今晚我会亲自训练他 - 谢谢你I'll see you tomorrow.我们明天见Atticus...阿提卡斯I think that's The Celt.这就是那个凯尔特人了Which Celt?哪个凯尔特?The Celt.独一无二的凯尔特人They say that Celt is faster even than you.听说他比你还快They always say that.他们总那么说He wants to know your name,Celt.他要你报上名字凯尔特人He wants the name of the man who killed his brother. 报上名字你杀了他兄弟He wants to know my name?他要我报上名字?Two wine rations on the big Thracian.两杯酒押色雷斯大汉Two wine rations. Done.两杯酒成交Explain.给我解释He did not start it. He was trying to eat.不是他起头的他正在用餐Bellator!贝雷特Your purpose is to care for these men,is it not?你得职责是看好这些人懂吗?Having them bite pieces from one another is of no value if no one is paying to see it. 要是没人付钱观赏别平白让他们自相残杀I'm sorry,Master Graecus.抱歉葛雷克斯主人That one is done.那个没用了This one...这个Can be repaired.还有救And the next time,Bellator,it will be at your cost.再有下次贝雷特你要付出代价I'll remember you,Celt.我会记住你凯尔特人Open the gate!打开门Close it!关上You owe me two wine rations,Celt.你欠我两杯酒凯尔特人Thirsty? Okay.渴吗?好吧What's wrong?怎么了?Vires!弗尔斯Vires!弗尔斯Wake up,scum.醒醒人♥渣♥On your feet.站起来Relax.别紧张If I was going to kill you,Celt...要是我想杀你凯尔特人I would have done it already.我早就下手了What is your name?你叫什么名字?We will have to speak at some point.我们迟早要交谈的No,we don't.没必要What we have to do is kill each other at some point.我们只是迟早要杀掉对方So my name's my own,I have no interest in learning yours.所以别管我的名字我也没兴趣打听你的名字Everyone out!所有人出来Move!快走You're getting old,Atticus.你老了阿提卡斯Plenty of young flesh out here just aching to take apart a champion. 很多新来的等不及要取代冠军When I win in the arena tomorrow,I'm a free man.明天我在竞技场再获胜就是自♥由♥人了It's Roman law.罗马法律规定的And there's nothing you can do about it.你无可奈何了Atticus,my champion,阿提卡斯我的冠军tomorrow you have the honor of closing the games.明天你有幸压轴上场比赛First,首先let us see if I have found an opponent worthy of you.来看看给你找了个旗鼓相当的对手Now...我看看…Who's the poor bastard who has to die for my freedom?哪个可怜虫该为我的自♥由♥而死?Unlucky,Celt.不幸呀凯尔特人Very unlucky.太不幸But I'm going to take it easy on you.但我不会出手太重Give you a fighting chance for tomorrow.给你个明天一试身手♥机♥会You may have earned your reputation,but not fighting against a gladiator like me. 你小有名气但没遇过我这种角斗士吧You made that a little too obvious.你的破绽太明显Did I make that too obvious?你破绽不明显么?Bellator!贝雷特Get away!让开Get out of the way! Get up,scum!别挡路起来人♥渣♥Back to work!回去Why did you save my life?你为什么救我?No gladiator should die from a blade to the back.角斗士不该死于暗算When you die,the blow will come from the front.要死也要面对对手I promise it will be tomorrow.我保证明天就是你死期And it will come from my hand.我会亲手证明Well,I can make you a better promise.我能给你更好的保证When the time comes,到那时your death will be quick.你会死得很快And it will come from my hand.我会亲手证明Don't worry. Your plan is nothing short of brilliance.别担心你的计划完美无瑕Only a mad man would advise the Emperor against investing.只有疯子才会劝阻皇帝投资Well,let us hope that the Emperor has not sent us one.但愿皇帝不会派来疯子Senator,do forgive us for not being able to receive you at the harbor.议员原谅我们无法去港口接您Severus,you're a busy man. I understand entirely.赛佛勒斯你是大忙人我完全谅解Besides,if I had a wife as beautiful as yours,再说如果我有像你这种娇妻I'd be in no hurry to forsake her company.我一定不急着离开她身边I am Senator Quintas Attius Corvus.我是昆塔斯·科佛斯议员May the gods grace me to bless your kind hospitality.愿神明容我为你们的款待祈福You're most welcome,Senator.您太客气了议员So,Senator,tell us the news from Rome.议员告诉我们罗马的消息How does the new emperor,Titus,fare?新皇帝提图斯即位顺利吗?The "new" emperor?"新"皇帝?The new emperor,Titus,fares well.新皇帝提图斯很顺利His father,Vespasian,was loved by his people,他的父亲维斯帕先受到人♥民♥爱戴and they continue that love for his son.