

RIVERBED 设置广域数 据服务的标准。

RIVERBED 设置广域数 据服务的标准。

Riverbed 的独特愿景: 全面解决问题
Riverbed 成立于 2002 年,当时其愿景是创建 一种综合且智能的解决方案,以解决网络、 应用程序、存储问题,这些问题降低了分布 式网络性能,从而导致远程站点的应用程序 和文件传输速度极慢。 Steelhead 设备的强大功能和简单易用绝非偶 然。从产品开发的第一天开始,我们就关注 IT 经理们反映的问题,并一直依靠全球客户 的需求来指导我们的开发团队,不断调整我 们的方向。作为 WDS 领域的先锋,我们的解 决方案是其他那些凭空想象和拙劣的技术无 法比拟的。 此愿景使我们获得了更多客户,并且安装了 比任何一个竞争对手都要多的设备。Riverbed 以其独特的定位,很好地协调了现实情况、 客户经验以及合作伙伴关系,从而进一步开 发和提供突破性的解决方案。
Riverbed Technology China Shanghai 12/F Shui On Plaza, 333 Huai Hai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021, CHINA Tel: +86 21 5116 0568 Fax: +86 21 5116 0755
Riverbed Technology Hong Kong 45th floor, The Lee Gardens 33 Hysan Avenue Causeway Bay, HONG KONG Tel: +852 3180 2269 Fax: +852 3180 2299
Riverbed Technology Korea Inc. POSCO Center Bldg. West Tower 11th Fl. 892 Daechi 4-Dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, 135 777 KOREA Tel: +82 2559 0760 Fax: +82 2559 0701












而Riverbed 的技术可以保证所有TCP都是正确的,并且先进行校验再传输。







Riverbed白皮书 - 广域网优化技术

Riverbed白皮书 - 广域网优化技术

RIVERVED TECHNOLOGY 白皮书白皮书-广域网优化、应用加速技术广域网优化、应用加速技术© 2008 Riverbed Technology, Inc. 保留所有权利。



这篇白皮书将对Riverbed RiOS 优化系统及其核心技术进行阐述:分布式企业结构IT所面临的挑战:当今,分布式企业所面临的挑战是如何才能切实高效地利用好信息资源。



在核心网络内,服务器和客户端之间的相互操作其速度通常能达到局域网(LAN)Gb/s 级别,但当操作涉及到外缘网络里的客户机时其速度通常只能处于广域网(WAN)级别。





Riverbed 多层优化技术:Riverbed公司由2002开始针对WAN带宽不足、时延过长、TCP传输及应用层协议效率低等问题研究开发出顶尖的WDS技术产品。

riverbed 中国区演示中心介绍

riverbed 中国区演示中心介绍

Riverbed Confidential
Steelcentral 应用可视化解决方案 - 示例
接入展示区; 登录到AppResponse/AppInternal/TTW/Dashboard/NetProfiler 的使用界面,向用户进行功能演示;
Copyright 2014 Riverbed Inc. Confidential.
作为对比测试,可以用vsp之间挂接后端存储中的testlun,测试其上启动windows虚拟机的时间,并对比两次 时间; 快速恢复的操作基本相同,无需重复操作; 远程启动服务器的时间已包含在以上步骤中;
分支机构整合(快速部署/快速恢复/远程启动服务器) -
Copyright 2014 Riverbed Inc. Confidential.
Riverbed Confidential
Thank You
* 13
Copyright 2014 Riverbed Inc. Confidential.
Riverbed Confidential
Copyright 2014 Riverbed Inc. Confidential.
Riverbed Confidential
演示场景二 广域网加速(ftp文件访问) - 示例
接入展示区; 确认两台770H正确连接并处于优化状态; Ping riverbed demo 区域内的ftp服务器,确认wan 模拟器处于 正确的设定状态(缺省为10Mbps); 通过ftp协议访问riverbed demo区域内的ftp服务器; 传输文件并记录时间,可反复传输多个大小、内容不同的文件; 关掉steelhead优化,重复步骤5; 比较步骤5和步骤7的结果;



立邦涂料(中国)有限公司Riverbed广域网应用测试项目测试报告二○○八年七月Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/20081 目录 1 测试背景....................................................................................................3 2测试环境....................................................................................................3 2.1 设备连接图.........................................................................................3 2.2 设备使用描述......................................................................................4 2.3 设备配置............................................................................................4 3测试内容....................................................................................................6 3.1 Windows 文件拷贝...............................................................................6 3.2 NOTES 应用测试:..............................................................................7 3.3 HTTP 的访问.......................................................................................9 3.4 SAP 加速...........................................................................................10 3.5 数据传输节省....................................................................................11 3.6 带宽节省报告....................................................................................13 3.7 数据流分析.......................................................................................14 3.8 客户端统计.......................................................................................15 3.9 Steelhead 的Bypass 功能...................................................................16 4Riverbed 优化设备的特色功能....................................................................18 1) 单设备双核心路由/交换机支持...........................................................18 2) 集中管理和控制.................................................................................18 3) 本地文件服务 (19)5Riverbed 与WDS 技术 (20)Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/200825.1 Riverbed 的WDS 体系结构 (21)5.1.1 基于磁盘的系统.......................................................................21 5.1.2 独立于应用的基础....................................................................21 5.1.3 特定于应用的延迟优化.............................................................21 5.2 WDS 的应用范围 (22)5.2.1 应用加速.................................................................................22 5.2.2 远程办公室数据备份.................................................................22 5.2.3 数据复制.................................................................................23 5.2.4 站点整合.................................................................................23 5.2.5 带宽优化.................................................................................23 5.3 屡获大奖的Riverbed 广域网优化产品-Steelhead ............................24 6Riverbed 广域网优化设备-Steelhead (25)Shanghai Pukka Confidential 7/13/200831 测试背景立邦涂料是世界著名的涂料制造商,成立于1883年,已有超过100年的历史,是世界上最早的涂料公司之一。


