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The function of prefixation
1.To strengthen the meaning of base. surmis+pass (越过) +take(做) =surpass (胜过) =mistake(错误)
2.To change the meaning of base.
3.To derive the meaning of base. The new word is an extension to the base. micro+wave(波) =microwave(微波) 4.To change the word-class of base. a- + sleep (v. )=asleep (adj.) out+ number n. = outnumber v.
Reversative or Privative Prefixes
de- meaning ‘reversing the action, depriving of’ Characteristic: fix to nouns to form verbs. Example: humanize(赋予人性)/dehumanize(使失人心) ice(冰)/deice(除冰) dis- meaning ‘reversing the action’ or ‘lacking’ Example: allow(允许)/disallow(不允许) interested(感兴趣的)/disinterested(缺少兴趣的) un- same in meaning as for de- with verbs as in unlock but meaning ‘depriving of, releasing from’ in limited use with nouns to make verb Example: seat(n. 座位)/unseat(v. 使失去座位) horse(马)/unhorse(使从马背上摔下来,推翻)
Pejorative Prefixes
mal- meaning ‘badly, bad’ added to verbs, participles, adjective and abstract nouns. Example: treat(对待)/maltreat(虐待) nourished(滋养的)/malnourished(营养不良的) administration(管理)/maladministration(管理不当) mis- meaning ‘wrongly, astray’, added to verbs, participles and abstract nouns. Example: interpret(解释)/misinterpret(曲解) trust信任/mistrust不相信 pseudo- meaning ‘false, imitation’, added to verbs and adjectives and often used to show ‘disapproval’ Example: democratic民主的/pseudo-democratic假民主的 friend朋友/pseudo-friend假朋友
Negative Prefixes
a- meaning ‘not, without, opposite to’ Example: political(政治(上)的)/apolitical(无关政治的)
typical(典型的)/atypical(非典型的) un- meaning ‘not, the converse of’ Example: democratic(民主主义的)/undemocratic(不民主的) willingly(乐意的)/unwillingly(不乐意的) built(建造的)/unbuilt(未建造的)
violence(暴力的)/non-violence(非暴力的) smoker(吸烟者) /non-smoker(不吸烟的人)
in-(il-, im- ,ir-) same in meaning as for unExample: audible(听得见的)/inaudible(听不见的) literate(有学问的)/illiterate(文盲的) mature(成熟的)/immature(未成熟的)
non- meaning ‘not’, it expressing the idea that a person or things does not have the quality or characteristic referred to.
1.Scientific科学的/pseudo-scientific 3.Habit习惯/inhabit 居住于 5.Leading领导/misleading 8.Wrap包起来/ unwrap 9.Smiling微笑的/unsmiling 11.President总统/non-president 13. rip撕裂/unrip 撕开 社会的/ asocial 不合群的 12.loose松的/unloose 解开,释放 14.coming正在来的/incoming 来到 2. virtue品德/non-virtue 4.parent双亲 /pseudo-parent 6.mask伪装/unmask 揭露 7.Moral道德的/amoral 和道德无关的 /inmoral 不道德的
◦ Noble 高尚的 贵族的 贵族 modify 修改更改 kinsfolk 亲属家属 raider 入侵者
◦ Insular 鼓励隔绝 continental大陆的 influx流入汇集 subjugate征服克制 ◦ relegate把降低 归入 despise鄙视 boor农民野蛮人
◦ Moห้องสมุดไป่ตู้k 僧人,教徒
convert 转变改变 改变信仰 heathen 异教徒野蛮的
◦ Plunder 侵吞,掠夺 throne 王座 inroad 侵袭袭击 infect 感染inflect使弯曲 ◦ Dynasty 王朝 resort to 求助于 restore 恢复,修复 reign 统治支配 duke 公爵
The definition of prefixation
Prefixation is a tool to creat new words by add prefixes to bases. Prefixes can be comprised of one or more alphabtes. And to some extent, they have certain meaning. Prefixes generally do not change word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. Many different prefixes may have the similar function. For example disand un-, new words which created by them have the opposite meaning to bases. So for convenience of study, we group prefixes into semantic sets, each consisting of all the major prefixes that have the similar meaning.