DAS----data acquisition system,数据采集和处理系统。
SCS-----sequence control system,辅机顺序控制系统。
FSSS-----furnace safety supervisory system,锅炉炉膛安全监视系统。
DAS-----data acquisition system,数据采集系统。
MCS-----modulating control system,模拟量控制系统,在对外文件中也称闭环控制系统CCS(closed loop control System)。
MEH-----micro-electro-hydrauliccontrol system,给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统。
MHC-----Mechanical Hydraulic Control,机械式液压调节系统。
EHC-----Electro-Hydraulic Control,电液调节系统。
AEH-----Analog Electro-Hydraulic Control,模拟电液系统。
DEH-----Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control ,数字电液调节系统。
ADS-----automatic dispatch system,自动调度系统。
OPC -----over-speed protection control,超速保护控制。
ETS -----emergency trip system,汽轮机紧急跳闸系统。
TSI-----turbine supervisory Instrumentation,汽轮机监视仪表。
FATT-----金属料的低温脆性转变温度CRT----- cathode ray tube,阴极摄像管。
1. CCS 协调控制系统(coordinated control system,CCS)协调控制是基于机、炉的动态特性,应用多变量控制理论形成若干不同形式的控制策略,在机、炉控制系统基础上组织的高一级机、炉主控系统。
2. SCS 顺序控制系统(sequence control system)按照生产过程工艺要求预先拟定的顺序,有计划、有步骤、自动地对生产过程进行一系列操作的系统,称之为顺序控制系统。
3. DAS 数据采集系统(data acquisition system)又称为计算机监控系统,其基本功能是对机组整个生产过程参数进行在线检测,经处理运算后以CRT画面形式提供给运行人员。
电厂英文缩写简写(全称) 汉语:CFB (Circulating Fluidize Bed ) 循环流化床;FSSS (Fuel Safeguard Supervisory System) 锅炉安全监测系统;BT (Boiler Trip) 锅炉跳闸;MFT (Master Fuel Trip) 主燃料切除;OFT (Oil Fuel Trip) 油燃料跳闸;A/M (Auto/Manual) 自动/手动;SCS (Sequence Control System) 顺序控制系统;ECR (Economic Continue Rating) 经济连续出力;MCR (Maximum Continue Rating) 最大连续出力;BMCR (Boiler Maximum Continue Rating) 锅炉最大连续出力;BECR (Economic Continue Rating) 锅炉经济连续出力;BMS (Burner Management System) 燃烧器管理系统;DCS (Distributed Control System ) 分散控制系统;RB (Run Back) 自动减负荷;RU (Run Up) 负荷禁增;RD (Run Down) 负荷禁降;DPU (Distributed Processing Unit) 分散处理单元;EBOP (Emergency Bearing Oil Pump) 紧急润滑油泵;EMS (Energy Management System) 电能管理系统;EOP (Emergency Oil Pump) 事故油泵;EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory) 可编程只读存储器;ES (Engineering Station) 工程师站;ETS (Emergency Trip System) 汽机紧急跳闸系统;EWS (Engineering Work Station) 工程师工作站;FATT (Fracture Appearance Transition Temperature) 脆性转变温度;FCB (Fast Cut Back) 快切;FD (Flame Detestor) 火焰检测器;FDF (Forced Draft Fan) 送风机;FWCS (Feed Water Control System) 给水控制系统;HPSV (High Pressure Stop Valve) 高压截止门;ICV (Intercept Control Valve) 中压控制门;GPS (Global Positioning System) 全球定位系统;IDF (Induced Draft Fan) 引风机;IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles) 整体煤气化联合循环;IP (Intermediate Pressure) 中压;ISV (Intermediate Stop Valve) 中压控制门;IPSV (Intermediate Pressure Stop Valve) 中压控制门;IV (Intermediate Valve) 中压门;MCC (Motor Control Center) 电动机控制中心;MEH (Micro Electro-Hydraulic(Control) 微机电液控制;MIS (Main Oil Pump) 主油泵;MOV (Motor Operation Valve) 电动门;MSG (Minimum Stable Generation) 电波稳定负荷;SOP (Seal Oil Pump) 密封油泵;OPC (Overspeed Protection Control) 超速保护;PID (Proportional-Integral-Differential) 比例积分微分;SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) 监控与数据采集系统;PLC (Programmable Logic Control) 可编程控制;PRV (Pressure Reducing Valve ) 减压门;RSV (Reheater Stop Valve ) 再热主汽门;RTU (Remote T erminal Unit) 远方终端单元;SOE (Sequence Of Event) 事故顺序;TSI (Turbine Supervision Instrument) 汽机监测仪表;UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply ) 不间断供电系统;VWO (Valve Wide Open) 阀门全开;GV (Governing Valve) 调节门;PSS (Power System Stsbilizer) 电力系统稳定;OA (Operator Automatic) 操作员自动;A/D (Analogue/Digital) 模/数;AC (Alternating Current) 交流电;ADS (Automatic Dispatching System) 自动调度系统;AGC (Automatic Generating Control) 自动发电系统;ASS (Automatic Synchronising System ) 自动同期系统;ATC (Automatic Turbine Control) 汽轮机自动控制;AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator ) 自动电压控制;BP (Bypass ) 旁路;CCS (Coordinated Control System) 协调控制系统;CIV (Combined Intermediate Valve) 中联门;CLD (Central Load Dispatcher) 负荷调度中心;Cond (Condenser) 凝结器;CPU (Central Processing Unit) 中央处理单元;CRT (Cathode-Ray Tube ) 显示器;CT (Current Transformer ) 电流互感器;CV (Check Valve) 逆止门;DAS (Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统;DC (Direct Current 直流电;DEH (Digital Electro-Hydraulic(Control) 数字电液控制系统;字符电路图符号大全:AAT 电源自动投入装置AC 交流电DC 直流电FU 熔断器G 发电机M 电动机HG 绿灯HR 红灯HW 白灯HP 光字牌K 继电器KA(NZ) 电流继电器(负序零序)KD 差动继电器KF 闪光继电器KH 热继电器KM 中间继电器KOF 出口中间继电器KS 信号继电器KT 时间继电器KV(NZ) 电压继电器(负序零序)KP 极化继电器KR 干簧继电器KI 阻抗继电器KW(NZ) 功率方向继电器(负序零序)KM 接触器KA 瞬时继电器;瞬时有或无继电器;交流继电器KV电压继电器L 线路QF 断路器QS 隔离开关T 变压器TA 电流互感器TV 电压互感器W 直流母线YC 合闸线圈YT 跳闸线圈PQS 有功无功视在功率EUI 电动势电压电流SE 实验按钮SR 复归按钮f 频率Q——电路的开关器件FU——熔断器FR——热继电器KM——接触器KA——1、瞬时接触继电器2、瞬时有或无继电器3、交流继电器KT——延时有或无继电器SB——按钮开关Q——电路的开关器件FU——熔断器KM——接触器KA——1、瞬时接触继电器2、瞬时有或无继电器3、交流继电器KT——延时有或无继电器SB——按钮开关SA 转换开关电流表PA电压表PV有功电度表PJ无功电度表PJR频率表PF相位表PPA最大需量表(负荷监控仪) PM功率因数表PPF有功功率表PW无功功率表PR无功电流表PAR声信号HA光信号HS指示灯HL红色灯HR绿色灯HG黄色灯HY蓝色灯HB白色灯HW连接片XB插头XP插座XS端子板XT电线电缆母线W直流母线WB插接式(馈电)母线WIB电力分支线WP照明分支线WL应急照明分支线WE电力干线WPM照明干线WLM应急照明干线WEM滑触线WT合闸小母线WCL控制小母线WC信号小母线WS闪光小母线WF事故音响小母线WFS预报音响小母线WPS电压小母线WV事故照明小母线WELM避雷器 F熔断器FU快速熔断器FTF跌落式熔断器FF限压保护器件FV电容器 C电力电容器CE正转按钮SBF反转按钮SBR停止按钮SBS紧急按钮SBE试验按钮SBT复位按钮SR限位开关SQ接近开关SQP手动控制开关SH时间控制开关SK液位控制开关SL湿度控制开关SM压力控制开关SP速度控制开关SS温度控制开关辅助开关ST 电压表切换开关SV电流表切换开关SA整流器U可控硅整流器UR控制电路有电源的整流器VC 变频器UF变流器UC逆变器UI电动机M异步电动机MA同步电动机MS直流电动机MD绕线转子感应电动机MW鼠笼型电动机MC电动阀YM电磁阀YV防火阀YF排烟阀YS电磁锁YL跳闸线圈YT合闸线圈YC气动执行器YPAYA电动执行器YE发热器件(电加热) FH照明灯(发光器件) EL空气调节器EV电加热器加热元件EE 感应线圈电抗器L励磁线圈LF消弧线圈LA滤波电容器LL电阻器变阻器R电位器RP热敏电阻RT光敏电阻RL压敏电阻RPS接地电阻RG放电电阻RD启动变阻器RS频敏变阻器RF限流电阻器RC光电池热电传感器 B压力变换器BP温度变换器BT速度变换器BV时间测量传感器BT1BK 液位测量传感器BL温度测量传感器BHBM。
