
船舶代理合作协议范本甲方(代理方):_________________________乙方(委托方):_________________________鉴于甲方是一家专业的船舶代理公司,乙方是一家需要船舶代理服务的公司,双方本着互惠互利的原则,就船舶代理合作事宜达成如下协议:第一条合作范围1.1 甲方根据乙方的委托,为乙方提供船舶进出港口的代理服务。
1.2 甲方负责办理乙方船舶的海关、边防、海事等相关部门的手续。
1.3 甲方协助乙方处理船舶在港口期间的货物装卸、船舶维修、供应物资等事宜。
第二条合作期限2.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为一年。
2.2 合作期满前30天内,双方可协商续签事宜。
第三条服务费用3.1 乙方应按照甲方提供的服务费用标准支付相关费用。
3.2 服务费用包括但不限于代理费、手续费、杂费等。
3.3 甲方应向乙方提供详细的费用清单,并在乙方支付费用后提供正式发票。
第四条权利与义务4.1 甲方应保证其代理服务的专业性、及时性和准确性。
4.2 乙方应按时支付服务费用,并提供必要的船舶信息及文件。
4.3 甲方有权拒绝违反法律法规的代理请求。
4.4 乙方有权要求甲方提供服务进度的更新信息。
第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对在合作过程中知悉的对方商业秘密及其它未公开信息予以保密。
5.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露、使用或允许他人使用上述信息。
第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本协议条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
6.2 因不可抗力导致不能履行或完全履行本协议的,双方互不承担违约责任。
第七条争议解决7.1 本协议在执行过程中如发生争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
7.2 如协商不成,任何一方可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
第八条其他8.1 本协议的修改和补充须经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确定。
8.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

编号: _____________海运代理合同甲方: ___________________________乙方: ___________________________签订日期: _______年______月______日甲方 :Party A :乙方 :Party B:为明确甲乙双方的代理关系,规范业务操作,经双方友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代办海运事宜,达成以下协议:For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments,clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures,through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:1.甲乙双方责任、义务 Responsibilities and Obligations1.1 乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或交通部批准登记的NVOCC资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。
Party B shall have legitimate corporate business license, TAX payer ID,organization code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualification approval by ministry of communications , which allow it conduct forwarder business in certain area.Party B shall have NVOCConce it could issue B/L and relevant documents as carrier with its own title on. As agent role, Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier’s act.1.2 甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单为准。

海运代理合同模版(中英文)合同参考编号中文编号:_____________英文编号:_____________合同甲方公司名称:_____________公司地址:_____________联系人:_____________电话:_____________合同乙方公司名称:_____________公司地址:_____________联系人:_____________电话:_____________代理范围1. 甲方根据乙方的委托,为乙方进行海运代理服务。
具体代理范围如下:1.1 订舱、托运、提单、报关、装箱、仓储、拖车、运输等相关业务操作;1.2 负责安排货物的运输、包装、集货、分货、装卸、理货、查验、通关等各项业务;1.3 对于出现问题事件应及时协调、协助,确保乙方利益的最大化。
2. 甲方应当按照全程服务质量标准,承担整个海运代理过程中的责任和风险。
费用结算1. 甲方代理费用按照操作标准及相应的费率收取。
2. 甲方在完成代理服务后应向乙方提供详细的费用结算细项,并在乙方确认核实后进行费用结算。
3. 如因乙方原因导致代理费用增加,甲方有权向乙方收取额外费用。
4. 如因甲方原因导致代理服务逾期,甲方应向乙方支付相应违约金。
缔约、生效、解除1. 本合同在双方签署之日生效,并具有合同效力。
2. 本合同期限自合同生效之日起至完成代理服务后终止。
3. 双方协商一致,可在代理服务期间解除合同。
不可抗力1. 如因不可抗力因素导致合同无法履行,双方应当及时协商解决方案。
2. 如因不可抗力因素导致合同无法履行,双方应当尽一切努力保证乙方利益不受损失。
法律适用和争议解决1. 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。
2. 如出现争议,双方应当通过友好协商解决;如无法解决,应当提交当地法院裁决。
其他事项1. 本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力,甲、乙双方各执一份。
2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方应当及时进行协商解决。

船舶代理协议范本6篇篇1船舶代理协议范本一、协议双方及签订日期甲方:(船舶所有者或船东名称)乙方:(船舶代理人名称)签订日期:(年月日)二、协议内容1. 甲方委托乙方作为其船舶的代理人,负责处理与船舶相关的一切事务,包括但不限于驶入离开港口、装卸货物、申报报关手续等。
2. 乙方应及时向甲方报告船舶的位置及动向,并在必要时与甲方保持密切联系,及时处理突发事件。
3. 乙方应负责协调船舶在各个港口的停靠事宜,确保船舶安全靠泊,并及时处理与港口相关的问题。
4. 乙方应就船舶装卸货物的相关事宜与港口、货主等相关方联系沟通,确保货物安全、有序地进出船舶。
5. 乙方应协助甲方处理船舶在港口遇到的各类问题,包括但不限于船员就医、船舶修理、船舶证件办理等。
6. 乙方应按照甲方要求,准备相关的报告和资料,及时提供给甲方,保持信息畅通。
7. 本协议有效期为(具体时间),协议到期后如有需要,可续签。
8. 本协议的修改及解释权归双方共有,任何异议应通过友好协商解决。
9. 本协议自双方签字或盖章后生效。
甲方(盖章/签字):____________ 乙方(盖章/签字):____________签订日期:__________篇2船舶代理协议范本甲方:(委托人)乙方:(代理人)为了规范双方在船舶代理业务中的权利和义务,甲乙双方经友好协商,特订立如下协议:第一条甲方委托乙方为其进行船舶代理业务。

