
Section AText A Toward a brighter future for all1.Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
Words and phrase1. achievement n something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing:e.g. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.2. triumph n being successful or victorious 成功,胜利shouts of triumphgreat achievement or success 成功one of the triumphs of modern sciencev. ~ (over sb/sth) be successful or victorioustriumph over one's difficulties 战胜困难.3. pledge v ~ sth (to sb/sth) (fml ) promise solemnly to give (support,etc); give (one's word, honour, etc) as a pledge 保证给予(支持等); 以(誓言﹑名誉等)作担保:pledge loyalty to the king 发誓效忠国王be pledged to keeping a secret 誓守秘密.~ sb/oneself (to sth/to do sth) promise solemnly that sb/one will do sth or support a cause, etc保证某人[自己]做某事或支持某事业等The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims. 政府已承诺赈济饥民.[Tn] leave (sth) with sb as a pledge典当(某物):He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.[Tn] (fml ) drink to the health of (sb); toast (sb) 为(某人)的健康祝酒; 向(某人)祝酒: pledge the bride (新娘)and bridegroom(新郎)4. rewarding adj giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得的;有意义的;有回报的Our journey to the orphanage (孤儿院) was a very rewarding experience.Antonym: unrewardingSynonym: satisfying5. as...as possible as + adj / adv +as ; as + adj + n + as 尽力做某事的意思We have to run as fast as possible.Can you say it as loudly as possible?I hope you’ll stay as long as possible.We need as many apples as possible.You must come back as soon as possible.Word formation note:adj suffix -ing1. -ing加在某些transitive verb后,构成adj,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。

