新视野4级试题 A及参考答案

新视野4级试题A及参考答案New HorizonCollege English TestBand Four (A)2005. 6Paper OnePartI. Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections :In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C), and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it ' s necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read: A) At an office.B) In a waiting room.C) At an airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had tofinish in theevening. This is most likely to have taken place at an office. Therefore, A) “ At the office ”is the best answer. You shouldchoose [A] and mark it with a single linethrough the center.1. A. She doesn ' t want her boyfriend to give her a car.B. Her boyfriend has a lot of money.C. The man ought to lend some money to her boyfriend.D. Her boyfriend was making fun of the man.2. A. 4:00. B. 4:22.C. 4:15. D. 4:20.3. A. He is going to change his job. B. He isn ' t doing well with his work.C. He is doing pretty well now.D. He doesn ' t like his work.4. A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Near his company. D. Near the town.5. A. He hasn ' t seen it. B. He liked it better than Jaws.C. He thought Star Wars was not as good as Jaws.D. He didn 't like it.6. A. Typing a proposal. B. Writing a proposal.C. Posti ng a proposal.D. Check ing a proposal.7. A. Follow the doctor ' s adB/iFirget to take any pills.C. Take five pills.D. Take two pills.8. A. The woman didn ' t hear the man come in.B. The woman pretended to be deaf when the man came in.C. The woman didn ' t mind the man ' s disturbing her.D. The woman asked the man to get home early next time.9. A. Three times. B. Two times. C. Five times. D. Eight times.10. A. 6. B. 12. C. 10. D. 18.Sectio n B Compou nd Dictation (10%)Directions :ln this sect ion, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you arerequired to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the miss ing in formati on. You caneither use the exact words you have just heard or write dow n the main points in your own words.Fin ally, whe n the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have writte n.People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A. are called senior citize ns. Life for these people is more differe nt tha n for (S1) America ns. Most senior citize ns retire, or no (S _ work full time. Also it is (S3) for people of this age to (S4) with their children and gra ndchildre n. (S5) te nd to live in their own houses or (S6) away from their families.For many senior citize ns, the years after 65 are n ot (S7). They feel un productive whe n they no Ion ger work. In additi on, they may feel l onely being away from their families and the con tacts they had in their work. Moreover, (S8)Other senior citize ns enjoy their lives. They feel free to do thi ngs they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. (S9)The nu mber of senior citize ns in the U.S. is in creas ing rapidly because people are livi ngIon ger than before. (S10)Their concerns are receiv ing a wider audie nee tha n everbefore. The time may come whe n all America ns will look forward to beco ming senior citize ns.Part II. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Passagel50,000 people work at Disney' largest theme park, Walt Disney World in Qrlando, Florida. Do all of them like the job?One Disney worker explains how cast members" are given jobs according to their age and appeara nee.For example: Young and pretty workers get jobs where they will in teract a lot with customers; Anyone who might seem less presentable”work on the night shift, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.Mike Cohen, a Disney worker and a trade union activist, says that most Disney workers don 'stay with the compa ny for very long. You can make $10 per hour if you are here for 10 years, but because so many people leave, two-thirds of the workers at the park make $6.57per hour or less. ” Disney has not in creased its start ing wage for 5 years. Disney claims that it offers competitive ” salaries. But Cohen doesn 'agree. Disney is planning to expand and will n eed about 10,000 new workers-but about 75% of the new jobs will also be low paid.Cohe n is also un happy about the way people have to work at Disney World. 'We have to push as many tourists through each side as we can. I 'm supposed to han dle 2,000 visitors an hour. It 'just like a factory with assembly-li ne product ion, only this is a fun factory. " Cohe n says that the most importa nt thi ng for the compa ny is the nu mber of people who are processed through each side; if the nu mber is too small, the man ageme nt compla ins to the workers. But he says that you n ever hear the manageme nt ask, Are being safe eno ugh? ”Disney workers also have to smile all the time. Even when customers are rude (which happe ns every day ), the workers must keep smili ng. Cohe n says: We are supposed to make eye con tact, greet each and every guest and smile for eight hours. If you don', you get reprimanded (训斥)."He added he sometimes hears customers saying that the workers at Disney are not so happy as they used to be. He is not surprised: if some one isn 'paid eno ugh, you don 'expect them to be happy.11. It can be in ferred from the con text that a 'cast member ” of Disney is it ' .A. security guardB. cookC. employeeD. shop assista nt12. Disney World is the one of the American recreation resorts while many employees think .A. it 'so competitive work ing at Disney World.B. it 'so much fun worki ng at Disney World.C. it 'no fun work ing at Disney World.D. it 'very dan gerous work ing at Disney World.13. Which is Not men ti oned as a disadva ntage of the job at Disney World ?A. Accommodatio nB. SafetyC. PayD. Manner14. Which of the followi ng is TRUE accordi ng to Mike Cohen ?A. He can 'tu ndersta nd why many Disney workers have giver up their jobs.B. Most Disney workers earn less tha n $10 for each hour.C. Disney workers are not encouraged to please those rude guests.D. Disney workers are supposed to give each customer a ride.15. The word “presentable ”(Para. 2 ) pr obably means .A. good-lookingB. differentC. previousD. physical Passage 2After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a “good brand ” on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produces solid ground for customer loyalty.Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer .This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays.Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand 's research & development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.16. After-sales service and guarantee can provide the customers with _____ .A. solid ground for loyaltyB. sense of responsibilityC. a feeling ofconvenience D. sense of satisfaction17. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because _________ .A. more and more customersdemand after-sales servicesB. there are more and more complaints from customersC. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales services.D. they have become a new type of investment18. Product guarantee ______ .A. must in written formB. can be based on the company's reputationC. is not often provided by the companiesD. often fails to meet in reality19. Product testing and refinement are conducted for _______ .A. new products onlyB. quality productsC. dangerous productsD. both new and existing products20. W hich is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee?A. A brand's research & development. B.Product testing and refinement.C. Quality control.D. Product distribution.Passage 3Psychics are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through a sixth sense —a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people whoare sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And it's not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics."So how can I get some psychic help?" you may ask yourself. Well, you don't have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability.Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound;we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way.21. People use psychics _____ .A. mainly to see the futureB. to make moneyC. to see what one cannot usually seeD. for many reasons22. _____ learn to use their psychic abilityA. Many peopleB. Many companiesC. Few peopleD. Few governments23. Psychic abilities _______ .A. are similar to other sensesB. work in the same way as other sensesC. are different from other sensesD. work together with other senses24. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ______ .A. we never use itB. we never believe in itC. we ignore itD. we don't want to take time to train it25. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ______ .A. positiveB. ironicalC. criticalD. neutralPassage 4It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆)or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of being abandoned, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife's right to receive a tenth of all her husband's property.The wife had the right to hold back consent, in all transactions (交易)the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real powerof decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.The wife shared in the management of her husband's personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation (赔偿). None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the official in charge to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro's personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace." Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.26. A decimum was _______ .A. the wife's inheritance from her fatherB. a gift of money to the new husbandC. a written contractD. the wife's right to receive one-tenth of her husband's property27. In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage wasA. higher than that of her husbandB. lower than that of her husbandC. the same as that of her husbandD. higher than that of a single woman28. What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field?A. Some of the land Miro had inherited.B. A tenth of Miro's landC. Money for household expenses.D. Money from Miro's inheritance.29. Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?A. No, under no circumstances.B. Yes, whenever he wished to.C. Yes, if she agreed.D. Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?A. The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.B. The wife was protected from being abandoned.C. The wife gained a powerful economic position.D. The husba nd was give n con trol over his wife's property.Part III. Cloze (10% )Directions: Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.My gran dpare nts believed you were either hon est or you were n '. There was no state in 31 . They had a simple motto (格言)32 on their living-room wall: Life is like a fieldof n ewly falle n snow; 33 I choose to walk every step will 34 . ” They did n 'have totalk about it-they dem on strated the motto by the 35 they lived.They un derstood in st in ctively that in tegrity (正直)means hav ing a 36 sta ndard of morality and ethics (伦理标准)that is not relative 37 the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for 38 our behavior. Unfortun ately, in tegrity is in short 39 today-a nd getting scarcer. 40 it is the real bottom line in every41 of society. And it is someth ing we must dema nd 42 ourselves.A good test for this value is to look at 43 I call the Integrity Triad (三元素),which 44_ of three key principles:Stand 45 for your convictions in the face of pers onal pressure. When you know you are right, you can '46 .Always give others 47 that is rightfully theirs. Don 'be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter tha n you are.Be hon est and ope n about who you really are. Be yourself. Don ' 48 in a pers onalcover-up of areas that are 49 in your life. When it 's tough, do it tough.Self-respect and a clear 50 are powerful comp onents of in tegrity and are the basis for enriching your relationship with others.31. A. middle B. betwee n C. half D. cen ter32. A. ha nging B. hanged C. hangsD. to be hung33. A. whe n B. what C. where D. and34. A. show B. dem on strate C. reveal D. express35. A. method B. way C. manner D. style36. A. private B. i ndividual C. self D. pers onal。
新视野大学英语四 视听说教程 第十单元的 答案A级