船舶代理英文合同范本SHIP AGENCY AGREEMENTThis Ship Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Principal's Name] (the "Principal") and [Ship Agent's Name] (the "Agent").1. APPOINTMENTThe Principal here appoints the Agent as its exclusive ship agent in [Port Name] for the period mencing from [Start Date] and ending on [End Date], subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.2. SERVICESThe Agent shall provide the following services to the Principal:(a) Arranging for the berthing, loading, and unloading of the vessel.(b) Handling all necessary documentation and formalities with the port authorities, customs, and other relevant agencies.(c) Arranging for the supply of provisions, bunkers, and other necessary supplies to the vessel.(d) Assisting with crew changes and handling any matters related to the crew.(e) Lising with the Principal and the vessel's master to ensure the smooth operation of the vessel during its stay in the port.3. FEES AND CHARGESThe Principal shall pay the Agent the following fees and charges for the services provided:(a) Agency fees at the rate of [Agency Fee Rate] per vessel call.(b) Any additional charges incurred on behalf of the Principal, such as port charges, customs fees, and supply costs, shall be reimbursed the Principal.4. PAYMENTThe Principal shall pay the Agent's fees and charges within [Payment Due Date] days of receipt of the Agent's invoice. Payments shall be made in [Currency] to the Agent's bank account as specified in the invoice.5. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIESBoth the Principal and the Agent represent and warrant that:(a) They have the legal capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement.(b) They will perform their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.6. INDEMNIFICATIONThe Principal shall indemnify and hold the Agent harmless from and agnst any clms, damages, losses, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the Principal's vessel or its operations, except to the extent that such clms, damages, losses, or liabilities are caused the Agent's negligence or willful misconduct.7. CONFIDENTIALITYThe Agent shall keep all information relating to the Principal and the vessel confidential and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Principal, except as required law or for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Agreement.8. TERMINATIONThis Agreement may be terminated either party upon giving [Termination Notice Period] days' written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Principal shall pay the Agent for all services provided up to the date of termination.9. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTIONThis Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].10. MISCELLANEOUSThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral. This Agreement may be amended or modified only a written agreement signed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Principal's Name] [Ship Agent's Name]By: _____________________ By: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________。


船舶代理英文合同4篇篇1Shipping Agency AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Shipowner/ Charterer], having its principal place of business at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Shipowner") and [Name of Agency], a shipping agency having its principal place of business at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Agency").1. Appointment1.1 Shipowner hereby appoints Agency as its exclusive agent to represent, act, and negotiate on its behalf in all matters pertaining to the vessel [Name of Vessel] during its calls at the port of [Name of Port] and any other ports as agreed upon by the parties.1.2 Agency accepts such appointment and agrees to faithfully perform all duties and obligations imposed upon it as an agent of Shipowner during the term of this Agreement.2. Duties and Responsibilities2.1 Agency shall provide all necessary assistance and services to the vessel during its stay at the port, including but not limited to, attendance to loading and discharging operations, coordinating with port authorities, handling customs and immigration formalities, arranging pilotage and tugboat services, and any other services as may be required.2.2 Agency shall undertake to perform all services with due care and diligence, in accordance with industry standards and practices, and in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.3. Compensation3.1 Shipowner shall pay Agency for its services as follows: [Insert