design 学科类别

design 学科类别
1. 视觉设计:包括平面设计、插图设计、品牌设计等,主要关注视觉传达和艺术美感。
2. 产品设计:涉及产品开发、工业设计、用户体验设计(UX)、用户界面设计(UI)等,致力于创造实用且具有美感的产品。
3. 环境设计:包括建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计等,关注空间布局和环境美学。
4. 时尚设计:涉及服装设计、配饰设计、时尚营销等,关注时尚趋势和创意表达。
5. 数字设计:包括网页设计、移动应用设计、数字媒体设计等,主要关注数字平台上的设计和用户体验。
6. 交互设计:关注人机交互、用户体验、用户界面设计等,设计可操作性强且用户友好的交互系统。
7. 服务设计:着眼于设计服务体验,从整体角度优化服务流程和用户体验。
8. 工艺设计:包括陶艺设计、玻璃工艺设计、珠宝设计等,关注手工艺术和材料运用。

Cover封面Content目录Design Explanation设计说明Master Plan总平面Space Sequence Analysis景观空间分析Function Analysis功能分析Landscape Theme Analysis景观景点主题分析图Traffic Analysis交通分析Vertical Plan竖向平面布置图Lighting Furniture Layout灯光平面布置示意图Marker/Background Music/Garbage Bin标识牌/背景音乐/垃圾桶布置图Plan平面图Hand Drawing手绘效果图Section剖面图Detail详图Central Axis中心公共主轴Reference Picture参考图片Planting Reference Picture植物选样材料类:aluminum铝asphalt沥青alpine rock轻质岗石boasted ashlars粗凿ceramic陶瓷、陶瓷制品cobble小圆石、小鹅卵石clay粘土crushed gravel碎砾石crushed stone concrete碎石混凝土crushed stone碎石cement石灰enamel陶瓷、瓷釉frosted glass磨砂玻璃grit stone/sand stone砂岩glazed colored glass/colored glazed glass彩釉玻璃granite花岗石、花岗岩gravel卵石galleting碎石片ground pavement material墙面地砖材料light-gauge steel section/hollow steel section薄壁型钢light slates轻质板岩lime earth灰土masonry砝石结构membrane张拉膜、膜结构membrane waterproofing薄膜防水mosaic马赛克quarry stone masonry/quarrystone bond粗石体plaster灰浆polished plate glass/polished plate磨光平板玻璃panel面板、嵌板rusticated ashlars粗琢方石rough rubble粗毛石reinforcement钢筋设施设备类:accessory channel辅助通道atrium门廊aisle走道、过道avenue道路access通道、入口art wall艺术墙academy科学院art gallery画廊arch拱顶archway拱门arcade拱廊、有拱廊的街道axes轴线air condition空调aqueduct沟渠、导水管alleyway小巷billiard table台球台bed地基bedding cushion垫层balustrade/railing栏杆byland/peninsula半岛bench座椅balcony阳台bar-stool酒吧高脚凳beam梁plate beam板梁bearing wall承重墙retaining wall挡土墙basement parking地下车库berm小平台block楼房broken-marble patterned flooring碎拼大理石地面broken stone hardcore碎石垫层curtain wall幕墙cascade小瀑布、叠水corridor走廊couryard内院、院子canopy张拉膜、天篷、遮篷coast海岸children playground儿童活动区court法院calculator计算器clipboard纤维板cantilever悬臂梁ceiling天花板carpark停车场carpet地毯cafeteria自助餐厅clearage开垦地、荒地cavern大洞穴dry fountain旱喷泉driveway车道vehicular road机动车道depot仓库、车场dry fountain for children儿童溪水广场dome圆顶drain排水沟drainage下水道drainage system排水系统discharge lamp放电管entrance plaza入口广场elevator/lift电梯escalator自动扶梯flat roof/roof garden平台fence wall围墙、围栏fountain喷泉fountain and irrigation system喷泉系统footbridge人行天桥fire truck消防车furniture家具、设备firepot/chafing dish火锅gutter明沟ditch暗沟gully峡谷、冲沟valley山谷garage车库foyer门厅、休息室hall门厅lobby门厅、休息室industry zone工业区island岛inn小旅馆jet喷头kindergarten幼儿园kiosk小亭子(报刊、小卖部)lamps and lanterns灯具lighting furniture照明设置mezzanine包厢main stadium主体育场outdoor terrace室外平台oil painting油画outdoor steps/exterior steps室外台阶pillar/pole/column柱、栋梁pebble/plinth柱基pond/pool池、池塘pavilion亭、阁pipe/tube管子plumbing管道port港口pillow枕头pavement硬地铺装path of gravel卵石路public plaza公共休闲广场communal plaza公共广场pedestrian street步行街printer打印机resting plaza休闲广场区rooftop/housetop屋顶pile桩piling打桩pump泵ramp斜坡道、残疾人坡道riverway河道sunbraking element遮阳构件sanitation卫生设施skylight天窗skyline地平线scanner扫描仪shore岸、海滨sash窗框slab楼板、地下室顶板stairhall楼梯厅staircase楼梯间secondary structure/minor structure次要结构secondary building/accessory building次要建筑street furniture小品(椅凳标志)solarium日光浴室terrace平台chip/fragment/sliver/splinter碎片safety belt/safety strap/life belt安全带safety passageway安全通道shelf/stand架子sunshade天棚small mountain stream山塘小溪subway地铁safety glass安全玻璃streetscape街景画sinking down plaza下沉广场sidewalk人行道footpath步行道设计阶段:existing condition analysis现状分析analyses of existings城市现状分析construction site service施工现场服务conceptual design概念设计circulation analysis交通体系分析construction drawing施工图complete level完成面标高details细部设计、细部大样示意图diagram示意图、表elevation上升、高地、海拔、正面图development design扩初设计fa鏰de/elevation正面、立面general development analysis城市总体发展分析general situation survey概况general layout plan/master plan总平面general nature environment总体自然分析grid and landmark analysis城市网格系统及地标性建筑物分析general urban and landscape concept总体城市及景观设计概念general level design总平面竖向设计general section总体剖面图layout plan布置图legend图例lighting plan灯光布置图plan drawing平面图plot plan基地图presentation drawing示意图perspective/render效果图pavement plan铺装示意图reference pictures/imaged picture参考图片reference level参考标高图片site overall arrangement场地布局space sequence relation空间序列specification指定、指明、详细说明书scheme design方案设计sketch手绘草图sectorization功能分区section剖面site planning场地设计reference picture of planting植物配置意向图reference picture of street furniture街道家具布置意向图设计描述:a thick green area密集绿化administration/administrative行政administration zone行政区位function analysis功能分析arc/camber弧形askew歪的、斜的aesthetics美学height高度abstract art抽象派artist艺术家、大师art nouveau新艺术主义acre英亩architect建筑师be integrated with与……结合起来bisect切成两份、对开bend弯曲boundary/border边界operfloor架空层budget预算estimate评估beach海滩building code建筑规范。

vi设计专用英语单词一、VI设计中的英文词汇VI(Visual Identity)设计是指企业、组织或品牌形象在视觉上的表现,这其中的英文词汇至关重要。
而标志的基本元素包括图形(Mark/ Symbol)、字体(Typeface)和标识(Logotype)。
品牌色彩(Brand Colors)是指与品牌形象相关联的颜色,在不同场景下需要区分主颜色、辅助色、特殊色。
常见的版式类型有标准版式(Standard Layout)、模板式版式(Template Layout)和特殊版式(Special Layout)。
一、Corporate Identity(CI),译为“企业形象”,是一种综合性的形象系统,包括企业的标志、文化、理念、行为准则等多方面元素。

文献检索 document.tion Retrieval
数据库概论 Introduction to Database
网络原理 Principles of Network
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence
Finance 财政学
Financial Accounting 财务会计
Fine Arts 美术
Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数
Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数
Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变
数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique
电磁场 Electromagnetic Field
微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer
企业管理 Business Management
专业英语 Specialized English
可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming
Advanced Mathematics 高等数学
Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析
Algorithmic Language 算法语言
Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路
Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计

1. Artistic style: 艺术风格,指艺术家或艺术作品所呈现的独特形式、技巧和表现方式。
2. Writing style: 写作风格,指作者在书面表达中所使用的语言、结构、词汇和语气等特点。
3. Fashion style: 时尚风格,指个人在服装、配饰、发型等方面所展现的独特品味和风格。
4. Architectural style: 建筑风格,指建筑设计中所体现的特定时期、地区或文化的特征和形式。
5. Interior design style: 室内设计风格,指室内装饰和布置所采用的特定主题、色彩、材质和家具等元素。
6. Graphic design style: 平面设计风格,指平面设计作品中所运用的视觉元素、排版和色彩等方面的特点。
7. Decorative style: 装饰风格,指在室内、室外或艺术品中使用的装饰元素和手法。
8. Culinary style: 烹饪风格,指厨师在准备和呈现食物时所采用的特定技巧、配料和口味。
9. Leadership style: 领导风格,指领导者在管理和指导团队时所展现的行为和方法。
10. Personal style: 个人风格,指个体在行为、言语、穿着和表达等方面所表现出的独特方式。
这些只是 "style" 一词的部分英文名词表达方式,具体的含义和用法会根据上下文和领域而有所不同。

