
二战英语自我介绍二战英语自我介绍Hello everyone, it is an honor to meet you all here today. My name is John, and I come from the United States. I am here to share some information about my role in World War II and to give a brief overview of my experience as an American soldier.Firstly, I would like to stress that World War II was a global conflict that brought all nations together to fightfor a common cause. Being of American descent, I felt fortunate to have the opportunity to fight for my country and the world as a whole. I enlisted in the army in the year 1942 and was sent to various locations around the world to fight for freedom and justice.During my time in the military, I trained hard to become an effective combat soldier. I was part of the Allied forces that invaded Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The objective was to push back the German forces and gain a foothold in France. It was not an easy task, but we were determined to succeed. The operation marked a pivotal moment in the war, and we played a critical role in securing victory on the Western front.Subsequently, I had several other combat experiences in Europe, including the Battle of the Bulge, one of the largest and bloodiest battles of World War II. The battle took place in the Ardennes forest in Belgium and was fought between American and German forces. Our objective was to push the Germans back and secure the vital ports of Antwerp. It was agrueling battle that tested our resilience, but we emerged victorious.In addition to my combat experience, I had the opportunity to interact with people from different parts of the world, which broadened my perspective about the diversity of cultures. I am grateful for the lifelong friendships I formed during that time.In conclusion, my experience in World War II was one of the most significant events in my life. It taught me the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. The war brought the world closer together, and although it came at a great cost, it also paved the way for peace and prosperity in the years that followed. Thank you for listening to my story.。

描述二战的英语作文【中英文实用版】Title: A Descriptive Essay on World War IIThe cataclysmic event known as World War II reshaped the global landscape, both politically and physically, during the mid-20th century.It was a conflict of unprecedented scale and devastation, involving nations from every continent and resulting in the loss of millions of lives.This essay aims to capture the essence of this monumental period in history.二战,这个震撼世界的大事件,在20世纪中叶彻底改变了全球的政治格局和物理面貌。
The war began with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939 and concluded with the surrender of the Axis powers in 1945.It was characterized by fierce battles, such as the Battle of Stalingrad and the D-Day Invasion, and the implementation of new technologies and strategies, including the use of atomic bombs.这场战争始于1939年纳粹德国对波兰的入侵,并以轴心国在1945年的投降告终。

美国总统罗斯福珍珠港演讲稿(英文版)Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to thevery life and safety of our nation.fdrwarspeech.jpgAs commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.美国总统罗斯福珍珠港演讲稿(中文版)副总统先生、议长先生、参众两院各位议员:昨天,1941年12月7日——必须永远记住这个耻辱的日子——美利坚合众国受到了日本帝国海空军突然的蓄意的进攻。
1942年美国国旗日的广播演讲 富兰克林 D.罗斯福

Radio Address on United Flag Day.Franklin D. RooseveltJune 14, 1942Today on Flag Day we celebrate the declaration of the United Nations—that great alliance dedicated to the defeat of our foes and to the establishment of a true peace based on the freedom of man. Today the Republic of Mexico and the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands join us. We welcome these valiant peoples to the company of those who fight for freedom.The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of man's needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive him of all these freedoms and he dies—deprive him of a part of them and a part of him withers. Give them to him in full and abundant measure and he will cross the threshold of a new age, the greatest age of man.These freedoms are the rights of men of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their heritage, long withheld. We of the United Nations have the power and the men and the will at last to assure man's heritage.The belief in the four freedoms of common humanity—the belief in man, created free, in the image of God- is the crucial difference between ourselves and the enemies we face today. In it lies the absolute unity of our alliance, opposed to the oneness of the evil we hate. Here is our strength, the source and promise of victory.We of the United Nations know that our faith cannot be broken by any man or any force. And we know that there are other millions who in their silent captivity share our belief.We ask the German people, still dominated by their Nazi whipmasters, whether they would rather have the mechanized hell of Hitler's "New" Order or—in place of that, freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.We ask the Japanese people, trampled by their savage lords of slaughter, whether they would rather continue slavery and blood or—in place of them, freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.We ask the brave, unconquered