合同通用条款范本(中英文) 2

第一条合同标的1.1 甲方同意向乙方提供_______服务/产品。
1.2 乙方同意接受甲方提供的服务/产品。
第二条合同价格2.1 双方同意,本合同项下服务/产品的价格为人民币_______元整(大写:_______元整)。
第三条支付方式3.1 乙方应在本合同签订之日起_______日内,将合同总价款支付至甲方指定的账户。
3.2 甲方在收到乙方支付的全额款项后,向乙方提供相应服务/产品。
第四条服务/产品交付4.1 甲方应在收到乙方全额款项后的_______日内,向乙方交付服务/产品。
4.2 乙方应在收到服务/产品后_______日内进行验收,如有异议,应在验收期内向甲方提出,否则视为乙方对服务/产品无异议。
第五条合同期限5.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为_______年,自合同生效之日起计算。
第六条违约责任6.1 如甲方未按约定时间向乙方交付服务/产品,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金为合同总价款的_______%。
6.2 如乙方未按约定时间向甲方支付款项,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金为合同总价款的_______%。
第七条争议解决7.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权将争议提交至甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第八条其他约定8.1 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。
8.2 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。
甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:_______年_______月_______日Date: _______英文翻译:Party A (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"):Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"):Whereas Party A is willing to provide _______ services/products, and Party B is willing to accept the services/products provided Party A, both parties, in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit, have reached an agreement through friendly consultations and here enter into this contract for pliance.Article 1 Contract Subject1.1 Party A agrees to provide _______ services/products to Party B.1.2 Party B agrees to accept the services/products provided Party A.Article 2 Contract Price2.1 Both parties agree that the price of the services/products under this contract is RMB _______ Yuan (in words: _______ Yuan).Article 3 Payment Method3.1 Party B shall pay the full contract price to the account designated Party A within _______ days after the signing of this contract.3.2 After receiving the full payment from Party B, Party A shall provide the corresponding services/products to Party B.Article 4 Delivery of Services/Products4.1 Party A shall deliver the services/products to Party B within _______ days after receiving the full payment from Party B.4.2 Party B shall inspect the services/products within _______ days after receiving them. If there are any objections, Party B shall rse them within the inspection period, otherwise, it shall be deemed that Party B has no objections to the services/products.Article 5 Contract Term5.1 This contract shall e into effect upon the signing and sealing of both parties and shall be valid for _______ years, calculated from the date of contract effectiveness.Article 6 Liability for Breach of Contract6.1 If Party A fls to deliver the services/products to Party B within the agreed time, Party A shall pay liquidated damages to Party B, which shall be _______% of the total contract price.6.2 If Party B fls to make the payment to Party A within the agreed time, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A, which shall be _______% of the total contract price.Article 7 Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved through friendly consultations first; if the consultations fl, either party shall have the right to submit the dispute to the people's court where Party A is located for litigation resolution.Article 8 Other Agreements8.1 This contract is in two copies, one for each party.8.2 Matters not covered in this contract can be stipulated in supplementary agreements signed both parties, and the supplementary agreements shall have the same legal effect as this contract.Party A (Seal。

