





- 翻译实例:I will go to the movie theater tonight, if I finish my homework.(如果我完成作业,我今晚会去电影院)
- 翻译实例:He studied hard for the exam, but he still failed.(他为了考试努力学习,但仍然没通过)
- 翻译实例:Only when the rain stopped did we go outside.(只有等雨停下来我们才出去)
- 原句结构:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其他部分
- 翻译实例:It was Tom who broke the vase.(正是汤姆打碎了花瓶)






中学英语长难句子的翻译一、英语汉语的不同1、英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念,而汉语则不同,常常使用若干短句,作层次分明的叙述;Although these stores aren’t very attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores.天目山林深人少,古树掩映,清泉石上流,雾生半山腰,如仙境一般;英语句子的结构: “葡萄藤型”结构grapevine structure,意为在短短的主干上派生出长长的枝蔓和丰硕的果实;汉语句子因为很少叠床架屋,节外生枝,而是一个短句接一个短句地往下延伸,因此被称为“竹竿型”结构bamboo structure;因此,在进行英译汉时,要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解,翻译成汉语的短句;2、英译汉的翻译方法和技巧是建立在英汉两种语言的对比之上的;这两种语言在词汇和句法方面的一些表达手段上各有其特点;语序调整主要指词序、句序两方面的调整;首先我们谈谈词序的调整;英汉语句中的主要成分主语、谓语、宾语或表语的词序基本上是一致的,但各种定语的位置和各种状语的次序在英、汉语言中则有同有异;汉语说“他正在卧室里睡觉”,而在英语中却说He is sleeping in the bedroom.他睡觉在卧室;;英语汉语都说“他出生于北京”,"He was born in Beijing";一定语位置的调整1. 单词作定语英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此;有时英语中有后置的,译成汉语时一般都前置;something important后置重要的事情前置如果英语中名词前的定语过多,译文中则不宜完全前置,因为汉语不习惯在名词前用过多的定语;a little, yellow, ragged beggar前置一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛;后置2. 短语作定语英语中,修饰名词的短语一般放在名词之后,而汉语则反之,但间或也有放在后面的,视汉语习惯而定;their plan to cross the river 后置他们渡江的企图前置One day an earthquake rocked the mountain, causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm, located in the valley below.二状语位置的调整1. 单词作状语英语中单词作状语修饰形容词或其他状语时,通常放在它所修饰的形容词或状语的前面,这一点与汉语相同;He was very active in class.前置他在班上很活跃;前置英语中单词作状语修饰动词时,一般放在动词之后,而在汉语里则放在动词之前;Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.后置现代科学技术正在迅速发展;前置英语中表示程度的状语在修饰状语时可前置也可后置,而在汉语中一般都前置;He is running fast enough.后置他跑得够快的了;前置2.短语作状语英语中短语状语可放在被修饰的动词之前或之后,译成汉语时则大多数放在被修饰的动词之前,但也有放在后面的;Seeing this, some of us became very worried.前置看到这种情况,我们有些人心里很着急;前置A jeep full sped fast, drenching me in spray.后置一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水;后置英语中地点状语一般在时间状语之前,而汉语中时间状语则往往放在地点状语之前;He was born in Beijing on May 20,1970.地点在前他是1970年5月20日在北京出生的;时间在前英语中时间状语、地点状语的排列一般是从小到大,而汉语中则是从大到小;三其次我们谈谈句序的调整这里,句序是指复合句中主句和从句的时间和逻辑关系叙述的顺序;1时间顺序的调整1.英语复合句中,表示时间的从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,汉语中则通常先叙述先发生的事,后叙述后发生的事;I went out for a walk after I had my dinner.从句在主句之后我吃了晚饭后出去散步;从句在主句之前2. 英语复合句中有时包含两个以上的时间从句,各个时间从句的次序比较灵活,汉语则一般按事情发生的先后安排其位置;He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vocation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjin.他本来在天津开会,会议一结束,他就去北京度假了,昨天才坐飞机回来;2英汉语复合句中的逻辑顺序的调整1. 表示因果关系的英语复合句中,因果顺序灵活,在汉语中多数情况是原因在前,结果在后;He had to stay in bed because he was ill.后置因为他病了,他只好呆在床上;前置2. 表示条件假设与结果关系的英语复合句中,条件假设与结果的顺序也不固定,在汉语中则是条件在前,结果在后;I still hope you will come back if arrangements could be made.后置如果安排得好,我还是希望你来;前置3. 表示目的与行动关系的英语复合句中,目的与行动的顺序比较固定,多数是行动在前,目的在后,汉语也如此,但有时为了强调,也可把目的放在行动之前;Better take your umbrella in case it rains.后置最好带上伞以防下雨;前置二、对长句的认识英语多长句,这是因为英语可以有后置定语;扩展的后置定语可以是带从句或长修饰语的复杂句;英语长句的特点是什么一般说来,英语长句有如下几个特点:1结构复杂,逻辑层次多;2常须根据上下文作词义的引申;3常须根据上下文对指代词的指代关系做出判定;4并列成分多;5修饰语多,非凡是后置定语很长;6习惯搭配和成语经常出现;三、如何构成长句英语长句一般指的是各种复杂句,复杂句里可能有多个从句,从句与从句之间的关系可能包孕、嵌套,也可能并列,平行;所以翻译长句,实际上我们的重点主要放在对各种从句的翻译上;从功能来说,英语有三大复合句,即:①名词性从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;②形容词性从句,即我们平常所说的定语从句;③状语从句;造成长句的原因有三方面: 1 修饰语过多;2 并列成分多; 3 语言结构层次多;四、英语中长句的处理手段英文长句皆由充当定语、状语、介词短语、不定式、分词短语或由关系代词、关系副词引导的各种从句所形成;这些成分所处的位置通常就是应该作拆分处理的位置;可以拆分的句子通常带有从句、较多短语或较多并列成分;有时,意义比较复杂的形容词或副词也可能被译为短句,甚至于分拆成独立的句子;这些从句、短语或并列结构等成分分拆出来后,单独译成句子,对句子主干部分进行补充说明;有些句子仅仅剥离其修饰成分还不够,还需要将句子结构打乱,重新组合;有时需要在译文句子当中添加表示逻辑关系的词;1. 长难句拆分原则:把主句和从句拆分出来,把主干部分和修饰部分拆分出来;2. 5个拆分信号:①标点符号:或显或隐隔离主干—两个逗号形成插入语、破折号解释说明、分号两句并列;②连词:并列句的并列连词and,or,but,yet,for;从句的从属连词which,that,when,if等;③介词:引导介词短语,充当修饰语;④不定式符号to:引导不定式做主语、宾语、表语、状语、定语和补语;⑤分词:过去分词和现在分词充当修饰语;3. 五步拆分步骤:①隔离插入成分,寻找特殊标点②寻找连词,确定句子种类——并列句,主从句;③寻找句中的动词或动词结构④确定整句框架——标出主句主干部分及从属连词;⑤确定从句框架——标出从句主谓部分;⑥分別翻译——主从句分别进行翻译;⑦词句推敲——中文语言进行表述;注:部分为翻译要求步骤;We all know that it is difficult to learn everything in the classroom, for example, the ways English people are living and working today can be learnt by reading.One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people, get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the time.You have noticed — and yet, not being blind, perhaps you won't — how the sun shines into the tower through the windows here and there, so that one can feel the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter.The 20 students, aged 10 to 19 from Shanghai, Guangzhou and Nanjing, began talking to Clayton C. Anderson, a 48-year-old American astronaut at 18:50 . at Nanjing No. 3 Middle School when the ISS was passing over Nanjing.