I 设计文本图名英文翻译一设计说明篇1 设计说明Introduction of design二上位分析篇1 宏观区位分析图Macro location analysis drawing2 微观区位分析图Micro location analysis drawing3 资源分析图Resources analysis drawing4 企业分析图Enterprise analysis drawing5 区位交通分析图Traffic location analysis drawing6 基地现状分析图Existing site analysis plan7 基地高层分析图Highrise analysis drawing8 基地视线分析图Sight line analysis drawing9 山体条件分析图Mountain condition analysis plan10 水体条件分析图Water condition analysis plan三案例分析篇Case Analysis1 案例分析图Case analysis drawing四城市印象篇Urban Impression1 白天鸟瞰图Aerial View2 夜景鸟瞰图Aerial Night View3 黄昏鸟瞰图Aerial Dusk View4 半鸟瞰图Semi-Aerial View5 局部透视图(白天-夜景-黄昏)Partial perspective(day-night-evening) 五理念分析篇Concept analysis1 方案构思图Plan Idea diagram2 理念构思图Idea Conceived Diagram3 理念分析图Idea Analysis diagram六规划设计篇1 总体规划平面图Overall planning2 总经济技术指标表General Technological and EconomicIndex3 分地块经济技术指标表Sub Parcel Technological and EconomicIndex分区经济技术指标表Subarea Technological and EconomicIndex4 模型展示图Model exhibition Diagram5 模型分析图Model Analysis Diagram6 功能系统分析图Function System Analysis Diagram7 建筑平面功能分析图Building Plane Function AnalysisDiagram8 建筑空间功能分析图Architecture Space Function AnalysisDiagram9 交通系统分析图Traffic System Analysis Diagram10 道路系统分析图Road System Analysis Diagram11 水路系统分析图Water way system Analysis Diagram12 结构系统分析图Structure System Analysis Diagram13 空间结构分析图Space Structure Analysis Diagram14 空间系统分析图Space Structure Analysis Diagram15 开发系统分析图Development system Analysis Diagram16 开发强度示意图Development Intensity Diagram17 消防系统分析图Fire protection system AnalysisDiagram18 景观系统分析图Landscape system Analysis Diagram19 空间景观分析图Space Sequence Analysis Diagram20 绿化系统分析图Afforestation system Analysis Diagram21 日照系统分析图Sunshine system Analysis Diagram22 竖向设计分析图Vertical elevation Analysis Plan23 视线系统分析图Sight System Analysis Plan24 地块价值分析图District Value Diagram25 地块价值挖掘分析图26 天际线分析图Skyline Analysis Diagram27 灯光系统分析图Lighting System Analysis Diagram七建筑设计篇1 首层建筑平面图Ground floor plan2 夹层建筑平面图Mezzanine plan3 二层建筑平面图Second floor plan4 三层建筑平面图Third floor plan5 地下一层平面图Plan for Basement Floor6 地下二层平面图2nd Basement plan7 地下三层平面图3rd Basement plan8 防火分区图Fire Compartmentation Diagram9 建筑立面图Building Elevation drawing10 建筑剖面图Building Section11 户型平面图Layout plan12 材料运用示意图Material Exertion Diagram八建筑意向篇1 户型意向图Housing intention2 建筑意向图Architectural intention九景观意向篇1 景观意向图Landscape intention十空间意向篇1 空间意向图Space intention十一场景意向篇1 场景意向图Scene intention* 对于不明确制图图纸的情况,请参考文件最后的图纸导航。

常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集之一以下是一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality ofBuilding Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings。

大学各专业名称英文翻译(一)——工学ENGINEERING课程中文名称课程英文名称高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics板壳理论Theory of Plate and Shell高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics分析力学Analytic Mechanics随机振动Random Vibration数值分析Numerical Analysis基础工程计算与分析Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering结构动力学Structural Dynamics实验力学Laboratory Mechanics损伤与断裂Damage and Fracture小波分析Wavelet Analysis有限元与边界元分析方法Analytical Method of Finite Element and Boundary Element最优化设计方法Optimal Design Method弹性力学Elastic Mechanics高层建筑基础Tall Building Foundation动力学Dynanics土的本构关系Soil Constitutive Relation数学建模Mathematical Modeling现代通信理论与技术Emerging Communications Theory and Technology数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing网络理论与多媒体技术Multi-media and Network Technology医用电子学Electronics for Medicine计算微电子学Computational Microelectronics集成电路材料和系统电子学Material and System Electronics for In tegrated Circuits网络集成与大型数据库Computer Network Integrating Technology and Large scale Database 现代数字系统Modern Digital System微机应用系统设计Microcomputer Application Design计算机网络新技术Modern Computer Network Technologies网络信息系统Network Information System图像传输与处理Image Transmission and Processing图像编码理论Theory of Image Coding遥感技术Remote Sensing Techniques虚拟仪器系统设计Design of Virtual Instrument System生物医学信号处理技术Signal Processing for Biology and Medicine光纤光学Fiber OpticsVLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSI电子系统的ASIC技术ASIC Design TechnologiesVLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its Examination专题阅读或专题研究The Special Subject Study信息论Information Theory半导体物理学Semiconductor Physics通信原理Principle of Communication现代数理逻辑Modern Mathematical Logic算法分析与设计Analysis and Design of Algorithms高级计算机网络Advanced Computer Networks高级软件工程Advanced Software Engineering数字图像处理Digital Image Processing知识工程原理Principles of Knowledge Engineering面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming形式语言与自动机Formal Languages and Automata人工智能程序设计Artificial Intelligence Programming软件质量与测试Software Quality and Testing大型数据库原理与高级开发技术Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology自然智能与人工智能Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System计算机图形学Computer GraphicsInternet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology多媒体技术Multimedia Technology数据仓库技术与联机分析处理Data Warehouse and OLAP程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming计算机信息保密与安全Secrecy and Security of Computer Information电子商务Electronic Commerce分布式系统与分布式处理Distributed Systems and Distributed Processing并行处理与并行程序设计Parallel Processing and Parallel Programming模糊信息处理技术Fuzzy Information Processing Technology人工神经网络及应用Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment计算机视觉Computer Vision高级管理信息系统Advanced Management Information Systems信息系统综合集成理论及方法Theory and Methodology of Information n System Integration计算机科学研究新进展Advances in Computer Science离散数学Discrete Mathematics操作系统Operating System数据库原理Principles of Database编译原理Principles of Compiler程序设计语言Programming Language数据结构Data Structure计算机科学中的逻辑学Logic in Computer Science面向对象系统分析与设计Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design高等数值分析Advanced Numeric Analysis人工智能技术Artificial Intelligence Technology软计算理论及应用Theory and Application of Soft-Computing逻辑程序设计与专家系统Logic Programming and Expert Systems模式识别Pattern Recognition软件测试技术Software Testing Technology高级计算机网络与集成技术Advanced Computer Networks and Integration Technology 语音信号处理Speech Signal Processing系统分析与软件工具System Analysis and Software Tools计算机仿真Computer Simulation计算机控制Computer Control图像通信技术Image Communication Technology人工神经网络及应用Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications计算机技术研究新进展Advances in Computer Technology环境生物学Environmental Biology水环境生态学模型Models of Water Quality环境化学Environmental Chemistry环境生物技术Environmental Biotechnology水域生态学Aquatic Ecology环境工程Environmental Engineering环境科学研究方法Study Methodology of Environmental Science藻类生理生态学Ecological Physiology in Algae水生动物生理生态学Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal专业文献综述Review on Special Information废水处理与回用Sewage Disposal and Re-use生物医学材料学及实验Biomaterials and Experiments现代测试分析Modern Testing Technology and Methods生物材料结构与性能Structures and Properties of Biomaterials计算机基础Computer Basis医学信息学Medical Informatics计算机汇编语言Computer Assembly Language学科前沿讲座Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline组织工程学Tissue Engineering生物医学工程概论Introduction to Biomedical Engineering高等生物化学Advanced Biochemistry光学与统计物理Optics and Statistical Physics图像分析Image Treatment数据处理分析与建模Data Analysis and Constituting Model高级数据库Advanced Database计算机网络Computer Network多媒体技术Technology of Multimedia软件工程Software Engineering药物化学Pharmaceutical Chemistry功能高分子Functional Polymer InternetIntranet程序设计方法学Methods of Programming InternetIntranet高分子化学与物理Polymeric Chemistry and Physics医学电子学Medical Electronics现代仪器分析Modern Instrumental Analysis仪器分析实验Instrumental Analysis Experiment食品添加剂Food Additives Technology高级食品化学Advanced Food Chemistry食品酶学Food Enzymology现代科学前沿选论Literature on Advances of Modern Science波谱学Spectroscopy波谱学实验Spectroscopic Experiment食品贮运与包装Food Packaging液晶化学Liquid Crystal Chemistry高等有机化学Advanced organic Chemistry功能性食品Function Foods食品营养与卫生学Food Nutrition and Hygiene食品生物技术Food Biotechnology食品研究与开发Food Research and Development有机合成化学Synthetic organic Chemistry食品分离技术Food Separation Technique精细化工装备Refinery Chemical Equipment食品包装原理Principle of Food Packaging表面活性剂化学及应用Chemistry and Application of Surfactant天然产物研究与开发Research and Development of Natural Products 食品工艺学Food Technology生物化学Biochemistry食品分析Food Analysis食品机械与设备Food Machinery and Equipment。

