
Unit 1 A proper jobA: Guess what , James! I bumped into Nina last week. She's got a job marketing at Optima.J: Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model !A: Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now.J: What happened? Is she all right?A: Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job. Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know.J: Why ?She was so successful!A: She certainly was.J: So why didn't she like working as a model?A: She didn't mind working as a model .But she hates travelling on her own.She was lonely.J: Nina ,lonely? Why?A: Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day.She likes being among friends.J: Don't we all?!1 ------------------------------------------------------ Unit1--------------------------------------------------------------------新概念青少版3AUnit 3 We’re had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers’ Market today ?It’s only nine o’clock ,and it’s already busy .K: No, we’ve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul. They’ve gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claire’s home country .K: And she’s with Paul !D: That’s right !Anyway , I’ve already had three texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time .”The second said ,”Board ing now .”The third said ,”Phone off now .I love you , Mom !”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , I’ll miss her like crazy .But I’m not going to worry ! We’re not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we aren’t !D: We’re going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , we’ve already had a long morning !3--- --------------------------------------------------- Unit3Unit 5 How long is your day?“Have you finished your homework yet?” Why haven’t you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children worldwide now do more homeworkhours than they did twenty-five years ago-but there are huge variation s. In some parts of the world, even very young children have a lot of homework.They come home from school ,and they work for three or four hours before bedtime. In other parts of the world,children don’t have much homework until they are a bit older.At the same time ,many young people worldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children ‘work’twelve or fourteen hours a day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?5----- ------------------------------------------------ Unit5--------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 7 Speakers’ Corner:Jack: Let’s walk through the park, Daisy.Oh, look,We’re at Speakers’ Corner!Daisy: What’s Speakers’ Corner?Jack: It’s a British tradition.People speak here on Sunday afternoons.And anyone can say anything about anything.Jack: Let’s listen to this guy.What’s he talking about? Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends!What is the secret of love?Health!Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You don’t look very healthy! Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I can’t wait! Speaker: Love is the secret of health!I’m not saying anything…Man in Crowd: No, you’re not.Speaker: …about this secret.I’m not saying anything…ManinCrowd:You’re not saying anything about anything! Jack: Crazy, isn’t it?They talk a lot and say nothing! Daisy: And they always shout! -- 7--Unit 6 Bird-brainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: I’m just taking a break , Mum.I’ve found this really strange story on the eNews Website. Come and have a look.An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years , Mr.P., the peacock ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen.One pump in particular has won Mr.P.’s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump since he was five. Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they can’t compete with the glamorous petrol pump.6------ ---------------------------------------------- Unit6 --------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 8 Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, come on in ! My! You look tired!C: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. We’ve had a great day! Paul: Yes, it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the American Art Museum.Paul fell in love with the sculpture s.We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder. Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did!I loved his jewellery!Paul: They’re lovely things.They look very simple, but they’re not simple at all.C: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are soft…Paul: Anyway…His hanging sculptures were the best for me ! Paul: There was one huge one, called ‘Big Red’.It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers.The pieces were made of aluminium.They looked heavy, but they were light.Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved.Claire: Yeah, that was cool!All the pieces moved around, like a native Indian headdress. -- Unit8--Unit 2 Just like your mother~C: Oh, good! We’re in the front row, so we’ve got some extra space.P: That’s great, Claire .How did you know?C: Mom told me. We’re both tall, and it’s a long flight. P: Your mother’s brilliant! It’s great to stretch out. Flight Attendant: Would you lik e some water or some orange juice?Claire: Not now, thanks. I’ve just had a drink.Paul: I’d li ke some water, please.Flight Attendant: Have you had a magazine ora newspaper?P: No, we haven’t. I’d like this one, please.Ah, I’m going to enjoy this flight!Flight Attendant: Excuse me. Would you mind giving your seats to this couple?They’re both very tall, and they need the extra space. C: They are tall. Why don’t you put them in Business Class?P: Claire! You sound just like your mother!2-- --------------------------------------------------- Unit2 --------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 