people of the Nations the Axis invaders have dishonored and despoiled whether they would rather yield to conquerors or—have freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and from fear.We know the answer. They know the answer. We know that man, born to freedom in the image of God, will not forever suffer the oppressors' sword. The peoples of the United Nations are taking that sword from the oppressors' hands. With it they will destroy those tyrants. The brazen tyrannies pass. Man marches forward toward the light.I am going to close by reading you a prayer that has been written for the United Nations on this Day:"God of the free, we pledge our hearts and lives today to the cause of all free mankind."Grant us victory over the tyrants who would enslave all free men and Nations. Grant us faith and understanding to cherish all those who fight for freedom as if they were our brothers. Grant us brotherhood in hope and union, not only for the space of this bitter war, but for the days to come which shall and must unite all the children of earth."Our earth is but a small star in the great universe. Yet of it we can make, if we choose, a planet unvexed by war, untroubled by hunger or fear, undivided by senseless distinctions of race, color, or theory. Grant us that courage and foreseeing to begin this task today that our children and our children's children may be proud of the name of man."The spirit of man has awakened and the soul of man has gone forth. Grant us the wisdom and the vision to comprehend the greatness of man's spirit, that suffers and endures so hugely for a goal beyond his own brief span. Grant us honor for our dead who died in the faith, honor for our living who work and strive for the faith, redemption and security for all captive lands and peoples. Grant us patience with the deluded and pity for the betrayed. And grant us the skill and the valor that shall cleanse the world of oppression and the old base doctrine that the strong must eat the weak because they are strong."Yet most of all grant us brotherhood, not only for this day but for all our years- a brotherhood not of words but of acts and deeds. We are all of us children of earth—grant us that simple knowledge. If our brothers are oppressed, then we are oppressed. If they hunger, we hunger. If their freedom is taken away, our freedom is not secure. Grant us a common faith that man shall know bread and peace-that he shall know justice and righteousness, freedom and security, an equal opportunity and an equal chance to do his best, not only in our own lands, but throughout the world. And in that faith let us march, toward the clean world our hands can make. Amen."译文:美国国旗日的广播演讲富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福1942年6月14日今天,在这个国旗日,让我们再次颂扬美利坚合众国的宣言——伟大的联盟,将致力于打败我们的敌人,建立基于所有人的自由的真正和平。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, we stand at a momentous crossroads in history, a time when the lessons of the past can illuminate our path to the future. As we reflect on the heroic struggles of our ancestors during World War II, let us draw inspiration from their unwavering spirit and resilience. It is through the lens of their experiences that we can understand the true essence of American strength and the indomitable will that defines our nation.World War II was a crucible of human courage and despair, a time whenthe fate of the free world hung in the balance. In the face of overwhelming odds, the United States emerged not only as a victor but as a beacon of hope and freedom. The stories of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who fought and sacrificed their lives on distant shores are etched into the annals of history. Their bravery and determination remind us that the essence of America is not merely in our land or our resources, but in the very fabric of our spirit.Let us embark on a journey through the pages of time, tracing thethreads of our nation's resilience and the indomitable spirit that propelled us through the darkest days of the 20th century.The Call to ArmsThe early years of the 20th century were marked by a growing sense of international tension. As fascism and totalitarianism spread across Europe, the world teetered on the brink of a second global conflict. When the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 thrust the UnitedStates into the war, the nation was mobilized in a way that few could have imagined.The call to arms resonated across America, transcending social, economic, and cultural boundaries. Men and women from all walks of life stepped forward, volunteering to serve their country. The spirit of patriotic duty was pervasive, and it fueled a collective resolve that would define the war effort.The March to VictoryThe road to victory was long and arduous. It required not only military might but also unwavering resolve and innovation. The United States,with its vast industrial capacity, played a pivotal role in the Allied war effort. From the production lines that churned out planes, ships,and tanks to the minds that developed new technologies and strategies, America's contribution was indispensable.The battles of Stalingrad, Midway, Normandy, and Iwo Jima were turning points