agreed-upon compensation terms, including rates, payment schedule, and any additional fees or expenses to be reimbursed].3.2 In the event of any additional services being required by Shipowner that are not expressly covered under this Agreement, Agency shall provide a separate quotation for such services, which shall be paid by Shipowner in addition to the agreed-upon compensation.4. Duration4.1 This Agreement shall commence on [Date] and shall remain in full force and effect until the vessel has completed its business at the port and sailed out, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement of the parties, or by either party upon giving [insert notice period] prior written notice to the other party.5. Indemnification5.1 Shipowner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Agency, its directors, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with the performance of their duties under this Agreement, except to the extent such claims arise out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Agency.5.2 Agency agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Shipowner, its directors, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with the performance of their duties under this Agreement, except to the extent such claims arise out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Shipowner.6. Governing Law6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Signature of Shipowner]Name: _______________________Title: _______________________[Signature of Agency]Name: _______________________Title: _______________________[Seal of Agency]This Shipping Agency Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and understandings related to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by both parties.篇2Ship Agency AgreementThis Ship Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Date], by and between [Ship Owner/Operator], with an address at [Address] ("Owner"), and [Agency Name], with an address at [Address] ("Agent").BackgroundOwner operates the vessel named [Vessel Name] (the "Vessel"), which is engaged in [Type of Operations]. Owner requires the services of Agent to act as the agent for the Vessel at various ports and terminals.Agreement1. Appointment of AgentOwner appoints Agent as its exclusive agent for the Vessel at the ports specified in Schedule A. Agent shall act on Owner's behalf in all matters relating to the Vessel's call at the ports, including but not limited to berthing, clearance, customs formalities, and cargo operations.2. Responsibilities of Agent(a) Agent shall use its best efforts to ensure the safe, efficient, and timely handling of the Vessel at the ports.(b) Agent shall provide Owner with regular updates on the status of the Vessel's operations, including any delays, issues, or other relevant information.(c) Agent shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.3. CompensationOwner shall pay Agent a fee for its services as set forth in Schedule B. Payment shall be made within [Number] days of the invoice date.4. Term and TerminationThis Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until [Date], unless terminated earlier as provided herein.Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number] days' written notice to the other party.5. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary or sensitive information disclosed by the other party in connection with this Agreement.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Owner Signature] [Agent Signature]SCHEDULE AList of Ports:1. [Port Name], [Country]2. [Port Name], [Country]3. [Port Name], [Country]SCHEDULE BFee Structure:- Berthing and Clearance Services: $[Amount]- Cargo Handling Services: $[Amount]- Other Services: $[Amount]篇3Ship Agency AgreementThis Ship Agency Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between ABC Ship Agency ("Agent"), a company registered under the laws of [Country], and XYZ Shipping Company ("Principal"), a company registered under the laws of [Country], on this ___ day of ___, 20__.1. Appointment of AgentPrincipal hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent for the provision of ship agency