4 A museum pieceR: What’s this, Dad?W: It’s an Apple 2.It’s a very early computer.In fact, it’s the first Personal Computer, ever.It came onto the market in 1977.Where did you find it?R: Mum found it in a box in the attic.W: Oh, then it’s mine!It’s been there for years.In fact, it’s been there since we moved into this R: Does it still work?W: I don’t know……Ah, there you are!Can you hear the hard disk?R: Is that noise the hard disk?It sounds like a lawnmower!W: It hasn’t been out of its box for twenty years!R: What can you do with it?W: Good question! It’s just a museum piece, really. It’s only got five Megabyte s’ hard disk space.R: Five Megabytes! That’s nothing!W: I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it, and that was a long time to go.Maybe I’m a museum piece now, too!4---- --------------------------------------------- Unit4Unit 9 What’s in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, ‘try this!’You’re never seen this liquid before, and you don’t recognize it. Do you drink it straight away? I don’t think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not. Before you put the cup of your lip s, you probably ask,‘What is it?’or, ‘What does it taste like?’Now, imagine a reply like this:‘Actually, it’s a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salt s.’Would you taste the drink now?Of course not!‘I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,’you’d say.‘I never touch anything unnatural!’Quite right! We’d all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat and drink ‘chemicals’all the time. Even pure water is a chemical. It’s made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let’s go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! It’s good for you!‘Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?’Well, funnily enough, by another name, it’s just ‘a cup of tea’.9----------- --获取更多资源请关注:率哥----- Unit9--------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 11 Turn it down!L:Dad, that music’s loud!Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy!Am I interrupt ing your homework?L:It’s not that,Dad.We had a lesson today about hearing.Look at this. One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibel s(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclub s is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience‘ringing in the ears’,and they will feel a bit deaf.If they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.L:You’re always listening to loud music,Dad.If you aren’t careful,you’ll become deaf.W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isn’t. And I will turn the sound down.I promise!11----------- --------------------------------------- Unit11UNIT 13 What am I doing here?K:Here at las t!How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed?J:It looks nice!I’m looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rule s first.J:Rules?I’m on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey. J:Such as?K:Shoes.You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes.J:I’m not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you can’t wearblack-soled trainers.Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class? K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times. You’re not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when I’m swimming?K:It’s OK when you’re swimming…K:When you’re in the wet zones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.J:What else is not allowed?K:We’re not allowed to run or shout in public areas. J:Kelly,believe me!I have enough rules at work!What am I doing here?K:I just want us to have a nice holiday! --- Unit13----------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 15 Not on a school night!L:Mum, I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Flora’s house afterwards?K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to be back here by 9.30 at the latest.L:9.30!The film doesn’t finish till 10!I won’t be able to go!Can’t you or Dad pick me up outside the cinema? Please!K:No,I’m sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybody’s going!K:I’ll be surprised if everyone is going.You’ve got school next day.9.30 is late enough. L:Oh, Mum! K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. That’s fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as I’m concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Flora’s mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night!K:I’ll be surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday.And I’ll pick you up outside the cinema at o’clock.15----------------------------------------------- Unit15UNIT 14 The wrong 12-year-old!R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .He’s the world karate champion.He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.He’s only 12,isn’t he?R:That’s right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,and a tall guy with a hood grab bed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, ‘I earned this phone! I worked really hard to be able to buy it!’W:Obviously, he wouldn’t want a thief to take it like that!R:Right! R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake step ped sideways,and gave him one in the face.It broke the guy’s nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old!What a great story! R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now.W:I can understand that, Robert.But I don’t want you to get into fight s. What will your mother say?R:That’s the question,Dad.I’d like you to ask her.14----------------------------------------- --------Unit14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 封底装订说明:A4纸双面打印后每页分别短边对短边,长边对长边,对折出十字线,裁切为4份,共15个单元(30课时),请按单元数字1~15调整好顺序,第五页为封面和备忘录,短边对折裁切为上下两部分,长边对折压出中线折痕,放入裁切好的前4页,在左侧装订即可。
青少版3A 第十单元课件