自然会爱屋及乌- As the gods demand? - Indeed.- 正如神旨 - 确实Severus,I have a question for you.赛佛勒斯我想向你请教On my journey from the harbor,我从港口到这里I noticed some of your townsfolk turned their backs towards me. 我注意到有些镇民背对着我There wouldn't be some kind of problem,would there?这不会有什么问题吧?Some local resentment against Rome?当地人怨恨罗马?No. Nothing of the sort.不不成问题A tiny... A miniscule minority of opposition to our plans.只有少数弱势力反对我们的计划But our new construction will provide the people with a new aqueduct, 但我们的新建筑会采用新式沟渠将向人♥民♥证明一切better sanitation,bigger bath houses,良好的卫生状况更大的浴场a new arena.新的竞技场A whole new Pompeii.崭新的庞贝城What was all that about the new emperor?讲新皇帝不恰当吗?He's a politician. Be careful what you say to him.他是政客你跟他说话要小心Do you think we can do business with him?你想我们能跟他做生意吗?He wouldn't be here if the Emperor wasn't interested.如果皇帝没兴趣他就不会来了Why would father invite a Roman senator into our home?爸爸为什么邀请罗马议员来家里?How could you allow such a thing?你怎么能容忍♥这种事?If we want Rome's rich to spend their money here,想要罗马富豪来投资we must keep up with what they demand.就得依照他们的要求What they demand?他们的要求?Does father have any idea what's going on in Rome right now?爸爸不知道罗马的现况吗?Since Titus took power,everything has changed.自从提图斯掌权一切都走样了Every crooked man now has the ear of the Emperor.皇帝只听小人的话And they assume that they can take whatever they want.他们自认能为所欲为Cassia,why did you come home early?凯西雅你为什么提早回家?What happened in Rome?罗马发生什么事?I'd simply had my fill of it.我只是受够了Mother,is that Vires?母亲是弗尔斯?Easy! Easy!冷静冷静Vires,what are you doing out here?弗尔斯你来这里干嘛?Where's Felix?菲力克斯在哪里?I heard tomorrow is your last fight.我听说明天是你的最后一战That's right.没错After I kill you,they will give me my freedom.杀了你之后他们就会给我自♥由♥They won't do it.别作梦了Not while your arm's still strong.你这么强他们不会放你Freedom is Rome's promise.自♥由♥是罗马的承诺You trust them to keep that promise?你相信他们会履行承诺?I trust their law.我相信他们的法律There's only one freedom for a gladiator.角斗士只有一种自♥由♥When you die in that arena,you die unconquered.死在竞技场时不屈不挠And you spit in the eye of Rome.当面唾弃罗马Then this is your future.那就是你的未来And you die a slave.你会以奴隶身分领死But not me.我可不同Tomorrow,Rome will make good on its promise.明天罗马♥会♥信守承诺You,unfortunately,will not be alive to see that I am right. 可惜你不会活着见证我是对的So sure?这么有自信?Today you showed me your weaknesses.今天你暴露了你的弱点Your left arm is weaker than your right.你的左臂没右臂有力So you protect your ribs at the expense of your neck.所以你为了保护肋骨暴露了脖子And you should learn how to thrust when you're shifting your weight 那你变换重心时该加强攻击力量and stop favoring a high guard.也别再偏重上方防卫It would make you less predictable.那样你就不会那么好预测This one.这个That one.那个These two.这两个On your feet,slaves.站起来奴隶们All right.好You,here.你站这里You,barbarian,here!你野蛮人站这里Both excellent fighters.两个都是一流的斗士One,a champion,一个是冠军and the other,tried and proven in the provinces.另一个在乡下经过考验和鉴定I want to see him from behind.我要看他的后面Why so serious?干嘛这么严肃?Not so bad for a night's work.这种夜班不错嘛Firm.很结实But what of his weaponry?但"武器"持久吗?That is an inspection you'll have to pay for.想一窥究竟可得付钱And this will be the new arena,specifically designed for chariot races.这会是新的竞技场特别为战车竞赛设计Yes.好Very detailed,Severus.很详细赛佛勒斯But I don't believe that this project is really suitable for an Imperial investment. 但我想这个计划不适合帝国投资These dalliances in the countryside hold very little interest for the Emperor.皇帝对这种乡间嬉戏没兴趣I was led to understand...我听到传闻…No. No. Unfortunately,the Emperor's vision for the future is firmly fixed on Rome. 