2015年中国矿业大学考博英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Reading Comprehension 2. Cloze 3. English-Chinese Translation 4. Chinese-English Translation 5. WritingReading ComprehensionThe purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty. In other words, it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent. In order to arrest a person, the police have to be reasonably sure that a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to “book”him. “Booking” means that the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed at the police station. The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge decides whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run away—for example, because he owns a house and has a family—he can go free. Otherwise, the suspect must put up bail. At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court layer to defend the suspect if he can’t afford one. The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the district attorney’s office presents a case against the suspect. This is called a hearing. The attorney may present evidence as well as witnesses. The judge at the hearing then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial. If the judge decides that there is sufficient evidence to call for a trial, he or she sets a date for the suspect to appear in court to formally plead guilty or not guilty. At the trial, a jury of 12 people listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses. Then the jury goes into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime. If the jury decides that the defendant is innocent, he goes free. However, if he is convicted, the judge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sentencing. At this time, the judge tells the convicted person what his punishment will be. The judge may sentence him to prison, order him to pay a fine, or place him on probation. The American justice system is very complex and sometimes operates slowly. However, every step is designed to protect the rights of the people. These individual rights are the basis, or foundation, of the American government.1.What is the main idea of the passage?A.The American court system requires that a suspect prove that he or she is innocent.B.The US court system is designed to protect the rights of the people.C.Under the American court system, judge decides if a suspect is innocent or guilty.D.The US court system is designed to help the police present a case against the suspect.正确答案:B解析:本文的第一段第一句话“The purpose of the American court system is to protect the fights of the people.”就点明了文章的主旨,即美国法院系统的作用是保护人民的权利,因此选择B。
一、体育教学理论与实践(考试代码:2208 2014.3.22周六下午)1、体育教学的构成要素有哪些?分析这些要素的作用及其关系。
二、运动生理学(考试代码:3315 2014.3.23周日上午)1、论述能量统一体理论及其在体育实践中的应用。
一、体育教学理论与实践(考试代码:2208 2015.3.21周六下午)1、学校体育学包括哪些基本理论问题?并结合实际阐述具体理论的应用(40分)
二、运动生理学(考试代码:3315 2015.3.22周日上午)
2015年社科院考博英语阅读理解真题模拟(5)In taking up a new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United States did not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tedium of life. Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor the scattered population nor the disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanks to the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose. No other set of colonists took so seriously an expression of the period, "Leisure is time for doing something useful." In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily routine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group work provided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural parties. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone, including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some ofthe rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting, skating, and swimming. But city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba ;QQ:wu si qi ling liu san ba liu er)26. What is the passage mainly about?A) Methods of fanning used by early settlers of the United States.B) Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.C) Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.D) Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.27. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?A) They followed a pattern Begun in Europe.B) They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.C) The clergy organized them.D) Only the wealthy participated in them.28. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers' altitude toward "thepursuit of pleasure" ?A) They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.B) They felt that it was not necessary.C) They felt that it should be productive.D) They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.29. What is meant by the phrase "double-purpose" in the 4th sentence in paragraph 2?A) Very frequent.B) Useful and enjoyable.C) Extremely necessary.D) Positive and negative.30. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph following this passage?A) The rural diversions enjoyed by both urban and rural people.B) Leisure activities of city dwellers.C) Building methods of the early settlers in rural areas.D) Changes in lifestyles of settlers as they moved答案及解析请查阅育明考博或致电垂询 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。
对待专业课的认识,有些考生以为自己学了这么多年本专业,甚至发表了不少文章,专业课应该 没问题了,从而放松了对自己专业课复习的要求。其实现在博士录取时,各个环节都不能放松。即使 及格了,如果成绩较低,总分排名靠居后,也会影响导师对自己的印象。提高专业课的复习效率,育 明考博告诉大家可以分为以下两个阶段:
育明 北京校区 资料来源: 人大考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博陈老师
以下是育明教育考研课程的授课规划,整个授课规划由本专业统考博士生组织设定,结合了本专 业考试命题的实际,借鉴了历届育明成功学员的复习计划和成功经验,是育明教育考研课程授课质量 的保证和高录取率的基础。考生们也可以借鉴这一复习规划来指导自己的备考。
育明 北京校区 资料来源: 人大考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博陈老师
招生专业 统考招生人数
020104 西方经 济学
节常考的考点,如何高效的研读参考书、建立参考书框架,如何灵活运用参考书中的知识内容来答题, 是考生复习的第一阶段最需完成的任务。 2、专业知识的来源也不能局限于对参考书的研读,整个的备考当中考生还需要阅读大量的 paper,读 哪一些、怎么去读、读完之后应该怎么做,这些也会直接影响到考生的分数。(人大考博资料获取、复 习经验可咨询李老师叩叩:七七贰,六七捌,伍叁七)。
育明 北京校区 资料来源: 人大考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博陈老师
①1001 英语一②2422 高等 物理化学或 2454 生物化学 或 2483 高等有机化学或 2534 传递过程原理③3467 欢迎材 仪器分析基础或 3491 药物 料、生物、 化学(含药代动力学)或 工程、医 3499 高等有机合成或 3522 学、药学 催化化学或 3573 量子化学 和物理等 或 3596 化学反应工程或 背景的考 3614 电化学或 3632 工业催 生报考。 化或 3646 微生物学或 3658 分子生物学或 3671 环境化 学
2015 年中国科学院大学环境工程考博(大连化学物理研究所)参考 书、真题、报录比、复试分数线、考博大纲、资料笔记、研究生招生 专业目录
中国科学院大连化学物理研究所创建于 1949 年 3 月,是一个应用研究与基础研究并重、具 有较强技术开发实力、以承担国家和企业重大项目为主的化学化工研究所。
中国科学院大连化学物理研究所(以下简称大连化物所)创建于 1949 年 3 月,当时定 名为大连大学科学研究所,后几经更名,1962 年正式命名为中国科学院大连化学物理研究 所。
大连化物所是一个基础研究与应用研究并重、应用研究和技术转化相结合,以任务带 学科为主要特色的综合性研究所。大连化物所通过不断积累和调整,逐步形成了自己的科研 特色。1998 年,大连化物所成为中国科学院知识创新工程首批试点单位之一。通过凝练科 技目标,确立了“发挥学科综合优势,加强技术集成创新,以可持续发展的能源研究为主导, 坚持资源环境优化和生物技术和创新材料创新协调发展,在国民经济和国家安全中发挥不可 替代的作用,创建世界一流研究所”的战略目标,在中国能源的可持续发展、资源优化利用、 国家安全,以及国民生命与健康等领域发挥着重要作用。2007 年经国家批准筹建洁净能源 国家实验室。
人大新闻学院考博招生介绍-考试内容-考试指南一、新闻学院博士招生人数及名额分布(基本学习年限3年)年份 人大内地招生总数(计划数/实际数)新闻学院博士招生人数新闻学院博士招生方式及人数分布公开招考报名人数复试人数2012年 900人/873人 34 1、普通招考(30人)2、硕博连读(4人)215人2013年 850人/891人 36 1、普通招考(32人)2、硕博连读(4人)217人2014年 900人/893人 31 1、普通招考(28人)2、硕博连读(3人)注:跨学科考生录取4人约200人差额复试比例在150%左右(资料来源于人大研招办老师及育明考博数据整理) 二、新闻学院各专业复试分数线2014年新闻学院 考博各环节最高分: 初试最高分236.5分,外语复试最高分48分, 综合复试最高分145分,最终成绩最高分83.75分年份 复试成绩要求 进入复试人数(不含硕博连读) 2012年 外语60分 专业一60分 专业二60分 总分190分 38人 2013年外语55分 专业一60分 专业二60分 总分195分37人 2014年外语60分 专业一60分 专业二60分 总分190分37人三、新闻学院博士招生考试内容招生专业 初试考试科目 复试考试科目 050301新闻学1、初试考试科目:①新闻传播史论;②新闻实务;③外语;2、跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;3、同等学力考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;⑥政治理论050302传播学1、初试考试科目:①新闻传播史论;②传播实务;③外语;2、跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;3、同等学力考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;⑥政治理论0503Z1传媒经济学1、初试考试科目:①新闻传播史论;②传媒经济实务;③外语;2、跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;3、同等学力考生复试笔试加试科目:④新闻传播学基础;⑤新闻传播学论文;⑥政治理论。
目录医学考博英语历年真题 (2)2015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷 (2)2015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试题参考答案及解析 (17)2015年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文 (29)本试题含阅读文章大意分析,听力含答案解析,有听力原文。