Unit 1 FreSh StartSeCt i On AIn fact all the PieCeS Of advice mentioned in the interview are Very USeful・ BUt if I have to ChOOSe One as the most useful, Γ d ChOOSe ZZ keeP a balance'"・ When We Were in high school, We SPent almost all OUr time StUdying・ There IaCked a balance between SOCiaI Iife and academic Iife in high SChOol・It's important to keep a balance between Iife and WOrk because it WilI give US a SOUnd mind in a SOUnd body・ NOW We have much more free time, SO We Can join StUdent OrganiZatiOnS Or go to different activities・2・ What advice did your Parents give you before you Ieft for college?BefOre I Ieft for COlIege my ParentS did have a talk With me. They told me how important COlIege experience WOUId be in my Iife・ They told me about the OPPOrtUnitieS that COlIege education WOUld OPerI UP to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join SOme StUdent CIUbS・ The most impressive advice they gave me WaS that I ShOUId not OnIy read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as Widely as POSSibIe・ All these are Very ValUabIe PieCeS Of advice・Read i ng COmPrehenSiOn1.ACCOrding to the PreSident, What did the ParentS remind their ChiIdren to dobefore they Ieft for college?The ParentS reminded their Children to WOrk hard and achieve the best they COUld・2・ What does the PrCSident CalI On the StUdentS to do With the greatest resources On CamPUs?The PreSident CalIS On the StUdentS to make the most Of the great resources On CamPUS: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to PUrSUe new PaSSiOnS・3・ What does the PreSident mean When he SayS "sample them Widely Ar (Para・ 5)?By Saying '"sample them widely", the PreSident means StUdentS ShOUId try many different COUrSeS and try SOmething new to See What it is Iike・4.What COUICl be the COnSeqUenCeS if you don, t ChalIenge yourself?If We don't Challenge ourselves, We WilI not become broadly educated people, and We may not find the PaSSiOn that WilI help US ShaPe OUr future・5・ What Can you Iearn from the example Of Vera Wang?We Can Iearn from the example Of Vera Wang that We ShOUId Challenge ourselves, and by ChalIenging ourselves, We are more IikeIy to find an interest We don't know Wehave, and this interest may help US build a PrOSPerOUS future・6・ HOW ShOUId you deal With new and UnPIeaSant experiences in college?We ShOUId not worry, and We ShOUId Iearn to face this new Part Of OUr Iife With enthusiasm・ COlIege experiences, PleaSant Or UnPleaSant f WilI PrOVide US With VaIUable IeSSOnS and WilI enrich OUr Iife・7.HOW do you UnderStand *Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?Ihe expression "Now it is your tur∏z, means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to PaSS it on.8.HOW does the PreSident, S SPeeCh impress you?The PreSident,S WeICOming SPeeCh is really impressive・He mentions many important things about COlIege life, the resources available On campus, as WelI as the OPPOrtUnitieS We have and the responsibilities that We ShOUId take・ The SPeeCh is Very inspiring・1.What role do you think a UniVerSity CdUCatiOn WilI Play in your life?A UniVerSity education WilI PIay a Very important role in my life, and it Will benefit me in a number Of WayS・ In the UniVerSity I Can acquire SPeCialiZed knowledge about my major, and develop my CritiCaI thinking and research SkilIS・I WilI have the OPPOrtUnitieS to meet and Share ideas With PeOPIe Of different minds・ I Can gain a broader VieW Of the WOrId by meeting PeOPIe from diverse backgrounds and CUItUreS・And I WilI Start my Iife journey Of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfiHment・2・ DO you think a UniVerSity education Can Change a PerSOn,S life? In What Way and why?Yes, absolutely. With a UniVerSity education, a PerSOn WiII have more freedom and therefore more ChOiCeS・ThiS education experience PrOVideS UnIimited POtentia1・MOreOVer t a UniVerSity education PrOVideS the means for One to succeed. NOt OnIy WilI a PerSOn Obtain knowledge and SkilIS essential for his Career development, but he WilI also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions On his own.3.HOW do you think about those SUCCeSSfUI PeOPIe SUCh as BilI GateS WhO dropped OUtOf university?I admire those WhO dropped OUt Of UniVerSity and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals・SOme PeOPIe USe those SUCCeSSfUI COlIege dropouts as COUntereXamPIeS to ShOW their belief that a PerSOn Can SUCCeed even WithOUt a UniVerSity education・ ChanCeS are that most PeOPle do not have the Same mind, talent, determination, Or OPPOrtUnitieS as BilI Gates, SteVe Jobs, and Mark ZUCkerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve SUCCeSS WithOUt having a UniVerSity education・In fact, a UniVerSity education WilI equip them With the necessary knowledge and SkilIS WhiCh WilI help them to SUCCeed・4.HOW do you UnderStand the Statement Tf you think education is expensive, tryIgnorance zr?NOWadayS education is getting more and more expensive, especially COlIege education ・ And there are PeOPIe WhO ChOOSe to give UP education because Of the high COSt・BUt WithOUt education, One WOUId not be able to acquire knowledge that an educationWilI Offer・In Other words, they WOUld be ZZ ignOrant"・The result WOUId be that "ignorant" PeOPIe WilI SUffer even more Or Pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the COSt WOUld be even higher ・5・ What are you going to do at UniVerSity in Order to SamPIe Widely and ChalIenge yourself?TO SamPIe WideIy and Challenge myself, I am going to VentUre OUt Of my COmfOrt ZOne and do What I have not had the COUrage to do. FOr instance, I WilI make friends With PeOPIe from diverse backgrounds and CUltUreS・ I WilI take a SWimming CIaSS and Iearn how to SWiln・ I WilI attend lectures, join StUdent clubs, and try all kinds Of food ・ MOSt Of all, I WilI do WhateVer it takes to make the most Of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate・WOrdS in USe1.GiVen the ChanCe to ShOW his ability, he regained (COnfidenCe) and began to SUCCeed in SChOol・2.It is SO difficult to (explore) the bottom Of the OCean because SOme PartS are Very deep・3.It WaS about 30 SeCOndS before AIeX (emerged) from the water; We Were QUite SCared ・4.We Often (assume) that When Other PeOPIe do the Same things as We do, they do them for the Same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable・5.There is WideSPread COnCern that the rising UnemPlOyment may (POSe) a threat to SOCiaI StabiIity・6.After a(n) (COmPrehenSiVe) PhySiCaI exam, my doctor Said I WaS in good COnditiOn except that my blood PreSSUre WaS a IittIe high・7.It is WelI known that China is a COUntry With rich natural (resources) and a Very big POPUIatiOn.8.SOme PeOPIe believe that the earth Can (yield) enough food to SUPPOrt at IeaSt twice its PreSent POPUlatiOn・9.Sam (inherited) the gift Of imagination from his family, but he IaCked the driving POWer to take action・10.A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to Other bees the information they need in Order to COlIeCt the honey・WOrd buiIding: PraCtiCeuncover → 1) (UnCOVer) easy → 2) (UneaSy)IOad → 3) (U nIOad)-antapply → 4)(applicant)resist → 5)(resistant)account → 6) (accountant)assistant → 7) (assist)-ifySimPIe → 8) (SimPlify)note → 9) (notify)quality → 10)(QUalify)CIaSS → 11) (ClaSSify)1.DeSPite being (CIaSSified) as a meat-eater, the Panda has a diet that is OVerWhelmingIy Vegetarian.2.Ihey have developed COmPUteriZed SyStemS WhiCh WilI greatly (assist) all Iibrary USerS SO that they Will not need the help Of OtherS・3.ChangeS have been made to the COnStrUCtiOn requirements in this City in Order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes・4.After a two-month inquiry, the POIiCe have (UnCOVered) the three me∏, S intention to rob a bank and have arrested them・5.COnSUmerS Say they are (UneaSy) about USing their Credit CardS OVer the Internet because they are afraid Of Internet fraud (欺诈)and identity theft・6. A COlIege degree and SOme WOrking experience ShOUId (QUaIify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper・7.The BritiSh ShiP arrived at the POrt this morning and is (UnIOading) its COntentS in the harbor now.8.AS a human resources Inanager t I See many job (applicants) WhO are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes・9.The teacher (SimPIified) his instructions SO that the SmalI Children COUId UnderStand him better・10.My major WaS IiteratUre・However, now Γ m WOrking in a firm as a(n) (accountant)I dealing With numbers every day.11.The COmmittee' S decision Will be (notified) to all employees next Week・Banked CIOZeUniVerSity StUdentS COme from different PartS Of the COUntry With VariOUS PUrPOSeS・HOWeVerJ a CIOSer IOOk at their reasons for StUdying at the UniVerSity WilI enable US to 1) (CIaSSify) them roughly into three groups: those WhO have a(n) 2)(PaSSiOn) for Iearning, those WhO WiSh to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those WhO Iearn With no definite PUrPOSe・Firstly, there are many StUdentS WhO Iearn SimPIy because they 4)(PUrSUe) their goal Of Iearning・ SOme read a WeaIth Of BritiSh and AmeriCan novels because they are keenly interested in IiteratUre・ OtherS Sit in front Of the COmPUter screen, WOrking On a new program, 5) (VirtUalIy) day and night, because they find SOme COmPUter PrOgramS 6)(fascinating), and they dream Of becoming a Z Bill Gates" One day.Secondly, there are StUdentS WhO WOrk hard mainly for a better and more7)(PrOSPerOUS) future・ It SeemS that the majority Of StUdentS fall into this group ・ After admission to the university, they read books after books to8)(acquire) knowledge from all Of the resources WhiCh are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to SUCCeed in the future job market・Thirdly, there are StilI SOme StUdentS WhO Iearn WithOUt a CIear goa1・ They take COUrSes, finish homework, enjoy Iife On campus, but don't Want to 10)(SamPIe) anything new Or Challenging・ They have no idea What they WilI be doing after COlIege・ And they may end UP With nothing in their IiVeS・EXPreSSiOnS in USe1.My family 1) (got by) On my father* S UnemPIOyment benefit after he IOSt his job.2.Man3r SUbWay riders read books Or IiSten to music in Order to 2)(make the most Of) their time On the Way to WOrk・3.In Order to make SUre he WOUId be able to attend the meeting, I Called him UP two WeekS 3)(in advance)・4.EXPertS Say OUr COmPany is amazing in that SaIeS have been increasing Steadily 4) (OVer time)・5.In Order to 5) (reap the benefits Of) the PhySiCaI exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at IeaSt half an hour each time・6.They all tried to talk 6)(all at OnCe), but I COUldn* t hear anything they said. 7*. YellOW flowers in the field always 7) (remind) me 8) (Of) my ChiIdhOOd in the COUntrySide・8.We have been PraCtiCing for SO IOng and SO hard that OUr team ShOUId 9) (Stand a ChanCe Of) Winning the game・9.ReSearCh On genes WilI 10) (OPen the door to) exciting new medical treatments・10.EVery One Of you has made a COntribUtion and I 11) (take PIeaSUre in) acknowledging What each Of you has done to make this academic COnVentiOn SUCh a SUCCeSS・Strueture ana lysis: PraCt i CeABBCStrUCtured writing: PraCticeThere are SOme things you Can do to SUCCeed in COlIege・ First, PUrSUe PaSSiOnS・YOUr PaSSiOnS Will broaden your mind and make your Iife interesting・ Second, never Iet go Of any OPPOrtUnitieS that COme your Way・ COlIege is full Of UniqUe OPPOrtUnities, WhiCh WilI enable you to SamPIe new things and meet WOnderfUl PeOPIe ・ LaStIy t take responsibilities ・ In COlIege you must Iearn to be responsible for your OWn decisions and actions ・ With the PaSSiOns, the OPPOrtUnities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you WilI become SUCCeSSfUI not OnIy in college, but also in your future Career・TranSlatiOn苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