不很遗憾皇帝的未来愿景是集中在罗马I,however,am interested in investing.我倒是有兴趣投资Good.很好Have the pledges drawn up.把合约拟好You'll have my mark on them tomorrow. After your games.明天比赛后我就会签字I do believe a drink is in order.想必接下来该喝酒了Of course. Shall we join our guests?当然我们加入宾客好吗?Perhaps your daughter can bring it.也许能带你女儿出来一见My daughter?小女?Look over there.看那里The slave who can talk to horses.能跟马说话的奴隶He is a fine specimen.他真有男人味Well,you can't deny it.好了你不能否认Turn around.转身Cassia.凯西雅May I impose upon you for a moment?我能占用你一下时间吗?Your presence has been requested.有位客人要求见你Yes,of course,Father.当然父亲You will need this. it is not for you.拿着但不是给你的- Cassia,may I introduce... - Senator Corvus.- 凯西雅容我介绍…- 科佛斯议员Lady Cassia.凯西雅小姐My,how I have missed you.天啊我好想你You are exquisite.你美极了Senator Corvus,I don't know what to say.议员大人我不知道该说什么For me? How kind.给我的?真体贴You two have met?你们彼此认识?Severus,you're still here.赛佛勒斯你还在啊I did not know you knew my daughter.我不知道你认识小女Then you should hear the whole story.那你该听听来龙去脉Tomorrow in the arena when I sign your pledges. 明天在竞技场签约时再聊Thank you.谢谢Marcus?马库斯The Senator and Cassia have already met,in Rome. 议员和凯西雅在罗马就已相识Then she requires a chaperone.那她需要个女伴She survived a year in Rome without us.她没有我们都能在罗马熬过一年I'm sure she can survive 10 minutes on our balcony.这是在自家露台她一定能应付这10分钟In Rome,I thought we had an understanding.在罗马我以为我们已达成共识No. You had an understanding.不是你一箱情愿One for which I gave you no cause.我没给你机会Your mere presence gives me cause,My Lady你光是出现就给了我机会小姐A beauty such as yours has no place in a holiday resort like this.像你这种美人不该待在这种假日胜地Surely,a creature such as you can have no home but in the Eternal City. 当然像你这种尤物只属于永恒之城Senator,I have no intention of returning to Rome.议员我根本不想回罗马去And if you were to return as my wife?倘若是以我妻子的身份回去呢?Your wife?你妻子?You may consider it a compliment.你也许当作是恭维Senator Corvus,I believe you have mistaken me科佛斯议员我想你误会我是那些for the kind of woman who drapes herself across your lap in Rome.女人在罗马坐你大腿的那种I have no wish to become your wife.我也不愿成为你的妻子A spirited refusal. I would have expected nothing less.断然拒绝如我所料Enjoy the remains of the Vinalia,Senator. Good night.好好享受维纳丽亚节的尾声吧晚安Is this normal?这样正常吗?It is the mountain. It grumbles from time to time.是火山时不时会有抱怨Bring this man. I need him.把这个人带来我需要他- My Lady... - Now!- 小姐 - 马上My Lady,it's Vires!小姐是弗尔斯Please,before he injures himself.拜托免得它伤了自己I have to go in alone.我得单独进去No.不行Let him.让他进去My Lady,he's a savage.小姐他是野蛮人Let him.让他进去Easy!冷静My Lady,he's not safe.小姐他很危险Move.让开Wait outside.在外面等How did you do that?你怎么做到的?I asked him.我问过他You could ride before you were a gladiator? 你在成为角斗士前就会骑马?I could ride before I could walk.我在会走路前就会骑马My people were horsemen.我的族人都曾经是驯马高手"Were" horsemen?"曾经是"?My family were butchered by the Romans. 我的家人被罗马人赶尽杀绝- I'm so sorry. - "Sorry"?- 很遗憾 - "遗憾"?What would a Roman know of such things?罗马人哪会懂这些些?I am not a Roman. I'm a citizen of Pompeii.我不是罗马人我是庞贝公民Then why do I see Rome's eagle everywhere I turn?为何罗马的鹰旗到处可见?I'm no part of that.这跟我无关After a year in Rome,I hoped never to see that eagle again. 在罗马待一年后我再也不想看那面鹰旗了And yet,here it is,thrust into the soil outside my home.然而这也有了已经渗透到我家门外My father believes that he can bargain with those animals. 家父相信他能跟那些禽兽协议My father...换作我爸He would have killed every last one of them.会将他们诛尽杀绝My Lady?小姐?If they catch you up there they'll punish you.他们逮到你骑在马上会惩罚你My Lady?小姐?My Lady,is everything all right?小姐一切还好吗?Wait! Come back!等等回来Come back!回来What's wrong?怎么了?If they catch you up here with me...