services in the ports of [Port Name(s)], [Country]. Agent accepts the appointment and agrees to act in this capacity in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.2. Scope of ServicesAgent shall provide the following services on behalf of Principal:a. Arranging berths for vessels in the designated ports.b. Liaising with port authorities and other relevant parties for the clearance of vessels.c. Arranging for pilotage, tugs, and other necessary services for vessels.d. Handling customs, immigration, and other formalities related to the entry and exit of vessels.e. Providing any other services as may be required by Principal in relation to the vessels.3. Fees and PaymentAgent shall be entitled to receive fees for the services provided under this Agreement. The fees shall be calculated based on the gross tonnage of the vessels and the prevailing rates agreed upon by the parties. Payment of fees shall be made within [number] days of receipt of an invoice from Agent.4. Obligations of PrincipalPrincipal shall:a. Provide Agent with all necessary information and documentation related to the vessels.b. Ensure that the vessels are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.c. Indemnify Agent against any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the acts or omissions of Principal or its vessels.5. Duration and TerminationThis Agreement shall come into effect on the date first above written and shall remain in force for a period of [number] months, unless terminated earlier by either party upon [number] days written notice. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect any rights or obligations accrued prior to the date of termination.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.ABC Ship Agency_____________________________Authorized SignatoryXYZ Shipping Company_____________________________Authorized Signatory篇4Ship Agency AgreementThis Ship Agency Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [date], by and between [Ship Owner/ Operator] with a principal place of business at [address] ("Principal") and [Agent], with a principal place of business at [address] ("Agent").WHEREAS, Principal owns or operates the vessel(s) identified as [Vessel name(s)] (the "Vessel(s)"); andWHEREAS, Agent is a licensed and qualified ship agent with expertise in providing agency services to vessels and their owners/operators;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows:1. Appointment of Agent1.1 Principal hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent for the Vessel(s) identified in this Agreement.1.2 Agent agrees to provide agency services to the Vessel(s) during their port calls, as requested by Principal.2. Agency Services2.1 Agent shall perform the following services on behalf of Principal during the Vessel's port calls:- Liaising with port authorities and other relevant parties;- Arranging for pilotage services, tugboat assistance, and berthing;- Handling customs clearance and documentation;- Coordinating with stevedores and port operations; and- Providing timely reports and updates to Principal.2.2 Agent shall exercise due diligence and care in performing the agency services and shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.3. Duties of Principal3.1 Principal shall provide Agent with all necessary information, documents, and instructions related to the Vessel(s) and their port calls.3.2 Principal shall promptly settle all invoices and charges related to the agency services provided by Agent.4. Compensation4.1 Agent shall be entitled to compensation for the agency services provided to the Vessel(s) as specified in the attached Schedule of Fees.4.2 All payments to Agent shall be made in [currency] and within [number] days of receipt of an invoice.5. Term and Termination5.1 This Agreement shall commence on [date] and shall continue until [date], unless terminated earlier by either party upon [number] days' written notice.5.2 In the event of termination, all outstanding obligations and liabilities shall be settled by the parties in a timely manner.6. Confidentiality6.1 The parties shall maintain the confidentiality of all information exchanged under this Agreement and shall not disclose such information to third parties without the other party's consent.7. Governing Law7.