合同范本中英文3篇篇一合同范本合同编号:甲方(卖方/提供服务方):公司名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:乙方(买方/接受服务方):公司名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:1. 产品/服务描述及要求:详细描述甲方提供的产品/服务,包括规格、型号、数量、质量标准等。
2. 价格及付款方式:明确产品/服务的总价款、付款方式、付款时间等。
3. 交货/服务时间及地点:规定甲方交付产品/提供服务的时间和地点。
4. 质量保证:甲方应保证产品/服务的质量符合约定的标准。
5. 知识产权:明确双方在知识产权方面的权利和义务。
6. 保密条款:双方对在合同履行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和机密信息承担保密义务。
7. 违约责任:约定双方违反合同约定应承担的违约责任。
8. 争议解决:选择合同争议的解决方式,如仲裁或诉讼。
9. 其他条款:其他双方认为需要约定的事项。
甲方(盖章):法定代表人或授权代表(签字):日期:乙方(盖章):法定代表人或授权代表(签字):日期:Contract TemplateContract No.:Party A (Seller/Service Provider):Company Name:Legal Representative:Address:Telephone Number:Fax:Party B (Buyer/Service Receiver):Company Name:Legal Representative:Address:Telephone Number:Fax:WHEREAS Party A is willing to provide [Product/Service Name] to Party B, and Party B is willing to purchase/receive such product/service, the two parties, through friendly negotiation, have reached the following agreement:1. Product/Service Description and Requirements:Describe in detl the product/service provided Party A, including specifications, models, quantity, quality standards, etc.2. Price and Payment Method:Specify the total price of the product/service, payment method, payment time, etc.3. Delivery/Service Time and Place:Stipulate the time and place for Party A to deliver the product/provide the service.4. Quality Assurance:Party A shall ensure that the quality of the product/service meets the agreed standards.5. Intellectual Property:Clarify the rights and obligations of both parties in terms of intellectual property.6. Confidentiality Clause:Both parties shall undertake the obligation of confidentiality for the other party's trade secrets and confidential information known during the performance of the contract.7. Liability for Breach of Contract:Agree on the liability for breach of contract that both parties shall bear in case of violation of the contract.8. Dispute Resolution:Select the method of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or litigation.9. Other Clauses:Other matters that both parties consider necessary to agree on.This contract shall e into effect from the date of signature (seal) both parties and shall be valid for [specific period].Party A (Seal):Legal Representative or Authorized Representative (Signature):Date:Party B (Seal):Legal Representative or Authorized Representative (Signature):Date:篇二合同范本中英文合同编号: [具体编号]甲方(卖方/提供服务方):公司名称:[公司名称]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]地址:[公司地址]联系电话:[联系电话]电子:[电子]乙方(买方/接受服务方):公司名称:[公司名称]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]地址:[公司地址]联系电话:[联系电话]电子:[电子]鉴于:1. 甲方是一家专业从事[业务领域]的公司,具有提供相关产品或服务的能力和经验。

In English:Lease AgreementThis agreement is made on _______ (MM/DD/YYYY) by and between the following two parties:Lessor (hereinafter called "Party A"): ___________Lessee (hereinafter called "Party B"): ___________I. Lease ItemParty A agrees to lease ___________ (description of the item), including but not limited to all its equipment, attachments, and accessories, for use by Party B. Party B agrees to accept theleased item and use and maintain it in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.II. Lease TermThis agreement is valid from _______ (MM/DD/YYYY) to_______ (MM/DD/YYYY). Upon the expiration of the lease term, Party B shall return the leased item to Party A.III. Rental PaymentParty B agrees to pay Party A a total rental of $_______ (specify the amount in figures). The payment method, schedule, and amount shall be specified here: (describe the payment method, schedule, and amount in detail).IV. Use and MaintenanceParty B promises to use the leased item properly and not for any illegal or unreasonable purposes. Party B shall be responsible for repairing any damage caused by normal use, except for natural wear and tear. Party A retains ownership of the leased item.V. Security DepositParty B shall pay Party A a security deposit of $_______ (specify the amount in figures) upon signing this agreement. Thesecurity deposit will be fully refunded by Party A after the lease term ends and the leased item is returned.VI. Default and TerminationAny party who violates any of the terms stipulated in this agreement shall be liable for breach of contract. If Party B fails to pay the rent on time or violates the usage regulations, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement and demand that Party B return the leased item immediately.VII. Law Applicable and Settlement of DisputesThis agreement is governed by the laws of _______ (location). Any disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultation. If consultation fails, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court having jurisdiction.VIII. MiscellaneousThis agreement is voluntarily reached by both parties and becomes effective from the date of signing. Any matters not mentioned in this agreement can be negotiated and supplemented separately by both parties. This agreement is made in two copies, with each party holding one copy.甲方(盖章):____________________ 乙方(盖章):____________________ 签约日期:____________________ 签约地点:____________________请注意本合同为样本合同,实际使用时应根据具体情况进行修改和完善。
合同中英文 范本