英文缩写及首字母缩略说明A 面积ACC Air-cooled Condenser 空冷冷凝器BOP Balance of Plant 电厂配套设施CA Cooling Air (in gas turbine)冷却空气(燃气轮机内)CC Combined Cycle 联合循环CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure 压缩机出口压力CDT Compressor Discharge Temperature 压缩机出口温度CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System 排放连续监测系统CF Correction factor 修正因子CHP Combined Heat and Power 热电联供CRH Cold reheat (exit of HP steam turbine) 再热冷端(高压蒸汽透平出口)CT Cooling Tower 冷却塔CW Cooling Water 冷却水DA or D/A Deaerator 除氧器DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统DH District Heating 区域供暖DHC District Heating Condenser 区域供暖冷凝器DP Pressure drop 压降Eff Efficiency 效率FW Feed Water 给水FWH Feed Water Heater 给水加热器gpm gallons per minute 加仑每分钟GT or G.T. Gas Turbine 燃气轮机HHV Higher Heating Value (of a fuel) 高热值(燃料)HP High Pressure 高压hp horsepower 马力HPB High Pressure Boiler 高压蒸发器HPC High Pressure Compressor 高压压缩机HPE High Pressure Economiser 高压省煤器HPS High Pressure superheater 高压过热器HPT High Pressure Turbine 高压缸HR, H.R. Heat Rate (inverse of efficiency) 热耗(效率的倒数)HRB Heat Recovery Boiler (same as HRSG) 废热回收锅炉HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator (same as余热锅炉(同HRB)HRB)h.t.c. heat transfer coefficient 传热系数HX Heat exchanger 换热器IGV Inlet Guide Vanes 进口导叶IP Intermediate Pressure 中压IPE Intermediate Pressure Economiser 中压省煤器IPB Intermediate Pressure Boiler 中压蒸发器IPS Intermediate Pressure Superheater 中压过热器IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部收益率ISO International Standards Organisation 国际标准化组织ISO conditions (1.013 bars/15℃) ISO工况(1.013 bars/15℃)ITD Initial Temperature Difference (betweencondenser saturation and ambient) 初始温差(冷凝器饱和温度和环境温度的差值)LHV Lower Heating Value (of a fuel) 低热值(燃料)LP Low Pressure 低压LPB Low Pressure Boiler 低压蒸发器LPC Low Pressure Compressor 低压压缩机LPT Low Pressure Turbine 低压缸LTE Low Temperature Economiser 低压省煤器MBTU/hr 1000 BTU/hr 1000 BTU/hrMCC Motor Control Center 电机控制中心MED Multiple Effect Distillation (mode ofdesalination)多效精馏(除盐的方式)MSF Multi-Stage Flash (mode of desalination) 多级闪蒸(除盐的方式)M.W. Molecular Weight 摩尔质量MWe Megawatts electric 兆瓦(电)MWth Megawatts thermal (MJ/s) 兆瓦(热,等于MJ/s)NPV Net Present V alue 净现值O&M Operation and Maintenance 运行和维护PR Pressure Ratio 压比PT Power Turbine 动力涡轮机PTIT Power Turbine Inlet Temperature 动力涡轮机入口温度P or p pressure 压力Pcd Pressure at compressor discharge 压缩机出口压力ppm parts per million 百万分之几Q heat flow rate 热耗RH Reheat, Relative Humidity (depending oncontext)再热,或相对湿度(依据上下文)RO Reverse Osmosis 反渗透ROE Return on Equity 净资产收益率ROI Return on Investment 投资收益率RPM Revolutions per minute (speed) 每分钟转动次数(速度)ST, S.T. Steam Turbine 汽轮机TDS Total Dissolved Solids 总溶解固体TET Turbine Exhaust Temperature 透平排气温度TEW AC Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled 全封闭水对空气冷却TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature (total, at first rotor) 透平入口温度(总温,位于第一级动叶)WHTR Water Heater 热水器。
BMCR:锅炉最大连续蒸发量 Boiler maximum continue rateBECR:锅炉最经济连续蒸发量THA:turbine heat acceptance 汽机热耗验收工况,一般都是设计背压下,额定功率工况TRL:turbine rated load 汽机额定负载工况,考察夏季高背压下,额定功率下,补水率 3%VWO:valve wide open 汽机阀门全开工况,设计背压下,105%THA 流量下出力最大工况TMCR:turbine maximum continue rate 汽机最大连续出力工况,与 BMCR 相对应,设计背压下,额定流量下的出力,与 TRL 流量相同工况THA:汽轮机热耗率验收工况, TRL:铭牌功率, VWO:调节阀全开工况AMS:asset management system 设备管理系统说明:为西屋公司 OVATION 系统的一个软件包,实现对智能变送器、智能执行器的诊断、调校、故障预测、定期校验管理等功能,采用该系统能节省大量的设备调试时间及维护量。
DCS:distributed control system 分散控制系统说明:对生产过程进行数据采集、控制、保护、监视等。
DEH:digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液调节系统说明:采用微机系统对汽轮机进行转速、功率调节及实现超速保护等。
MEH: micro-electro-hydraulic control system 小汽机数字电液调节系统说明:针对给水泵小汽轮机采用的数字控制系统,实现转速及给水流量的控制。
ETS: emergency trip system 汽轮机危急跳闸系统; 说明:对汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护汽轮机。
METS:micro emergency trip system 小汽轮机危急跳闸系统说明:对给水泵的小汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护小汽轮机。
电厂常用英语词汇及缩写大全缩写词全拼音标中文remarkSQE Supplier qualityengineer供应商质量工程师SQD Supplier QualityDevelopment供应商质量改善SQ improvement供应商质量提高QA Qualityassessment/assurance[əˈsesmənt][əˈʃʊərəns]质量评价/保证ensure[ɪn'ʃʊə(r)] Vt.保证,确保,使安全QC Quality control[kən'trəʊl] 质量控制,质量管理QI Quality improvement[ɪm'pru:vmənt]质量改进QAP Quality AssurancePlanning[əˈʃʊərəns] 质量保证计划MQAP measuement qualityassurance procedure计量质量保证方案PO Production order[prəˈdʌkʃn] 生产订单CCC China Compulsory Certification[kəmˈpʌlsəri] 中国强制认证(3C认证)compulsory [kəm'pʌls(ə)rɪ]adj. 义务的;必修的;被强制的IBR INDIAN BOILERREGULATIONS [regjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)nz]印度锅炉规程n. [管理] 条例;规程;章则BV Bureau Veritas [ˈbjuərəu][ˈveritæs]法国国际检验;法国船级社BVQI法国国际检验局Corporation Shanghai Electric Corporation缩写词Siemens AG缩写词缩写词LR缩写词INC电厂常用英语词汇及缩写大全缩写词全拼音标中文remarkNPSHR Net Positive SuctionHead Required必需汽蚀余量UNEF Unified Extra FineThread统一标准超细牙螺纹1/4-28 UNF -2BUNF unified national fine美制细牙"仙人掌GG"的文档thank you!。
电厂常用英文缩写含义 AGC Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置A VR Automatic V oltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CIS Consumer Information System 用户信息系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DA Distribution Automation 配电自动化DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统) DMS Distribution Management System 配电管理系统DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元DSM Demand Side Management 需求侧管理EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Fieldbus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统 FTU Feeder Terminal Unit 馈线远方终端GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCR(maximum continous rating)最大持续额定出力MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电波控制系统 MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PAS Power Application Software 电力应用软件PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process Input Output 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器RTU Remote Terminal Unit 站内远方终端SA Substation Automation 变电站自动化SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统 SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC) Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电UPS (uninterruptible power system)不间断电源WMS Work Management System 工作管理系统。
B-MCR:锅炉最大连续蒸发量Boiler maximum continue rateB-ECR:锅炉最经济连续蒸发量THA:turbine heat acceptance汽机热耗验收工况,一般都是设计背压下,额定功率工况TRL:turbine rated load汽机额定负载工况,考察夏季高背压下,额定功率下,补水率3%,VWO:valve wide open汽机阀门全开工况,设计背压下,105%THA流量下出力最大工况TMCR:turbine maximum continue rate汽机最大连续出力工况,与BMCR相对应,设计背压下,额定流量下的出力,与TRL流量相同工况THA:汽轮机热耗率验收工况,TRL:铭牌功率,VWO:调节阀全开工况AMS:asset management system 设备管理系统说明:为西屋公司OVATION系统的一个软件包,实现对智能变送器、智能执行器的诊断、调校、故障预测、定期校验管理等功能,采用该系统能节省大量的设备调试时间及维护量。
DCS:distributed control system 分散控制系统说明:对生产过程进行数据采集、控制、保护、监视等。