医学考博英语历年真题2015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷Part I Listening Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once.After you hear the question,read the four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman:I fell faint.Man:No wonder You haven't had a bite all day.Question:What's the matter with the woman?You will read:A.She is sick.B.She is bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B●D Now let's begin with question number1.1. A.How to deal with his sleeping problem. B.The cause of his sleeping problem.C.What follows his insomnia.D.The severity of his medical problem.2. A.To take the medicine for a longer time. B.To discontinue the medication.C.To come to see her again.D.To switch to other medications.3. A.To tale it easy and continue to work. B.To take a sick leave.C.To keep away from work.D.To have a follow-up.4. A.Fullness in the stomach. B.Occasional stomachache.C.Stomach distention.D.Frequent belches.5. A.extremely severe. B.Not very severe.C.More severe than expected.D.It's hard to say.6. A.He has lost some weight. B.He has gained a lot.C.He needs to exercise more.D.He is still overweight.7. A.She is giving the man an injection. B.She is listening to the man's heart.C.She is feeling the man's pulse.D.She is helping the man stop shivering.8. A.In the gym. B.In the office.C.In the clinic.D.In the boat.9. A.Diarrhea. B.Vomiting.C.Nausea.D.A cold.10. A.She has developed allergies. B.She doesn't know what allergies are.C.She doesn't have any allergies.D.She has allergies treated already.11. A.Listen to music. B.Read magazines.C.Go play tennis.D.Stay in the house.12. A.She isn't feeling well. B.She is under pressure.C.She doesn't like the weatherD.She is feeling relieved.13. A.Michael's wife was ill B.Michael's daughter was ill.C.Michael's daughter gave birth to twins.D.Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.14. A.She is absent-minded. B.She is in high spirits.C.She is indifferent.D.She is compassionate.15. A.Ten years ago. B.Five years ago.C.Fifteen years ago.D.Several weeks ago.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages'after each of which,you will hear five questions.After each question,read the four possible answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16. A.A blood test. B.A gastroscopy.C.A chest X-ray exam.D.A barium X-ray test.17. A.To lose some weight. B.To take a few more tests.C.To sleep on three pillows.D.To eat smaller,lighter meals.18. A.Potato chips. B.Chicken. C.Cereal. D.fish.19. A.Ulcer B.Cancer C.Depression. D.Hernia.20. A.He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B.He will ask for a sick leave and relax at home.C.He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D.He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.Passage One21. A.A new concept of diabetes.B.The definition of Type1and Type2diabetes.C.The new management of diabetics in the hospital.D.The new development of non-perishable insulin pills.22. A.Because it vaporizes easily.B.Because it becomes overactive easily.C.Because it is usually in injection form.D.Because it is not stable above40degrees Fahrenheit.23. A.The diabetics can be cured without taking synthetic insulin any longer.B.The findings provide insight into how insulin works.C.Insulin can be more stable than it is now.D.Insulin can be produced naturally.24. A.It is stable at room temperature for several years.B.It is administered directly into the bloodstream。
一、 选定一本质量尚好的考博英语语法书对于一些基础比较弱的考生而言,他们的情况是对语法一知半解或者完全处于懵懂的状态。
(育明考博辅导课程咨询方式TEL:四零零 六六八 六九七八;扣扣:五四七零六三八六二)二、 语法复习和题目练习相互结合如果单纯地为了语法而学习语法,势必是枯燥乏味的,学习效果也不会很好。
三、 对症下药,击破不会的语法知识复习语法的最终目的就是为了读懂文章,获取理想的分数,广大考生一定要刻苦复习,对于自己不懂的语法现象一定要仔细钻研,直至攻克为止。
From the beginning of our history,says Hofstadter,our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.【词汇突破】democratic:民主的populist:平民主义的【主干识别】our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything+定语从句【其他成分】says Hofstadter插入语;our democratic and populist urges have driven us to…可提炼出sth has driven sb to do…这个句型;that smells of elitism定语从句,修饰anything。
