Rivers and Lakes
❖ The longest river: Severn River (354 kilometers long) ❖ The second longest river: Thames (332 kilometers long) ❖ The largest Lake: Lough Neagh
Map of the UK
Read the map to find:
▪Atlantic Ocean ▪North Sea ▪Irish Sea ▪The English Channel (The Channel Tunnel ) ▪The Republic of Ireland
Title and GMeaokgeraupphoyf the UK
Ben Nevis in Scotland — the highest point in UK
Wales: It’s mostly mountainous. South Wales is less mountainous
than North and Mid Wales.
Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly.
❖ Northern Ireland ❖ Numerous smaller islands
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
Total territory: 242,910 square kilometers
Rivers and Lakes
❖ The longest river: Severn River (354 kilometers long) ❖ The second longest river: Thames (332 kilometers long) ❖ The largest Lake: Lough Neagh
Map of the UK
Read the map to find:
▪Atlantic Ocean ▪North Sea ▪Irish Sea ▪The English Channel (The Channel Tunnel ) ▪The Republic of Ireland
Title and GMeaokgeraupphoyf the UK
Ben Nevis in Scotland — the highest point in UK
Wales: It’s mostly mountainous. South Wales is less mountainous
than North and Mid Wales.
Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly.
❖ Northern Ireland ❖ Numerous smaller islands
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
Total territory: 242,910 square kilometers
英美国家概况 PPT课件
❖ Northern Ireland ❖ Numerous smaller islands
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
London Eye
Major Cities—Edinburgh
❖ Capital of Scotland ❖ administrative, financial, legal, medical and
insurance center of Scotland ❖ beautiful scenery ❖ renowned architecture
St. Paul's Cathedral
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Hyde Park
Tower of London
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Cardiff City Hall
Landmarks & Symbols of Cardiff
Millennium Stadium
Cardiff Castle
Major Cities—Belfast
❖ the second largest city ❖ capital of Northern Ireland ❖ an important historic city
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
London Eye
Major Cities—Edinburgh
❖ Capital of Scotland ❖ administrative, financial, legal, medical and
insurance center of Scotland ❖ beautiful scenery ❖ renowned architecture
St. Paul's Cathedral
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Hyde Park
Tower of London
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Cardiff City Hall
Landmarks & Symbols of Cardiff
Millennium Stadium
Cardiff Castle
Major Cities—Belfast
❖ the second largest city ❖ capital of Northern Ireland ❖ an important historic city
英美国家作为民主制度的发源地,其政治体制对全球民主化进程产生了深远影响,许多国家在政 治制度上效仿英美,推动了全球民主化进程。
英美国家凭借强大的经济和军事实力,在国际政治中发挥着领导作用,对国际关系和全球事务产 生重大影响。
英美国家作为全球文化输出大国,其文化产品对全球文化多样性产生重要影响,影响了世 界各地的文化传统和价值观。
英美国家的教育体系被认为是全球最优秀的教育体系之一,其教育理念和方法对全球教育 产生了重要影响和启示。
英美国家在科技领域一直处于领先地位,其科技发展对全球科技进步产生了重要推动作用 ,引领全球科技发展方向。
美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南至墨西哥及古巴。美国拥有丰富的自然 资源,国土面积居世界第四位。美国历史可追溯至1776年独立建国,经历了两次世界大战和冷战,成 为全球领先的政治、经济、军事和文化大国。
英美国家对外政策的制定与实施对全球政治稳定和国际安全产生重要影响,其外交政策对其他国 家产生示范效应。
Cover less than ?% of the British island; The longest river of the island flow through it
---- ? It has been dominated by England LONGER
than other parts but still retains a strong sense of its difference from England
Northern Ireland
The smallest of the other four parts both in area and population;
It occupies the northern ?/? of the island of Ireland.
It has the largest lake of the Isles ---- ?
important river flows through it ---- ?; Highly urbanized ---- ? % of the
population living in cities.