4 学时
教学目 的
1.To talk about college English learning; 2. To talk about college education; 3. To apply the words and phrases; 4. To master the speech writing skills;
Ask and answer Brain Storm Discussion
3. Cultural background information----American university education In the United States, what choices do the students have after high
作保证,承诺 充分利用 得享好处 因„„无法对付 有机会,有希望 乐于做某事 给„„打开方便之门
Sentence Translation
Functional patte rns As …, sb. is proud /happy/ 做某事的感受”
sorry /sad… to do sth. :“某人在特定身份下 Sentences
Group Work
Explain & discussion
John Dewey Albert Einstein
Section A Toward a brighter future for all
II. Warming up activities 1. Lead-in Questions
What is the ideal unive rsity in your eyes? • Qualified professors • Nice living condition • Excellent condition for teaching and learning • Pleasant academic atmosphere • Well-equipped library and abundant online resources… What are your expectations of your college life? • To acquire more knowledge in different aspects • To broaden my horizon and enrich my mind • To develop my creative thinking ability • To make more new friends • To participate in more social practice What advice did your parents give you before you left for college? • To cherish the college experience; • To make use of the opportunities for learning; • To develop more interests; • To read as widely as possible 2. Pre-reading activities Compound dictation:
新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版 Unit1

Unit 1 Fresh StartSection APre-reading activities1.Which of the tips mentioned in the interview is most useful to you? Why?In fact all the pieces of advice mentioned in the interview are very useful. But if I have to choose one as the most useful, I'd choose "keep a balance". When we were in high school, we spent almost all our time studying. There lacked a balance between social life and academic life in high school. It's important to keep a balance between life and work because it will give us a sound mind in a sound body. Now we have much more free time, so we can join student organizations or go to different activities.2.What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?Before I left for college my parents did have a talk with me. They told me how important college experience would be in my life. They told me about the opportunities that college education would open up to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join some student clubs. The most impressive advice they gave me was that I should not only read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as widely as possible. All these are very valuable pieces of advice.Reading comprehension1.According to the president, what did the parents remind their children to dobefore they left for college?The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could.2.What does the president call on the students to do with the greatest resourceson campus?The president calls on the students to make the most of the great resources on campus: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to pursue new passions.3.What does the president mean when he says "sample them widely" (Para. 5)? By saying "sample them widely", the president means students should try many different courses and try something new to see what it is like.4.What could be the consequences if you don't challenge yourself?If we don't challenge ourselves, we will not become broadly educated people, and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future.5.What can you learn from the example of Vera Wang?We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we should challenge ourselves, and by challenging ourselves, we are more likely to find an interest we don't know we have, and this interest may help us build a prosperous future.6.How should you deal with new and unpleasant experiences in college?We should not worry, and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons and will enrich our life.7.How do you understand "Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?The expression "Now it is your turn" means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on.8.How does the president's speech impress you?The president's welcoming speech is really impressive. He mentions many important things about college life, the resources available on campus, as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities that we should take. The speech is very inspiring.1. What role do you think a university education will play in your life?A university education will play a very important role in my life, and it will benefit me in a number of ways. In the university I can acquire specialized knowledge about my major, and develop my critical thinking and research skills.I will have the opportunities to meet and share ideas with people of different minds. I can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. And I will start my life journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfillment.2.Do you think a university education can change a person's life? In what wayand why?Yes, absolutely. With a university education, a person will have more freedom and therefore more choices. This education experience provides unlimited potential. Moreover, a university education provides the means for one to succeed. Not only will a person obtain knowledge and skills essential for his career development, but he will also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions on his own.3.How do you think about those successful people such as Bill Gates who droppedout of university?I admire those who dropped out of university and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals. Some people use those successful college dropouts as counterexamples to show their belief that a person can succeed even without a university education. Chances are that most people do not have the same mind, talent, determination, or opportunities as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve success without having a university education. In fact, a university education will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to succeed.4.How do you understand the statement "If you think education is expensive,try ignorance"?Nowadays education is getting more and more expensive, especially college education. And there are people who choose to give up education because of the high cost. But without education, one would not be able to acquire knowledge that an education will offer. In other words, they would be "ignorant". The result would be that "ignorant" people will suffer even more or pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the cost would be even higher.5.What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challengeyourself?To sample widely and challenge myself, I am going to venture out of my comfort zone and do what I have not had the courage to do. For instance, I will make friends with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will take a swimming class and learn how to swim. I will attend lectures, join student clubs, and try all kinds of food. Most of all, I will do whatever it takes to make the most of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate.Words in use1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained (confidence) and began to succeed in school.2. It is so difficult to (explore) the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex (emerged) from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often (assume) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may (pose) a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) (comprehensive)physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural (resources) and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can (yield) enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam (inherited) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Word building: Practiceun-cover ➝ 1)(uncover)easy ➝ 2)(uneasy)load ➝ 3)(unload)-antapply ➝ 4)(applicant)resist ➝ 5)(resistant)account ➝ 6)(accountant)assistant ➝ 7)(assist)-ifysimple ➝ 8)(simplify)note ➝ 9)(notify)quality ➝ 10)(qualify)class ➝ 11)(classify)1. Despite being (classified)as a meat-eater, the panda has a diet that is overwhelmingly vegetarian.2. They have developed computerized systems which will greatly (assist)all library users so that they will not need the help of others.3. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes.4. After a two-month inquiry, the police have (uncovered)the three men's intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.5. Consumers say they are (uneasy)about using their credit cards over the Internet because they are afraid of Internet fraud (欺诈) and identity theft.6. A college degree and some working experience should (qualify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper.7. The British ship arrived at the port this morning and is (unloading)its contents in the harbor now.8. As a human resources manager, I see many job (applicants) who are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes.9. The teacher (simplified) his instructions so that the small children could understand him better.10. My major was literature. However, now I'm working in a firm as a(n) (accountant), dealing with numbers every day.11. The committee's decision will be (notified) to all employees next week.Banked clozeUniversity students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1)(classify) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2)(passion) for learning, those who wish to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose.Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4)(pursue) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen,working on a new program, 5)(virtually) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6)(fascinating), and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day.Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7)(prosperous)future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8)(acquire) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market.Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to 10)(sample) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.Expressions in use1. My family 1)(got by) on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to 2)(make the most of) their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks 3)(in advance).4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily4)(over time).5. In order to 5)(reap the benefits of)the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk 6)(all at once), but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always 7)(remind) me 8)(of) my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should 9)(standa chance of) winning the game.9. Research on genes will 10)(open the door to) exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I 11)(take pleasure in) acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Structure analysis: PracticeA B B CStructured writing: PracticeThere are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second,never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career.Translation苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版Unit1Unit 1 Fresh StartSection APre-reading activities1.Which of the tips mentioned in the interview is most useful to you? Why?In fact all the pieces of advice mentioned in the interview are very useful. But if I have to choose one as the most useful, I'd choose "keep a balance". When we were in high school, we spent almost all our time studying. There lacked a balance between social life and academic life in high school. It's important to keep a balance between life and work because it will give us a sound mind in a sound body. Now we have much more free time, so we can join student organizations or go to different activities.2.What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?Before I left for college my parents did have a talk with me. They told me how important college experience would be in my life. They told me about the opportunities that college education would open up to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join some student clubs. The most impressive advice they gave me was that I should not only read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as widely as possible. All these are very valuable pieces of advice.Reading comprehension1.According to the president, what did the parents remind their children to dobefore they left for college?The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could.2.What does the president call on the students to do with the greatest resourceson campus?The president calls on the students to make the most of the great resources on campus: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to pursue new passions.3.What does the president mean when he says "sample them widely" (Para. 5)? By saying "sample them widely", the president means students should try many different courses and try something new to see what it is like.4.What could be the consequences if you don't challenge yourself?If we don't challenge ourselves, we will not become broadly educated people, and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future.5.What can you learn from the example of Vera Wang?We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we should challenge ourselves, and by challenging ourselves, we are more likely to find an interest we don't know we have, and this interest may help us build a prosperous future.6.How should you deal with new and unpleasant experiences in college?We should not worry, and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons and will enrichour life.7.How do you understand "Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?The expression "Now it is your turn" means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on.8.How does the president's speech impress you?The president's welcoming speech is really impressive. He mentions many important things about college life, the resources available on campus, as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities that we should take. The speech is very inspiring.1. What role do you think a university education will play in your life?A university education will play a very important role in my life, and it will benefit me in a number of ways. In the university I can acquire specialized knowledge about my major, and develop my critical thinking and research skills.I will have the opportunities to meet and share ideas with people of different minds. I can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. And I will start my life journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfillment.2.Do you think a university education can change a person's life? In what wayand why?Yes, absolutely. With a university education, a person will have more freedom and therefore more choices. This education experience provides unlimited potential. Moreover, a university education provides the means for one to succeed. Not only will a person obtain knowledge and skills essential for his career development, but he will also develop an independent mind andbe able to make right decisions on his own.3.How do you think about those successful people such as Bill Gates who droppedout of university?I admire those who dropped out of university and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals. Some people use those successful college dropouts as counterexamples to show their belief that a person can succeed even without a university education. Chances are that most people do not have the same mind, talent, determination, or opportunities as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve success without having a university education. In fact, a university education will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to succeed.4.How do you understand the statement "If you think education is expensive,try ignorance"?Nowadays education is getting more and more expensive, especially college education. And there are people who choose to give up education because of the high cost. But without education, one would not be able to acquire knowledge that an education will offer. In other words, they would be "ignorant". The result would be that "ignorant" people will suffer even more or pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the cost would be even higher.5.What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challengeyourself?To sample widely and challenge myself, I am going to ventureout of my comfort zone and do what I have not had the courage to do. For instance, I will make friends with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will take a swimming class and learn how to swim. I will attend lectures, join student clubs, and try all kinds of food. Most of all, I will do whatever it takes to make the most of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate.Words in use1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained (confidence) and began to succeed in school.2. It is so difficult to (explore) the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex (emerged) from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often (assume) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may (pose) a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) (comprehensive)physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural (resources) and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can (yield) enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam (inherited) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Word building: Practiceun-cover ? 1)(uncover)easy ? 2)(uneasy)load ? 3)(unload)-antapply ? 4)(applicant)resist ? 5)(resistant)account ? 6)(accountant)assistant ? 7)(assist)-ifysimple ? 8)(simplify)note ? 9)(notify)quality ? 10)(qualify)class ? 11)(classify)1. Despite being (classified)as a meat-eater, the panda has a diet that is overwhelmingly vegetarian.2. They have developed computerized systems which will greatly (assist)all library users so that they will not need the help of others.3. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes.4. After a two-month inquiry, the police have (uncovered)the three men's intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.5. Consumers say they are (uneasy)about using their credit cards over the Internet because they are afraid of Internet fraud (欺诈) and identity theft.6. A college degree and some working experience should (qualify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper.7. The British ship arrived at the port this morning and is (unloading)its contents in the harbor now.8. As a human resources manager, I see many job (applicants) who are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes.9. The teacher (simplified) his instructions so that the small children could understand him better.10. My major was literature. However, now I'm working in a firm as a(n) (accountant), dealing with numbers every day.11. The committee's decision will be (notified) to all employees next week.Banked clozeUniversity students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1)(classify) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2)(passion) for learning, those who wish to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose.Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4)(pursue) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, 5)(virtually) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6)(fascinating), and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day.Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7)(prosperous)future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8)(acquire) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market.Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to 10)(sample) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.Expressions in use1. My family 1)(got by) on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to 2)(make the most of) their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks 3)(in advance).4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily4)(over time).5. In order to 5)(reap the benefits of)the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk 6)(all at once), but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always 7)(remind) me 8)(of) my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should 9)(standa chance of) winning the game.9. Research on genes will 10)(open the door to) exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I 11)(take pleasure in) acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Structure analysis: PracticeA B B CStructured writing: PracticeThere are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second,never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career.Translation苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

