



1.We_______________(already leave) the house when the post man arrived.

2.When I visited them, they ____________(watch) television.

3.‘Y our story is _________of mistakes,’ the teacher said. (full/plenty)

4.I think that girl’s clever. But I don’t think she’s __________.


5.Is this right, Sir? -No, I’m sorry it’s ____________(mistake/wrong)

6.I can’t spell the word. I will look in a ___________________.(dictionary/paper)

7.My mother wants to ________________to you. (say/ speak)

8.‘I’m _______________afraid about that,’ she said, ‘I won’t do it again.’


9.Dear Penny, I have just ________(arrived/ come) in Beijing.

10.The letters Y. H. A. stand for the “___________Hostels Association”. (Young/


11.‘Can you____________ ?’ the man said, ’I can’t hear very well.’ (say to/

speak up)

12.‘Did you _________to your friend in Australia last week?’ (read/write)

13.Did you know that I’m a ____________of that new sports club?


14.My friend is ____________in a small hotel for a week. (staying/living)

15.You haven’t got any apples? May I have an orange


16.I don’t think he was Russian. He __________________(must/be) German. 二.选择题(每题2分共30分)

1.I looked _______________, but I can’t find my glasses.


B. anywhere c. everywhere

2.There is ___________in our garden.


B. anybody

C. everybody

3.There isn’t ___________in the cupboard for lunch.

a.Something B. anything C. everything

4.We’ve just moved into this street, so we don’t know _____________yet.


b. anyone

c. no one

5.We have invited___________to the party, but no one has answered yet.


b. anybody

c. somebody

6.I’m hungry. I’d like ___________to eat.


b. something

c. everything

7._________asked you the time?

The little boy asked me the time.


b. who

c. whose

8.___________served you? The man behind the counter served me.


b. who

c. whose

9.She _____her best friend to the cinema last night.


b. took

c. takes

10.__________actress are you talking about? We saw her in a film last week.


b. who

c. which

11.A shop _________serves behind the counter in a shop.


b. worker

c. assistant

12.‘That was _______in the photo—with a beard,’Said Mile. ‘Didn’t you


a.My , remember

b. me, recognize

c. me remember

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,st month I went on a long _____________to America.


b. trip

c. journey

14.It was very dark, so we ____________the torch.

a.Got on

b. got off

c. turn on

15.No one can help, so I’ll have to do the job ____________.

a.On me

b. by myself

c. by me


1.Overtake the track _______________



4.Race track ________________

5.“SLOW” sign ___________________

6. A famous actress___________________



9.I haven’t got any change yet. ____________________

10.Knock at the door __________________________

11.Can’t afford it ________________________


13.Spell the word “Intelligent”__________________________

14.Made a mistake____________________



1.I walking to school. + I met a friend (while 或者when)

2.My friend broke his leg + He was playing football (while or when)

3.They were driving into the city. + They had an accident (while or when)


4.I am hungry. (so )

_______________________ (我也是).

5.I haven’t got a pen. (Neither)


6.Tim is upstairs,__________________?(反义疑问句)

7.She can play tennis well, ______________? (反义疑问句)


1. Mathematics are my favorite subject. ___________

2. They have no any time to waste. ___________

3. Have you ever gone to Hangzhou? ___________

4. He asks me what shall we do after lunch. ___________

5. I have done my homework yesteray. ___________

6. A number of students is there. ___________

7. Here are two books. Which one do yo like best? ___________

8. It is old enough for the boy to go to school. ___________ 10.Between you and he, there is a difference. ___________


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (01—12) 姓名:____________________ 得分:____________________ 一、选择正确的字母组合,完成下列单词(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.c___t A.oe B.oa C.ou ( )02.umbre___ https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html, B.al C.lla ( )03.ti___t A.ke B.cke C.ckt ( )04.n___mber A.a B.o C.u ( )05.f___ A.ive B.evi C.vie ( )06.cl___kroom A.oa B.ao C.ou ( )07.s___t A.ai B.ui C.iu ( )08.sch___l A.oa B.ou C.oo ( )09.tea___ A.cher B.her C.cer ( )10.h___se A.ou B.au C.oa 二、根据汉译提示填空,使句意完整(1分/题,共10分) 01.__________(怎样)are you today? 02.I’m very__________(好). 03.That man is__________(胖). 04.That woman is__________(瘦). 05.That__________(男警察)is tall. 06.__________(谁的)shirt is that? 07.My shirt is__________(蓝色的). 08.__________(大概)that is Tim’s desk. 09.Is your car__________(白色的)? 10.Can you__________(抓住)that ball?