Multiple choice
1. I don’t like this one; please show me ____ one. A. other B. others C. another D. the 2. Turn _____ and let me look at your back. A. in B. up C. on D. round 3. The sun went ____ and it disappeared from our sight. A. down B. on C. off D. up 4. ___ is a pity that you have forgotten her address. A. That B. This C. It D. There 5. ----How do you know that? ---- It’s just the tricks of _____. A. fashion B. business C. finance D. trade
That dress is so small that Mary can’t wear it.
3. John is not patient enough to learn Chinese. Chinese is too difficult for John to learn.
Chinese is so difficult that John is not going to learn it.
Guided Summary
Nina’s sweater looks like a new one, but it is not.
She has turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.

3.I’d love you to 为了避免重复,省略了 teach me
1.单词:三英一汉,音标一遍 2.课文:背过 3.录音:听19课课文录音每天5遍并跟读
New Words and Expressions
puzzle /ˈpʌzəl/ n.智力游戏 lift /lɪft/ v.抬起,搬起 rich /rɪtʃ/ adj.富有的,有钱的 reach /ri:tʃ/ v.伸手可及 patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ adj.有耐心的 slim /slɪm/ adj.苗条的 climb /klaɪm/ v.爬,攀登 steep /ˈsti:p/ adj.陡峭的 fit /fɪt/ adj.健壮的 quick /ˈkwɪk/ adj.快的,敏健的 frightening /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ adj.令人惊恐的
another,the other,other,others的区别
1.another:用于范围外,用在三者或三者以上 +可数n.单数,指“另一个,又一个”
2.the other:用在同一范围内 +可数n.单数,指两者中之一 +可数n.复数,指两部分中的一部分
3.other:用在不同范围,指其他的 +n.单数 / 复数
A hundred years ago,people were thin because they were hungry.In the last hundred years,people have got fatter.Why?
The answer seems easy at first:Fat people eat more than thin people.But it's not alway ture.Some thin people eat a lot,and some fat people don't eat much.So why are we getting fat?

希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注⽆忧考!【篇⼀】Unit 9What's in a namePicture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says. 'Try this!'You've never seen this liquid before, and you don't recognize it.Do you drink it straight away? I don't think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not.Before you put the cup to your lips, you probably ask. 'What is it?' or, 'What does it taste like?'Now, imagine a reply like this: 'Actually, it's a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salts.'Would you taste the drink now? Of course not!'I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,' you'd say. 'I never touch anything unnatural!'Quite right! We'd all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat and drink 'chemicals' all the time.Even pure water is a chemical. It's made of hydrogen and oxygen.Let's go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste it! It's good for you!'Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?'Well, funnily enough, by another name, it's just 'a cup of tea'.【篇⼆】译⽂设想⼀下!有⼈给你⼀杯喝的东西,说:“尝尝这个!”你以前从来没见过这种液体,也认不出这是什么。
新概念英语第三册学习笔记 Lesson 10

Lesson 10 The Loss of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号的沉没课文The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.译文巨轮“泰坦尼克”号1912 年4 月10 日从南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。