Unit 1 Fresh StartText A Toward a Bright Future for AllBefore readingBefore reading Text A, you may need to know the following things to help you with a better understanding.American higher educationIn the United States, students can choose to go to college after high school. (They can also choose to go straight to the workforce after high school.) They have the option of attending a two-year community college before applying to a four-year university. Admission to community college is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than at a university. Community college students can earn an associate degree and transfer up to two years of course credits to a university.College and university students need to pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans. Although admissions policies vary from one university to another, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student's high school course of study, high school Grade Point Average (GPA), participation in extracurricular activities, SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) exam scores, a written essay, and possibly a personal interview with a representative from the admissions office.Most students in the United States take the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT during their final year of high school. Each university sets a minimum SAT or ACT score that a student must achieve in order to gain admission. These are standardized quantitative examinations. The SAT tests critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills. The ACT tests English, mathematics, reading, science reasoning, and includes an optional writing test.Extracurricular activities may include scholastic clubs, athletic teams, student government, and philanthropic clubs. V oluntary participation in these kinds of activities is an indication that a student has learned valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic responsibility.University students pursuing a bachelor's degree are called "undergraduates"; students pursuing a master's or doctoral degree are called "graduate students". Most universities give undergraduate students a liberal education, which means students are required to take courses across several disciplines before they specialize in a major field of study. Graduate and professional programs, such as medicine or law, are specialized. All degree programs require students to complete a minimum number of credit hours before graduating.Selection for admission to a graduate program is based on several criteria. These include completion of a bachelor's degree, the student's undergraduate coursework and GPA. Students are also expected to write an essay as part of their application or to submit a writing sample. Most master's programs require students to have a minimum score on the Graduate Record Examination(GRE), which tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.Students continue to take courses at the graduate level. A final thesis is required for most master's programs. Doctoral students take courses until they have earned enough credit hours to attempt their qualifying examinations. These are usually taken over several days and often include a written and oral component. After doctoral students pass their qualifying exams, they are advanced to candidacy and can begin writing their dissertation. Before the degree is given, the completed dissertation must be orally defended before the candidate's faculty committee.Vera WangVera Wang (王薇薇, 1949- ) is aChinese-American fashion designer. Shewas born and raised in New York City.While trained as a figure skater in highschool, she eventually earned a degree in arthistory from Sarah Lawrence College in1971. But a career in fashion was her dream.She worked as a senior fashion editorfor Vogue magazine for 15 years. In 1985,she left Vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as adesign director for two years. In 1990, she opened her own design salon in New York, and featured her trademark bridal gowns. Wang has made wedding gowns for many celebrities and public figures, such as Jennifer Lopez (珍妮弗•洛佩兹), Sharon Stone (莎朗•斯通) and Chelsea Clinton (切尔西•克林顿).Detailed study of the textPara.1. Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。

Unit 1 Fresh StartText A Toward a Bright Future for AllBefore readingBefore reading Text A, you may need to know the following things to help you with a better understanding.American higher educationIn the United States, students can choose to go to college after high school. (They can also choose to go straight to the workforce after high school.) They have the option of attending a two-year community college before applying to a four-year university. Admission to community college is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than at a university. Community college students can earn an associate degree and transfer up to two years of course credits to a university.College and university students need to pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans. Although admissions policies vary from one university to another, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student's high school course of study, high school Grade Point Average (GPA), participation in extracurricular activities, SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) exam scores, a written essay, and possibly a personal interview with a representative from the admissions office.Most students in the United States take the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT during their final year of high school. Each university sets a minimum SAT or ACT score that a student must achieve in order to gain admission. These are standardized quantitative examinations. The SAT tests critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills. The ACT tests English, mathematics, reading, science reasoning, and includes an optional writing test.Extracurricular activities may include scholastic clubs, athletic teams, student government, and philanthropic clubs. V oluntary participation in these kinds of activities is an indication that a student has learned valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic responsibility.University students pursuing a bachelor's degree are called "undergraduates"; students pursuing a master's or doctoral degree are called "graduate students". Most universities give undergraduate students a liberal education, which means students are required to take courses across several disciplines before they specialize in a major field of study. Graduate and professional programs, such as medicine or law, are specialized. All degree programs require students to complete a minimum number of credit hours before graduating.Selection for admission to a graduate program is based on several criteria. These include completion of a bachelor's degree, the student's undergraduate coursework and GPA. Students are also expected to write an essay as part of their application or to submit a writing sample. Most master's programs require students to have a minimum score on the Graduate Record Examination(GRE), which tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.Students continue to take courses at the graduate level. A final thesis is required for most master's programs. Doctoral students take courses until they have earned enough credit hours to attempt their qualifying examinations. These are usually taken over several days and often include a written and oral component. After doctoral students pass their qualifying exams, they are advanced to candidacy and can begin writing their dissertation. Before the degree is given, the completed dissertation must be orally defended before the candidate's faculty committee.Vera WangVera Wang (王薇薇, 1949- ) is aChinese-American fashion designer. Shewas born and raised in New York City.While trained as a figure skater in highschool, she eventually earned a degree in arthistory from Sarah Lawrence College in1971. But a career in fashion was her dream.She worked as a senior fashion editorfor Vogue magazine for 15 years. In 1985,she left Vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as adesign director for two years. In 1990, she opened her own design salon in New York, and featured her trademark bridal gowns. Wang has made wedding gowns for many celebrities and public figures, such as Jennifer Lopez (珍妮弗•洛佩兹), Sharon Stone (莎朗•斯通) and Chelsea Clinton (切尔西•克林顿).Detailed study of the textPara.1. Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
新视野大学英语1第三版book1 Unit 1讲稿