客厅 Livingroom卧室 Bedroom书房 Study阁楼 Loft楼梯 Stair楼梯间 Stir Well玄关 Entrance卫生间 Bathromm厨房 Kitchenground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor)flat 套 (美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft)fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦sand 沙cement 水泥mortar 灰泥plaster 石膏concrete 混凝土reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土gravel 碎石brick 砖slate 石板marble 大理石beam 梁,木梁girder 钢梁corrugated iron 波状钢timber 木料,木材pipes 钢管wiring 电器设备promoter 创办人architect 建筑师quantity surveyor 施工技术员draftsman 绘图员civil engineer 道路工程师builder 建筑工人foreman 工头master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长(master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠hodman, hod carrier 小工plasterer 抹灰工welder 焊工joiner 工匠electrician 电工glazier 玻璃工匠plumber 管道技工plumber's mate 管道工painter, decorator 油漆工crane driver 吊车司机方案:Design, Scheme初步设计:Primary Design施工图 CD: Construction Design Fuction 功能区Light 灯具Droplight 吊灯吸顶灯Entrance 入口Living room 客厅Sitting room 起居室Embed light 嵌灯Dinning room 餐厅Daylight lamp 日光灯Kitchen 厨房Reflect down light 筒灯Office 书房Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯Quest bedroom 客卧Track light 轨道灯Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆] Aisle 过道Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台Urinal 小便斗Garden 花园Bathtab 浴缸Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机Drink box 酒柜Sound box 音响Bar 吧台Washer 洗衣机Dinning table 餐桌Bedstand 床头柜Bed 床Bookcase 书柜Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet 插座Chest of drawers 藏衣柜Switch 开关TV set 电视柜Air-condition 空调Tea table 茶几Immersion heater 电热水壶Sofa 沙发Electric cooker 电饭褒Reclining chair 躺椅Macrowave oven 微波炉Chair 椅子Refrigeratory 冰箱American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师PLAN —设计方案Interior design –室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design –景观设计Architecture design –建筑设计designer –设计师baseplan –基础建筑图floor plan –平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Plan electric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan –家具布置平面图interior plant plan –室内植物摆放图window schedule –窗表door schedule –门表美国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。

常用英文翻译1.lighting n. 照明,照明设备,人工照明;2.condenser n. 冷凝器,电容器;condenser lightning arrestor n. 比容式避雷器;lightning arrestors 避雷器3. a director of the substation 变电站站长4. power and instrument transformer 互感器5. circuit breakers n. 断路器6.disconnecting switchdisconnector 隔离开关disconnector with earthing switch 带接地开关的隔离开关;7. capacitor banks 电容器组Power capacitor 电力电容器8.control house 控制室9. section n. 部分,部门,断面,截面;v. 划分,分开;10.the bus bar 母线the singnal bus bar 单母线the singnal bus bar,main and transfer bus bar 单母线带旁母线double bus bar 双母线mesh n. 网孔,网状物;mesh or ring system bus bar 多角形或环状母线11.scheme n. 阴谋,计划,方案;v。
图谋,设计,策划;Breaker and a half scheme 1/2断路器接线12. primary adj. 首要的,主要的,初级的,初等教育的,根本的,初期的;n. 初选,最主要者,要素,初级线圈grid n. 格子,栅栏,电网,网格,起跑线;secondary adj. 第二的,次要的,中等的;n.副手,代理人,次要位置;Distribution n. 分布,分发,分配;set-up substation 升压变电站receiving substation 降压变电站underground substation 地下变电站Primary grid substation 主网变电站Secondary substation 二次变电站Distribution substation 配电站Traction substation 牵引变电站(traction n. 牵引,牵引力,拽)13. voltage transformer 电压互感器14. contract n. 合同,婚约,契约;v.缩小,订合同,感染(疾病);15. cubicle n. 小隔间,小卧室,小间;【电】配电装置间隔16. vertical adj. 垂直的,直立的;n. 垂直线,垂直面;17 ambient n. 周围环境adj. 周围的,外界的,环绕的;18. auto-transformer 自耦变压器19. power transformer 【电】电力变压器20. install vt. 安装,任命,安顿;21. cancel v. n. 删除,取消;22. motor operated 电动操作的23. current adj. 现在的,最近的,流通的;n.(水、气、电)流,涌流,趋势;current transformer 电流互感器capacitor voltage transformer 电容式电压互感器capacitor voltage transformer with carrior frequency facility 带滤波装置的电容式电压互感器24.surge n. 巨涌,大浪;Vi. 汹涌,激增;arrester n.避雷器,制动器,防止装置,逮捕者;surge arrester 避雷器25. line trap 限流电抗器/阻波器26.scope of work under this contract 本期工程27. future work 未来工作28. refer to 参考,涉及,指的是,适用于;29. detail n. 细节,详情;Vt. 详述vi. 画详图;30.post insulator 支柱绝缘子;31.phase n. 相,阶段;Vt.使定相,逐步执行;Vi.逐步前进;32.shunt reactor 并联电抗器33.boundary n.分界线,边界,范围;Boundary wall 围墙34.arrangement n. 布置,准备,整理;35.marshalling adj. 编组的,集结待发的;n. 信号编集Kiosk n.凉亭,公用电话厅,报摊;marshalling kiosk 端子箱36. description n. 描述,描写,类型,说明书;37. spare n. 剩余,备用零件;adj. 多余的,少量的,瘦的;spare no efforts 不遗余力,竭尽全力38. framework n. 框架,骨架,结构,构架;beam n. 横梁vt. 以梁支撑;Framework beam 框架梁39.tense adj. 拉紧的;vt.变得紧张,使…拉紧:horizontal load 水平负载HA:wind load 风力荷载VA:vertical load 垂直荷载VS:suspension insulator string 悬式绝缘体41. specification n.规格,说明书,详述,规范,细则;desigen . specification 设计规范/设计细则/设计规格technical . specification 技术规范/技术规格42. security n. 安全,保证,证券,抵押品adj.安全的,保密的;performance n. 履行,施行;行为,行动,(机器的)性能;绩效;演出,演奏,展出;Performance security 履约保证金,履约担保;44.advance n. 发展,前进,增长,预付款;Vt.提出,预付,使前进,使提前;Vi.前进,进展,上涨;adj.预先的,先行的;advance payment 预付款guarantee n. 保证,担保,保证人,抵押品;vt.保证,担保;advance payment guarantee form预付款担保形式45. confirmation 确认,证实,证明,批准;46. deviation n. 偏差,误差,背离;47. clarification n.澄清,说明,净化;48. authorisation n.授权,批准;Authorization form 授权书49.general arrangement 总体布置instauation details 安装详图50. voltage transformer 电压互感器current transformer 电流互感器51. metallic structure 金属结构structure for 132kv bus bar 132kv母线构架52. switchgear 开关53. gravity center 重心54. burden n. 负担,船的载货量;Vt. 使负担55. minimum creepage distance ≥1015mm最小爬电距离≥1015mm56. front view 正视图,前视图;57. side view 侧视图58. gage vt. 以…为担保/赌注;n.计量器,标准尺寸,容量规格;59. bellows n. 波纹管,风箱;60. porcelain n.瓷器,瓷;adj. 瓷制的,精美的;electro technical porcelain 电瓷porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子61.aluminum adj. 铝的 n.铝aluminum alloys 铝合金62. mounting n. 装备,装配,上马;V. 增加,爬上 adj. 逐渐增加的63. schematic adj. 图解的,概要的;n. 原理图64. rubber n.橡胶; adj. 橡胶制成的;65.silicon 硅元素66. devices n. 设备,装置,器件;67. pedestal n. 基架,基座,基础;Vt. 搁在台上,支持;68. impedance n. 【电】阻抗69. suspension n.悬浮,暂停,停职;70. dimension n. 尺寸,容积;Vt. 标出尺寸Adj. 规格的;71.instruction to tenderers 投标者须知72. form of tenders and standard forms of bond投标形式和投标标准格式73. condition of contract 合同条件74. technical data sheets 技术参数表75. health safty environment requirement人生安全保障环境76.tender schedules 投标日程安排77.general requirement 基本要求。

