



quiet安静的quick 快速的slow慢的beautiful美丽的bright明亮的careful仔细的certain一定clear清楚













easy容易的 heavy大量angry生气的 hungry饥饿的happy 快乐的 lucky幸运的3、le结尾的,去e变y

possible可能 gentle轻柔的4、不变

hard难的;努力地,猛烈地 fast 快early早 late 晚

enough足够 straight笔直II. 动词——名词



farm 耕种—农民

drive 驾驶—驾驶员司机

teach 教—老师 work 工作—工人

write 写—作家

report 报道—记者

win 赢(winner)—获胜者 own 拥有—owner拥有者 paint画、粉刷---画家

manage 经营—经理

record 记录—录音机


act--actor 男演员


invent--inventor 发明家



wait—waitress女服务员 act—actress女演员2、加ion结尾

add—add i tion 加

collect—collection 收集 discuss—discussion讨论 decide—decision决定

invent—invention发明物 invite—invitation 邀请 operate—operation手术 pollute—pollution 污染

review—revision 复习solve—solution解答organize—organization组织locate—location地点suggest—suggestion建议protect---prote ction 保护


begin—begi nn ing开始 build—building大楼 say—saying 谚语

paint—painting 绘画

meet—meeting 会议4、其他

serve—service 服务

speak—speech 演讲、言语 fish—fisherman 渔夫

enter—entrance 入口

know—knowledge 知识

weigh—weight 重量

please—pleasure 愉快

develop—development 发展 choose—choice选择

tour—tourist 游客

die—death 死亡

succeed—success 成功 fly—flight 飞行、航班 memorize—memory 记忆 mix—mixture 混合物

cook—cook 厨师

save—safety 安全 act—activity 活动 able—ability 能力

III. 名词——名词


science—scientist 科学家 city—citizen市民

custom—customer 顾客 office—officer 官员


friend—friendship 友谊


business—businesswoman女商人 library—librarian 图书管理员

law法律—lawyer律师IV. 名词——形容词1、名词后加ful

care—careful 小心的 use—useful 有用的

help—helpful有帮助的 thank—thankful 感激的

wonder—wonderful精彩的 power—powerful 强大的

harm—harmful 有害的2、名词后加y

cloud—cloudy 多云的 rain—rainy 下雨的

wind—windy 有风的 snow—snowy 下雪的 sun—su nn y 晴朗的 noise—noisy 吵闹的 health—healthy 健康的 fun—funny 滑稽的

luck—lucky 幸运的


friend—friendly 友好的 love—lovely 可爱的4、形容词以al 结尾

nation—national 国家的education--educational 教育的nature—natural 自然的tradition—traditional 传统的

medicine—medical 医药的 physics—physical 物理的

chemistry—chemical 化学的 history—historical 历史的


difference(s)—different 不同 importance—important 重要的



gold—golden金色的 (wool—woolen 羊毛的)



illness病疾病--- ill有病的不健康的


difficult—difficulty 困难 honest—honesty诚实


free—freedom 自由 wise—wisdom 聪明


danger—dangerous 危险的office—official 官方的、正式的fool傻瓜—foolish 愚蠢的west—western 西方的

height高度— high高的

length长度—long 长的

favour恩惠—favourite 最喜欢的 foreigner外国人—foreign 外国的 home家—homeless 无家可归的 expense费用—expensive 昂贵的 truth真相—true 真实的

wound创伤—wounded 受伤的

pleasure—pleasant 另人愉快的/ pleased 满意的

response相应反映--- responsible 负责的有责任的

electricity电—electric电的—electronic 电子的

V. 动词——形容词

interest引起兴趣—interesting 有趣的/ interested 感兴趣的

excite—exciting 令人激动的/ excited激动的

freeze—freezing 寒冷的/ frozen 冷冻的

frighten—frightening 令人害怕的/ frightened害怕的

forget—forgetful健忘的 / unforgettable 难忘的

depend—independent 独立的有主见的

like—likely很有可能发生的有希望的 realize意识到—real 真的

break—broken 碎的follow—following 下面的 fill—full 满的、饱的

enjoy—enjoyable使人愉快的 change—changeable 多变的 act—active 积极的

attract—attractive 吸引人的die—dead 死的

widen拓宽—wide 宽的


VI. 前缀

possible—impossible (polite, patient)可能—不可能 tell—retell说—复述

build—rebuild 建造—重建healthy—unhealthy健康的—不健康的



like—dislike 喜欢—不喜欢

VII. 国名——国籍

Australia—Australian America—American Canada—Canadian Britain—British England—English Italy—Italian China—Chinese Japan—Japanese