DEH:digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液调节系统说明:采用微机系统对汽轮机进行转速、功率调节及实现超速保护等。
MEH:micro-electro-hydraulic control system 小汽机数字电液调节系统说明:针对给水泵小汽轮机采用的数字控制系统,实现转速及给水流量的控制。
ETS:emergency trip system 汽轮机危急跳闸系统; 说明:对汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护汽轮机。
METS:micro emergency trip system 小汽轮机危急跳闸系统说明:对给水泵的小汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护小汽轮机。
BECR:锅炉最经济连续蒸发量THA:turbine heat acceptance 汽机热耗验收工况,一般都是设计背压下,额定功率工况TRL:turbine rated load 汽机额定负载工况,考察夏季高背压下,额定功率下,补水率 3%VWO:valve wide open 汽机阀门全开工况,设计背压下,105%THA 流量下出力最大工况TMCR:turbine maximum continue rate 汽机最大连续出力工况,与 BMCR 相对应,设计背压下,额定流量下的出力,与 TRL 流量相同工况THA:汽轮机热耗率验收工况, TRL:铭牌功率, VWO:调节阀全开工况AMS:asset management system 设备管理系统说明:为西屋公司 OVATION 系统的一个软件包,实现对智能变送器、智能执行器的诊断、调校、故障预测、定期校验管理等功能,采用该系统能节省大量的设备调试时间及维护量。
DCS:distributed control system 分散控制系统说明:对生产过程进行数据采集、控制、保护、监视等。
DEH:digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液调节系统说明:采用微机系统对汽轮机进行转速、功率调节及实现超速保护等。
MEH: micro-electro-hydraulic control system 小汽机数字电液调节系统说明:针对给水泵小汽轮机采用的数字控制系统,实现转速及给水流量的控制。
ETS: emergency trip system 汽轮机危急跳闸系统; 说明:对汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护汽轮机。
METS:micro emergency trip system 小汽轮机危急跳闸系统说明:对给水泵的小汽轮机出现异常情况时,发出指令卸去安全油压,全关主汽门,保护小汽轮机。
High Pressure Economiser
High Pressure superheater
High Pressure Turbine
HR, H.R.
Heat Rate (inverse of efficiency)
Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled
Turbine Inlet Temperature (total, at first rotor)
Water Heater
Inlet Guide Vanes
Intermediate Pressure
Intermediate Pressure Economiser
Intermediate Pressure Boiler
Intermediate Pressure Superheater
Heat Recovery Boiler (same as HRSG)
Heat Recovery Steam Generator (same as HRB)
heat transfer coefficient
Heat exchanger
1.AGC (Automatic Generation Control):自动发电控制2.ASS (Automatic Synchronization System): 自动同期系统3.ATC ( Automatic Turbine Start up or Shutdown Control System): 汽轮机自动启停系统4.BCS (Burner Control System): 燃烧器控制系统5.BMS (Burner Management System): 燃烧器管理系统6.BOP (Balance of Plant): 电厂辅助工艺系统7.BPS (Bypass Control System): 旁路控制系统8.BTG (Boiler Turbine-Generator Panel): 炉机电控制盘S (Coordinated Control System): 协调控制系统10.CFBC (Circulating FBC): 循环硫化床燃烧11.CRT (Cathode Ray Tube): 阴极射线管显示器12.DAS ( Data Acquisition System): 数据采集系统13.DCS (distributed control system): 数据控制系统14.DEH (Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System): 数字式电液控制系统15.ETS (Emergency Trip System): 紧急跳闸系统16.EWS (Engineer Work Station): 工程师工作站17.FBC (Fluidized Bed Combustion): 硫化床燃烧18.FCB (Fast Cut Back): 机组快速甩负荷19.FSS (fuel safety system): 燃料安全系统20.FSSS (furnace safeguard supervision system): 炉膛安全监控系统21.HRSG (heat recovery steam generator): 废热锅炉22.HSR (Historical Data Storage &Research): 历史数据存储和检索23.I&C (instrument and control): 仪表与控制(自动化)24.LCD (liquid crystal display): 液晶显示器25.LMCC ( Load Management Control Center): 负荷管理中心26.MCC (main control console): 主控制台27.MCS (Modulating Control System): 模拟主控制系统28.MEH (Micro-electro-hydraulic control System): 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统29.MFT (main fuel tripping): 总燃料跳闸30.MIS (Management information system): 管理信息系统31.MIBF (Mean Time Between Failures): 平均无故障工作时间32.MTTR (mean time to repair): 平均故障修复时间33.NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association): 国家电工制造协会(美)34.NEPA (National Fire Protection Association): 国家防火协会35.OFT (Oil Fuel Trip): 燃料油跳闸36.OIS (Operation Interface Station): 操作员站37.OPC (Over-Speed Protection Control): 超速保护控制38.RB (run back): 辅机故障减负荷39.PCU (Process Control Unit): 过程控制单元40.P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram): 管道与仪表图(系统图)41.PLC (programmable logic control): 可编逻辑控制器42.RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector): 热电阻43.RTU (Remote Terminal Unit): 远方终端单元(设备)44.SAMA (Scientific Apparatus Manufacturer Association): 科学仪器制造商协会控制功能图例(美)45.SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): 监控与数据采集46.SCS (Sequential Control System): 顺序控制系统47.SIS (Safety Injection System): 安全注入系统48.SIS (Supervising Information System):监控信息系统49.SOE (Sequence of Events Recorder): 事件顺序记录50.TC (Thermocouple): 热电偶51.TSI (Turbine Supervision Instrument): 汽轮机监视仪表52.UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply): 不停电电源53.OA (Office Automation): 办公自动化54.ADS (Automatic Dispatching System): 自动调配系统55.VCB (Vacuum Circuit Breaker): 真空断路器56.MMI (Main-Machine Interface): 人-机接口57.BC (Bayonet Cap): 卡口灯头58.CT (Current Transformer): 电流互感器59.TA (Transformer Ampere): 电流互感器60.PT (Potential Transformer ):电压互感器 (V oltage Transformer): 电压互感器62.A VR (Automatic V oltage Regulator): 自动电压调节器63.DCS (Distributed Control System): 分散控制系统1111222122121212。
电气常用术语翻译电气常用英文缩写12009-03-05 16:20AC alternating current 交流电AC automatic control 自动控制ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC accident 故障、事故ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向AD analog-digital 模拟-数字AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AI artificial intelligence 人工智能ALT alternate 交变的、交替的ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机AM ammeter 电流表AMP ampere 安培AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备APS acessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备ARM armature 电枢、衔铁ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器BAT battery 电池BD block decrease 闭锁减BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压BF back feed 反馈BHP brake horse power 制动马力BI block increase 闭锁增BKR breaker 断路器BOS back-out system 补偿系统BOT build-operate-tranfer 建造-运行-移交BR brush 电刷、刷子BRKG breaking 断开BYC battery charger 电池充电器CA compressed air 压缩空气CAOS completely automatic operate system 全自动操作系统CAP capactty 电容、出力、容量CAP capacity 容量、功率CATS computer-aided trouble-shooting 计算机辅助故障查寻CB control buton circuit breaker circuit board 控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circuit breaker 线路断路器CC charactevistic curve 特性曲线CCW counter-clockwise 反时针CD control desk 控制台CEMF cownta electromotive force 反电动势CG center of gravity 重心CHGR charger 充电器CKT circuit 电路、线路CKW clockwise 顺时针方向CL