2 0 1 3年 第 2 2卷 第 8 期
h t t p : / / v n T ,  ̄. c - S - a . o r g . c a
计 算 机 系 统 应 用
基于 R i v e r b e d的 I T E R广域 网优 化方案①
杜庆庆 , 一 , 谭海波 , 李晓风
( 中国科学 院 合肥物质科学研 究院,合肥 2 3 0 0 3 1 ) ( 中国科学院研究生 院,北京 1 0 0 49 0 )
s u p p o r t s d i v e r s e Q u a l i t y o f S e r v i c e( Qo S )a n d h i g l l ・ a v a i l a b i l i t y - c l u s t ri e n g f u n c t i o n l a i y t w h i c h ma k e s s y s t e m
D U Qi n g — Qi n g “, T A N H a i - B o , L I Xi a o - F e n g ‘
( I n f o r ma t i o n C e n t e r , H e f e i ns I t i t u t e s o f P h y s i c a l S c i e n c e , C h i n e s e Ac a d e m y o f S c i e n c e s , He f e i 2 3 0 0 3 1 , C h i n a )
关键词: I T E R 网链路优化; R I O S ; 数 据优化 ; 协 议优 化
Op t i mi z a t i o n o f I TE R Wi d e Ar e a Ne t wo r k( WA N) Ba s e d o n l v e r b e d





Riverbed提供了一整套软硬件产品,包括 WAN加速器、应用程序加速器、网络性能分析和管理工具等。



















上海XX公司Riverbed广域网数据优化方案二〇〇八年九月1. 什么是广域网数据服务-WAN Data Service众所周知,由于互联网的普及,TCP/IP已经成为一个被广泛采用的网络协议。











广域数据服务(WAN Data Service)作为一个新兴的技术领域,为克服跨广域网应用性能瓶颈带来了一种创新的方法。


广域数据服务解决方案“让广域网像局域网一样”实际上有两方面的意思:1) 使广域网的性能具有质的飞跃,尤其针对那些在局域网上可以正常运行,但一到广域网就受到极大影响的应用和协议。