万一他们逮到你跟我在这里I'll tell them it was my choice.我会说是我自愿There they are!他们在那里I have to take you back.我得送你回去No. You go and leave me here.不你走留下我If you ride you have a chance.你骑走它这是个机会- A chance at what? - At freedom.- 什么机会?- 自♥由♥But at what cost to you?但你要付出什么代价?Tell the guards I brought you here by force.告诉警卫我强行带你来这里The blame is mine.把责任归咎于我Get him off that horse!把他拖下来It wasn't his fault. The horse bolted. It was out of control.不是他的错马脱缰逃走失控了Senator,please. This slave saved my life.议员拜托这奴隶救了我一命He does not deserve this.他不该被处决- Lady Cassia,you were unharmed? - I'm perfectly all right.- 凯西雅小姐你没受伤吧?- 我毫发无损If I were to spare the life of this slave,what would it be worth to you? 要我放这奴隶一条生路你怎么报答我?Senator?议员?I believe you understand the question,my dear.想必你明白这个问题亲爱的I would be grateful for your mercy.我会很感激你的慈悲Well...好吧This is your lucky day,slave. The Lady Cassia has saved your life.今天你走运奴隶凯西雅小姐救了你的小命Who owns this slave?这奴隶是谁的?I do,Senator.我的议员Then I suggest you punish it and then remove it.那我建议你杀一儆百然后放了Fifteen lashes should suffice.15鞭应该足够After all,mercy is a virtue.毕竟慈悲是一种美德Father,you have to stop this.父亲你得制止There's nothing I can do about it.我爱莫能助You saved his life.你救了他一命Content yourself with that.你已该庆幸Senator Corvus requires a service of you.科佛斯议员有求于你Of me?我?This gladiator.这个角斗士What do you have planned for him tomorrow?你明天对他有何安排?He fights last.他最后上场- Single combat against my champion. - No.- 跟我的冠军单打独斗 - 不行He fights first. And he dies first.他最先上场得先送死Fifteen lashes and he didn't make a sound.他被鞭15下都没吭一声I could have prevented this.我原本能阻止这一切I don't know what I was thinking.我乱了思绪That he made you feel alive?他让你感到活力He made me feel safe.他让我感到安全A man like that does not deserve to die in the arena.那种男人不应当死在竞技场This is not your fault,Cassia.这不是你的错凯西雅He has caught the Senator's wrath.他激怒议员了I thought that,in leaving Rome,that man would forget about me 我以为离开罗马那个人会忘记我and turn his attentions toward some other poor victim. 转而觊觎别的倒霉鬼I saw a look in that man's eye tonight,Ariadne.今晚我看到他的眼神阿丽德妮The same look I saw in Rome.跟我在罗马看到的一样But the Senator never laid a hand on you.但议员从未染指你?Only because I left Rome before he could.幸好我在他动手前离开罗马Now Rome has followed us back to Pompeii现在他从罗马跟随我们到了庞贝to turn the world inside out.会搞得天翻地覆You certainly know how to prepare for a battle.你真懂得准备比赛I hope she was worth it.希望她是值得的A terrible waste of good wine.糟蹋了好酒Can you feel that?你能感觉到吗?It is the gods.是诸神- They have a plan for us all. - Perhaps.- 他们对芸芸众生自有安排 - 也许吧What do you mean?什么意思?Tonight I saw the man who killed my whole family.今晚我看到杀死我全家的人Perhaps the gods spared me for a reason.也许诸神让我存活有其理由The Romans took my family from me 20 years ago.20年前罗马人夺走我的家人At night I try and remember their faces,but I cannot.每晚我努力回想他们的面孔但我想不起来But I know one day,the gods will bring me to them again. 但我知道总有一天神会让我找到他们My name is Milo.我叫米洛Atticus.阿提卡斯You,that tunnel.你那个隧♥道♥Send The Celt into that tunnel.把凯尔特人送进那个隧♥道♥I thought he was to fight Atticus.我以为他要跟阿提卡斯对打- You're being given new instructions. - Yes,Master.- 你有新的指示 - 是主人And Atticus?那阿提卡斯和谁打?He'll fight single combat as billed.他照常单打独斗Put him with the big Spartan. He'll give the audience a good show.让他跟斯巴达大汉对打给观众一场精彩比赛And Atticus will beat him and win his freedom.那阿提卡斯会打败他赢得自♥由♥Is that really what the audience will want to see?观众真的想看到这一幕?What are you saying?你想说什么?Don't you think they'd rather see a gladiator meeting death rather than life? 不觉得他们宁可看到角斗士赴死而不是苟活?Especially a death as glorious as his?