新概念英语第一册期末测试 试卷附答案

新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷(1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 / 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with) 2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by) 3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by) 4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into) 5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into) 6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above) 7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with) 8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with) 9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by) 10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in) 11.Our train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by) 四用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now. 2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago.


新概念英语第一册阶段性测试题 满分(100分) 一、单词填空(0.5分/题,共10分) 01. excuse(原谅)02. handbag(手提包)03. dress(连衣裙) 04.house(房子) 05.umbrella(伞)06.ticket (票) 07.number(号码) 08.teacher(老师) 09.morning(早晨)10.nice/fine(美好的)11.meet(遇见)12.nationality(国籍) 13.engineer(工程师)14.policeman(警察)15. today(今天)16.perhaps(大概) 17. catch (抓住) 18.mother(母亲) 19.blouse(女衬衫)20. tie (领带) 二、写出下列单相对应的反义词(1分/题,共10分) 01.fat thin 02.tall short 03.dirty clean 04.hot cold/cool 05.old young/new https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,zy hardworking 07.white black 08.stand sit https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,e go 10.these those 三、用括号中正确的词填空(1分/题,共5分) 01.What’s her job?-She’s a (engineer/housewife) 02.What are their jobs?-They’re (policeman/policemen) 03.What’s Michael’s job?-He’s a (sales rep/keyboard operators) 04.What’s his job?-He’s an (Customs officer/office assistant) 05.What are Tim and John’s jobs?-They’re (milkmen/housewives) 四、用me,him,her,us或them填空(1分/题,共5分) 01.Give the boy these pens. And give his these pencils. 02.Give Anna and me some magazines. And give us some newspapers. 03.Give the men these cigarettes. And give them some glasses. 04.Give the woman this blue book. And give her that black one. 05.Those are my books. Give me my books, please. 五、用单词的适当形式填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. Excuse me! Is this your(you) pencil? 02. This is not my(I) bike. 03. Mary is a new student. She is French(France) 04.Here is David’s (David) shirt. 05.Paul is here. That is his(he) coat. 06.Zhang Bin and Li Gang are Chinese(China). 07.He is my teacher’s (teacher) friend. 08.I can’t find her(she) dress. 09.Cindy has two oranges (orange). 10.Peter is a good student. He always help his(he) friends.


-- Name: 新概念英语1期末测试题 (满分:100分,考试时间:80分钟) 一。英译汉,汉译英(10分) 1. give ______ 2.哪一个______ 3. one______ 4.空的______ 5.地板______ 6. cupboard. ______ . _____ 8.杯子______9. room ______10. picture______ 二. 单项选择(20分) ( )1. Are those your pictures? Yes, . A、they‘re B、they are C、those are D、it is ( )2. How many ______ do you want? A kilo, please. A. potato B. bananas C. bread D. milk ( )3. ---Are they your _______? --- Yes , they are. C. parent D. parents ( )4. I'm hungry. Please bring me some ______. A. kites B. desks C. boxes D. cakes ( )5. There are _____ new books for you.

D. any ( )6. There is _______ ruler on the desk. D. Any ( )7、 My name ____ Wang Ming . I ____Chinese. A. are, am B. is, am C. am, am D. is, is ( )8. _____ are good friends. A. I and Nancy B. Nancy and I C. Nancy and me D. Me and Nancy ( )9. How many ____ are there in your classroom? A. desks B. desk C. chair D. door ( )10. -- Are there _____ shops near here? -- No, there are _____ any shops near here. A. some, not B. some, any C. any, not D. any, no 三、用恰当的be动词填空。(20分) 1)I _______ a student. 2) He _______ a good football player. 3)This bag _____ heavy.