center line 中心线CLSG closing 关闭、合闸CMR continuous maxinum rating 连续最大功率CNDN condition 工况、参数CO con-out 关闭、切断COEF coefficient 系数CONST constans construction 常数:构造、结构CONT contact control 接点:调节、控制CP control panel 控制板CPD capacitor potential device 电容器分压器CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管CRT circuit 回路CS controlled switch controll signal 控制开关:控制信号CT current transformer 电流互感器CW clockwise 顺时针方向CY cycle 循环、周期DB distribution box 配电箱DBMS data base management system 数据库管理系统DC direct current 直流电DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集分析系统DE digital equipment display equipment 数字元件:显示设备DELIV deliver 供给、供电/输出DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DHP delivered horse power 输出功率DI data input 数据输入DISC disconnect 断开DISC SW disconnect swtich 隔离开关DISTR diatribution 分散、分配、配电DL data line 数据传输线DMM digital multimeter 数字万用表DMS data management system 数据管理系统DO diesel oil 柴油DO digital output 数字输入DOS dosing 量DPDT double-pole double-throw 双刀双掷开关DPST double-pole sigle-throw 双刀单掷开关DSCH discharge 放电DSL diesel 柴油机DSL line desconnect switch 隔离开关DT dawn time 故障停机时间DTS data transimission 数据传输系统DYNA dynamic analysis 动态分析E.U engineering units 工程单位E/P electrical to pneumatic converter 电动气动转换器EAF equivalent available factor 等效可运系数ECR economical continuous rating 经济连续出力EE electrical engineer 电气工程师EFF efficiency 效率EFFT effective 有效的EHV extra-high voltage 超高压ELEC electric 电气的EMER emergency 紧急、事故EMER emergency 事故保安EMF inductive electromotive force 感应电动势EMLON emergency condition 事故状态EMP eletromechanical power 机电功率EMS emergency switch 紧急开关、事故按钮ENCL enclose 封闭、包围ENER energize 励磁、使带电ENERD energized 已励磁的、已带电的ENG engage 发动机EP extreme power 极限功率ESD emergency shutdown 事故停机ESS essential service system 主要厂用系统ETS electrical trip solenoid 电气跳闸线圈EXC exciter 励磁机、励磁EXD external device 外部设备EY voltage transducer 电压变送器FB fuse block 保险盒FC fast closing 快关F-F flip-flop 触发器FL full load 满负荷FLF flip-flop 触发器FME frequency measuring equipment 频率计FP full power 满功率FREQ frequency 频率FU fuse 保险丝、熔断器FWR full-wave rectifier 全波整流器GEN generator 发电机GIS gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear 全封闭组合电器GPT generator potential transformer 发电机电压互感器GRD ground 接地GRD FLT ground fault 接地故障GT grounding transformer 接地变压器HC holding coil 保持线圈HF high frequency 高频HG harmonic generator 谐波发生器HIPOT high potential test 高电压实验HLDG holding 保持HP horse power 马力HS hand switch 手动开关HT high tension 高压HTN high tension 高电压HV high voltage 高电压HV high voltage high velocity 高压:高速HVDC high voltage direct current transmission system 高压直流输电系统HVPC high voltage power supply 高电压源I/O input/output 输入/输出IC integrated circuit input circuit 集成电路:输入电路ICL incoming line 引入线IMP impedance 阻抗IMPLS impulse 脉冲、冲动INDN induction 感应INIT initial 启动、励磁INITD initiated 已励磁的、已启动的INSUL insulate 绝缘、隔热INTMT intermediate 间断的、间歇的INVR inverter 逆变器、反相器ISLN isolation 隔离开关ISOL isolation 隔离的、绝缘的JY watt transduce 有功变送器K kilo 千KW kilowatt 千瓦KWH kilowatt-hour 度L electrical power line 电线LA lightening arrester 避雷器LC load centre 负荷中心LC load center 负荷中心LDS line disconnecting switch 线路隔离开关、线路断路器LN line 线路LOC local 就地LPC linear power controller 线性功率放大器LR line relay 线性继电器LSIC large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路LV low voltage 低电压MAG magnet 磁铁/磁场的MAN manual 手动的MC manual control magnet contactor 人工控制:磁铁开关MCB molded case circuit breaker 模板式断路器MCC motor control centre 马达控制中心MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCR main control room maxium capacity rating maxium continuous rating 主控室:最大额定出力:最大连续出力MDS motor disconnect switch 马达隔离开关MG motor generator 电动发电机ML mechanical loss 机械损失MNXFMR main transformor 主变压器MO motor 马达MOD motor operated disconnect 电动断开MPR motor protrelay 电机保护继电器MSTR motor starter 马达启动器MWE megawatt electric 兆瓦电MWH megawatt-hour 兆瓦小时NADVD not advanced 滞后NEG negative 阴极的、负的NET network 网络NEUT neutral 中性的NGT neutral groundong transformer 中性点接地变压器NL noload 空载、无负荷NOM nominal 额定的NRP normal rated power 额定功率电气英文大全第二部分O&R overhaul and repair 大小修OA operator auto mode 运行人员监控下的自动控制运行方式OL motor overload device 电机过负荷装置OP output power operating procedure 输出功率:运行规程OPER operating 操作OR operating record 停运记录OVHL overhaul 大修P.O. power output 功率输出P.U. per unit 标幺值PA power amplifier 功率放大器PAMS post-accident montoring instrumentation 事故后监测仪表PB push button 按钮开关PC power center 动力中心PCB power circuit breaker 功率继电器PCC power conditioning and control 电力调节与控制PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PD potenial difference power driven 电位差:电动的PE power equipment 发电综合控制PF power factor indicator 功率因数PFI power factor indicator 功率因数表PGCC power generation control complex 相位PH phase 功率输入PI power input 峰值负荷PK peak 峰值PL plate 板、极板PL peak load 峰值负荷PLD payload 有效负载PM phase midulation 调相PO power operator 电动操作POH planned outage hours 计划停运小时POOH planned overhaul outage hours 计划大修停运小时POS positive 正的、正极的POS position 位置POT potential transformer 电势、电位计PP peak power 峰值功率PPS plant protective system primary protection system 电厂保护系统:一次保护系统PS power station power supply power system 电站:电源:电力系统PSS power support stabilizer 电力系统稳定器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT pressure transducer 压力变送器PWR power 功率Q transistor 晶体管QA quick acting 快速动作QMQB quick-make quick-break 快通快断R rate rotor ratio 速率:转子:比率系数RA remote auto 远程自动RAM repair and maintenance 检修与维护RB run back 甩负荷RD run down 降负荷RF reserve free 备用ROT rate of turn reserve oil tank 转动速度:备用油箱RP rated power 额定功率RPM revolution per minute 转/分RPS revolution per second 转/秒RS resistor 电阻器RSV reserve 备用RTD resistance temperature device 电阻测量计RU run up 升负荷RU run up 升负荷S/C short circuit 短路SC short circuit 短路SC semi-conductor 半导体SCR silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器SECT sectional 等级、分级SEN sensor 传感元件、传感器SERV service 工作、厂用SG standby generator 备用发电机SO shut-off 停机、遮断SOE sequence of events 事故顺序记录SOH scheduled outage hours 计划停机时间SOV solenoid -operated valve 电磁阀SP single pole spare 单极:备用SPC system power control 系统电源控制SPDT single-pole