EWS 3 3 通道伺服阀操作手册说明书

TetraTec Instruments GmbHGewerbestrasse 871144 SteinenbronnDeutschlandEmail:****************Tel.: 07157/5387-0Fax: 07157/5387-10 OPERATION MANUALEWS3/3 Way Servo Valve*** VERSION 2.0 ***Stand: 01.10.2016Operating ManualEWSExtent of supply• Servo valve cartridge EWS 3/x• SVE1/x• Cable between cartridge and controller• Installation and operating manualGeneral DescriptionThe servo-valves EWS 3/4 and EWS 3/6 are direct driven 3/3-way-valves with patented rotary slide principle and electronic closed loop slide position control. They are designed as cartridge to provide space- and cost-saving solutions especially in serial products. The corresponding electronic controller is available in 3 different versions.Important: The valve controllers are adjusted to the corresponding cartridges. A correct function needs a cartridge and a controller with identical serial numbers.PLEASE READ THIS OPERATING MANUAL COMPLETLY BEFOREINSTALLATIONPLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN ANY CASE1.) Use only 5 µm – fine filtered, oil-free compressed air for flow measurements,pressure controls or leak tests.2.) Before connection of pneumatic pipes:Clean fittings, hoses etc. !(leave no cuttings, dust, corrosion products, sealing particles etc.)3.) Use only flat sealing fittings with cylindrical G1/4“ threads.If flat sealings are not possible or if it’s very difficult to get them tight, make thesealing with surface or thread adhesives.Do never seal the inlet pipes to valves, controls or flow meterswith teflon-band, hemp etc.4.) Make sure that the connected load is clean!(no cuttings, dust, corrosion products, sealing particles etc.)Seite 2 EWS_man_e.docOperating ManualEWS Installation Hints:The fitting blocks, fittings and tubes must be absolutely clean, no cuttings, dust, rust, sealing particles, etc.Fitting blocks from aluminium have to be anodised.Use only fittings with non-tapered cylindrical threads and axial flat sealing; neveruse liquid sealing (e.g. Loctite), teflon-band, hemp etc.Technical data, part numbers and accessoryElectrical dataPower supply SVE1/x 24 VDC +/- 10%, stabilized, max. 0,8 A Input specified value ../B +/- 10 V vs. 100 kΩ../U 0...10 V vs. 100 kΩ../I 0...20 mA vs. 500 ΩHysteresis approx. 1% FSLinearity approx. 1% FS related to slide position Frequency limit (-3dB, -90°) a t ± 100% spec. value: approx. 70 Hzat ± 50% spec. value: approx. 110 Hz Switching time 0 ↔ 100%: approx. 5 ms± 100%: approx. 7msPneumatic dataMaximum flow rate EWS 3/4 EWS 3/66 bar 0 bar 700 Nl/min 1100 Nl/min6 bar 5 bar 450 Nl/min 690 Nl/minMedium clean air, 5 µm filtered, not oiledSupply pressure vacuum to 10 barLeakage < 1% of maximum flow rateGeneral conditionsTemperature range 0 to 50 °CRel. humidity of air max. 90%Direction of assembling anyWeight cartridge approx. 0,14 kg without cableEWS_man_e.doc Seite 3Operating ManualEWSSeite 4EWS_man_e.docController SVE1/x:Controller as SMD-PCB fitted into a metallic 25-pin SUB-D-plug with the dimensions 56 x 54 x 15 mm³; supply voltage 24 VDC; cable to the valve cartridge pluggable at the valves end, cable length standard 0,5 m, max. 2 m.EWS Cartridge Housing:Pneumatic InstallationThere are no restrictions for pneumatic installation.The typical modes of installation to control a pneumatic load are the modes I and II (see table below); the only difference is the relation between directions of flow and specified value. Low specified values connect always ports 1 and 2, high specified values ports 2 and 3. The modes III and IV allow flow control of two pneumatic loads with only one servo valve.The inner diameters of connected fittings and tubes should correspond to the nominal size of the valves, at least 4 mm for EWS 3/4 and 6 mm for EWS 3/6.The length of the leads should be as short as possible, between valve-outlet and load normally not more than 2 m.Option .../B -10 V ⋅⋅⋅ 0 V ⋅⋅⋅ +10 V Option .../U 0 V ⋅⋅⋅ +5 V ⋅⋅⋅ +10 V Option .../I 0 mA ⋅⋅⋅ 10 mA ⋅⋅⋅ 20 mA Port1 ⋅⋅⋅2 ⋅⋅⋅ 3I P A R II R A P III A P B IVA R BOperating ManualEWSEWS_man_e.docSeite 5Electrical InstallationController SVE1/xPinFunction7 power supply: +24 VDC 13 power supply: GND 14 input specified value -floating GND, max. voltage vs. power supply GND +/- 30 V15input specified value + vs. pin 14: SVE1/B: +/- 10 V SVE1/U: 0...10 V SVE1/I: 0...20 mA 25 input Inhibit: 24 VDC vs. pin 13 (disables valve action) 6, 8 internal reference potentialnever connect to other GNDs! 1 test point motor voltage +/- 10 V vs. pin 6 24test point slide position +/- 1 V vs. pin 6Dimensions of EWS Cartridge HousingOperating ManualEWSSeite 6EWS_man_e.docDimensions of EWS Counter HousingsDimensions of EWS Valve Housing VG6Fitting block with G1/4”-bores, material: aluminium, black anodisedThe dimensions of the EWS-cartridge and for corresponding fitting blocks are given in the above sketches. Additionally three possibilities for the design of the pneumatic connection are shown; it is very important, that the minimal flow areas are not smaller than the nominal size of the valves: for EWS 3/6 at least approx. 30 mm², for EWS 3/4 at least approx. 15 mm².There must be recesses (ø26 in the sketch) in the fitting block to prevent damages of the O-rings while fitting the cartridge into the block, the inner edges must be chamfered. Because of the valves leakage the fitting block must be exhausted at both axial ends. Axial torques must be prevented from the fitted cartridge. When assembling ordisassembling cartridge and block the cartridge has to be moved exactly axial to prevent damages at cartridge, O-rings or fitting block.。
Parker Jet-Pipe 电击流控制伺服阀说明书