in the war. They were not just military victories but symbols of human perseverance and the refusal to surrender. The courage of our soldiers, who faced unimaginable horror and hardship, serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of America.The Unseen HeroesWhile the stories of battlefield heroes are well-documented, there are countless unsung heroes whose contributions were no less vital. The women who took on jobs in factories, the civilians who rationed and recycled, the families who supported their loved ones from afar—each played a role in the war effort.The spirit of unity and solidarity that emerged during World War II wasa powerful force. It transcended individual interests and emphasized the collective good. This spirit of unity is a reminder that when we stand together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.The Legacy of ServiceThe legacy of World War II is not merely the physical conquest of enemies but the profound impact it had on the fabric of American society. The war taught us the value of freedom, the importance of democracy, and the necessity of compassion. It was a lesson in the human condition, a reminder that we are all connected by a shared destiny.The veterans of World War II returned home with stories of heroism and loss. They carried the scars of war, both physical and emotional, but they also carried the seeds of a better future. Their service and sacrifice paved the way for the prosperity and peace that followed.Embracing the LegacyAs we honor the memory of those who fought and died during World War II, let us also embrace the legacy of their service. Their courage and determination remind us that in times of darkness, the light of hope can still shine brightly.Today, we face new challenges, new threats, and new uncertainties. But the spirit of America is as strong as ever. It is a spirit that demands that we stand up for what is right, that we fight for the values we hold dear, and that we never, ever give up.In closing, let us remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Let us draw strength from the courage of our ancestors and let their legacy guide us as we continue to build a brighter future for our children and our grandchildren.Thank you. God bless America. And may God bless the memory of those who fought and gave their all for our freedom.The Unwavering Spirit of America: Embracing the Legacy of World War IILadies and Gentlemen, the journey is ours to continue. Let us carry forward the torch of freedom, the beacon of hope, and the indomitable spirit of America. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and create a world that is worthy of the sacrifices made by those who came before us.God bless America. And may the legacy of World War II inspire us all to be the best versions of ourselves.。
【优质】二战英语演讲稿-word范文模板 (12页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿World War 2Brief introduce:AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war.World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies.Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on .Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and played a leading role who against German domination of Europe.3.Stalin, Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler.4. Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of thewar.note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil .Reason:The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They triedtheir whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world.While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,afterthat ,the world war 2 broke out.Process:InEuro.Break outIn September,1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Polandwhich led Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later. After that , Germany captured France and some other small western European countries.Then ,on 1941.6.22, Germany opening of the second front and attackthe USSR.1. Leningrad Defence :In the north, the Northern Army Group surrounded the Leningrad ,itwas the symbol of the culture in the Soviet . Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. When food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. Finally ,the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad on January 15, 1944. This war isthe bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.The Battle of Moscow :Moscow is the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and it is also the largest Soviet city. Moscow was regarded as the political center ,so Stalin ordered that all the Red Armysoldiers should never step back. This battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of USSR in 1942.01.07.3.The Battle of Stalingrad :By the summer of 1942. In the south, the Southern Army Group pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the Soviet .This war was a major battle of World War II . During this battle, the Soviet given the Germany Army a heavyblow .Afterwards, the German can never leaded off an attack. So it's the turning points of the war.In Asian.Japan attacked to Pearl Harbor in 1941,12,7.Then America joined the war.The battle of SongHu :In the Asian battlefield .China played a very important role .She suffered from the main attack of Japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.Class2The turning points. 