国家留学基金委统一考试 英语口语表达

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XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
1、尽可能熟练地使用英语口语 交际尘灰中教的学课件功能意念表达方法
• (1)交流补救 请求重复和解释 • Excuse me,could you please say it again? • I'm sorry,I didn’t quite catch you.Could you repeat that? • I‘m sorry,I don’t quite understand what you said. • Would you please explain it? • I beg your pardon?/Pardon? • I don’t quite see what you mean,I’m afraid. • I didn’t quite follow what you were saying about... • I‘m afraid I’m not quite clear what you mean by... • Could you rephrase that? • I'm sorry,I don’t understand what you mean by... • Could you explain it? • I'm sorry,would you mind saying that again?
good turn. • That’s not,well,excuse my hesitation,
not to the point. • That’s a good/big/interesting/difficult
© 2008 DUST Manufacture © 2008 尘灰 制造
© 2008 DUST Manufacture © 2008 尘灰 制造
XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
表示犹豫 • Er,let尘m灰e 教s学e课e件. • Well,just let me think about • It’s like this,you see,… • The situation is,how can I put it,taking a
that... • I think what I mean is that… • What I'm saying is that...
© 2008 DUST Manufacture © 2008 尘灰 制造
XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
(2) 态度 询问对尘方灰意教见学课件 • What’s your opinion of…? • What’s your position On…? • What are your views on…? • How do you feel about…? • How do you see things like this? • Have you got any comment on...? • What do you think of/about…? • How do you like…? • How do you find…? • Where do you stand on the question of…?
XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
发表个人意见 • In my o尘p灰inio教n学…课.件 • In my view,… • As far as I'm concerned…. • As I see it,… • From my point of view,I think… • I'd like to say... • I'd like to point out... • It seems to me that... • Personally,I believe/feel... • What’s really happening is… • If you ask me,I think… • I hold the opinion that… • To my knowledge,…
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XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
想纠正或解释自己的观点 尘灰 教学课件
• I mean… • Sorry,let me explain… • Let me put it this way. • Well,what I'm trying to say is that… • Well,the point I'm trying to make is
© 2008 DUST Manufacture © 2008 尘灰 制造
XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
表示不同意或不完全同意对方意见 • I don’t th尘in灰k s教o学.课件 • Do you really think so? • I'm afraid I can’t agree with you. • I'm afraid I entirely disagree with you. • I don’t agree. • I disagree. • Probably you are right,but the fact is… • I see what you mean.But in my opinion,… • I don’t entirely agree with you. • That’s one way of looking at it,but we have
© 2008 DUST Manufacture © 2008 尘灰 制造
XCH 高考复习之现代文阅读
赞同对方意见 • I quite agree with you. • I 尘to灰tal教ly学/课件absolutely agree. • You are right. • That’s true. • Yes,true. • I suppose so. • That’s just my own opinion. • That’s a good point. • I'd go along with you on that.