Lesson11. proper 正规的,合适的2.Guess what! 你猜猜怎么着3.bump into 偶然遇到4.marketing 市场营销5.certainly 肯定的6.mind 介意,反对7.on one’s own 独立的,单独的8.teach 传授Lesson21.chat 闲聊2.house work 家务3.mark 评分4.test 考试,测验5.garden 从事园艺6.sail (乘船)航行7.wash up 洗(餐具)8.surprised 吃惊的9.department 部门10.email 发电子邮件11.alone 独自的1-- --------------------------------------------------- Unit1----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson51.farmer 农夫2.market 市场3.worry 担心,令人担心的食物4.home country 祖国5.text 短信6.on time 准时地7.board 上(船,飞机等公共交通工具)8.kettle 水壶9.like crazy 非常Lesson61.still 仍然,还2.have a good time 玩的开心have been to +地点have gone to +地点what+a+名词+for/about3--------------- ----------------------------------- Unit3 Lesson91.worldwide 在全世界2.huge 巨大的3.variation 变化4.bedtime 就寝时间5.one way or another以这样或那样的方式6.necessary 必要的,必须的7.questionnaire 调查问卷8.subject 科目9.free 自由的10.during 在……期间11.past 过去的12.up to 多达13.annoyed 恼怒的,生气的14.choose 选择15.add 增加Lesson101.correct 改正position 作文3.supper 晚饭,晚餐4.diary 日记5------------------------------ ---------------------- Unit5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson13Speakers’ Corner 演讲角1.tradition 传统2.guy 男人,家伙3.crowd 人群4.secret 秘密,奥秘5.health 健康6.shout 喊叫7.glasses 眼镜8.speech 演讲,演说Lesson 141.nobody 没有人2.anybody 无论谁,任何人3.somebody 某人,有人4.scarf 围巾,头巾5.anywhere 无论哪里6.wardrobe 大衣柜7.somewhere 某处,某个地方8.nowhere 无处,任何地方都不9.garage 车库10.shed棚屋,小屋11. sitting room 起居室12.bathroom浴室13. without 没有14.rule控制,支配15.visit 参观,探望7----------------------------------- ----------------- Unit7Lesson11 1. bird-brained 鸟脑的,头脑简单的 2. break 休息,间歇 3. eNews 电子新闻 4. peacock 孔雀5. peahen 雌孔雀6. Hopelessly 没有希望地7. fall in love 爱上8. petrol pump 汽油泵9. main road 主要道路10. trail feather 尾羽11. show off 炫耀12. line行,排13. clicking noise 咔哒声 14. fill up 装满15. admiring 欣赏的,仰慕的 16. in particular 特别,尤其 17. admiration 赞美,钦佩 18. faithful 忠实的 19. interest 兴趣20. clearly 清楚地,显然地 21.Internet 因特网6------------------------------ ---------------- Unit6---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson151. Sculpture 雕塑2. jewellery珠宝,首饰3. simple 简单的4. shape 形状,外形5. soft 柔和的6. hanging 悬挂的7. triangular 三角形的8. aluminium 铝9.native Indian印第安人10. headdress 头饰11. art gallery 美术馆,画廊12. recently 近来,最近 Lesson161. statue 雕像,塑像2. smooth 平滑的3. stone 石头4. band 乐队5. smell 闻起来6. taste 尝起来7. horrible 糟糕的8. sour 酸的9.delicious 美味的,可口的8------------------------------------ Lesson3 1. front row 前排 2. extra 额外的 3. space 空间 4. flight 空中旅行 5. brilliant 聪明的 6. stretch out 伸展开 7. flight attendant 空中服务员 8. Would you like …? 请问您想……吗? 9. Excuse me 劳驾 10. seat 座位 11. couple 一对夫妇 12. Business Class 商务舱 Lesson41. snack 点心,小吃2. offer 提供 It is +adj.+to do something Would you like …? I ’ve just had a drink. Would you mind …? Why don ’t you …?2------- --------------------------------------------- Unit2----------------------------------------------------------------------新概念英语青少版3A 词汇表Lesson71. attic 阁楼,顶楼2. since 自从 …… 以来3. hard disk (计算机)硬盘4. lawnmower 割草机5. Megabyte 兆字节,百万字节6. nothing 没有东西,没有事情7. jet 喷气式飞机 Lesson81. circus 马戏团2. several 几个3. zoo 动物园4. for ages 长时间5. funfair 露天游乐场 Then it ’s mine.It ’s been there since we moved into this house. It sounds like …4----------------------- ------------------------------ Unit4Lesson17 1. picture 想象,设想 2. liquid 液体 3. recognize 辨认出 4. immediately 立即,马上 5. lip 嘴唇 6. imagine 想象 7. reply 回复,回答 8. solution 溶液 9.organic 有机物的10. inorganic 无机的 11. salt 盐 12.avoid 避免 13. unnatural 非天然的 14. hydrogen 氢 15. oxygen 氧16. common 普通的,常见的 17. grow 种植 I don ’t think so!=I think not. What does it taste like?I never touch anything unnatural!-9---------------------------------- ------------------- Unit9----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson21 1. loud 大声的,喧闹的 2. turn down 把……3. interrupt 打断 4. hearing 听觉 5. sound 声音,响声 6. deaf 聋的 7. limit限度,权限 8. decibel 分贝(音量单位) 9.continuous 连续不断的10. sudden 突然的 11. damage 损害 12. nightclub 夜总会 13. MP3 player MP3播放器 14. experience 经历,体验 15. if如果16. unlucky 不幸的,倒霉的 17. for ever 永远 18. level 水平If they are lucky,this will last for one or two days.11---------------------------------------- -------------- Unit 11Lesson251. at last 最终,最后2. rule 规则3. vacation 假期,休假4. such as 例如5. equipment6. black-soled7. trainers 运动鞋8. T-shirt T 恤衫9. Vest 背心10. be allowed to被允许做……11. chest 胸部,胸膛 12. swimsuit 泳装13. public 公共的,公用的 14. trousers 裤子 15. body 身体 16. law 法律17. cyclist 骑自行车的人 18. motorcyclist 骑摩托车的人 19. pedestrian 行人13------------------------------------------ ----------- Unit13---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson29 1. afterwards 随后,以后 2. at the latest 最晚 3. freedom 自由4. a couple of 几个,一些5. as far as I ’m/you ’re concerned 对我/你……来说6. may 可以,可能7. teenage 少年的 ,十几岁的 8.teenager 少年 Lesson301. could 可以,可能2. stay in/out 待在家里/待在户外I ’m going to the cinema tomorrow. Yes,I do mind! No,that ’s fine.As far as I ’m concerned 15----20200328-- Edit by Twincle ’s Mom --- Unit15Lesson271.karate 空手道2.champion 冠军3.on his/her/my way在他的/她的/我的途中4.session 课,一段时间5.hood 风帽6.grab 突然抓住7.himself 他自己8.punch 用拳击打9.step 迈步,跨步10.sideways 向一边,向一侧11.nose 鼻子12.blood 血13.hold 握住14.fight 打架,打斗15.shoot 开枪射击Lesson281.artist 艺术家,美术家wyer 律师3.science 科学4.air force空军5.pilot 飞行员Unit14---- --------获取更多资源请关注:率哥----------------------------------------------------------------------装订说明:A4纸双面打印后每页分别短边对短边,长边对长边,对折出十字线,裁切为4份,共15个单元(30课时),请按单元数字1~15调整好顺序,第五页为封面和备忘录,短边对折裁切为上下两部分,长边对折压出中线折痕,放入裁切好的前4页,在左侧装订即可。
新概念英语青少版3A Unit6-Unit10单元测试