尤其是死得光荣?Stop.站住You.你That way.那边You too,barbarian.你也是野蛮人Senator Corvus.科佛斯议员Lady Cassia.凯西雅小姐Come sit beside me.过来坐我身边Give me the benefit of your wisdom.用你的智慧为我增光Do YOU enjoy the sports?喜欢看这种竞赛吗?Men killing each other for our amusement is not a sport.看人互相残杀为乐不算竞赛Everywhere. All new.到处都是全是新裂痕I don't have time for this,Graecus. What are you suggesting?我没空跟你扯葛雷克斯你在暗示什么?That we cancel the games?取消比赛?Of course not. Merely postpone them.当然不是只是延后This amphitheater has stood for a hundred years.这座竞技场已矗立一百年It withstood the great earthquake.禁得起大地震It may not be safe. Use your eyes.可能不安全睁亮眼I'm just saying I cannot be held responsible for what may happen. 声明在先有什么事我可无法负责Then don't be. I take full responsibility.那就不要理会我负全责How can we expect Rome to trust us to rebuild an entire city我们哪能期望罗马托付我们重建整座城市if we can't stage a simple bloody spectacle?如果我们办不成简单的角斗?Fetch my litter.拿我的行囊来I'm leaving town for a few days.我要出城几天Move.快走Stop. Shackle them!站住铐住他们What is this?这是干嘛?This is your greatest moment,Atticus.这是你最伟大的时刻阿提卡斯Your final day in the arena.你在竞技场的末日I'm supposed to fight single combat.我应该要单挑的Bring them their weapons!给他们武器Good fortune,Atticus.祝好运阿提卡斯To those about to die,we salute you!赴死者我们向你们致敬By the patronage of Marcus Cassius Severus and for the glory of Emperor Titus,由马库斯·赛佛勒主持献给提图斯皇帝的盛世remember,all here,the mighty victory of Senator Quintas Attius Corvus并特此谨记科佛斯议员的非凡胜利and his annihilation of the Celtic Rebellion.和他铲平凯尔特人叛乱的功迹The Celtic Rebellion?凯尔特人叛乱?Your great and noble victory for the Empire,Senator,您为了帝国的伟大和高贵胜利re-opening the northern trade routes.重开北方贸易路线The history books record it as your finest hour.史书会记下您的壮举I thought perhaps you might like the honor of opening these games in a similar manner. 我想您应该也想要光荣开赛Severus,you flatter me.赛佛勒斯我受宠若惊了We'll make a Roman out of you yet.我们会让你享有罗马人的殊荣People of Pompeii!庞贝的子民May Jupiter and Venus bless the Vinalia and honor these games!愿朱比特和维纳斯保佑维纳丽亚节并颂扬比赛Let the games begin!竞赛开始- This isn't a battle. - What?- 这不是格斗 - 什么?This is a massacre.这是一场屠♥杀♥How do you know?你怎么知道?Because I was there.因为我是过来人The rebel Celts are in retreat,反叛的凯尔特人正在撤离leaving rape and slaughter in their wake,留下强♥暴♥ 杀戮尾随而至returning to their unholy lair to feast on the flesh of their innocent victims. 返回遭亵渎的巢穴饱尝无辜受害者的血肉This is what you've trained for,scum.这就是你们受训的目的人♥渣♥Now get out there.赶快出来Quintas Attius Corvus gave them every chance to surrender.昆塔斯·科佛斯给他们投降的机会But mercy was an alien concept to these savages,但慈悲对野蛮人来说是陌生概念and with heavy heart,Quintas Attius Corvus怀抱沉重的心昆塔斯·科佛斯ordered his mighty legions,in the name of the Emperor,to attack.下令他的强大军团以皇帝之名攻击Shields up!举盾Push!推进Is this what you call sport?你称这是所谓的竞赛?No,Lady Cassia,this is not sport. This is politics.不小姐这不是竞赛这是政♥治♥We can't hold them!我们挡不住他们Back!后退Severus,this is not exactly how I remember it.赛佛勒斯我记得不该是这样What exactly is that slave to you?那奴隶对你有何意义?Everything that you are not,Senator.跟你南辕北辙议员Then you should be pleased to learn那你该很高兴得知your father has granted me your hand in marriage.令尊已把你许配给我- What? - I made no such arrangement.- 什么?- 我没做过这种约定Because he knows that if he does not,因为他知道要是拒绝了I will inform Titus that your father has called into question 我会通报提图斯皇帝令尊质疑our "new" emperor's ability to rule."新"皇帝的统治能力Titus will have your entire family hung from the city walls. 皇帝会把你全家吊死在城墙Milo!米洛If I were to marry you...如果我要嫁给你- Cassia... - If I marry you,- 凯西雅 - 如果我嫁给你is my family spared?