Care and handling guide
The care and handling of Parker Jet-Pipe® servovalves
Table of contents:
Introduction................................................................................ 1 Principle of operation of the Jet-Pipe® servovalve .............. 2 - 3 A clean system can prolong servovalve life.......................... 4 - 5 Installation ............................................................................ 6 - 7 Maintenance.......................................................................... 8 - 9 Field repair........................................................................ 10 - 11 Repair don’ts............................................................................ 12 Returning servovalves and service ......................................... 13

三、技术性能指标:1、额定电流±8mA~±50mA2、额定压力20.6MPa3、额定流量63~120 L/min4、线圈直流电阻103±100Ω,40±4Ω5、滞环(%)≤56、分辨率(%)≤0.257、线性度(%)≤7.58、对称度(%)≤109、压力增益(%Ps/1%In)≥3010、静耗流量(L/min)≤0.45+3%Qn11、零偏(%)≤212、幅频宽(-3Db)(HZ) ≥3513、相频宽(-90°)(HZ)≥50四、线圈连接方法:伺服阀线圈的连接方法,插销头标号,外引出线颜色及控制电流的极性等参照下表和射流管电液伺服阀安装图(图2)四、注意事项:1、伺服阀安装前应先装上随带附件:冲洗板。

Applicable Servo Amplifier Model Number
±15mA(parallel wiring)
±40mA(parallel wiring) ±10V
EA-PD4-A40 EA-PD4-D10
Wiring Diagram
100 to 400Hz variable (Factory default; 200Hz)
Power Supply Voltage
AC100, 110, 200, 220V (±10%) 50/60Hz
Power Consumption
External power supply
+15V (200mA) –15V (200mA)
AC100, 110V 20
Servo Valve and Applicable Servo Amplifier Models
Servo Model Number
EN-J631 Series
EN-J631 Series Center Flow 75 ℓ/min Rated Models
EN-J072-401, EN-J072-402, EN-J073-401, EN-J073-402, EN-J073-403, EN-J073-404, EN-J073-405, EN-J076-401, EN-J076-402, EN-J076-403, EN-J076-404, EN-J076-405
Allowable Ambient Temperature
Temperature Drift
0 to 50°C 50μV/°C max.