石张磊 7号Normandy landings : In 1944, the second European front was opened, Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy. It means Germany will trend to failure in near future.Finally battles. After the Allies occupied Berlin, in 1945,5,8. Germany surrendered. On August,1945 , the Us dropped 2 atom bombs on Japan ,finally ,Japanese surrendered .The World War 2 came to the end.My thought: In my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to behonest ,the Germany Army was the most powerful forces in thattime .But Adolf Hitler had made 3 unforgivable mistakes which let Germany went to fail.First ,he didn't try his best to beat Britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let Germany spent more resources . Second ,hedidn't overcame the Lenin Ziegler ,so Germany Army couldn't successto meet with Finland, the country was attacked by the Soviet in 1939,and the powerful Northern Army group couldn't go to south to surround the Soviet Army .Finally ,the most important point is that Hitler adopted a policy of genocide .Due to that reason , many enemy was forced to do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.Result:World War 2 let more than 60 million people lose their lives and gave people endless trauma .But ,in the other side ,many countries became socialist or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence .Of course ,in order to avoid war happen again ,In April 1945, just at the end of the war, the United Nations organization started in America .It is the most important organization which is committed to maintaining world peace.Tag:If you are interested in World War 2 or even have some different ideas. I'm very glad to communicate with you and to give you some more details after class.Thank you for listening.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿(附翻译)I believe in our futureHonorable Judges, fellow students: Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.。

美国二战历史英文作文The United States and World War II: A Pivotal Moment in HistoryThe United States' involvement in World War II was a defining chapter in the nation's history, shaping its role on the global stage and forever impacting the lives of millions. From the attack on Pearl Harbor to the ultimate victory, the American people demonstrated unwavering resilience, courage, and determination in the face of unimaginable adversity.The road to America's entry into the war was a tumultuous one. Prior to the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, the United States had sought to maintain a stance of isolationism, wary of becoming entangled in the conflicts of the Old World. However, the rapid advancement of the Axis powers and the horrific atrocities being committed could not be ignored. As the war raged on, the United States gradually shifted its position, providing aid and support to the Allied forces through programs such as the Lend-Lease Act.The pivotal moment came on December 7, 1941, when the JapaneseEmpire launched a devastating attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This surprise assault, which claimed the lives of over 2,400 servicemen and civilians, shattered the nation's sense of security and propelled it into the war. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's impassioned address to Congress, in which he famously declared the date "a date which will live in infamy," galvanized the American people and led to a unanimous declaration of war against Japan.The American war effort was a massive undertaking, requiring the mobilization of the entire nation. Millions of men and women answered the call to arms, leaving their civilian lives behind to serve in the military. The industrial might of the United States was harnessed to produce the vast quantities of weapons, vehicles, and supplies needed to support the troops. Women played a crucial role in this effort, filling essential positions in factories and industries previously dominated by men.The battles fought by American forces were marked by heroism, sacrifice, and strategic brilliance. From the hard-fought campaigns in the Pacific theater, where the Marines battled the Japanese in brutal island-hopping campaigns, to the decisive victories in Europe, where the Allied forces liberated the continent from the grip of Nazi tyranny, the American soldier proved to be a formidable foe.The Battle of Normandy, also known as D-Day, stands as one of the most pivotal moments of the war. On June 6, 1944, the largest amphibious invasion in history was launched, as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. The courageous men who waded through the surf and scaled the cliffs in the face of withering enemy fire paved the way for the liberation of Europe.The war in Europe culminated in the defeat of Nazi Germany, marked by the surrender of the Axis powers in May 1945. However, the conflict in the Pacific continued, with the United States engaged in a brutal island-hopping campaign against the Japanese Empire. The decision to employ the atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while