



数字口译-篇章练习Task 1(口译任务1)Import and export of Germany任务要求:下面你将听到一段关于德国的进出口情况的介绍,请在停顿时进行口译。




According to the latest statistic issued by the Bureau of Statistics of Federal Republic of Germany, German import volume from China amounted to 39.9 billion Euros, up by 21.6% in 2005. //China ranked the fourth in source of import of Germany advanced two places used in 2004. The proportion of import volume from China in the total Germany import volume rose from 5.7% to 6.4%.// The volume of German export to China amounted to 21.3 billion Euros, up by 1.4%, and China became the eleventh export destination of Germany, dropped one place used in 2004. The export volume of Germany to China in the total export volume dropped from 2.9% to 2.7%. //The total foreign trading volume of Germany is 1411.8 billion Euros, out of which total import volume is 625.6 billion Euros, up by 8.7% and total export volume is 786.2 billion Euros, up by 7.5%. // France, Holland and US maintained to be the first three source of import of Germany. //Britain, Italy, Belgium, Swiss, Spain and Russia were the fifth to tenth source of import of Germany orderly after China.//France, US, Britain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Swiss and Poland were the first ten export destinations of Germany.根据德意志联邦共和国统计局最新发布的数据,德国2005年从中国进口总额达到399亿欧元,增加了21.6%。



口译模拟考试题(1)Part 1A: 现在越来越多的人空闲时去练瑜伽。

你能告诉我瑜伽到底是什么吗?B:Yoga, developed by the ancient sages of India, is a system of personal development encompassing body, mind, and spirit that dates back more than 5,000 years.A:“瑜伽”从印度演化而来,那这个词是不是有特殊的含义呢?B:Yes. It is a Sanskrit word for “union”, meaning an experience of oneness or union with your inner being (self).A: 练瑜伽有什么好处呢?B:Yoga can be practiced by anyone, at any age. It develops flexibility and muscular endurance and, like many of the martial arts, incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. It is aimed at the ultimate physical health and happiness, together with mental peace and tranquility.A: 听说瑜伽有不同的形式。

你能否说说它们有什么区别呢?B:Yes. There are various types of Yoga. In the Western world Yoga is recognized mainly as Hatha Yoga which is a combination of physical exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Hatha Yoga is said to provide a balanced and wholesome approach to achieving perfect physical and mental health, happiness and tranquility.Eastern yogis believe that physical exercises are simply a stepping stone to higher paths and that working only on the body is a waste of time as the body is mortal whereas the soul is immortal.A: 可以去哪里练习瑜伽呢?B:Many people learn Yoga by attending classes; however, videos and books teaching Yoga are also popular. As with all exercises, technique is very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to seek out a reputable teacher.A: 非常感谢你的建议。