交互设计常用中英文专业术语(完整版)时间:2017-05-31 出处:Designer_Oliver 阅读量:1381最近开始整理交互设计师在工作和职场交流中常用的英语词汇,包括了设计方向、设计领域、职业、专业学科、交互设计专用术语、设计方法、界面、ui、布局、控件、手势、产品、商业、技术、用研、数据分析、计费模式、信息可视化、成果、其他20个方面,陆续通过4-5篇文章的形式分享给大家。
设计方向conversation design 对话式设计experience design 经历设计graphic design 平面设计industry design 工业设计information design 信息设计interaction design 交互设计product design 产品设计service design 服务设计ui design 界面设计user experience design 用户体验设计user centered design 以用户为中心的设计visual design 视觉设计设计领域ai_artificial intelligence 人工智能ar_augmented reality 增强现实diet 饮食education 教育finance 金融mobile internet 移动互联网internet 互联网iot_internet of thing 物联网smart home 智能家居shopping 购物traditional industry 传统行业ugv_unmanned ground vehicle 无人驾驶地面车辆vr_virtual reality 虚拟现实wearable device 穿戴式设备职业bd_business development 业务拓展front end 前端,前端工程师interaction designer 交互设计师operation 运维工程师product designer 产品设计师product manager 产品经理project manager 项目经理qa_quality assurance 测试,测试工程师r&d_research&develop 研发,研发工程师ui designer 界面设计师user experience designer 用户体验设计师visual designer 视觉设计师专业与学科computer science and technology 计算机科学与技术ergonomics 人体工程学,人因学ethnology 人种学hci_human computer interaction 人机交互industrial design 工业设计interaction design 交互设计multimedia design and production 多媒体设计与制作psychics 心理学software engineering 软件工程statistics 统计学service design 服务设计visual communication design 视觉传达设计设计专用术语business 业务/商业business requirement 业务需求competitive analysis 竞品分析deepness 深度dimension 维度emotional design 情感化设计flow 流程goal 目标ia_information architecture 信息架构information 信息motivation 动机path 路径range 广度usage scenario 使用场景usability 可用性user behavior 用户行为user requirement 用户需求user study/user research用户调研设计方法与工具brainstorming 头脑风暴card sorting 卡片分类法emotional design 情感化设计fitts' law费茨定律gestalt psychology 格式塔心理学storyboard 故事版storyline 故事大纲user analysis 用户分析ucd user centered design 以用户为中心的设计界面cli_command line interface 命令行界面gui_graphical user interface 图形用户界面nui_natural user interface 自然用户界面vui_voice user interface 语音用户界面布局absolutelayout 绝对布局autolayout 自动布局banner 横幅border 边界线card based design 卡片式设计column 列content 内容dashboard 仪表盘framelayout 单帧布局float 悬浮grid 网格horizontal 水平layout 布局linearlayout 线性布局margin 外间距navigation bar 导航栏padding 内间距pinterest style layout 瀑布流relativelayout 相对布局row 行tablelayout 表格布局tool bar 工具栏widget 小部件vertical 垂直控件alert 警告anchors 锚点bottom sheet 底部动作条button 按钮canvas 画布card 卡片checkbox 复选框chip 纸片(android material design专有名词)data picker 日期选择器dialog 提示框,对话框divider 分隔线float 悬浮image 图像item 条,项目label 只读文本link 链接list 列表listview 列表视图loading 加载menu 菜单pagecontrol 多页控件(即小圆点)panel 面板password 密码picker 选择器progress bar 进度条radio 单选框table 表格tile 瓦片(android material design专有名词)time picker 时间选择器title 标题toast toast(无准确翻译,一种会自动消失的轻量提示框)scroll 滚动scroll bar 滚动条scrollview 滚动视图selector 选择器selection control 选择控制器slider 滑块snackbar snackbar(无准确翻译,一种会自动消失,带有操作的轻量提示框)sub header 副标题submit 提交switch 开关tab tab(无准确翻译,更多指导航上的选项)tag 标签textview 文本框toggle 开关tooltips 工具提示webview 网页视图手势click 点击drag 拖曳finger 手指hotspot 热区pinch 捏press 压,按stretch 伸展swipe 滑动tap 轻触zoom in 放大zoom out 缩小成果draft 草稿demo 演示interaction design document 交互文档hi fi prototype_high fidelity prototype 高保真原型lo fi prototype_low fidelity prototype 低保真原型prototype 原型wireframe 线框图ux workflow 交互流程图用户研究a/b test a/b测试expert evaluation 专家评估eye tracking 眼动跟踪focus group 焦点小组heuristic evaluation 启发式评估persona 用户画像questionnaire问卷调研usability testing 可用性测试user interview 用户访谈user experience map 用户体验地图user study/user research 用户调研data analyse 数据分析产品与商业account 账号advertisement 广告as 客户服务aso_app store optimization 应用商店优化business 商业copy 文案cms 内容管理系统customer 客户customer service 客服feed 信息流fsd_functional specifications document 功能详细说明function 功能individualization 个性化market 市场mrd_market requirements document 市场需求文档mvp_minimum viable product 最小化可行产品pgc_professionally generated content 专业生产内容prd_product requirements document 产品需求文档product design 产品设计process 项目,进度product 产品requirement 需求share 份额stickiness 黏性slogan 口号/标语/广告语strategy 策略user 用户ugc_user generated content 用户原创内容uml_unified modeling language 统一建模语言viral marketing 病毒式营销/病毒性营销uialignment 对齐art 艺术art base 美术/设计出身brand 品牌color 颜色icon 图标flat design 扁平化设计font 字体grid 栅格系统hierarchy 层次kv_key visual 主视觉, 主画面layer 层legibility 可读性logo 商标,徽标material 素材opacity 透明度responsive design 响应式设计resolution 分辨率sans serif typeface 非衬线体scale 比例缩放serif typeface 衬线字体skeuomorphic design 拟物化设计style 样式texture 纹理theme 主题typography 排版visual design 视觉设计技术api 应用程序编程接口/应用程序界面background 后台client 客户端container 容器data 数据database 数据库deep learning 深度学习developer 开发者format 格式化framework 框架machine learning 机器学习library 库optimize 优化performance 性能plug in 插件program 程序script 脚本sdk_software development kit 软件开发工具包seo 搜索引擎优化server 服务器technology 技术type 类型timer 定时器,计时器url 统一资源定位、网址visuality 可视性信息可视化bar chart 柱状图bubble chart 气泡图chart 图表dashboard 仪表盘information visualization 信息可视化line chart 折线图pie chart 饼图radar chart 雷达图scatter chart 散点图tree view树状图广告计费模式cpa_cost per action 每次行动(下载、注册等)成本cpc_cost per click 每次点击成本cpm_cost per mille 每千次展现成本数据acu_average concurrent users 平均同时在线用户数cac_ customer acquisition cost 用户获取成本click_click through 点击量/点击次数cpc 点击成本ctr_click rate_click through rate 点击率dau_daily active user 日活跃用户量dnu_day new user 日新增用户量gmv_gross merchandise volume 商品交易总量kpi_key performance indicator 关键绩效指标mau_monthly active user 月活跃用户量pcu_peak concurrent users 最高在线用户数pv_page view 页面浏览量roi_return on investment 投资回报率uv_unique visitor 独立访客数wau_weekly active users 周活跃用户量其他fyi/fyr 供参考kpi 关键绩效指标manual 手册schedule 工作进度计划表, 日程安排产品与商业account 账号advertisement 广告as 客户服务aso_app store optimization 应用商店优化business 商业copy 文案cms 内容管理系统customer 客户customer service 客服feed 信息流fsd_functional specifications document 功能详细说明function 功能individualization 个性化market 市场mrd_market requirements document 市场需求文档mvp_minimum viable product 最小化可行产品pgc_professionally generated content 专业生产内容prd_product requirements document 产品需求文档product design 产品设计process 项目,进度product 产品requirement 需求share 份额stickiness 黏性slogan 口号/标语/广告语strategy 策略user 用户ugc_user generated content 用户原创内容uml_unified modeling language 统一建模语言viral marketing 病毒式营销/病毒性营销uialignment 对齐art 艺术art base 美术/设计出身brand 品牌color 颜色icon 图标flat design 扁平化设计font 字体grid 栅格系统hierarchy 层次kv_key visual 主视觉, 主画面layer 层legibility 可读性logo 商标,徽标material 素材opacity 透明度responsive design 响应式设计resolution 分辨率sans serif typeface 非衬线体scale 比例缩放serif typeface 衬线字体skeuomorphic design 拟物化设计style 样式texture 纹理theme 主题typography 排版visual design 视觉设计布局absolutelayout 绝对布局autolayout 自动布局banner 横幅border 边界线card based design 卡片式设计column 列content 内容dashboard 仪表盘framelayout 单帧布局float 悬浮grid 网格horizontal 水平layout 布局linearlayout 线性布局margin 外间距navigation bar 导航栏padding 内间距pinterest style layout 瀑布流relativelayout 相对布局row 行tablelayout 表格布局tool bar 工具栏widget 小部件vertical 垂直技术api 应用程序编程接口/应用程序界面background 后台client 客户端container 容器data 数据database 数据库deep learning 深度学习developer 开发者format 格式化framework 框架machine learning 机器学习library 库optimize 优化performance 性能plug in 插件program 程序script 脚本sdk_software development kit 软件开发工具包seo 搜索引擎优化server 服务器technology 技术type 类型timer 定时器,计时器url 统一资源定位、网址visuality 可视性UI :用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。