controversial, ultimately led to Japan's surrender in August 1945, bringing an end to the deadliest conflict in human history.The impact of World War II on the United States cannot be overstated. The war transformed the nation, both socially and economically. The mobilization of the workforce, the advancements in technology and industry, and the increased role of the federal government all contributed to the emergence of the United States as a global superpower. The sacrifices made by the American people, both on the battlefield and on the home front, forged a sense of national unity and pride that continues to resonate to this day.Moreover, the war had a profound impact on the lives of individual Americans. Millions of veterans returned home, many bearing the physical and emotional scars of their experiences. The GI Bill, which provided educational and housing benefits, helped these men and women reintegrate into civilian life and paved the way for the prosperity of the postwar era.The legacy of World War II continues to shape the United States, both in its foreign policy and its domestic affairs. The lessons learned, the alliances forged, and the determination displayed during the conflict have all contributed to the nation's enduring strength and influence on the world stage. As we reflect on this pivotal moment in history, we are reminded of the extraordinary resilience and bravery of the American people, who rose to the occasion and played a crucial role in the triumph of freedom over tyranny.。

二战时期美国历史英文作文World War II was a global conflict that changed the course of history, and the United States played a pivotal role in this epochal struggle. From the early years of neutrality to the later stages of active engagement, the United States emerged as a key ally of the Allied powers and ultimately contributed significantly to the Allied victory.At the outbreak of the war in 1939, the United States chose to maintain a policy of neutrality, seeking to avoid the entanglements of foreign conflicts. However, as the war progressed and the Axis powers' aggression escalated, the United States found itself increasingly drawn into the conflict. The attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 marked a turning point, as it prompted the United States to declare war on Japan and later Germany and Italy, effectively bringing it into the war on the side of the Allies.Once committed, the United States marshaled its vast resources and industrial might to support the war effort. The American economy went into overdrive, producing anarray of weapons and equipment for the frontlines. Millions of American soldiers were deployed overseas, fighting in battlefields across Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. The American air force and navy conducted bombing raids and naval operations to disrupt Axis supply lines and strategic targets.The United States also played a crucial role in the development of technology and strategy that shaped the war. The Manhattan Project, led by American scientists, resulted in the creation of the atomic bomb, which was used against Japan at the end of the war, marking a new era in the history of warfare. The American military also employed radar, sonar, and other advanced technologies to gain a strategic edge in the conflict.The United States' role in World War II was not without controversy, however. The country's involvement in the war was controversial at home, with some arguing for a more isolationist approach. The war also revealed racial and ethnic tensions within the United States, as African Americans and other minority groups faced discrimination and segregation even while serving in the military.Despite these challenges, the United States emerged from World War II as a global superpower, with a strengthened economy, expanded influence, and a sense of national purpose and unity. The war also left a lasting impact on American culture and society, shaping values and institutions that have persisted into the present day.In conclusion, the United States played a critical role in World War II, both in terms of its direct contributions to the war effort and its impact on the country's domestic and global position. The war transformed the United States into a global power and left a lasting legacy on its people and institutions.**二战时期美国历史:历史视角**二战是一场改变了历史进程的全球冲突,而美国在这场历史性的斗争中扮演了至关重要的角色。