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Principal]By: _____________________________Title: ___________________________[Agent]By: _____________________________Title: ___________________________Date: __________________________Schedule of Fees- Port agency fee: $[amount]- Customs clearance fee: $[amount]- Pilotage and tug services fee: $[amount]- Miscellaneous expenses: $[amount]Note: The above fees are estimates and may vary based on the specific requirements of each port call.。

船舶代理英文合同Task Title: Ship Agency English Contract1.Whereas the Owners (hereinafter called "the Owners") have engaged the Agent (hereinafter called "the Agent") to act as their agents in respect of the said vessel (hereinafter called "the Vessel") for the port of (insert port name) during the period from (insert start date) to (insert end date), both dates inclusive;2.鉴于船东(以下简称“船东”)已委托代理人(以下简称“代理人”)就上述船舶(以下简称“船舶”)在(插入港口名称)港口期间自(插入开始日期)至(插入结束日期),包括首尾两日,作为其代理人;3.The Agent is hereby authorized and directed to do all such things as are usual and necessary for the efficient and economical handling of the Vessel in the port of (insert port name), including, but not limited to, the following:3.代理人特此授权并指导,就船舶在(插入港口名称)港口的高效和经济处理而言,应尽通常和必要之事,包括但不限于以下事项:4.To attend the Vessel, to receive the Officers and Crew, to provide suitable accommodation for them, to secure the necessary supplies, stores and provisions for the Vessel, and to arrange for the transmission of mail to and from the Vessel;4.出席船舶,接收船员和船长,为他们提供适当的住宿,为船舶提供必要的供应品、物料和食品,并安排船舶的邮件传输;5.To make all necessary arrangements for the entry and departure of the Vessel from the port, including customs formalities, health and quarantine regulations, port charges and any other charges whatsoever, and to obtain all necessary permits and clearances for the Vessel;5.为船舶的入境和离港做好所有必要的安排,包括海关手续、卫生和检疫规定、港口费用和任何其他费用,并为船舶取得所有必要的许可和清关;6.To represent the Vessel in all matters with the local authorities, and to act as the Agents" own agents in all matters in respect of the Vessel;6.在所有事务中代表船舶与当地当局交涉,并作为代理人自己的代理人,就船舶所有事务行事;7.To employ, engage and pay such pilots, tugs, lighterage and other assistance as may be required for the handling of the Vessel, and to settle all accounts in respect thereof;7.雇用、委托和支付所需的引航员、拖轮、驳船和其他协助处理船舶的事务,并解决与此相关的所有账目;8.To arrange for the bunkering of the Vessel, and to settle all accounts in respect thereof;8.为船舶安排加油,并解决与此相关的所有账目;9.To arrange for the carriage of mail, parcels and other articles to and from the Vessel, and to settle all accounts in respect thereof;9.安排邮件、包裹和其他物品的运输,从船舶到港口,并解决与此相关的所有账目;10.To provide such additional services as may be required by the Owners or the Master of the Vessel, provided that the Agent shall be entitled to charge for such additional services at rates to be agreed between the parties;10.提供船东或船舶船长可能需要的其他服务,前提是代理人应有权就此类额外服务向各方协商收费率;11.The Agent shall be entitled to charge the Owners for the services rendered by him under this Agreement at such rates as are usual and customary in the port of (insert port name) for similar services, or at such other rates as may be agreed between the parties;11.代理人根据本协议提供的服务,应有权向船东收取在(插入港口名称)港口通常和习惯的类似服务费率,或按照各方可能协商的其他费率;12.The Agent shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Owners or the Vessel, or for any delay or detention of the Vessel, howsoever caused, unless such loss, damage, delay or detention is directly caused by the default or neglect of the Agent;12.除非损失、损害、延迟或船舶滞留直接由代理人违约或疏忽引起,否则代理人不对船东或船舶遭受的任何损失或损害,或任何延迟或船舶滞留负责;13.The Agent shall be responsible for the proper and efficient handling of the Vessel in the port of (insert port name), and shall use his best endeavors to ensure that the Vessel is handled in such a manner asto minimize any delay or detention;13.。