Uint10II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptW: Many Chinese students are too shy to say anything in a classroom.M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty, and they don’t want to appear to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius.Q: Why don’t Chinese students say anything in classroom according to the man?2. ScriptW: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the workplace. Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work.M: Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men do for the same job. It’s a situation that has to be changed.Q: What does the man say about women?3. ScriptW: I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers, and he has realized that dream.M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that.Q: What do we learn about Dell from the conversation?4. ScriptM: Successful entrepreneurs are often self-made people who have a vision and know where they are going.W: But do they enjoy life like you and me, or is money their only concern?Q: What are the two speakers’attitudes toward successful entrepreneurs?5. ScriptW: Do you agree that equal opportunity for all in an educational system is important? M: Yes, but we have to recognize that all of us are not of equal ability.Q: What does the man imply?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3. D 4.B 5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Competition in AmericaScriptAlan: What are you reading, Eliza?Eliza: An article on American competition.Alan: Competition is everywhere and constant. Why so much fuss about it, Miss Knowledge?Eliza: Don’t make fun of me. According to the author, competition is especially importantin American life. They’re taught to compete from early childhood. When children play games, they learn how to beat others.Alan: And many girls want to look more attractive than the girl s sitting next to them in class. Do you think that way?Eliza: Don’t be silly. Let’s get back to the point. When children are growing up, they compete with one another in their studies.Alan: Isn’t that also true of students in other nations? As we all know, many Asian students kill for a high test score and grab every opportunity to sharp en their competitive edge over others.Eliza: American boys find great pleasure in competing with each other in sports, according to the author.Alan: I do like sports. When our football team beats the other team, I feel great. Makes me want to shout out loud. But isn’t that normal throughout the world?Eliza: American people also compete with each other at work and at climbing the social ladder.Alan: But there’s competition in other countries as well.Eliza: You’re right in a sense, but the author says the idea of competing is more deeply rooted in the minds of Americans. They’re even taught that if you lose and don’t feel hurt, there must be something wrong with you.Alan: I hear that some Asians put emphasis on cooperation. Which approach do you think makes more sense?Eliza: It’s hard to say. Anyway, there’s no accounting for different cultures.1. What is the dialog mainly about?2. What is the woman doing?3. What do children learn from playing games according to the woman?4. What does the man say about students’studies?5. What does the woman say when asked which makes more sense, competition or cooperation?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DTask 2: Americans’Work EthicScriptFor four hundred years or more, one thing has been a characteristic of Americans. It is called their “work ethic”. Its (S1) roots were in the teaching of the Christian Puritans who first settled in (S2) what is now the northeastern state of Massachusetts. They believed that it was their (S3) moral duty to work at every task to please God by their(S4) diligence, honesty, attention to details, skill, and attitude. To these Puritans, it was a (S5) sin to be lazy or to do less than your best in any task. They and later Americans triedto follow the Bible’s (S6) teachings, “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”Therefore, Americans have for (S7) centuries believed that they were guilty of sin if they did not work as carefully and hard as they could when they did anything. God would punish those who were careless or lazy in their work. (S8) Even as children they were taught, “If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing well.”But some people have gone beyond the usual sense of diligence. They are especially attracted to the notion of “climbing the ladder”so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. (S9) In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsivelly. The word “workaholic”describes an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic is to alcohol.There are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. (S10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive. The American culture values achievement, efficiency, and production, and a workaholic upholds these values.Task 3: Do you know what “Freeze!”means?ScriptThere is one word which you must learn before you visit the U.S.A. That is “Freeze!”It means, “Stand still and don’t move.”Police officers use it when they are ready to use their guns. If the person does not obey the command and moves, they shoot.One evening in Los Angeles, someone rang the bell doorbell of a house. It was a dangerous area at night, so the owner of the house took his gun with him when he answered the door. He opened the door and saw a person, who turned round and started walking away from the house. The owner cried “Freeze!”, but the man went on walking. The owner thought he tried to escape, so he shot him dead.Later, a sad story was uncovered. The dead man was Yoshiro Hattori, a 16-year-old Japanese exchange student. He went to visit a friend for a Halloween party, but he could not remember the number of the house. When he realized that he had gone to the wrong house, he turned round to leave. He did not know much English and so did not understand the command “Freeze!”.The tragedy arose from cultural misunderstanding. Those who have lived in the United States for a long time understand the possibility of being shot when one trespasses upon an individual’s property. It is a well-known fact in America that a person’s home is his castle. Although Rodney Pears, the owner of the house, gave a verbal warning “Freeze!”to Hattori, Hattori did not know it meant “Stand still and don’t move”, and therefore did not obey it. This misunderstanding became the trigger of Hattori’s disaster. The concept of owning guns is hard for Japanese people to understand, but in America you are permitted to own a gun under the U.S. Constitution.1.What does the word “Freeze!”mean in the passage?2.What did the owner of the house take with him when he answered the door?3. Why did the Japanese student turn around and leave?4. What is mentioned as a possible result of trespassing?5. Why is the phrase “a person’s home is his castle”quoted in the passage? Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.CIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Americans glorify individualism.Susan: John, I was looking for you. Where have you been hiding all morning?John: Well, I caught Professor Brown’s lecture on American individualism.Susan: Oh, how did you find it?John: Enlightening. Americans glorify individualism. They believe individual interests rank above everything else.Susan: Sounds intersting. It’s a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivism Professor Wang talked about last semester.John: But you should know that the individualism in the United States is not necesssarily an equivalent for selfishness.Susan: Then what does it mean in the States?John: They believe all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals, so they emphasize individual initiative and independence.Susan: There could be something in that. Of course in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else.John: I So, it’s all the more necessary for foreigners to understand American culture, or they can’t hope to understand the importance of privacy in the West..Susan: Maybe that’s the reason nuclear families outnumber extended families in the United States.John: Right on! You’re catching on fast!Susan: Now let me ask you a question.John: Shoot. Go ahead.Susan: Why do Americans cherish individualism more than oriental people?John: I don’t know. Anyway, Professor Brown didn’t say.Susan: One reason might be that American children stop sleeping with their parents at an early age. They learn independence early, so it’s deeply rooted.John: Wow, that’s an intelligent guess!MODEL2 What do you think are the reasons forthat difference?ScriptSusan: Do you find that people in America often walk faster than people in China? Americans always seem to be in a hurry.John: It’s hard to come to a definite conclusion. Some Americans walk in a leisurely way, and some Chinese hurry all the time. But on the whole, I think you’re right. Susan: What do you think are the reasons for that difference?John: Americans treasure time. For them, time is tangible. It’s a thing. “Time is money.”You can “spend time”, “waste time”, “save time”. You can even “kill time”!Susan: Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle?John: Sure. If you’re 20 minutes late for a bussiness appointment, the other person or persons will be annoyed. They may not trust you anymore.Susan: But as far as I know, English-speaking people may be 15-30 minutes late for a dinner party.John: That’s true. For an informal occasion like that, punctuality is not so important. Also, a boss may keep his employees waiting for a long time.Susan: But if his secretary is late, she’s in trouble. She will probably receive a reprimand.John: How true!Susan: The American workship of time probably led them to create fast foods.John: I agree. And globalization shrinks the differences between cultures. Now people everywhere are rushing, and anywhere you go, you find Kentucky Fried Chicken. Susan: But plenty of Chinese are still making appointments saying, “If I am late, wait for me.”John: But with more intercultural communication, I think the gap will eventually be bridged, and Chinese will be hurrying everywhere.MODEL3 That’s the secret of their success.ScriptChris: Hey Sue, how’s the math class going? Are you head of the class?Susan: Are you kidding? There’s a bunch of foreign students in the class---from China somewhere---and they are on top.Chris: Why do you think so many Chinese students excel in math? It’s been my observation that the Chinese students are usually the best.Susan: In class they don’t say much, but they definitely get the best marks.Chris: I think part of it is their work ethic. They never skip class, and they pay attention. Susan: One Chinese student in my class did homework each night until the early hours. He never took a break, watched TV, or went out for a beer.Chris: That’s the secret of their success: hard work and deligence.Susan: It’s so unfair. I could probably do better if I worked harder, but that’s no fun. I think learning should be more fun.Chris: Someone with a knowledge of chess would find a chess tournament fascinating. But if you don’t have the knowledge, then you won’t understand the significance of the moves, and you’ll be bored.Susan: So what you’re saying is knowledge requires hard work, and knowledge makes things interesting. I am not against knowledge; I just want to learn it in an interesting way. What’s more, “All work and noplay makes Jack a dull boy.”Now Your TurnTask 1:SAMPLE DIALOGMaggie: Josh, you were late for work this morning.Josh: I was only about ten minutes late. Anyway, the boss didn’t say anything about it. Maggie: As a friend, I must give you a warning. You should understand that Americans treasure time.Josh: What do you mean?Maggie: You see, for them time is tangible. It’s a thing. “Time is money.”You can “spend time”, “waste time”, “save time”. You can even “kill time”!Josh: Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle?Maggie: If you’re 20 minutes late for a business appointment, the other persons will be annoyed. They may not trust you anymore. Today you were ten minutes late for work. That was bad enough.Josh: I was caught in a traffic jam. What could I have done?Maggie: You should have called the secretary to say you might be late. I learned the importance of punctuality when I studied at an American university.Josh: Tell me about it.Maggie: Some students were late handing in assignments and the professors gave them poor marks. One professor even refused to read a term paper that was turned in after the deadline.Josh: But as far as I know, English-speaking people may be 15-30 minutes late for a dinner party.Maggie: That’s true. For an informal occasion like that, punctuality is not so important. Also, a boss may keep his employees waiting for a long time.Josh: But if his secretary is late, she’s in trouble. She will probably be reprimanded. Maggie: How true!。