2) 能处理和对付横跨分布式企业网络的范围广泛的应用和协议。



Riverbed WDS 广域网优化应用加速_CNW

Riverbed WDS 广域网优化应用加速_CNW

广域网优化、 广域网优化、应用加速数据服务——为IT架构整合,服务虚拟化奠定基础 为 架构整合 架构整合,Bill TingRiverbed 产品市场总监 bting@© 2005 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALAgenda• Riverbed公司介绍 • 广域网应用加速(WDS)的解决方案 • 为什么您会关注这个技术领域? • Riverbed产品的工作原理 • 大家是如何评价Riverbed的 • 谁在购买Riverbed的产品 • 总结© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed 公司概述• Wide-area Data Services (WDS) 广域网数据加速服务的全球领导者 据加速服务的全球领导者 领导• 3500+ 客户, 40,000+ 台设备 • 快速增长、稳定、盈利的上市公司 快速增长、稳定、(NASDAQ : RVBD)▪ 700 多名员工 ▪ $300 M+ 年营业额 ▪ 2007增长率: 20% Q/Q; 160% Y/YThe InfoPro, Wave 7 Storage Survey, March 2006. Riverbed was cited as the market leader in WAFS/WDS among Fortune 1000 IT buyers Gartner Group, October 2006 Magic Quadrant Analysis.1© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL营业额与客户数量增长率$90,000,000 $80,000,000 $70,000,000 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $0Q3-04 Q4-04 Q1-05 Q2-05RevenueQuarterly Revenue ($000)Q3-05Q4-05Q1 06Q2 06Q3 06Q4 06Q1 07Q2 07Q3 07Q4 07Customers4,000 3,500 No. of Customers 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0Q3-04 Q4-04 Q1-05 Q2-05 Q3-05 Q4-05 Q1-06 Q2-06 Q3-06 Q4-06 Q1-07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed 拥有全球技术支持体系Amsterdam London San Francisco Mountain View New York Abu Dhabi Chennai Singapore Rotterdam Beijing Tokyo Seoul Hong Kong MoscowSao Paulo SantiagoJohannesburgSydney总部 备件库 技术支持中心 (TAC)© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed ‰å 亚• 16 处办公室 • 60 多名员工 • 地区性技术支持 中心与备件库 • 活跃在 20多个亚洲国家 多个亚洲国家© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALAgenda• Riverbed公司介绍 • 广域网应用加速(WDS)的解决方案 • 为什么您会关注这个技术领域? • Riverbed产品的工作原理 • 大家是如何评价Riverbed的 • 谁在购买Riverbed的产品 • 总结© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALThe 3 Main Technology Areas of Networking :• Connectivity 网络联通性 ▪ Get Data from point A to point B ▪ Wireline, Wireless, Remote Access ▪ Protocols : TCP, UDP • Security 安全性 ▪ Firewalls, VPNs, IDP etc ▪ Protocols : IPSec, SSLWANUTM• Acceleration 应用加速 ▪ Eliminate the constraints of Distance and Bandwidth ▪ Make the data available and usable to anyone, anywhere© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed WDS技术:实现全球化 零距离 的远程办公室 技术: 零距离”的远程办公室 技术 实现全球化“零距离“使 3000 公里感觉就像 30 米” 使BRANCH OFFICEWANDATA CENTERMOBILE WORKERS• 为远程办公室和移动办公用户 加速应用 • 减少带宽 - 60 ~ 95% • 消除距离限制,增长业务 增长业务© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed “Steelhead” 产品系列加速移动PC用户 加速移动 用户 数据中心 / 灾备 管理与监控CMC中央管理控制台 中央管理控制台 Steelhead Mobile Steelhead 6120小、中、大型办公室 设备容量扩展 负载均衡Steelhead Mobile 控制器Interceptor 9200 Steelhead Appliances (13 models)© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed产品的部署范例 产品的部署范例分支机构Steelhead 设备(串联部署 串联部署) 串联部署CMC中央控制台 (可选,用 中央控制台 可选 可选,设备) 于管理 Steelhead设备 设备Steelhead Mobile 控制器(Steelhead Mobile必需 必需) 必需WANInterceptor Steelhead Mobile(软件 软件) 软件 (可选 可选) 可选数据中心Steelhead 设备(可以旁路部署 可以旁路部署) 可以旁路部署移动员工© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALAgenda• Riverbed公司介绍 • 广域网应用加速(WDS)的解决方案 • 为什么您会关注这个技术领域? • Riverbed产品的工作原理 • 大家是如何评价Riverbed的 • 谁在购买Riverbed的产品 • 总结© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL矛盾的出现: 矛盾的出现:WAN和LAN巨大的性能差异 和 巨大的性能差异ApplicationFile Sharing CAD/CAM, MS-Office Email Typical Throughput @ 1.5 Mbps 100ms RTT 500 to 1000 Kbps 500 to 1000 Kbps 200 to 430 Kbps 900 to 1400 Kbps 500 to 1400 Kbps Typical LAN Throughput 40 Mbps 86 Mbps 25 Mbps 34 Mbps 72 Mbps• Windows (CIFS) • Unix/Linux (NFS) • Exchange (MAPI) • Domino/Notes • HTTP • Intranet • ERP • SnapMirror • MS Backup • SMS • MS-SQL • Oracle SQLWeb FTP Backup & Replication Software Distribution DatabaseWAN throughput 1.2 to 1.4 Mbps <1% of the LAN 89 Mbps is89 Mbps 55 Mbps 60 Mbps 30 Mbps 30 Mbps1.2 to 1.4 Mbps 600 to 950 Kbps 600 to 750 Kbps 150 to 400 Kbps 150 to 400 Kbps© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL这意味着什么 ? 意味着什么• 如果不借助 Riverbed WDS 技术 :▪ WAN & IT 架构 :» 太多分布式架构 » 耗费能源 » 运维费用失控▪ 整合与虚拟化Consolidation & Virtualisation :» 性能无法接受 » 用户抱怨 !“IT” =▪ 许多潜在大问题 :» 数据安全, » 灾难恢复, » 监管问题时间与金钱 时间与金钱的巨大 与金 浪费 ??© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALAgenda• Riverbed公司介绍 • 广域网应用加速(WDS)的解决方案 • 为什么您会关注这个技术领域? • Riverbed产品的工作原理 • 大家是如何评价Riverbed的 • 谁在购买Riverbed的产品 • 总结© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL广域网上应用性能差的三个根源1. 没有足够的带宽 2. 传输层协议效率低实际吞吐率的秘密杀手! 延时 - 实际吞吐率的秘密杀手3. 应用层协议效率低 不把这三个问题都解决,用户就看不到显著性能的提升© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed RiOS is an integrated approach Riverbed RiOS是一种集成化的解决之道 是一种集成化的解决之道The Riverbed Optimization SystemData Streamlining 数据优化 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Optimize WAN bandwidth utilization 优化数据和减少带宽的使用 Prioritize applications’ bandwidth use 对应用进行优先级处理 Eliminate transport protocol inefficiencies 消除传输协议的低效率 Support end-to-end secure traffic acceleration (SSL) 支持端到端的SSL流量加速 Optimize application WAN performance 优化应用在广域网上的性能 Reduce protocol chattiness 减少应用协议的啰嗦性 Enable transparent deployment 实现透明部署 Facilitate central management and reporting 提供集中化的管理和报表Transport Streamlining 传输优化Application Streamlining 应用优化Management Streamlining 管理优化© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL数据优化 克服带宽限制WAN使用率减少 使用率减少60-99% 使用率减少Request Files & Data Data Reconstructed Files & DataWANDATA CENTER BRANCH OFFICE• Requests go directly from the client to the server • Steelhead auto-intercepts response, and segments data • Only new bytes compressed & sent over the WAN • 16-Byte references communicate megabytes of existing data • Remote Steelhead reconstructs data and delivers it to the client© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL克服TCP协议的局限 传输层优化 克服 协议的局限WAN来回次数减少 来回次数减少60-98% 来回次数减少WANDATA CENTER BRANCH OFFICEMake TCP payload bigger16KBDataRepack payload with references to 100KB+ ReferencesFrom 100KB+ to Virtual 1MB+New data© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL应用层优化 克服应用协议的局限典型的低效率应用Open FIDWANRead 1 Read 2DATA CENTERBRANCH OFFICE© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL应用层优化 克服应用协议的局限RequestOptimized WAN TransferWANDATA CENTER BRANCH OFFICESteelhead completes transaction locallySteelhead completes transaction locallyWAN来回次数减少 来回次数减少65-98% 来回次数减少© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed’s approach accelerates all TCP applications Riverbed加速多种 加速多种TCP的应用 加速多种 的应用© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALWhat can WDS help to build Eco-Efficient IT system? WDS如何帮助建造具有节能省钱IT架构? Less EquipmentConsolidation enables fewer servers, with higher utilization WDS helps avoid upgrades in routers, switches, and bandwith Less server and equipment will save power consumption Steelhead mobile saves real estate and offices. WDS = Higher Energy with same MASSLess PowerBetter efficiency with same powerEnergize your IT infrastructure with very efficient WDS solution. WDS - Efficient way to use your current resources, without investing in moreEnergy© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALPerformance enables successful branch office consolidationTape BackupSteelhead appliances and Steelhead Mobile give remote users LAN-like performanceTape Backup Storage FilersvWANWeb Servers Mail Servers Filers DATA CENTERv vv vvFile ServersMail Web Servers ServersMOBILE WORKERS• Branch Office Consolidation ▪ Eliminate local file, email, and web servers – drive high utilization in the data center ▪ Virtualize for even more IT reduction • Dependence on the network creates major congestion problems and slow applications ▪ Unhappy users = unsuccessful consolidation project which may be reversed© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed 能够协助许多不同的项目获得成功应用加速• • • • • • • • • 移动员工加速 Windows 文件共享 Email Web ERP/CRM Lotus Notes NFS FTP 自开发应用 • • • • • • • •站点整合文件服务器 邮件服务器 文件存储 远程存储 磁带备份设备 Off-site 介质管理 在线备份 外包服务 • • • • • •带宽优化减少 WAN 带宽 避免 WAN 升级 扩展窄带链路 用满 LFN 流量优先级 保护 VoIP • • • • • • •灾备减少RTO 减少RPO 远程办公室备份 服务器复制 SAN 复制 VM 复制 在线备份Riverbed SteelheadTM 设备 Steelhead MobileTM 软件© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALAgenda• Riverbed公司介绍 • 广域网应用加速(WDS)的解决方案 • 为什么您会关注这个技术领域? • Riverbed产品的工作原理 • 大家是如何评价Riverbed的 • 谁在购买Riverbed的产品 • 总结© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed 屡获业界的 屡获业界的WDS奖项 奖项© 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIALRiverbed 带来业务收益投资回收周期 架构费用节省“减少了66% 的 Exchange 服务器及相关 费用” – Greenhill Investments “我们所有的建筑设计师 – 全球各地的 – 就像在同一间办公室一样工作” – Gensler Architecture “每月带宽节省了$500,000. 投资回收周期 仅为5个月,还不包括生产效率提高带 来的好处” – LG Electronics “我们的 WAN 备份窗口从4小时减少到了5分 钟。