The Ship Agency Fee Agreement is a legally binding contract between the shipowner or charterer and the ship agent. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for the provision of ship agency services, including port operations, documentation, and other related services. The agreement will also specify the fees and charges for the services provided by the ship agent, as well as the payment terms and conditions. It will also include the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, as well as clauses for dispute resolution and termination of the agreement.

船舶代理英文合同精选英文船舶代理英文合同:SHIPPING AGENCY AGREEMENTBetween:Principal: [Principal's Full Name]Address: [Principal's Address]Contact Person: [Principal's Contact Person's Name]Contact Number: [Principal's Contact Number]Agent: [Agent's Full Name]Address: [Agent's Address]Contact Person: [Agent's Contact Person's Name]Contact Number: [Agent's Contact Number]1. Appointment:The Principal hereby appoints the Agent and the Agent accepts the appointment to act as its non-exclusive agent for the purpose of providing shipping agency services in the territory specified in this Agreement.2. Scope of Services:The Agent shall provide the following services to the Principal:a) Arranging vessel bookings and fixtures;b) Assisting with cargo handling and documentation;c) Liaising with customs, port authorities, and other relevant authorities;d) Monitoring vessel movements and providing updates;e) Assisting with vessel repairs and maintenance if required;f) Any other services mutually agreed upon by both parties.3. Fees and Payment:The Agent shall be compensated for its services at the rates specified in the attached schedule or as otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Agent's invoice.4. Obligations of the Principal:The Principal shall:a) Provide all necessary information and instructions to the Agent in a timely manner;b) Ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information provided;c) Comply with all applicable laws and regulations;d) Bear all costs and expenses related to the vessel and cargo, unless otherwise agreed.5. Obligations of the Agent:The Agent shall:a) Act in a professional and diligent manner;b) Keep confidential all information provided by the Principal;c) Use its best efforts to perform the services as agreed;d) Notify the Principal promptly of any issues or delays that may affect the services.6. Termination:This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon giving thirty (30)days' written notice to the other party. Termination shall not affect any obligations or liabilities that have accrued prior to the termination date.7. Dispute Resolution:Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [insert arbitration institution].8. Miscellaneous:a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert jurisdiction].b) Any modifications or amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.c) This Agreement shall come into effect upon signature by both parties and shall remain in force for a period of [insert duration] unless terminated earlier as per Clause 6.Signed and Agreed:Principal:Name: ______________________________Signature: ______________________________Date: ______________________________Agent:Name: ______________________________Signature: ______________________________Date: ______________________________---Please note that this is a basic template and should be reviewed by a legal professional to ensure that it meets the specific needs and requirements of the parties involved. It is important to consider all relevant laws, regulations, and best practices when drafting a shipping agency agreement.中文对照翻译:货运代理协议之间委托人:【委托人全称】地址:【委托人地址】lian系人:【委托人lian系人姓名】lian系通讯方式:【委托人lian系通讯方式】代理人:[代理人全名]地址:【代理人地址】lian系人:【代理人lian系人姓名】lian系通讯方式:[代理人的lian系通讯方式]1.任命:委托人特此任命代理人,代理人接受任命,作为其非du家代理人,在本协议规定的区域内提供航运代理服务。

船舶代理费英文合同船舶代理费合同协议(Ship Agency Fee Contract)本合同协议由以下双方签订:甲方(Principal):____________________(委托人姓名或公司名称)地址(Address):___________________________________________联系方式(Contact Information):_____________________________乙方(Agent):____________________(代理人姓名或公司名称)地址(Address):___________________________________________联系方式(Contact Information):_____________________________鉴于甲方需要乙方提供船舶代理服务,双方在平等、自愿的基础上,依据相关法律法规的规定,经友好协商,达成如下合同协议条款:一、定义与解释(Definitions and Interpretation)1. “船舶代理费”是指乙方为甲方提供船舶代理服务所应收取的费用。
2. “船舶代理服务”包括但不限于船舶进港安排、报关报检、港口物流协调、货物装卸等与船舶相关的事务处理。