Flows to 113 l/min (30 USgpm) — Pressures to 140 bar (2000 psi)653Released 1/94SM4-30 ServovalvesVickers ®Servo ValvesIntroductionVickers SM4-30 servovalves can provide system closed loop control with exact positional accuracy, repeatable velocity profiles, and predictable force or torque regulation.Typical applications include plastic injection molding and blow molding systems, test and simulation equipment, die casting machines, hydraulic press brakes, animation and entertainment equipment, oil exploration vehicles, and lumber machinery.This model of the high performanceSM4 series offers a wide range of rated flows from 57 to 113 l/min (15 to 30 USgpm) at n p of 70 bar (1000 psi).The SM4 is a two-stage, modular design, flow control valve which can be manifold or subplate mounted. Thesymmetrical, dual coil, quad air gaptorque motor is integrally mounted to thefirst stage nozzle flapper pilot valve withtwo studs. An integral 35 micronabsolute filter protects againstcontamination of the pilot stage. Thesecond stage utilizes a four-way slidingspool and sleeve arrangement with amechanical null adjust. Spool position isfed back to the first stage by means of acantilever spring.An SM4 servovalve, when used with ahydraulic cylinder, position transducer,and appropriate electronics, can provideinfinite cylinder position control to within0,025 mm (0.001 in) or better, dependingon component selection, length of stroke,and load characteristics.When applied with servo hydraulicmotors, tachometers, and appropriateelectronics, the SM4-30 can provideinfinite proportional flow control forreal-time velocity/acceleration profiles.Thes profiles can be closed loop errorcorrected to within one-tenth of arevolution per minute. When used withpressure transducers or load cells,cylinders, and appropriate electronics inforce control applications, the SM4offers exact load pressure/force controland excellent system stability withpressure and load to ±1% full scale.The field-proven design of the SM4-30servovalves, combined with Vickersprecision manufacturing techniques,provides you with the optimum insystem control.Features and BenefitsD The wide range of SM4-30 flow capabilities allows selection of the valve size best suited for an application.D The cast aluminum alloy second stage valve body with internally cored flow passages means lighter weight with rugged durability.D The symmetrical, dual-coil, quad air gap, dry torque motor in Vickers servovalves, with its extremely fast response to input signals, can produce highly accurate control profiles.D Higher frequency response is available on request. This feature provides enhanced system bandwidth for critical performance requirements.D An integral 35 micron absolute filterprovides extra first stagecontamination protection.D The spool and sleeve are hardenedstainless steel to minimize wear anderosion. The O-ring mounted sleeveeliminates spool binding to ensuresmooth operation.D Customized spool lap and sleeveporting are available to provide thespecific flow control required forspecial applications.D The SM4’s symmetrical designprovides inherently dependablemetering of control flow with minimumnull shifts. The result is moreconsistent machine operation.D Viton* seals are standard.D The flexibility of a standardized portcircle and mounting pattern, withavailable adapter manifolds, makesVickers SM4-30 servovalves acost-effective choice for replacingexisting servovalves and enhancingsystem performance.D Flushing valves are available that cangreatly reduce initial systemcontamination levels prior to SM4installation.*Viton is a registered trademark of theDuPont Co.Vickers, Incorporated 1994 All Rights ReservedContentsOperating Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performance Curves7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Code10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation Dimensions11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SM4M(E) Mounting Subplates12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SM4A Adapter Manifolds15 SM4FV Flushing Valves17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weights18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Accessories18 Application Data19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Cross Section of Typical SM4-30 ServovalveOperating DataFlow and LeakageAll data is typical, based on actual tests at 70 bar (1000 psi) ∆p, 30 cST (141 SUS), and 49°C (120°F).Model Series Maximum RatedFlow ±10%l/min (USgpm)Maximum TotalNull Leakagel/min (USgpm)Maximum Pilot Flowl/min (USgpm)SM4-30 (-20 design)113 (30)2,1 (0.55)1,0 (0.26)PerformanceMaximum Supply Pressurebar (psi)140 (2000)Minimum Supply Pressurebar (psi)14 (200)Proof Pressure% maximum supply pressure At Supply Port:150 At Return Port:100Burst Pressure, Return Port Open% maximum supply pressure250Maximum Operating Temperature°C (°F)135 (275)Hysteresis Around Null% of rated current≤3Symmetry Error% of rated current<10Linearity Error% of rated current<10Threshold% of rated current≤0.5Ruggedness Test ResultsVibration Test5 Hz to 2000 Hz along each axisNo damage to componentsShock TestUp to 150g along all axesNo damage to componentsEndurance TestTo ISO 6404No degradation in performance3% INPUT CURRENT 45Change in Rated FlowRated flows at valve pressure drops from 5 bar (70 psi) to 210 bar (3000 psi) for the four available spools.00P O W E R T R A N S M I S S I O N E F F I C I E N C Y – %10200.20.4Power Transmission EfficiencyMaximum power envelope expressed as a percentage with T port pressure equal to 0 bar.Power transferred to the load is optimum when valve pressure drop is one third of supply pressure. Load pressure drop should be limited to 2/3 of supply pressure so the flow gain of the servovalve remains high enough to maintain control of the load. Overall hydraulic efficiency must be considered when sizing system heat exchangers.RATIOLOAD PRESSURE DROP SUPPLY PRESSURE304050607080901000.60.8 1.05(70)VALVE PRESSURE DROP (P →A)+(B →T) – bar (psi)7(100)14(200)21(300)35(500)70(1000)140(2000)N O -L O A D F L O W R A T E4 (1)8 (2)11 (3)15 (4)19 (5)27 (7)30 (8)38 (10)57 (15)76 (20)95 (25)114 (30)135 (35)151 (40)190 (50)211 (55)228 (60)(30) 113(25) 95(20) 76(15) 57V A L V E R A T E D F L O W – l /m i n (U S g p m )Electrical Polarity forControl Flow Out of B PortSingle:A+,B –orC+,D –Series:A+,D –Connect B and CParallel:A+,C+B –,D –Connect A and C Connect B and DDifferential:A –,D –B+,C+Connect B and C BC –, current BA>CD BC+,current CD>BAA B C D +––+–+A B C D ServovalveServovalve6Coil ResistanceSelect coil resistance and connections for compatible interface to servoelectronics. Recommended coil rated current and resistance is shown in bold print.Nominal Resistance Rated Current mA Nominal Resistance Per Coil at 21°C (70°F)OhmsSingle, Parallel, orDifferential Connection Series Connection Standard coil rated current and resistance selection 806532.5Optional coil rated current and resistance selection805025Calculating Frequency Response at System PressureP S =System pressureP M =maximum supply pressure ofvalve: 140 bar (2000 psi) for SM4-30f PM =Frequency (at 90° phase angle) atmaximum supply pressure (P M )f PS =Frequency (at 90° phase angle) atsystem pressure (P S )1.Calculate the ratio of systempressure to maximum supply pressure:e the result of step 1 and thecurve below to estimatee the applicable frequencyresponse curve from the following pages to estimate f PM (the maximum supply pressure frequency response at 90° phase angle) for