1.Riverbed 公司Steelhead加速设备基本配置步骤连接Console线用随机所带Console线,从设备的console口,连接到计算机的串行口上。


终端仿真程序应当进行如下设置:速率:9600 数据位:8停止位:1 奇偶位:无流控:无设备加电用随机所带电源线,将设备连接到电源上。




如下所示,其中用户的输入用红色字体表示:Riverbed Steelheadamnesiac login: adminPassword: password开始配置登录成功之后,会自动进入初始配置向导。



下面是配置向导的示例:Last login: Thu Jan 3 07:50:57 on ttyS0Riverbed Steelhead configuration wizard.Do you want to auto-configure using a CMC? nDo you want to use the wizard for initial configuration? yStep 1: Hostname? [amnesiac] test-beijing <- 给设备指定一个名称Step 2: Use DHCP on primary interface? [yes]Step 3: Admin password?Step 4: SMTP server? []Step 5: Notification email address?Step 6: Set the primary interface speed? [auto]Step 7: Set the primary interface duplex? [auto]Step 8: Would you like to activate the in-path configuration? [no] yStep 9: In-Path IP address? <- 设备的IP地址Step 10: In-Path Netmask? [] <- 设备的掩码Step 11: In-Path Default gateway? <- 设备的缺省网关Step 12: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed? [auto]Step 13: Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex? [auto]Step 14: Set the in-path:WAN interface speed? [auto]Step 15: Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex? [auto]You have entered the following information:1. Hostname: test-beijing2. Use DHCP on primary interface: yes3. Admin password: (unchanged)4. SMTP server:5. Notification email address:6. Set the primary interface speed: auto7. Set the primary interface duplex: auto8. Would you like to activate the in-path configuration: yes9. In-Path IP address: In-Path Netmask: In-Path Default gateway: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed: auto13. Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex: auto14. Set the in-path:WAN interface speed: auto15. Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex: autoTo change an answer, enter the step number to return to.Otherwise hit <enter> to save changes and exit.Choice:Configuration changes saved.To return to the wizard from the CLI, use the "configuration jump-start" command in configure mode. Enter configuration mode using commands "enable" and "configuration terminal." Launching CLI...test-beijing >至此,设备的基本配置完成。