Unit 1 Fresh StartSection A Toward a brighter future for allⅠObjectives:Students may be able to:To talk about college educationTo further understand the textTo apply the phrases and patternsTo master the paragraph writing skillⅡTeaching Focus and Difficulties1. understand the structure of the text2. apply the writing skills to organizing a paragraphⅢTeaching aidsMultimedia, chalk and blackboard Warming up activitiesⅣTeaching ProcedureStep 1:Warm-up activitiesUniversity education is a new journey in your life. It is a fresh start. You begin your journey with military training. The freshmen with the green military uniform have become a beautiful scenery line in the universities. Here comes my question:1. Do you think military training is necessary? Why or why not?Pros: It builds our body and confidence. Good heath is the foundation of a meaning life. It also seems to build teamwork among individual classes which is beneficial to our future career. It develops a spirit of discipline in life and help us better obey university rules. Another advantage is that it gives the students a taste of the military life. They have more respect for the men who protect their country, and they may even decide to pursue a military career. It can help shape our character and cultivate a spirit of endurance and willpower. The military drill is very tough, but it provides an opportunity to learn not to give up when faced with difficulties.Cons: military training often takes place in summer. It is too hot and is harmful to the health of students. And some instructors are likely to use physical punishment which leads to hurts in body and soul to students. They say that a short period of training can neither build up the bodies nor strengthen the willpower of college students. They argue that more attention should be paid to the daily exercise and activities. It is a waste of time and we should focus our attention on study.2. What are your expectations of your college life?You can acquire specialized knowledge about your major and develop my creative thinking ability and research skills. You have the opportunities to make more new friends and share ideas with people of different minds. You can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people fro diverse backgrounds and cultures. You can start a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement and self-fulfillment. You can have nice living condition and excellent condition for learning. You can study in a pleasant academic atmosphere. You can participate in more social practice. Well-equipped library and abundant online resources…Step 2. Structure of the textPart 1 (1-3): The president congratulates students on their achievement and reminds students of the fact that their current success was due to their own and their parents’ efforts, and that their future is built on a solid foundation of the past.1Part 2 (4-7) The president offers students comprehensive advice on how to make the most of their four college years and makes them realize the university’s expectations and their own responsibilities.Part 3 (8) The students are called upon to cherish the opportunity and to bear in mind their responsibilities as citizens of their communities, their country and the world.Step3. Details for each part(1) Questions for part 1What can we know from paragraph 1?In paragraph 3, of what did the parents always remind their children before they came to college?What’s the speaker’s purpose in mentioning the parents’ reminders?Language points for part 11. Pledge①make a formal promise The new president pledged to cut taxes and increase employment②n. a serious promise2. pose 摆姿势She is good at posing for photographs.(2) Details for part 2 1. Questions for part 2What great resources will you enjoy?What responsibilities should college students shoulder according to the speaker?Language Points for part 21. comprehendvt.理解,包含comprehensive adj. 有理解力的, 综合的comprehension n. 理解,包含2. facilityleisure facilities 休闲设施3.pursue①追求, 致力于pursue a bachelor’s degree ②chase sb. Or sth.4. overwhelm淹没;压倒be/ feel overwhelmed by不知所措We were overwhelmed by the number of the applicants for this position.这个职位的申请者人数多得让我们不知所措。

Unit 1Fresh StartUnderstanding and LearningOverviewThe first unit of the first book of our series meets students who have just entered college or university and are beginning a new phase in their lives. We hope that students will be able to talk about their expectations of their college experience, and they will be aware of the expectations their parents and their educators have of them.Text A is a university president’s welcome speech, in which the president gives valuable guidance to and expresses expectations of freshman students.Text B is a letter written by a father to his child who is about to start college, in which the father expresses his expectations of the child. We hope that the two texts will stimulate students to share their own expectations regarding their college experience; and we also hope the two texts will help students look from a new perspective at the expectations their educators and their parents have of themText A shows characteristics of a speech. Pronouns I, we and you are more frequently used than in other kinds of writing because the speaker is addressing the audience directly, hoping to motivate the audience and to gain their support and understanding. In a speech, the speaker can employ a variety of figures of speech to make his speech vivid and powerful, such as simile, metaphor, contrast, parallelism(排比), and repetition. A very common figure of speech is parallelism. In parallelism, coordinate ideas are arranged in words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to emphasize and point out relations. In Text A, for example, the president uses many sentences of parallel structure. This makes his speech powerful, persuasive, and thought-provoking. It can even produce humorous effect as in the example: “You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally with doing your laundry!”The most obvious feature of Text B is that it contains many imperative sentences, and these sentences tend to be brief. An imperative sentence advises, instructs, requests, or commands. It begins with a verb; the implied subject is you.In Text B, a father makes use of imperative sentences to give advice and instructions to his child who has just left home for college. For example: “Don’t be bound by what other people think.”“Pick friends who are genuine and sincere.”“Become the great thinker you were born to be.”In class the teacher can make the students compare the writing styles of Text A and Text B. Class activities may include pair work, group discussions, and mini-surveys about students’high school experience, their families and friends, and their expectations of college life.Section AToward a brighter future for allBackground information1. American higher educationIn the United States, students can choose to go to college after high school. (They can also choose to go straight to the workforce after high school.) They have the option of attending a two-year community college before applying to a four-year university. Admission to communitycollege is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than at a university. Community college students can earn an associate agree and transfer up to two years of course credits to a university.College and university students need to pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans. Although admissions policies vary from one university to another, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student’s high school course of study, high school Grade Point Average (GPA), participation in extracurricular activities, SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) exam scores, a written essay, and possibly a personal interview with a representative from the admissions office.Most students in the United States take the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT during their final year of high school. Each university sets a minimum SAT or ACT score that a student must achieve in order to gain admission. These are standardized quantitative examinations. The SAT tests critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills, The ACT tests English, mathematics, reading, science reasoning, and includes an optional writing test.Extracurricular activities may include scholastic clubs, athletic teams, student government, and philanthropic clubs. V oluntary participation in these kinds of activities is an indication that a student has learned valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic responsibility.University students pursuing a bachelor’s degree are called “undergraduates”; students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree are called “graduate students”. Most universities give under graduate students a liberal education, which means students are required to take courses across several disciplines before they specialize in a major field of study. Graduate and professional programs, such as medicine or law, are specialized. All degree programs require students to complete a minimum number of credit hours before graduating.Selection for admission to a graduate program is based on several criteria. These include completion of a bachelor’s degree, the student’s undergraduate coursework and GPA. Students are also expected to write an essay as part of their application or to submit a writing sample. Most master’s programs require students to have a minimum score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), which tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.Students continue to take course at the graduate level. A final thesis is required for most master’s programs. Doctoral students take course until they have earned enough credit hours to attempt their qualifying examinations. These are usually taken over several days and often include a written and oral component. After doctoral students pass their qualifying exams, they are advanced to candidacy and can begin writing their dissertation. Before the degree is given, the completed dissertation must be orally defended before the candidate’s faculty committee.2. Vera WangVera Wang is a Chinese-American fashion designer. She was born and raised in New York City. While trained as a figure skater in high school, she eventually earned a degree in art history from Sarah Lawrence College in 1971. But a career in fashion was her dream. She worked as a senior fashion editor for Vogue magazine for 15 years. In 1985, she left vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as a design director for two years. In 1990, she opened her own design salon in New York, and featured her trademark bridal gowns. Wang has made wedding gowns for many celebrities and public figures, such as Jennifer Lopez (詹尼佛·洛佩兹), Sharon Stone (莎朗·斯通) and Chelsea Clinton (切尔西·克林顿).Detailed study of the text1. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. (Para. 1)Meaning: Your entering this university is an important success. This success is due to many years of your hard work, and many years of your parents’ and teachers’ hard work.★triumph: n. [C] an important victory or success after a difficult struggle (尤指苦战后获得的)胜利,成功,成就Winning the championship was a great personal triumph for this young tennis player.赢得冠军对这个年轻的网球运动员来说是很大的个人成就。