the desired valve rated flow.4.Multiply the values obtained in steps2 and 3. The result is f PS (system pressure frequency response at 90°phase angle).Frequency ResponseFrequency response is defined as the relationship of no-load control flow to input current with a sinusoidal current sweep at constant amplitude over a range of frequencies. It is expressed in frequency (Hz), amplitude ratio (dB),and phase angle (degrees).As shown in the sample curve (below left), standard comparison points for servovalve frequency response are those frequencies at which –3 dB amplitude ratio and 90° phase angle occur.Vickers SM4 torque motors are magnetically stabilized for reliable servovalve performance at operating pressures from 14 to 1400 bar (200 to 2000 psi).Example: An SM4-30 valve with a flow of 95 l/min (25 USgpm) is to be used at 110 bar (1600 psi).1.Calculate the ratio of systempressure to maximum supply pressure:e the result of step 1 and the curve below right to estimatee the frequency response curvefrom page 8 to estimate f PM .4.Multiply the values obtained in steps2 and 3. The result is f PS (system pressure frequency response at 90°phase angle). 1.00.8P S(system pressure)P M (maximum supply pressure)fPSf PM0–5–10FREQUENCY – HzA M P L I T U D E R A T I O – d BP H A S E A N G L E – d e g r e e s12090–15–2010080706050403020101100. S P M f PS f PM P S P M +1600psi2000psi+0.8f PSf PM +0.92f PM +35Hzf PS +0.92 35Hz +32Hz7Performance CurvesSM4-3095 l/min (25 USgpm)113 l/min (30 USgpm)21020304050700–5–10A M P L I T U D E R A T I O – d BP H A S E L A G – d e g r e e s80–15–201009070605040302010100FREQUENCY – Hz7–25±40% rated current1.5543Typical Frequency Response CurvesAt 140 bar (2000 psi)21020304050700–5–10A M P L I T U D E R A T I O – d BP H A S E L A G – d e g r e e s 80–15–201009070605040302010100FREQUENCY – Hz 7–25±40% rated current1.5543SM4-3057 l/min (15 USgpm)76 l/min (20 USgpm)8Step ResponseStep response is defined as the typical rise time needed to achieve a given percentage of control flow output.Settling time is the time needed fortransient flow fluctuations to diminish to within a given accuracy range. Both are expressed in milliseconds (ms).The example at right shows the step response curves for a critically damped valve and an underdamped valve. Rise times are illustrated for 63% of control flow output, and settling times areshown at 100±5% of control flow output.TIME – msO U T P U T F L O W %10020406080120Typical Step Response Curve for Standard ModelsSM4-30 with 57, 76, 95, and 113 l/min (15, 20, 25, and 30 USgpm) flow ratings shown at 140 bar (2000 psi).O U T P U T F L O W %10020406080120001020TIME – ms51525Model CodeFlow ratingAt 70 bar (1000 psi) n p P →A →B →T.Other flows available on request.Code USgpm l/min (15) 5715.057(20) 7620.076(25) 9525.095(30) 11330.01133Design numberSubject to change. Installationdimensions same for designs 20 through 29.5Installation DimensionsSM4M(E) Mounting Subplates1 2Series designationSM4–Servovalve, high performance, four-wayAccessory designationM–Mounting subplate. Maximum supply pressure of 210 bar (3000psi).46Port connection locationsBlank–Rear portsE–Side portsStandard SM4 valve size30–SM4-30Design numberSubject to change. Iinstallationdimensions same for designs 20 through29.Metric suffixM–Metric version to NG (ISO)standardsBlank–Omit if not required53Installation Dimensions millimeters (inches)SM4ME-30-20(M)4 placesSM4A Adapter Manifoldspressure of 140 bar (2000 psi).M–Metric version to NG (ISO)standardsBlank–Omit if not requiredSM4FV Flushing Valves1Series designationSM4–Servovalve, high performance, four-wayAccessory designationFV–Flushing valve. Maximum flushingpressure of 35 bar (500 psi).Standard SM4 valve size30–SM4-30Design numberSubject to change. Installationdimensions same for designs 20 through29.342Installation Dimensionsmillimeters (inches)NOTESBolt kits can be ordered for either inch ormetric installations.WeightsThe following table lists approximate dry weights for SM4-40 servovalves and related accessories.Description Model Code Weight kg (lbs.)Servovalve SM4-30 (-20 design)1,9 (4.1)Mounting subplate SM4M(E)-30-20(M)1,8 (4.0)Adapter manifold SM4A-5-30-20(M)0,625 (1.38) Flushing valve SM4FV-30-20(M)0,63 (1.37)Additional AccessoriesSM4-30 Accessories Model Code Adapter manifold mounting bolt kit (inch) 1/4–20 x 3/4”BK855986 Adapter manifold mounting bolt kit (metric) M6 x 20mm BK855987M Cable clamp (MS3057-6)126058 Cable connector (MS3106-14S-2S)242123 Connector kit891795 Filter kit (-20 design)891632 Filter kit (-21 design)891793 Flushing valve mounting bolt kit (inch) 1/4–20 x 11/2”BK855992 Flushing valve mounting bolt kit (metric) M6 x 35mm BK689626MSubplate mounting bolt kit (inch) /4–20 x 2/4”BK866685 Subplate mounting bolt kit (metric) M6 x 60mm BK689623M Valve mounting bolt kit(inch) 1/4–20 x 11/2”BK855992 Valve mounting bolt kit (metric) M6 x 35mm BK689626MServo ElectronicsSee application brochure 656 for thecomplete Vickers line of amplifiers,power supplies, function modules, andcontrollers.Printed in U.S.A.Rel. 1/94 – HH Application DataFluid CleanlinessProper fluid condition is essential for long and satisfactory life of hydraulic components and systems. Hydraulic fluid must have the correct balance of cleanliness, materials, and additives for protection against wear of components,elevated viscosity and inclusion of air.Essential information on the correct methods for treating hydraulic fluid is included in Vickers publication 561“Vickers Guide to SystemicContamination Control,” available from your local Vickers distributor or by contacting Vickers, Incorporated.Recommendations on filtration and theselection of products to control fluid condition are included in 561.Recommended cleanliness levels, using petroleum oil under common conditions,are based on the highest fluid pressure levels in the system and are coded in the chart below. Fluids other than petroleum, severe service cycles, or temperature extremes are cause for adjustment of these cleanliness codes.See Vickers publication 561 for exact details.Vickers products, as any components,will operate with apparent satisfaction in fluids with higher cleanliness codes than those described. Other manufacturerswill often recommend levels abovethose specified. Experience has shown,however, that life of any hydraulic component is shortened in fluids with higher cleanliness codes than those listed below. These codes have been proven to provide a long, trouble-free service life for the products shown,regardless of the manufacturer.NOTEVickers will extend, by one year, the standard warranty on all Vickers products used in a system protected by Vickers filters (and elements)applied in a manner consistent with the principles presented in Vickers publication 561.System Pressure Level bar (psi)Product<70 (<2000 )70–207 (2000–3000)207+ (3000+ )Vane pumps, fixed 20/18/1519/17/1418/16/13Vane pumps, variable 18/16/1417/15/13Piston pumps, fixed 19/17/1518/16/1417/15/13Piston pumps, variable 18/16/1417/15/1316/14/12Directional valves 20/18/1520/18/1519/17/14Proportional valves 17/15/1217/15/1215/13/11Pressure/Flow controls 19/17/1419/17/1419/17/14Cylinders 20/18/1520/18/1520/18/15Vane motors 20/18/1519/17/1418/16/13Axial piston motors 19/17/1418/16/1317/15/12Radial piston motors20/18/1419/17/1318/16/13Eaton Hydraulics 15151 Highway 5Eden Prairie, MN 55344Telephone: 612 937-7254Fax: 612 937-713046 New Lane, Havant Hampshire PO9 2NB EnglandTelephone: (44) 170-548-6451Fax: (44) 170-548-7110。