Germany—German (德国人复数German s)





2、one—once一次 two—twice 两次

3、in his fift ies在他五十几岁时

his fift ieth birthday他的五十岁生日



人教部编版初中英语中考词性转换归纳总结 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就 advertise --- advertisement 广告 agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展 disgree --- disagreement 不赞同 department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治--- government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认

attract --- attraction 吸引 conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论 educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业 operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍 instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染 predict ---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心


词缀变化归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise---advertisement//advertising agree— (in )agreement apartment 公寓 amuse-amusement 娱乐 argue---argument 争吵 commit 奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disagree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理 announce—announcement 宣布 require-requirement encourage-encouragement excite-excitement move—movement agree-agreement improve-improvement 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract 吸引—attraction 有吸引?的事或? conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,?赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description 描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达 ?式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动?术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,?舞- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预? pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决?-----resolution 决? permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve 解决-----solution 解决?法 realize-realization relax-relaxation


初中英语词性转换 1.v-n 1.clean— 2. cook— 3. dance-- 4. drive— 5. jump-- 6. lead— 7. own-- 8. play— 9.read-- 10.run— 11.sell-- 12.sing— 13.speak-- 14.swim— 15.teach-- 16.travel—17.wait-- 18.wash— 19.win-- 20.work— 21.write-- 22.act— 23.direct-- 24.invent—25.visit-- 26.act— https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,municate-- 28.introduce—29.produce—30.pronounce—31.suggest-- 32.agree—33.develop-- 34.discuss—35.decide-- 37.begin—38.breathe-- 39.build—40.cross-- 41.feel—

42.mean-- 43.meet— 45.park-- 46.shop— 47.skate-- 48.train— 49.turn-- 50.turn— 51.advise-- 52.enter—53.serve-- 54.know—55.live-- 56.die—57.succeed-- 58.discover—59.please-- 60. sit—61.thank-- 62.marry—63.weigh— 2.v-adj 1.close-- 2. excite— 3. interest-- 4. follow— 5. miss-- 6.please— 7.surprise-- 8.relax— https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,e-- 10.sleep-- 11.worry—12.wake-- 13.die—14.worry-- 15.wake—16.break-- 17.enjoy—18.lose—


中考英语词性转换题附 答案 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

中考英语词性转化300题—提高篇讲义 I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式完成句子): 1.Would you mind making a little less _____ They are having a meeting at the moment. (noisy) 2.The Smiths live on the __________ floor. (nine) 3.All the great __________ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent) 4.My pet is a ______ cat. She is very lovely. (male) 5.I’ll do my home work more __________ next time. (care) 6.When you study a foreign language, it’s im portant to make a good _________. (begin) 7.Everyone knows such kind of books is ___________ to children. They shouldn’t be sold at any bookstore. (harm) 8.In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had no ___________ but to accept it. (choose) 9.Our teacher told us the ___________ story I had ever heard at yesterday’s class meeting. (sad) 10.The __________ Lesson is very difficult but very important. You must learn it by heart.(twelve) 11.They looked very _____ in the idea. (interest) 12.After they got on the bus, they found only one______. (sit) 13.Help __________ to the fish, Tom. (you) 14.What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to get __________ information about it. (far) 15.A ___________ sight stopped them from going forward. (frighten) 16.He seemed very _________. He got a D in the English test. (happy) 17.Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _________. (important) 18.March 8 is _________ Day. (woman) 19.This book belongs to you. Where is _____ (me) 20.The visitors are ________ students. (main) 21.Do you know about the ___ of the book (write) 22.Can you show me your ___ of coins (collect) 23.To my ________, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised) 24.In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent _________. (build) 25.In winter, most of the rivers and lakes are _________. It becomes a world of ice. (freeze) 26.Then he slowly walked _____ the house. (pass)