五、翻译方法在英语长句的翻译过程中,一般采取下列的方法:1 顺译法;即顺着英文原有的顺序翻译,条件是英语句子的内容与叙述方式同汉语习惯基本一致; 如:Thirty years ago, he tells Friedman, if you had to choose between being born a gifted person in Shanghai and a common person in Poughkeepsie A city in southeast New York, you would have chosen Poughkeepsie because your chances of living a successful life were much greater there.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.2 逆译法;即不再遵照英文原有的顺序,甚至完全逆着原有顺序翻译,如果英文的表达次序和汉语的表达习惯不同甚至相反的话;The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modem traffic and modern communication means 通讯设备.“At present they largely remain in the period of research studies,” notes Dr Greg Feero, special advisor to the director of genomic medicine at the US National Human Genome Research Institute.3分译法;如果句子中的从句或修饰语与主句的关系不是很密切,可以将它们与主句分割开来,使译文变成好几个短句;这与英汉两种语言表达较复杂的意思的习惯是一致的:前者偏向于使用含有许多重层次的主从复合句或并列复合句,而后者往往崇尚“言简意赅”;如:Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.4综合法;上面讲述了英语长句的顺译法、逆译法和分译法,事实上,在翻译一个英语长句时,并不只是单纯地使用一种翻译方法,而是要求我们把各种方法综合使用,这在我们上面所举的例子中也有所体现;尤其是在一些情况下,英语长句如果单纯采用上述任何一种方法都不方便,这就需要我们仔细分析,或按照时间的先后,或按照逻辑顺序,顺逆结合,主次分明地对全句进行综合处理,以便把英语原文翻译成通顺忠实的汉语句子;如:people were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to control or lie to people, but we need to realize the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.Teaching them small acts of kindness,such as letting someone else go through a door first as they hold it open,may seem unimportant, but it can go a long way toward helping students realize how to be polite and thank others .2.从句的译法英语中主从复合句十分常见,但汉语中却没有这样频繁使用从句句式的习惯;因此,在翻译时需要将各种从句进行处理,使之符合汉语习惯;1名词性从句名词性从句包括:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句等等;通常名词性从句可被译成名词词组,有时原文语序不需变化;①主语从句What he said was recorded in this book.译文:他的话被记录在这本书里;主语从句译为名词词组,原句语序不变;From some time past it has been widely accepted that babies --- and other creatures --- learn to do things because certain acts lead to rewards译文:婴儿和其他动物由于某些做法有回报才学着做事情,这种观点在过去一段时间里一直为人们所广泛接受;主语从句提前,符合汉语习惯;②宾语从句宾语从句译为汉语时,通常不需要改变语序;Many people believe that man is not solving these problems of pollution quickly enough and that his selfish pursuit of possessions take him past the point of no return before he fully appreciates the damage.译文:许多人认为,人类没有尽快的解决这些污染问题而只顾谋求私利,以至于错过了悔改的机会,以后才充分认识到这种损害;原文中有两个由that引导的宾语从句,从句由and连接,翻译时根据其逻辑关系,添加“而”;③表语从句表语从句翻译时通常也不用改变原文语序;What he cares is how much profit he can get from the project.译文:他关心的是他从该项目中能获得多少利润;句中表语从句仍按原文顺序,主语从句译为名词词组;④同位语从句同位语从句的翻译主要按照该从句与主句的逻辑关系来确定,在汉语中译为宾语、定语或补语等,通常不改变原句顺序;The belief that failure is the mother of success has kept him go on experimenting.译文:失败是成功之母的信念使他继续进行实验;同位语从句说明主语内容,译做定语从句;They jumped to the conclusion that all our flights out of China had been made from Beijing.译文:他们匆忙作出了结论:我们从中国飞出的飞机都是从北京起飞;同位语从句前用冒号,原句顺序不变;There were indications that the enemy had retreated.译文:有种种迹象表明敌军已经撤退;根据逻辑关系同位语从句译为宾语从句,原句顺序不变;2定语从句的译法定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句;由于二者在翻译时无大差异,所以讨论时不加严格区分;定语从句的译法一般有三种:1译成含“的”字结构的定语,放在先行词之前;由于定语从句的作用相当于定语,所以这种译法是最普遍的;不过,条件是定语不可过长;2采用“分译法”,将较长的定语从句独立出去,并将先行词重复一次;3译成状语从句;如:Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences.走在一起,我父亲和我曾经有很多对话,我从他的经历中吸取了教训;Doctors and other scientists who study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in the way that they do, called psychologists, are starting to believe it.研究人类大脑并试图解释为什么人们如此行为的医生和其他科学家,被称为心理学家,开始相信这一点;He called himself “the first clown in space”who ente r-tained the crew of the ISS and hosted a show from space他自称是“太空中的第一个小丑”,他参加了国际空间站的机组人员,并在太空举办了一场表演;3状语从句的译法由于在句中用来表示时间、原因、条件、目的、让步、比较等等,这类从句往往用在主句后面,而汉语的习惯则要求将状语的内容先于主句表达,即要用逆译法;结果状语从句例外;Because I want students to fully study the material and discuss with each other in the classroom, I have a rule – no computers, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule, some of them were not happy.He often drew pictures on the floor with chalk and when his mother saw what he had done, she would quickly clean them with a mop.