【最新文档】二战英语演讲稿word版本 (12页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿World War 2Brief introduce:AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war.World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies.Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on .Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and played a leading role who against German domination of Europe.3.Stalin, Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler.4. Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of thewar.note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil .Reason:The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They triedtheir whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world.While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,afterthat ,the world war 2 broke out.Process:InEuro.Break outIn September,1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Polandwhich led Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later. After that , Germany captured France and some other small western European countries.Then ,on 1941.6.22, Germany opening of the second front and attackthe USSR.1. Leningrad Defence :In the north, the Northern Army Group surrounded the Leningrad ,itwas the symbol of the culture in the Soviet . Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. When food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. Finally ,the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad on January 15, 1944. This war isthe bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.The Battle of Moscow :Moscow is the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and it is also the largest Soviet city. Moscow was regarded as the political center ,so Stalin ordered that all the Red Armysoldiers should never step back. This battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of USSR in 1942.01.07.3.The Battle of Stalingrad :By the summer of 1942. In the south, the Southern Army Group pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the Soviet .This war was a major battle of World War II . During this battle, the Soviet given the Germany Army a heavyblow .Afterwards, the German can never leaded off an attack. So it's the turning points of the war.In Asian.Japan attacked to Pearl Harbor in 1941,12,7.Then America joined the war.The battle of SongHu :In the Asian battlefield .China played a very important role .She suffered from the main attack of Japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.Class2The turning points. 石张磊 7号Normandy landings : In 1944, the second European front was opened, Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy. It means Germany will trend to failure in near future.Finally battles. After the Allies occupied Berlin, in 1945,5,8. Germany surrendered. On August,1945 , the Us dropped 2 atom bombs on Japan ,finally ,Japanese surrendered .The World War 2 came to the end.My thought: In my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to behonest ,the Germany Army was the most powerful forces in thattime .But Adolf Hitler had made 3 unforgivable mistakes which let Germany went to fail.First ,he didn't try his best to beat Britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let Germany spent more resources . Second ,hedidn't overcame the Lenin Ziegler ,so Germany Army couldn't successto meet with Finland, the country was attacked by the Soviet in 1939,and the powerful Northern Army group couldn't go to south to surround the Soviet Army .Finally ,the most important point is that Hitler adopted a policy of genocide .Due to that reason , many enemy was forced to do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.Result:World War 2 let more than 60 million people lose their lives and gave people endless trauma .But ,in the other side ,many countries became socialist or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence .Of course ,in order to avoid war happen again ,In April 1945, just at the end of the war, the United Nations organization started in America .It is the most important organization which is committed to maintaining world peace.Tag:If you are interested in World War 2 or even have some different ideas. I'm very glad to communicate with you and to give you some more details after class.Thank you for listening.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿(附翻译)I believe in our futureHonorable Judges, fellow students: Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.。

Good afternoon everyone!Before making a speech, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what happened on June 6th of 1944? Who knows it? Please raise your hand. If you can‟t say it in English, speaking Chinese is OK. Yeah, it is the Normandy [nɔrməndi]Landing. I think most of you must have learned it from your history textbook. Am I right?OK, however, there are a lot of interesting and important stories which our textbook doesn‟t tell us. And this is what I am going to talk about.First of all, you may have learned that the Normandy Landing is also called “the opening of the second battlefield”. So what does “the second”mean? Who knows it? Raise your hand, please. Yeah, at that time Soviet[soʊviet] was battling against Germany and Soviet was thrown into dilemma[dɪlɛmə]. Lots of troops were ruined and Moscow was almost seized[si:z]. So Stalin[stɑ:lin] demanded his allies Britain and America do something to relieve his burden[bɜ:dn]. But the Prime Minister Churchill [tʃə:tʃil]had his own thoughts. He wanted to benefit from the battle between the two countries. So he took pains to find the excuses for his delay[dɪleɪ]. He said Britain had no ability to open the second battlefield. Why did Churchill say so? Because he attached importance to the Middle East and the Mediterranean[medɪtə‟reɪniən]. Britain had plenty of colonies[…kɒləni]at these places and they were likely to be attacked by Axis Powers. Obviously, in his opinion, defending British interests was the most