1 多年努力的结果
2 使你学有所成 3 取得佳绩 4 喜极而泣 5 无与伦比的时光 6 追求心的爱好 7 变得更加博学 8 令人头痛欲裂 9 早起的人
the triumph of years of hard work make your educational experience as rewarding as possible attain one’s best cry tears of joy
Questions for discussion
(fierce competition / feel overwhelmed / job market) Nowadays, many young people feel overwhelmed by the fierce competition in the job market.
stand a chance of
Animals stand little chance of survival under such extreme weather.

Section AText A Toward a brighter future for all1.Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
Words and phrase1. achievement n something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing:e.g. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.2. triumph n being successful or victorious 成功,胜利shouts of triumphgreat achievement or success 成功one of the triumphs of modern sciencev. ~ (over sb/sth) be successful or victorioustriumph over one's difficulties 战胜困难.3. pledge v ~ sth (to sb/sth) (fml ) promise solemnly to give (support,etc); give (one's word, honour, etc) as a pledge 保证给予(支持等); 以(誓言﹑名誉等)作担保:pledge loyalty to the king 发誓效忠国王be pledged to keeping a secret 誓守秘密.~ sb/oneself (to sth/to do sth) promise solemnly that sb/one will do sth or support a cause, etc保证某人[自己]做某事或支持某事业等The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims. 政府已承诺赈济饥民.[Tn] leave (sth) with sb as a pledge典当(某物):He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.[Tn] (fml ) drink to the health of (sb); toast (sb) 为(某人)的健康祝酒; 向(某人)祝酒:pledge the bride (新娘)and bridegroom(新郎)4. rewarding adj giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得的;有意义的;有回报的Our journey to the orphanage (孤儿院) was a very rewarding experience.Antonym: unrewardingSynonym: satisfying5.as...as possible as + adj / adv +as ; as + adj + n + as 尽力做某事的意思We have to run as fast as possible.Can you say it as loudly as possible?I hope you’ll stay as long as possible.We need as many apples as possible.You must come back as soon as possible.Word formation note:adj suffix -ing1. -ing加在某些transitive verb后,构成adj,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。
新视野读写教程第三版第一册unit 1 section a

Unit 1, Book OneSection A: Toward a brighter future for all1. Teaching Objectives:To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patternsTo study Passage A and understand the main idea of the textTo understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it To talk about college education2. Time AllotmentSection A(3 periods):1st--2nd period: Pre-reading activities(theme-related questions for warming up;While-reading activities( cultural notes; useful words and expressions;difficult sentences)3period: While-reading activities(text structure; main ideas)Post-reading activities( comprehension questions; exercises) Section B(period):4 periods: Practice of the reading skill(reading for the key idea in a sentence)T checks on Ss' home reading by asking questions based on the passage T explains some difficult sentences3.Teaching ProceduresPre-reading ActivitiesStep 1. GreetingsGreet the whole class warmlyStep 2. Lead-in and preparation for readingLet them talk to each other about the following questions1.What is the ideal university like in your eyes?2. What are your expectations of your college life?3. What advice did your parents give you before you left for college? Step 3. Fast readingAsk the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answ er the questions on the screen.Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the te xt structure.Text structure: (structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 par tsPart1(para. 1-3) Opening part of the welcome speechPart 2(para. 4-7) Making the best of what you haveChallenging yourselfFacing new experiencesOpportunities and responsibilitiesPart 3 (Para. 8)Concluding remarks of the welcome speechPurpose: Improve the students'reading and writing ability and understand the general ideaof each paragraph.Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based lan guage teachingmethod, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical re sponse method.Step 4. Preparation for details of the text on the screenStudents are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a briefpresentation In Class.Words and Phrases:Purpose: Train the Students'ability of understanding and using foreign languageMethod: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, com municativeapproach and total physical response method.1.(Para.1) pledge to do sth.作保证,承诺China and the United states pledge to boost cooperation and exchange to ensure a betterfuture for China-us ties中美政府承诺将加强合作与交流以确保两国关系的未来更加美好2.(Para. 2)remind sb of sb./sth1) make sb. remember sb. that they know or sth. that happened in t he past.使某人想起某人某事The song always reminds me of our holiday in Mexico.那首歌总让我想起我们在琴西哥的那次假期。