(注意smell的介词搭配)【微观解析】若是觉得插入语干扰了正常的理解,可将这个句子变为Hofstadter says”From the beginning of our history,our democratic and populist urges havedriven us to reject anything that smells of elitism。
3、2014 年社会与人口学院考博录取考生各科目最低分:
初试最低分 200 分;综合复试最低分 110 分;外语复试最低分 32 分;加权最低分 72.08 分。
人民大学考博整体的竞争还是比较大的,社会学院的报录比大概在 5:1-6:1。在认真
四、2014 年人大社会与人口学院考博分数统计分析
1、2014 年社会与人口学院考博各科目最高分:
初试最高分 264.5 分;综合复试最高分 145 分;外语复试最高分;50 分加权最高分 90.58 分。
2、2014 年社会与人口学院考博录取考生各科目平均分:
初试平均 221.2 分;综合复试平均 132.1 分;外语复试平均 42.3 分;加权平均分 80.47 分。
0303Z1 老年学
1、初试考试科目:①社会理论;②社会老年学;③ 1、外语水平测试(满
分 50 分)
2、跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④社会学概 2、专业课和综合素质
(满分 150)
030302 人口学
1、初试考试科目:①社会理论;②人口统计学;③ 1、外语水平测试(满
分 50 分)
2、跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④社会学概 2、专业课和综合素质
(满分 150)
2022年考研考博-考博英语-山西大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题Gratitude is defined as the art of showing()for every kindness, great and small.问题1选项A.motivationB.appreciationC.affectionD.opposition【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。
”根据首单词Gratitude (感谢;感激)我们可知空格处应填与该单词联系度最高的单词,因此B选项正确。
2.单选题Once, at a party, I was introduced to a friend of a friend. We shook hands, I told her my name, she told me hers. Then she did something that I was ever so grateful for. “Hang on,” she said. “Can you say your name again? I wasn’t really listening.” She saved me from having to later—possibly even at the same party—sheepishly admit that I, too, had already forgotten her name.An informal poll of fellow Atlantic staffers confirmed my suspicion that this is something that happens to even the most kind and conscientious among us. No sooner does someone utter the most fundamental factoid about themselves than the information flees our brains forever. There are a few reasons why this occurs:You’re not really that interested: Maybe you’re just making an appearance at this party and are planning to abscond shortly to a superior kick-back. Your level of interest can impact how well you remember something. “Some people, perhaps those who are more socially aware, are just more interested in people, more interested in relationships,” Richard Harris, professor of psycholog y at Kansas State University, told Science Daily. “They would be more motivated to remember somebody’s name.”There are two types of storage in the brain: Long-term and short-term. The short-term variety is called “working memory,” and it functions like a very leaky thermos. It doesn’t hold much and it spills stuff out all the time. “You can hold just a little bit of information there and if you don’t concentrate on it, it fades away rapidly,” Paul Reber, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, told me in an email. “Information like a name needs to be transferred to a different brain system that creates long-term memories that persist over time.”There’s not much in a name, frankly. It doesn’t actually tell you anything about the person you’re meeting, and thus it doesn’t give your brain anything to cling to. “Human memory is very good at things like faces and factual information that connects well to other information you already know,” Reber said. The name ends up neither connecting to what you already know nor standing out as unusual,” Reber said. “So you get this funny phenomenon where you can remember lots about a person you recently met—everything except their name (this happens to me all the time).”1.The author points out in the first two paragraphs that().2.According to Richard Harris, how well we remember a name is related to().3.What is the problem mentioned in Paragraph 5?4.It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that names are().5.What is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.we want to know how to remember other people’s nameB.we often feel sorry for forgetting other people’s nameC.it is important to remember other people’s nameD.it is just common to forget other people’s name问题2选项A.whether it is necessary to do itB.whether the name is easy to rememberC.how good our memory isD.how interested we are in that person问题3选项A.Limit of working memory.B.Confusing information.C.Malfunction of the brain.D.Too much information.问题4选项A.symbolicB.pointlessC.uniquermative问题5选项A.What’s in a name?B.What’s your name, again?C.Don’t forget my nameD.That’s my name【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。