新视野四级试卷A卷及答案New Horizon College English TestBand Four (A)2006.6Part I Listening Comprehension (25%)Section ADirections: In this section, you’ll hear ten short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.The conversation and question will be read only once. Listencarefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. A. In a shoe shop. B. In a warehouse.C. In a department store.D. In a store for man’s clothes.2. A. It is typical December weather for this region.B. It won’t snow until December.C. There has never been much snow down South.D. Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.3. A. He’s not sure. B. He’ll go by plane.C. He’ll go by train.D. He’ll go by bus.4. A. She must walk five miles. B. She must walk five or six blocks.C. She must walk to the corner.D. She must walk three blocks.5. A. It’s too soon to go back there again.B. The mail was sent back to the post office.C. He doesn’t have anything to drop in the mailbox.D. The post office was closed an hour ago.6. A. His age. B. His income.C. His hobby.D. His job.7. A. She doesn’t like singing. B. She’s scared.C. She can’t read music.D. Her voice is bad.8. A. In another building. B. In his office.C. In the bathroom.D. At a meeting.9. A. Writing checks for tickets. B. A train trip.C. Today’s rainstorm.D. How to use their tickets.10. A. $358. B. $158.C. $200.D. $258.Section BDirections: In this section, you’ll hear a short passage. The passage will be read only once. At the end of the passage you’ll hear fivequestions about what was said. Listen carefully and choose thebest answer to each question.11. A. To draw moving objects. B. To keep away from dangerous things.C. To hunt animals.D. To cling to their parents.12. A. How to read and write. B. How to count and calculate.C. How to hunt and farm.D. How to depend on other people.13. A. Their parents could teach them all they needed.B. Teachers came to their homes.C. They didn’t need to count money.D. Other people’s experiences meant little for them.14. A. They didn’t live together with their parents any longer.B. They were not satisfied with the old way of living.C. They began to move from place to place.D. They had to learn from people living far away.15. A. Reading, writing, and entertainment.B. Reading, writing, and arithmetic.C. Reading, farming, and researching.D. Reading, writing, and survival.Section CDirections: In this section, you’ll hear a passage three times. Listen carefully during the first reading. Then listen again. When thefirst part of the passage is being read, you should fill in themissing words during the pause at each blank. After listeningto the second part, you are required to write down the mainpoints according to what was said. Check your answers whenthe passage is read the third time.If you are in a (1) ________ country, you’ll often see people walking with their dogs. A dog is the most useful animal in the world, but the (2) ________ why one keeps a dog has changed.Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the (3) ________ against other animals, and he found that the dog (4) ________ to him and did what he told him to. Later people used dogs for the (5) ________ of other animals, and the dogs did not eat what they got until their master (6)________. So dogs were used for (7) ________ sheep and (8) ________ chickens.(9) ___________________________________________________. They keep them to frighten thieves. But the most important reason is that people feel lonely in the city. (10) ____________________________________________________________. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn’t have her own. (11)____________________________________ _____________________________________________. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep on as a friend, just like a member of the family.Part II. Reading Comprehension. (30%)Directions: Read the following passage(s) carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Text 1In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting and most of the time forms a relationship with one familiar teacher. On entering secondary school, a new world opens up and frequently it is a much more difficult world. The pupil soon learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils. He begins to lose gradually the free and easy ways of the primary school, for he senses the need for a more cautious approach in the secondary school where there are older pupils. Secondary staff and pupils suffer from the pressures of academic work and seem to have less time to stop and talk. Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able to form relationships with very few of the staff. He has to decide which adults are approachable; good schools will make clear to every young person from the first year what guidance and personal help is available —but whether the reality of life in the institution actually encourages requests for help is another matter.Adults often forget what a confusing picture school can offer to a child. He sees a great deal of movement, a great number of people —often rather frightening-looking people — and realizes that an increasing number of choices and decisions have to be made. As he progresses through the school the confusion may become less but the choices and decisions required will increase. The school will rightly expect the pupil to take the first steps to obtain the helphe needs, for this is the pattern of adult life for which he has to be prepared, but all the time the opportunities for personal and group advice must be presented in a way which makes them easy to understand and within easy reach of pupils.16. According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondaryschools is that ________.A) they are taught by many different teachersB) they do not attend lessons in every subjectC) the teachers are not so friendly and helpfulD) the teachers give most attention to a few pupils17. In secondary schools every pupil having problems should ________.A) know how to ask for helpB) go to ask any teacher he can findC) discuss his problem in classD) turn to his parents for help18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is mainly concernedabout ________..A) academic standardsB) the role of specialist teachersC) the training of the individual teachersD) the personal development of pupils19.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A) All the secondary schools know the way to encourage students' requests for help.B) The secondary schools are responsible for offering personal and group advice to new pupils.C) Secondary school pupils enjoy greater freedom in communicating with teachers and fellow pupils.D) Secondary school pupils can easily get the help they need.20. The most appropriate title for the passage would be ________.A) Primary School and Secondary SchoolB) Problems for New Secondary School TeachersC) Problems for New Secondary School PupilsD) Academic Work and Personal RelationshipText 2In the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Negative events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress — it only shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that they way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying healthy.By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow, the research got boiled down to a memorable message. Women's magazines ran headlines like "Stress causes illness!" If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy, the articles said, avoid stressful events.But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous, many — like the death of a loved one — are impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处⽅) for staying away from opportunities as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move.The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people. It assumes we're all vulnerable (脆弱的) and passive in the face of adversity (逆境). But what about human initiative and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental vigor than they had before. We also know that a long time without change can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain.21. The result of Holmes-Rahe's medical research tells us ________.A) what should be done to avoid stressB) rethink educational strategiesC) what kind of event would cause stressD) how to cope with sudden changes in life22. The studies on stress in the early 1970's led to ________.A) widespread concern over its harmful effectsB) great panic over the mental disorder it could causeC) an intensive research into stress-related illnessesD) popular avoidance of stressful jobs23. The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows ________.A) how much pressure you are underB) how positive events can change your lifeC) how stressful a major event can beD) how you can deal with life-changing events24. Why is "such simplistic advice" (Line 1, Para. 3) impossible to follow?A) No one can stay on the same job for long.B) No prescription is effective in relieving stress.C) People have to get married someday.D) You could be missing opportunities as well.25. According to the passage people who have experienced ups and downs maybecome ________.A) nervous when faced with difficultiesB) physically and mentally strainedC) more capable of coping with adversityD) indifferent toward what happens to themText 3Transportation and communication networks bring people together. Yet sometimes people themselves create barriers to transportation and communication.In some countries, laws stop people from moving freely from place to place. Over the centuries, many groups of people have been denied the freedom to travel because of their race, religion, or nationality. In the Middle Ages, for example, Jews were often forbidden to move about freely within certain cities. South Africa’s government used to require black Africans to carry passes when they traveled within the country. Some governments require all citizens to carry identification papers and to report to government officials whenever they move.Countries set up customs posts at their borders. Foreign travelers must go through a customs inspection before they are allowed to travel in the country. Usually travelers have to carry special papers such as passports and visas. Some countries even limit the number of visitors to their country each year. Others allow tourists to visit only certain areas of the country, or they may require that travelers be with an official guide at all times during their stay.Many of those barriers to travel also act as barriers to communication.When two governments disagree with each other on important matters, they usually do not want their citizens to exchange news or ideas freely. Countries often try to keep military or industrial information secret.Today, people have the ability to travel, to communicate, and to transport goods more quickly and easily than ever before. Natural barriers that were difficult or dangerous to cross a hundred years ago can now be crossed easily. The barriers that people themselves make are not so easy to overcome. But in spite of all the different kinds of barriers, people continue to enjoy travel and the exchange of goods and ideas.26. The examples in paragraph 2 are used to tell the reader that ________.A. people were not so free to move about as they are nowB. people have not been allowed to travel freely for various reasonsC. people have to carry special papers in order to travel within their countryD. customs posts make it possible for people to travel in other countries27. Which is NOT mentioned as the possible limits some countries put onforeign visitors?A. They have to get a visa before they enter the country.B. Only a limited number of visitors are allowed to enter the country everyyear.C. Not every part of the country is open to foreign tourists.D. They have to report to government officials when they come to a newplace.28. Some governments limit the freedom of communication because ________.A. they don’t want other countries know their secretsB. they often disagree with each other on important mattersC. they think such freedom may lead to warsD. they want to show their authority over communication29. We may learn from the passage that ________.A. people don’t care to remove barriers between countriesB. people have made no progress in improving transportation andcommunicationC. it’s even harder to overcome barriers made by man than natural onesD. barriers should be taken for granted as they always exist30. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?A. Importance of CommunicationB. Progress of Human SocietyC. Barriers Made by ManD. Restrictions on TransportationText 4The term "culture shock" has already begun to creep into the popular vocabulary. Culture shock is the effect that involvement in a strange culture has on the unprepared visitor. Culture shock is what happens when a traveler suddenly finds himself in a place where yes may mean no, where a "fixed price" is negotiable, where to be kept waiting in an outer office is no cause for insult, where laughter may signify (意味) anger.The culture shock phenomenon causes a breakdown in communication, a misreading of reality, an inability to cope. Yet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much more serious malady(弊病), future shock. Future shock is brought on by the premature arrival of the future. It may well be the most important disease of tomorrow.Take an individual out of his own culture and set him down suddenly in an environment sharply different from his own, with a different set of cues to react to — different conceptions (概念) of time, space, work, love, religion, sex, and everything else, then the dislocation he suffers will be severe. Given few clues as to what kind of behavior is rational under the radically new circumstances, the victim may well become a danger to himself and others.Now imagine not merely an individual but an entire society, an entire generation —including its weakest, least intelligent, and most irrational members —suddenly transported into this new world. The result is mass disorientation (迷失⽅向), future shock on a grand scale.This is the prospect that man now faces. Change is avalanching(把…淹没)upon our heads and most people are unprepared to cope with it.31. Culture shock occurs when ________.A. one loses all hopes of returning to his home environmentB. one expresses ideas and emotions contrary to what he intends to expressC. one cannot make accurate judgment using one's own value standardsD. one cannot conduct negotiations for goods of fixed prices32. Future shock is much more serious than culture shock as ________.A. it concerns the problems of the futureB. it affects people on a grand scaleC. it causes mass casualties (伤亡)D. it destroys the foundation of the society33. The word "cue" in Para. 3 most probably refers to something that________.A. disorients an individualB. disturbs an individual's normal way of lifeC. helps an individual to function in societyD. arouses an individual's interest in the new culture34. One of the good measures to prevent future shock is to ________.A. get people well-prepared for the future changesB. keep people well-informed of the cultures in different placesC. make people fight against the possible future changesD. acquaint people with the harm of the future changes35. It can be inferred that the author's tone in the passage is ________.A. humorousB. exaggeratedC. ironic (讽刺的)D. seriousPart III. Vocabulary and Structure. (20%)Directions:Choose the best one to complete each sentence.36. His results are not very ________. He does well one week and badly thenext.A. invariableB. consequentC. consistentD. continuous37. ________ available annually to the University for publishing books are exhausted for the present.A. ExpensesB. CostsC. FundsD. Money38. The revolutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than________ with his knees bent.A. to liveB. livingC. liveD. lived39. ________ in his reading that Susan hadn't dared to make a sound.A. So was he absorbedB. So absorbed he wasC. So absorbed was heD. So he was absorbed40. Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about ________ to return to school full-time.A) he wanted B) he wanting C) him to want D) his wanting41. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning ________ the behavior of animals depends mainly on instinct.A) so B) unless C) if D) while42. The baby can't even crawl yet, _______ walk!A) to name a few B) let alone C) not to speak D) let's say43. Next time we go house-hunting, remember ________ the agent for very clear directions. I wasted hours ________ the last house.A) to ask ...to look for B) asking ...to look forC) to ask ...looking for D) asking ...asking for44. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have __________ supplies of petroleum.A) proficient B) potential C) efficient D) sufficient45. We hadn't met for 20 years, but I recognized her ________ I saw her.A) the moment B) the moment whenC) for the moment D) at the moment when46. They packed the instruments carefully ________ they would be broken during transportation.A) so that B) on condition that C) for fear that D) provided that47. After the meeting the workers went back to their ________ workshops.A) respectable B) respective C) respectful D) respected48. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years.A) rank B) scale C) span D) scope49. With the development of science and technology, man can make various flowers ________ before their time.A) be bloomed B) bloomed C) bloom D) blooming50. In recent years much more emphasis has been put ________ developing the students productive skills.A) onto B) over C) in D) on51. Purchasing the new production line will be a ________ deal for the company.A) forceful B) favorite C) tremendous D) profitable52. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are __________free medical care.A. involvedB. associated withC. entitled toD. assigned to53. "What is the new literature course like?"" It ______ the students aren't required to attend lectures."A. differs with the old course becauseB. is different than the old course due toC. differs from the old course in thatD. is different from the old course with respect to54. He does not ________ his workmates and there are often disagreements between them.A. go on withB. put up withC. get along withD. keep up with55. A special day should be created to __________ people's knowledge of thesignificance of intellectual property.A. learnB. expandC. broadenD. observePart IV. Cloze. (5%)What is the most valuable _____1________ employees make to their companies, knowledge or judgment? I say judgment. Knowledge, no matter how broad, is useless ____2___l it is applied. And____3___ takes judgment, which _____4______ something of sixth sense--- a high performance of the mind.This raises interesting questions about the best training for today’s business people. __5__ Daniel Goleman suggests in his new book, Emotional Intelligence, the ___6____ scientific findings seem to __7____that intelligent but ___8______ people don’t have the right ___9____ in an age when the ___10_____ability is the key to survival.Part V. Words transformation. (5%)1. She was very bothered by her husband’s ___________ behavior.(suspicion)2. As the course becomes more difficult and demanding, there’s usually a ___________ drop in attendance. (correspond)3. From a hobby she built up a __________ business and now has over 40 people working for her. (thrive)4. The company will spend $6 million on the development of new products and sales _______. (strategic)5. The adventure-__________ boy had climbed up the tree but could not get down again. (seek)Part VI. Guided Writing (15%)Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition.The title of your composition is given. Your composition mayconsist of two or three paragraphs and include the followingmain ideas given in Chinese.Fast Food1. 快餐在中国⼗分流⾏,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。