二、服务内容与服务范围(Scope of Services)乙方将为甲方提供以下船舶代理服务:1. 安排船舶进出港。
2. 协调港口物流事务。
3. 代理报关报检手续。
4. 协助处理与船舶相关的其他事务。
三、费用与支付(Fee and Payment)1. 船舶代理费总额为______元人民币(或美元等货币),具体金额根据服务内容和时间确定。
2. 支付方式:甲方应在服务完成后______天内支付船舶代理费到乙方指定账户。
3. 如因甲方原因导致服务延期,应额外支付相应费用。

船舶代理费英文合同6篇篇1船舶代理费合同协议(Ship Agency Fee Contract)本合同协议由以下双方签订:甲方:(船方名称)乙方:(代理方名称)鉴于甲方委托乙方就船舶相关事务提供代理服务,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:一、定义与解释(Definitions and Interpretation)1. “船舶代理费”指乙方根据本合同约定,为甲方提供船舶代理服务而应得的费用。
2. 本合同所提及的所有时间、日期均以(具体时区)为准。
二、服务范围与内容(Scope and Content of Services)乙方将为甲方提供以下船舶代理服务:1. 船舶进出港报检、报关。
2. 货物装卸、仓储及物流协调。
3. 船员服务事项协调。
4. 相关文件的制作与传递。
5. (其他具体服务内容)三、费用与支付(Fees and Payment)1. 船舶代理费总额为____美元(或其他货币),该费用包含乙方提供服务的所有方面。
2. 支付方式:甲方应在每艘船舶完成代理事项后的____日内支付船舶代理费至乙方指定账户。
3. 若因甲方原因导致逾期支付,甲方应支付逾期滞纳金,滞纳金按逾期金额的____%计算。
四、合同期限与终止(Contract Duration and Termination)1. 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为____年/月。
2. 任何一方在合同期限内不得无故终止合作,如确需终止,应提前____个月书面通知对方。
3. 合同终止后,双方应完成未了事项的处理。
五、保密条款(Confidentiality)1. 双方应对在本合作过程中获知的对方商业秘密及机密信息予以保密。
2. 未经对方许可,任何一方不得向第三方泄露本合同内容及相关商业信息。
六、违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract)1. 如因乙方原因未能按照本合同约定履行服务,乙方应承担违约责任,并赔偿甲方因此造成的损失。

海运代理合同Shipping Agency Contract甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:为明确甲乙双方的代理关系,规范业务操作,经双方友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代办海运事宜,达成以下协议:For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures, through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:1. 甲乙双方责任、义务Responsibilities and Obligations1.1乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或交通部批准登记的NVOCC 资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。
Party B shall have legitimate corporate business license, TAX payer ID, organization code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualification approval by ministry of communications, which allow it conduct forwarder business in certain area. Party B shall have NVOCC once it could issue B/L and relevant documents as carrier with its own title on. As agent role, Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier’s act.1.2甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单为准。


二、代理事项1. 乙方接受甲方委托,就甲方指定的船舶提供代理服务,包括但不限于船舶进出港、靠离泊、装卸货、海事报告、证书办理等相关事宜。
2. 乙方应根据甲方的具体要求,提供专业化、高效的船舶代理服务,确保船舶正常运营。
三、甲方的权利与义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方提供船舶代理服务,并对乙方的服务质量进行监督。
2. 甲方应按时支付乙方提供的船舶代理服务费用。
3. 甲方应向乙方提供真实、准确的船舶信息及相关资料。
4. 甲方应遵守法律法规,不得委托乙方从事违法活动。
四、乙方的权利与义务1. 乙方有权获得甲方支付的船舶代理服务费用。
2. 乙方应根据本协议约定,为甲方提供优质的船舶代理服务。
3. 乙方应保守甲方的商业秘密,不得泄露甲方机密信息。
4. 乙方应遵守法律法规,不得违法从事船舶代理活动。
五、服务费用及支付方式1. 船舶代理服务费用根据具体项目和服务内容而定,双方可另行签订补充协议确定具体费用。
2. 甲方应在乙方提供代理服务完成后XX个工作日内支付服务费用。
3. 乙方账户信息如下:____________________(账户名、开户行、账号)。
六、违约责任1. 若甲方未按时支付服务费用,乙方有权要求甲方支付逾期付款利息。
2. 若因乙方服务质量问题导致甲方损失,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
3. 若任何一方违反本协议约定,对方均有权解除本协议并要求违约方承担违约责任。
七、协议期限及终止1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期XX年。
2. 协议到期后,若双方继续合作,可续签本协议。
3. 本协议在以下情况下可以终止:(1)双方协商一致解除本协议;(2)一方严重违约,对方有权单方解除本协议;(3)因不可抗力导致本协议无法继续履行,双方可协商终止本协议。


船代合同范本英文船代合同范本(英文)合同编号:_______日期:_______甲方(委托方):_______乙方(代理方):_______根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方委托乙方办理船舶代理业务事宜,达成如下协议:一、委托事项1.1 甲方委托乙方作为其船舶代理,办理船舶在中华人民共和国_______港口的进出港、装卸货物、补给、维修等业务。
1.2 乙方接受甲方的委托,同意代理甲方办理上述船舶代理业务。
二、代理权限2.1 甲方授权乙方在中华人民共和国_______港口代理甲方船舶的进出港手续、装卸货物、补给、维修等业务。
2.2 乙方在代理甲方船舶业务过程中,应严格遵守相关法律法规,确保船舶安全、顺利地完成各项业务。
三、费用及支付3.1 乙方代理甲方船舶业务所发生的费用,包括但不限于港口使费、装卸费、补给费、维修费等,由甲方承担。
3.2 乙方应在收到相关费用票据后_______日内,向甲方提供详细费用清单及票据,甲方应在收到费用清单及票据后_______日内支付相关费用。
四、保密条款4.1 甲乙双方应对在合同履行过程中所获悉的对方商业秘密和机密信息予以严格保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露。
4.2 保密义务自合同签订之日起生效,至合同终止或履行完毕之日止。
五、违约责任5.1 甲乙双方应严格履行本合同的各项条款,如一方违约,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
5.2 若因不可抗力导致一方无法履行合同,受影响的一方应立即通知对方,并在合理时间内提供相关证明,双方协商解决。
六、争议解决6.1 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
6.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
七、其他约定7.1 本合同自甲乙双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为_______年,自合同生效之日起计算。
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1.03 This Agreement covers the activities described in section 3...............................
