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New words and Expressions
• puzzle n. 智力游戏
• lift v. 抬起,搬起 • rich adj. 富有的,有钱的
• reach v. 伸手触及
• patient adj. 有耐心的 • slim adj. 苗条的
climb v. 爬,攀登
steep adj. 陡峭的 fit adj. 健壮的 quick adj. 快的,敏捷的
• 1. Some people like to rest in their free time. ______ C like to travel. c • A. Other B. The others C. Others D. Another
• 2. This cake is delicious! Can I have _______ piece, B please? b • A. other B. another C. others D. the other
• 6. This is not the only answer to the question. There are _____. b A. the others B. others C. another D. the other • 7. Please give me ____ chance. C • A. other B. the other C. another D. the others • 8. I don’t like those shoes. Please show me ______. a • A. another B. other C. the other D. some others
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade

• • • •
Pat: Not me! I’d love to be able to dress well I副词,努力地 I just try hard, but can’t用来修饰try look fashionable.
C • 11. he has two sons. One is a doctor, ____ is a student. He is now studying at _____ university. c A. another; a B. the other; an C. the other;a D. another; an
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
What's fashion?
Do you know what's trick?
New words and Expressions
• • • • • • • • tricks of the trade 行业诀窍 Gosh! int. 哎呀!天哪! turn round v. + adv. (使)转换方向 button n. 纽扣 be able to v. 能,会 fashionable adj. 时髦的 front n. 前面,前部 be interested in 对...感兴趣
• other + 名词单/复数 (用在不同范围,指 其它的)
• others = other + 名词 (不同范围的另外一 些人或物)后面不需接名词,直接接谓语
Students are usually interested in sports: some like running, some like swimming, and __________ like ball games. others
go down
• 1. go down on one's knees • 跪下来 • 2. They went down 2-1 to Australia. • 他们以1比2输给了澳大利亚队。
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: That’s clever! Nina: But it’s so simple! • It’s easy enough • for anyone • to do this kind thing.
• 14. There are twenty-eight students in the class. Ten of them are girls and _____ are boys. b B • A. the other B. the others
C. others D. other
• 15. I don’t like this pen. Would you please show me ___ one? a A • A. another B. the other C. other D. others
frightening adj. 令人惊恐的
感兴趣 转换方向
有耐心 的 行业诀 窍
根据汉语说出英 语单词.

reach rich
根据英语说出汉 语意思.
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: Gosh, Nina, you look 感官动词 • good! • Is that another new (范围外的) • sweater?另一个 • Nina:You seen it before. • But I’ve turned it • round, • Sogo down 停止; the buttons go 被接受;沉下;被打败 • down the back.
Notes on the Text
• well adj. (身体)好;健康的 • e.g: He is not well now. • 他现在身体不舒服 • adv. 好;很;好意地 • e.g: The restaurant did very well. • 餐馆经营得非常好。
Notes on the Text
adv.诚实地;正直地; 老老实实;老实说
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Nina: Style is about wearing • the right shapes and • colours for you. • For example , I never • wear white next • to my face. • White is too cold for • me to wear. • Cream’s a • better colour for me. 例如
Unit 10 Tricks of the trade
• Pat: It’s easy for you! • You’ re pretty enough • to wear anything. • You’d look great • in a black plastic bag! • Nina: Honestly, Pat, • it’s about style, • not fashion.
• 16. These cups are ours. Those are ______. A • A. others B. other’s C. others’ D. others’s • 17. I have six coloured pencils; one is blue, another D is red, and _____ are green. • A. others B. another C. others D. the others
• need aux. 必须;不得不 • e.g: She need not know I'm here. • vt. 需要;必须 • e.g: I need to make a phone call... • enjoy vt. 享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活 • vi.使过得快活 • enjoy sth / enjoy doing sth • e.g: I hope you enjoy these. • I enjoyed playing soccer.
• • • • the other + 可数名词单数。 指两者中之一/+可数名词复 数。指两部分中的一部分 。(用在同一范围)
Some of the speakers went straight to the conference room._________ speakers are still The other hanging around.
• 9. Mr. turner bought two bikes. One was for his wif, and ________was for his son. c C A. another B. other C. the other D. one
• 10. Tom, you should know how to get on well with _____. b B • A. another B. others C. the other D. other
another, the other, others,other的区别:
• 1. another:范围外的另外一个 , another + 可数名词单数 指又一 个,另外一个,(用在三者或 三者以上)
another May I have__________cup of tea?
the other:
• 3. Where are ______ boys? A • A. the other B. the others C. others D. another • 4. The supermarket is on _____ side of the street. C • A. other B. another C. the other D. others • 5. There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are _______? B • A. others B. the others C. the other D. another
• Nina: It’s not about fashion! • You just need to • enjoy your clothes.
Notes on the Text
• be able to 和can的区别 • can 和be able to 都可以表示能力. • can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, could. • be able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,由于 be 变化多,所以形式比can 多. • 可以说:I can swim. I am able to swim. • 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. • 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.
• 12. We have ten foreign students in our school. One is C from America, ____ is from Australia and all ______ students are from England. c • A. another; the others B. one; another • C. another; the other D. one; other’s • 13. Students are usually interested in sports: some like running, some like swimming, and _____ like ball B games. b • A. the others B. others C. the other D. other