设计的分类(英语)1 设计Design2 现代设计Modern Design3 工艺美术设计Craft Design4 工业设计Industrial Design5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design7 产品设计Product Design8 传播设计Communication Design8 环境设计Environmental Design9 商业设计Comercial Design10 建筑设计Architectural11 一维设计One-dimension Design12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design13 三维设计Three-dimension Design14 四维设计Four-dimension Design15 装饰、装潢Decoration16 家具设计Furniture Design17 玩具设计Toy Design18 室内设计Interior Design19 服装设计Costume Design20 包装设计Packaging Design21 展示设计Display Design22 城市规划Urban Desgin23 生活环境Living Environment24 都市景观Townscape25 田园都市Gardon City26 办公室风致Office Landscape27 设计方法论Design Methodology28 设计语言Design Language29 设计条件Design Condition30 结构设计Structure Design31 形式设计Form Design32 设计过程Design Process33 构思设计Concept Design34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design35 改型设计Model Change36 设计调查Design Survey37 事前调查Prior Survey38 动态调查Dynamic Survey39 超小型设计Compact type40 袖珍型设计Pocktable Type41 便携型设计Protable type42 收纳型设计Selfcontainning Design43 装配式设计Knock Down Type44 集约化设计Stacking Type45 成套化设计Set (Design)46 家族化设计Family (Design)47 系列化设计Series (Design)48 组合式设计Unit Design49 仿生设计Bionics Design50 功能Function51 独创性Originality52 创造力Creative Power53 外装Facing54 创造性思维Creating Thinking55 等价变换思维Equivalent Transformationn Thought56 KJ法Method of K.J57 戈顿法Synectice58 集体创造性思维法Brain Storming59 设计决策(Design) Decision Making60 T-W-M体系T-W-M system61 O-R-M体系O-R-M system62 印象战略Image Stralegy63 AIDMA原则Law of AIDMA64 功能分化Functional Differentiation65 功能分析Functional Analysis66 生命周期Life Cycle67 照明设计Illumination Design44 孟塞尔表色系Munsell's Color System45 奥斯特瓦德表色系Ostwald's Color System46 日本色研色体系Practical Color Co-ordinate System47 色彩工程Color Engineering48 色彩管理Color Control49 色彩再现Color Reproduction50 等色操作Color Matching51 色彩的可视度Visibility Color52 色彩恒常性Color Constancy53 色彩的对比Color Contrast54 色彩的同化Color Assimilation55 色彩的共感性Color Synesthesia56 暖色与冷色Warm Color and Cold Color57 前进色与后退色Advancing Color Receding Color58 膨胀色与收缩色Expansive Color and Contractile Color59 重色与轻色Heavy Color and Light Color60 色价Valeur61 色调Color Tone62 暗调Shade63 明调Tint64 中间调Halftone65 表面色Surface Color66 平面色Film Color67 色彩调和Color Harmony68 配色Color Combination69 孟塞尔色彩调和Munsell's Color Harmony70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和Ostwald's Color Harmony71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony72 色彩的感情Feeling of Color73 色彩的象征性Color Symbolism74 色彩的嗜好Color Preference75 流行色Fashion Color76 色彩的功能性Color Functionalism77 色彩规划Color Planning78 色彩调节Color Conditioning79 色彩调整Color Coordinetion80 色彩设计Color Design材料与加工成型技术(英)1 材料Material2 材料规划Material Planning3 材料评价Material Appraisal4 金属材料Metal Materials5 无机材料Inorganic Materials6 有机材料Organic Materials7 复合材料Composite Materials8 天然材料Natural Materials9 加工材料Processing Materials10 人造材料Artificial Materials11 黑色金属Ferrous Metal12 有色金属Nonferrous Metal13 轻金属材料Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷Ceramics21 水泥Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel23 玻璃Glass24 微晶玻璃Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃Glass Fiber28 耐热玻璃Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料Plastics30 通用塑料Wide Plastics31 工程塑料Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶Rubber35 粘接剂Adhesives36 涂料Paints37 树脂Resin38 聚合物Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin43 丙烯酸树脂Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙Polyamide Resin45 氟化乙烯树脂Polyfurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂Polycarbonate Resin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂Polyvinylidene Resin49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂Urea Formaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂Allyl Resin56 硅树脂Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin58 密胺Melamine Formaldehyde Resin59 ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂Photosensition Plastics61 纤维强化树脂Fiber Reinforced Plastic62 印刷油墨Printing Ink63 印刷用纸Printing Paper64 铜板纸Art Paper65 木材Wood66 竹材Bamboo67 树脂装饰板Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板Veneer70 曲木Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸Waxed Paper72 青铜Bronge73 薄壳结构Shell Construction74 技术Technic75 工具Tool76 金工Metal Work77 铸造Casting78 切削加工Cutting79 压力加工Plastic Working80 压力加工Plastic Working81 焊接Welding82 板金工Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克Mosaic84 塑性成型Plastic Working85 灌浆成型Slip Casting86 挤出成型Sqeezing87 注压成型Injection Molding88 加压成型Pressing89 水压成型Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法Hot Pressing91 HIP成型Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing93 气压成型Blow Molding94 压延成型Calendering95 转送成型Transfer Molding96 雌雄成型Slash Molding97 铸塑成型Casting98 喷涂成型Spray Up99 层积成型Laminating100 FW法Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离Adhesion and Excoriation 102 木材工艺Woodcraft103 竹材工艺Bamboo Work104 表面技术Surface Technology105 镀饰Plating106 涂饰Coating107 电化铝Alumite108 烫金Hot Stamping109 预制作Prefabrication110 预制住宅Prefabricated House111 悬臂梁Cantilever112 金属模具Mold113 型板造型Modeling of Teplate114 染料Dyestuff115 颜料Artist Color传播与传媒设计(英)1 传播Communication2 大众传播Mass Communication3 媒体Media4 大众传播媒体Mass Media5 视觉传播Visual Communication6 听觉传播Hearing Communication7 信息Information8 符号Sign9 视觉符号Visual Sign10 图形符号Graphic Symbol11 符号论Semiotic12 象征Symbol13 象征标志Symbol Mark14 音响设计Acoustic Design15 听觉设计Auditory Design16 听觉传播设计Auditory Communication Design17 图象设计Visual Communication Design18 视觉设计Visual Design19 视觉传播设计Visual Communication Design20 图形设计Graphic Design21 编辑设计Editorial Design22 版面设计Layout23 字体设计Lettering24 CI设计Corporate Identity Design25 宣传Propaganda26 广告Advertising27 广告委托人Advertiser28 广告代理业Advertising Agency29 广告媒体Advertising Media30 广告目的Avertising Objectives31 广告伦理Morality of Advertising32 广告法规Law of Advertising33 广告计划Advertising Planing34 广告效果Advertising Effect35 广告文案Advertising Copy36 广告摄影Advertising Photography37 说明广告Informative Advertising38 招贴画海报Poster39 招牌Sign-board40 小型宣传册Pamphlet41 大型宣传册Portfolio42 商品目录Catalogue43 企业商报House Organ44 户外广告Outdoor Advertising45 POP广告Point of Purchase Advertising46 展示Display47 橱窗展示Window Display48 展示柜Cabinet49 博览会Exposition50 万国博览会World Exposition51 包装Packaging52 工业包装Industrial Packing53 标签Label54 企业形象Corporate Image55 企业色Company Color56 动画Animation57 插图Illustration58 书法Calligraphy59 印刷Initial60 设计费design fee61 标准standard62 注册商标registered trade mark设计美学与设计实验(英语)1 美Beauty2 现实美Acture Beauty3 自然美Natural Beauty4 社会美Social Beauty5 艺术美Artisitc Beauty6 内容与形式Content and Form7 形式美Formal Beauty8 形式原理Principles and Form9 技术美Beauty of Technology10 机械美Beauty of Machine11 功能美Functional Beauty12 材料美Beauty of Material13 美学Aesthetics14 技术美学Technology Aesthetics15 设计美学Design Aesthetics16 生产美学PAroduction Aesthetics17 商品美学Commodity Aedthetics18 艺术Art19 造型艺术Plastic Arts20 表演艺术Performance Art21 语言艺术Linguistic Art22 综合艺术Synthetic Arts23 实用艺术Practical Art24 时间艺术Time Art25 空间艺术Spatial Art26 时空艺术Time and Spatial Art27 一维艺术One Dimantional28 二维艺术two Dimantional29 三维艺术Three Dimantional30 四维艺术Four Dimantional31 舞台艺术Stagecraft32 影视艺术Arts of Mmovie and Television33 环境艺术Environmental Art34 美术Fine Arts35 戏剧Drama36 文学Literature37 意匠Idea38 图案Pattern39 构思Conception40 构图Composition41 造型Formation42 再现Representation43 表现Expression44 构成Composition45 平面构成Tow Dimentional Composition46 立体构成Three Dimentional Composition47 色彩构成Color Composition48 空间构成Composition of Space49 音响构成Composition and Sound50 多样与统一Unity of Multiplicity51 平衡Balance52 对称Symmetry53 调和、和声Harmony54 对比Contrast55 类似Similarity56 比例Proportion57 黄金分割Golden Section58 节奏Rhythm59 旋律Melody60 调子Tone61 变奏Variation62 纹样Pattern63 形态Form64 有机形态Organic Form65 抽象形态Abstract Form66 简化形态Simptified Form67 变形Deformation68 图学Graphics69 透视画法Perspective70 线透视Linear Perspective71 视点Eye on Picture Plane72 灭点Vanishing Point73 平行透视Parallel Persective74 成角透视Angular Perspective75 斜透视Obligue Perspective76 单点透视Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视Three-Point Perdpective79 鸟瞰图Bird's Eye View80 平面视图Ground Plain81 轴侧投影Axonometric Projection82 设计素描Design Sketch83 预想图Rendering84 模型Model85 粘土模型Clay Model86 石膏模型Plaster Model87 木制模型Wooden Model88 缩尺模型Scale Model89 原大模型Mock Up90 仿真模型Finished Model91 制造原形Prototype92 计算机图形学Computer Graphics93 框架模型Frame Model94 实体模型Solid Model95 计算机辅助设计COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN96 计算机辅助制造Computer Aided Manufacture97 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimentional Animation98 计算机艺术Computer Arts99 计算机书法Computer Calligraphy100 计算机图象处理Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成Computer Sound Composition设计思潮与流派(英)1 学院派Academicism2 理性主义Rationalism3 非理性主义Irrationalism4 古典主义Classicism5 浪漫主义Romanticism6 现实主义Realism7 印象主义Impressionism8 后印象主义Postimpressionism9 新印象主义Neo-Impressionisme(法)10 那比派The Nabject11 表现主义Expressionism12 象征主义Symbolism13 野兽主义Fauvism14 立体主义Cubism15 未来主义Futurism16 奥弗斯主义Orphism17 达达主义Dadaisme(法)18 超现实主义Surrealism19 纯粹主义Purism20 抽象艺术Abstract Art21 绝对主义,至上主义Suprematism22 新造型主义Neo-plasticisme(法)23 风格派De Stiji24 青骑士Der Blaus Reiter25 抒情抽象主义Lyric Abstractionism26 抽象表现主义Abstract Expressionism27 行动绘画Action Painting28 塔希主义Tachisme(法)29 视幻艺术Op Art30 活动艺术、机动艺术Kinetic Art31 极少主义Minimalism32 概念主义Conceptualism33 波普艺术Pop Art34 芬克艺术、恐怖艺术Funk Art35 超级写实主义Super Realism36 人体艺术Body Art37 芝加哥学派Chicago School38 艺术与手工艺运动The Arts & Crafts Movement39 新艺术运动Art Nouveau40 分离派Secession41 构成主义Constructivism42 现代主义Modernism43 包豪斯Bauhaus44 阿姆斯特丹学派Amsterdam School45 功能主义Functionalism46 装饰艺术风格Art Deco(法)47 国际风格International Style48 流线型风格Streamlined Forms49 雅典宪章Athens Charter50 马丘比丘宪章Charter of Machupicchu51 斯堪的纳维亚风格Scandinavia Style52 新巴洛克风格New Baroque53 后现代主义Postmodernism54 曼菲斯Memphis55 高技风格High Tech56 解构主义Deconstructivism57 手工艺复兴Crafts Revival58 准高技风格Trans High Tech59 建筑风格Architecture60 微建筑风格Micro-Architecture61 微电子风格Micro-Electronics62 晚期现代主义Late Moddernism。