因为我想让学生在教室里充分学习这些材料,互相讨论,所以我有一个规则——没有电脑、iPad、电话等等;当学生被告知我的规则时,他们中的一些人并不开心;他经常用粉笔在地板上画画,当他母亲看到他做了什么时,她会用拖把迅速清洗干净中考英语常见长难句子分析The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modem traffic and modern communication means 通讯设备.利用现代交通和现代通讯手段,世界变得越来越小;Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems.今天的生活比几百年前要容易得多,但它带来了新的问题;They stop people from burning coal 煤in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air.他们阻止人们在城市里的房屋和工厂里燃烧煤,并把脏烟放在空气中;Third,compare prices: that is, you should examine the prices of both different brands品牌and different sizes of the same brand.第三,比较价格:也就是说,你应该检查不同品牌品牌和同一品牌不同尺寸的价格Although these stores aren’t ver y attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores.虽然这些商店不是很有吸引力,而且通常没有单独的更衣室,不仅价格很低,而且你经常可以找到与高价百货公司相同的名牌Wise shoppers read magazine ads and watch TV commercials商业广告,but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the ads.聪明的购物者看杂志广告和电视广告商业广告,但他们这么做有一个优势:对广告背后的心理知识;Today, though, a growing number of mental health experts think that anger is a serious problem that needs its own treatment.今天,越来越多的心理健康专家认为愤怒是一个严重的问题,需要自己的治疗;An example: While most people would get upset if a driver cut them off, someone with disordered anger might try to chase down the car and force it off the road.举个例子:虽然大多数人会因为司机拦截他们而感到不安,但是有些怒气冲冲的人可能会试图追下车子并强迫它离开公路;But people with anger problems often stay angry for days, weeks or even years; their feelings of anger don’t disappear over time.但是,有愤怒问题的人往往会生气好几天、好几周甚至好几年;他们的愤怒情绪不会随着时间而消失The programs sometimes include life-skills training as well: increasing someone’s level of competence 竞争– whether on the job or as a parent or partner – helps bring down stress and cut angry feelings.这些计划有时也包括生活技能培训:提高某人的能力水平,无论是在工作中还是作为父母或伙伴,都有助于降低压力并减少愤怒情绪Not only can the whole family get involved, but everyone can benefit from the harvest.全家人不仅可以参与,而且每个人都可以从收获中受益Taking part in nature clean-ups or volunteering to do path maintenance维护teaches kids that they have the ability to do something positive for the environment and communities.参与自然清理或志愿做道路维护维护教育孩子他们有能力为环境和社区做一些积极的事情;When parents get involved, they can set a good example for their children to follow, which will help children realize their responsibility to protect the environment.当父母参与时,他们可以为孩子树立一个好榜样,帮助孩子认识到保护环境的责任;Just remember: be prepared,know your subject and your audience,say what you have to say and be yourself so that your ideas will bring you and your audience together.只要记住:做好准备,了解你的主题和听众,说出你要说的话,做你自己,这样你的想法就会把你和你的听众聚集在一起;Twenty Chinese students talked directly to an astronaut spaceman in the International Space Station ISS on radio in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province on Sunday, 2007.2007年星期日,中国东部江苏省省会南京,20名中国学生通过无线电与国际空间站ISS的宇航员宇航员直接交谈;The 20 students, aged 10 to 19 from Shanghai, Guangzhou and Nanjing, began talking to Clayton C. Anderson, a 48-year-old American astronaut at 18:50 . at Nanjing No. 3 Middle School when the ISS was passing over Nanjing.这20名学生年龄从10岁到19岁,分别来自上海、广州和南京,当国际空间站经过南京时,他们在南京第三中学下午18:50开始与48岁的美国宇航员克莱顿·安德森交谈;Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials.保持这个空间,它可以是一个书桌或者仅仅是你房间的一个角落,除了学习材料之外什么都没有;You have noticed — and yet, not being blind, perhaps you won't — how the sun shines into the tower through the windows here and there, so that one can feel the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter.你已经注意到——然而,不是盲目的,也许你不会注意到——太阳是如何通过窗户照进塔里的,到处都是,这样你就可以感觉到凉爽的台阶突然变得相当温暖,甚至在冬天也是如此;Then, in March, he entered a free-throw competition at the school, and the town saw just how big a team player Guei really is—both on and off the court 球场.然后,在三月份,他在学校参加了一个罚球比赛,全镇的人都看到了盖伊到底有多大——场上场下;Since that time, a growing number of private companies have come on the market mostly through the Internet, offering to scan 扫描your personal DNA and compare it to some disease markers of the blueprint, called DTC genetic tests.从那时起,越来越多的私营公司主要通过互联网进入市场,提供扫描扫描你的个人DNA,并将其与蓝图的一些疾病标志物称为DTC基因测试进行比较;But over the last five years the medical world has been discussing excitedly about whether these DTC tests are helpful or harmful, scientifically believable or completely useless.但是在过去的五年里,医学界一直在兴奋地讨论这些DTC测试是有益还是有害,科学上是可信的还是完全无用的;“At present they largely remain in the period of research studies,” notes Dr Greg Feero, special advisor to the director of genomic medicine at the US National Human Genome Research Institute. 