magic_quadrant_for_wan_optimization contrrollers_153256 - 2007

magic_quadrant_for_wan_optimization contrrollers_153256 - 2007

Research Publication Date: 14 December 2007 ID Number: G0*******© 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction and distribution of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Although Gartner's research may discuss legal issues related to the information technology business, Gartner does not provide legal Magic Quadrant for WAN Optimization Controllers, 2007 Andy Rolfe, Joe SkorupaThe WOC market is maturing rapidly, but remains dynamic with a high level ofinnovation from vendors. Organizations looking to acquire WOC capabilities should identify their specific needs and conduct real-life trials before committing to any purchase.WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWOptimization techniques for wide-area networks (WANs) can improve most organizations' application response times, particularly where network latency is high, which is often due to centralization of servers and IT resources. Typically, WAN optimization controllers (WOCs) serve to prevent network latency having a severe impact on the performance of applications and underlying protocols. Through data reduction and prioritization techniques, WOCs can also help organizations avoid costly bandwidth upgrades.The WOC market is rapidly maturing, but it is still dynamic with a high level of vendor innovation. This has led to different vendors offering different combinations of features. So, before choosing a vendor, ensure you understand the applications and services running on your network, and the protocols they use. Also conduct a detailed analysis of your network traffic to identify specific problems — for example, excessive latency, bandwidth oversubscription or lack of prioritization for certain types of traffic. Finally, insist on a real-life trial before committing to any purchase.At present, WOC capabilities are delivered by dedicated equipment, usually purchased by the user organization. As the market develops, we expect to see increasing deployment of managed WAN optimization services, and some integration of WOC features into other network equipment such as routers. Our advice on stand-alone WOC equipment selection should therefore be considered in light of these anticipated changes in the market, and we recommend that selection is made on the basis of relatively short payback times (typically less than three years) and on current and near-term product capabilities.Note: as the inclusion criteria and feature expectations have changed since our "Magic Quadrant for WAN Optimization Controllers, 2006," one cannot compare a vendor's absolute position on the 2006 Magic Quadrant with its position in the 2007 edition. A shift in the absolute position of a vendor since the 2006 version does not imply that Gartner's opinion of the vendor has improved or deteriorated.Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 2 of 18MAGIC QUADRANTFigure 1. Magic Quadrant for WAN Optimization Controllers, 2007Source: Gartner (November 2007)Market OverviewWAN optimization is about improving the performance of business applications over WAN connections. Most networks carry a variety of types of traffic, of differing characteristics and importance. Many organizations are striving to manage this traffic to optimize the response times of critical applications and reduce costs, given that bandwidth continues to represent a significant proportion of operating expenditure for wide-area data networks. But the cost of bandwidth isn't the only consideration — matching the allocation of WAN resources to business needs is also important. And as resources are increasingly centralized, minimizing the effect of latency on application response times is becoming a critical requirement. In addition, new application Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 3 of 18environments, like browser-based applications and Web services, can put an unexpected strain on the network.Different types of traffic and IT architecture present both difficulties and opportunities for improving the response times of essential applications. For example:•Traffic that isn't time-sensitive, like e-mail, backups and personal Web access, can swamp WAN links, leading to slow response times from business-critical applications.•Global centralization of branch office servers and data centers can expose latency-sensitive protocols, again leading to slow response times.•File transfers, operating system patch distribution and similar applications, such as the delivery of training videos, can quickly saturate WANs.•Repeated transmission of the same, or similar, files, objects or data patterns can create opportunities for data compression.Since optimizing overall application response times is a requirement for many organizations, this Magic Quadrant reviews vendors that address the common need to make more efficient and effective use of wide-area connections, regardless of the type of traffic or application. The predominant need is still to optimize the connection between users in remote branch locations and IT centralized resources. However, we are also beginning to see the emergence of requirements to optimize connections between data centers, and between single remote users and centralized resources. In addition, we see early signs of a need to optimize traffic to mobile devices.The development of the application acceleration market has been driven by customer demand for highly integrated solutions that employ a wide range of techniques to optimize network traffic, and that offer greater scalability and fault tolerance. Vendors in this space initially addressed either the traffic shaping/quality of service (QOS) market or the compression/caching market. These two segments have now largely merged, with most products supporting both sets of capabilities. While these capabilities address the problem of inadequate bandwidth, network latency is increasingly becoming a limiting factor on remote application performance. We therefore see an increasing need for both generic and application-specific optimizations to mitigate the impact of network latency on remote application performance. For instance, most WOC vendors have added specific acceleration features for TCP, HTTP and Microsoft Common Internet File System (CIFS) file access. CIFS is the protocol used by Windows applications to gain access to remote files and printers and other resources.Some vendors are now merging their enterprise content delivery network (ECDN) and WOC products, or are adding ECDN features to their WOC products. ECDN offers the capability to deliver live and on-demand streaming media content, by pre-positioning content in the cache. This helps to improve response times for semi-static content, such as business procedures and software upgrades. The ECDN market is now merging into the WOC market.In addition, the following WOC product trends are emerging:•Soft WOC clients are emerging, allowing single remote PC users to take advantage of a subset of WOC capabilities.•In branch offices, the capabilities of WOCs will evolve to the point where they can support server-less branch operations, also described as branch office boxes (BOBs).This will require the addition of supporting features including Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol (DHCP), Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory cachingand print serving.Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 4 of 18•Monitoring and enforcing application-specific service levels that are visible to end users will emerge as a key requirement for WOC equipment.•Increasing user demand for security capabilities such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) optimization and, in some environments, encrypted tunnels between WOCs andencrypted discs.•Increasing integration of router features into WOC equipment, such as policy-based routing and route selection.At present, WOC capabilities are delivered by dedicated equipment, usually purchased by the user organization. As the market develops, we expect to see increasing deployment of managed WAN optimization services, and some integration of WOC features into other network equipment such as routers.Market Definition/DescriptionA WOC can be either a piece of customer premises equipment, typically connected to the LAN side of WAN routers, or a software application integrated with client devices and servers. Some basic functions of WOCs may also be available in WAN routers. WOCs are typically deployed symmetrically — in data centers and remote locations — and improve the performance of applications that are accessed across a WAN. They address application performance problems caused by bandwidth constraints and latency or protocol limitations. The primary function of WOCs is to improve the response times of business-critical applications over WAN links, but they can also help to maximize return on the investment in WAN bandwidth, and sometimes avoid the need for costly bandwidth upgrades. To achieve these objectives, WOCs use a combination of techniques, including:•Ensuring fair access for mission-critical applications during periods of congestion by prioritizing business-critical traffic, through QOS policing and traffic shaping, forexample.•Minimizing the effects of network latency using methods like protocol- and application-specific optimization.•Reducing the bandwidth required to transfer WAN traffic by compressing it, for example.Note that when WOCs are deployed to support server centralization, bandwidth requirements may need to be increased to provide quick response times for file open operations and to accommodate the demands of Web browser-based applications.Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaTo help organizations with their WAN optimization needs, Gartner has assessed vendors that offer generic, multifunction controllers or software, rather than those that offer only application- or protocol-specific ones for Web caching, HTTP compression or remotely mounted file systems, or single functions such as QOS.Since WOC technology is still maturing, and there remain significant variations between implementations, we are focusing on evaluating the different feature sets available. Therefore we have only included vendors that were substantially the original developers of their WOC products (either directly or through acquisition). We have excluded vendors that source the bulk of their technology under OEM or resale agreements.As this market develops, we expect vendors that offer a combination of techniques, both generic and application- or protocol-specific, to be the most successful. To be included in the 2007 Magic Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 5 of 18Quadrant, vendors' products must include capabilities in at least three of the four broad categories of WAN acceleration techniques:•Traffic management capabilities such as WAN QOS classification and enforcement or traffic shaping.•Compression, caching and/or data replication or reduction capabilities.•Generic protocol acceleration (for TCP or HTTP, for example).• Application-specific optimization features, such as acceleration of the CIFS file-sharing protocol.Effectively, this means that we now expect to see either generic or application-specific optimization/acceleration in the minimum WOC feature set. This reflects the increased importance of latency as a limit on remote application performance that we are hearing about from our clients.We have included vendors with measurable market share, plus some smaller suppliers that either offer broad capabilities or have generated interest among Gartner's clients. We have only included vendors that had shipped revenue-generating products by 13 September 2007. Due to the wide geographical reach of the networks that will benefit most from this technology, included vendors need to have, or demonstrate that they will soon have, a global installation and support capability. As this Magic Quadrant is intended to inform enterprise purchasing decisions, we have only included vendors that have a specific focus on enterprise customers.AddedNo vendors have been added.DroppedStreamcore Systems and Converged Access have been dropped, as their products do not meet the revised inclusion criteria. Streamcore's focus is on QOS and reporting, particularly for service providers, while Converged Access addresses the small and midsize business market, with a particular emphasis on voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Both vendors lack features to mitigate the impact of network latency on network and application protocols.Evaluation CriteriaAbility to ExecuteGartner analysts evaluate technology providers on the quality and efficacy of the processes, systems, methods or procedures that enable IT provider performance to be competitive, efficient and effective, and to positively impact revenue, retention and reputation. Ultimately, technology providers are judged on their ability and success in capitalizing on their vision.Product/ServiceCore goods and services offered by the technology provider that serve the defined market. These include current product and service capabilities, quality, feature sets and skills, whether offered natively or through OEM agreements and partnerships, as defined in the market definition and detailed in the subcriteria. For the WOC market, this criterion evaluates both the capabilities of the product (as fully released and generally available at 13 September 2007) as well as the underlying hardware and software platform(s) upon which the vendor's products are based, the breadth of the product range, and products' suitability for supporting additional features in future. Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 6 of 18Overall Viability (Business Unit, Financial, Strategy, Organization): FinancialsViability includes an assessment of the overall organization's financial health, the financial and practical success of the business unit, and the likelihood that the individual business unit will continue to invest in and offer the product, and advance the state of the art within the organization's portfolio of products.Sales Execution/PricingThe technology providers' capabilities in all pre-sales activities and the structure that supports them. This includes deal management, pricing and negotiation, pre-sales support and the overall effectiveness of the sales channel. For the WOC market, the sales-execution sub-criterion is more highly rated than the pricing sub-criterion.Marketing ExecutionThe clarity, quality, creativity and efficacy of programs designed to deliver the organization's message in order to influence the market, promote the brand and business, increase awareness of products, and establish a positive identification with the product/brand and organization in the minds of buyers. This "mind share" can be driven by a combination of publicity, promotional, thought leadership, word-of-mouth and sales activities. We consider the success and mind share of products in the WOC market, including the installed base and market share, as well as the maturity and breadth of the organization's distribution channels. Also considered are the quality of customer case studies and the level of interest from Gartner clients.Customer ExperienceRelationships, products and services/programs that enable clients to be successful with the products evaluated. Specifically, this includes the ways customers receive technical support or account support. This can also include ancillary tools, customer support programs (and the quality thereof), availability of user groups and service-level agreements. For the WOC market, the vendor's global installation and support capabilities are a key component of the customer experience. This can extend to considerations such as products' ease of use, ancillary tools, customer support programs (and their quality), availability of user groups and service-level agreements. Also considered is the quality of customer references, and the experience of the vendor among Gartner clients.The following evaluation criteria have not been used:•Market Responsiveness and Track Record is evaluated under Marketing Execution.•Operations is covered under Overall Viability.Table 1. Ability to Execute Evaluation CriteriaEvaluation Criteria WeightingProduct/Service standardhighOverall Viability (Business Unit, Financial, Strategy,Organization)Sales Execution/Pricing highMarket Responsiveness and Track Record no ratingMarketing Execution standardCustomer Experience highPublication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 7 of 18Evaluation Criteria Weightingrating Operations no Source: GartnerCompleteness of VisionGartner analysts evaluate technology providers on their ability to convincingly articulate logical statements about current and future market direction, innovation, customer needs, and competitive forces and how well they map to Gartner's position. Ultimately, technology providers are rated on their understanding of how market forces can be exploited to create opportunity for the provider.Market UnderstandingAbility of the technology provider to understand buyers' needs and to translate these needs into products and services. Vendors that show the highest degree of vision listen and understand buyers' wants and needs, and can shape or enhance those wants with their added vision. For the WOC market, we expect to see a consistent track record of feature enhancements, together with a sound product road map.Marketing StrategyA clear, differentiated set of messages consistently communicated throughout the organization and externalized through the Web site, advertising, customer programs and positioning statements.Sales StrategyThe strategy for selling product that uses the appropriate network of direct and indirect sales, marketing, service, and communication affiliates that extend the scope and depth of market reach, skills, expertise, technologies, services and the customer base.Business ModelThe soundness and logic of a technology provider's underlying business proposition.InnovationDirect, related, complementary and synergistic layouts of resources, expertise or capital for investment, consolidation, defensive or pre-emptive purposes. WOC vendors with a track recordof early introduction of new features and capabilities will be highly rated. As well as feature innovation in the four broad categories defined in the inclusion criteria, we expect to see innovation in the scope of product availability (for instance, breadth of product range, including data center, branch and remote access products), in high-availability options, and in manageability and maintainability.Geographic StrategyThe technology provider's strategy to direct resources, skills and offerings to meet the specific needs of geographies outside the "home" or native geography, either directly or through partners, channels and subsidiaries, as appropriate for that geography and market. For the WOC market, we expect to see a sales and support strategy that recognizes the global nature of many user organizations' WOC needs.The following evaluation criteria have not been used:Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 8 of 18•Offering (Product) Strategy is covered under Market Understanding and Innovation.•Vertical/Industry Strategy is not relevant because WOC equipment is being adopted across a broad range of industries, and is a generic technology that is not industry-specific.Table 2. Completeness of Vision Evaluation CriteriaEvaluation Criteria WeightingMarket Understanding highMarketing Strategy standardSales Strategy standardratingOffering (Product) Strategy noBusiness Model standardratingVertical/Industry Strategy noInnovation high Geographic Strategy standardSource: GartnerLeadersLeaders exhibit an ability to shape the market by introducing additional capabilities in their product offerings and by raising awareness of the importance of these features. We expect a Leader to be growing the market as a whole, and to have solutions that resonate with an increasing number of enterprises. Leaders in the WOC market need to have a broad feature set, including QOS, generic compression, protocol acceleration and file system acceleration, with the majority of features proven in substantial real-world implementations. They also need to be able to offer sales and support on a global basis.ChallengersA Challenger in this market is a follower from a product or innovation perspective, but has demonstrated the ability to take its products into the market and to show their relevance to a wide audience. Challengers may have less-complete feature sets than Leaders, or they may have new products that are as yet unproven in substantial real-world implementations.VisionariesVisionaries need to address the whole market and must exhibit strong market understanding and innovation. They can be pointers to the market's future. However, they currently lack the ability to influence a large portion of the market, and have yet to expand their sales and support capabilities globally. In addition, they may have new products that are as yet unproven in substantial real-world implementations, or may lack the funds to execute with the same capabilities as a vendor in the Leaders quadrant.Niche PlayersNiche Players provide a more limited set of capabilities, and have not demonstrated enough vision or focused execution to warrant a stronger position in our analysis. They may be indicative of emerging requirements and features. Niche Players have yet to expand their sales and support capabilities globally. Additionally, they may have new products that are as yet unproven inPublication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 9 of 18substantial real-world implementations or may lack the funds to execute with the same capabilities as a vendor in the Leaders quadrant.Vendor Strengths and CautionsBlue Coat SystemsStrengths•For a late entrant to the market, Blue Coat has executed well in the last year, ramping up both product capabilities and sales execution. Blue Coat's Mach5 WOC features areavailable as a software upgrade for existing Blue Coat SG appliance customers. As well as orders for upgrades, Blue Coat has secured a substantial number of new WOCcustomers in the past year.•Blue Coat has strong market understanding, demonstrated through its broad WOC range and feature set. This includes HTTPS acceleration, ECDN, a software client("SoftWOC") and support for streaming media.•Blue Coat and its distribution partners have good application delivery and security credibility.Cautions•Mach5 has weaker reporting and monitoring capabilities than some other leading vendors' products.•Blue Coat SG appliances offer only average acceleration and WAN performance, and lack the performance necessary for data center-to-data center acceleration. Hardwareand software upgrades to enhance performance were announced just before thisanalysis was completed.CerteonStrengths•Certeon offers encrypted disks in its WOC appliance, and HTTPS acceleration.•The Certeon product accelerates applications, with specific emphasis on Microsoft applications including Microsoft SharePoint and Office, and EMC Documentum.•Certeon has a strong marketing focus on verticals, and application-specific channels and partnerships.Cautions•Privately-held Certeon lacks financial strength compared with leading vendors. This limits its ability to develop its product, sales and support capabilities. For example,Certeon has limited distribution channels and geographic reach, leading to weak salesand marketing execution.•Certeon focuses on a small number of applications, and has limited appreciation of overall market requirements.Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 10 of 18Cisco SystemsStrengths•Cisco has extensive worldwide support and distribution capabilities.•Layer 3 and Layer 4 header preservation comes as a standard feature, which may minimize the changes that have to be made to security and network monitoringconfigurations when implementing WAN optimization.Cautions•Successful implementation often requires multiple days by on-site Cisco engineers, due to the solution's complexity. There is no single view of configuration, policy or WANoptimization features that are split across Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) andseveral router-based Internetwork Operating System (IOS) software options.•Cisco has been slow to understand emerging market needs, resulting in WAAS feature releases usually following other vendors' innovations. For instance, WAAS lacksadvanced features such as acceleration for HTTPS and Messaging ApplicationProgramming Interface (MAPI), and Cisco does not offer a software WOC client. Each of these features is available from other vendors.Citrix SystemsStrengths•Transparency — there are no tunnels, and Layer 3 and Layer 4 header preservation comes as a standard feature, which may minimize the changes that have to be made tosecurity and network monitoring configurations when implementing WAN optimization.•Citrix offers a SoftWOC.•Citrix has application delivery credibility and application-savvy channels.•Citrix's Microsoft partnership should deliver strong mid-market BOB capability. Cautions•There has been slow progress since Citrix's acquisition of Orbital Data in 2006.•Citrix's WANScaler WOC is unproven in networks with large numbers of sites.Exinda NetworksStrengths•Exinda is focusing on the mid-market, supported by an innovative portal-based software as a service (SaaS) management console and a channel-friendly offering.•Exinda offers the lowest-entry-cost disk-based appliances on the market.•Exinda delivers good QOS and reporting and application visibility.•Exinda offers an option to preserve Layer 3 and 4 headers, which may minimize the changes that have to be made to security and network monitoring configurations whenimplementing WAN optimization.Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 11 of 18Cautions•As a privately-held company, Exinda has limited funds compared with other vendors analyzed in this report. This limits its ability to develop its product, sales and supportcapabilities. Additional funding will likely be required for Exinda to extend its limiteddistribution channels and somewhat limited geographic reach.•Exinda has been slow to respond to changing market needs. Its recently launched CIFS acceleration feature is unproven in large networks, and advanced acceleration features(such as SSL and MAPI acceleration, and SoftWOC) are lacking.Expand NetworksStrengths•Expand has strong market understanding, demonstrated through a broad feature set and the best mix of QOS, reporting and acceleration features.•There is a low-priced entry-level CIFS model, and a CIFS proxy supporting disconnected operation and service message block (SMB) signing.•Expand offers a Layer 3 and Layer 4 header preservation mode, which may minimize the changes that have to be made to security and network monitoring configurationswhen implementing WAN optimization.Cautions•Although Expand has strong sales channels in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia/Pacific, its sales and support channels are weaker in the U.S. Toimprove its ability to serve global customers, Expand must increase its sales andsupport capabilities in North America. This expansion may be limited by Expand'sweaker financial position, compared with other leaders.•Expand has limited WAN capacity at high end.•Expand lacks HTTPS acceleration and SoftWOC features.F5 NetworksStrengths•F5 has shown good market understanding, supported by application delivery and security credibility.•TMOS, F5's software platform for multiple application acceleration products, will enable feature portability and management integration.• F5 has application-savvy distribution channels.Cautions•F5 has been late to market with proven, competitive products, resulting in low sales so far.•The company's WANJet product lacks advanced features such as acceleration for HTTPS and MAPI. Also, F5 does not offer a SoftWOC, although some SoftWOC-typefeatures are provided by its BIG-IP WebAccelerator.Publication Date: 14 December 2007/ID Number: G0******* Page 12 of 18。