中考英语常用词性转换 1.able a. 能够,有能力的ability n..能力,才能 2. act v. 扮演 n..表演active a.积极地,主动地 activity n. 活动 actor n.男 演actress n. 女演员 3.add a. 加上addition n. 加 4.age n.时代,年龄aged a.有…….之年岁的 5.America n.美国American a.美国的,美国人 6.air n.空气air-conditioner n.空调 airline n.航线 7.angry a.生气的angrily adv.生气地 8.any a..一些,什么,任何的,任意的anybody/anyone pron.任何人 anything pron.任何事anywhere adv.任何地方 9.art n,艺术article n.文章 artist n,艺术家 10.attract v. 吸引attraction n.吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive a..有吸引力的 11.Austraila n.澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的 n.澳大利亚人 12.beautiful a.美丽的beautifully adv.优美的 13.begin(began-begun) v.开始beginning n.开始 14.bright a.明亮的brightly adv.明亮地 15.Britain n.不列颠British n.英国人 a.英国的 16. build(built-built) v.建造building n.建筑物 17.busy a.忙碌的business n.商业 businessman n..商人 businesswoman n.女商人 18.Cananda n.加拿大Canadian n.加拿大 a.加拿大的 19.care n& v. 小心careful a.小心的carefully adv.小心地 20.certain a..一定的certainly adv.一定 21.change n.变幻,找头,零钱 v.改变,更改,兑零钱changeable a.易变的 exchange v.交换 22.chemistry n.化学chemical a.化学的 n.化学物质 23.China n.中国Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人,汉语 24.choose(chose-chosen) v.选择choice n..选择 25.city n.城市citizen n.市民 26.class n.班级classmate n.同学 classroom n..教室 27.clean v.打扫 a. 干净的clear a.清晰的 v. 清除clearly adv.清晰地 28.cloud n.云cloudy a.多云 29.collect v.收集collection n.收集 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,pete v.比较competition n.竞赛 31.custom n.习惯,习俗customer n.顾客


初三英语强化精选练习——词性转换 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Li Ping is good at _________. ( draw) 2.Alice prefers to do some__________. (shop) 3.Mary is my _______ sister and she is 2 years _________ than I . (old) 4.Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean) 5.All the __________ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win) 6.The video game machine is so __________ that all of us are _________ in it. (interest) 7.We are _________ thankful for all your help.(true) 8.Our life today is much _________than before. (good) 9.December is the_________ month of a year. (twelve) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,puters are becoming more and more________ in our life.( use) 11." Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ________. (angry) 12.Did you enjoy ___________at yesterday's party? (you) 13.What is the __________ of the parcel? (post) 14.Every morning my grandpa spends half an hour ___________ the flowers. (water) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,puters can work out problems far _______________ than human beings. (quick) 16.Mary is the __________ of three sisters. (old) 17.The little girl plays piano ____________. (wonder) 18.Who was the ___________ of the high jump? (win) 19.When he was only 3 years old, he started hard ______________ with his father. (train) 20.Now more and more ___________ are coming to visit China from other countries.(visit) 21.I found his ____________pen under the table. (lose) 22.Have you received Mary's _____________? (invite) 23.Alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of two _____________of bread. (loaf) 24.We must not only think _____________.(we)


词类转换分类记忆I.形容词——副词 1、加ly quiet安静的 quick快速的 slow慢的 beautiful美丽的 bright明亮的 careful仔细的 2、去y加ilycertain一定 clear清楚 loud大声 sad难过的 wide广泛 serious严重的usual通常 final最后 safe安全 real真的 recent最近的 main主要 easy容易的heavy大量

angry生气的hungry饥饿的happy快乐的lucky幸运的 3、le结尾的,去e变y possible可能gentle轻柔的 4、不变 hard难的;努力地,猛烈地fast快early早late晚 enough足够straight笔直 II.动词——名词 1、加er、or、ress 加er farm耕种—农民 drive驾驶—驾驶员司机 更多精品文档teach教—老师work工作—工人 write写—作家 report报道—记者 win赢(winner)—获胜者 own拥有—owner拥有者 加or act--actor男演员

visit—visitor观光者 invent--inventor发明家calculate—calculator计算器 加ress wait—waitress女服务员 2、加ion结尾 add—addition加collect—collection收集discuss—discussion讨论decide—decision决定invent—invention发明物invite—invitation邀请operate—operation手术 3、加ing begin—beginning开始build—building大楼 say—saying谚语 4、其他 serve—service服务 更多精品文档paint画、粉刷---画家manage经营—经理