在室内设计中,很多术语需要使用中英文对照,以下是一些常用的室内设计术语与对应的英文翻译:1. 室内设计 Interior design2. 空间规划 Space planning3. 设计布局 Design layout4. 材料选择 Material selection5. 色彩搭配 Color coordination6. 家具摆放 Furniture placement7. 灯光设计 Lighting design8. 装饰品选择 Decoration selection9. 墙面处理 Wall treatment10. 地面处理 Floor treatment11. 窗帘选择 Curtain selection12. 空调布局 Air conditioning layout13. 平面图 Floor plan14. 剖面图 Sectional plan15. 立面图 Elevation plan16. 饰面材料 Finishing material17. 承重墙 Load-bearing wall18. 非承重墙 Non-load-bearing wall19. 抗震设计 Seismic design20. 防水处理 Waterproof treatment21. 施工图 Construction drawing22. 三维设计 3D design23. 翻新装修 Renovation24. 工艺美术 Decorative art25. 排风系统 Ventilation system26. 空调系统 Air conditioning system27. 通风系统 Ventilation system28. 照明系统 Lighting system29. 沙发 Sofa30. 床 Bed31. 餐桌 Dining table32. 椅子 Chair33. 书架 Bookshelf34. 电视柜 TV cabinet35. 橱柜 Kitchen cabinet36. 墙壁 Wall37. 地板 Floor38. 顶棚 Ceiling39. 窗户 Window40. 镜子 Mirror41. 窗帘 Curtain42. 地毯 Carpet43. 灯具 Lighting fixtures44. 花盆 Flower pot45. 装饰画 Wall art46. 装饰品 Decoration47. 绘画 Painting48. 柜台 Counter49. 凳子 Stool50. 酒柜 Wine cabinet以上是一些常见的室内设计术语及其英文对照。
室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 室内设计风格

Interior design stylesMary v .knackstedt shanghai 2004Abstract:Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body.Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.Key words:Style Classical Simple ExquisiteArticle:HOW DO YOU CHOOSE AN interior design style that suits you and your home? You can draw inspiration from numerous styles but try to keep to a similar theme so your interior is coordinated.Modern retro interior design incoprates bright colours and bold patternsThe best place to start is by looking at styles that appeal to you, which suit your budget and lifestyle. You will soon work out what you like and what you don’t. After looking through a few of these you will begin to understand the design process, along with the wide variety of materials and styles available.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours and materials; and decorate the room in a style that suits its purpose. There’s nothing better than a room flooded with sunlight so take full advantage of all the natural light in each room.Interior design style and genre, an indoor environment in the spirit of the art modeling and functional areas. Interior design style and genre and construction is often the furniture as well as in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding period of the painting, plastic arts, and even literature, music, etc. in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding periodof the painting, plastic arts, and even literary, musical style and genre, such as their origin and mutual influence. For example, in architecture and interior design of the"post-modernism" and the meaning of the word, and "camp style" is the distinctive characteristics of a plastic arts schools. Can be seen that the construction addition to interior design and material art materials, engineering and technology beyond the characteristics of close contact, and also literature, music and painting, sculpture and other categories of communication between the arts.The formation of interior design styles, different ideas and characteristics of the times, by creative ideas and performance, and gradually developed into a representative form of interior design. The form of a typical style, usually in the humanities and local factors and is closely related to natural conditions and the need for creativity in design and modeling characteristics. The formation of external and internal style factors.Although the performance in the form of style, but the style of art, culture, social development, such as profound connotation; from this deeper meaning, the style does not stop or equivalent form. A style or genre, once formed, it can turn a positive or a negative impact on culture, arts and many social factors can not be limited to as a form of performance and visual experience.The style of interior design features in the embodiment of art and creative personality at the same time, relatively speaking, to that style across a longer time, will include wide geographical. Interior design style can be divided into: Traditional style, modern style, post-modern style, natural style, as well as hybrid style.Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body. Here, to brief Members on the present 10 kinds of the more common style of interior design.Classical Style (luxurious rich)The rise in the age of just decoration, decoration of most of the pursuit of prosperity is more luxurious style. Especially in the early 20th century, interior decoration to show off their status is often a special form. Owners will be asked to design a variety of embedded symbolic luxury decoration, such as painting the glassceiling, fireplaces, decorative panels, decorative wood and so on, but basically similar to the Baroque style combined with the material there The main decorative way. Simple style (arbitrary)The 20th century, in some areas a Home heat. Due to technical and material constraints, the time has not yet the true sense of the Home Designer for guidance, so casual is the best portrayal of that time. Owners have begun the pursuit of a clean and bright indoor effect. Today, this style is still the most first-time home buyers are the first choice for the decoration.Exquisite style (noble solemn)After nearly 10 years of exploration, with the improvement of living standards of residents, opening to the outside world increased, people began to yearn for and the pursuit of high-quality life. From about the mid-20th century, there is the decoration of the decorative use of sophisticated materials and furniture, especially at this time, the designer of the domestic into the ranks of Home Design, which has brought a new concept of decoration.Natural style (art)The beginning of the 20th century decorative boom has brought many people to the concept of decoration. A large number of emerging market, Taiwan, Hong Kong journal of decorative eye-opener for people, before we dare to imagine such a small garden, culture, decorative stone walls and decorative stone such as tactics have appeared in the reality of the design. In particular, we used to see red elm caused by large-scale use of "national renovation a yellow" after the phenomenon of the decoration, close to nature has become a people one of the objectives pursued. Natural style of advocacy, "return to nature," highly aesthetic nature, combined with the natural order in today's high-tech, high-paced social life, so that people can achieve the balance of physical and psychological, so indoor use of wood, fabric, stone and other natural materials shows that the material texture, fresh and elegant. In addition, because of their similar aims and practices, which may be classified as a natural style of garden-style category. Pastoral style sought in indoor environment performance of leisurely, comfortable, natural life of the countryside, and is often the use of naturalwood, stone, rattan, bamboo and other materials simple texture. Coincidentally in the green room settings, creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.Light style (bold Dafang)The mid-20th century, home design ideas have been a lot of liberation, people began to pursue a wide range of design, including modernism, postmodernism, such as the design of a series of more comprehensive system formed in the interior design. Turning to the decoration of people, these "isms" frequently appear in the mouth. This style basically cherry wood finishes as a major.Soft style (smooth independent)In the last century, the beginning of this century, a kind of smooth pursuit in the club like a little luxury design all kinds of real estate properties in the model room and the office appeared, and then appear in a large number of home decoration in general. This style of art is a relatively simple compared to emphasize the content and yet decorative forms, and gradually formed a black walnut wood decorative panels for the main style. Among them, the simplicity and minimalism the beginning of the surface. Style (quiet gentle)This is not in the last century, the beginning of this century as a design style, it is basically a wallpaper based on the surface as the main decoration material, combined with the woodworking practices Mixing this style emphasized the harmony of proportion and color. People will be the last part of a wall and the ceiling the same color, and the wall with the use of a light texture of the wallpaper. The whole style of it is elegant and quiet, with no trace of the impetuous.City style (independent personality)The 21st century, the housing reform, and many young first-time home buyers who appear to have this style impetus. Young people have just bought a house, many of them cos I'm always skint, but this time the real estate and are essentially rough Housing (a non-basic style of decoration), and these young people are forced to carry out the renovation of the revolution . Limited by its financial resources, people are starting to come through a variety of forms has been stressed that "decoration" of perception, in which large-scale use of bright colors is a typical example. It will be athome in the large-scale use of a variety of colors, sometimes even in the same space, the use of three or more than three colors.Fresh style (freehand pastel)This is a simple and derived under the influence with a "petty bourgeoisie" flavor of the interior design style. Particularly as many of the emergence of single people, the petty bourgeoisie in the style of a great deal of variety in the decoration of the apartment. As many times, they do not, such as the residents like the elderly and the children of members, so do not consider the decoration of many of the functions of the problem. They are often stressed and dull of an arbitrary. White纱帘buoyant with a soft fabric of the sofa, and then stacked with a variety of colors of the pillow pile to form a full atmosphere of the interior space lazily.Chinese style (retro)With the emergence of large number of modernist doctrine, the rise of the domestic and a retro style, it is the revival of Chinese-style decoration. Chinese painting, calligraphy and the Ming and Qing furniture constitute the most important elements of Chinese design. However, these expensive retro furniture has become a major obstacle to the lovers.Hybrid styleIn recent years, the architectural design and interior design in general has diversified, inclusive of the situation. Indoor layout also tends to have a modern and practical, but also learn the characteristics of traditional, in the decoration and furnishings in the ancient and modern China and the West melting into one, such as traditional screens, and table setting, with modern style decoration of the walls, windows and doors, a new type of sofa; European classical glass lamps and wall decoration, with the traditional oriental furniture and furnishings in Egypt, and so short. Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.室内设计风格杰里米•迈尔森上海2004摘要:从建筑风格衍生出多种室内设计风格,根据设计师和业主审美和爱好的不同,又有各种不同的幻化体。