double-throw 单刀双掷SR speed reguletor standard rating silicon rectifier 调速器:额定容量:硅整流器SS station service 厂用SS stopping switch 停机开关SST station service transformer 厂用变压器ST starter startup transformer 启动器:启动变压器STA stationary 固定的STAT stator 定子STBY standby 备用STBY stand by 备用STR reserve station service transformer 厂用备用变压器SUBSTA substation 变点站SUPL supervisory 供电、电源SUR surge 冲击、波动SV solenoid valve 电磁阀、滑阀SW switch 开关SW switch 开关、手把SW short wave switch 短波:开关SWBD switchboard 配电SWBD switchboard 开关板、配电盘SWC surge withstand capability 冲击电压承受能力SWGR switchyard 配电装置SWYD switchyard 开关场SY synchroscope 同步指示器SYM symmetrical system 对称系统SYNC synchronize 使---同步SYNCG synchronizing 同步SYNSCP synchroscope 同步指示器SYS system 系统SYST system 系统T&D transimission and distribution 输电与配电T&M testing and maintenance electrical trip and monitoring 实验与维修:电电气跳闸与监视系统TACH tachometer 转速表TASS technique assembly 装配工艺TB therminal board 端子板、终端板TBO time between overhaul 大修间隔TC thermocouple 热电偶TD time delay 延时TD technique data time delay 技术数据:时滞、延时TDC time delay closing 延时闭合TDD time delay on deenerization 延时失励TDE time delay energization 延时激励TDO time delay opening 延时打开TE thermoelectric test equipment 热电的:测试设备TH thermal element 热电偶、热偶元件TIS test instrumentation system thermal insulation system 测试仪表系统:绝缘系统TL total loss total load time limit 总损失:总负荷:时间限制TM time monitor 时间监视器TOT total 总共TP test point time pulse 实验点、测试点:时间脉冲TPDT triple-pole double-throw 三刀双掷开关TR test run transducer 试运行:变送器TRANS transport 运输TRC transmission and reception controller 传输及接收控制器TRIAC triode altermating current switch 三极管交流开关TRU transmit-receive unit 发送接收装置TSI turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监视仪表TVM transistor voltmeter 晶体管电压表U unit 机组UAT unit auxiliary transformer 厂用变压器UDF unit derating factor 机组降低出力系数UDG unit derating generation 机组降低出力少发电量UDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UERS unusual event recording system 异常事故记录系统UNDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UNIV universal 通用UNLD unloading 无载的、空载的UO unit operator 机组操作员UOF unplanned outage factor 非计划停运系数UOH unplanned outage hour 非计划停运小时UOR unplanned outage rate 非计划停运率UPS uninterrupted power supply 不停电电源URT unit run time 设备运行时间UST unit station service transformer 厂用变压器UV under voltage 电压不足、低电压UV 电压监察VAR variable 变量VARHM garhour meter 无功电度表VC variable capacitor voltage comparator 可变电容:电压比较器VCB vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器VCT voltage current transformer 电压电流互感器VENT ventilator 通风VF vriable frequency 可变频率VOLTREG voltage regularor 电压调节器VR variable resistor voltage regulator 可变电阻:稳压器VT vibration testing 振动实验VT voltage time to breakdown 击穿电压时间VTVM vacuum-tube voltmeter 真空管电压表W/O without 没有WDG winding 绕组、线圈WH watt-hour 瓦特小时WHM watthour meter 有功电度表WTR water 水WV working voltage 工作电压WZJ 绝缘监察XDCR transducer 变送器XFER transfer 转换XFMR transfoormer 变压器XMSN transmission 输电XMTR transmitter 变送器XS transfer switch 转换开关YD yard 工作场热工控制常用2009-03-05 16:18A/D analog to digital 模拟/数字ACK acknowledge 确认A/D analog to digital 模拟/数字ACK acknowledge 确认AI analog input 模拟量输入AMM analog master module 模拟主模件AMPL amplifier 放大器ANAL analysis 分析ANALZ analyzer 分析机ANLG analog 模拟ANN annunciator system 报警系统ANN annunciator 信号装置,报警器AO analog output 模拟量输出AOL analog output to loop 对FC30环的模拟输出APO auxiliary plant operator 辅助设备操作员ATTEN attenuator 衰减器,消声器AVAIL available 可用的AVG average 平均的BHP brake horsepower 制动马力BK brake 制动器BLK block 程序块,封闭BLNK blank 空白,熄灭C-C centure-to-centure 中心距,中心之间CFGN configuration 轮廓,构架,组态CH chain 链,环CHAN channel 通道CHG change 改变CIU computer interface unit 计算机接口单元CL centure line 总线,中心线CMS computer monitoring system 计算机监视系统CNDNR conditioner 调节器CNGR congruence 相同,重合CNT contact 接触,触点CNTL control 控制CNTLR controller 控制器CNVR conveyor 传送装置CON connector 连接器CONST constant 恒定的,常数CONT continuous 连续的CONV converter 转换器COORD coordinator/coordinate 调度员/协调CR control relay 控制继电器CRT cathode ray tube 显示器CS control switch 控制开关CTR centre 中央CTRLZD centralized 集中CV control valve 控制调门,调节器D/A digital to analog converter 数字/模拟转换器DAS data acquisition system 数据采集系统DCS distributed control system 分散控制系统DD device driver(fc123) 设备驱动器DET detector 检测器DETD detected 检测到的DETN detection 检测DEVN deviation 偏差DI digital input 数字输入DIAGL diagonal 对角的DIAPH diaphragm 流量孔板,薄膜DIFF differential 有差的DIFFT differential temperature 温差DIG digital 数字DISTRB disturbance 扰动,干扰DLY delay 延迟,滞后DO digital output 数字输出DOL digital output to loop(fn45) 到FN45环的数字输出DP differential pressure 压差DSBLD disabled 不能的DSV double solenoid valve 双螺线管阀门,电磁阀EWS engineer work station 工程师工作站F/C fall close 出故障时自动关闭F/O fall open 出故障时自动打开FB feedback 反馈FDG functional drive group 功能驱动组FDG OFF functional drive group off 功能驱动组关FDG ON functional drive group on 功能驱动组开FGCTL functional group control 功能组控制FIS flow indication switch 流量指示器FLT fault 故障,缺陷FS flow switch 流量开关GA gage/gauge 仪表GOV governor 调节器HI high 高HI HI high high 高高HIS human system interface 操作员系统接口I/O input/output 输入/输出I/P current to pneumatic converter 电动/气动转换器INFO information 信息,资料INSTR instrument 仪表INTLK interlock 联锁IPB intra plant bus 厂内总线KBD keyboard 键盘L/O lock out 闭锁LAB laboratory 试验室LCD 液晶显示柱LCKD locked 闭锁的,锁气的LDA 甩负荷预测LIM limit/limiter 限制/限制器LIM SW limit switch 限位开关LMP lamp 灯LMTG limiting 限制,极限的LO low 低LOG logic 逻辑LOLO low low 低低LPL lighting panel 照明盘LVDT linear voltage differential transformer 线性差动变送器LVL level 水平,电平LWR lower 更低LWRG lowering 降低M/A manual/automatic 手动/自动MA master 控制MALF malfunction 故障,失灵MAN manual 手动的MAX maximum 最大MCPNL main control panel 主控盘MCR main control room 主控室MCS modulation control system 模拟量控制系统MCS management command system 管理命令系统MDL maximum differential limit 最大偏差限制MFC many function controller 多功能控制器MFP multi function processor 多功能处理器MID middle 中间的MIN minimum 最小MIN minute 分钟MINI miniature 小型的,微型的MN main 主MODL module 模块MON monitor 监视器MPRCS microprocessor 微处理器MPX multiplex/multiplexer 多路传输MTBF 平均无故障工作时间MULT multiple 多重的,并联的N AUTO not in auto 不在自动N AVAL not available 不可用的N OFF not off 