新视野大学英语第四册选择题题库(经典).docUnit 1 : Section A1.They are hoping to penetrate the Japanese market with their latest product.他们希望与他们的最新产品进入日本市场2.Both the labor and the management made a lot of concessions and at last they came to an agreement.劳动和管理做出了很多让步,最后他们达成了协议。
3.A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough nuisance.大量的蚂蚁总是入侵我的厨房。
他们是一个彻底的讨厌4.Out of sheer revenge (复仇), he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.纯粹的报复(复仇),他严重诋毁她的性格,毁了她的名声5.I’ve already had one holiday in Africa, and I’m not keen on going there again.我已经有一个假期在非洲,我又不喜欢去那里了。
6.To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is imposing one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.打电话给另一个识谱的音乐“原始”将自己的标准强加给一群不认识他们。
7.She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it tender enough to eat.她煮肉很长一段时间,以使其投标足够的食物吃。
新视野 大学英语 第四册 详细全面答案 含Section A、B、C

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------新视野大学英语第四册详细全面答案含Section A、B、CUnit 1 Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman 《读写教程 IV 》: Ex. II, p. 8 1. Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home. 2. He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange personality. 3. She decided to leave for her aunts house and wouldnt come back till Gouvernail left their home. 4. A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one with the mere desire to enjoy a genuine life now and then. 5. His tones of voice and personal charm. 6. She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouvernail. 7. He mistook his wifes feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike. 8. She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her subtle feelings towards Gouvernail. 《读写教程 IV 》: Ex. III, p.8 1.idle 2.melting 3.imposes 4. penetrate 5. presence 6. nuisance 7. nonsense 8. keen 《读写教程 IV 》: Ex. IV, p. 9 1. run down 2. taken seriously 3. drinking in 4. in no sense 5.made excellent observations on 6.counted on 7. for my part 8. make a fuss 《读写教程 IV 》: Ex.1 / 2V, p. 9 1. sanctions 2. Restrictions 3. fine 4. limits5. problems 6. tax 7. duty 8. responsibility 《读写教程 IV 》: Ex. VI, p. 10 1. justify 2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrified 《读写教程IV 》: Ex. VII, p. 10 1. bravery 2. jewellery 3. delivery 4. machinery 5. robbery 6. nursery 7. scenery 8. discovery 《读写教程 IV 》:Ex. VIII, p. 11 1. She said it might have been all right,if the weather had been good. 2. Mrs. Baroda said shemight have liked Gouvernail if he had been like the others. 3. If I had been there, I could have helped you. 4. He couldhave got tickets if there had been some cheap ones. 5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadnt beena respectable and sensible person. 《读写教程 I...。

Unit1Section A课文翻译爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事1 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。
2 但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。
3 “光彩照人”,她已经是了。
4 在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大橡树下。
5 “逻辑学。
”6 “好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。
7 “逻辑学的原理,”我说道,“即清晰思考的主要原则。
”8 “好啊,”她表示同意。
9 “‘绝对判断’是指在证据不足的情况下所作出的推断。
”10 她点头表示赞同。
11 我看得出她没弄明白。
“波莉,” 我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了。
”12 “接下来是‘草率结论’。
”13 “是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。
“没有人吗?”14 “这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少了。

Unit 1Vocabulary1.A: 1. skiing;2. sledding B:3. exams;4. minors;5. majors1.graduate2.exam3.division4.sleeve5.alphabet6.revise7.maximum8.prime9.semester10.clown1. D2. C3. B4. A5. B6. D7. CReadingPassage 11. B2. C3. C4. C5. APassage 21. B2. C3. D4. A5. CWritingDear Professor Smith,I am writing to express my gratitude for your support and guidance throughout the semester. The knowledge and skills I have gained in your class have been invaluable to my academic growth.Specifically, I would like to highlight the impact your teaching methods have had on my learning experience. Your engaging lectures and thought-provoking discussions have not only deepened my understanding of the subject matter, but they have also inspired me to explore further and embark on independent research.Additionally, I am grateful for the constructive feedback you have provided on my assignments. Your detailed comments and suggestions have greatly improved my writing skills and critical thinking abilities.In conclusion, I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be your student. Your dedication to teaching and commitment to excellence have made a significant difference in my education. I look forward to continuing my academic journey under your guidance.Sincerely, [Your Name]Unit 2Vocabulary1.A: 1. apologize;2. competitiveness B:3. anxiety;4. accomplishments1.attribute2.fulfill3.posting4.upload5.cancel6.demanding7.constraints8.exhausted9.influential10.tension1. C2. B3. A4. B5. B6. D7. DReadingPassage 11. A2. C3. C4. A5. DPassage 21. A2. D3. B4. C5. AWritingIn recent years, the issue of work-life balance has attracted significant attention. The increasing demands of work and the pressures of daily life have placed a considerable strain on individuals. It is crucial for individuals to find a balance between their professional and personal lives to ensure their overall well-being.To achieve work-life balance, it is important to establish clear boundaries. This includes setting realistic goals and priorities, as well as learning to say no when necessary. By effectively managing our time and obligations, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain a healthier balance.Another essential aspect of work-life balance is self-care. Taking care of our physical and mental health is essential for overall well-being. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones, can help alleviate stress and improve our quality of life.Furthermore, organizations also play a crucial role in promoting work-life balance. Companies can offer flexible working hours, provide wellness programs, and encourage open communication to support their employees’ well-being. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work can also contribute to a positive work environment.In conclusion, achieving work-life balance requires individual effort as well as support from organizations. By prioritizing our well-being and making conscious choices, we can lead more fulfilling lives both professionally and personally.Unit 3Note: The answers for Unit 3 are not provided in this document. Please refer to the official answer key for Unit 3.二、结语此文档提供了《新视野大学英语4》课本中一些练习与测试的答案。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4级答案(全新版本)Unit1 enjoy your feelingsIIC BD A DListening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A CLet’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnFurther Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!”(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T FViewing and speakingKey :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) £60 (16)cheapUnit1 Test1.C D B C D2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) Thank God, I've done my duty Thank God, I've done my duty (9) In a workforce made up entirely of happy people, the competitive edge would soon be lost (10) It may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can arrive at a clear definition of happiness3. B A D C C4.A D C A B C B D A AUnit 2I f d a e h i b c jII BACDBIII 1.CAADB2.Correct answerthe enddiscountsT-shirtsbig-name brands Interchangeable pieces black trousers several times simpleststylish and fashionable 3.ABACDV let’s talkTask 1wealthyclothing stylesfigureslimmer constructionlightlargerformalbrightly coloredthe rich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther listening > Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If she wears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual.If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirt into casual chic.Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking > Task 1(1) combining clothing withnew technology(2) brand-new style(3) new industrial designsolutions(4) electronics and fashion(5) into your collar(6) went into partnership with(7) bring them together(8) the modern-day worker(9) 600 pounds(10) to what we might expectUnit2Part I CBCBDPart II contest queens outgoing cheers title tours performed A beautiful womanhas very great powers to convince,and we have done a great job.Women's liberation organizations in the United States regularly demonstrate.All the same,some Australians were hoping the two-hour show would draw world attention to the be.Part III ADCBBPart IV CDADD BCBDBUnit 3Task 1drought earthquake flood forest fire landslide snowstorm tsunami typhoon volcanic eruptionBasic listening DACBCListening inTask 1 BCADCTask 2 BBABATask 3Correct answerdroughttsunamiundersearesult indry spellfloodwater suppliesfamineagricultureheavy rainfallmeltingswellman-made damsLet’s talkTask 1Correct answer eruptedburyingfewoverseasrescueinjured damaged islanderssevenbiggestclose aftershockstrap20 million pounds diseaseFurther listening >Task 1BADACTask 21. Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4.He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for $10,000.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery. Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking >Task 1rescuedworst floodingsurprisefloodedmy son'screwsbursthitsavehigh tidefurniturenormalcomputer systemdrugsheavyUnit 3 TestP1 A C C D DP2 at , section, connects, bottom, shining, As, cross,Ten minutes later,as we were looking out the window,we saw everyone was running away from something.A huge flood was streaming down the mountain.Wwere standing on a high place,so we could see everything.It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day.P3 A B B D CP4 B D A C C D A B D AUnit 4Lead inc d a e h f i g bBasic listeningCBABDListening inTask l CBDAATask 2Relationshipsmarketing managerin conflict withexpensesended in vaintraining administrator visitedestablish closer relationships long-termpicked upTask 3 CDDCALet's talkTask 116featuresbriefeightpaperguidelinesinterviewstreatmentcome backDeadlinesmeetguidancescaryFurther listening >Task 1 DBCACTask 2 BABABTask 31. They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3. The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4. The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and thecompany quickly rebounded.5. The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO. Viewing and speakingTask 1earninglive onfrustratingheadchasingtelevisioneditorlaunchingbasisprivilegedUnit 4 TestP1 D D A D DP2expensive ,declined ,averaged ,compared ,agency ,floor ,accommodation. But the biggest climber of all was Dublin,with the Irish capital jump nine places to the tenth among the world’s most expensive office location. Globally,most office locations continued to register declines in occupancycosts last year,reflects the weak and uncertain global economy environment.In Euro terms,London is some 17 perce cheaper than last year,but in dol terms it is virtually unchanged.P3 D C A D BP4 A B D C A D D C C D补充第一空为supermarketsUnit 5Unit 5 test P1 CDCBDP2P3 CBDAC P4 ABDCD CDBBA Unit 6Basic listening CCADBListening inTask 1 CBADCTask 2terriblemisfortunereflectiondamagedheavenpickSome people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucifiedFriday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them allthey mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personalityTask 3falling stock marketseven more superstitious much lessconstructive actionless luckymore satisfied examstrust revisionLet's talk Task 1 mystery inside out largestthree million outside innerhis theory used upthe base137-meter purpose tall, narrow 100,000 or so radarFurther listening and speakingTask 1 ABDDBTask 2 AABBATask 31. The magician did the same tricks over and over again.2. The captain's parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show.3. Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. The4. performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy.4. The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side.5. He said, "OK, I give up. But I hope you'll tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat."Viewing and speakingTask 1feetshapestheoryman-madelook afterexpertsa millionouter space extraterrestrial conceivablecircle makerimageexplaingenuinelifting out ofrubbishmysterymysteriousfarmerscatchappearlandscapeUnit 6 test P1 DACCCP2P3 BDACDP4 ADDDC ABCCC Unit 7Basic listeningAADBCListening in > Task 1 DCAABTask 2DCAABrestSundayindustrial revolution Godsix-day work week late 19th and early 20th relaxationgreat boon consumer spending Second World War two daysdo not workreligious activitiesLet's talkTask 1held backtransporthighestsubsistencelower2,000-kilometerpotentialdevelopmentnumber onetourismonly twolandscapesfascinatingcommutingtouristruinedhistorytraditionalmistakesFurther listening and speaking> Task 1 AABBBTask 2CABBDTask 3ABCDCViewing and speaking Task 1booksearch enginesreal customersjudge250 poundstwo days / 2 days partyingclicktargetingUnit 7 test P1 CABDDP2P3 CABDDP4 CACDB AACBBUnit 8 test P1 CBDBDP2P3 BDCACP4 BDCAC ABBADUnit 9Lets Talk ACBDCUnit 9 test P1 ACDCD P2P3 BCDACP4 ADDAA DCBBA Unit 10Basic listeningDCABCListening inTask 1future needssharesriskbanks30a halfratecapital lossinterchangeablysavingsTask 2DBCCATask 3ABBAALet's talkTask 11) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors.2) it's a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward. 3) they must update their initial business plan4) it's time to put on the suit and try to sell part of Cyclepods to an5) so I'll have to... maybe get the heavies in or something.6) The most important thing James needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash7) Cyclepods can't do anything without an updated business plan.8) it's back to basics for a fun evening of number crunching and spread sheets,9) it's time for a professional and considered rehearsal to get his sales pitch just right.10) Presentation skills are going to be crucialFurther listening and speaking Further listeningTask 1ABDBCTask 2CBDAC1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Viewing and speakingTask 1casheasyresultspaybillshead26 percent / 26%close the dealfiguresideaplanfinebusiness guidevoting rightssaystrong pointinvestment150,000 / 15000026 percent / 26%1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Unit 10 testP1 BDCDBP2 (1) individualP3 CDCAAP4 BCADB CDADB。