伺服阀使用说明书伺服阀是DEH 控制系统中电液转换的关键元件,它可将电调装置发出的控制指令,转 变成相应的液压信号, 并通过改变进入油动机油缸液流的方向、压力和流量,来达到驱动阀门、控制机组的目的。
第一级液压放大是 双喷嘴挡板系统;第二级放大是滑阀系统。
其基本结构如图 1所示。
i.i 力矩马达:一种电气一机械转换器,可产生与电指令信号成比例的旋转运动,用在伺服 阀的输入级。
衔铁装在一个薄壁弹簧管上,弹 簧管在力矩马达和阀的液压段之间起流体密封作用。
1.2先导级:挡板从弹簧管中间伸出, 置于两个喷嘴端面之间, 形成左、右两个可变节流孔。
衔铁的偏转带动挡板, 从而可改变两侧喷嘴的开启, 使其产生压差,并作用于与该喷嘴相通 的滑阀阀芯端部。
阀芯在阀套中滑动,阀套上开有环行槽,分 别与供油腔P 和回油腔T 相通。
当滑阀处于“零位”时,阀芯被置于阀套的中位;阀芯上 的凸肩恰好将进油口和回油口遮盖住。
当阀芯受力偏离“零位”向任一侧运动时, 导致油液 从供油腔P 流入一控制腔(A 或B ),从另一控制腔(B 或A )流入回油腔 T 。
阀芯推动反 馈杆端部的小球,产生反馈力矩作用在衔铁挡板组件上。
当反馈力矩逐渐等于电磁力矩时, 衔铁挡板组件被移回到对中的位置。
在该位置上,反馈力矩等 于输入控制电流产生的电磁力矩,因此,阀芯位置与输入控制电流的大小成正比。
1.4 特点: 衔铁及挡板均工作在中立位置附近 , 线性好 喷嘴挡板级输出驱动力大 阀芯基本处于浮动状态 , 不易卡住 阀的性能不受伺服阀中间参数的影响 , 阀的性能稳定 , 抗干扰能力强 , 零点漂移小 圃定节流口 F芯阀F駅肝—— 控轴畫的出逵电插2 工作原理:当力矩马达没有电信号输入时,衔铁位于极靴气隙中间,平衡永久磁铁的磁性力。
DDV伺服阀(D633 D634)中文说明书