没关N ON not on 没开N OPR not in operate 不在运行中N PERM not permitted 不允许的N READ not ready 没准备好N RUN not running 没有运行N SAT not satisfled 不满足条件N TEST not in test 不在试验中N/A not applicable 不适用的NACT not active 无效的NOR not or 或非NPERM no permissives 不允许OIU operator interface unit 操作员接口单元P/E pneumatic to electrical converter 气动/电动转换器PCU process control unit 过程控制单元PCU process control unit 过程控制单元PCV process control view 过程控制图PI pulse input 脉冲量输入PLC programmable logic controller 可编程控制器PLC programmable logic controller 可编程逻辑控制器PLT pilot 副的,控制的,指示PLTN plater 台板,屏式PO pulse output 脉冲量输出PPS 电厂保护系统PRCS process 过程PROB probe 探头,传感器PROG program 程序PROLNG prolong 持续时间长PROT protection 保护PT point 值,点PTRIP protection trip 保护跳闸PU pickup 传感器RESET reset 复位RST reset 复位RSTRD restricted 限制的,禁止的RSVR reservoir 水库,储存器,滞止S/G sub group 子群组SCS sequence control system 顺序控制系统SEQ sequence 顺序SER sequence event recorder 事故顺序记录SER sequence of events recorder 事故的顺序记录SI switch input 开关量输入SIG signal 信号SIL silence 无声的SILENCE silence 消音SMPL sample 取样SO switch output 开关量输出SOE sequence of event 事故顺序SOE sequence of events 事故顺序SOL solenoid 螺线管SOV solenoid operated valve 螺线管控制门,电磁阀STOR storage 储存器,蓄电SUBR subroutine 子程序SUCC successful 成功的SUMR summer 夏天,加法器T/C thermocouple 热电偶TC trip coil 跳闸线圈TCO trip cut out 跳闸断开TEST test 试验TL test link 试验连接TRBL trouble 故障TRGR trigger 触发器TRIPD tripped 跳闸的TS thermoswitch 热电偶开关TST test 试验UNSATSF unsatisfactory 不满足条件的UNSUCC unsuccessful 失败的XDCR transducer 变送器DCS常用2009-03-18 18:48汽轮机常用英文缩写翻译2009-03-05 16:19A/M auto/manual 自动/手动ADS automatic dispatch system 自动调度系统AGC automatic generator control 机组自动发电控制AOP auxiliaty oil pump 辅助油泵AOV air operated valve 汽动门AST automatic stop trip 自动停机跳闸系统A-STP auto stop 自动停止A-STRT auto start 自动启动ATC automatic turbine control 汽轮机自动控制A-TRIP auto trip 自动跳闸AUX auxiliary 辅助的BAF baffle 隔板BASE base 基本方式BBL barrel 圆筒型支架BF boiler follow 锅炉跟随方式BKUP backup 备用BOPMS balance of plant master system 机组辅助设备主控顺序BP base plate 底版,支撑板BPS bypass control system 旁路控制系统BRG bearing 轴承BW backwash 反洗BYP bypass 旁路CAB cabinet 小室CAEP condenser air extraction pump 真空泵CAV cavity 空腔CAVIT cavitation 汽蚀CC closing coil 闭式循环CCCW closed circuit cooling water 闭式循环冷却水CCCWP closed circuit cooling water pump 闭式循环冷却水泵CCW condenser circulating water 循环水CCW counter clockwise 逆时针的CCWP condenser circulating water pump 循环水泵CE case expansion 缸胀CEP condensate extraction pump 凝结水泵CHEM chemical 化学CIV close interceptor valve 关中压调门CLD cold/cooled 冷的CLF clarifier 净化器CLG cooling 冷却CLNG cleaning 清洁,净化CLR cool 冷却器CLS close 关CLSD closed 已关CLU clutch 离合器CND conduit 管道,导线管CNDCT conductivity 导电率,传导率COAG coagulant 凝结剂COAX coaxial 同轴的COND condenser 凝汽器COOL coolant 冷却介质COR coordination 协调控制方式COV cover 外壳CPLG coupling 偶合器,连轴器CRH cold reheat 冷再热CRIT critical 临界的,关键的CSG casing 汽缸CT combustion turbine 燃气轮机CTW cooling tower 冷水塔CV control valve 高调门CW circulating water 循环水CW cooling water 冷却水CWP circulating water pump 循环水泵CYL cylingder 汽缸D density 密度,浓度DE differential expansion 胀差DEA deaerator 除氧器DECR decrease 下降DEG degree(s) 度DEGC degrees celsius 摄氏度DEH digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字电液调节系统DEH digital 数字电液DEMIN demineralization 除盐DESALN desalination 除盐DGS degasifier 脱气器,除氧器DIL dilute/dilution 冲淡稀释DISH dissolved hydrogen 溶氢DISO dissolved oxygen 溶氧DMNRLZR demineralizer 除盐装置DOS dosing 配料,加药DR door 门DSTL distill 蒸馏DSTLT distillate 蒸馏EBOP emergency bearing oil pump 事故轴承油泵ECC eccentricity 偏心度EH electrohydraulic 电液EHC electrohydraulic control 电液控制EOP emergency oil pump 事故油泵ES extraction steam 抽汽ETS emergency trip system 汽轮机紧急跳闸保护系统EXCH exhange/exhanger 交换/交换器EXH exhaust 排气/排汽EXHD exhaust hood 排汽罩/排汽缸EXTR extraction/extractor 抽取/抽汽器FA full arc 全周,全周进汽FCB faster cut back 机组快速甩负荷FCPLG fluid (hydraulic) coupling 液力偶合器FILL filling 充水,充汽FJCTR ejector 抽气器,喷射器FL fluid 流体,液体FLG flange 法兰FLTK flash tank 扩容器FLTR filter 过滤器FLTRG filtering 过滤FNL final 末级,最后FST first 第一级FW feedwater 给水FWP feedwater pump 给水泵GATE gate 门,导叶GLND gland 密封装置,压盖GLND ST gland steam 密封蒸汽,轴封蒸汽GT gas turbine 燃气轮机GTG gas turbine generator 燃气轮机发电机GTV gate valve 闸门GV governor valve 主汽调节门HCL hydrochloric acid 盐酸HDR header 母管,联箱HITASS hitichi turbine automatic start-up system 日立汽轮机自启动系统HL heat loss 热损失HORIZ horizontal 水平的,卧式的HP high pressure 高压HPR hopper 斗,漏斗HPSV high pressure stop valve 高压主汽门HRH hot reheat 再热热段HRSG heat recovery steam generator 回热式汽轮发电机HRT heat rate 热耗率HRU heat recovery unit 回热式机组HS high speed 高速HT heat 加热HTG heating 加热HTR heater 加热器HU humidifier 加湿器HW hotwell 热井HX heat exchange 热交换器HYDR hydraulic 液力的HYDRO hydrostatic 静水的HYPCL hypochlorite 氯化物ICBV interceptor control bypass valve 中调门旁路门ICV interceptor control valve 中调门IMPLR impeller 叶轮INJ injection 喷射INRTNG inerting 惰性的INTMD intermediate 中间的IP intermediate pressure 中压IPSW intermediate press service water 中压厂用水IPSWP intermediate press service water pump 中压厂用水泵IV interceptor valve 中压调节汽门JB junction box 接线盒,连轴器JCT junction 连接JNL journal 轴径JOP jacking oil pump 顶轴油泵LIQ liquid 液体LKG leakage/leaking 泄漏LO lube oil 润滑油LOFF leakoff 泄漏的,已漏的LOP lube oil pump 润滑油泵LP low pressure 低压LUB lube/lubrication 润滑MACH machine 机器MANF manifold 母管MDBFP motor driven boil feed pump 电泵MEH microprocessor electric hydraulic control 微机化电液调节系统MEZZ mezzanine 高压加热器MOP main oil pump 主油泵MOT main oil tank 主油箱MOV motor operated valve 电动门MS main steam 主蒸汽MSSV main steam stop valve 主汽门MSV main steam valve 主汽门MSV main stop valve 主截门MTS master trip solenoid 主跳闸电磁阀NOL normal oil level 正常油位NRV non return valve 逆止阀OIV open interceptor valve 开中压调门OPC overspeed protect controller 超速保护控制PLSH polish/polishing 精处理PLSHR polisher 精处理器PNEU pneumatic 气动的PPS 汽轮机防进水保护RB run back 辅机故障减负荷RD run down 负荷迫降REV reverse 反向REVD reversed 反向的REVLN revolution 转数RNBK runback 快速减负荷ROT rotary 转动的ROTAT rotate 转动ROTATN rotation 转动RPD rupturing disc 叶片断裂RPM revolutions per minute 每分钟的转数RPS revolutions per second 每秒钟的转数RSV reheat stop valve 中压主汽门RSV reserve 备用RTN-N return to normal 复位RTR rotor 转子RU run up 