新视野大学英语读写教程Book 4 Unit1课后练习答案Section AIII.1. idle2. Justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. worshipIV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/objected 10. at bestV.1. K2. G3. C4. E5. N6.O7.I8. L9. A 10. DVI.1. delay2. pain3. hardship4. suffering5. fever6. defeat7. poverty8. treatment9. noise 10. agonyVII.1. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrifiedVIII.1. bravery2. jewelry3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discoveryIX.1. other than for funerals and weddings2. other than to live an independent life3. other than that they appealed to his eye4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .5. other than that it's somewhere in the town centerX.1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night2. would have; told him the answer3. they needn't have gone at all4. must have had too much work to do5. might have been injured seriouslyXI.1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it h as been developed.2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3. Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not tryi ng their best.4. We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5. Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edi son, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. XII.l. 出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。

1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D
1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever
6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony
Unit 1
1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute
6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship
have attracted a larger audience.
2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility
for her to become a successful actress.
3. I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.
Comprehension o f the text
1. He lived a poor and miserable life during his childhood.
2. Because no one in Britain appeared to appreciate his talent for
5. robbery 6. nursery 7. scenery 8. discovery

而新视野英语教材的听说部分则成为很多学习者学习的重点,特别是New Horizon 4,是大多数学习者所需要掌握的课程之一。
Part Ⅰ1. A : I'm hungry. Where should we go eat?B : How about going to that new Chinese restaurant?A : do you mean the one on Main Street?B : No, the one by the supermarket.2. A : There's a new coffee shop downtown. Want to check it out?B : Sure. What's it called?A : It's called "The Daily Grind." It's supposed to be really good.B : What kind of coffee do they make?A : They make all kinds of coffee, from lattes to cappuccinos.3. A : Have you been to the new shopping mall?B : No, not yet. What's it like?A : It's huge! They have over a hundred stores and a food court.B : How about the prices? Are they expensive?A : No, not really. They have some great sales going on right now.4. A : I'm so bored. What should we do?B : How about going to the park?A : The park? That sounds boring.B : No, it's not. They have a great playground and a lake you can paddleboat in.A : Okay, that sounds like fun.Part Ⅱ1. A : Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?B : No, I haven't. What's it like?A : It's amazing! It's this huge canyon with all these colorful layers of rock.B : Really? That sounds incredible.2. A : I want to explore the city. Any ideas?B : How about a walking tour?A : A walking tour? That sounds boring.B : No, not at all. You get to see all sorts of interesting things and learn about the history of the city.A : Okay, let's do it.3. A : I'm thinking about going to the beach this weekend. Where should I go?B : Have you ever been to Malibu?A : No, I haven't.B : You should go there. It's got great waves and a nice pier.A : Okay, Malibu it is.4. A : I'm planning a trip to Europe. Where should I go?B : Have you ever been to Paris?A : No, I haven't.B : You should go there. It's got the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and all sorts of other amazing things to see.A : Okay, Paris it is.以上是新视野听说4完整答案的一部分。
新视野4级试题 A及参考 答案

New HorizonCollege English TestBand Four(A)2005. 6Paper OnePartI. Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversationand the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be apause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D)and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with asingle line through the center.Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it’s necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read: A) At an office.B) In a waiting room.C) At an airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had tofinish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at an office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose [A] and mark it with a single line through the center.1. A. She doesn’t want her boyfriend to give her a car.B. Her boyfriend has a lot of money.C. The man ought to lend some money to her boyfriend.D. Her boyfriend was making fun of the man.2. A. 4:00. B. 4:22.C. 4:15. D. 4:20.3. A. He is going to change his job. B. He isn’t doing well with his work.C. He is doing pretty well now.D. He doesn’t like his work.4. A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Near his company. D. Near the town.5. A. He hasn’t seen it. B. He liked it better than Jaws.C. He thought Star Wars was not as good as Jaws.D. He didn’t like it.6. A. Typing a proposal. B. Writing a proposal.C. Posting a proposal.D. Checking a proposal.7. A. Follow the doctor’s advice. B. Forget to take any pills.C. Take five pills.D. Take two pills.8. A. The woman didn’t hear the man come in.B. The woman pretended to be deaf when the man came in.C. The woman didn’t mind the man’s disturbing her.D. The woman asked the man to get home early next time.9. A. Three times. B. Two times. C. Five times. D. Eight times.10.A. 6. B. 12. C. 10. D. 18.Section B Compound Dictation (10%)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is readfor the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 youare required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact wordsyou have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, whenthe passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A. are called senior citizens. Life for these people is more different than for (S1) Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no (S2)work full time. Also it is (S3) for people of this age to (S4) with their children and grandchildren. (S5) tend to live in their own houses or (S6) away from their families.For many senior citizens, the years after 65 are not (S7). They feel unproductive when they no longer work. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, (S8).Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. (S9).The number of senior citizens in the U.S. is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. (S10).Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.Part II. Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions:Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Passage150,000 people work at Disney’s largest theme park, Walt Disney World in Qrlando, Florida. Do all of them like the job?One Disney worker explains how “cast members” are given jobs according to their age and appearance. For example: Young and pretty workers get jobs where they will interact a lot with customers; Anyone who might seem less “presentable” work on the night shift, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.Mike Cohen, a Disney worker and a trade union activist, says that most Disney workers don’t stay with the company for very long. “You can make $10 per hour if you are here for 10 years, but because so many people leave, two-thirds of the workers at the park make $6.57per hour or less. ”Disney has not increased its starting wage for 5 years. Disney claims that it offers “competitive” salaries. But Cohen doesn’t agree. Disney is planning to expand and will need about 10,000 new workers-but about 75% of the new jobs will also be low paid.Cohen is also unhappy about the way people have to work at Disney World. “ We have to push as many tourists through each side as we can. I’m supposed to handle 2,000 visitors an hour. It’s just like a factory with assembly-line production, only this is a fun factory. ” Cohen says that the most important thing for the company is the number of people who are processed through each side; if the number is too small, the management complains to the workers. But he says that you never hear the management ask, “Are being safe enough? ”Disney workers also have to smile all the time. Even when customers are rude (which happens every day ), the workers must keep smiling. Cohen says: “We are supposed to make eye contact, greet each and every guest and smile for eight hours. If you don’t, you get reprimanded (训斥).”He added he sometimes hears customers saying that the workers at Disney are not so happy as they used to be. He is not surprised: if someone isn’t paid enough, you don’t expect them to be happy.11. It can be inferred from the context that a “ cast member ” of Disney is it’s .A. security guardB. cookC. employeeD. shop assistant12. Disney World is the one of the American recreation resorts while many employees think .A.it’s so competitive working at Disney World.B.it’s so much fun working at Disney World.C.it’s no fun working at Disney World.D.it’s very dangerous working at Disney World.13. Which is Not mentioned as a disadvantage of the job at Disney World ?A. AccommodationB. SafetyC. PayD. Manner14. Which of the following is TRUE according to Mike Cohen ?A.He can’t understand why many Disney workers have giver up their jobs.B.Most Disney workers earn less than $10 for each hour.C.Disney workers are not encouraged to please those rude guests.D.Disney workers are supposed to give each customer a ride.15. The word “ presentable ” (Para. 2 ) probably means .A. good-lookingB. differentC. previousD. physicalPassage 2After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a “good brand”on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produces solid ground for customer loyalty.Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer. This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays.Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand’s research & development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.16. After-sales service and guarantee can provide the customers with ________.A. solid ground for loyaltyB. sense of responsibilityC. a feeling ofconvenience D. sense of satisfaction17. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because ________.A. more and more customersdemand after-sales servicesB. there are more and more complaints from customersC. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales services.D. they have become a new type of investment18. Product guarantee ________.A. must in written formB. can be based on the company’s reputationC. is not often provided by the companiesD. often fails to meet in reality19. Product testing and refinement are conducted for ________.A. new products onlyB. quality productsC. dangerous productsD. both new and existing products20. Which is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee?A. A brand’s research &development. B. Product testing and refinement.C. Quality control.D. Product distribution.Passage 3Psychics are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through asixth sense — a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people who are sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And it's not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics."So how can I get some psychic help?" you may ask yourself. Well, you don't have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability.Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound; we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way.21. People use psychics ________.A. mainly to see the futureB. to make moneyC. to see what one cannot usually seeD. for many reasons22. ________ learn to use their psychic abilityA. Many peopleB. Many companiesC. Few peopleD. Few governments23. Psychic abilities ________.A. are similar to other sensesB. work in the same way as other sensesC. are different from other sensesD. work together with other senses24. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ________.A. we never use itB. we never believe in itC. we ignore itD. we don't want to take time to train it25. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ________.A. positiveB. ironicalC. criticalD. neutralPassage 4It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry(嫁妆)or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of being abandoned, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife's right to receive a tenth of all her husband's property.The wife had the right to hold back consent, in all transactions(交易)the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.The wife shared in the management of her husband's personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation(赔偿). None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the official in charge to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro's personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace." Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.26. A decimum was ________.A. the wife's inheritance from her fatherB. a gift of money to the new husbandC. a written contractD. the wife's right to receive one-tenth of her husband's property27. In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage was________.A. higher than that of her husbandB. lower than that of her husbandC. the same as that of her husbandD. higher than that of a single woman28. What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field?A. Some of the land Miro had inherited.B. A tenth of Miro's landC. Money for household expenses.D. Money from Miro's inheritance.29. Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?A. No, under no circumstances.B. Yes, whenever he wished to.C. Yes, if she agreed.D. Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?A. The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.B. The wife was protected from being abandoned.C. The wife gained a powerful economic position.D. The husband was given control over his wife's property.Part III. Cloze (10% )Directions:Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no state in 31 . They had a simple motto (格言) 32 on their living-room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; 33 I choose to walk every step will 34 . ” They didn’t have to talk about it-they demonstrated the motto by the 35 they lived.They understood instinctively that integrity (正直) means having a 36 standard of morality and ethics (伦理标准) that is not relative 37 the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for 38 our behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short 39 today-and getting scarcer. 40 it is the real bottom line in every 41 of society. And it is something we must demand 42 ourselves.A good test for this value is to look at 43 I call the Integrity Triad (三元素), which44 of three key principles:Stand 45 for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. When you know you are right, you can’t 46 .Always give others 47 that is rightfully theirs. Don’t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are.Be honest and open about who you really are. Be yourself. Don’t 48 in a personal cover-up of areas that are 49 in your life. When it’s tough, do it tough.Self-respect and a clear 50 are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationship with others.31. A. middle B. between C. half D. center32. A. hanging B. hanged C. hangs D. to be hung33. A. when B. what C. where D. and34. A. show B. demonstrate C. reveal D. express35. A. method B. way C. manner D. style36. A. private B. individual C. self D. personal37. A. to B. with C. in D. on38. A. analyzing B. commenting C. judging D. criticizing39. A. store B. supply C. storage D. use40. A. But B. Thus C. Therefore D. So41. A. field B. realm C. place D. area42. A. of B. for C. from D. by43. A. that B. which C. what D. whether44. A. makes up B. consists C. constitutes D. composes45. A. strong B. firm C. determined D. powerful46. A. give up B. give in C. break down D. stick to47. A. trust B. credit C. success D. criticism48. A. involve B. take C. relate D. engage49. A. pleasant B. enjoyable C. unpleasant D. terrible50. A. conscience B. consciousness C. realization D. awarenessPaper TwoPart IV. Word-building(10%)Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word given.51.(honorable) They are fighting for things like , reputation and pride.52. (memory) The statue was erected as a to all the people who were killed in the war.53. (correspond) As the course becomes more difficult and demanding, there is usually adrop in attendance.54.(entitle)You to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them.55. (dispose) During the coming days Americans will be throwing away some 35 millionChristmas trees, creating an urban nightmare.56. (persist) Her and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its success.57. (ski) We went in the French Alps last year.58. (keen) Candidates shall be selected on the basis if future promise of leadership,strength of character, a mind and a balanced judgement.59. (intensity ) It is reported that fighting around the capital has in the last few hours.60. (industry) The Revolution is the period of time during which work began to be donemoreby machines in factories than by hand at home.Part V. Cloze(5%)Directions: The following paragraph was chosen from your textbooks . Choose the exact word to fill in each blank (some words are unnecessary).at vacuum up refreshing to stretch wantback please for temporary away soakingIf you live with other people, their 61 absence can be 62 . Solitude will end on Thursday. If today I use a singular pronoun to refer 63 myself, next week I will use the plural form. While the others are absent you can 64 out your soul until it fills 65 the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you 66 without apology, staying up late to read, 67 in the bath, eating a whole pint of ice cream 68 one sitting, moving at your own pace. Those absent will be 69 . Their waterproof winter coats are in the closet and the dog keeps watching for them at the window. But when you live alone, the temporary absence of your friends and acquaintance leaves a 70 ; they may never come back.Part VI. Writing(15%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Make Our Cities Greener . You should write at least 120 words and yourcomposition should be based on the following points:1. 城市绿化的现状。

