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第 1 页 共 10 页

一,听力理解 Section A Directions : In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) I don ’t like play games on computer. B) I ’d rather play games than work on computer. C) Playing games on computer is what I like most. D) There is nothing that I don ’t like to do. 2. A) I remember that I have seen him in a certain place. B) I will remember to see him in somewhere. C) To remember seeing him somewhere before is what I should do. D) The fact is I saw him somewhere before, but I can ’t remember it. 3. A) We can do thing to stop the process of aging. B) There is nothing that we can ’t do to stop the process of aging. C) To stop the process of aging is something we can do. D) There is something we can do to stop the process of aging. 4. A) They shouldn ’t have been so fussy about it. B) They should have made much fussy about it. C) It was unnecessary for them to make a fuss about it. D) They need have made a fuss about it. 5. A) He is not only creative but also talkative. B) He is creative but speaks little. C) He speaks a lot but is poor in idea. D) He is lacking in ideas though is very creative. 6. A) I was supposed to hand in my research paper on Tuesday, but I forgot it . B) I forgot to finish my research paper on Tuesday. C) I forgot finishing my research paper on Tuesday. D) My research paper was expected to be handed in on Tuesday and I remember it. 7. A) Peter would like to go to the university. B) Peter might as well get a job. C) It is better for Peter to get a job. D) Peter determined to get a job instead of going to the university.




命题教师 教研室(系)主任审核(签字) --




































































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2009 /2010 学年第一学期期末考试题(卷)