考生姓名成绩Part 1 Listening Comprehension 听录音,回答问题(8分,每题2分)()1. What do most people think about their visit to the Fitzwilliam Museum?a。
They are not mentioned。
They enjoy it。
c. They don’t like it very much.( )2。
What did a visitor to the museum break earlier this year?a。
A bone in his leg. b。
One of the stairs。
c. Three Chinese vases。
()3. Who put the vase together again?a。
A yong woman. b. The visitor. c.Mr. Fitzwilliam.()4. When and where does the bird's life begin?a。
Tow months。
Three months。
Four monthsPart 2 Reading Comprehension 读下面的文章,然后回答问题。
(20分,每题2分)ALots of families in Great Britain have one or more pets。
Dogs are the favorite pets and there are about 6,000,000 of them in Britain. The second favorite are cats (about 5,000,000)and the third favorite is a bird—the budgie(虎皮鹦鹉). Some families do not keep cats or dogs。

Unit 1 A proper job教学目标:1.掌握enjoy, mind等词后接动名词的用法。
教具准备:教师准备教案, 朗读材料。
教学重难点:1.enjoy being a model / didn’t mind working as a model.2.She’s working at Optima now.3.on her own.4.Don’t we all!5.bump into6.work as7.What happened?8.make cakes课堂设置:1.Greeting 第一次新课师生用英文互相自我介绍。
2.Presentation请学生翻开书本到第一单元, 请看课文中的图片猜想对话情节来导入新课。
播放朗读材料两遍, 让学生标记生词难词, 大致了解课文内容, 并回答问题: Did Nina enjoy being a model?3.重点单词讲解, 在讲单词的时候适当的增加中西方文化背景的差异。
4.根据图画逐一讲解并朗读短对话、再进行整体跟读, 分角色进行对话练习。
5.课文内容讲解6.根据下面表示工作的单词, 让学生任意选择一个单词, 口述下面的问题1.what kind of job do you like?2.Why do you choose the job?7.让学生总结本节课的内容, 作业布置Unit 2 Just like your mother!教学目标:1掌握动词不定式后置的用法。
教具准备: 教师准备教案, 朗读材料。
教学重难点:1.It’s great to stretch out.2.I’ve just had a drink.3.Would you like…? Would you mind…?4.Sound like5.In the front row6.Business class课堂设置:1.Greeting 回顾第一单元内容, 检查练习册完成情况。