一份好的答案,成就一个好的人生Unit OneWarming UpF T NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A C B B D6~10 B A C C D Understanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B A C B Understanding a Passage1~5 A A D B C Undenstanding a Radio Program1 married in ST.Paul’s Cathedral2 was a guest at the wedding ceremory3 wore a hat with flowers at the wedding4 is remmembered as having been naughty5 was one of the designers of the wedding dress Culture TalkT F F TListening and Speaking1 They have high status.2 They get the attentions of the public.3 Using their fame to make money. HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D A B B ATask 21~5 C A B B ATask 31、shortage2、assigned3、centered4、hospitallization5、treatment6、colleague7、decentralized8、There’re nurse-managers instead of head-nurses9、decidea among themselves who will work what to do and when10、an equal with other wise presidents of the hospitalUnit TwoWarming Up1、Her new book2、Original3、Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 D D D C B6~10 A A B C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A B B AUnderstanding a Passage1~5 B C D A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 C2 A3 A4 C5 DCulture TalkF F T TListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) It makes their point and makes you happy. 2(The Right Answer) It is difficult to do.3(The Right Answer) Sometimes it’s dangerous.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D A B B ATask 21~5 B D A C ATask 31、sketch2、shadow3、paintings4、abroad5、Europe6、jewels7、exqute8、pictures of rooms with handsome dressed people in them9、not only the clothes and the lines of their faces10、but he was far greater than he would ever becomeUnit ThreeWarming Up1、god of mercy2、money,strength and health3、lucky onesListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C D C B B6~10 B A C A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B D C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 A B D B CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 An Australian scientist who won the Nobel Prize.2 The mysterious field of infectious diseases.3 By accident.4 It was probably extremely significant.5 He couldn't handle all that.Culture TalkT F T TListening and Speaking1 The poor trend to be angry easily and it will fanilly make a civil war.2 It can control the rate og crimes3 It can increase the econimicsHomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 B C A D CTask 21~5 B A C B CTask 31、September2、retire3、retirement4、reduction5、practical6、pensions7、leisure8、The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions9、a member can attend any course held there free of charge10、the financial section on Mondays and Wednesdays between six and eight p.m.Unit FourWarming Up1、Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center2、Verizon3、AmazonListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 B A D D A6~10 D C C A AUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 C B B B DUnderstanding a Passage1~5 A C B A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 became Bill Gates' greatest contribution2 makes use of Gates' system3 was the plaything of nerds4 became a business tool5 made it a wish to dominate like Bill Gates6 was not fit to comment on upcoming innovationCulture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) It provides a lot of information.2(The Right Answer) Some of the information is very dangerous.3(The Right Answer) Some of the information is not accurate.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 B A B C ATask 21~5 A A B B ATask 31、fundamental2、dramatically3、majority4、workplace5、self-employed6、breadth7、notions8、its applications in personal computers, digital communications, and factory robots9、still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes10、will have the greatest advantage and produce the most wealthUnit FiveWarming UpF NG TUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A D D D B6~10 C D C A D Understanding a Long Conversation1~5 B B A C C Understanding a Passage1~5 D A B B A Undenstanding a Radio Program1 the perfect man checklists2 what the perfect man looks like3 much younger for yourself4 to develop your perfect man checklist5 burning the perfect man checklist Culture Talk1 Korean2 HongKong3 England4 USAListening and Speaking1 It can cause one to be dependent.2 It’s a nuisance.3 It will limit your freedom. HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 C D A B DTask 21~5 A C A C DTask 32、residents3、participants4、companionship5、soldiers6、isolate7、extraordinary8、who happened to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those live with others9、It’s clear that reaching out to other can have our body strong10、Only 5 percent of U.S. consisted of the person living alone.Unit SixWarming Up1 Whether the man should return to society.2 15 years.3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C B C D B6~10 C A D D BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B C C DUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C D D A BUndenstanding a Radio Program1 Centennial Olympic Park2 North Cardwell,New Jersey3 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma4 the FBI laboratories5 ground zero6 an Atlanta abortion clinicCulture Talk1 USA2 Germany3 Singapore4 CanadaListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) Punishing the criminals will deter others.2(The Right Answer) It is good for society.3(The Right Answer) It has no victims.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D C B A ATask 21~5 C B B A DTask 31、impeach2、scandal3、gambling4、Representatives5、accusations6、procedures7、opposition8、resigned as secretary of social welfare and urged the president to resign9、five economic advices to the President have resigned10、some committees in the House of RepresentativesUnit SevenWarming UpT F NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 B C A A D6~10 C B D A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A C C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C C D B BUndenstanding a Radio Program1 shows God’s part in creating the universe.2 shows the existence of a man thousands of years ago.3 shows messages inscribed in DNA.4 shows a court opinion against Intelligent Design.5 shows God’s existence.Culture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1 Groups are similar biologically except for skin color.2 Groups have different culture3 Groups provide something unique.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D D A B BTask 21~5 A C B A DTask 31、would-be2、intelligence3、genes4、athletic5、medical6、disclosed7、consideration8、the sum American egg donors expect to be paid9、plus all the costs of medical treatment and insurance10、almost half the cost of fees for the students’ four-year college course.Unit EightWarming Up1 going to quit2 work harder3 majority raceListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C A A B C6~10 D D A C BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A A B AUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D A B B AUndenstanding a Radio Program1 Bill Gates2 Warren Buffet3 KP Singh4 Martha Stewart5 Ronald Lauder6 Louisa KrollCulture Talk1 Japan2 UK3 America4 Hong KongListening and Speaking1 Society should be fair.2 Women should enjoy representation.3 It makes leaders help to do something for women.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 A C D B CTask 21~5 A D B B BTask 31、greeted2、freshman3、spite4、fluke5、agitated6、faculty7、particularly8、I had the highest average in the freshman class9、Then, she took out a copy of the examination paper10、I was so angry that I started punding herUnit NineWarming Up1 Whe ther it’s Chinese enough to appeal to Chinese people2 American culture3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A C B D C6~10 D A A B C Understanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A B B A Understanding a Passage1~5 D B B C C Undenstanding a Radio Program1 His brother’s two daughters.2 They drove there.3 Children under three.4 They watched the parade.5 He sat down and had a rest for a few minutes. Culture TalkT T F TListening and Speaking1 Fantastic rides.2 So much to see.3 Great memories never to forget. HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 C B A C DTask 21~5 B A D C BTask 31、Authorities2、grant3、opera4、not traditional5、staged6、journolists7、tunnel8、Great performer is special for new introduction of the story9、who kills all suitors who can answer her three riddles10、Some Chinese audience complain that the princess has none of the grace of a true Chinese lady。

首先,我们来看一下Unit 1的答案。
以下是一些可能的答案:1. Reading Section1) 听力材料:... (略)2) 阅读材料:... (略)2. Vocabulary1) 单词选择题:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B2) 选择合适的词组:1. taking a break 2. pack up 3. a place of interest 4. feel like 5. improve on3. Grammar1) 完成句子:1. is waiting 2. will have left 3. have been living 4. will go 5. had been studying2) 选择正确的词形:1. won't help 2. were studying 3. wasn't changing 4. have been visiting 5. didn't work4. Writing1) 基本写作:... (略)接下来,我们来看一下Unit 3的答案。
以下是一些可能的答案:1. Reading Section1) 听力材料:... (略)2) 阅读材料:... (略)2. Vocabulary1) 单词选择题:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C2) 选择合适的词组:1. spread out 2. give rise to 3. pass down 4. take pride in 5. be reflected in3. Grammar1) 完成句子:1. is covered 2. will be held 3. has been spoken 4. were used 5. had been studying2) 选择正确的词形:1. is working 2. have been reading 3. weren't wearing 4. don't like 5. didn't go4. Writing1) 基本写作:... (略)通过提供新视野第四册的答案,学习者可以更好地了解教材内容,提高他们的英语水平。

