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伴随着现代经济的高速发展 , 负债经营的方式已经成为企业筹措资金的重要手段, 也是现代企业迅速发展的必由之路。当前我国物流业普遍面临着资金短缺、融资难等问题。而负债是企业资金的一项重要来源 , 几乎没有一家企业能只靠自有资金而不靠负债就能解决自身资金需求的问题。负债经营是一把双刃剑 , 它能够让闲散的资金得到充分利用 , 又能够缓解企业资金不足带来的压力 ; 还能够让企业生产经营自主权不被分散 , 便于企业的集中管理。负债经营的这些优势能让企业健康可持续发展下去。但负债经营也存在财务上的风险 ;它会使企业的经营成本增加 , 也会增大企业的经营风险。本文通过对宁波海运股份有限公司负

债经营状况的分析研究 , 剖析其存在的问题 ,并针对企业的实际情况提出改进对

策, 从而希望整个物流业对负债经营有更好的认识 , 适度把握债务规模 ,控制好

本结构,合理地进行资金管理和资金调度 , 使企业增强自身竞争力 , 提高其自身


关键词:物流企业 ; 负债经营 ;负债方式


Along with the rapid development of modern economy, debt management way is an important means of enterprise financing, is the only way for the development of modern enterprise quickly. The current Chinese logistics Industry generally face capital shortage, difficulty in financing, etc. While liability is an important enterprise funds, hardly a source of enterprise can only rely on their own funds, not liabilities can solve their problems. The funds needed Debt management is a double-edged sword, it can let an idle capital obtain fully use; Can alleviate the shortage; enterprise funds It can let the production and operation of Enterprises, it is not scattered autonomy to enterprises also centralized management. Debt management of these advantages can let enterprise health sustainable development. On the other hand debt management also has the financial risk; Will be responsible for the operation, also can let enterprise management costs rise, it will also increase the management risk of the enterprise. This article through to

Ningbo shipping company debt management status analysis research,

analyzes the problems existing in enterprise's actual situation proposed improvement countermeasures to want to let whole logistics to better understand indebted management, proper control, control the scale of debt capital structure, rationally fund management and capital scheduling etc, causes the enterprise to improve its competitiveness, improve their economic benefit.

Keywords: logistics enterprises; Debt management; Liabilities wa 目录

1.1负债经营相关概念 1

1.2负债经营的优缺点及影响 2

1.2.1 负债经营的优点 2

1.2.2负债经营的缺点 2

1.3 最佳负债经营 3

2宁波物流企业负债经营现状分析 5

3宁波物流企业负债经营存在的问题 9

3.1 物流企业负债筹资困难 9

3.2 资产负债比例不够合理 10

3.3 偿债能力较差 10

3.4 物流企业过度负债 10

4完善宁波物流企业负债经营的对策 12

4.1 选择合理的筹资方式 , 有效规避筹资风险。 12

4.2 确定合理的资本结构 12

4.3 加强对营运资金的管理 13

4.4 应具备强烈的风险意识 13

5宁波物流企业负债经营发展展望 14

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17