口译练习题(打印版)一、听力理解与口译转换1. 题目一:国际会议开幕致辞- 背景信息:某国际会议开幕,主办方代表进行致辞。

- 练习要求:请在听到致辞后,立即进行口译,将致辞内容翻译成目标语言。

2. 题目二:科技产品发布会- 背景信息:某科技公司发布新产品,CEO进行产品介绍。

- 练习要求:在CEO介绍产品特性和市场前景时,进行实时口译。

3. 题目三:环境保护主题演讲- 背景信息:环保组织代表在一次公共演讲中讨论环境问题。

- 练习要求:在演讲者阐述环保重要性和行动计划时,进行口译。

二、专业术语口译1. 题目一:医学领域- 背景信息:医学专家在研讨会上讨论新型治疗方法。

- 练习要求:口译时需准确转换专业术语,如“基因编辑”、“免疫疗法”等。

2. 题目二:法律领域- 背景信息:法律专家讨论国际法律合作问题。

- 练习要求:在口译中准确使用法律术语,如“条约”、“司法管辖权”等。

3. 题目三:金融领域- 背景信息:金融分析师在投资论坛上分析市场趋势。

- 练习要求:口译时需准确表达金融术语,如“股票”、“债券”、“汇率”等。

三、文化差异与口译1. 题目一:文化交流活动- 背景信息:不同文化背景的代表在一次活动中交流各自文化特点。

- 练习要求:在口译时注意文化差异,避免直译,传达原意。

2. 题目二:国际美食节介绍- 背景信息:美食节组织者介绍各国特色美食。

- 练习要求:在口译时传达食物特色和文化内涵,注意食物名称的准确翻译。

3. 题目三:传统节日庆典- 背景信息:某国庆祝传统节日,介绍节日习俗和意义。

- 练习要求:在口译中传达节日的精神和传统习俗,注意文化表达的准确性。

四、时事政治与口译1. 题目一:国际政治论坛- 背景信息:政治领袖在论坛上讨论国际关系和合作。

- 练习要求:在口译时准确传达政治立场和外交政策。

2. 题目二:经济合作会议- 背景信息:各国代表在经济合作会议上讨论贸易和投资问题。

- 练习要求:在口译中注意经济数据和专业术语的准确使用。



英译汉练习15篇(口译)[策马翻译培训口译培训·练习二]Passage 1I think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations ina rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American businesspeople, who are said to work with the “getdown-to-business-first” mentality.|The Chinese-type management encourages cooperation among employees, between the labor and the management, and gives employees a joy of participation and fulfillment, as well as a sense of pride in their work.|And most Chinese try to find the meaning of life through working in their jobs, and view work as essential for having membership in a community.|The American-type, or the top-down, management emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers. The American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, Americans work because it is the will of God, and often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.|我认为中国人在商务谈判时倾向于使用一种迂回婉转的方式,而那些被认为在工作时具有一种“公务为先”的心态的美国人则往往表现出较为直截了当的作风。

























•英汉数字口译练习(2)Work in pairs. One student reads the following figures aloud in the language given, the other takes notes and then interprets them into the target language.Take turns to practice.(1)四千三百八十六——4,386(2)二百七十四点九——270.9(3) 五万五千九百三十二 ----55,932(4)十一万零八百四十一 -----110,841(5)五十四万九千六百三十八 ----549,638(6) 二百七十四万三千六百九十四----2,743,694(7)八千八百五十九万七千三百二十 -----88,597,320(8)二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六----237,150,236(9)十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四----1,689,903,754(10)七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八----70,493,579,048(1) One hundred and thirteen point eight four ---113.84(2) Six thousand four hundred and thirty-one ---6,431(3) Seventy hundred and forty-two---742(4) Eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and five—837,105(5)Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-seven—965,077(6)Four million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred andtwelve—---4,803,712(7)Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundredand twenty-six---94,217,826(8)Five hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousandseven hundred and forty-seven---530,139,747(9)Two billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and fivethousand one hundred and one ---2,533,805,101(10)Thirty-seven billion nine hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and forty-one thousand and thirty-eight-----37,925,441,038练习:英汉数字转换1.8,666---eight thousand six hundred and sixty-six2.801,806----eight hundred and one thousand eight hundred and six3.2,009,005---2million nine thousand and five4.363,605,401---3 hundred and 63 million 6 hundred and 5 thousand 4 hundredand 15.45,060,130----45m 60t 1h and 306.945,063,505---945M 63T 5H and 57.1,278,865,0008.12.5million9.15.28 billion10.1.03 trillion汉英数字转换1.203.7亿2. 1.306万3.123.45公顷4.42.192公里5.60.25公斤6.600.53亿美元7. 5.8万元8.166.68万吨9.866.9万人次10.436.75万名新生到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右。






)口译笔记法课后练习11. 25年间,中国创造的巨大财富,不仅使13亿中国人基本解决了温饱,基本实现了小康,而且为世界发展做出了贡献。

(00-16”)The tremendous wealth created by China in the past quarter of a century has not only enabled our 1.3billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter and basically realize amodestly comfortable standard of living but also contributed to world devel opment. (16”-38”)2. 中国的信息产业既是信息化建设的基础,同时也是信息化的重要组成部分。

(38”-49”)The information industry in China forms the basis for information. It is also part of the process.(49”-58”)3. 13亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,具有及其重要的意义。

(59”-1:10”)China is a country with 1.3 billion people. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importanceto the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large. (1:11”-1:26”)4. 只要双方有诚意,这类问题完全可以通过平等协商和扩大合作来加以妥善解决。



Part I 定语从句翻译,词性转换,合句分句翻译法,长句翻译E-C:1.The person who knows how will always have a job. But the person who knows why will behis boss.知其然者任(担任)事, 知其所以然者任(委任)人.2.Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work andreplace man.虽然电子计算机有很多优点,但它不能进行创造性的工作,也代替不了人.3.The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and studymusic.我生活的转折点是我决定不做发迹有望的商人而专攻音乐。

4.He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.他讲话时,态度坚定,但是面带愁容,时而眼神黯淡。

5.With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。

6.He had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had the samename and from various names that had been given to the same substance.不同药物具有同一名称,同一药物却具有不同名称,对于由此造成的混乱,他都一一加以澄清。



数字口译练习(学生讲义)练习1 T op ten most populous countries提示1:你将听到一段关于世界十大人口国人口统计数字的讲话,长度约两分钟,中间没有停顿。


