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London bridge is falling down
London bridge is falling down,falling down,falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady. London bridge is falling down,falling down,falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.

How is the weather?
How’s the weather?It’s sunny. How’s the weather?It’s sunny. How’s the weather?It’s sunny,It’s sunny today. How’s the weather?It’s rainy. How’s the weather?It’s rainy. How’s the weather?It’s rainy,It’s rainy today.

How’s the weather?It’s snowy. How’s the weather?It’s snowy. How’s the weather?It’s snowy,It’s snowy today.

Where’s Dady

Where is Daddy? Where is Daddy? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, Daddy? Very well, I thank you ! Run away,run away. Where is my Mommy? Where is my Mommy? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today, Mom? Very well, I thank you !
Where is brother,where is brother? Here I am.Here I am. How are you today brother? Very well,I thank you.Run away,run away. Where is sister,where is sister? Here I am.Here I am. How are you today sister? Very well,I thank you.Run away,run away.

Making a melody in my heart,making a melody in my heart,making a melody in my heart.There is joy,joy,joy. Thumbs up,albows out,feet apart knees bend,buttock out,turn around. Making a melody in my heart,making a melody in my heart ,making a melody in my heart .there is joy,joy,joy

What is this?
What’s this?what’s this?what’s this,what what? It’s a hat,It’s a hat,It’s a hat,hat,hat. What’s this?what’s this?what’s this,what what? It’s a tree,It’s a tree,It’s a tree,tree,tree
P P P [p] [p] [p] pig pig Q Q Q [kw] [kw] [kw] queen queen R R R [r] [r] [r] rabbit rabbit
S S S [s] [s] [s] snake snake
T T T [t] [t] [t] tiger tiger

U U U [ᶺ] [ᶺ] [ᶺ] umbrella umbralla V V V [v] [v] [v] vase vase W W W [w] [w][w] watch watch

X X X [ks] [ks] [ks] X-ray X-ray
Y Y Y [j] [j] [j] yellow yellow Z Z Z [z] [z] [z] zipper zipper

What’s this?what’s this?what’s this? what,what? It’s a hat,It’s a hat,It’s a hat,hat,hat. What’s this?what’s this?what’s this?what? What? It’s a cat,It’s a cat,It’s a cat,cat,cat.
K K K [k] [k] [k] kangaroo kangaroo L L L [l] [l] [l] leg leg

M M M [m] [m] [m] moon moon
N N N[n] [n] [n] nose nose

O O O [ᴂ ] [ᴂ ] [ᴂ] orange orange

I’m a teacher,I can teach,ABCDEFG
I’m a pupil,I can learn,HIJKLMN.
Follow follow follow me
Follow follow follow me,head up head down Follow follow follow me,hands up hands down Follow follow follow me,shoulders up shoulders down Follow follow follow me,everybody come on 共三遍,每一遍比上一次加快速度

பைடு நூலகம்
Hello How are you

Hello hello hello hello hello hello How are you? Hello hello hello hello hello hello How are you?

Thank you, thank you,I’m fine ,and I hope that you are ,too 唱3遍

I’m a singer,I can sing,lu lala lu lalalulalulali I’m a dancer,I can dance,benqiaqiabenqiaqiabenqiaqia I’m a driver ,I can drive,di babadibabadibaba I’m a worker,I can work,xi shuahua xishuashua xishuashua I’m a farmer,I can farm, heixiuxiuheixiuxiuheixiuxui

(ask questions,for example,what’s your name? how are you today? What’s your favourite sport? Where are you from? What’s you mother? )
Here we go,one two three; Here we go,one two three, Let’s learn our ABC,let’s learn our ABC ABCDEFG,HIJKLMN,OPQ,RST,UVWXYZ, XYZ,now you see,I can say my ABC!

A A A [ᴂ] [ᴂ] [ ]ᴂ apple apple B B B [b] [b] [b] bee bee C C C [k] [k] [k] cat cat cat

D D D [d] [d] [d] dog dog
E E E [e] [e] [e] egg egg

F F F [f] [f] [f] fish fish
G G G [g] [g] [g] goose goose

H H H[h] [h] [h] horse horse I I I [i] [i] [i] big big

J J J[dᴂ ] [dᴂ ] [dᴂ ] jeep jeep