负荷迫升RUNNG running 运行RV self-regulating valve 自动调整门S/O shutoff 断开SA OFF semi-auto off 半自动关SA ON semi-auto on 半自动开SAF safety 安全SD shutdown 停机SEL select 选择SELD selected 已选好的SEP separate/separator 分离/分离器SET setting/settling 设定SEW sewer 下水道SFT shaft 轴SG standby generator 备用发电机SHL shell 外壳SJAE steam jet air ejector 射汽抽气器SK sink 排水管,排水沟,散热器SO seal oil 密封油SOP seal oil pump 密封油泵SP set point 设定值SPD speed 速度SPGR specific gravity 比重SPRG sparging 喷淋,鼓泡SPRY spary 喷射SPVOL specific volume 比容SS selector switch 选择开关STG stage 级STG steam turbine generator 汽轮发电机STP stop 停止STPD stopped 已停止STPG stopping 停止的STR strainer 拉紧装置,过滤器STRT start 启动STRTD started 已启动的STRTG starting 启动的SU startup 开机SU/SD startup/shutdown 开机/停机SUB submerged 浸在水中的SUCT suction 吸入,抽真空SUP support 支承SUPV supervisory 监视的SUPVN supervision 监视SV servo valve 电液伺服阀(电液转换器)SV stop valve 截止门SWC service water closed 闭式水SWCP service water closed pump 闭式水泵SWCS service water closed sump 闭式水箱SWO service water open 开式水SWOP service water open pump 开式水泵TCS turbine control system 汽轮机控制系统TDM turbine diagnose monitoring 汽轮机运行监视、诊断管理TEMP temperature 温度TF turbine follow 汽机跟随方式T-G turbine generator 汽轮发电机TGOP turbine gear oil pump 盘车油泵TGR turbine gear 盘车THR thrust 推力THRBRG thrust bearing 推力轴承THRM thermal 热力的THROT throttle 节流TK tank 箱,容器T-MCR turbine maximum continous rate 汽轮机最大连续出力TPC throttlt pressure control 主蒸汽压力控制TRSHRK trashrack 滤网TRTMT treatment 处理TRVL travel/travelling 运行,旋转TRVSCN travelling screens 旋转滤网TSI turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监测仪表系统TSI turbine supervisory instrumentation 汽轮机检测仪表TURB turbine 汽轮机TURBFLW turbine flow 汽轮机流量TURN turning 转动TV throttle valve 主汽门TWR tower 塔UAM unit automatic management 机组自启停管理系统UM unit master 机组主控UMS unit master sequence 机组主控顺序UNBAL unbalance(d) 不平衡UPR upper 上部的UPSTR upstream 上游的;逆流的;进口的VAC vacuum 真空VAP vapor 蒸汽VERT vertical 垂直的VIB vibrator/vibration 振动器/振动VLV valve 阀门VOL volume 体积;容积VP pneumaticlly operated valve 气动门V-V 通风排汽阀VWO valve wide open 阀门全开WASH washer/washing 冲洗WMUP warmup 暖机WTR water 水ZS 零转速监视系统。
电厂常用英文缩写AGC Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CIS Consumer Information System 用户信息系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DA Distribution Automation 配电自动化DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统) DMS Distribution Management System 配电管理系统DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元DSM Demand Side Management 需求侧管理EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Fieldbus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统FTU Feeder Terminal Unit 馈线远方终端GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电波控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PAS Power Application Software 电力应用软件PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process Input Output 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器RTU Remote Terminal Unit 远端测控单元SA Substation Automation 变电站自动化SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS (TDC) Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电WMS Work Management System 工作管理系统热工自动化常用英文缩写词ABC Automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制AC Alternating current 交流(电)ACC Automatic combustion control 燃烧自动控制ACP Auxiliary control panel 辅助控制盘ACS Automatic control system 自动控制系统ACT actuator 执行机构A/D Analog /digital(conversion) 模/数(转换)ADP Annunciation display panel 报警显示板AEH Analog electro- 模拟式电液调节AFC Air flow control 送风控制AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电量控制AI Analog input 模拟量输入A/M Automatic/manul 自动/手动AO Analog output 模拟量输出APC Automatic plant control 电厂自动控制ASS Automatic synchronized system 自动同期系统ARP Auxiliary relay panel 辅助继电器盘ATC Automatic turbine startup or shutdown control system 汽轮机自启停系统BCS Burner control system 燃烧器控制系统BF Boiler follow 锅炉跟踪BFC Boiler fuel control 锅炉燃料控制BPS By-pass control system 旁路控制系统BTG Boiler turbinegenerator(panel) 锅炉、汽轮机、发电机(控制盘)CCR Central control room 单元(中央)控制室CHS Coal handing system 输煤控制系统CJC Cold junction compensator 冷端补偿器CPU Central processing unit 中央处理器CRT Cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管屏幕显示器D/A Digtal/analog(conversion) 数/模(转换)DAS Data acquisition system 计算机监视系统或数据采集系统DC Direct current 直流(电)DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment 数据电路终端设备DCS Distributed control system 分散控制系统DDC Direct digital control 直接数字控制DDP Distributed datd processing 分散数据处理DEH Digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液控制系统DI Digital input 数字量输入DMP Damper 挡板、风门DO Digital output 数字量输出DSB Distributed switch-board 配电盘DTE Data terminal equipment 数据中端设备EEPROM Electrically-erasable programmable read only mrmory 电可擦写只读存储器E/P Electro/pneumatic(converter) 电/气(转换器)EPROM Electrically programmable read only memory 电可编程只读存储器ES Expert system 专家系统ETS Emergency trip system 紧急停机系统EWS Engineer wok station 工程师工作站FA Full arc 全周进汽FB Field bus 现场总线FCB Fast cut back (机组)快速甩负荷FDC Furnace draft control 炉膛压力控制FSS Furnace safety system 炉膛安全系统FSSS Furnace safeguard supervisory system 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统GV Governor valve 调节阀门HBP High-pressure by-pass valve 高压旁路I&C Instrumentation &controlINT Interlock 连锁I/O Input/output 输入/输出IDP Integrated data processing 集中数据处理KB Keyboard 键盘LBP Low-pressure by-pass valve 低压旁路LCD Liquid-crystal display 液晶显示器LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管LS Limit switch 限位开关LS Level switch 液位开关M/A Manual/automatic 手动/自动MAX Maximum 最大值MCC Motor control center 电动机控制中心MCR Maximum continuous rating 最大连续运行负荷MCS Modulating control system 模拟量控制系统MEH (BFTP)micro-electro-hydraulic control system (锅炉给水泵汽轮机)电液控制系统MFT Master fuel trip 总燃料跳闸MHC Mechanicial hydraulic control 机械液压式控制MIN Minimum 最小值MIS Management information syrtem 管理信息系统MTBF Mean time between failures 平均无故障工作时间MTTF Mean time to failure 失效(故障)前平均工作时间MTTR Mean time to repair 平均故障修复时间NC Normally Closed 常闭NO Normally open 常开OCS On-off control system 开关量控制系统OEI Optic electric interface 光电接口OFT Oil fuel trip 燃油跳闸OPC Overspeed