我的家人能免于一死吗?Your family will become my family,你的家人就会成为我的家人under the protection of the Emperor.受到皇帝的保护With all of the benefits that that implies.并拥有各种附带优势Pompeii! Pompeii! Pompeii!庞贝庞贝庞贝Senator!议员I do not yield to the power of Rome!我不会屈服于罗马的力量I spit on it!我唾弃它He would not dare.量他没这个胆Pompeii! Pompeii! Pompeii!庞贝庞贝庞贝Get a detachment in the arena now.加派士兵进入竞技场马上Now!快去You were right,brother.你说的对兄弟Everything they promised,nothing but lies.他们承诺的一切全是谎言Live! Live! Live!赦免赦免赦免赦免What do you think you're doing?你到底想干嘛?Madame,take your seat!夫人坐好If you want to live you will sit down!想活命就给我坐下Now!马上If you kill him now,如果你现在杀他on the tip of 100 Roman arrows,you make him a martyr to the mob. 万箭齐发他会变成烈士而不是暴民Is that what you want?你想要那样?To take home to your Emperor a revolution?给皇帝带回一场革命?And if you reverse this decision,how will it be spoken of in Rome? 况且如果你推♥翻♥这个决定那罗马的承诺属实吗?They will whisper it behind your back,大家会闲言闲语that you have a wife who does not obey your will.说你妻子不顺从你Can your reputation bear such a weakness?你的名声能承受这种污点?I might become your wife,but you will never break me.我可能成为你的妻子但你绝对得不到我的人But I will break you,我会得到你的and you will stay broken to stand,sit or crawl as I decree.你会温驯到站坐爬都唯我是从Do you understand me?听清楚了吗?Proculus,have your guard take her back to the villa.普罗克路斯派人把她带回家Keep her there.把她关在那里I think the wedding shall be in Rome.。
The foundation of success lies in good 自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End 演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
It was completely dark. People were frightened. It began to drop stones. People ran home.
violently [ˈvaɪələntli](剧烈地)
poisonous [ˈpɔɪzənəs](有毒的)
carbon dioxide
[ˈkɑ:bən daɪˈɔksaɪd](二氧化碳)
muriatic acid
[ˌmjuəriˈætik ˈæsid](盐酸) erode [ɪ'rəʊd](腐蚀) throat [θrəʊt](喉咙) severely [sə'vɪrlɪ](严重 地)
Help: explosion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn](轰响) sticky ['stɪkɪ](粘稠的) centigrade [ˈsentɪgreɪd](摄氏) carbonize ['kɑ:bənaɪz](炭化)
介绍 universe [ˈju:nivə:s](宇宙)
He was so old! South Pole(南极)
tragedy [ˈtrædʒidi]灾难
Pompeii was a modern city. Everything was in a great order. We didn’t have an Emperor.
The City of Pompeii庞贝古城英文介绍ppt
• Food markets were built in Pompeii in the second century b.c., and the remains of the goods sold can still be seen. There is a grain market under construction in the city, which is engulfed by the lava (岩浆) before it is completed. There are a lot of large pottery pots.
• As early as the 8th century BC, Pompeii, a small fishing village based on the natural harbor of the Mediterranean Sea(地中海), gradually developed into a city. After a few decades, it became the second largest city after Rome in Italy.It is 300 km from Rome to the north, bounded by the famous island of Sicily(西西里岛) to the west, Greece and north Africaf Pompeii
presetation Leo
• Pompeii,, is one of the ancient Roman cities. Located on the edge of Italy's fertile little plain(平 原),Campania(坎帕尼亚), near the mouth of the Sarno River(萨尔诺河). It was founded in the 8th century BC and belonged to the Samono people(萨 摩诺人) from the 5th century BC. In the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, after three wars between the Romans and the Samonos, Pompeii became part of the Roman Republic(罗马共和国) and gradually became a typical Roman city. Pompeii was covered in ash from the eruption of mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79.
六年级上册科学课件-15庞贝城的毁灭 |鄂教版 (共26张PPT)
火山爆发可以引发其他的地质 灾害,泥石流、海啸、地震等。
火山爆发会给人类带来哪些 益处?