(文字略课堂听译)练习2 单句口译提示:你将听到一些带有数字的句子,请把它们记录下来,并将其译成目的语。

vocabularyannual added value of industryannual total volume of import and exportannual volume of contracted foreign capital,actually utilized foreign capitalinbound tourists,domestic touristsincome from foreign policyvolume of freight handled by ports1)全年工业增加值为62815亿元,比上年增长11.5%。





6)Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%.7)European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005.8)The volume of freight handled by ports throughout the country totaled 4 billion tons, up 21.3 percent over the previous year.9)The total number of privately-owned vehicles was 13.65 million, up 12.0 percent.10)The year 2004 saw 1.1billion domestic tourists, up 26.6 percent. Revenue from domestic tourism totaled 471.1 billion yuan, up 36.9 percent.练习3段落翻译段落翻译一Vocabularyfixed asset investment国家信息中心预计,今年全年中国的国内生产总值将增长9.3%,总计13.4万亿元(1.6万亿美元)。

口译练习Bidding Farewell-1文本

口译练习Bidding Farewell-1文本

Bidding FarewellX:时间过得真快,好像你们昨天刚下飞机似的。


How time flies! It seems as if it was only yesterday when you got off the plane, and now you’re leaving. I’m really sorry.S:Can’t be half as sorry as we shall be to be leaving. Really, it’s been a most interesting and rewarding visit.我们要离开贵国更感到遗憾。




You’re welcome to visit us again any time. Our door is always open for friends.S:Glad to hear that. Well, Gen. Xiao, mycolleagues and I want to thank you and all those concerned for the generous hospitality and kind consideration you’ve extended to us during our stay in China.很高兴听您这么说。




明天走之前还有什么事情需要我们办的吗?It was a real pleasure having you with us.We wish to thank you for coming. Now, is there anything we could do for your departure tomorrow?S:No, thank you. Major Zhao has done everything for us already, leaving no stone unturned, so to speak.没有什么事了,谢谢。



英语初级口译练习题### English Interpretation Practice for Beginners#### Part I: Vocabulary and Phrases1. Economic Growth - The increase in the production of goods and services of an economy over a period of time.2. Sustainable Development - A form of progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.3. Climate Change - Long-term alterations in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional, and global climates.4. Cultural Exchange - The act of sharing and exchanging cultural aspects between different countries or groups.5. Bilateral Relations - The relationship between two countries, especially in terms of their diplomatic and economic interactions.#### Part II: Sentence Interpretation1. Source Language (SL): "The government is committed to reducing carbon emissions to combat climate change."Target Language (TL): The government is determined to cut down carbon emissions in order to fight against climate change.2. SL: "Economic globalization has brought about both opportunities and challenges."TL: The process of economic globalization has created bothchances and difficulties.3. SL: "Cultural diversity is an essential characteristic ofa vibrant society."TL: A variety of cultures is a key feature of a lively society.4. SL: "Bilateral trade agreements can promote economic cooperation between two countries."TL: Agreements on trade between two countries can encourage economic collaboration.5. SL: "The concept of sustainable development is increasingly being integrated into national policies."TL: The idea of sustainable development is more and more being included in the policies of countries.#### Part III: Passage InterpretationSL:In today's interconnected world, the importance of effective communication cannot be overstated. Interpreters play a crucial role in bridging language barriers and facilitating understanding among people from different linguistic backgrounds. They are often required to work in various settings, including international conferences, business meetings, and diplomatic negotiations. The ability to interpret accurately and fluently is essential for interpreters to ensure clear and effective communication.TL:In the modern world where everything is linked, thesignificance of good communication is very high. People whodo the job of interpreters are very important in helping people who speak different languages to understand each other. They work in many places like big meetings with people fromall over the world, business talks, and when countries are discussing important things. Being able to interpret well and smoothly is very important for interpreters to make sure everyone can talk and understand each other clearly.#### Part IV: Dialogue InterpretationSpeaker A (SL): "I believe that learning a new language can open up many new opportunities."Interpreter (TL): "I think that picking up a new language can create a lot of chances."Speaker B (SL): "Absolutely, it can also help inunderstanding different cultures and customs."Interpreter (TL): "Totally agree, it can also assist ingetting to know various cultures and traditions."Speaker A (SL): "Plus, it's a great way to enhance cognitive skills and memory."Interpreter (TL): "Plus, it's an excellent method to improve thinking abilities and memory."Speaker B (SL): "Indeed, and it can be a fun and rewarding experience."Interpreter (TL): "Indeed, and it can be an enjoyable and satisfying experience."#### Part V: Tips for Beginners- Practice regularly to improve your language proficiency.- Familiarize yourself with common phrases and idioms in both languages.- Work on your listening skills to catch every detail of the speech.- Develop note-taking techniques to help you remember key points during interpretation.- Stay updated with current affairs to understand the context of discussions.Remember, becoming a proficient interpreter takes time and consistent effort. Keep practicing and refining your skills, and you will see progress over time.。