2016人大公共管理学院考博报录比历年复试分数线备考经验一、人大公共管理学院博士招生人数及名额分布年份人大内地招生总数(计划数/实际数)公管学院博士招生人数公管学院博士招生方式及人数分布公开招考报名人数报录比2012年900人/873人41人普通招考(35人)硕博连读(6人)300人7:12013年850人/891人48人普通招考(40人)硕博连读(8人)290人6:12014年900人/893人49人普通招考(41人)硕博连读(8人)约290人6:12015年900人/897人56人普通招考(52人)硕博连读(4人)约330人 6.5:1育明考博陈老师解析:1、人大公管学院共有7个博士研究生招生专业:各专业间的报录比相差较大,行政管理、公共财政与公共政策>社会保障、土地资源管理、公共组织与人力资源>城乡规划与发展、房地产经济与管理2、根据最新的信息,学院将会逐步增加硕博连读的名额,减少在职定向读博的名额,培养年限方面也会增加到四年。
太原理工大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the UnitedStates unprecedented opportunities—as well as new and significantrisks.Civil rights activists have long argued that one of theprincipal reasons why Blacks,Hispanics,and other minority groupshave difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lackaccess to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated bylarge companies.Now Congress,in apparent agreement,has requiredby law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than$500,000do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their effortsto do so on forms filed with the government.Indeed,some federal andlocal agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goalsfor apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority Geng duoyuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xiquan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantial.Accordingto figures collected in1977,the total of corporate contracts withminority businesses rose from$77million in1972to$1.1billion in1977.The projected total of corporate contracts with minoritybusinesses for the early1980’s is estimated to be over53billionper year with no letup anticipated in the next decade.Promising as it is for minority businesses,this increasedpatronage poses dangers for them,too.First,minority firms riskexpanding too fast and overextending themselves financially,sincemost are small concerns and,unlike large businesses,they often need to make substantial investments in new plants,staff,equipment,and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them.If, thereafter,their subcontracts are for some reason reduced,such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses.The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids.Both consume valuable time and resources,and a small company’s efforts must soon result in orders,or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.Of course,in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures;clearly,White and minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone.But civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities being set up as“fronts”with White backing,rather than being accepted as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.Third,a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often run the danger of becoming-and remaining-dependent.Even in the best of circumstances,fierce competition from larger,more established companies makes it difficult for small concerns to broaden their customer bases:whensuch firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor,they may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.1.The primary purpose of the text is to[A]present a commonplace idea and its inaccuracies.[B]describe a situation and its potential drawbacks.[C]propose a temporary solution to a problem.[D]analyze a frequent source of disagreement.2.The text suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might causes it to[A]experience frustration but not serious financial harm.