火山爆发可以制造出新的大陆或岛屿。 火山爆发所喷出的火山灰可以成为良
好的土壤肥料。 火山附近的地热可以成为人们的新型
能源。 火山周围的奇特环境成为良好的旅游
①地球内部有什么? 气体、灰、石头、岩浆。 ②地球内部的温度和压力怎么样? 温度高、压力大。 ③岩浆为什么会冲出地面?
根据地球内部情况推测: 火山爆发是怎样形成的?
地壳是地球固体地表构造的最外圈 层,整个地壳平均厚度约17千米, 其中大陆地壳厚度较大,平均约为 39- 41千米。高山、高原地区地壳 更厚,最高可达70千米;平原、盆 地地壳相对较薄。大洋地壳则远比
地壳深处的岩浆在巨大的压力下会沿着裂缝上 升。当压力足够大的时候,岩浆会冲出地面形
火山喷出的大量气体、尘埃 会破坏环境,造成大气污染。
火山爆发会毁坏房屋、森林甚 至吞噬城市。
1、实验的时候在过道中完成,不 要把水溅到自己和同学的衣服上、 脸上。 2、试验中认真观察:有什么现象 发生?
地球内部的岩浆是怎样活 动的?
1、以上两个实验现象与火山爆 发有什么相似之处?
公元前 89年,精明的庞贝人最终投入了强势古罗马的怀抱(又一次避免了战争),成为仅次于古罗马仅次于首都罗马的第二大城市。
5.面包店如果忽略100年多来才有的汽车、电灯、空调和冰箱等现代概念的东西, 2000年前庞贝人的生活,与我们今天并没有什么两样。
2021年11月,庞贝遗址公园园长加布里埃·约翰·祖贺特里格分享了庞贝古城最新考古发现:一辆装饰精美的 仪式用马车以及奴隶房间遗迹。
庞贝古城已被联合国教科文组织定为世界文化和自然遗产,游客们称这里是“天然的历史博物馆”,它每天 吸引着数以万计的来自世界各地的游人们来这里参观。穿梭在古城废墟的大街小巷,进出于半毁的民宅、别墅、 贸易市场、商铺、面包房、温泉澡堂、仓库以及剧场、斗兽场、运动场,不禁使人心潮起伏,浮想联翩。
遗迹内 公元前2世纪的庞贝就建有食品市场,还依然能够看到出售商品时的遗迹。城中有一个尚在建设中的 粮食市场,还没等到建成就被火山岩浆吞没,里面堆放着许多大型陶罐、石碾等。位于市中心东侧的欧玛齐娅楼, 就是一座很大的综合性市场。外厢高处有两个相对着的大壁间是拍卖市场,为拍卖主持人和唱价人而设,里厢则 是大型的洗衣场。此外,这里还是羊毛交易市场。走在空旷的公共市场里,可以想见当年这里熙熙攘攘的商品交 易场景。
遗迹内 庞贝城里有多座剧场,与罗马的一样为圆形大剧场。其中用作角斗的圆形竞技场比著名的罗马竞技 场还要早建51年。这里主要表演角斗,包括人与人、人与兽之间的角斗,有时也举行体育赛事。圆剧场外围的围 墙高达2米多,墙上绘有许多狩猎、竞技的壁画,反映出当年人们的生活状态。城市里还有另外一大一小两个剧场, 多用于戏剧和音乐演出。
1594年,人们在萨尔诺河畔修建饮水渠时发现了一块上面刻有“庞贝”字样的石头;1707年,人们在的女性雕像。人们以为这些不过是那不勒斯海湾沿岸古代 遗址中的文物,没有人意识到,一座古代城市此刻正完整地密封在他们脚下占地近65公顷的火山岩屑中。
1The ruins of the ancient Roman City of Pompeii are full of strange mysteries. In 79CE, a volcanic eruption wiped out the city of between 10,000 and 20,000 residents. Massive volcanic ash and floating stones shot out of Mount Vesuvius, killing Pompeii s residents by not letting them breathe air. Archaeologists have found the remains of over 1300 victims in the site of the city of Naples over the last 250 years. 2 Some of the bodies of Pompeii were also preserved in plaster (石膏), but not from Mount Vesuvius and not in 79 CE. In the 1860s and 1870s, archaeologists led by Giuseppe Fiorelli poured plaster into the empty space left behind by the bodies. Thesecasts typically have the bone remains deeply fixed in the plaster that keeps the body shape and give a realistic image of victims of the eruption.3“Pompeii is one of the most important places from an archaeological view,” Gianni Gallello, an archeologist at the University of Valencia in Spain says. “Pompeii stopped at that moment after the eruption, all stuck in time.” However, the plaster may have polluted the chemical composition of the bones, according to Gianni. While the plaster may have changed the chemical make⁃up of the bones, bioarchaeological analysis still supports the theory that these specific victims died from asphyxiation (窒息) and not from forceinjury from rocks or burning.Pompeii puzzles solved庞贝考古之谜山东 王立柱4 Gallello brought a technique called portable X⁃ray fluorescence as a way to examine the elemental composition of the bones and plaster for the first time. “It s a portable device that takes the material profile invisibly,” Gallello explains.5 Using portable X⁃ray fluorescence, the archaeologists found that the plaster from Pompeii was completely different from the burned and unburned bones from the collection. Testing out this method for the first time on the Pompeii casts also helped add to the popu⁃lar theories of what killed these specific residents of Pompeii during the eruption. While the plaster pollution makes it more difficult to study, the chemical analysis supports the theory that the victims suffocated (窒息) from the volcanic ash.ReadingCheck1. What do we know about the ruins of Pompeii City?A. They were caused by fires made by residents.B. Over 20,000 bodies of residents were dug out.C. So many