Unit 1, Book OneSection A: Toward a brighter future for all1. Teaching Objectives:To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patternsTo study Passage A and understand the main idea of the textTo understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing itTo talk about college education2.Time Allotment:Section A (3 periods):1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;)While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions;difficult sentences)3rd period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas)Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises)Section B(1period):4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (reading for the key idea in a sentence);T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage.T explains some difficult sentences3.Teaching Procedures:Pre-reading ActivitiesStep 1. GreetingsGreet the whole class warmly.Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for readingLet them talk to each other about the following questions:1. What is the ideal university like in your eyes?2. What are your expectations of your college life?3. What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?Step 3. Fast readingAsk the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part1 (para.1-3) Opening part of the welcome speechPart 2 (para.4-7) Making the best of what you have.Challenging yourself.Facing new experiences.Opportunities and responsibilities.Part 3 (Para.8) Concluding remarks of the welcome speech.Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.Method:Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 4. Preparation for details of the text on the screenStudents are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases:Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understandi ng and using foreign language.Method:Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.1. (Para.1)pledge to do sth. 作保证,承诺China and the United states pledge to boost cooperation and exchange to ensure a better future for China-US ties.中美政府承诺将加强合作与交流以确保两国关系的未来更加美好。
新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit1 Section A-Toward a brighter future for all

Inspiring your thoughts
Task 4
Step 1 Step 2
Inspiring your thoughts
Think over the following four questions and share your ideas with your classmates.
Summarize your ideas and write a paragraph concerning the four questions.
Project of the unit
What were the mom’s expectations of her daughter in university?
• • • • • live every moment grab every opportunity have fun in everything you do meet friends for life pass on memories…
Read Para. 1-3 and answer the following questions. 1) What type of text do you think this passage might be? a university president’s welcome speech
2) What problems do students need to tackle in university
Inspiring your thoughts
5) How should you deal with new and unpleasant experiences in college? (Para. 6) We should not worry, and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons which will enrich our life.

People were overwhelmed with amazement . " He has done everything well , " they said . " He even makes the deaf hear and the mute ”spea分k 外. 好奇
4.You will miss your old rou nes and your par’entrseminders to work har„d Reminder: n. sth that makes you no ce, remember, or think about sth. The cold served as a reminder that winter w’ats nquite finished. 寒冷的天气提醒人们冬天还没有过去。
pursuit n. overwhelm [əʊvə'welm]
vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮 Flood overwhelmed the city. 洪水淹没了那座城市。 I was overwhelmed by such a tempta on. 我经受不住那样的诱惑。 be overwhelmed by受 不起, 被征服,震撼 be overwhelmed with淹 没于
利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。 sample 英 [ˈsɑ:mpl] 美 [ˈsæmpl] n. 样品;标本,榜样;(化验的)取样; vt. 取„的样品,尤指用样品来检验 ;品尝;抽样调查 We sampled a selec on of different bo led waters. 我们品尝了一系列不同品牌的瓶装水。

Finish the exercises with the Ss together in the class.
Section B Reading More
To know the seven basic English sentence patterns.
To be able to understand and fill in registration forms.
Section A
Text A: Hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้w to Be Cool at College
Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary.
Ask some students to read the last three sentences of the first paragraph loudly in class. Guide the class to focus their attention on those important words.
To get prepared for college life by setting specific goals for college courses and campus activities.

Section A Text A Toward a brighter future for all1. Good afternoon! As president of the university,I amproud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work,both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university,we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
Words and phrase1. achievement n something very good and difficult that you havesucceeded in doing:.An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.2. triumph n being successful or victorious成功,胜利shouts of triumphgreat achievement or success成功one of the triumphs of modern sciencev. ~ (over sb/sth) be successful or victorioustriumph over one's difficulties战胜困难.3. pledge v~ sth (to sb/sth)(fml ) promise solemnly to give (support,etc); give (one's word, honour, etc) as a pledge保证给予(支持等) ;以(誓言﹑名誉等)作担保:pledge loyalty to the king发誓效忠国王be pledged to keeping a secret誓守秘密.~sb/oneself (to sth/to do sth) promise solemnly that sb/one will do sth orsupport a cause, etc 保证某人 [ 自己 ] 做某事或支持某事业等The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.政府已承诺赈济饥民 .[Tn] leave (sth) with sb as a pledge典当(某物):He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.[Tn] (fml ) drink to the health of (sb); toast (sb)为(某人)的健康祝酒; 向(某人)祝酒 :pledge the bride(新娘)and bridegroom(新郎)4. rewarding adj giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit值得的;有意义的;有回报的Our journey to the orphanage (孤儿院 ) was a very rewarding experience. Antonym: unrewardingSynonym: satisfying5. as...as possible as + adj / adv +as ; as + adj + n + as尽力做某事的意思We have to run as fast as possible.Can you say it as loudly as possibleI hope you ’ll stay as long as possible.We need as many apples as possible.You must come back as soon as possible.Word formation note:adj suffix -ing1. -ing 加在某些 transitive verb 后,构成 adj ,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。
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Unit 1Fresh start
Section A Toward a brighter future for all
I.Self introduction
II.Introduction of the pCollege English
II.Practical phrases
III. Summary
IV. Homework
1. Review what they have learned in this class;
2. Do Exercises III – VII in Section A
3. Prepare the questions about the passage
III.Introduction of teaching plan.
IV.Topic discussion (How to study English in college )
V. IntensiveReading
Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say
1.Spot Dictation
Text A shows characteristics of a speech. PronounsI, and you are more frequent1y used thanin other kinds of writing because the speakeris addressing the audience directly, hoping tomotivate the audience and to gain their support and understanding.In a speech, the speaker can employ a Variety of figures of speech to make his speechvivid and powerful, such as simile, metaphor,contrast, Parallelism(排比), and repetition. Averycommon figure of speech is parallelism. Inpara11elism,coordinate ideas are arranged inwords,phrases,sentences,andparagraphstoemphasizeandpointoutrelations.InTextA,forexample,thepresidentusesmanysentencesofparallelstructure.Thismakeshisspeechpowerful, persuasive,andthought-provoking.Itcanevenproducehumorouseffectasintheexample: “Youmayhavecriedtearsofjoytobefina1lyfinishedwithhighschool,andyourparentsmayhavecriedtearsofjoytobefinallyfinishedwithdoingyour laundry!”
Listen to a passage and fill in the missing words.
2. Questions & Answers
1)In theUnited States, what choices do thestudents have after high school?
2)What are the major criteria for university admission?
3)What kind of extracurricular activities can students participate in?
Text Analysis:Toward a brighter future for all
I.Overview of the text
Thefirstunitofthefirstbookofourseries meetsstudentswhohavejustenteredcollegeoruniversity andarebeginninganewphaseintheir lives. Wehopethatstudentswil1beabletotalkabouttheir expectationsoftheircollege experience, and theywill be aware of the expectations their parents and their educators have of them.