美国国家人类基因组研究所基因组医学主任的特别顾问格雷格·费罗博士指出:“目前,它们基本上还停留在研究阶段;Other worries include the privacy of the results and how your personal genetic information might be used by insurance 保险companies to refuse your insurance or your boss to dismiss you. 其他的担心包括结果的隐私以及你的个人基因信息如何被保险公司用来拒绝你的保险或者你的老板解雇你;It was Professor Albert Mehrabian who discovered that we express our feelings and attitudes with 55 percent body language, 38 percent tone of voice and only 7 percent actual words.正是Albert Mehrabian教授发现,我们用55%的肢体语言、38%的语调和7%的词语来表达我们的情感和态度A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you.一个人触摸他的鼻子,拉着他的耳朵或者用左手揉揉眼睛可能对你撒谎;I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to control or lie to people, but we need to realize the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.我认为使用这些工具来控制或欺骗人是错误的,但是我们需要意识到我们正在传递的信号,这样才能让人们知道他们确实对我们很重要;We all know that it is difficult to learn everything in the classroom, for example, the ways English people are living and working today can be learnt by reading.我们都知道,在课堂上学习每一样东西都很难,例如,今天英国人的生活和工作方式可以通过阅读来学习;Because I want students to fully study the material and discuss with each other in the classroom, I have a rule – no computers, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule, some of them were not happy.因为我想让学生在教室里充分学习这些材料,互相讨论,所以我有一个规则——没有电脑、iPad、电话等等;当学生被告知我的规则时,他们中的一些人并不开心;I’ve se ldom had students make wrong use of technology in my classes; however, I have been e-mailed by students while they were in other teachers’ classrooms.The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations.我很少让学生在我的课堂上错误地使用技术;然而,我在其他老师的课堂上被学生发电子邮件; 我让学生们把技术放在门口的真正原因是我认为很少有地方可以让我们进行深入的交谈;I want them to push each other to think differently and to make connections between the course material and the class discussion.我希望他们互相推动不同的想法,并在课程材料和课堂讨论之间建立联系I have been teaching my history class in this way for many years and the evaluations 评价show student satisfaction with the environment that I create.我已经用这种方式教历史课很多年了,这些评价评价表明学生对我创造的环境很满意;Students realize with deep conversation and difficult tasks, they learn at a deeper level – a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.学生们意识到,通过深入的对话和艰巨的任务,他们在一个更深的层次上学习——这个层次帮助他们将课程内容保持在课堂之外;I am not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about techno logy use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change, I will continue my plan.我并不是说我永远不会改变我对历史课中使用技术的看法,但是直到我听到一个真正好的改变原因,我才会继续我的计划Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.常识告诉您,您带伞出门遇到暴雨,但是当您听到天气预报说有阳光时,您将伞留在家里;One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people, get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the ti me.When students and parents are asked to grade subjects according to their importance, the arts are usually at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important.找借口的一个常见问题是,人们,尤其是年轻人,会认为不总是完全诚实是可以的;当学生和家长被要求根据他们的重要性给课程打分时,艺术通常排在列表的底部;音乐似乎很好,人们似乎说,但并不重要;Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it shows their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from.因为音乐是创造它的人的一种表达,它显示了他们的思想和价值观,以及它来自的社会环境When we do not give children an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.当我们不给孩子一种表达自己的重要方式,比如音乐,我们就剥夺了他们音乐所表达的意义;Thirty years ago, he tells Friedman, if you had to choose between being born a gifted person in Shanghai and a common person in Poughkeepsie A city in southeast New York, you would have chosen Poughkeepsie because your chances of living a successful life were much greater there.30年前,他告诉弗里德曼,如果你必须选择在上海出生的天才和波基普西纽约东南部的一个城市的普通人,你会选择波基普西,因为你在那里过上成功生活的机会要大得多;Globalization全球化, as he calls it, is driven by those persons: free writers and totally new businesses all over the world, especially in India and China.全球化全球化,正如他所说的,是由这些人推动的:自由作家和全球各地,尤其是印度和中国的全新企业;“I just wanted to share my online shopping experience,” said a deeply red-faced Mi, who deleted her photos from the website the next day.Sina’s Weibo, for example, requires users to register注册with their real name, yet people do not shy away from using dirty words whenever they disagree with each other.“我只是想分享一下我在网上购物的经历,”米红着脸,第二天从网站上删除了她的照片;例如,新浪微博要求用户用真实姓名注册注册,但是人们不会因为彼此意见不同而羞于使用脏话;It’s a bit like drinking: wine might make us feel good, but too much wine harms our minds and makes us lose our self-control.这有点像喝酒:葡萄酒可能会让我们感觉良好,但是太多的酒会伤害我们的思想,使我们失去自我控制;。