1.03 本协议涵盖的委托事项如第3条所述...............................
1.08 委托人所有的商业信息将得到保密,并且与该业务有关的所有文件和记录归委托人所有。
2.0 Duties of the Agent
2.0 代理责任
2.01 To represent the Principal in the Territory, using his best endeavours to comply at all times with any reasonable specific instructions which the Principal may give, including the use of Principal’s documentation, terms and conditions.
2.02 与委托人协商,为其推荐并/或代为指定分代理。
2.03 In consultation with the Principal to recommend and/or to appoint on the Principal’s behalf and account, Stevedores, Watchmen, Tallymen, Terminal Operators, Hauliers and all kinds of suppliers.
Notwithstanding the foregoing the Agent shall be responsible for the acts of his subsidiary companies appointed within the context of this Clause.
1.07 In countries where the position of the agent is in any way legally protected or regulated, the Agent shall have the benefit of such protection or regulation.
1.0 委托人兹任命该代理作为其全部拥有和/或租赁的船只 (含.....................,.....................和.....................之间签订租赁协议的任何船his Agreement shall come into effect on ...........and shall continue until.........
3.1 Marketing and Sales
3.1 市场营销
3.11 To provide marketing and sales activities in the Territory, in accordance with general guidelines laid down by the Principal, to canvass and book cargo, to publicise the services and to maintain contact with Shippers, Consignees, Forwarding Agents, Port and other Authorities and Trade Organisations.
3.11 根据委托人所规定的所有指导规则,在服务范围内,提供市场和销售活动,包括揽货,宣传服务内容以及与托运人,收货人,货代,港口,其他当局和贸易组织保持联系。
3.12 To provide statistics and information and to report on cargo bookings and use of space allotments. To announce sailing and/or arrivals, and to quote freight rates and announce freight tariffs and amendments.
3.0 Activities of Agent (Delete those which do not apply)
3.0 代理委托事项(删除那些没有使用的)
现双方同意:..........的......... (以下简称委托人)和...........的........ (以下简称代理人)....日........月..20..........
1.0 The Principal hereby appoints the Agent as its Liner Agent for all its owned and/or chartered vessels including any space or slot charter agreement serving the trade between ...............and ...............
1.01 本协议自........年.......月........日生效,并延期至........年.......月........日。
1.02 The territory in which the Agent shall perform its duties under the Agreement shall be............... hereinafter referred to as the “Territory”.
1.05 委托人承诺在本协议的代理业务范围内不任命任何其他的代理人。
1.06 The established custom of the trade and/or port shall apply and form part of this Agreement.
1.06 口岸商贸中现有的通关惯例适用,并作为本协议的一部分。
It is hereby agreed between:.....of.......(hereinafter referred to as the Principal) and ....of..........(hereinafter referred to as the Agent) on the ........day of .........20..........that:
2.05 The Agent will always strictly observe the shipping laws and regulations of the country and will indemnify the Principal for fines, penalties, expenses or restrictions that may arise due to the failure of the Agent to comply herewith.
2.02 In consultation with the Principal to recommend and/or appoint on the Principal’s behalf and account, Sub-Agents.
3.12 提供统计信息和记录货物订舱和舱位的分配事宜。宣布船舶航行和到达时间,报价运费和宣布运费价目表和附件。
3.13 To arrange for public relations work (including advertising, press releases, sailing schedules and general promotional material) in accordance with the budget agreed with the Principal and for his account.
1.07 在代理人的法律地位以任何形式受到合法保护或规范的国家中,代理人应当享有这种保护或规范。
1.08 All aspects of the Principal’s business are to be treated confidentially and all files and records pertaining to this business are the property of the Principal.
1.04 代理人承诺不接受其他船公司的委托代理,也不从事无船承运人业务或货运代理等活动,这些活动对委托人的任何运输业务构成直接竞争,未经事先书面同意,不得无故停止。
1.05 The Principal undertakes not to appoint any other party in the Agent’s Territory for the services defined in this Agreement.