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1. 我订一张去伦敦的票。I’d like a ticket to London, please.

明天上午9点我到酒店大堂来接你们Tomorrow morning at 9:00 o’clock, I will come to meet you at the lobby.

我们很重视技术的发展和产品的开发We value the development of technology and products. 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。We have a wide selection of colors and designs.

你们的品位真高啊。这些衬衫在海外市场很畅销呢。I should say you have such a high taste. These shirts are our best sellers in overseas markets.

2. 你来美国的目的是什么?For what purpose are you coming to America?

我们的总经理期待着你去考察我们公司Our general manager is expecting your visit to our company.

你们是怎样保证产品质量的?How do you ensure quality control?

因原材料短缺,价格有所提高。Prices are boosted because of shortage of raw materials.

我们的最低价是每件纽卡斯尔到岸价13.4美元。Our best price is US$13.4 per piece CIF Newcastle.

3. 请出示您的护照、登机牌和海关申报表。Can I have your passport, entry card, and customs declaration form, please.

谢谢你们的盛情招待。明天见Thank you for your hospitality. See you tomorrow

我们目前已与全球60多个国家和地区的公司建立了贸易关系we have established business relations with companies in more than 60 countries and regions in the world

我们的产品比竞争对手的质量更好,价格更低。Compared with those of our competitors, our products are of higher quality and lower prices.

在我们市场上中国产品很畅销,原因就是价格很优惠。Chinese products sell well in our market. The main reason is that the price is very favorable.

4. 请填写入住登记表. Would you please fill in this registration form?

我们能去看看港口吗?我急切想亲眼看看Shall we go to the port and have a look? I’m eager to see it with my own eyes

我们也视与你们合作为一个契机We also view the cooperation with you as a good chance.

为进入竞争激烈的市场,他们降低了价格。They lowered their prices in order to enter the competitive market.

你能给予折扣吗?给予折扣可是惯例。Could you give me a discount as this is a general practice?

5. 请问,今天有多少班飞往旧金山的飞机?Excuse me, could you tell me how many flights to San Francisco today?

这里的自然条件很好The natural conditions here are pretty good.

我们今天下午安排您参观我们的厂房,您觉得这样的安排怎样?we’d like you to visit our factory this afternoon. What do you think of it?

那是我们的最新款式,性能卓越,两个月前才刚刚投入市场。That' s our latest design. We put it on the market just two months ago.

超过5000件,我们确实给予10%的折扣We do offer 10% discount for an order of more than 5, 000 pieces

6. 很高兴见到您。我们一直期待着您的到来。Glad to see you. We've been expecting your coming.

这也是我们希望能同你们建立业务联系的原因That’s why we want to enter business relations with you

我想买些纪念品,你有什么建议么?I’d like to buy some souvenirs. What’s your recommendation?

还没有人能在速度上超越我们的水平No one is better than us in speed

你们得考虑质量啊。你知道我们的产品质量优良,But you should take the quality into consideration. You know our products are of high quality

7. Nice to see you. Thank you for coming to meet us in person. 很高兴见到您。谢谢您专程来接我们。

希望能有机会学习你们的先进技术和管理经验We hope to have opportunity to learn advanced technologies and management expertise from you

我们有好几种价格,175元到500元不等We have several prices, ranging from 175 Yuan to 500 Yuan

你能不能再多介绍一些该项产品的信息?Could you give me some more information on the machine?

你知道,我们真的想跟你们建立业务关系。You know, we really wish to establish business relations with you.

8. 茶有提神的功效,而且对身体也很好。That’s good. Tea is very refreshing, and it's good for your health.

房间在14层,每天的房费是90美元。It is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is$90.

请您到收银台付款后凭发票来领取商品You can take them with the receipt after paying for them at the cashier’s.

这个最新的型号质量高、节能而且操作简单、容易学。This latest model is of high quality, low energy consumption and it’ also easy to learn and to operate.

我们希望这次让步能带来以后的生意。我们可以在将来建立长期关系。We do hope this concession will lead to future business. And we can establish long-term relations in the years coming.

9. I'd like a cup of tea. Actually I like Chinese tea very much. 我想喝杯茶。实际上我很喜欢中国的茶

请多提宝贵意见。Your suggestions and comments are most welcome / will be appreciated 谢谢您请我们吃这么好的晚餐,我们吃得很高兴。Thank you very much for this wonderful dinner. We really enjoyed it.

我给你一些产品的清单和介绍。I can get you our sales catalog and description.

只要我们本着平等互利的原则做生意。我们相信可以的,So long as we do business on the principle of equality and mutual benefit. We believe we can.