• 我心中思忖(1) • 不知她作何感想(2) • 倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3) • 在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士风度(4)
• 我心中思衬(1),在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士 风度(4),倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3),不知 她作何感想(2)。
• Finally,because the ultimate take holders are patients,the health research community should actively recruit应该积极争取to its cause not only well -known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research,but all who receive medical treatment.
• 译文:最后,因为最有发言权的人是病人,医疗 研究机构不仅应该积极争取斯蒂芬·库柏这样曾大 胆陈述动物研究价值的名人来支持自己的事业, 而且应该争取所有接受过治疗的人的支持。
• 英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概 念, 汉语不同,常常使用若干短句,清晰 简洁地表达,
• 在进行长句翻译时,要特别注意英语和汉 语之间的差异,一般采取下列方法
长句翻译的操作方法: 理顺原句内部关系,理出句中包含的各语义点
• I wondered (1)how she would feel(2)if she learned that the Negro(3)before whom she had behaved in such an unladylike manner(4)was in fact a white man(3).


两种译文各有千秋,但这种情况下,还是 译文2胜出,因为其较好的包流量人物的形 象。
• 三、宾语
农学家深知繁育我们今天所能得到的各种玉米花费了(农 民们)好几百年的时光。 【译文】farm experts know that it has taken hundreds of
• 2、矿物燃料每年释放52亿公吨二氧 化碳进入大气,同时热带森林的燃烧 大约释放出18亿公吨二氧化碳——这 两方面都对二氧化碳的集结产生作用, 因而会引发温室效应。
• 【译文】Fossil fuels set off 5.2
billion metric tons of CO₂ into the
aical forests emits roughly 1.8
• 【译文2】“you’re a nice one!” she said. “you made me mix all this ink for you this morning, sat down in a state of great enthusiasm, wrote just three characters, threw down the brush again, rushed out, and left me waiting here all day for you to come back and finish. Now you just sit down here and use this ink up, and perhaps I’ll let the matter pass!”(霍 克斯 译)
• 【点评】原句虽然较长,但分析后不难得出句意 间的因果关系。先是总述其结果,其后是句子的 原因状语“因为经济上不去”,最后又做了详细 的分述。句子中这种先果后因的顺序正好与英语 思维一致,因此我们可以采用顺译法来处理此句 中的状语成分。