合同中英文范本中文合同范本:合同编号: [合同编号]甲方:[甲方名称]地址:[甲方地址]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方:[乙方名称]地址:[乙方地址]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]鉴于甲方和乙方希望就以下条款达成一致,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,甲乙双方就下列事项达成协议并签署本合同。
二、合作内容:1. 甲方将提供以下服务/产品:[具体描述]。
2. 乙方将支付甲方相应的服务费用,并按照约定接受甲方提供的服务/产品。
四、服务费用:1. 乙方应按照合同约定的价格和支付方式支付甲方服务费用。
2. 服务费用支付时间为[具体时间],支付方式为[具体方式]。
3. 如乙方未按时支付服务费用,甲方有权暂停或终止对乙方的服务,并保留追究乙方违约责任的权力。
五、保密条款:1. 双方应对因合作而获知的对方商业秘密予以保密,并承诺不向第三方透露。
2. 终止合同后,双方仍应继续履行保密义务,直到该商业秘密已公开或被授权披露为止。
六、违约责任:1. 若一方违反合同约定,使对方受到损失的,应承担违约责任。
2. 违约方应承担违约金,并赔偿对方因此遭受的所有直接和间接损失。
甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:日期:英文合同范本:Contract No.: [Contract Number]Party A: [Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Contact Tel: [Contact Tel of Party A]Party B: [Name of Party B]Address: [Address of Party B]Contact Tel: [Contact Tel of Party B]Whereas Party A and Party B wish to reach an agreement on the following terms, based on the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B hereby agree and sign this contract.I. Purpose of the Contract:The purpose of this contract is to establish a cooperative relationship between Party A and Party B, clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, and promote mutual cooperation and mutual benefit.II. Cooperation Content:1. Party A will provide the following services/products: [Specific description].2. Party B will pay Party A the corresponding service fees andaccept the services/products provided by Party A as agreed.III. Cooperation Period:The cooperation period of this contract is [Specific time], starting from the date of signing this contract until the expiration of the contract. Both parties may negotiate for renewal.IV. Service Fees:1. Party B shall pay Party A the service fees as agreed upon in the contract, including the specific price and payment method.2. The payment of service fees is due on [Specific time], and the payment method is [Specific method].3. If Party B fails to pay the service fees on time, Party A has the right to suspend or terminate the services to Party B, and reserves the right to pursue Party B's breach of contract liability.V. Confidentiality:1. Both parties shall keep confidential the commercial secrets obtained from the cooperation and undertake not to disclose them to third parties.2. Even after the termination of the contract, both parties shall continue to fulfill their confidentiality obligations until the commercial secrets have been disclosed or authorized to be disclosed.VI. Breach of Contract Liability:1. If either party breaches the contract and causes losses to the other party, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract.2. The breaching party shall pay liquidated damages and compensate for all direct and indirect losses suffered by the otherparty as a result.VII. Dispute Resolution:In the event of a dispute arising from the performance of this contract, both parties shall resolve it through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the competent people's court.This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one original, effective from the date of signing and sealing by both parties.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:。

一、合同双方1. 甲方:____________(全称),注册地址:____________,法定代表人:____________。
三、合同条款1. 合作期限:自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。
2. 合作内容:甲、乙双方共同进行____________(具体描述合作内容)。
3. 合作方式:甲、乙双方按照____________(描述合作方式,如分工、执行方式等)进行合作。
4. 双方权利义务:(1)甲方权利与义务:____________。
5. 保密条款:双方应对涉及本合同的一切技术资料、商业秘密等信息予以保密,未经对方同意,不得向第三方泄露。
6. 违约责任:如甲、乙任何一方违反本合同约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
7. 争议解决:本合同产生的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
8. 其他约定:____________。
四、合同效力及变更1. 本合同自甲、乙双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。
3. 本合同的修改、补充应以书面形式进行,并经甲、乙双方同意签字(盖章)后生效。