将 WEB文件缓存到设备中,主要是针对 WEB 应用访问,对于TCP 应用是没有效果的;另一种是动态缓存,将数据压缩以后按照重复性频率较高的字节以指针的方式缓存于设备中,下次遇到同样的数据时,将直接从缓存中存取。

(这类技术是当前的主流应用;该技术从存在目标上是解决文件同步级的“加速的”,对应用系统的加速主要由其他相关技术实现)2、 TCP优化及应用优化(这个是WAN优化领域的关键技术之一)专用的 TCP加速或应用加速设备可以帮助改善网络环境中的应用性能,如大带宽链路、大文件传输、高时延、相当大的网络交易等。






为帮助我们的用户迅速了解广域网优化技术,了解各主要厂家的技术研发方向,技术水平及技术侧重点,我们选取了三个厂商Riverbed、Juniper和Blue Coat做一比较,以便对他们彼此之间的技术优势有一个相对客观的分析和认识。

Riverbed分析报告Riverbed成立于2002年,是广域网数据服务技术WDS(WAN Data Service)技术的发明者。


广泛的应用支持Steelhead针对应用的特定优化模块最为广泛,目前具有的应用模块包括CIFS、MAPI 2000/2003/2007、HTTP、NFS、SSL、Oracle、Lotus Notes等,是业界最为丰富的。