New HorizonCollege English TestBand Four (A)2005. 6Paper OnePartI. Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections :In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C), and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it ' s necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read: A) At an office.B) In a waiting room.C) At an airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had tofinish in theevening. This is most likely to have taken place at an office. Therefore, A) “ At the office ”is the best answer. You should choose [A] and mark it with a single linethrough the center.1. A. She doesn ' t want her boyfriend to give her a car.B. Her boyfriend has a lot of money.C. The man ought to lend some money to her boyfriend.D. Her boyfriend was making fun of the man.2. A. 4:00. B. 4:22.C. 4:15. D. 4:20.3. A. He is going to change his job. B. He isn ' t doing well with his work.C. He is doing pretty well now.D. He doesn ' t like his work.4. A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Near his company. D. Near the town.5. A. He hasn ' t seen it. B. He liked it better than Jaws.C. He thought Star Wars was not as good as Jaws.D. He didn 't like it.6. A. Typing a proposal. B. Writing a proposal.C. Posti ng a proposal.D. Check ing a proposal.7. A. Follow the doctor ' s adB/iFirget to take any pills.C. Take five pills.D. Take two pills.8. A. The woman didn ' t hear the man come in.B. The woman pretended to be deaf when the man came in.C. The woman didn ' t mind the man ' s disturbing her.D. The woman asked the man to get home early next time.9. A. Three times. B. Two times. C. Five times. D. Eight times.10. A. 6. B. 12. C. 10. D. 18.Sectio n B Compou nd Dictation (10%)Directions :ln this sect ion, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you arerequired to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the miss ing in formati on. You caneither use the exact words you have just heard or write dow n the main points in your own words.Fin ally, whe n the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have writte n.People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A. are called senior citize ns. Life for these people is more differe nt tha n for (S1) America ns. Most senior citize ns retire, or no (S _ work full time. Also it is (S3) for people of this age to (S4) with their children and gra ndchildre n. (S5) te nd to live in their own houses or (S6) away from their families.For many senior citize ns, the years after 65 are n ot (S7). They feel un productive whe n they no Ion ger work. In additi on, they may feel l onely being away from their families and the con tacts they had in their work. Moreover, (S8)Other senior citize ns enjoy their lives. They feel free to do thi ngs they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. (S9)The nu mber of senior citize ns in the U.S. is in creas ing rapidly because people are livi ngIon ger than before. (S10)Their concerns are receiv ing a wider audie nee tha n ever before. The time may come whe n all America ns will look forward to beco ming senior citize ns.Part II. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Passagel50,000 people work at Disney' largest theme park, Walt Disney World in Qrlando, Florida. Do all of them like the job?One Disney worker explains how cast members" are given jobs according to their age and appeara nee.For example: Young and pretty workers get jobs where they will in teract a lot with customers; Anyone who might seem less presentable”work on the night shift, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.Mike Cohen, a Disney worker and a trade union activist, says that most Disney workers don 'stay with the compa ny for very long. You can make $10 per hour if you are here for 10 years, but because so many people leave, two-thirds of the workers at the park make $6.57per hour or less. ” Disney has not in creased its start ing wage for 5 years. Disney claims that it offers competitive ” salaries. But Cohen doesn 'agree. Disney is planning to expand and will n eed about 10,000 new workers-but about 75% of the new jobs will also be low paid.Cohe n is also un happy about the way people have to work at Disney World. 'We have to push as many tourists through each side as we can. I 'm supposed to han dle 2,000 visitors an hour. It 'just like a factory with assembly-li ne product ion, only this is a fun factory. " Cohe n says that the most importa nt thi ng for the compa ny is the nu mber of people who are processed through each side; if the nu mber is too small, the man ageme nt compla ins to the workers. But he says that you n ever hear the man ageme nt ask, Are being safe eno ugh? ”Disney workers also have to smile all the time. Even when customers are rude (which happe ns every day ), the workers must keep smili ng. Cohe n says: We are supposed to makeeye con tact, greet each and every guest and smile for eight hours. If you don', you get reprimanded (训斥)."He added he sometimes hears customers saying that the workers at Disney are not so happy as they used to be. He is not surprised: if some one isn 'paid eno ugh, you don 'expect them to be happy.11. It can be in ferred from the con text that a 'cast member ” of Disney is it ' .A. security guardB. cookC. employeeD. shop assista nt12. Disney World is the one of the American recreation resorts while many employees think .A. it 'so competitive work ing at Disney World.B. it 'so much fun worki ng at Disney World.C. it 'no fun work ing at Disney World.D. it 'very dan gerous work ing at Disney World.13. Which is Not men ti oned as a disadva ntage of the job at Disney World ?A. Accommodatio nB. SafetyC. PayD. Manner14. Which of the followi ng is TRUE accordi ng to Mike Cohen ?A. He can 'tu ndersta nd why many Disney workers have giver up their jobs.B. Most Disney workers earn less tha n $10 for each hour.C. Disney workers are not encouraged to please those rude guests.D. Disney workers are supposed to give each customer a ride.15. The word “presentable ”(Para. 2 ) probably means .A. good-lookingB. differentC. previousD. physical Passage 2After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a “good brand ” on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produces solid ground for customer loyalty.Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer .This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays.Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand 's research & development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.16. After-sales service and guarantee can provide the customers with _____ .A. solid ground for loyaltyB. sense of responsibilityC. a feeling ofconvenience D. sense of satisfaction17. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because _________ .A. more and more customersdemand after-sales servicesB. there are more and more complaints from customersC. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales services.D. they have become a new type of investment18. Product guarantee ______ .A. must in written formB. can be based on the company's reputationC. is not often provided by the companiesD. often fails to meet in reality19. Product testing and refinement are conducted for _______ .A. new products onlyB. quality productsC. dangerous productsD. both new and existing products20. W hich is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee?A. A brand's research & development. B.Product testing and refinement.C. Quality control.D. Product distribution.Passage 3Psychics are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through a sixth sense —a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people who are sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And it's not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics."So how can I get some psychic help?" you may ask yourself. Well, you don't have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability.Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound;we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way.21. People use psychics _____ .A. mainly to see the futureB. to make moneyC. to see what one cannot usually seeD. for many reasons22. _____ learn to use their psychic abilityA. Many peopleB. Many companiesC. Few peopleD. Few governments23. Psychic abilities _______ .A. are similar to other sensesB. work in the same way as other sensesC. are different from other sensesD. work together with other senses24. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ______ .A. we never use itB. we never believe in itC. we ignore itD. we don't want to take time to train it25. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ______ .A. positiveB. ironicalC. criticalD. neutralPassage 4It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆)or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of being abandoned, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife's right to receive a tenth of all her husband's property.The wife had the right to hold back consent, in all transactions (交易)the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.The wife shared in the management of her husband's personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation (赔偿). None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the official in charge to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro's personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace." Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.26. A decimum was _______ .A. the wife's inheritance from her fatherB. a gift of money to the new husbandC. a written contractD. the wife's right to receive one-tenth of her husband's property27. In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage wasA. higher than that of her husbandB. lower than that of her husbandC. the same as that of her husbandD. higher than that of a single woman28. What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field?A. Some of the land Miro had inherited.B. A tenth of Miro's landC. Money for household expenses.D. Money from Miro's inheritance.29. Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?A. No, under no circumstances.B. Yes, whenever he wished to.C. Yes, if she agreed.D. Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?A. The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.B. The wife was protected from being abandoned.C. The wife gained a powerful economic position.D. The husba nd was give n con trol over his wife's property.Part III. Cloze (10% )Directions: Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.My gran dpare nts believed you were either hon est or you were n '. There was no state in 31 . They had a simple motto (格言)32 on their living-room wall: Life is like a fieldof n ewly falle n snow; 33 I choose to walk every step will 34 . ” They did n 'have totalk about it-they dem on strated the motto by the 35 they lived.They un derstood in st in ctively that in tegrity (正直)means hav ing a 36 sta ndard of morality and ethics (伦理标准)that is not relative 37 the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner sta ndard for 38 our behavior. Unfortun ately, in tegrity is in short 39 today-a nd getting scarcer. 40 it is the real bottom line in every 41 of society. And it is someth ing we must dema nd 42 ourselves.A good test for this value is to look at 43 I call the Integrity Triad (三元素),which 44_ of three key principles:Stand 45 for your convictions in the face of pers onal pressure. When you know you are right, you can '46 .Always give others 47 that is rightfully theirs. Don 'be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter tha n you are.Be hon est and ope n about who you really are. Be yourself. Don ' 48 in a pers onalcover-up of areas that are 49 in your life. When it 's tough, do it tough.Self-respect and a clear 50 are powerful comp onents of in tegrity and are the basis for enriching your relationship with others.31. A. middle B. betwee n C. half D. cen ter32. A. ha nging B. hanged C. hangsD. to be hung33. A. whe n B. what C. where D. and34. A. show B. dem on strate C. reveal D. express35. A. method B. way C. manner D. style36. A. private B. i ndividual C. self D. pers onal37. A. to38. A. analyzing39. A. store40. A. But41. A. field42. A. of43. A. that44. A. makes up45. A. strong46. A. give up47. A. trust48. A. involve49. A. pleasant50. A. conscienceB. withB. commentingB. supplyB. ThusB. realmB. forB. whichB. consistsB. firmB. give inB. creditB. takeB. enjoyableB. consciousnessC. inC. judgingC. storageC. ThereforeC. placeC. fromC. whatC. constitutesC. determinedC. break downC. successC. relateC. unpleasantC. realizationD. onD. criticizingD. useD. SoD. areaD. byD. whetherD. composesD. powerfulD. stick toD. criticismD. engageD. terribleD. awarenessPaper TwoPart IV . Word-building (10%)Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word given.51.(honorable)52. (memory) They are fighting for things like , reputation and pride.The statue was erected as a to all the people who were killed in the war.53. (correspond) As the course becomes more difficult and demanding, there is usually adrop in attendance.54.(entitle)55. (dispose)You to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them. During the coming days Americans will be throwing away some 35 million Christmas trees, creating an urban nightmare.56. (persist)57. (ski)58. (keen)Her and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its success.We went in the French Alps last year.Candidates shall be selected on the basis if future promise of leadership, strength of character, a mind and a balanced judgement.59. (intensity )60. (industry) It is reported that fighting around the capital has in the last few hours. The Revolution is the period of time during which work began to be done moreby machines in factories than by hand at home.Part V. Cloze(5%)Directions: The following paragraph was chosen from your textbooks . Choose the exact word to fill in each blank (some words are unnecessary).at vacuum up refreshi ng to stretch wantback please for temporary away soak ingIf you live with other people, their 61 absenee can be 62 . Solitude will end on Thursday. If today I use a sin gular pronoun to refer 63 myself, n ext week I will use the plural form. While the others are absent you can 64 out your soul until it fills 65 the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you 66 without apology, stay ing up late to read, 67 in the bath, eat ing a whole pint of ice cream _______ 68 one sitt ing, moving at your own pace. Those abse nt will be 69 . Their waterproof win ter coats are in the closet and the dog keeps watching for them at the window. But when you live alone, the temporary absenee of your friends and acquaintance leaves a 70 ; they may n ever come back.Part VI. Writ in g(15%)Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Make Our Cities Greener . You should write at least 120 words and yourcompositi on should be based on the follow ing poin ts:1. 城市绿化的现状。