well -known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research,but all who
receive medical treatment.

People were afraid to leave their houses, for
although the police had been ordered to stand by in case
of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless
• 译文:最后,因为最有发言权的人是病人,医疗 研究机构不仅应该积极争取斯蒂芬·库柏这样曾大 胆陈述动物研究价值的名人来支持自己的事业, 而且应该争取所有接受过治疗的人的支持。
• 英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概 念, 汉语不同,常常使用若干短句,清晰 简洁地表达,
• 在进行长句翻译时,要特别注意英语和汉 语之间的差异,一般采取下列方法
which are common to all of you and it’ll be
appropriate for you to make a passing
remark about the inedible canteen food or
the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties.
• 我心中思忖(1) • 不知她作何感想(2) • 倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3) • 在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士风度(4)
• 我心中思衬(1),在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士 风度(4),倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3),不知 她作何感想(2)。



实训3:长句复杂句的翻译目录注意树形结构与线形结构、形合与意合 (1)注意语言单位的推移 (1)注意从句性质的转变 (2)注意句界的调整 (2)各种策略的综合 (3)短文翻译 (3)注意树形结构与线形结构、形合与意合1.Carbon-rich compounds extracted from a meteorite that fell in Australia in1969 spontaneously formed vesicles when the compounds were dissolved in water.2.When shot into turbines on wings, oil has shrunk the planet in a way that wasonce the stuff of science fiction.3.From a long-term perspective, Internet shopping is but a low-level aspect ofthe Net, and it is not very likely to become the most important trend.4.Aflash plant sends water through a series of chambers on the surface thatrapidly reduce the water’s pressure, causing it to vaporize; the steam is then used to make electricity.注意语言单位的推移1.The deepest holes of all are made for oil, and they go down to as much as25,000 feet.2.Because talking computers will do it more easily, quickly, efficiently,universally, and cheaply, they will replace written language.3.Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry. The peace which Oxfordonce knew, and which a great university city should always have, has beenswept ruthlessly away.4.Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance,but if a creature is exterminated or an alien species introduced, then theecology of the district will be upset.注意从句性质的转变1. A.C. can also be changed into D.C. by a device called rectifier, which letscurrent flow only one way.2.Freeing aluminum from its compounds is something very difficult, whichaccounts for its recent introduction into general use.3.Record of human behavior must be obtained in a form that can be matchedby the output of a computer.4.If the amount of sugar in the blood falls below a critical level, a possibleconsequence of the enzyme defect, the brain’s activity ceases and death canstrike suddenly.5.When Hutton and Lyell presented evidence to refute the notion that earthwas created 6,000 years ago, the people raged.6.Others will respond negatively the suggestion that human problem-solvingcan be related to computer information processing.注意句界的调整1.Many engineers work on projects in teams that include scientists,technicians, and other engineers; however, some engineers act asindependent consultant who sell their services to people who needengineering assistance.2.Lovins proposes a nifty scheme, which would reduce the consumer price ofsuch energy-efficient cars while increasing the price of gas guzzler.各种策略的综合1.Examining brain scans of 320 healthy men and women aged 66 to 90,researchers found that for each year of education the subjects had, there was greater shrinkage of outer layer of the brain known as the cortex.2.For example, Coffey’s team reported, among subjects of the same sex andsimilar age and skull size, those with 16 years of education had 8 percent to10 percent more cerebrospinal fluid compared with those who have fouryears of schooling.3.In a typical procedure for investigating eidetic imagery, the experimenterplaces a richly detailed picture against an easel painted a neutral grey, gives the child 30 seconds to look at it, removes the picture, and then asks the child to describe what he sees on the easel.短文翻译So what causes a volcano to erupt and how do scientists predict eruptions? When a part of the earth’s upper mantle or lower crust melts magma forms. A volcano is essentially an opening or a vent through which this magma and the dissolved gases it contains are discharged. Although there are several factors triggering a volcanic eruption, three predominate: the buoyancy of the magma, the pressure from the excluded gases in the magma and the injection of a new batch of magma into an already filled magma chamber.As rock inside the earth melts, its mass remains the same while its volume increases- producing a melt that is less dense than the surrounding rock. This lighter magma then rise toward the surface by virtue of its buoyancy. If the density of the magma between the zone of its generation and the surface is less than that of the surrounding and overlying rocks, the magma reaches the surface and erupts.Determining the timing of an eruption in a monitored volcano depends on measuring a number of parameters, including, but not limited to, seismic activity at the volcano (especially depth and frequency of volcanic earthquakes), ground deformations (determined using a tilt meter and/or GPS, and satellite radio interferometry), and gas emission (sampling the amount of sulfur dioxide gas emitted by correlation spectrometer). An excellent example of successful forecasting occurred in 1991. Volcanologists from the U.S. Geological Survey accurately predicted the June 15 eruption of the Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines, allowing for the timely evacuation of the Clark Air Base and saving thousands of lives.。