intern program ask sb. to work
market leader
live on the Ranch
You won’t regret it. go sightseeing
Is that right? give a speech
stay in London
When you finish here, you’ll have the Redstone Ranch on you resume.
a native Indian
a metal box a wooden chaira wollen scarf They are not simple at all.
We spent hours on the work of Calder.
It was made of triangular pieces.
You are always listening to loud music.
Unit 12
next January look for a job leave college
either way learn a lot
apply for
have no expenses make sb. an offer
next to
the trade
tricks of Lift that box would love to
You just need to enjoy your clothes.
You’re pretty enough to wear anything
Unit 11
many of them
interrupt one’s homework

青少版新概念英语3A课程教学计划及日程安排周次课文重点单词重点句型重点知识第1次2月28日Unit 1 A proper job P4 P6 ★She was a fashionmodel.★ Shewanted/didn’t wanta proper job.Has/have got a job★ like,enjoy,love,hate,not mind+动名词+宾语动名词:being,working,travelling, having,seeing★ ing 形式的两种用法1)用在be后面的现在分词2)用在动词后面的动名词第2次3月6日Unit 2 Just like your mother! P12 P14 ★ It’s great tostretch out.★ Would you/helike a drink/somewater?Yes,I/he/she would.No,I/he/shewouldn’t★I’ve just/alreadyhad one/some.★用would 提供帮助或提出请求;用has/have alreadyhad+noun 回答★be 动词后面的形容词要用升调第3次3月13日Unit 3 We’ve had a longmorning!P20 P22 ★ Have you beento+地点? /Wehave(just/already)been to+ 地点★Have they goneto theUSA?/They’vegone to the US fortwo months.★ How+adjWhat+noun★比较went 与havebeen;比较have been与have gone★just的不同含义第4次3月20日Unit 4 A museum piece P28 P30 ★ How long has itbeen there?It’s/It has beenthere/in its box/outof its box for years.It’s/It has been theresince we movedinto this house.★ has/have been in+地点+for+时间段/since+时间点has/have gone to+地点+for+时间段/since+时间点第5次Unit 5 How long is your day? P36 P38 ★ Have you ★规则动词的现在完3月27日finished yourhomework yet?I haven’t finishedmy homework yet.★ come home;from school; afterschool. 成时与just 和yet 连用,just用于肯定句,表示“刚才”; yet用于疑问句和否定句,表示迄今★量词的重读第6次4月10日Unit 6 Bird-brained!P44 P46 ★. has fallenhopelessly in lovewith a petrol pump.★一些不规则动词的现在完成时助动词的语音语调第7次4月17日Unit 7 Speakers’ Corner P52 P54 ★Let’s walkthrough the park.★Anyone can sayanything they likeabout anything.★They talk a lotand say nothing.★不定代词的用法★辅音群的略读第8次4月24日Unit 8 Crazy about AlexanderCalderP60 P62 ★They lookedheavy, but theywere light.★ It’s made ofaluminium oftriangular ofmetal.★the wholething/all the pieces★感官动词的用法感官动词与形容词连用★made of+材料第9次5月8日Unit 9What’s in a name? P68 P70 ★ I don’t think so.★ Probably/ Ofcourse not.★ What does ittaste like?---It tastesgood.★ I never touchanything unnatural.★ look,sound,smell等+like+名词★So:I think so.第10次5月15日Unit 10 Tricks of the trade P76 P78 ★ I’d love to beable to dress well.★It’s easy enoughfor anyone to dothis kind of thing.★ White is too coldfor me to wear..★I just can’t lookfashionable.★can/can’t+不带to的动词不定式第11次Unit 11 Turn it down P84 P86 ★ What will ★if引导的条件状语从5月22日happen ifWilliam doesn’tturn the sounddown?★If they aren’tcareful, you’llbecome deaf.★I will turn thesound down. Ipromise! 句的用法。
新概念英语青少版 3AUnit 10 Tricks of trade(课件)