新概念英语青少版(入门级A)阶段测试题(Unit1-10) Name: Score: 一、听力 1.听老师念,然后写上正确的数字。 2. 听写单词。 二、词汇及语法 3.请根据字母顺序,把所缺的字母填在横线上。(注意大小写!!) 1. F 2. l n R 4. U V i 6. a c 7. u w Z N K 4.填a或an。 dog cat egg orange pig hen pen ruler boy jelly umbrella apple girl table ball 5.把下列词组的缩写形式写出来. It is is not are not that is what is I am You are my name is 6.给下列的单词选择正确的意思,并把它圈出来。 1. pencil 钢笔铅笔 2. panda 熊猫钢笔 3. brother 兄弟姐妹 4. king 国王王后 5. doll 门玩具娃娃 6. umbrella 木琴雨伞 7. bike 汽车自行车 8. ruler 尺子橡皮9. tomato 西红柿香肠 10. window 窗户小提琴

三、句子 7. 翻译下列句子 1. This is my dog. 2. It isn’t a car. 3. Are you seven? 4. What’s this? 5. Look at your red kite. 8.选择正确的答句,把它的序号填在括号里。 ()1. Is it a pen? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is. ()2. What’s that? A. That’s a hat. B. This is a hat. ()3.Look ____ my green kite. A. on B. in C. at ()4. What’s your name? A. My name is Dan. B. Your name is Dan. ()5. Happy birthday! -______ A. Let’s play! B. Thank you. C. Look out! 9.把下列单词连成一个句子。 1. this is What (?) 2. is This dad my (.) 3. isn’t It bike a (.) 4. How are old you (?) ___________________________________ 5. am I eight (.) ___________________________________ 10. 认真的写出26个字母的大小写。


新概念英语青少版2B期末测试卷 Name:_________ 一. 单词(20%) 1. tall________ _________ (比较级最高级) 2.go _______(过去式) 3.do _______(过去式) 4.tomato______(复数形式) 5. foot______(复数形式) 6.am\is ______ (过去式) 7.photo______(复数形式)8 as… as_____________ 9.buy ___________ (过去式) 10比__________ 11更喜欢_________ 12. good______ (比较级)_____(最高级)13敲门______________ 14 fat______(比较级) ______(最高级)15 go to bed___________ 16. beautiful__________________-(比较级)___________________(最高级) 二.选择填空(15%) ()1. A: When _______ you arrive home yesterday? B: At about nine o’clock. A. did B. had C. were ()2. A: What did Michael do last Sunday? B: He ______ some friends to his home. A. invites B. did invite C. invited ()3. A: How many flowers did you pick in the garden? B: I picked nine, one ______ another. A. from B. by C. after ()4. A: ______ did you finish your homework? B: Three days ago. A. How B. Why C. When ()5. A: What happened? B: Well, a burglar ______ the house and took some things away. A. broke into B. broke in C. broke to ()6. A: I’m going to the beach tomorrow. Do you want to come? B: Yes, of course. I ____ see you there. A. am B. will C. can ()7. A: Do you like the food today? B: Yes, I do. It tastes _______. A. good B. well C. beautiful ()8. A: ______ will the race last? B: It’ll last for two hours. A. How long B. How often C. How far ()9. A: What’s the _____ of that building? B: It’s 200 metres. A. length B. width C. height


新概念英语第一册(1-60 课)期中测试试卷 一. 单项选择。(20 分) ( ) 1. _______ is this shirt? A. Who B. Where C. Whose D. When ( ) 2. Can you _______ a bookcase? A. make B. play C. drop D. catch ( ) 3. Are you ______ , too? A. France B. French C. America D. Americas ( ) 4. She ' s _________ under the tree. A. stand B. sit C. standing D. sitting ( ) 5. The aeroplane is flying ______ the river. A. in B. on C. over D. through ( ) 6.The sun ____ early and ______ late. A. rise set B. rises set C. rises sets D.rise sets ( ) 7. Please _______ the blackboard. Do you _______ the picture? A. look; see B. look at; see C. see; look D. see; look at ( ) 8.We _______ like ice cream. A. do B. does C. aren ' t D. don 't ( ) 9. I like fish and carrots ________ dinner. A. for B. in C. on D. with ( ) 10. ________ there ________ vegetables in the kitchen? A. Are; some B. Is; some C. Are; any D. Is; any ( ) 11. We have many clubs. _________ us! A. Watch B. Play C. Run D. Join ( ) 12.—Thank you _____ me with my English. —You' re welcome. A. for helping B. help C. to help D. helping ( ) 13. —_____ Tony _____ a computer? No, he ____ , but I ______ A. Do; have; does; do B. Does; has; doesn ' t; do C. Does; have; doesn ' t; do D. Do; have; doesn ' t; do