The second largest part both in area and population;
The Empire on which the sun never sets
Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language
Where is the U.K. in European continent ?
The U.K.
Cover less than ?% of the British island; The longest river of the island flow through it
---- ? It has been dominated by England LONGER
than other parts but still retains a strong sense of its difference from England
Northern Ireland
The smallest of the other four parts both in area and population;
It occupies the northern ?/? of the island of Ireland.
It has the largest lake of the Isles ---- ?
important river flows through it ---- ?; Highly urbanized ---- ? % of the
population living in cities.
The second largest part both in area and population;
The Empire on which the sun never sets
Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language
Where is the U.K. in European continent ?
The U.K.
英美概况 英国部分 第四章ppt Chapter 4
New words
prosperity: n. the state of being successful, especially financially 兴旺; 繁荣;成功;昌盛 — The new government ushered in a period of prosperity. 新政府的成立带来了 一个繁荣的时期。
New words
optical: adj. connected with the sense of sight or the relationship between light and sight 视力的;视觉的;光学的 — I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion. 我以为我看见鬼了, 其实只是一种幻觉。
outlet: n. a shop/store or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular type 专营店;经销店 — This cosmetics firm has 34 outlets in Britain. 这家化妆品公司在英国有34个经销店。
New words
delinquency: n. nonpayment of a debt when due逾期债款 — Delinquency is failure to pay a debt or tax. 逾期债款是指未按时偿还债务或税款。
default: n. failure to do something that must be done by law, especially paying a debt 违约(尤指未偿付债务) — I default on the installment payment. 我没有付分期应付的款。
英美国家概况之英国 ppt课件
Part II Focal Points
1. A complicated country with a complicated name (复杂的名称,复杂的国家)
2. The effects of its imperial past (帝国主义历史的影响) 3. A multiracial society (多种族的社会) 4. Remarkable class, regional and economic differences
cBapeliftaasl toS,fcotland Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Edinburgh, capital of Scotland
Dublin, capital ofRepublic Republic of IroeflaInredland
Cardiff, capital of Wales
2. A loose (and voluntary) organization exists among the countries that used to be part of the British Empire. What is the organization called? Commonwealth of Nations
{1707年(苏格兰)与英格兰合并} 13. Strong Scottish identity (仍具有很浓的苏格兰特色) 14. Brief introduction of Wales (对威尔士的简要介绍) 15. Campaigns for independence of UK
--- National anthem : “God save the queen”(如在位 的是男性君主,国歌改为 “God save the king”) --- National flower:Rose --- National bird:(robin)
Traditions like the Royal Christmas Message, the FA Cup Final, and the Pancake Race are an integral part of British culture. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are a source of pride for the British people.
Education system
Preschool education
Preschool education in the UK is available to all children from the age of 3 to 5 years old. It is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended.
The UK has a rich literary history, with writers such as Shakespeare, Austen, and Dickens. Their works explore themes of love, loss, and social commentary.
Brexit has created uncertainty and division within the UK and its relationship with Europe. This has led to political instability, economic uncertainty, and social unrest.
Traditions like the Royal Christmas Message, the FA Cup Final, and the Pancake Race are an integral part of British culture. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are a source of pride for the British people.
Education system
Preschool education
Preschool education in the UK is available to all children from the age of 3 to 5 years old. It is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended.
The UK has a rich literary history, with writers such as Shakespeare, Austen, and Dickens. Their works explore themes of love, loss, and social commentary.
Brexit has created uncertainty and division within the UK and its relationship with Europe. This has led to political instability, economic uncertainty, and social unrest.
Landmarks & Symbols of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Castle
Palace of Holyrood
Major Cities—Cardiff
Europe's youngest capital city has been the capital city of Wales for around 50 years home to an enormous amount of urban regeneration and restoration has recently become one of the most fashionable cities in the United Kingdom.
England: it consists of lowland terrain, with some mountainous terrain in the north-west, north and south-west.