九年级英语词性/词形变化 Unit 1 n. help v. helpful adj. speaking spoken speaker reader quickly mainly meaning probably difficulty called named funny expression discover interesting interested boring bored relaxing relaxed really more most 19. loud loudly aloud understanding useful raise rise creative well activity successful successfully succeed overnight times wisely writer learn learner read reader disagree worried development developing developed easily longlife suggestion information news importance Unit 2 wonderful weather stranger truly truth lucky luckily miss Miss. traditional touching goddess celebration medical thankful laid laid lay lain business dead death careful carefully careless carelessly visitor scared happiness decision warmth beginning popularity 26. difference different differently magician specially cultural foreigner Unit 3 besides left right ride


初中英语最全的词性转换练习题(后附答案) 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My family live on the _____(five) floor of the tall building. 2.Simon and Linda didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to ____(they) . 3.There are many apples on the tree, but some of them are hard _____(reach). 4.Listen! The lovely birds are singing nicely and _____(soft) in the trees. 5.Ricky had a _____(please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring. 6.They have invited a _____(science) to give them a speech on space. 7.I can’t stand hamburgers. They make me _____(feel) sick. 8.Yesterday was the _____(hot ) day of the year. 9.I’m patient. I don’t mind _______(wait) for people. 10.If Simon _____(have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo. 11.Tom always does good things to others, so the headteachers speaks ____(high) of him. 12.One of the way of learning English ______(be) memorizing the words of pop songs. 13.Many people don’t enjoy ______(live) in big cities. 14.I am in my ______(three) year in this middle school. 15.As we all know, the weather in southwest of China is _______(dry) than any other time in history. 16.What’s the _____(mean) of “No Parking”? 17.It is very kind of you______(help) the old woman. 18.It seems that you have a fever. Have you taken_____(you) tempertaure? 19.It is ______(not rain ) tomorrow, we will go to the old people’s home. 20.We often see the girl_______(dance) on the square. 21.Peter, a friend of ______(my), went to Canada for a visit last week. 22.Which season do you like ______(good), spring, summer, autumn or winter? 23.It is important to make a corrert _______(decide). 24.We were _______(deep) moved by the story of the kind people in the earthquake. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,st night,I found it difficullt to fall ______(sleep) because of the loud noise. 26. A large of number of _____(foreign) visit Guizhou provice these years. 27.Thank goodness! The letter I was looking forward to ______(reach) me at last. 28.Hainan Island is one of the most ______(wonder) places to spend summer. 29.The dinner room must _____(clean) three times a day. 30.My cousin is used to _____(study) with his new friends in Australia. 31.This is one of ______(big) rabbits in the world, He eats 12 carrods, six apples and two cabbages every day. 32.You’d better take a map with you, or you may get ______(lose). 33.As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different ________(shape) of mountains. 34.David id good at drawing and he’s going to be an _____(art) when he grow up. 35.In order to provide better services for foreigners during the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, lots of bus and taxi drivers are busy_____(learn) English. 36.If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _______(easy). 37.It’s ______(polite) to ask a lady about her age in western countries. 38.________(mother)Day is coming. We should prepare for it.


初中英语词性转换归纳 1 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就advertise --- advertisement 广告agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展disgree --- disagreement 不赞同department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论 educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- deion描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业 operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍 instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染 predict ---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心 impress --- impression 印象 permit --- permission 允许


词缀变化中学归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—(in )agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或 人 conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 appear—appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 behave 行为,举止----behavior know 知道---knowledge 知识 fly—flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 press 按,压—pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位 succeed-- success tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出直接 +地点t tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词 1名词+y Anger 生气-----angry hunger---hungry fog—foggy有雾的 fur----furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的 health---healthy luck---lucky cloud---cloudy wind—windy rain---rainy snow---snowy sun—sunny tourist------touristy 游客多的 business---busy salt 盐--- salty 咸的 shine---shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的 sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的 2.名词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的 talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 distusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的 care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 1 / 3