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(13—24) 一、单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. (颜色)02. (时髦的)03. (黄色的)04. (护照)05. (地毯) 06. (助手)07. (疲乏的)08. (哪一个)09. (瓶子)10. (报纸) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) 01.upstairs/ /02.customs/ /03.tourist/ /04.orange/ /05.employee/ / 06.thirsty/ /07.open/ /08.knife/ /09.shelf/ /10.cigarette/ / 三、根据下列数字写出对应的英语单词(1分/题,共10分) 01.13 02.40 03.19 04.80 05.12 06.99 07.37 08.18 09.26 10.15 四、用复数形式改写以下句子(2分/题,共10分) 01.This is my friend. 02.This is his case. 03.This is her hat. 04.This isn’t my passport. 05.This isn’t her handbag. 五、用括号中正确的词填空(2分/题,共10分) 01.What’s her job?-She’s a (engineer/housewife) 02.What are their jobs?-They’re (policeman/policemen) 03.What’s Michael’s job?-He’s a (sales rep/keyboard operators) 04.What’s his job?-He’s an (Customs officer/office assistant) 05.What are Tim and John’s jobs?-They’re (milkmen/housewives) 六、用me,him,her,us或them填空(2分/题,共10分) 01.Give the boy these pens.And give these pencils. 02.Give Anna and me some magazines.And give some newspapers. 03.Give the men these cigarettes.And give some glasses. 04.Give the woman this blue book.And give that black one.


新概念1A期末测试卷 Name:__________________ Score:__________________ 一听力部分(10分) (一). 听句子,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) ( ) 1) A. pupil B. people C. paper ( ) 2) A. son B. sun C. some ( ) 3) A. tree B. sweet C. street ( ) 4) A. right B. write C. white ( ) 5) A. coat B. can’t C. count (二). 听录音,完成句子,把你所听到的词写在括号内。(5分) 1)My new is on the chair. It’s red. 2)Please close the door, the window. 3)Look! Is it a bird? No, it’s a key. 4)Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s . 5)Those shirts aren’t white! They’re 二笔试部分(90分) (一). 请选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的选项。(10分) ( )1)A. now B. how C. house D. coat ( )2) A. old B. over C. on D. go ( )3) A. boy B. open C. toy D. noise ( )4) A. my B. fish C. tie D. five ( )5) A. elegant B. wait C. play D. name ( )6) A. three B. thanks C. they D. thirty ( )7) A. sorry B. please C. house D. socks ( )8) A. gate B. girl C. orange D. give ( )9) A. father B. are C. car D. but ( )10) A. do B. woman C. who D. too


<<新概念英语>>期末测试卷 一、填入下列单词中所缺的字母。(20分) 1.le__ ve 2.add__ ess 3.belo__ g 4.hu__ t 5.s__re 6.c__ rd 7.exp__ __sive 8.wri__e 9.so__n 10.e__am 11.diffi__ __lt 12.ch__er 13.p__ p__r 14.fr__ __h 15.pr__sent 16.di__ti__ nary 17.k__ep 18.c__rrect 19.p__ __ tty 20.su__t 二、单项选择。(30分) ()1.The students don’t do their homework, _____ ? A.don’t they B.do they C.don’t the students D.do the students ()2.This coat belongs to ______. It’s ______. A.me, yours B.you,mine C.me, mine D.mine, me ()3.I _____ him in the street the other day. A.met B.meet C.meeted D.meets ()4.My brother says that he has just ______ America and he is staying _____ a Youth’s Hotel. A.arrive at, in B.arrived in, at C.arrived in, on D.arrive in, at ()5.—Let me _____you. —Thank you. A.to help B.help C.helps D.helped ()6.The exam is very ______, so he ______ it easily. A.difficult, passes B.difficult, passed C.easy, passes D.easy, passed ()7.He had _____ for all of us. A.many water B.water much C.enough water D.water many ()8.He can run _____. A.enough fast B.much fast C.fast enough D.fast very ()9.He has _____Chinese and _____ English. A.passed, failed B.passed in, failed in C.passed, failed with D.pass in, fail ()10. I think the exam is _____ to pass. A.easy enough to you B.enough easy for you C.easy enough for you D. enough easy to you ()11.Your room is very beautiful, and it is ________ than my room. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,rge https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,rger C.more large https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,rgeer ()12.The bottle _____ water. A.is full of B.is full in C.are full of D.are full in ()13.The teacher said that the earth _____ around the sun. A.traveled B.travels C.has traveled D.will travel ()14.Listen! Who _____ in the classroom now? A.sing B.is singing C.sang D.sing ()15.Tom is _____ student in his class. A.tallest B.the taller C.taller D.the tallest