英语长句的理解与翻译1.Many experts suggest that the child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.译文:许多专家认为:如果一个儿童在有许多刺激的环境里长大,而这些刺激能够开发其相应的反映能力,那么这个儿童将会有得到更好的智力发展。

2.How well the prediction will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information and on the skill with which it is interpreted.译文:这些预测在多大程度上会被后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适宜性以及解释这些信息的技能。

3.Immediately the army opened fire, killing four men and injuring the fifth who later died of his wounds.译文:部队突然开了火,打死四人,还有一人受伤。


.4.The king, whose power is unlimited, and whose treasures surmount战胜all real and imaginary wants, is compelled to ease, by the construction of the Great Wall, the satiety厌倦of dominion and tastelessness of pleasure.译文:那个权力无上、财富无竭的国王,只有通过修筑长城来减轻自己对权力的厌倦和对欢乐的麻木。



1. Treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same number from snakebites.【句式翻译】治疗水母刺伤和毒蛇咬伤方法也已经研制成功,在过去的五年里只有三人死于水母刺伤,这与被蛇咬伤致死的人数大体相同。


【词语点拨】develop v.开发,发展,研制(新产品)Over the last few years tourism here has developed considerably.在过去几年里,这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。

The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car.那两个公司已合作研制新型赛车。

【语法点拨】现在完成时的被动语态的结构就是现在完成时态和被动语态的结构的叠合,即:has/have been done,表示“过去发生的动作对现在有影响或持续到现在,并且主语与谓语动词之间为被动关系”。

常用的时间状语:for或since引导的时间状语及before, until now, up till now, so far, up to the moment, in the last few years等。

如:The office looks nice. It has just been cleaned.办公室看起来很干净。


The machine has been repaired for two hours.这台机器已修了两小时了。



英语长句的理解与翻译1.Many experts suggest that the child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.译文:许多专家认为:如果一个儿童在有许多刺激的环境里长大,而这些刺激能够开发其相应的反映能力,那么这个儿童将会有得到更好的智力发展。

2.How well the prediction will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information and on the skill with which it is interpreted.译文:这些预测在多大程度上会被后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适宜性以及解释这些信息的技能。

3.Immediately the army opened fire, killing four men and injuring the fifth who later died of his wounds.译文:部队突然开了火,打死四人,还有一人受伤。


4.The king, whose power is unlimited, and whose treasures surmount战胜all real and imaginary wants, is compelled to ease, by the construction of the Great Wall, the satiety厌倦of dominion and tastelessness of pleasure.译文:那个权力无上、财富无竭的国王,只有通过修筑长城来减轻自己对权力的厌倦和对欢乐的麻木。




30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以废除 法律。 ——塞·约翰逊
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃
•பைடு நூலகம்
26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索

27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克

28、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 ——马 克罗维 乌斯

29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克



1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.[参考译⽂] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很⼤程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。

2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.[参考译⽂] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商⼈试图化其利润的欲望和个⼈想化其收⼊效⽤的欲望相结合,⼀起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被⽤来制造它们。

3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.[参考译⽂] 另⼀⽅⾯,如果⼤量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖⽅和制造商能提供的供给,⽽这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。


Business English Communication
Academic Paper Writing
Breaking down complex structures
When translating complex sentences, it can be helpful to break them down into simpler sentences.
Restating the idea in different words or rephrasing the sentence can help clarify its meaning.
Understanding the broader context of the text can help in comprehending and translating difficult sentences.
Using dictionaries, thesauri, or translation tools can provide insights and alternative word choices for difficult vocabulary or expressions.





"Although she had not studied for the test, she managed to pass with flying colors."
条件从句:"Although she had not studied for the test" - 表达

主句:"she managed to pass with flying colors" - 主要陈述了

并列连词:"Although" - 这个词引导了条件从句。



主语:"The book" - 句子的主语。

宾语补足语:"a bestseller in many countries" - 补充说明"the book"的状态。






1. At Eton the boys stand in a clauster and lift their hats when their names are called.At Harrow they file past a Master in the schoolyard and answer one by one.译:在伊顿,学生们站在一起,叫到名字就举举帽子。


析:原文中有三个回指照应的人称代词:两个their,一个they. 翻译时应将两个their都略去不译而将they还原成“学生们”。

2. Remain deeply concerned ,however,by the overrall expansion and feminization of the pandemic and nearly and the fact that women now represent 50 percent of people living with HIV worldwide and nearly 60 percent of people living with HIV in Africa,and in this regard recognize that gender inequalities and all forms of violence against women and girls increase their vulnerablity to HIV/AIDS.译:但是仍然深感关切的是,这一大流行的范围总体上有所扩大,女性患者比例日增,以致妇女现在已占全世界艾滋病毒感染者总数的50%、占非洲艾滋病毒感染者的60%,并在这方面认识到,两性不平等,和针对妇女和女孩的一切形式的暴力行为,使她们更加容易受到艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染。