2019年英语翻译资格考试中级口译英译汉练习题1Innovation starts at the top, and it is important forleaders to create an environment where innovation is constant,where people have the skills and incentives to think creatively. In doing so, you attract talents that want to contribute to that environment, creating a virtuous cyclefor the company.// Shanghai's leadership has worked hard to create an environment where businesses can succeed. For example, Shanghai's transportation links to the world,including Pudong International Airport and the new deep water port facility, have achieved world-class status// We live in an era where innovation is central to economic growth and prosperity. It is comfortable to hold onto the old ways of doing business. But innovation is hard because it usuallyleads to change. Innovation requires new ideas, new processes, and new institutions.// New technologies and approaches can radically change an existing market, creating new customers and competitions. But innovation and its accompanying disruption can be managed through good leadership, a long term strategy, and good people.President Hu Jintao stated at the beginning of this year that “Innovation is the core of the nation's competitiveness.”创新从领导层开始做起。



[策马翻译培训口译培训·练习一]Passage 1上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被成为“本帮菜〞,有着400 连年的历史。







|译文:Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines,Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and taste〞 as its essential quality elements.|Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors. Shanghai cuisine is famous for a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish〞.|Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.|After tasting Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish, we are always amazed by the squirrel shape and think that it is more appropriate to plus “appearance〞 as the fourth element.Passage 2美国人强调效率、竞争和独创性,而中国人那么将严谨计划放在首位,鼓励团队成员之间的密符合作和无私奉献。



Unit One Reception 外事接待Unit 1课外练习Passage Two汉译英:P40 录音Unit_1_1 06:491、对不起,您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫·理查德先生吧? 。



Excuse me, you must be Mr. David Richard from the Alliance communications Service. My name is Wei Qin. I’m the acting director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges. Here’s my card.2、自从我们收到您来访日期的电子邮件后便一直期待着您的到来。

We've been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail message informing us of your date of arrival.3、报据您的要求,我们为您预订了我中心东楼的“明寓’名房。


Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center. It is a classic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural style of China's-Ming Dynasty. I am sure you'll like our Ming House.4、理查德先生,我们的“信息高速公路与传播服务学术研讨会”将如期在我中心举行。



数字口译基础练习Part A.3,899 3,908 7009 879 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 780,120 504,781Part B.六万五十七万四百六十七万九百六十一万五千九百三十三万七百五十万十一亿七千五百万三千五百三十八万五千九亿三千六百七十七万七千Part C.1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890.2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers.3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters.4. The number of college graduated will climbto a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000.5. Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000.Part D.以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。

The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles.Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles.The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles.Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 20,268,900.Of five English-speaking countries, New Zealand has the smallest population of only 4,805,300, with a territory of 268,680 suare kilometers, or 103,723 square mile.Part E.中国的劳动力有七亿400千万,而欧洲所有发达国家的劳动力只有4亿3000万。



Making a Workplace Interpretation (3 minutes)T: 格林女士,欢迎你来广州,请坐。

(Contestant: Welcome to Guangzhou, Ms. Green. Take a seat, please.)D: Thank you. I’m very glad to have the chance to visit your company, Mr. Smith. How long have you been in this line of business?(Contestant: 谢谢,史密斯先生,我很高兴有机会来贵公司参观。

您做这一行多久了?) T: 我做这行工作超过十五年了,但是我们公司从事该行有三十多年了。

(Contestant: I’ve been in this line of work for more than 15 years, but our company for more than 30 years.)D: I see. Will you brief me on the size of your company?(Contestant: 明白了。

您能给我简单介绍一下贵公司的规模吗?)T: 当然可以。


(Contestant: Sure. We are a private enterpise with about 1500 employees. And we have five subsidiaries and two factories throughout China.)D: I heard that your company specializes in microwave ovens.(Contestant: 我听说贵公司专门生产微波炉。

)T: 是的,我们的产品目前出口到十五个国家和地区,订单越来越多。



口译初级训练材料一、日常生活对话1. 问候与介绍A:你好!请问你叫什么名字?B:我叫张明,很高兴认识你。


2. 询问个人信息A:你从哪里来?B:我从中国来,目前在美国留学。


3. 谈论课程和学习A:你觉得英语学得怎么样?B:我觉得还可以,但还需要更多练习。



4. 购物和支付A:你喜欢在哪里购物?B:我喜欢在购物中心购物。


5. 在医院A:你最近怎么样?B:我感觉有点不舒服,所以来看医生。


















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