合同范本汉英双语合同编号:__________Contract No.: __________甲方(委托方):__________Party A (Principal): __________乙方(受托方):__________Party B (Agent): __________鉴于甲方需要__________,乙方具有提供相应服务的能力,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就__________事项达成如下合同条款:Whereas Party A requires __________, and Party B has the capability to provide the corresponding services, both parties, in accordance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, honesty and trustworthiness, have reached the following contractual terms through friendly negotiations on the matter of __________: 第一条服务内容1.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供__________服务。
1.2 乙方应保证所提供服务的质量符合甲方的要求,并在约定的时间内完成服务。
Article 1: Service Content1.1 Party B shall provide __________ services according to the requirements of Party A.1.2 Party B shall ensure that the quality of the services meets the requirements of Party A and is pleted within the agreed time.第二条服务费用2.1 甲方应按照本合同约定向乙方支付服务费用,总额为人民币__________元。

英译中翻译合同模板本合同由以下各方(以下分别称为“卖方”和“买方”)就以下所述事项达成一致:第1条商品描述卖方同意向买方出售,并买方同意购买以下商品(以下简称“商品”):[商品描述]第2条价格和支付方式2.1 商品的总价格为【金额】[货币],包括税费和运费。
2.2 买方应在下订单时支付【金额】的定金,在收到商品后支付余款。
2.3 买方可以通过【支付方式】支付定金和余款。
第3条交货时间和方式3.1 卖方应在【日期】前将商品交付给买方。
3.2 商品的交付方式为【方式】。
第4条商品质量和数量4.1 商品必须符合卖方提供的样品和规格。
4.2 如果商品数量少于或超过订单数量【数量】,买方有权拒绝接受商品或要求补发。
第5条拒绝接受商品和退款5.1 如果商品质量不符合约定或存在瑕疵,买方有权拒绝接受商品,并有权获得全额退款。
5.2 买方应在收到商品后【天数】内提出退款请求。
5.3 卖方应在收到退货商品后【天数】内将退款支付给买方。
第6条保修6.1 商品在交付后,享有【保修期】的保修期。
6.2 如果在保修期内商品发生故障,卖方应提供免费修理或更换服务。
第7条双方责任7.1 本合同一经签订,生效,双方均应按照本合同的约定履行义务。
7.2 本合同任何一方拒绝履行义务,应承担相应的违约责任。
第8条争议解决8.1 本合同若发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交仲裁解决。
8.2 仲裁裁决为终局裁决,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。
卖方:__________________ 买方:__________________签署日期:______________ 签署日期:______________以上为合同模板,双方签字生效。

合同编号:____________________签订日期:____________________甲方(买方):____________________乙方(卖方):____________________一、产品/服务描述1.1 乙方同意向甲方销售以下产品/服务(以下简称“产品”):产品名称:____________________产品规格:____________________产品数量:____________________产品单价:____________________总价:____________________1.2 产品描述:____________________二、价格与支付条款2.1 本合同产品总价为人民币____________________元整。
2.2 甲方应在签订本合同之日起____________________日内支付乙方50%的预付款,剩余50%的款项应在产品交付后____________________日内支付。
2.3 支付方式:____________________2.4 逾期付款:如甲方未按约定时间支付款项,乙方有权收取每日万分之五的滞纳金,并保留依法追究甲方违约责任的权利。
三、交付条款3.1 乙方应在收到甲方预付款后____________________日内将产品交付至甲方指定地点。
3.2 乙方应确保产品在交付时符合合同约定的质量标准。
3.3 甲方应在收到产品后立即进行验收,如验收合格,应在验收合格后的____________________日内向乙方发出书面验收合格通知。
四、质量保证与售后服务4.1 乙方保证所售产品在交付时符合国家有关产品质量标准,并在产品交付后____________________日内提供产品合格证。
4.2 产品保修期限为____________________,自产品交付之日起计算。
4.3 在保修期内,如产品出现质量问题,乙方应负责免费维修或更换。