protection CONTROL 超速保护控制OS Operator station 操作员站PA Partial arc 部分进汽PC Programmable controller 可编程控制器PCS Pulverizer control system 磨煤机控制系统PI Purse input 脉冲量输入PID Proportional integral derivative 比例-积分-微分PLC Programmable logic controller 可编程序逻辑控制器PO Pulse output 脉冲量输出RAM Random access memory 随机存取存储器RB Run back (辅机故障)快速甩负荷ROM Read only memory 只读存储器RTC Reheat steam temperature control 再热气温控制SBC Soot blower control system 吹灰控制系统SCM Single chip microcomputer 单片机SCS Sequence control system 顺序控制系统SER Sequence events recorder 事件顺序记录仪SOE Sequence of events 事件顺序记录ST Smart transmitter 智能变送器STC Superheated steam temperature control 过热气温控制TAS Turbine automatic system 汽轮机自动控制系统TBP Tuibine by-pass system 汽轮机旁路系统TCS Turbine control system 汽轮机控制系统TF Turbine follow 汽轮机跟踪TSI Turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监视仪表UCC Unit coordinated control 机组协调控制ULD Unit load demand(command) 机组负荷指令UPS Uninterrupted power system 不间断电源WTS Water treatment contrd system 水处理控制系统。
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soe: sequence of events事件顺序记录电厂常用英文缩写AGC Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CIS Consumer Information System 用户信息系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DA Distribution Automation 配电自动化DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统) DMS Distribution Management System 配电管理系统DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元DSM Demand Side Management 需求侧管理EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Fieldbus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统FTU Feeder Terminal Unit 馈线远方终端GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电波控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PAS Power Application Software 电力应用软件PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process Input Output 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器RTU Remote Terminal Unit 站内远方终端SA Substation Automation 变电站自动化SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC) Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电WMS Work Management System 工作管理系统热工自动化常用英文缩写词ABC Automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制AC Alternating current 交流(电)ACC Automatic combustion control 燃烧自动控制ACP Auxiliary control panel 辅助控制盘ACS Automatic control system 自动控制系统ACT actuator 执行机构A/D Analog /digital(conversion) 模/数(转换)ADP Annunciation display panel 报警显示板AEH Analog electro- 模拟式电液调节AFC Air flow control 送风控制AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电量控制AI Analog input 模拟量输入A/M Automatic/manul 自动/手动AO Analog output 模拟量输出APC Automatic plant control 电厂自动控制ASS Automatic synchronized system 自动同期系统ARP Auxiliary relay panel 辅助继电器盘ATC Automatic turbine startup or shutdown control system 汽轮机自启停系统BCS Burner control system 燃烧器控制系统BF Boiler follow 锅炉跟踪BFC Boiler fuel control 锅炉燃料控制BPS By-pass control system 旁路控制系统BTG Boiler turbinegenerator(panel) 锅炉、汽轮机、发电机(控制盘)CCR Central control room 单元(中央)控制室CHS Coal handing system 输煤控制系统CJC Cold junction compensator 冷端补偿器CPU Central processing unit 中央处理器CRT Cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管屏幕显示器D/A Digtal/analog(conversion) 数/模(转换)DAS Data acquisition system 计算机监视系统或数据采集系统DC Direct current 直流(电)DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment 数据电路终端设备DCS Distributed control system 分散控制系统DDC Direct digital control 直接数字控制DDP Distributed datd processing 分散数据处理DEH Digital electro-hydraulic control system 数字式电液控制系统DI Digital input 数字量输入DMP Damper 挡板、风门DO Digital output 数字量输出DSB Distributed switch-board 配电盘DTE Data terminal equipment 数据中端设备EEPROM Electrically-erasable programmable read only mrmory 电可擦写只读存储器E/P Electro/pneumatic(converter) 电/气(转换器)EPROM Electrically programmable read only memory 电可编程只读存储器ES Expert system 专家系统ETS Emergency trip system 紧急停机系统EWS Engineer wok station 工程师工作站FA Full arc 全周进汽FB Field bus 现场总线FCB Fast cut back (机组)快速甩负荷FDC Furnace draft control 炉膛压力控制FSS Furnace safety system 炉膛安全系统FSSS Furnace safeguard supervisory system 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统GV Governor valve 调节阀门HBP High-pressure by-pass valve 高压旁路I&C Instrumentation &control 仪碛肟刂?INT Interlock 连锁I/O Input/output 输入/输出IDP Integrated data processing 集中数据处理KB Keyboard 键盘LBP Low-pressure by-pass valve 低压旁路LCD Liquid-crystal display 液晶显示器LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管LS Limit switch 限位开关LS Level switch 液位开关M/A Manual/automatic 手动/自动MAX Maximum 最大值MCC Motor control center 电动机控制中心MCR Maximum continuous rating 最大连续运行负荷MCS Modulating control system 模拟量控制系统MEH (BFTP)micro-electro-hydraulic control system (锅炉给水泵汽轮机)电液控制系统MFT Master fuel trip 总燃料跳闸MHC Mechanicial hydraulic control 机械液压式控制MIN Minimum 最小值MIS Management information syrtem 管理信息系统MTBF Mean time between failures 平均无故障工作时间MTTF Mean time to failure 失效(故障)前平均工作时间MTTR Mean time to repair 平均故障修复时间NC Normally Closed 常闭NO Normally open 常开OCS On-off control system 开关量控制系统OEI Optic electric interface 光电接口OFT Oil fuel trip 燃油跳闸OPC Overspeed protection CONTROL 超速保护控制OS Operator station 操作员站PA Partial arc 部分进汽PC Programmable controller 可编程控制器PCS Pulverizer control system 磨煤机控制系统PI Purse input 脉冲量输入PID Proportional integral derivative 比例-积分-微分PLC Programmable logic controller 可编程序逻辑控制器PO Pulse output 脉冲量输出RAM Random access memory 随机存取存储器RB Run back (辅机故障)快速甩负荷ROM Read only memory 只读存储器RTC Reheat steam temperature control 再热气温控制SBC Soot blower control system 吹灰控制系统SCM Single chip microcomputer 单片机SCS Sequence control system 顺序控制系统SER Sequence events recorder 事件顺序记录仪SOE Sequence of events 事件顺序记录ST Smart transmitter 智能变送器STC Superheated steam temperature control 过热气温控制TAS Turbine automatic system 汽轮机自动控制系统TBP Tuibine by-pass system 汽轮机旁路系统TCS Turbine control system 汽轮机控制系统TF Turbine follow 汽轮机跟踪TSI Turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监视仪表UCC Unit coordinated control 机组协调控制ULD Unit load demand(command) 机组负荷指令UPS Uninterrupted power system 不间断电源WTS Water treatment contrd system 水处理控制系统。