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 一、单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. (颜色)02. (时髦的)03. (黄色的)04. (护照)05. (地毯)06. (助手) 07. (疲乏的)08. (哪一个)09. (瓶子)10. (报纸) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) / / / / / / / / / / 三、根据下列数字写出对应的英语单词(1分/题,共10分) 四、用复数形式改写以下句子(2分/题,共10分) is my friend. is his case. is her hat. isn’t my passport. isn’t her handbag. 五、用括号中正确的词填空(2分/题,共10分) ’s her job-She’s a (engineer/housewife) are their jobs-They’re (policeman/policemen) ’s Michael’s job-He’s a (sales rep/keyboard operators) ’s his job-He’s an (Customs officer/office assistant) are Tim and John’s jobs-They’re (milkmen/housewives) 六、用me,him,her,us或them填空(2分/题,共10分) the boy these give these pencils. Anna and me some give some newspapers. the men these give some glasses. the woman this blue give that black one. are my my books,please. 七、用表示国籍的形容词填空(1分/题,共10分) friends aren’t D or S . students are R and N . tourists are E and A . girls are J and the boys are C . man is F and his wife is I . 八、句型转换(2分/题,共10分) ’s the matter(同义句) hat is green.(就划线部分提问) are Chinese.( 就划线部分提问)


新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with) 2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by) 3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by) 4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into) 5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into) 6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above) 7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with) 8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with) 9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by) 10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in) 11.Our train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by) 四用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now. 2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago. They ________ (leave) for Beijing yesterday. 3. He ___________ (have ) a bath when the telephone ________(ring). 4. While I __________ (cook ) the dinner, he ___________(read) the paper. 5. He arrived just as I _____________ (answer) the phone.


未来教育新概念英语1A期末测试卷 姓名: 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母代号填入括号内。(5分) ()1)A.pupilB.peopleC.paper ()2)A.sonB.sunC.some ()3)A.treeB.sweetC.street ()4)A.rightB.writeC.white ()5)A.coatB.can’tC.count 二、选出你所听到的单词与划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分) 1,()https://www.360docs.net/doc/5213640421.html,C.apple 2,()A.jumpB.hurryC.full 3,()A.orangeB.motherC.sock 4,()A.thereB.mouthC.thank 5,()A.fitB.niceC.gossip 三、选出所听到的问题正确的应答语。(10分) Howareyou? 1.()A.Ofcourse.B.Find,thanks.C.Allright. Howdoyoudo? 2,()A.SureB.Howdoyoudo?C.Fine,thanks Whereismybook? 3,()A.It’sunderthedesk.B.It’ssixo’clock.C.It’spurewhite Whatcolordoyoulike? 4,()A.IlikeapplesB.IlikeredC.Ilikesinging Whatdoyouthinkofthem? 5,()A.TheyareanimalsB.Theyarebooks.C.Theyaresmart 笔试部分(80分) 一、单项选择。(15分) 1.---____areyou? ---I’mgreat. A.How B.What C.Who 2.Ihave___EnglishbookbutI don’thave___storybook. A.an,a B.an,an C.a,an 3.--Where___mymother? --She’s___herroom. A.is;in B.is;on C.are;under 4.There___twochairsandatableinmybedroom. B.areB.is C.am



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