The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry.
PAT: How do you know that? NINA: Oh,these are tricks of the trade.
What's fashion?
Do you know what's trick?
PAT: Gosh, Nina, you look good!
Is that another new sweater?
NINA: You've seen it before.
But I've turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.
NINA: It's not about fashion!
You just need to enjoy your clothes.
1.love + n./代词/to do 2.well adj.指身体好的,健康的
He is not well now. adv.好,很好;乐意的
The restaurant did very well. 3.enjoy + sth / doing sth
right shapes and colours for you. For example,I never wear white next to my face. White is too cold for me to wear. Cream's a better colour for me.
1.the 表示特指,因为后面有for you. 2.for example 例如 3.too...to... 太...以至于不能...
新概念英语青少版3A Unit10 Tricks of the trade

sweater before? • 4. Has Nina turned
this sweater round?
you look another new
turn round
• 1.Is that easy for Pat to do that kind of thing?
• 2.Who would love to be able to dress well?
• 3.Would Pat love to be able to dress badly?
• 4.Does Pat try ack plastic bag
• 1.Does Nina wear white next to her face?
• 2.For Nina, is cream a better colour than white?
• 3.Is cream too cold for Nina to wear?
足够 纽扣
简单 聪明
转换方向 享受
时髦的 风格
in a cold eye
• 1.Does Pat know the tricks of the trade?
• 2.Who knows the tricks of the trade?
• 3.What would Pat like Nina to teach her?
tricks of the trade
• 5.Is Pat fashionable?
新概念英语青少版3A Unit10 Tricks of the tradePPT课件

• 1.Who are they? • 2.Who looks good? • 3.Has Pat seen this
sweater before? • 4. Has Nina turned
this sweater round?
you look another new
• 4.Does Pat try hard?
• 5.Is Pat fashionable?
I try hard,but I can’t
dress well
• 1.Is it hard for Nina to dress well?
• 2.Is Pat pretty enough to wear anything?
• 1.Is that easy for Pat to do that kind of thing?
• 2.Who wwell?
• 3.Would Pat love to be able to dress badly?
plastic bag
a black plastic bag
• 1.Does Nina wear white next to her face?
• 2.For Nina, is cream a better colour than white?
新概念三-新概念英语第三册第10课-The loss of the Titanic

新概念英语第三册第10课:The loss of the TitanicLesson 10 The loss of the Titanic“泰坦尼克”号的沉没Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
What would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartments had been flooded?The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.参考译文巨轮“泰坦尼克”号1912年4月10日从南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。
青少版新概念3Aunit 10

Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
Pat: That’s clever! Nina: But it’s so simple! It’s easy enough for anyone to do this kind thing.
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
- Can can’t.
- Why can’t you lift that box? too heavy for me - It’s __________________ to do it. strong enough to do it. I am not ______________
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
Pat: How do you know that? Nina: Oh,these are tricks of the trade. Would you like me to teach you? Pat:Would I ? I’d love you to!
Pattern Practice
- Can you do this puzzle?
- No, I can’t
- Why can’t you do this puzzle?
- It’s too difficult for me to do it.
I am not clever enough to do it.
Word review
Pattern Practice
too…to 太。。。以至于不能。。。
新概念英语青少版3A Unit10 Tricks of the trade