D634 X X
D633, D634 !
D633 ! !
D634 ISO 4401-05-05-0-94 !"# Y4 11.5 ! !" #$ ! !" #$ 2x2 !"#$%&'() 2x2 !"#$%&'()
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穆格(Moog) G761 -761系列流量控制伺服阀说明书

2021 年 9 月哪里需要最高水平的运动控制性能和设计灵活性,哪里就能看到穆格技术。
简介 (2)产品概述 (3)工作原理 (5)技术参数 (6)G761/-761 系列伺服阀 (6)安装图 (11)安装要求 (12)电气接线 (13)背景 (14)流量计算 (14)订货信息 (15)备件及附件 (15)相关产品 (16)关于穆格 (17)订货编码 (19)本产品样本用于为具有一定专业知识的客户提供信息和参数。
Moog 是穆格公司及其子公司的注册商标。
产品概述阀的设计 带阀芯、阀套和干式力矩马达的两级伺服阀安装型式ISO 10372-04-04-0-92P、A、B 和 X 口最大工作压力• 铝制阀体:315 bar (4,500 psi)• 钢制阀体:350 bar (5,000 psi)T 口最大工作压力210 bar (3,000 psi)先导阀喷嘴挡板阀为 35 bar/每一节流边 (500 psi /每一节流边)时的额定流量Δp N 0.5 至 75 l/min (0.125 至 19.5 gpm)从 0 至 100% 行程的阶跃响应时间标准响应型: < 8 ms 高响应型: < 6 ms 超高响应型: < 4 ms在有潜在危险的环境中可以选用本质安全型和防爆型伺服阀。
特殊型号均经过 FM、ATEX、CSA、TIIS 和 IECEx标准认证。
文件文件名称说明备注穆格文件号目录G761/-761 系列基本信息注:请访问 /industrialCDL6642手册G761/-761CDS6673G761K/-761K 本质安全型系列CDS6769安装图G761/-761 1系列总体设计CB59420G761K/-761K 系列,2 组线圈CA33637G761/-761 系列流量控制伺服阀是可用作三通和四通节流型流量控制阀,用于四通阀时控制性能更好。

版本号:A东方汽轮机厂电液伺服阀控制器说明书编号M902-030000ASM第全册2002年11月编号M902-030000ASM编制校对审核会签审定批准修改记录表目录序号章-节名称页数备注1 0-1 前言 12 0-2 系统简介 33 0-3 硬件简介 14 0-4 工作原理及使用方法 35 0-5 性能与参数 16 0-6 外部接口 27 0-7 使用注意事项 10-1 前言本伺服阀控制器是为驱动汽轮机伺服阀而配套设计的专用装置。
所有进出线均通过背板上的德国PHOENIX 快速连接端子与外设、DEH控制线连接。
0-2 系统简介电液伺服阀控制器由以下模块组合构成:(外形及开孔尺寸见图0-2-1,卡件实际安装位置见所供电液伺服阀控制器图)系统配置原理见图0-2-2、图0-2-3。
0-3 硬件简介电液伺服阀控制器的硬件主要包括伺服卡和机箱组件。

UD-E=0-+10V Re:10KΩ
! ! ! UD-B
ID=-IE: 0-±10mA (Re=200)
! IE=-ID: 0-±10mA
!" -15V~+32V
IF-B=4-20mA 12mA
UF-B=2-10V, 6V
!"# !"#$%"#
! P A B (X
T (Y
T (Y
! * 0-100%
!"#$%&'( 6
!"#$ 300mA
!"#$%&$'()% 0V
!"# EMC
EN 55011:1998 B
! EN50082-2:1995A
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0 !"#$%&0.75mm2.


1 结构特点伺服阀是一个由力矩马达、两级液压放大及机械反馈所组成的系统。
图11.1 力矩马达:一种电气—机械转换器,可产生与电指令信号成比例的旋转运动,用在伺服阀的输入级。
1.2 先导级:挡板从弹簧管中间伸出,置于两个喷嘴端面之间,形成左、右两个可变节流孔。
1.3 功率放大级:由一滑阀系统控制输出流量。
1.4 特点:●衔铁及挡板均工作在中立位置附近,线性好●喷嘴挡板级输出驱动力大●阀芯基本处于浮动状态,不易卡住●阀的性能不受伺服阀中间参数的影响,阀的性能稳定,抗干扰能力强,零点漂移小2 工作原理:当力矩马达没有电信号输入时,衔铁位于极靴气隙中间,平衡永久磁铁的磁性力。

第一章:伺服阀简介1.1 产品概述伺服阀是一种利用电动装置控制流体流向和压力的设备。
1.2 产品特点- 高精度控制:伺服阀采用先进的控制技术,能够实现对液体流量的高精度控制,满足不同应用需求。
- 快速响应:伺服阀具有快速的响应速度,能够在瞬间调整流量,提高生产效率。
- 节能环保:伺服阀能够根据实际需要调整流量,避免能源浪费,降低运行成本。
- 高可靠性:伺服阀采用高质量的材料和先进的制造工艺,具有良好的耐久性和稳定性,可靠性高。
第二章:安装方法2.1 安装准备在安装伺服阀之前,请确保已经完成以下准备工作:- 检查伺服阀是否与工作环境要求相符,包括压力范围、温度范围等。
- 检查伺服阀是否有损坏或缺陷,如有请及时更换。
- 准备安装所需的工具和材料。
2.2 安装步骤1. 将伺服阀安置在合适的位置,并确保与液体管路连接紧密。
2. 使用工具固定伺服阀,确保其稳定性和安全性。
3. 检查连接是否密封,如有漏气现象,请重新安装密封垫片或调整连接方式。
4. 连接电源线和传感器线,并确保接线可靠。
第三章:调试步骤3.1 参数设置在进行伺服阀的调试之前,请先进行以下参数设置:1. 设定工作压力范围及流量要求。
2. 设定伺服阀的控制模式和工作模式。
3. 设定伺服阀的响应时间和灵敏度。
3.2 调试方法1. 开启电源,启动伺服阀。
2. 根据工作需要,调整伺服阀的控制模式和工作模式。
3. 使用调试仪器监测伺服阀的工作状态,如压力、流量等。
4. 逐步调整伺服阀的参数,直到达到所需的工作效果。
第四章:维护保养4.1 日常保养日常保养是保证伺服阀正常运行和延长使用寿命的关键。


