英语笔译的讲义 词义的选择及其理据

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work a miracle —— 创造奇迹
1)He incurred a heavy debt to educate his children.
2) He fully deserved the penalty he incurred.
3) Some shops in New York seem to invite crime by displaying valuables on the counters.
• 妻子、爱人、夫人、太太、老婆、老 伴、媳妇、堂客、内人、贱内、拙荆
• 马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋
• human being, man, people, person, human, fellow, individual, soul
• dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier
例 2) Be a man! Don’t be a woman! 例 3) 帮助有困难的同学是我们大家的责任。 例 4) 中国人民解放军将保卫祖国视为自己
法定的职责。 (words to be chosen for translation: responsibility / duty/ obligation) duty: legal responsibility; obligation; obligation:law, or moral pressure, promise etc. that
要点:在语词概念翻译过程中,译者容易找到或从 记忆中提取出双语横组合中相对应的概念或向相近 的概念,比较容易忽视不相对应或差异较大的纵聚 合中的概念。如:
例 10)通过努力,我们解决了这一难题。
与“解决”相对应的概念常有 “overcome” “solve” ,但是还有其他概念语义相差较远词语
“crack”和“remove”等。在翻译过程中,能够 灵活地运用纵聚合中的概念则能或得形象生动的 译文。英语写作表达也同样如此。要求译者平时 阅读英语材料要多留心、多积累这些丰富的表达 方式。
Connotative meaning: 1) (meaning of words) suggest in addition to the main meaning; 2) distinctive meaning to other words in the same
force one to do sth. responsibility: being responsible or accountable
(happy, delight, joy, bliss, pleasure, …)

七十岁开始可以诸事不做而拿退休金, 不愁没有一碗饭吃, 自由自
在, 自得其乐。要看书可以随便乱翻。 金庸、梁羽生、克里斯蒂、松本
第二周 词义的选择及其理据: 概念的内涵与外延
Part I:Choices of Semantic Items of Words in Translation and Their Motivations: Denotation & Connotation
Meaning Types of Words
The other types of meaning of words

social meaning

emotional meaning

associative meaning

collocative meaning

thematic meaning

functional meaning

cultural meaning
c) The air crash claimed one hundred and seventy lives.
例 9 )那艘船挂着西班牙国旗。
• A Spanish flag was hung on the ship mast. • The ship was flying the Spanish flag

stylistic meaning

aesthetic meaning

grammatical meaning

pragmatic meaning
例5) He is a fox.
例6) She is a cat. 她是个包藏祸心的女人。
例7) Every life has its thorns and roses.
Par. dimension
Syn. dimension
例 8 )总共有170人在飞机坠毁事件中丧生。 (die, death, loose one’s life, …)
a) There were one hundred and seventy deaths in the air-crash.
b) one hundred and seventy people lost their lives in the air-crash.
清张, 从前哪能拜读 ? 现在可以了。随看随忘, 便扔在一边。无忧无虑,
无人打扰, 不必出门而自有天地。真是无限风光在老年。
偶尔有人来, 不论男女老少认识不认识, 天南地北, 天上地下, 天 文地理, 谈天说地, 百无禁忌。我的话匣子一开, 激光磁盘便响个不停, 滔滔不绝。无奈我闲人忙, 昕众逐渐稀少, 终于门庭冷落, 只剩一屋子 广阔天地, 任我独往独来, 随意挥洒。
• 搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、扛、背、搂、 端、举、夹、捧 (carry)
• Walk(走),saunter (闲逛,漫步), amble (缓行), track (追踪,走), wend (行, 走), stride (大步行走), trudge (跋 涉), shamble (蹒跚地走,摇摇晃晃地 走), prance (昂首阔步), scamper (奔 跳), tiptoe (用脚尖走)
• Father: the male parent of a child
• Mother: the female parent of child • 犊:小牛也 • Indian meal ——? • 玉米粥 • Indian summer ——? • 小阳春 • American beauty ——? • 月月红 • German wool ——? • 细毛线
Part I:Theoretic Notion I
syntagmatic choices (横组合)
paradigmatic choices (纵聚合)
About syntagmatic choices
paradigmatic choices (纵聚合)
打开电视, 又是一番新气象。古今中外, 赤道南极, 变幻莫测。真 能坐地日行八万里。忽而庄严说教,忽而插科打浑, 忽而高歌一曲, 忽 而舞步翩翩。帝王将相, 牛鬼蛇神, 无不具备, 应有尽有, 场面各有 不同 。主持人个个精神焕发。服装表演件件花样翻新。足球射门中的。篮 球投篮不空。马家军飒爽英姿。大歌星真人假唱。忽然出现红顶花翎,拖 着辫子, 仿佛我的一百四十岁的父亲复活。他不辞辛苦跑到北京来对宣统 皇帝磕头。我却曾在大庭广众中对溥仪先生点头问好。真是一代不如一代, 一代胜过一代。正在得意之间, 不料长袍马褂已变成西装革履。长发长袜, 飘来跳去, 三点泳装 耀眼生辉。眼睛耳朵实在招架不住, 那就下令暂停, 闭目养神去也。
• “范畴”则指表示同类事物的分类与概括性的词 语,反映事物的外延,是众多外延上具有同类特 征分子的集合。而反映同类事物之间的本质区别 性语义特征则是其内涵区别。如“桃树”与“梨 树”中的“树”表示二者均具有“树”的属性或 特征:一种高大、生长年龄长、并且长有主干和 枝、叶,能开花结果的植物;而“桃(树)”与 “梨(树)”则反映其本质的区别性特征,主要 体现在叶、花与果的差异性,同时,二者又属于 “树”的基本范畴。
Theoretic notion II: Text Cohesion in translation
Denotative meaning: a) conceptual or logical meaning of a word; b) being the name or sign or symbol of sth.; c) the definition of a word which refers to a thing or object or an
abstract idea; e.g. tree: large-lonf lasting type of plant, having a thick central wooden stem
from which wooden branches grow, usually bearing leaves
book: number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover duty: moral or legal obligation; task or action that sb. must perform corruption: dishonest behavor, esp through accepting bribes happy: feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment or satisfaction, etc. …
dry law 禁酒令 fly-boat 快艇 sweet water 淡水,泉水 vital capacity 肺活量 in labour 在分娩 butcher paper 一种厚而不透水的纸
词组 指称意义
或 所指意义
Note: every word may be categorized in a hierarchical way and belong to a category in terms of their denotative meaning.
• Compare and contrast the fallowing expressions between English and Chinese.
• drop a hint —— 露口风 • lift a siege —— 解围 • hit the headlines —— 成为报纸头条新闻 • administer medicine to —— 给…… 用药 • develop a fever —— 发烧 • strike a balance —— 找到折中办法;作出公平安排
例1) 老局长在市里召开的会议上睡着了。
The words that share the denotative meaning of “ being in a state of sleep or being alseep” may include sleep: nap: (short sleep, especially during the day) doze:(short light sleep) nod: (let one’s head fall forward when drowsy or
4) Wife: “I’m afraid that you may invite the rats from all over the word to gnaw your bone.”
5) It all started when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Alopecia Areata. ….. I could not understand why I had been chosen to represent the illness. I felt helpless and out of control. (Alopecia Areata: 斑形脱发症 )