建筑学课程英文翻译素描Sketch画法几何Descriptive Geometry建筑设计初步Introduction of Architecture Design 英语English高等数学A Advanced Mathematics A毛泽东思想概论Introduction of Mao Zedong's Thought 试唱与练声Audition and Singing建筑设计Architecture Design法律基础Legal Basis邓小平理论概论 Intro duction of Deng Xiaoping’s theory建筑力学Engineering Mechanics室内设计Interior Design广告学Advertisement建筑结构选型Building Structure Selection 城市规划原理Principles of Urban Planning 中国古典园林Chinese Traditional Garden专业外语Professional English建筑节能Building Energy Saving建筑物理Architectural physics建筑施工技术经济管理 Architectural Economics 城市空间结构组织Spatial Structure of Urban Space 建筑构造Architectural Construction 工程测量Engineering Surveying中国古代建筑装饰Decorating Art of Traditional Chinese Architecture室内设计发展史History of Interior Design 高层建筑设计原理Principles of High Rising Buildings 体育Physical Education思想品德修养Ideology and Morality of Accomplishment 计算机基础Computer Basic马克思主义哲学原理Philosophy of Marxism阴影透视Shade Shadow Perspective形势与政策 Situation and Policy马克思主义政治经济学原理Principles of Marxism Political Economics FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language色彩Gouache Painting建筑材料Civil Engineering Materials建筑设计原理Principles of Building Design 军训Military Training 西方经济学概论Introduction of Western Economics 中国建筑史History of Chinese Architecture 美术史History of Art计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design建筑结构Building Structure建筑构图原理Principles of Architectural Composition外国建筑史History of Foreign Architecture 建筑美学Esthetics of Architecture建筑防火Building Fire Protection大学生心理卫生Students' Psychological Health 建筑施工Civil Engineering Construction 城市园林绿地规划Planning of Urban Garden and Park 建筑设备Building Equipment洁净建筑设计原理Renovation of Architecture Elevation 宗教建筑发展史History of Sacred Buildings 室内空间设计方法Design method of Interior space 近现代建筑人物与介绍Introduction of Modern Architects 城市经济Urban Economy下面是赠送的保安部制度范本,不需要的可以编辑删除谢谢!保安部工作制度一、认真贯彻党的路线、方针政策和国家的法津法觃,按照####年度目标的要求,做好####的安全保卫工作,保护全体人员和公私财物的安全,保持####正常的经营秩序和工作秩序。
设计的分类(英语)1 设计Design2 现代设计Modern Design3 工艺美术设计Crat Design4 工业设计Industrial Design5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design7 产品设计Product Design8 传播设计Communication Design8 环境设计Environmental Design9 商业设计Comercial Design10 建筑设计Architectural11 一维设计One-dimension Design12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design13 三维设计Three-dimension Design14 四维设计our-dimension Design15 装饰、装潢Decoration16 家具设计urniture Design17 玩具设计Toy Design18 室内设计Interior Design19 服装设计Costume Design20 包装设计Packaging Design21 展示设计Display Design22 城市规划Urban Desgin23 生活环境Living Environment24 都市景观Townscape25 田园都市Gardon City26 办公室风致Oice Landscape27 设计方法论Design Methodology28 设计语言Design Language29 设计条件Design Condition30 结构设计Structure Design31 形式设计orm Design32 设计过程Design Process33 构思设计Concept Design34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design35 改型设计Model Change36 设计调查Design Survey37 事前调查Prior Survey38 动态调查Dynamic Survey39 超小型设计Compact type40 袖珍型设计Pocktable Type41 便携型设计Protable type42 收纳型设计Selcontainning Design43 装配式设计Knock Down Type44 集约化设计Stacking Type45 成套化设计Set (Design)46 家族化设计amily (Design)47 系列化设计Series (Design)48 组合式设计Unit Design49 仿生设计Bionics Design50 功能unction51 独创性Originality52 创造力Creative Power53 外装acing54 创造性思维Creating Thinking55 等价变换思维Equivalent Transormationn Thought56 KJ法Method o K.J57 戈顿法Synectice58 集体创造性思维法Brain Storming59 设计决策(Design) Decision Making60 T-W-M体系T-W-M system61 O-R-M体系O-R-M system62 印象战略Image Stralegy63 AIDMA原则Law o AIDMA64 功能分化unctional Dierentiation65 功能分析unctional Analysis66 生命周期Lie Cycle67 照明设计Illumination Design设计色彩方法(英)1 色Color2 光谱Spectrum3 物体色Object Color4 固有色Propor Color5 色料Coloring Material6 色觉三色学说Three-Component Theary7 心理纯色Unique Color8 拮抗色学说Opponent Color Theory9 色觉的阶段模型Stage Model o the Color Perception10 色彩混合Color Mixing11 基本感觉曲线Trisimulus V alus Curves12 牛顿色环Newton's Color Cycle13 色矢量Color V ector14 三原色Three Primary Colors15 色空间Color Space16 色三角形Color Triangle17 测色Colourimetry18 色度Chromaticity19 XYZ表色系XYZ Color System20 实色与虚色Real Color and Imaginary Color21 色等式Color Equation22 等色实验Color Matching Experiment23 色温Color Temperature24 色问轨迹Color Temperature Locus25 色彩三属性Three Attribtes and Color26 色相Hue27 色相环Color Cycle28 明度V alve29 彩度Chroma30 环境色Environmetal Color31 有彩色Chromatic Color32 无彩色Achromatic Colors33 明色Light Color34 暗色Dark Color35 中明色Middle Light Color36 清色Clear Color37 浊色Dull Color38 补色Complementary Color39 类似色Analogous Color40 一次色Primary Color41 二次色Secondary Color42 色立体Color Solid43 色票Color Sample44 孟塞尔表色系Munsell's Color System45 奥斯特瓦德表色系Ostwald's Color System46 日本色研色体系Practical Color Co-ordinate System47 色彩工程Color Engineering48 色彩管理Color Control49 色彩再现Color Reproduction50 等色操作Color Matching51 色彩的可视度Visibility Color52 色彩恒常性Color Constancy53 色彩的对比Color Contrast54 色彩的同化Color Assimilation55 色彩的共感性Color Synesthesia56 暖色与冷色Warm Color and Cold Color57 前进色与后退色Advancing Color Receding Color58 膨胀色与收缩色Expansive Color and Contractile Color59 重色与轻色Heavy Color and Light Color60 色价V aleur61 色调Color Tone62 暗调Shade63 明调Tint64 中间调Haltone65 表面色Surace Color66 平面色ilm Color67 色彩调和Color Harmony68 配色Color Combination69 孟塞尔色彩调和Munsell's Color Harmony70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和Ostwald's Color Harmony71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony72 色彩的感情eeling o Color73 色彩的象征性Color Symbolism74 色彩的嗜好Color Preerence75 流行色ashion Color76 色彩的功能性Color unctionalism77 色彩规划Color Planning78 色彩调节Color Conditioning79 色彩调整Color Coordinetion80 色彩设计Color Design材料与加工成型技术(英)1 材料Material2 材料规划Material Planning3 材料评价Material Appraisal4 金属材料Metal Materials5 无机材料Inorganic Materials6 有机材料Organic Materials7 复合材料Composite Materials8 天然材料Natural Materials9 加工材料Processing Materials10 人造材料Artiicial Materials11 黑色金属errous Metal12 有色金属Nonerrous Metal13 轻金属材料Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonerrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料Byplayer Nonerrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷Ceramics21 水泥Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel23 玻璃Glass24 微晶玻璃Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃Tulite Glass26 感光玻璃Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃Glass iber28 耐热玻璃Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料Plastics30 通用塑料Wide Plastics31 工程塑料Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶Rubber35 粘接剂Adhesives36 涂料Paints37 树脂Resin38 聚合物Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin43 丙烯酸树脂Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙Polyamide Resin45 氟化乙烯树脂Polyurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂Polycarbonate Resin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂Polyvinylidene Resin49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂Phenolic ormaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂Urea ormaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂Allyl Resin56 硅树脂Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin58 密胺Melamine ormaldehyde Resin59 ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂Photosensition Plastics61 纤维强化树脂iber Reinorced Plastic62 印刷油墨Printing Ink63 印刷用纸Printing Paper64 铜板纸Art Paper65 木材Wood66 竹材Bamboo67 树脂装饰板Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板V eneer70 曲木Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸Waxed Paper72 青铜Bronge73 薄壳结构Shell Construction74 技术Technic75 工具Tool76 金工Metal Work77 铸造Casting78 切削加工Cutting79 压力加工Plastic Working80 