1 结构特点伺服阀是一个由力矩马达、两级液压放大及机械反馈所组成的系统。
图11.1 力矩马达:一种电气—机械转换器,可产生与电指令信号成比例的旋转运动,用在伺服阀的输入级。
1.2 先导级:挡板从弹簧管中间伸出,置于两个喷嘴端面之间,形成左、右两个可变节流孔。
1.3 功率放大级:由一滑阀系统控制输出流量。
1.4 特点:●衔铁及挡板均工作在中立位置附近,线性好●喷嘴挡板级输出驱动力大●阀芯基本处于浮动状态,不易卡住●阀的性能不受伺服阀中间参数的影响,阀的性能稳定,抗干扰能力强,零点漂移小2 工作原理:当力矩马达没有电信号输入时,衔铁位于极靴气隙中间,平衡永久磁铁的磁性力。
Moog G761 761系列工业伺服阀安装、操作和故障排除手册说明书

ELECTROHYDRAULIC VALVE CUT -AWA YFigure 1 Moog Series G761/761Upper Polepiece Flexure Tube Lower Polepiece FlapperInlet OrificeCoil Armature NozzleFeedback WireSpoolP A T B P xFilter3. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PREPARATIONT o prolong servovalve operational life and to reduce hydraulic system maintenance, it is recommended that the hydraulic fluid be kept at a cleanliness level of ISO DIS 4406 Code 16/13 maximum, 14/11 recommended. The most effective filtration scheme incorporates the use of a kidney loop or “off-line” filtration as one of the major filtration components. The filter for the “off-line” filtration scheme should be a B 3≥75 filter for maximum effectiveness.U pon system startup and prior to mounting the servovalve, the entire hydraulic system should be purged of built-in contaminating particles by an adequate flushing. The servovalve should be replaced by a flushing manifold and the hydraulic circuit powered up under conditions of fluid temperature and fluid velocity, reasonably simulating normal operating conditions. New system filters are installed during the flushing process whenever the pressure drop across the filter element becomes excessive. The flushing processes should turn over the fluid in the reservoir between fifty to one hundred times.T o maintain a clean hydraulic system, the filters must be replaced on a periodic basis. It is best to monitor the pressure drop across the filter assembly and replace the filter element when the pressure drop becomes excessive. In addition to other filters that are installed in the hydraulic circuit, it is recommended that a large capacity, low pressure ß3≥75 filter be installed in the return line. This filter will increase the interval between filter element replacement and greatly reduce the system contamination level.4. PILOT STAGE OIL SUPPL Y AND NAMEPLATEMODIFICATION (applies to models G761-3001B through G761-3010B)T he Moog G761/761 series industrial servovalve can be configured for pilot stage oil supply through the internal pressure “P” port, or from a separate supply line through the “X” port. Standard configuration is internal pilot operation with a screw and seal washer in the “X” port. This same screw and seal washer must be relocated to the “P” port if an external pilot oil supply source is desired. Refer to Figure 2 for screw and seal washer locations.U pon valve installation, the nameplate must display the proper hydraulic schematic and typecode (if applicable). The nameplate currently shows internal (4th port) pilot hydraulic schematics and typecode. If a separate pilot supply will be used, please attach the provided lower half label showing external (5th port) information. See Figure 3.5. INSTALLATIONT he Moog G761/761 series industrial servovalve may be mounted in any position, provided the servovalve pressure, control and return ports match their respective manifold ports.T he mounting pattern and port locations of the servovalve are shown on Figure 6. The servovalve should be mounted with 5/16-18 x 1.75 inch long, socket head cap screws. Apply a light film of oil to the screw threads and torque to 96 inch pounds. Wire the mating connector for desired coil configuration and polarity. Thread the connector to valve.6. NULL ADJUSTMENTI t is often desirable to adjust the flow null of a servovalve independent of other system parameters. The “mechanical null adjustment” on the Moog G761/761 series servovalve allows at least ±20% adjustment of flow null.T he “mechanical null adjustor” is an eccentric bushing retainer pin located above the “return” port designation on the valve body (see Figure 4) which, when rotated, provides control of the bushing position. Mechanical feedback elements position the spool relative to the valve body for a given input signal. Therefore, a movement of the bushing relative to the body, changes the flow null.Mechanical Adjustment ProcedureUsing a 3/8 inch offset box wrench, loosen the self-locking fitting until the null adjustor pin can be rotated. (This should usually be less than 1/2 turn). DO NOT remove self-locking fitting. Insert a 3/32 inch Allen wrench in null adjustor pin. Use the 3/32 Allen wrench to rotate the mechanical null adjustor pin to obtain desired flow null. T orque self-locking fitting to 57 inch lbs.Figure 3Sample Nameplate7. GENERAL SERVICING RECOMMENDATIONSa. Disconnect the electrical lead to the servovalve.b. Relieve the hydraulic system of residual pressure.c.Remove the servovalve.Figure 4Mechanical Null AdjustmentImportant:Local regulations may require precise hydraulic labeling on components!Potential TroubleServovalve does not follow input command signal. (Actuator or components are stationary or creeping slowly).High threshold. (Jerky, possible oscillatory or “hunting” motion in closed loop system).Poor response. (Servovalve output lags electrical command signal).High Null Bias, (High input currentrequired to maintain hydraulic cylinder or motor stationary).Probable Cause1. Plugged filter element.1. Plugged filter element.1. Partially plugged filter element.1. Incorrect null adjustment.2. Partially plugged filter element.Remedy1. Replace filter element.1. Replace filter element.1. Replace filter element.Check for dirty hydraulic fluid in system.1. Readjust null.2. Replace filter element and check for dirty hydraulic fluid in system.8. TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTThe following troubleshooting chart lists potential troubles encountered, probable causes and remedies.9. FILTER ASSEMBL Y REPLACEMENTT ools and Equipmenta. 3mm Allen wrenchb. T orque wrencha. Remove the four socket head cap screws with 3mm Allen wrench.b. Remove the filter retainer.c. Remove and discard the filter disc.d. Remove and replace the o-ring on the filter retainer and the o-ring in the filter bore.e.Reinstall in reverse order, torque screws to 35-40 in-lbs.10. FUNCTIONAL CHECK OUT AND CENTERINGa. Install servovalve on hydraulic system or test fixture, but do not connect electrical lead.b. Apply required system pressure to servovalve and visually examine for evi- dence of external leakage. If leakage is present and cannot be rectified by replacing o-rings, remove the discrepant component and return for repair or replacement.Note: If the system components are drifting or hardover, adjust the mechanical null of the servovalve.c. Connect electrical lead to servovalve and check phasing in accordancewith system requirements.11. AUTHORIZED REPAIR FACILITIESMoog does not authorize any facilities other than Moog or Moog subsidiaries to repair its servovalves. It is recommended you contact Moog at (716) 652-2000 to locate your nearest Moog repair facility. Repair by an independent (unauthorized) repair house will result in voiding the Moog warranty and could lead to performance degradation or safety problems.Figure 5Socket Head Cap Screw2X O-RingP/N -42082-003Filter RetainerFilterP/N A67999-0652X O-Ring P/N G2141-013-015G761/761 SERIES INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTION NOTES2Figure 6Moog Inc., Industrial Group/industrialUnitedStates:phone+****************************Europe:phone+*******************************AsiaPacific:phone+******************************For a complete list /industrial/globallocatorThe products described herein are subject to change at any time without notice, including, but not limited to, product features, specifications, and designs.CDS6673 Rev E 1216。