英文合同范本及翻译合同编号:____签订日期:____签订地点:____甲方〔卖方〕:____地址:____法定代表人:____联络:____乙方〔买方〕:____地址:____法定代表人:____联络:____前言鉴于甲方愿意出售,乙方愿意购置下述商品,双方本着平等互利的原那么,经友好协商,达成如下合同条款:第一条商品描绘1.1 商品名称:____1.2 规格型号:____1.3 数量:____1.4 单价:____1.5 总价:〔大写:元整〕第二条质量标准2.1 甲方保证所售商品符合____标准。
第三条包装3.1 商品应按照____标准进展包装,以确保在运输过程中的平安。
第四条交付4.1 交付地点:4.2 交付时间:4.3 交付方式:____第五条运输5.1 运输方式:____5.2 运输费用承当:____5.3 运输保险:由____方负责。
第六条支付6.1 支付方式:____6.2 支付时间:____6.3 支付条件:____第七条检验7.1 乙方应在收到商品后的____天内进展检验,并在发现问题后的____天内通知甲方。
第八条违约责任8.1 如甲方延迟交货,应按照延迟交货商品价值的____%支付违约金。
8.2 如乙方延迟支付,应按照延迟支付金额的____%支付违约金。
第九条保证和担保9.1 甲方保证所售商品无权利瑕疵,乙方保证按时支付货款。
第十条争议解决10.1 本合同项下发生的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。
10.2 如协商不成,任何一方可将争议提交至____仲裁委员会,按照其仲裁规那么进展仲裁。
第十一条合同变更和解除11.1 本合同一经双方签字盖章,未经双方书面同意,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除。
第十二条其他条款12.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。
12.2 本合同的任何修改和补充均应以书面形式进展,并经双方受权代表签字盖章后生效。
第十三条生效条件13.1 本合同自双方受权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

第一条货物/服务描述1.1 货物/服务名称:_____________1.2 规格型号:_____________1.3 数量:_____________1.4 单价:_____________1.5 总价:_____________第二条质量要求2.1 乙方保证所提供货物/服务符合国家相关标准及甲方要求。
2.2 乙方应提供货物/服务的质量保证书。
第三条交付时间和地点3.1 交付时间:_____________3.2 交付地点:_____________第四条付款方式4.1 付款方式:_____________4.2 付款时间:_____________第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方未按约定时间支付货款,应按未付款项的_______%支付违约金。
5.2 如乙方未按约定时间交付货物/服务,应按未交付货物/服务价值的_______%支付违约金。
第六条争议解决6.1 双方因履行本合同发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可提交至甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第七条其他约定7.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
7.2 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(签字):_____________ 日期:_____________乙方(签字):_____________ 日期:_____________Contract Sample Sino-EnglishContract No.: ______________Party A (Buyer): ______________Address: ______________Contact Number: ______________Party B (Seller): ______________Address: ______________Contact Number: ______________In consideration of Party A's need to purchase goods/services provided by Party B, both parties, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, have reached a friendly agreement and hereby enter into this contract.Article 1: Description of Goods/Services1.1 Name of Goods/Services: ______________1.2 Specifications and Model: ______________1.3 Quantity: ______________1.4 Unit Price: ______________1.5 Total Price: ______________Article 2: Quality Requirements2.1 Party B guarantees that the goods/services provided meet the relevant national standards and the requirements of PartyA.2.2 Party B shall provide a quality guarantee certificate for the goods/services.Article 3: Delivery Time and Place3.1 Delivery Time: ______________3.2 Delivery Place: ______________Article 4: Payment Method4.1 Method of Payment: ______________4.2 Time of Payment: ______________Article 5: Liability for Breach of Contract5.1 If Party A fails to pay the purchase price on time, itshall pay a penalty of _______% of the unpaid amount.5.2 If Party B fails to deliver the goods/services on time, it shall pay a penalty of _______% of the value of the undelivered goods/services.Article 6: Dispute Resolution6.1 Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, it may be submitted to the People's Court where Party A is located for litigation.Article 7: Other Agreements7.1 This contract is in two copies, one for each of Party A and Party B, and has the same legal effect.7.2 This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.Party A (Signature): ______________ Date: ______________ Party B (Signature): ______________ Date: ______________请注意,以上内容是一个基本的合同范本模板,具体条款需要根据实际情况进行调整和完善。