高考英语长难句语法解析与翻译第1句时间状语从句,定语从句1. When he returned, the boy was able to describe everything he had seen to the old man.长句分析:(1) When 引导的是时间状语从句;(2) He had seen: 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词everything. 由于定语从句缺少宾语,因此省略了关系代词that。

注意:先行词为不定代词everything时,关系代词不可使用Which;(3) To the old man: 是做动词describe的宾语补足语;(4) Describe: 描述. Describe something to somebody : 向某人描述某物;长句翻译: 当他回来时,这个男孩能向老人描述他所看到的一切。

第2句目的状语从句,宾语从句2. The robot will have to have a certain way to receive the program so that it knows what it is to do.长句分析:(1) so that : 引导了一个目的状语从句,so 前面的句子是主句,that 后面的句子是目的状语从句;(2) what 引导的是it knows的宾语从句,充当knows的宾语,it 是指示代词, 指代的是robot. What在宾语从句中充当do的宾语;(3) have to : 不得不;劝告或建议时用;表示一定真实或肯定发生;(4) have a way to do something : 拥有做某事的方法;长句翻译:机器人必须有一个特定的方式来接收程序,这样它才能知道它要做什么。

第3句定语从句3. The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job.长句分析:(1) 并列连词but 链接了两并列句,前面一个句子为复合句;(2) Jackie chose: 是一个定语从句,用来修饰先行词company的,由于定语从句中缺少宾语,所以该定语从句省略了关系代词that/which;(3) Choose: 选择;选取;挑选;决定;过去式:chose, 过去分词:chosen;(4) Plan to do something: 计划做某事;(5) More than + 数量词: 超过,多余,相当于over;(6) Apply for : 提出申请;申请…职位;请求;长句翻译: 杰基选择的那家公司只打算雇用一个人,但有二十多个人申请了这份工作。



专业英语复杂长句的翻译1.The new synthetic compound, which removes (打开)a molecule safety catch (安全制动装置) that activates a natural executioner (行刑者,刽子手)in the body’s cells, could lead to better treatments of cancers (including those affecting the lung, skin, breast, kidney and colon (结肠).2.It is not known how rare this resemblance (相似)is, or whether it is most often seenin inclusions包含物of silicates硅酸盐such as garnet石榴石, whose crystallography晶体结构is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond金刚石; but when present, the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly cogenetic同源的.3.Such variations in size,shape,chemistry, conduction speed,excitation threshold,andthe like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible微不足道的in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold多种多样的dimensions of mental (精神的)experience.4.In the early 1950’s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe which we may definehere as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800 began,for the first time in large numbers,to investigate more of the preindustrial (前工业化)European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite:the kings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops (主教),and local magnates (权贵)who had hitherto至今为止usually filled history books.5.Mobile devices are expected to be ideal for some of the new personalized services thatare becoming available via the Internet, such as trading stocks, gambling, shopping and buying theater and airline tickets.6.Soon light-weight phones outfitted (装配)with high-resolution screens will beconnected to satellites enabling people to talk, send and receive e-mail, or take part in video conferences anytime, anywhere.7.Current research in industry leader France which relies on nuclear energy for more than70% percent of its electricity, more than any other country is focusing on new chemical processes that would shrink nuclear waste and cool it faster.8.The answer , according to the groups working on designs, will lie in carbon nanotubesmicroscopic particles that can be formed into fibres and whose mass production is nowa focus of Japan’s big textile (纺织)companies.。

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Interpol:国际刑警组织,全称是International Criminal Police Organization red notice:也就是我们经常听到的“红通”,和“issue”搭配。






“for his role in"被我直接省略为一个“因”字,因为后面的”fatal hit-and-run“就是前面arrest的宾语heir造成的(查看相关报道或后文可以得知,所以翻译还要会查证),所以这几个词在这里原文用于起到连接前后信息作用的结构,表示前后为因果关系而已。

再来看“fatal hit-and-run”,如果直接按照原文的顺序译,那就是“致命的肇事逃逸案件”。



所以把“fatal hit-and-run”译成“肇事逃逸致人死亡”。


这是因为后面的“to the Red Bull billions"实质上也是一个限定性的片段,为了避免宾语heir在翻译时前面的限定性词语太多而造成句子不顺畅,所以把其中挪到后面用括号处理掉。

第一句最后一个要注意的点是“Thai heir to the Red Bull billions"。

从译文可以看出,我把”Thai"和“Red Bull”合在了一起,因为从文中的人名、标题和文中的前后文,都可以知道,这里指的是“泰国红牛”。

drop charge against:规定搭配,即撤销对XXX的指控
public outrage:公愤。

英文中表达“引起公愤”,一般用“spark/provoke public outrage”。


see ... as ...:把XXX当作/视为XXX


接下来,我们先遮住who引导的这个定语从句,留下“the charges against Worayuth...... were dropped in July",译出来就是”针对Worayuth的指控在七月份的时候已被撤销“。










"the kingdom"指泰国。

如何看出来?首先泰国的全称是泰王国,另外这个kingdom是带the 特指的,说明从前面可以找到信息,那就只有Thais了。