[B]face potentially crippling fixed expenses.[C]have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government.[D]increase its spending with minority subcontractors.3.It can be inferred from the text that,compared with the requirements of law,the percentage goals set by“some federal and local agencies”(line9,paragraph1)are[A]more popular with large corporations.[B]more concrete.[C]less controversial.[D]less expensive to enforce.4.Which of the following,if true,would most weaken the author’s assertion that,in the1970’s,corporate response tofederal requirements(line1,paragraph2)was substantial?[A]Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $2billion in1979.[B]Between1970and1972,corporate contracts withminority-owned businesses declined by25percent.[C]The figures collected in1977underrepresented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses.[D]The$1.1billion represented the same percentage of total corporate spending in1977as did$77million in1972.5.The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors?[A]Annoyed by the proliferation of“front”organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.[B]Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the1970’s,their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.[C]The significant response of corporations in the1970’s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980’s.[D]Although corporations are eager to cooperate withminority-owned businesses,a shortage of capital in the1970’s madesubstantial response impossible.[答案与考点解析]1.【答案】B【考点解析】本题是一道中心主旨题。
2015年北京理工大学考博报考分析及备考指导(育明考博) 一、北理招考介绍(普考时间:3月下旬)学校所属博士点招生总数定向考生考博英语难易程度211/98522个一级学科博士学位授权点600人10% 接近六级综合复试:主要考察学生的思想政治品德、科学研究作风、创新意识、综合运用理论能力、实践动手能力、解决实际问题能力、外语听力、口语水平等。
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2015年太原理工大学考博报考分析-考试内容-备考指导 一、太原理工招考介绍学校所属博士点招生总数硕博连读人数考博英语难易程度21138个博士学位授权点160人60人左右高于六级二、联系导师在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。
(PS:育明考博咨询方式 扣扣:547 063 862 TEL:四零零 六六八 六九七八)三、太原理工大学考博英语备考规划1、太原理工考博英语的题型和分值设置(考试时间180分钟)阅读理解翻译作文四篇20题40分英译汉10分汉译英10分一、应用文写作15分(150字)二、议论文写作25分(300字)2、英语复习推荐用书:育明考博教研部主编的《考博英语真题解析》《考博词汇》,是最为权威的考博英语备考资料。
A. 细节事实题----回到原文,找准出处。
B. 判断词汇和短语的意义题内容全面、概括性强的一般为答案;与文章主题相近的一般是答案;与被考单词在含义上肤浅相近的一般不是答案。
C. 推理判断题合乎常理的选项一般是答案;选项措辞过于绝对化、找茬原文和对文中做字面解释的的一般不是答案。
D. 主旨大意题答案常在首尾段,出现频率高的词可能是蕴含中心思想的关键词;局部信息概括、概括范围过宽的都为错误选项。
E. 观点态度题---看清楚态度的对象以及态度的主体。
A.英式思维 拆分语法结构在考博翻译中的大部分句子都是结构复杂的长难句,所以理清句子结构层次就显得至关重要。
例如:例1 Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.拆分句子:1.句子的主干是:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry;2.定语从句:which后面是一个定语从句,其先行词是social science;3.方式状语:in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner是方式状语。
其中的reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned 是并列定语,修饰manner;4.定语从句:that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena 是定语从句,其先行词是manner;5.拆分后句子的总结构是:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry(主干) which seeks to study humans and their endeavors(定语从句)in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner(方式状语)that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(定语从句)B.直译和意译在考博英语翻译中,由于题材基本上是关于自然科学和社会科学的文章,所以我们遵循的方法是:能直译就直译,既能直译又能意译的以直译为主,不能直译的采用意译,一般情况下直译与意译相结合。
1.能直译就直译例:In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say," United we stand, divided we fall ". (2006年真题)译文:在应付一个如此规模的挑战过程中,我们可以毫不夸张地说,“团结,我们就会站起来;分裂,我们就会倒下去”。
2.不宜直译就意译例:The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters。
原文深层信息--a red flag是令人生气的事物,源于西班牙的斗牛民俗。
3.直译与意译相结合例:The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test. So don't worry excessively about a single test。
C.英语简单句拉长变多长句Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves (参考译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门学问的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。
)英文原句是个典型的长句,由27个词组成,中间没有使用任何标点符号,完全靠语法结构使整个句子的意思化零为整: less through…and more from构成一个复杂的状语,修饰动词arisen。