Unit 4 : Section A1.The class remained dumb when the teacher asked a formidable question.类当老师问一个令人生畏的问题保持沉默。
2.The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.被抓获的罪犯在连锁店在街上游行。
3.As a summary, the long story was condensed into a few sentences.总结,很长的故事浓缩成几句话。
4.She took an intensive course in cooking before her marriage.她把一个精读课程在烹饪之前她的婚姻。
5.Deeply cursed with prison life, the prisoners became desperate for breakout.深深被诅咒的监狱生活,囚犯们成为急需突破。
6.Being very hungry, she gave the two dishes a thorough lick非常饿,她给了两个菜一个彻底的舔7.The problem with the country is how to lift its economy out of recession.这个国家的问题是如何提高其经济走出衰退。
8.Be careful with a cat. It may scratch you if you make it angry.小心一只猫。
9.He invested much of his time in learning the new language.他投入了大量时间在学习新的语言。
10.The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at stake农民们更渴望雨比城市里的人,因为他们有更多的股份11.The lease on this apartment runs out in a year’s time.在这个公寓租赁在一年内到期。
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New Horizon College English TestBand Four (A)2005. 6Paper OnePart I. Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversationand the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be apause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D)and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with asingle line through the center.Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it’s necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read: A) At an office.B) In a waiting room.C) At an airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at an office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose [A] and mark it with a single line through the center.1. A. She doesn’t want her boyfriend to give her a car.B. Her boyfriend has a lot of money.C. The man ought to lend some money to her boyfriend.D. Her boyfriend was making fun of the man.2. A. 4:00. B. 4:22. C. 4:15. D. 4:20.3. A. He is going to change his job. B. He isn’t doing well with his work.C. He is doing pretty well now.D. He doesn’t like his work.4. A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Near his company. D. Near the town.5. A. He hasn’t seen it. B. He liked it better than Jaws.C. He thought Star Wars was not as good as Jaws.D. He didn’t like it.6. A. Typing a proposal. B. Writing a proposal.C. Posting a proposal.D. Checking a proposal.7. A. Follow the doctor’s advice. B. Forget to take any pills.C. Take five pills.D. Take two pills.8. A. The woman didn’t hear the man come in.B. The woman pretended to be deaf when the man came in.C. The woman didn’t mind the man’s disturbing her.D. The woman asked the man to get home early next time.9. A. Three times. B. Two times. C. Five times. D. Eight times.10. A. 6. B. 12. C. 10. D. 18.Section B Compound Dictation (10%)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is readfor the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 youare required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact wordsyou have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, whenthe passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A. are called senior citizens. Life for these people is more different than for (S1) Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no (S2)work full time. Also it is (S3) for people of this age to (S4) with their children and grandchildren. (S5) tend to live in their own houses or (S6) away from their families.For many senior citizens, the years after 65 are not (S7) . They feel unproductive when they no longer work. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, (S8).Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. (S9).The number of senior citizens in the U.S. is increasing rapidly because people are livinglonger than before. (S10).Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.Part II. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions:Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Passage 150,000 people work at Disney’s largest theme park, Walt Disney World in Qrlando, Florida. Do all of them like the job?One Disney worker explains how “cast members” are given jobs according to their age and appearance. For example: Young and pretty workers get jobs where they will interact a lot with customers; Anyone who might seem less “presentable” work on the night shift, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.Mike Cohen, a Disney worker and a trade union activist, says that most Disney workers don’t stay with the company for very long. “You can make $10 per hour if you are here for 10 years, but because so many people leave, two-thirds of the workers at the park make $6.57per hour or less. ”Disney has not increased its starting wage for 5 years. Disney claims that it offers “competitive” salaries. But Cohen doesn’t agree. Disney is planning to expand and will need about 10,000 new workers-but about 75% of the new jobs will also be low paid.Cohen is also unhappy about the way people have to work at Disney World. “ We have to push as many tourists through each side as we can. I’m supposed to handle 2,000 visitors an hour. It’s just like a factory with assembly-line production, only this is a fun factory. ” Cohen says that the most important thing for the company is the number of people who are processed through each side; if the number is too small, the management complains to the workers. But he says that you never hear the management ask, “Are being safe enough? ”Disney workers also have to smile all the time. Even when customers are rude (which happens every day ), the workers must keep smiling. Cohen says: “We are supposed to make eye contact, greet each and every guest and smile for eight hours. If you don’t, you get reprimanded (训斥).”He added he sometimes hears customers saying that the workers at Disney are not so happy as they used to be. He is not surprised: if someone isn’t paid enough, you don’t expect them to be happy.11. It can be inferred from the context that a “ cast member ” of Disney is it’s .A. security guardB. cookC. employeeD. shop assistant12. Disney World is the one of the American recreation resorts while many employeesthink .A.it’s so competitive working at Disney World.B.it’s so much fun working at Disney World.C.it’s no fun working at Disney World.D.it’s very dangerous working at Disney World.13. Which is Not mentioned as a disadvantage of the job at Disney World ?A. AccommodationB. SafetyC. PayD. Manner14. Which of the following is TRUE according to Mike Cohen ?A.He can’t understand why many Disney workers have giver up their jobs.B.Most Disney workers earn less than $10 for each hour.C.Disney workers are not encouraged to please those rude guests.D.Disney workers are supposed to give each customer a ride.15. The word “ presentable ” (Para. 2 ) probably means .A. good-lookingB. differentC. previousD. physicalPassage 2After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a “good brand”on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produces solid ground for customer loyalty.Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer. This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays.Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand’s research & development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.16. After-sales service and guarantee can provide the customers with ________.A. solid ground for loyaltyB. sense of responsibilityC. a feeling of convenienceD. sense of satisfaction17. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because ________.A. more and more customers demand after-sales servicesB. there are more and more complaints from customersC. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales services.D. they have become a new type of investment18. Product guarantee ________.A. must in written formB. can be based on the company’s reputationC. is not often provided by the companiesD. often fails to meet in reality19. Product testing and refinement are conducted for ________.A. new products onlyB. quality productsC. dangerous productsD. both new and existing products20. Which is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee?A. A brand’s research & development.B. Product testing and refinement.C. Quality control.D. Product distribution.Passage 3Psychics are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through a sixth sense — a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people who are sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And it's not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics."So how can I get some psychic help?" you may ask yourself. Well, you don't have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability.Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound; we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way.21. People use psychics ________.A. mainly to see the futureB. to make moneyC. to see what one cannot usually seeD. for many reasons22. ________ learn to use their psychic abilityA. Many peopleB. Many companiesC. Few peopleD. Few governments23. Psychic abilities ________.A. are similar to other sensesB. work in the same way as other sensesC. are different from other sensesD. work together with other senses24. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ________.A. we never use itB. we never believe in itC. we ignore itD. we don't want to take time to train it25. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ________.A. positiveB. ironicalC. criticalD. neutralPassage 4It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry(嫁妆)or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of being abandoned, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife's right to receive a tenth of all her husband's property. The wife had the right to hold back consent, in all transactions(交易)the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.The wife shared in the management of her husband's personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation(赔偿). None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the official in charge to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro's personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, "for the sake of peace." Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.26. A decimum was ________.A. the wife's inheritance from her fatherB. a gift of money to the new husbandC. a written contractD. the wife's right to receive one-tenth of her husband's property27. In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage was________.A. higher than that of her husbandB. lower than that of her husbandC. the same as that of her husbandD. higher than that of a single woman28. What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field?A. Some of the land Miro had inherited.B. A tenth of Miro's landC. Money for household expenses.D. Money from Miro's inheritance.29. Could a husband sell his wife's inheritance?A. No, under no circumstances.B. Yes, whenever he wished to.C. Yes, if she agreed.D. Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?A. The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.B. The wife was protected from being abandoned.C. The wife gained a powerful economic position.D. The husband was given control over his wife's property.Part III. Cloze (10% )Directions: Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no state in 31 . They had a simple motto (格言) 32 on their living-room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; 33 I choose to walk every step will 34 . ” They didn’t have to talk about it-they demonstrated the motto by the 35 they lived.They understood instinctively that integrity (正直) means having a 36 standard of morality and ethics (伦理标准) that is not relative 37 the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for 38 our behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short 39 today-and getting scarcer. 40 it is the real bottom line in every 41 of society. And itis something we must demand 42 ourselves.A good test for this value is to look at 43 I call the Integrity Triad (三元素), which44 of three key principles:Stand 45 for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. When you know you are right, you can’t 46 .Always give others 47 that is rightfully theirs. Don’t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are.Be honest and open about who you really are. Be yourself. Don’t 48 in a personal cover-up of areas that are 49 in your life. When it’s tough, do it tough.Self-respect and a clear 50 are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationship with others.31. A. middle B. between C. half D. center32. A. hanging B. hanged C. hangs D. to be hung33. A. when B. what C. where D. and34. A. show B. demonstrate C. reveal D. express35. A. method B. way C. manner D. style36. A. private B. individual C. self D. personal37. A. to B. with C. in D. on38. A. analyzing B. commenting C. judging D. criticizing39. A. store B. supply C. storage D. use40. A. But B. Thus C. Therefore D. So41. A. field B. realm C. place D. area42. A. of B. for C. from D. by43. A. that B. which C. what D. whether44. A. makes up B. consists C. constitutes D. composes45. A. strong B. firm C. determined D. powerful46. A. give up B. give in C. break down D. stick to47. A. trust B. credit C. success D. criticism48. A. involve B. take C. relate D. engage49. A. pleasant B. enjoyable C. unpleasant D. terrible50. A. conscience B. consciousness C. realization D. awarenessPaper TwoPart IV. Word-building (10%)Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word given.51. (honorable) They are fighting for things like , reputation and pride.52. (memory) The statue was erected as a to all the people who were killed inthe war.53. (correspond) As the course becomes more difficult and demanding, there is usually adrop in attendance.54.(entitle)You to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them.55. (dispose) During the coming days Americans will be throwing away some 35 millionChristmas trees, creating an urban nightmare.56. (persist) Her and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its success.57. (ski) We went in the French Alps last year.58. (keen) Candidates shall be selected on the basis if future promise of leadership,strength of character, a mind and a balanced judgement.59. (intensity ) It is reported that fighting around the capital has in the last fewhours.60. (industry) The Revolution is the period of time during which work began tobe done more by machines in factories than by hand at home.Part V. Cloze(5%)Directions: The following paragraph was chosen from your textbooks . Choose the exact word to fill in each blank (some words are unnecessary).at vacuum up refreshing to stretch want back please for temporary away soakingIf you live with other people, their 61 absence can be 62 . Solitude will end on Thursday. If today I use a singular pronoun to refer 63 myself, next week I will use the plural form. While the others are absent you can 64 out your soul until it fills 65 the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you 66 without apology, staying up late to read, 67 in the bath, eating a whole pint of ice cream 68 one sitting, moving at your own pace. Those absent will be 69 . Their waterproof wintercoats are in the closet and the dog keeps watching for them at the window. But when you live alone, the temporary absence of your friends and acquaintance leaves a 70 ; they may never come back.Part VI. Writing(15%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Make Our Cities Greener . You should write at least 120 words and yourcomposition should be based on the following points:1. 城市绿化的现状。