只有少数其他产品支持SSL 加速,并且其支持的方式比较落后,会降低原有的安全等级。

针对特定链路的HS—TCP和MXTGP对于一些特定的广域网链路如卫星链路、基于Internet的IPsec VPN或155M以上ATM链路,Steelhead提供高速TCP.HS—TCP和MXTCP功能来进行更完善的优化。


最新 Riverbed将广域网速度提高200倍-精品

最新 Riverbed将广域网速度提高200倍-精品

Riverbed将广域网速度提高200倍近日,致力于广域网(WAN)IP应用加速技术的厂商Riverbed公司正式发布了两款最新的广域网加速设备――Steelhead 100和Steelhead 200。




随着IP应用的日益普及, WAN链路传输速度的局限逐渐影响了IP应用的发展。


经过几年的研究,Steelhead成功实现了这一目标,经过专家的测试,过去在WAN 传输需要15分钟的IP应用,在应用了Steelhead后,只需要4秒钟的时间,整整提高了225倍!据悉,这主要是应用了碎片和指针技术,将各种IP应用分解成不重复的小包,在WAN传输的数据比以前减少了90%以上。


Steelhead 100能够同时支持25个TCP连接,足以满足5位用户同时使用;Steelhead 200则同时支持75个TCP连接和20位用户。

Steelhead 100可以通过软件升级的方式升迁为Steelhead 200。

(胡英) 编辑点评过去,由于价格昂贵,广域网应用加速技术只有大型企业才用得起,今天,Steelhead 100和200的推出,使带宽资源在十分有限的小型远程办公点也可以采用,使WAN应用加速终于走下神坛。



1 Riverbed公司简介Riverbed在2002年成立于美国旧金山,是广域网优化技术的发明者。




全球著名的IT咨询公司Gartner Group对于广域网优化和应用加速这一新兴技术领域的相关公司做了仔细的调研和严格的评估。



2 Riverbed方案特点与优势设备部署简易方便对于大型用户的广域网优化项目,由于安装地点会分布在全球各地,系统集成工作会很繁重。





在应用协议层面,Riverbed产品支持最多种类的应用优化,包括:1)对Microsoft CIFS协议进行优化,而且适用于Windows Server2003/2008/2010系统。

steelhead cx-770 工作原理

steelhead cx-770 工作原理

steelhead cx-770 工作原理Steelhead CX-770 是Riverbed 公司生产的一款WAN 优化设备,旨在通过压缩、缓存和优化数据传输,提高广域网(WAN)连接的性能。

以下是Steelhead CX-770 的工作原理的一般概述:1.数据压缩:Steelhead CX-770 使用压缩算法对数据进行压缩,以减小数据在网络中的传输量。




3.数据优化和加速:Steelhead CX-770 还会对网络流量进行优化,通过删除不必要的冗余数据和协议优化来提高数据传输效率。

这包括对TCP/IP 协议的优化,以减少网络往返时间。



5.QoS(Quality of Service)支持:Steelhead CX-770 可以通过提供QoS 支持来确保关键应用程序的良好性能。


总体而言,Steelhead CX-770 通过这些优化手段,降低了WAN上数据传输的延迟和带宽使用,提高了企业应用在分布式网络环境中的性能。






其中Riverbed Cloud Steelhead是业界首个专门针对公共云环境而定制的广域网优化解决方案,能够在云服务供应商所提供的环境中轻松安装和扩展,解决了私有云、公共云以及混合云等环境下的问题。

Riverbed Whitewater是专门用于备份和选择归档负载


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• • • • • • •
文件服务器 邮件服务器 文件储存服务器 远程存储 磁带备份设备 远程媒体管理 外包服务
• • • • • •
减少带宽 避免广域网升级 扩展狭窄链路 填充 LFNs 优先流量优化 保护VolP质量
• • • • • •
减少RTO/RPO时间 远程站点备份 服务器复制 存储区域网络复制 虚拟备份 在线备份
- Network Engineer
• 每月节省带宽费用 US $500,000 • 在所有地方都可以使用公司的应用 • 5个月的带宽节省就收回投资
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
Riverbed Q3 2012: 领先的市场份额
Source: Gartner (December 2012)
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
Riverbed Steelhead 广域网优化产品 客户案例分析
2 2
广域网优化-创建高效率、低成本企业 IT 架构
应用加速 站点整合
• • • • • • •
Windows文件共享 邮件MS MAPI 网页HTTP/HTTPS ERP/CRM Lotus Notes软件 NFS、FTP 为移动员工加速
Riverbed 拥有最大规模的用户部署
澳大利亚最大的银行,部署了超过 230 个站点,目的是提供 Web与办公室应用的性能
部署了300台设备。目的是整合 SharePoint 和 .NET 应用
部署了超过180台设备. 目的是将多个数据中心整合为一个 主数据中心。
Source: Gartner (January 2012) – Joe Skorupa, Severine Real
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
拥有15万员工,业务遍及70个国家的大型飞机制造商 国际员工通过VPN连接 销售人员和工程师经常要外出拜访客户或在合作伙伴的办 公地点工作 战略合作伙伴能够和公司员工一 控制器
在采用Steelhead Mobile后,公司移动 办公和远程办公的人 员,甚至是战略合作 伙伴,都可以以接近 局域网的性能访问公 司数据。
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.
report. The Gartner report is available upon request from Riverbed. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Alcatel-Lucent(阿尔卡特朗讯) 背景
• 最大的电信设备制造商之一; • 3,000 分支机构, 79,000 员工 • 年收入180亿美金;
全球已经部署了超过 250 个站点,计划扩 展到700个 中国已部署10个重要站点,计划在国内所 有分支机构部署Riverbed加速设备。
中国最大的通讯设备供应商,全球第二大电信设备制造商 近年获得的主要成就:
Gartner “Magic Quadrant for WAN Optimization Controllers, 2012”
Riverbed从2006年起 This Magic Quadrant graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research note and 年年稳居第一 should be evaluated in the context of the entire
© 2009 Riverbed Technology. Confidential. IMPORTANT NOTE: The roadmap is for information purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver © 2006 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY, INC – CONFIDENTIAL any new products, features or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at Riverbed's sole discretion.