英汉对照的合同模板Contract Template 合同模板。
1. Parties 合同双方。
This Contract is entered into between [Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], and [Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address].本合同由[甲方],一家依照[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,其主要营业地点位于[地址],以及[乙方],一家依照[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,其主要营业地点位于[地址],双方签订。
2. Purpose 目的。
The purpose of this Contract is to set forth the terms and conditions under which the parties will [describe the purpose of the contract].本合同的目的是规定双方将[描述合同的目的]的条款和条件。
3. Term of Contract 合同期限。
This Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.本合同自[起始日期]开始,直至[结束日期]终止,除非根据本合同的条款提前终止。

合同通用条款范本中英文DATED令狐采学[日期][CONTRACT NAME][合同名称]by and between合同双方[PARTY A NAME]PARTY A[甲方名称]and与[PARTY B NAME]PARTY B[乙方名称]TABLE OF CONTENT PRELIMINARY STATEMENT1. DEFINITIONS2.[OPERATIVE CLAUSES]3.CONDITIONS PRECEDENT4.REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES5.TERM6.TERMINATION7.CONFIDENTIALITY8.BREACH OF CONTRACT9.FORCE MAJEURE10.SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES11.APPLICABLE LAW12.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSSCHEDULE A DEFINITIONS1、界说2、[具体操纵条款]3、[如有需要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件]4、陈述和担保[包管]5、合同期限6、合同终止7、保密义务8、违约9、不成抗力10、争议的解决11、适用法令12、其他规定THIS CONTR ACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province],China on thisday of ,200by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Par ty B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually a s a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”.本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地址]签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法令组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲办法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法令组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙办法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。

合同范本中英对照销售合同Sales Contract甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller):公司名称:[公司名称]Company Name: [Company Name]地址:[地址]Address: [Address]电话:[电话]Telephone: [Telephone]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]Legal Representative: [Legal Representative's Name]乙方(买方):Party B (Buyer):公司名称:[公司名称]Company Name: [Company Name]地址:[地址]Address: [Address]电话:[电话]Telephone: [Telephone]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]Legal Representative: [Legal Representative's Name]鉴于甲方愿意向乙方销售[产品名称],乙方愿意购买该产品,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:Whereas Party A is willing to sell [Product Name] to Party B, and Party B is willing to purchase the product, through friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the following agreement:一、产品描述及数量I. Product Description and QuantityParty A agrees to sell the following products to Party B:产品名称:[产品名称]Product Name: [Product Name]规格:[规格]Specification: [Specification]数量:[数量]Quantity: [Quantity]2. 产品的质量标准应符合国家相关标准及行业标准。

英文合同范本及翻译3篇篇一合同编号:_________________甲方(卖方):公司名称:_________________法定代表人:_________________地址:_________________联系电话:_________________乙方(买方):公司名称:_________________法定代表人:_________________地址:_________________联系电话:_________________鉴于:1. 甲方拥有[产品名称]的所有权,并愿意将其出售给乙方。
2. 乙方愿意购买甲方的[产品名称]。
一、产品描述及价格1. 甲方同意向乙方出售[产品名称],数量为[具体数量]。
2. 产品的详细描述及规格见附件[附件编号]。
3. 产品的单价为[具体价格],总价为[总价]。
二、付款方式1. 乙方应在合同签订后的[具体天数]天内,向甲方支付总价的[预付款比例]作为预付款。
2. 乙方应在收到产品后的[具体天数]天内,向甲方支付剩余的款项。
三、交货方式及时间1. 甲方应在合同签订后的[具体天数]天内,将产品交付给乙方。
2. 交货地点为[具体地点]。
四、质量保证1. 甲方保证所提供的产品符合国家相关标准及合同约定的质量要求。
2. 产品的质量保证期为[具体时长]。
五、违约责任1. 若甲方未能按时交货,每逾期一天,应向乙方支付违约金[违约金金额]。
2. 若乙方未能按时付款,每逾期一天,应向甲方支付违约金[违约金金额]。
3. 若产品质量不符合合同约定,乙方有权要求甲方更换或退货,并由甲方承担相应的费用。
六、争议解决1. 本合同的解释和执行均适用[法律适用地]法律。
2. 若双方在合同履行过程中发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
七、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

