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毕业设计 [论文]









嵌入式系统HID,即人机接口设备,是Human Interface Device的缩写。HID 是计算机周边设备中非常常见的设备类型,是可以直接与进行人交互的USB设备,例如鼠标、摄像头、U盘等。在种类繁多USB设备中,HID类设备的成本一般情况下是比较低的。实际上,只要是符合HID标准的设备都是HID设备,不一定非要具有人机交互功能。最早支持HID设备的计算机操作系统是Windows98系统。 HID 设备的驱动程序内置在这些系统中,不需要单独开发与安装驱动,应用程序可以直接使用这些驱动程序来与设备通信。

近年来,受计算机性能提升和游戏软件等的影响,人们对鼠标的要求越来越高,特别是一些即时作战游戏,人们希望能达到“零”延迟,这就对原来的鼠标技术提出了挑战。老式的圆孔鼠标早已不再适用,特别是笔记本电脑根本不再设计老式插孔。随着USB2.0以及USB3.0的不断完善,再加上高速而价廉的单片机,一款基于STM32的USB简易鼠标正是本课题的研究内容。本文主要研究基于STM32的USB简易鼠标系统的功能、设计思想和实现,以及基于STM32的USB简易鼠标的组成及工作原理,描述了研究该课题的意义和应用价值。本设计的重点在于USB 协议的HID部分,精通此协议并植入单片机才能实现计算机与鼠标的沟通。

关键词: USB 技术; HID 协议; STM32单片机;鼠标


As more and more intelligent devices, embedded computers applied to the large variety of electronic devices, embedded systems USB mouse and keyboard applications are becoming more and more widespread.In this design, the study is a based on the STM32 USB mouse, plug and play, driver-free automatic identification, a good solution to the mouse device intelligence and low-latency design requirements.Because it is based on HID USB device, so the programming is very convenient, close to the engineering practice, the application prospects.

Embedded systems HID, namely human interface devices, is an abbreviation for Human Interface Device. HID is a computer peripheral device in a very common device types, people can interact directly with the conduct of USB devices, such as a mouse,camera, U disk and so on.In a wide range of USB devices, under HID class devices generally cost is relatively low.In fact, as long as a HID-compliant devices are HID device does not necessarily have to have interactive features.The earliest HID devices supported computer operating system is Windows98 system.HID device drivers built into these systems, the need for separate development and install the driver, an application can use these drivers to communicate with the device.

In recent years, the impact of computer and game software performance by, people have become increasingly demanding of the mouse, especially some instant combat game, people want to be able to achieve "zero" delay, which the original mouse technology presents a challenge .Old-fashioned mouse the hole is no longer applicable, especially notebook computers designed simply no longer the old jack.With the continuous improvement USB2.0 and USB3.0, coupled with high speed and low cost microcontroller, a research based on the STM32 USB simple mouse precisely this topic. This article is mainly based on the STM32 USB simple mouse systems design and implementation, as well as easy on the STM32 USB mouse and work principle, it describes the subject of research and practical value.The design focuses on some USB HID protocol, proficient in this agreement and in order to achieve single-chip implanted communication computer mouse.

Keywords: USB technology; HID protocol; STM32 microcontroller; mouse