puzzles about them wait to be solved.D. Archaeologists have proved the reasons for them.2. What is the finding of Gianni Gallello s team?A. Pompeii once suffered severe pollution.B. Pompeii victims died from too much volcanic ash.C. Pompeii victims died from burning and heat.D. Volcanic eruption in Pompeii was frequent.3. How did Gianni Gallello s team get the results?A. By checking up the function of the volcanic ash.B. By working out the loss caused by the eruption.C. By examining the composition of rocks in Pompeii.D. By studying the chemicals in the bones and plaster.4. What does the text try to convey?A. Chemical analysis reveals some mysteries in Pompeii.B. Pompeii s archaeological puzzles won t be solved.C. With a little help from chemistry we can defeat all.D. A new device helps Pompeii return to the past.Ø语篇解码本文是一篇关于庞贝古城遗址和其石膏人模的考古学文章,主要介绍了庞贝古城被火山喷发摧毁后的情况,以及考古学家是如何在19世纪60年代和19世纪70年代使用石膏对庞贝古城的遗体进行模型化保存的。
庞贝古城英文作文Pompeii, an ancient city in Italy, was buried under volcanic ash and pumice after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The city was lost for nearly 1,700 years before its rediscovery in 1748.Walking through the streets of Pompeii, you can see the remarkably well-preserved buildings, temples, and even the remains of its residents. It's like stepping back in time and experiencing a moment frozen in history.The city's ruins offer a glimpse into the daily life of ancient Romans. From the amphitheater to the public baths, you can imagine the hustle and bustle of a thriving city before tragedy struck.One of the most haunting sights in Pompeii is the plaster casts of its residents, frozen in their final moments. It's a sobering reminder of the city's tragic fate and the power of nature.Visiting Pompeii is a humbling experience, as you realize how fragile and fleeting human existence can be.It's a stark reminder of the impermanence of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.In addition to its historical significance, Pompeii also offers breathtaking views of Mount Vesuvius, serving as a reminder of the city's dramatic past and the forces of nature that shaped its destiny.。
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Many died from Thermal Shock
At least 750oF
Eruption cont…
Long periods of inactivity at Vesuvius
False sense of security People were not aware of
பைடு நூலகம்
Uncovering the City
Beware of dog
Graffiti walls
Many repairs and reconstruction Trying to Carry on with life as usual Booming Economy
Large Mediterranean trade point Holiday Villas of the Rich profiting
6th Century BC, under Greek rule 400 BC: Conquered by Samnites 80 BC: Conquered by Rome
Pompeii: Before the Eruption
Recovering from Earthquake of 62 A.D.
Recognized as Pompeii in 1736. Fully excavated in 1748 Skeletons found in 1982 that may have
boarded ships. All excavations finished in 1983
Current restoration and conservation
Wells dried up 10 days before Cows on the hills were behaving strangely
Pompeii is unique because….
City rediscovered in 1590 by workmen digging a canal, and again in 1711.
Laura Ragoonanan Chantal Raymond
Kevin Moore
Eruption of August 24-25 79AD
Pliny --a Roman administrator and poet, whose many vivid letters have been preserved
Warning signs People were unprepared Curiosity instead of fear
Eruption of August 24-25 79AD
Eruptions took 17 hrs
Big and small one People that were left behind were either the old
Via dell’Abbondanza
the impact of past eruptions
Wiped out previously densely populated sites
Avellino prumice 1800 BC
Pompeii: Before the Eruption
Founded in the 18th century BC by the Oscans