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简易中英对照合同3篇篇1Simple Contracts简易中英对照合同This Contract (“Contract”) is entered into on [Date] by and between [Party A], with its principal place of business at [Address], and [Party B], with its principal place of business at [Address].本合同(以下简称“合同”)由下列双方于[日期]签署。
1. Scope of Services 服务范围Party B agrees to provide the following services to Party A:乙方同意向甲方提供以下服务:- service 1- 服务1- service 2- 服务22. Payment 付款方式Party A agrees to pay Party B the amount of [Amount] for the services provided under this Contract. Payment shall be made within [Number] days of receipt of the invoice.甲方同意按本合同项下提供的服务向乙方支付[金额]。
3. Term of Contract 合同期限This Contract shall be effective as of the date first written above and shall continue in effect until [Date], unless terminated earlier by either party with [Number] days’ written notice.本合同自上文中注明的日期起生效,将持续有效至[日期]止,除非其中一方提前以[天数]书面通知终止合同。

英文合同范本双语合同编号:[合同编号]CONTRACT No.: [合同编号]甲方(Party A):[甲方名称][甲方地址]Party A:[Party A's name][Party A's address]乙方(Party B):[乙方名称][乙方地址]Party B:[Party B's name][Party B's address]第一条合同目的This Article 1 Purpose of the Contract本合同旨在规范双方在[具体事项]方面的权利和义务。
The purpose of this contract is to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties in [specific matters].第二条服务内容This Article 2 Service Contents甲方将向乙方提供[具体服务内容]。
Party A will provide [specific service contents] to Party B.第三条价格与支付This Article 3 Price and Payment乙方应向甲方支付的总金额为[具体金额]。
The total amount that Party B should pay to Party A is [specific amount].支付方式为[具体支付方式]。
The payment method is [specific payment method].第四条履行期限This Article 4 Performance Period合同的履行期限自[起始日期]至[结束日期]。
The performance period of the contract is from [start date] to [end date].第五条双方的权利和义务This Article 5 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties甲方有权要求乙方按照合同约定支付款项。

二、合作事项与内容1. 合作事项:双方共同开展__________项目的合作。
2. 合作内容:包括但不限于技术合作、市场推广、产品销售等。
四、合作模式与分工1. 甲方负责提供__________,并确保其质量与技术标准符合相关规定。
2. 乙方负责__________,包括但不限于市场推广、销售渠道建设等。
3. 双方共同制定业务计划,并按照计划执行。
五、知识产权1. 双方合作期间产生的知识产权归双方共同所有。
2. 任何一方在使用或转让知识产权时,需取得对方的书面同意。
六、保密条款1. 双方应对涉及合作的商业秘密严格保密,未经对方同意,不得泄露给第三方。
2. 保密信息的范围为双方合作过程中产生的所有非公开信息。
七、费用与支付1. 双方根据合作项目的实际需要和收益情况,共同商定合作费用及支付方式。
2. 甲方应按时支付乙方约定的合作费用,乙方应提供合法有效的发票。
八、违约责任与解决方式1. 如一方违反本合同的任何条款,违约方需承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
2. 对于合作过程中发生的纠纷,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交至有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。
九、其他条款1. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