Servovalveswith integrated Electronics D791 and D792 SeriesQ [l/min]=max. flowD p [bar]=valve pressure dropwith Q A K [cm 2]=spool drive area p X [bar]=pilot pressure The pilot pressure p X has to be at least 15 bar above the returnpressure of the pilot stage.D791 and D792 SeriesThree stage servovalvesPrinciple of operationAn electrical command signal (set point, input signal) is applied to the integrated control amplifier which drives a current through the pilot valve coils. The pilot valve produces differential pressure in its control ports. This pressure difference results in a pilot flow which causes main spool dis-placement.The position transducer which is excited via an oscillator measures the position of the main spool (actual value, position voltage).This signal then is demodulated and fed back to the control amplifier where it is compared with the command signal. The control amplifier drives the pilot valve until the error between command signal and feedback signal is zero. Thus, the position of the main spool is proportional to the electrical command signal.Q Q p p NN=∆∆p 2,510QA pX -2K≥⋅⋅∆The actual flow depends on the electrical command signal and the valve pressure drop, and may be calculated using the square root function for a sharp-edged orifice.The flow value Q calculated in this way should not exceed an average flow velocity of 30 m/s in ports P, A, B and T.Q [l/min]=calculated flow Q N [l/min]=rated flowD p [bar]=actual valve pressuredropD p N [bar]=rated valve pressuredrop2If large flow rates with high valve pressure drops are required, an appropriate higher pilot pressure has to be chosen to overcome the flow forces. An approximate value can be calculated as follows:Our quality management system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.This catalogue is for users with technical knowledge. To ensure that all necessary characteristics for function and safety of the system are given, the user has tocheck the suitability of the products described here.In case of doubt please contact MOOG.The flow control servovalves D791and D792 Series are throttle valves for 3-way and preferably 4-way applications. These three stage servovalves have been especially developed for such demanding applications where high flow rates and at the same time extreme dynamic performance require-ments must be met. The design of these valves is based on the well known D079 Series. The inte-grated electronics has been replaced by a new design applying SMD technology. The valves areoffered with pilot valves of D761or D765 Series, optional standard response or high response versions are available. Series D791 can de-liver rated flow up to 250 l/min,Series D792 is available with rated flow up to 1000 l/min.These valves are suitable for pres-sure or force control, position and velocity control systems with high dynamic response requirements.D791 and D792 SeriesGeneral technical dataOperating pressure rangeMain stage Ports P, A and B with X internal up to 315 bar with X externalup to 350 bar Port T with Y internal up to 210 bar Port T with Y external up to 350 barPilot valve Ports P, A and B D761, D765 Series up to 315 bar Port Tup to 210 barTemperature rangeAmbient -20 to +60 °C Fluid-20 to +80 °CSeal material FPM, others on requestOperating fluid Mineral oil based hydraulic fluid (to DIN 51524), others on request Viscosityrecommended 15 to 100 mm²/s Class of cleanlinessThe cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid greatly effects the per-formance (spool positioning, high resolution) and wear (metering edges, pressure gain, leakage) ofthe valve.3T B P A3 stage ServovalveD791 / D792 Series with Pilot valve D765 SeriesRecommended cleanliness classfor normal operation:ISO 4406 < 14/11for longer life:ISO 4406 < 13/10System filtrationPilot valve:High pressure filter (without by-pass, but with dirt alarm) mountedin the mainflow and if possible,directly upstream of the servovalve.Main stage:Main stage: high pressure filter asfor the pilot stage. In combination with a fast regulating VD-pump a bypass filter is possible.Filter rating recommendedfor normal operation:ß10 ³ 75 (10 µm absolute)for longer life:ß5 ³ 75 ( 5 µm absolute)Installation options any position, fixed or movable Vibration 30 g, 3 axes Degree of protection EN 60529: IP 65 (with mating con-nector mounted)Shipping plate Delivered with an oil sealed ship-ping plate4Model . . . .TypeD791 . . . . S . . .Mounting patternISO, but X and Y do not corres-ISO 10372-06-05-0-92pond to ISOValve body version 4-way3-stage with bushing spool assembly Pilot valve2-stage, optional D761 or D765 SeriesPilot connection optional, internal or externalX and Y Mass[kg]13Rated flow (± 10%) at D p N = 35 bar per land [l/min]100160250Response time*for 0 to 100% stroke (depen-dent on pilot valve)[ms]3 to 10Threshold*[%]< 0,2Hysteresis*[%]< 0,5Null shiftwith D T = 55 K [%]< 2Null leakage flow*total, max.[l/min]5710Pilot leakage flow*max., for 100% step input (de-pendent on pilot valve)[l/min]4 to 11Main spool stroke [mm]1,61,62,0Main spool drive area[cm²]2,85* measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °CValve flow diagramTypical characteristic curves measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °CFrequency responsefor valves with different rated flows and different pilot valvesD791 SeriesTechnical dataModel . . . .TypeD792 . . . . S . . .Mounting pattern Moog StandardValve body version 4-way3-stage with bushing spool assembly Pilot valve2-stage, optional D761 or D765 SeriesPilot connection optional, internal or externalX and Y Mass[kg]17Rated flow (± 10%) at D p N = 35 bar per land [l/min]4006308001000Response time*for 0 to 100% stroke (depen-dent on pilot valve)[ms]4 to 12Threshold*[%]< 0,2Hysteresis*[%]< 0,5Null shiftwith D T = 55 K [%]< 2Null leakage flow*total, max.[l/min]10141414Pilot leakage flow*max., for 100% step input (de-pendent on pilot valve)[l/min]6 to 16Main spool stroke [mm]1,81,92,64,0Main spool drive area[cm²]3,87,147,147,14* measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °CValve flow diagramTypical characteristic curves measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °C Frequency responsefor valves with different rated flows and different pilot valvesD792 SeriesTechnical data5D791 SeriesInstallation drawing with Pilot valve D761 Series Conversion instructionConversion instruction67Spare parts and accessories for D791 SeriesD791 SeriesInstallation drawing with Pilot valve D765 SeriesSpare parts, Accessories8Note: The X and Y tubes have to be connected to the MOOG valve body by fittings.Mounting surface needs to be flat within 0,02 mm. Average surface finish value, Ra, better than 1µm.D792 SeriesInstallation drawing with Pilot valve D761 SeriesConversion instructionConversion instructionD792 SeriesInstallation drawing withPilot valve D765 SeriesSpare parts, AccessoriesSpare parts and accessories for D792 Series910General requirementsD791 and D792 SeriesValve electronics with supply voltage ± 15 VoltCommand signal 0 to ±10 V Valves with voltage command inputThe spool stroke of the valve is proportional to (U D – U E ). 100%valve opening P ç A and B ç T is achieved at (U D – U E ) = +10 V . At 0 V command the spool is in a centred position.The input stage is a differential amplifier. If only one command signal is available, pin D or E is connected to signal ground ^(pin C) according to the required operating direction (to be done at the mating connector).Command signal 0 to ±10 mA Valves with current command inputThe spool stroke of the valve is proportional to (I D – I E ). 100%valve opening P ç A and B ç T is achieved at (I D – I E ) = +10 mA. At 0 mA command the spool is in a centred position.Either pin D or E is used according to the required operating direc-tion. The unused pin is left open (not connected at the mating con-nector). The input pins D and E are inverting.Actual value 0 to ±10 VValves with voltage command inputThe actual spool position value can be measured at pin F. This signal can be used for monitoring and fault detection purposes.The spool stroke range corres-ponds to ±10 V. 100% valve ope-ning P ç A and B ç T corresponds to +10 V.Actual value 0 to ±10 mA or 4 to 20 mAValves with current command inputThe actual spool position value can be measured at pin F. This signal can be used for monitoring and fault detection purposes.The spool stroke range cor-responds to ±10 mA (4 to 20 mA).100% valve opening P ç A and B ç T corresponds to +10 mA (20 mA).r Supply ± 15 VDC ± 3%. Ripple <50 mV pp . Current consumption max. ± 250 mAr All signal lines, also those of external transducers, shieldedr Shielding connected radially to ^ (0V), power supply side, and connected to the mating connector housing (EMC)r EMC : Meets the requirements of EN 55011/03.91 class B,EN 50081-1/01.92, and EN 50082-2/03.95, performance criterion class Ar Protective grounding lead ³ 0,75mm 2r Note: When making electrical connections to the valve (shield,protective grounding) appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that locally different earth potentials do not result in excessive ground currents. See also MOOG Application Note AM 353 E.Wiring for valves with 6+PE pole connector to DIN 43563 and mating connector (metal shell) with leading protective grounding connection ().D791 und D792 SeriesOrdering information11Type designationModel-Number Preferred configurations are highlighted.All combinations may not be available.Options may increase price.Technical changes are reserved.B A M /W A /3000 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n yMOOG GmbHHanns-Klemm-Straße 28D - 71034 Böblingen Postfach 1670D - 71006 Böblingen Telefon (07031) 622-0Telefax (07031) 622-191MOOG Controls Limited Ashchurch Tewkesbury Gloucestershire GL20 8NATelephone (01684) 29 66 00Telefax (01684) 29 67 60Australia Melbourne Austria Vienna Brazil São Paulo Denmark Birkerød England Tewkesbury Finland Espoo France Rungis Germany BöblingenHong Kong Kwai Chung India Bangalore Ireland Ringaskiddy Italy Malnate Japan Hiratsuka Korea Kwangju Philippines Baguio Russia Pavlovo Singapore Singapore Spain Orio Sweden Gotenborg USA East Aurora (NY)D791/2 - En / Rev1 / 05.98。

3、Enable区域处于master off状态
7、反馈信号Spool区域,选择4-20 mA档,checker load 处于on位(手柄向上倾斜)。
3、Enable区域处于master on状态
7、反馈信号Spool区域,选择4-20 mA档,checker load 处于on位(手柄向上倾斜)。
1、及时将Enable区域处于master on状态选为off状态。
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1 结构特点
1.1 力矩马达:一种电气—机械转换器,可产生与电指令信号成比例的旋转运动,用在伺服阀的输入级。
1.2 先导级:挡板从弹簧管中间伸出,置于两个喷嘴端面之间,形成左、右两个可变节流孔。
1.3 功率放大级:由一滑阀系统控制输出流量。
1.4 特点:
2 工作原理:
3 技术参数:(MOOG-J761)
额定流量:63 lpm
最高允许工作压力: 32MPa
线圈电阻:80Ω(单线圈) 40Ω(两线圈并联)
接线方式:A、C(+) B、D(-)
4 注意事项:
4.1 油液建议使用温度为35℃~55℃。
4.3 伺服阀出厂前都经过严格的性能测试。
5 伺服阀常见故障及原因。