压力加工Plastic Working81 焊接Welding82 板金工Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克Mosaic84 塑性成型Plastic Working85 灌浆成型Slip Casting86 挤出成型Sqeezing87 注压成型Injection Molding88 加压成型Pressing89 水压成型Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法Hot Pressing91 HIP成型Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing93 气压成型Blow Molding94 压延成型Calendering95 转送成型Transer Molding96 雌雄成型Slash Molding97 铸塑成型Casting98 喷涂成型Spray Up99 层积成型Laminating100 W法illament Winding101 粘接与剥离Adhesion and Excoriation102 木材工艺Woodcrat103 竹材工艺Bamboo Work104 表面技术Surace Technology 105 镀饰Plating106 涂饰Coating107 电化铝Alumite108 烫金Hot Stamping109 预制作Preabrication110 预制住宅Preabricated House 111 悬臂梁Cantilever112 金属模具Mold113 型板造型Modeling o Teplate 114 染料Dyestu115 颜料Artist Color传播与传媒设计(英)1 传播Communication2 大众传播Mass Communication3 媒体Media4 大众传播媒体Mass Media5 视觉传播Visual Communication6 听觉传播Hearing Communication7 信息Inormation8 符号Sign9 视觉符号Visual Sign10 图形符号Graphic Symbol11 符号论Semiotic12 象征Symbol13 象征标志Symbol Mark14 音响设计Acoustic Design15 听觉设计Auditory Design16 听觉传播设计Auditory Communication Design17 图象设计Visual Communication Design18 视觉设计Visual Design19 视觉传播设计Visual Communication Design20 图形设计Graphic Design21 编辑设计Editorial Design22 版面设计Layout23 字体设计Lettering24 CI设计Corporate Identity Design25 宣传Propaganda26 广告Advertising27 广告委托人Advertiser28 广告代理业Advertising Agency29 广告媒体Advertising Media30 广告目的Avertising Objectives31 广告伦理Morality o Advertising32 广告法规Law o Advertising33 广告计划Advertising Planing34 广告效果Advertising Eect35 广告文案Advertising Copy36 广告摄影Advertising Photography37 说明广告Inormative Advertising38 招贴画海报Poster39 招牌Sign-board40 小型宣传册Pamphlet41 大型宣传册Portolio42 商品目录Catalogue43 企业商报House Organ44 户外广告Outdoor Advertising45 POP广告Point o Purchase Advertising46 展示Display47 橱窗展示Window Display48 展示柜Cabinet49 博览会Exposition50 万国博览会World Exposition51 包装Packaging52 工业包装Industrial Packing53 标签Label54 企业形象Corporate Image55 企业色Company Color56 动画Animation57 插图Illustration58 书法Calligraphy59 印刷Initial60 设计费design ee61 标准standard62 注册商标registered trade mark设计美学与设计实验(英语)1 美Beauty2 现实美Acture Beauty3 自然美Natural Beauty4 社会美Social Beauty5 艺术美Artisitc Beauty6 内容与形式Content and orm7 形式美ormal Beauty8 形式原理Principles and orm9 技术美Beauty o Technology10 机械美Beauty o Machine11 功能美unctional Beauty12 材料美Beauty o Material13 美学Aesthetics14 技术美学Technology Aesthetics15 设计美学Design Aesthetics16 生产美学PAroduction Aesthetics17 商品美学Commodity Aedthetics18 艺术Art19 造型艺术Plastic Arts20 表演艺术Perormance Art21 语言艺术Linguistic Art22 综合艺术Synthetic Arts23 实用艺术Practical Art24 时间艺术Time Art25 空间艺术Spatial Art26 时空艺术Time and Spatial Art27 一维艺术One Dimantional28 二维艺术two Dimantional29 三维艺术Three Dimantional30 四维艺术our Dimantional31 舞台艺术Stagecrat32 影视艺术Arts o Mmovie and Television33 环境艺术Environmental Art34 美术ine Arts35 戏剧Drama36 文学Literature37 意匠Idea38 图案Pattern39 构思Conception40 构图Composition41 造型ormation42 再现Representation43 表现Expression44 构成Composition45 平面构成Tow Dimentional Composition46 立体构成Three Dimentional Composition47 色彩构成Color Composition48 空间构成Composition o Space49 音响构成Composition and Sound50 多样与统一Unity o Multiplicity51 平衡Balance52 对称Symmetry53 调和、和声Harmony54 对比Contrast55 类似Similarity56 比例Proportion57 黄金分割Golden Section58 节奏Rhythm59 旋律Melody60 调子Tone61 变奏V ariation62 纹样Pattern63 形态orm64 有机形态Organic orm65 抽象形态Abstract orm66 简化形态Simptiied orm67 变形Deormation68 图学Graphics69 透视画法Perspective70 线透视Linear Perspective71 视点Eye on Picture Plane72 灭点V anishing Point73 平行透视Parallel Persective74 成角透视Angular Perspective75 斜透视Obligue Perspective76 单点透视Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视Three-Point Perdpective79 鸟瞰图Bird's Eye View80 平面视图Ground Plain81 轴侧投影Axonometric Projection82 设计素描Design Sketch83 预想图Rendering84 模型Model85 粘土模型Clay Model86 石膏模型Plaster Model87 木制模型Wooden Model88 缩尺模型Scale Model89 原大模型Mock Up90 仿真模型inished Model91 制造原形Prototype92 计算机图形学Computer Graphics93 框架模型rame Model94 实体模型Solid Model95 计算机辅助设计COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN96 计算机辅助制造Computer Aided Manuacture97 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimentional Animation98 计算机艺术Computer Arts99 计算机书法Computer Calligraphy100 计算机图象处理Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成Computer Sound Composition设计思潮与流派(英)1 学院派Academicism2 理性主义Rationalism3 非理性主义Irrationalism4 古典主义Classicism5 浪漫主义Romanticism6 现实主义Realism7 印象主义Impressionism8 后印象主义Postimpressionism9 新印象主义Neo-Impressionisme(法)10 那比派The Nabject11 表现主义Expressionism12 象征主义Symbolism13 野兽主义auvism14 立体主义Cubism15 未来主义uturism16 奥弗斯主义Orphism17 达达主义Dadaisme(法)18 超现实主义Surrealism19 纯粹主义Purism20 抽象艺术Abstract Art21 绝对主义,至上主义Suprematism22 新造型主义Neo-plasticisme(法)23 风格派De Stiji24 青骑士Der Blaus Reiter25 抒情抽象主义Lyric Abstractionism26 抽象表现主义Abstract Expressionism27 行动绘画Action Painting28 塔希主义Tachisme(法)29 视幻艺术Op Art30 活动艺术、机动艺术Kinetic Art31 极少主义Minimalism32 概念主义Conceptualism33 波普艺术Pop Art34 芬克艺术、恐怖艺术unk Art35 超级写实主义Super Realism36 人体艺术Body Art37 芝加哥学派Chicago School38 艺术与手工艺运动The Arts & Crats Movement39 新艺术运动Art Nouveau40 分离派Secession41 构成主义Constructivism42 现代主义Modernism43 包豪斯Bauhaus44 阿姆斯特丹学派Amsterdam School45 功能主义unctionalism46 装饰艺术风格Art Deco(法)47 国际风格International Style48 流线型风格Streamlined orms49 雅典宪章Athens Charter50 马丘比丘宪章Charter o Machupicchu51 斯堪的纳维亚风格Scandinavia Style52 新巴洛克风格New Baroque53 后现代主义Postmodernism54 曼菲斯Memphis55 高技风格High Tech56 解构主义Deconstructivism57 手工艺复兴Crats Revival58 准高技风格Trans High Tech59 建筑风格Architecture60 微建筑风格Micro-Architecture61 微电子风格Micro-Electronics62 晚期现代主义Late Moddernism。
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沟通设计Communication Design 有时也称为沟通艺术Communication Arts 或是视觉传达设计Visual communication
平面设计Graphic Design 是CI系统的视觉表现化,通过平面的表现,突出企业文化和企业形象
三维设计3D Design :是一个广泛的种类、然而并不常用、在三维设计当中、多以电脑动画、工业或建筑设计的三维模型为主要创作的项目。
商业设计(Business design )
新产品研发(New product development )
包装设计(Packaging design )( Package Design)
产品设计(Product design)
服务设计(Service design)
体验设计(Experience design )
游戏设计(Game design)
互动设计﹙又称交互设计﹚(Interaction Design)
软件设计(Software design)
软件研发(Software development)
软件工程(Software engineering)
系统设计(System design)
用户体验设计(User experience design )
用户界面设计(User interface design )
人机界面设计 (Interface Design)
网页易操作设计(Web accessibility)
网页设计(Web design)
网站设计(Web design)
信息设计(Information Design)
书籍设计(Books Design)
色彩设计(Color design)
传达设计(Communication design )
内容/编排与内容设计(Content design)
展示设计(Exhibition design)
图形设计(Graphic design)
资讯设计(Information design)
教学设计(Instructional design)
动态图形设计(Motion graphic design)
新闻报刊设计(News design)
制作设计(Production design)
音效设计(Sound design)
舞台设计(Theatrical design)
字体设计(Typeface design)
印刷设计(Typography )
视觉传达设计(Visual communication)
影视动画设计Television animation design
动画设计Animation Design
平面设计(Graphic Design)
形象设计(VI Design)
科学和数学领域(Scientific and mathematical)组合设计(Combinatorial design)
实验设计(Design of experiments)
建筑设计(Architectural Design)
工业设计Industrial Design
建筑工程(Architectural engineering)
汽车设计(Automotive design)
手机设计(Cellular manufacturing)
陶瓷和玻璃设计(Ceramic and glass design)
环境设计(Environmental Design)
服装设计(Fashion design)(Clothes Design) 插花设计(Floral design)
家具设计(Furniture design)
园林设计(Garden design)
工业设计(Industrial design)
室内设计(Interior Design/redesign)
景观设计(Landscape architecture)
机械工程设计(Mechanical engineering)
永续设计(Sustainable design)
城市设计(Urban design)
深化设计(Detailed Design)
环艺设计(Environment Art design)
机械设计(Machine Design)
UI设计(User Interface Design)
通用设计(通用设计或全方位设计)(Universal design)。