2024年中英文合同范本6篇篇1合同范本本协议由以下双方于XXXX年XX月XX日在_____(地点)签署:甲方:___________ (以下简称“甲方”)注册地址:______________________________________代表人:___________联系方式:电子邮箱________ 手机号码_________ 固定电话_________乙方:___________ (以下简称“乙方”)注册地址:______________________________________代表人:___________联系方式:电子邮箱________ 手机号码_________ 固定电话_________鉴于甲、乙双方共同意愿和诚实合作,经友好协商,达成以下协议条款,以兹信守:一、合同目的与业务内容(一)甲乙双方同意按照本合同规定的条款和条件,就以下事项进行合作:____________。
四、双方责任与义务(四)甲方应履行以下责任和义务:1. 提供______服务或产品;2. 保证服务或产品的质量符合约定标准;3. 按时履行合同约定的事项;等。
(五)乙方应履行以下责任和义务:1. 按约定支付费用;2. 保证提供的信息和数据真实可靠;3. 遵守合同约定,不得擅自变更或解除合同;等。
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DA TED 2002[日期][CONTRACT NAME] [合同名称]-by and between-合同双方[PARTY A NAME]PARTY A[甲方名称]-and-与[PARTY B NAME]PARTY B[乙方名称]TABLE OF CONTENTPRELIMINARY STATEMENT1. DEFINITIONS2.[OPERATIVE CLAUSES]3.CONDITIONS PRECEDENT4.REPRESENTA TIONS AND WARRANTIES5.TERM n. 术语;学期;期限;条款6.TERMINATION7.CONFIDENTIALITY8.BREACH OF CONTRACT9.FORCE MAJEURE10.SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES11.APPLICABLE LAW12.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSSCHEDULE A DEFINITIONS1、定义2、[具体操作条款]3、[如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件]4、陈述和担保[保证]5、合同期限6、合同终止7、保密义务8、违约9、不可抗力10、争议的解决11、适用法律12、其他规定THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province],China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its le gal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of incorporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”.本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。
PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言[add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景]After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract.双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按照本合同的条款,[描述合同标的]。
Now the Parties Hereby Agree as follows:双方现协议如下:1.Definitions 定义Unless the terms or context of this contract otherwise provide, all term used in this Contract shall have the meanings set out in Schedule A hereto.除本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义见附录甲。
2.[OPERATIVE CLAUSES]Conditions Precedent (if any)Representations and Warranties[Add unilateral representations and warranties if appropriate][具体操作条款][如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件]陈述和担保[保证]2.1Representations and Warranties[如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应单方陈述和担保条款]2.2Each party represents and warrants to the other Party that on the date hereof:双方分别向对方陈述并担保,于本合同签订日:(a)it is [an independent legal person] duly organized, validly existing and in goodstanding under the laws of the place of its establishment;根据其成立地的法律,该方[为独立法人、]依法定程序设立、有效存续、且相关手续完备(b)it has full authority to enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder;该方有全权订立本合同以及履行本合同项下义务;(c)it has authorized its representative to sign this Contract and from and after the EffectiveDate the provisions of this Contract shall be legally binding upon it;该方已授予其授权代表签署合同的权力,从生效日开始,本合同的条款对其具有法律约束力(d)its execution of this Contract and its performance of its obligations hereunder(i)will notviolate any provision of its business license, articles of incorporation, articles of association or similar organizational documents; (ii) will not violate any Applicable Law or any governmental authorization or approval; and (iii) will not violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a party or to which it is subject;该方签订本合同以及履行本合同项下义务:(i)不会违反其营业执照、成立协议、章程或类似组织文件的任何规定(ii)不会违反有关法律或任何政府的授权或批准;并且(iii)不会违反其作为当事人一方(或受之约束)的其他任何合同,也不会导致其被认定在该合同项下未履约:(e)no lawsuit, arbitration or other legal or governmental proceeding is pending or, to itsknowledge, threatened against it that would affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract; andpend vi. 悬而未决不存在将影响该方履行本合同项下义务的能力的、已经发生且尚未了结的诉讼、仲裁申请或其他司法或行政程序,而且据其所知无人威胁将采取上述行动:并且(f)it has disclosed to the other Party all documents issued by and governmental departmentthat may have a material adverse effect on its ability to fully perform its obligations under this Contract, and the documents previously provided by it to the other Party do not contain any misstatements or omissions of material facts.该方已经向对方提供可能对其全面履行其在本合同项下义务的能力造成重大不利影响的相关政府机构颁发的所有文件,并且该方此前提供给对方的文件中没有对任何重要事实的不实陈述或者漏述。
2.3 consequences of inaccuracy in Representationsif any of the above representations and warranties of a Party are not accurate in all material respects on the date hereof, then such Party shall be in breach of this Contract.如果在本合同签订日,一方的上述陈述和担保的任何一项与实际情况有实质性不符,则构成该方违约。
[Add undertakings if appropriate][如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应保证条款]Term合同期限1 TermSubject to the provisions of Article .2,the term of the Contract (“Term”) shall be [---] years, commencing on the Effective Date.合同期限本合同期限(“本合同期限”)为[]年,于[合同生效日]开始,并于[合同到期日](“合同到期日”)届满。