tricks of the trade
tricks of the trade 行业诀窍
plastic bag 塑料袋
cream 奶油色
simple 简单 clever 聪明 turn round 转换方向
enough 足够
button 纽扣
enjoy 享受 dress wel源自 穿得漂亮 另一个 another
• 1.Is that easy for Pat to do that kind of thing? • 2.Who would love to be able to dress well? • 3.Would Pat love to be able to dress badly? • 4.Does Pat try hard? • 5.Is Pat fashionable?
For example
right shapes and colours
in a cold eye
• 1.Does Pat know the tricks of the trade? • 2.Who knows the tricks of the trade? • 3.What would Pat like Nina to teach her?
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New words and Expressions
• puzzle n. 智力游戏
• lift v. 抬起,搬起 • rich adj. 富有的,有钱的
• reach v. 伸手触及
• patient adj. 有耐心的 • slim adj. 苗条的
climb v. 爬,攀登
steep adj. 陡峭的 fit adj. 健壮的 quick adj. 快的,敏捷的
another, the other, others,other的区别:
• 1. another:范围外的另外一个 , another + 可数名词单数 指又一 个,另外一个,(用在三者或 三者以上)
another May I have__________cup of tea?
the other:
C • 11. he has two sons. One is a doctor, ____ is a student. He is now studying at _____ university. c A. another; a B. the other; an C. the other;a D. another; an
• 1. Some people like to rest in their free time. ______ C like to travel. c • A. Other B. The others C. Others D. Another
• 2. This cake is delicious! Can I have _______ piece, B please? b • A. other B. another C. others D. the other
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
What's fashion?
Do you know what's trick?
New words and Expressions
• • • • • • • • tricks of the trade 行业诀窍 Gosh! int. 哎呀!天哪! turn round v. + adv. (使)转换方向 button n. 纽扣 be able to v. 能,会 fashionable adj. 时髦的 front n. 前面,前部 be interested in 对...感兴趣
• other + 名词单/复数 (用在不同范围,指 其它的)
• others = other + 名词 (不同范围的另外一 些人或物)后面不需接名词,直接接谓语
Students are usually interested in sports: some like running, some like swimming, and __________ like ball games. others
frightening adj. 令人惊恐的
感兴趣 转换方向
有耐心 的 行业诀 窍
根据汉语说出英 语单词.
reach rich
根据英语说出汉 语意思.
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: Gosh, Nina, you look 感官动词 • good! • Is that another new (范围外的) • sweater?另一个 • Nina:You seen it before. • But I’ve turned it • round, • Sogo down 停止; the buttons go 被接受;沉下;被打败 • down the back.
Notes on the Text
• well adj. (身体)好;健康的 • e.g: He is not well now. • 他现在身体不舒服 • adv. 好;很;好意地 • e.g: The restaurant did very well. • 餐馆nit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: It’s easy for you! • You’ re pretty enough • to wear anything. • You’d look great • in a black plastic bag! • Nina: Honestly, Pat, • it’s about style, • not fashion.
• need aux. 必须;不得不 • e.g: She need not know I'm here. • vt. 需要;必须 • e.g: I need to make a phone call... • enjoy vt. 享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活 • vi.使过得快活 • enjoy sth / enjoy doing sth • e.g: I hope you enjoy these. • I enjoyed playing soccer.
• 16. These cups are ours. Those are ______. A • A. others B. other’s C. others’ D. others’s • 17. I have six coloured pencils; one is blue, another D is red, and _____ are green. • A. others B. another C. others D. the others
go down
• 1. go down on one's knees • 跪下来 • 2. They went down 2-1 to Australia. • 他们以1比2输给了澳大利亚队。
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: That’s clever! Nina: But it’s so simple! • It’s easy enough • for anyone • to do this kind thing.
• Nina: It’s not about fashion! • You just need to • enjoy your clothes.
Notes on the Text
• be able to 和can的区别 • can 和be able to 都可以表示能力. • can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, could. • be able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,由于 be 变化多,所以形式比can 多. • 可以说:I can swim. I am able to swim. • 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. • 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• • • •
Pat: Not me! I’d love to be able to dress well I副词,努力地 I just try hard, but can’t用来修饰try look fashionable.
• 14. There are twenty-eight students in the class. Ten of them are girls and _____ are boys. b B • A. the other B. the others
C. others D. other
• 15. I don’t like this pen. Would you please show me ___ one? a A • A. another B. the other C. other D. others
• 3. Where are ______ boys? A • A. the other B. the others C. others D. another • 4. The supermarket is on _____ side of the street. C • A. other B. another C. the other D. others • 5. There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are _______? B • A. others B. the others C. the other D. another
• 6. This is not the only answer to the question. There are _____. b A. the others B. others C. another D. the other • 7. Please give me ____ chance. C • A. other B. the other C. another D. the others • 8. I don’t like those shoes. Please show me ______. a • A. another B. other C. the other D. some others
• 9. Mr. turner bought two bikes. One was for his wif, and ________was for his son. c C A. another B. other C. the other D. one