中考英语词性转换大汇总 一,动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve ——achievement 成就advertise ——advertisement 广告agree ——agreement 同意amuse——amusement 娱乐 commit ——commitment 承诺,奉献develop ——development 发展disagree —disagreement 不赞同equip 装备—equipment 装备,器材govern 统治——government 政府manage——management 经营,管理argue ——argument 争吵 2.V+ ion 结尾 attract ——attraction 吸引discuss ——discussion 讨论 express ——-expression 词语;表达instruct ——instruction 用法说明invent——invention 发明predict ——prediction 预言 impress ——impression 印象suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate ——education 教育graduate ——graduation 毕业 operate ——operation 操作,动手术explain —explanation 解释pollute ——pollution 污染introduce ——introduction 介绍 organize ——organization组织imagine ——imagination 想象力解释inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的事invite ——invitation 邀请compete —competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音admit ——admission 承认permit ——permission 允许 conclude ——conclusion 结论solve ——solution 解决方法 describe ——description描写,描绘resolve ——resolution 决心


第三讲词性 一.名词 一.名词---noun缩写为 n. 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book, milk等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:boy , cat 。2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family ,class。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:milk ,air。4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work , help。 二.名词的可数与不可数 ①物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,为不可数名词。不可数名词前不能加冠词a 或an来表示量,也没有复数形式。要表示“一个(只,块,张。。。)”的概念,须加a piece of … , a bowl of …, a drop of …等。表示“一些,许多”可用:some, any, a little, little, a lot of ,lots of , much, 等常见的不可数名词有:news work weather paper fruit bread wood air chalk ②集体名词象people, police,trousers, scissors只有复数形式。 ③有的名词在表示某一词义时是可数名词,而表示另一词义时又是不可数名词。Glass, chicken, paper, exercise, orange room 房间(可);空间(不) time 次 (可);时间(不) glass 眼镜,玻璃杯(可);玻璃(不)


用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My family live on the _____(five) floor of the tall building. 2.Simon and Linda didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to ____(they) . 3.There are many apples on the tree, but some of them are hard _____(reach). 4.Listen! The lovely birds are singing nicely and _____(soft) in the trees. 5.Ricky had a _____(please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring. 6.They have invited a _____(science) to give them a speech on space. 7.I can’t stand hamburgers. They make me _____(feel) sick. 8.Yesterday was the _____(hot ) day of the year. 9.I’m patient. I don’t mind _______(wait) for people. 10.If Simon _____(have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo. 11.Tom always does good things to others, so the headteachers speaks ____(high) of him. 12.One of the way of learning English ______(be) memorizing the words of pop songs. 13.Many people don’t enjoy ______(live) in big cities. 14.I am in my ______(three) year in this middle school. 15.As we all know, the weather in southwest of China is _______(dry) than any other time in history. 16.What’s the _____(mean) of “No Parking”? 17.It is very kind of you______(help) the old woman. 18.It seems that you have a fever. Have you taken_____(you) tempertaure? 19.It is ______(not rain ) tomorrow, we will go to the old people’s home. 20.We often see the girl_______(dance) on the square. 21.Peter, a friend of ______(my), went to Canada for a visit last week. 22.Which season do you like ______(good), spring, summer, autumn or winter? 23.It is important to make a corrert _______(decide). 24.We were _______(deep) moved by the story of the kind people in the earthquake. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5311351864.html,st night,I found it difficullt to fall ______(sleep) because of the loud noise. 26.A large of number of _____(foreign) visit Guizhou provice these years. 27.Thank goodness! The letter I was looking forward to ______(reach) me at last. 28.Hainan Island is one of the most ______(wonder) places to spend summer. 29.The dinner room must _____(clean) three times a day. 30.My cousin is used to _____(study) with his new friends in Australia. 31.This is one of ______(big) rabbits in the world, He eats 12 carrods, six apples and two cabbages every day. 32.You’d better take a map with you, or you may get ______(lose). 33.As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different ________(shape) of mountains. 34.David id good at drawing and he’s going to be an _____(art) when he grow up. 35.In order to provide better services for foreigners during the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, lots of bus and taxi drivers are busy_____(learn) English. 36.If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _______(easy).