3. Major Cities — London
The River Thames
the capital of England and of Great Britain the political center of the Commonwealth a major port one of the world's leading banking and financial centers.
Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly.
Wales: It’s mostly mountainous. South Wales is less mountainous than North and Mid Wales.
• • • • Language: Cymru(有问题) People: nearly 3 million Area: 20764 sq km land of mountain Major source: Welsh slate
• Population: 46,220,955 • Arear: 130,836 sq km • Main regions: the Pennines, the Lake District • the Vale of Eden, Lowland of Central England, Southern Uplands, and South and So
Chapter 2 Geography of The United Kingdom
Dr. Carol W. Pollard
• • • • • • Some important terms: Rationalism, Idealism, a priori, a posteriori, the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, Romanticism, Existentialism, Positivism, Pragmatism Three Phases of Western Civilization: Antiquity ; The Middle Ages (the Medieval Period) ; The Modern Age
Northern Ireland
• People: most live in Belfast and Derry • Capital: Belfast • Land and Resources: its geology is very similar with that of Scotland
• Population: 46,220,955 • Arear: 130,836 sq km • Main regions: the Pennines, the Lake District • the Vale of Eden, Lowland of Central England, Southern Uplands, and South and So
Chapter 2 Geography of The United Kingdom
Dr. Carol W. Pollard
• • • • • • Some important terms: Rationalism, Idealism, a priori, a posteriori, the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, Romanticism, Existentialism, Positivism, Pragmatism Three Phases of Western Civilization: Antiquity ; The Middle Ages (the Medieval Period) ; The Modern Age
Northern Ireland
• People: most live in Belfast and Derry • Capital: Belfast • Land and Resources: its geology is very similar with that of Scotland
英美国家概况 PPT
Britain National Flag
British National Emblem(徽章)
国徽:即英王徽。中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面 上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英 格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征苏 格兰;左下角为蓝地上金黄色竖琴,象征爱尔 兰。盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、代表英格兰 的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支扶着。盾 徽周围用法文写着一句格言,意为“恶有恶 报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天 有上帝,我有权利”。盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的 金银色头盔l Flag
Canadian National Emblem
国徽:1921年制定,图案中间为盾形,盾面下部为一 枝三片枫叶;上部的四组图案分别为:三头金色的狮子, 一头直立的红狮,一把竖琴和三朵百合花,分别象征加 拿大在历史上与英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和法国之间的 联系。盾徽之上有一头狮子举着一片红枫叶,既是加拿 大民族的象征,也表示对第一次世界大战期间加拿大的 牺牲者的悼念。狮子之上为一顶金色的王冠,象征英女 王是加拿大的国家元首。盾形左侧的狮子举着一面联合 王国的国旗,右侧的独角兽举着一面原法国的百合花旗。 底端的绶带上用拉丁文写着“从海洋到海洋”,表示加 拿大的地理位置——西濒太平洋,东临大西洋。
英国(UK) 加拿大(Canada) 澳大利亚(The Commonwealth of Australia ) 新西兰(New Zealand) 美国(United States)
British National Flag
国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。为 “米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组 成。旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神 圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德 鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。 此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰的白地红 色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔 兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。
discovered the New Continent
came from____.
A. England
B. Ireland
C. Spain
D. Italy
21. The last English colony in America was ____, which was established in 1733. A. North Carolina B. South Carolina C. Georgia D. Arizona
A. 4, 16
B. 4, 18
C. 5, 16
D. 5, 18
6. The University of Oxford and Cambridge date from the ____ centuries. A. 9th and 10th B. 10th and 11th C. 11th and 12th D. 12th and 13th
7. The Hundred Years’ War between Britain and France was fought___. A. from 1327 to 1453 B. from 1337 to 1453 C. from 1347 to 1453 D. from 1357 to 1453
A. English
B. Scottish
C. Gaelic
D. Denish
10. Among the most typical English
sports, ____ has been in existence
since the 16th century.
A. rugby
B. soccer
C. cricket