important.Although the opening of the second battlefield was delayed year after year, Allied Powers finally decided to launch the plan in 1944. But is it so easy? Allied Forces thought the vital problem was the landing place. There were two ideal places. One was Calais['kæleɪ], the other was Normandy. Now let us analyze the two places. Calais was the nearest landing point. But German had established many strongholds there. Normandy was far from Britain but the beach was wide, which would help spread huge amounts of troops. If you were the commander in 1944, which place would you choose? Sounds a little difficult. But what is the vital factor of a military action? It is acting abruptly and surprisingly. You may have heard of the famous saying in Sunzi‟s art of war. It is “March where the enemy can‟t imagine and attack what the enemy doesn‟t defend”. Sounds a bit familiar? Because Calais was the nearest landing point, German guessed Allied Forces would land at Calais. Of course they established lots of strongholds so landing would pay a heavy price.The next problem for Allied Forces was how to hide their real purpose. German was not a fool. If German perceived the real purpose, they would transfer their troops from Calais to Normandy. So intelligence was significant.In order to deceive the enemy, Allied Forces did what they could do. They established a strong army called “the First Group Army”anddeployed the army near Calais and most importantly, they assigned George Barton to be the commander. Now we know it is fictitious[fɪktɪʃəs]. But in 1944 German didn‟t know. George Barton was famous for his outstanding military talent and German was afraid of him. They thought: Oh, Barton became the commander of the First Group Army, it meant the Allied Forces would take a big action. They paid attention to the army and assigned spy planes to Britain to get information about the army. Allied Forces made full use of these German spy planes. They deployed lots of tanks, planes and cannons[kænən]around the base of the First Group Army. But they were all made of rubber. So interesting, right? They were not the real weapons. However, German spy planes couldn‟t distinguish the differences. They returned to Germany and told Hitler the wrong information.However, doing these was not enough to deceive the enemy. In order to prove that the First Group Army truly existed, Allied Forces developed a great number of double agents. Double agent means a spy serve two countries at the same time. The double agents were used by German to get intelligence from Allied Forces. Of course they gave the wrong information to German. They said Allied Forces would land at Calais and the First Group Army was very strong.The most inconceivable thing was that Allied Forces even used actors. They managed to find an actor who resembled[rɪzembl]the MarshalMontgomery[mɑntɡʌməri] very much. The real Montgomery hid and the actor flew to North Africa. German spies in North Africa followed the Marshal secretly and reported all his activities to German Forces. It gave German Forces a wrong impression that Allied Forces would take an action in North Africa so they didn‟t dare to transfer all their troops from North Africa to North France.All in all, a series of intelligence deceptions and other assistant strategies made German believe that Allied Forces would land at Calais. What is worse, when Allied Forces began to land at Normandy, German Forces even believed it was an illusive military action. The chief commander Eisenhower['aɪzən‟haʊər] called the first day of landing “the longest day”. The famous German Marshal Rommel[…rɑməl] called it “the decisive 24 hours”. In the end Allied Forces won the decisive 24 hours. When German reinforcements[ri:ɪn‟fɔ:smənt]arrived, it was too late. That‟s all. Thank you very much!。

罗斯福演讲稿(共3篇)第1篇:罗斯福演讲稿篇一:罗斯福演讲稿 1 演讲全文:pearl harbor addre to the nation mr.vice president, mr.speaker, members of the senate, and of the house of representatives: yesterday, december 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of japan. the united states was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the pacific. it will be recorded that the distance of hawaii from japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or evenweeks ago.during the intervening time, the japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the united states by false statements and expreions of hope for continued peace. the attack yesterday on the hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to american naval and military forces.i regret to tell you that very many american lives have been lost.in addition, american ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between san francisco andhonolulu. yesterday, the japanese government also launched an attack against malaya. last night, japanese forces attacked hong st night, japanese forces attacked guam. last night, japanese forces attacked the philippine islands. last night, the japanese attacked wake island. and this morning, the japanese attacked midway island. japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the pacific area.the facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves.the people of the united states have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.i believe that i interpret the will of the congre and of the people when i aert that wewill not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. hostilities exist.there is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. with confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us god.i ask that the congre declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by japan on sunday, december 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the united states and the japanese empire.篇二:中文版罗斯福四大自由演讲稿富兰克林.罗斯福四大自由在一九四一年一月六日致国会的咨文中,富兰克林.罗斯福总统要求国会根据租借法案,把必要的武器装备提供给那些总统认为其防御对美国利益至关重要的国家。

竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除诺曼底登陆英语演讲稿篇一:诺曼底登陆英文演讲稿goodafternooneveryone!beforemakingaspeech,Iwanttoaskyouaquestion.Doyoukno wwhathappenedonJune6thof1944?whoknowsit?pleaseraise yourhand.Ifyoucan?tsayitinenglish,speakingchineseis oK.Yeah,itisthenormandy[n?rm?ndi]Landing.Ithinkmost ofyoumusthavelearneditfromyourhistorytextbook.AmIri ght?oK,however,therearealotofinterestingandimportantsto rieswhichourtextbookdoesn?ttellus.AndthisiswhatIamg oingtotalkabout.Firstofall,youmayhavelearnedthatthenormandyLandingi salsocalled“theopeningofthesecondbattlefield”.sowhatdoes “thesecond”mean?whoknowsit?Raiseyourhand,please.Yeah,atthattim esoviet[so?viet]wasbattlingagainstgermanyandsovietw asthrownintodilemma[d?l?m?].Lotsoftroopswereruineda ndmoscowwasalmostseized[si:z].sostalin[stɑ:lin]demandedhisalliesbritainandAmericadosomething torelievehisburden[b?:dn].buttheprimeministerchurch ill[t??:t?il]hadhisownthoughts.hewantedtobenefitfromth ebattlebetweenthetwocountries.sohetookpainstofindth eexcusesforhisdelay[d?le?].hesaidbritainhadnoabilit ytoopenthesecondbattlefield.whydidchurchillsayso?be causeheattachedimportancetothemiddleeastandthemedit erranean[med?t??re?ni?n].britainhadplentyofcolonies [?k?l?ni]attheseplacesandtheywerelikelytobeattacked byAxispowers.obviously,inhisopinion,defendingbriti shinterestswasthemostimportant.Althoughtheopeningofthesecondbattlefieldwasdelayedy earafteryear,Alliedpowersfinallydecidedtolaunchtheplanin1944.butisitsoeasy?AlliedForcesthoughtthevital problemwasthelandingplace.Thereweretwoidealplaces.o newascalais[k?le?],theotherwasnormandy.nowletusanal yzethetwoplaces.calaiswasthenearestlandingpoint.but germanhadestablishedmanystrongholdsthere.normandywa sfarfrombritainbutthebeachwaswide,whichwouldhelpspr eadhugeamountsoftroops.Ifyouwerethecommanderin1944, whichplacewouldyouchoose?soundsalittledifficult.but whatisthevitalfactorofamilitaryaction?Itisactingabr uptlyandsurprisingly.Youmayhaveheardofthefamoussayi nginsunzi?sartofwar.Itis “marchwheretheenemycan?timagineandattackwhattheene mydoesn?tdefend”.soundsabitfamiliar?becausecalaisw asthenearestlandingpoint,germanguessedAlliedForcesw ouldlandatcalais.ofcoursetheyestablishedlotsofstron gholdssolandingwouldpayaheavyprice.ThenextproblemforAlliedForceswashowtohidetheirrealp urpose.germanwasnotafool.Ifgermanperceivedtherealpu rpose,theywouldtransfertheirtroopsfromcalaistonorma ndy.sointelligencewassignificant.Inordertodeceivetheenemy,AlliedForcesdidwhattheycou lddo.Theyestablishedastrongarmycalled “theFirstgroupArmy”anddeployedthearmynearcalaisandmostimportantly,theyass ignedgeorgebartontobethecommander.nowweknowitisfict itious[f?kts].butin1944germandidn?tknow.georgeba rtonwasfamousforhisoutstandingmilitarytalentandgerm anwasafraidofhim.Theythought:oh,bartonbecamethecomm anderoftheFirstgroupArmy,itmeanttheAlliedForceswoul dtakeabigaction.Theypaidattentiontothearmyandassign edspyplanestobritaintogetinformationaboutthearmy.Al liedForcesmadefulluseofthesegermanspyplanes.Theydep loyedlotsoftanks,planesandcannons[k?n?n]aroundtheba seoftheFirstgroupArmy.buttheywereallmadeofrubber.so interesting,right?Theywerenottherealweapons.however ,germanspyplanescouldn?tdistinguishthedifferences.T heyreturnedtogermanyandtoldhitlerthewronginformatio n.however,doingthesewasnotenoughtodeceivetheenemy.Ino rdertoprovethattheFirstgroupArmytrulyexisted,AlliedForcesdevelopedagreatnumberofdoubleagents.Doubleage ntmeansaspyservetwocountriesatthesametime.Thedouble agentswereusedbygermantogetintelligencefromAlliedFo rces.ofcoursetheygavethewronginformationtogerman.Th eysaidAlliedForceswouldlandatcalaisandtheFirstgroup Armywasverystrong.ThemostinconceivablethingwasthatAlliedForcesevenuse dactors.Theymanagedtofindanactorwhoresembled[r?zemb l]themarshalmontgomery[mɑntɡ?m?ri]verymuch.Therealmontgomeryhidandtheactorflew tonorthAfrica.germanspiesinnorthAfricafollowedthema rshalsecretlyandreportedallhisactivitiestogermanFor ces.ItgavegermanForcesawrongimpressionthatAlliedFor ceswouldtakeanactioninnorthAfricasotheydidn?tdareto transferalltheirtroopsfromnorthAfricatonorthFrance.Allinall,aseriesofintelligencedeceptionsandotherass istantstrategiesmadegermanbelievethatAlliedForceswo uldlandatcalais.whatisworse,whenAlliedForcesbeganto landatnormandy,germanForcesevenbelieveditwasanillusivemilitaryaction.Thechiefcommandereisenhower[a?z?n har]calledthefirstdayoflanding “thelongestday”.ThefamousgermanmarshalRommel[?rɑm?l]calledit“thedecisive24hours”.IntheendAlliedForceswonthede cisive24hours.whengermanreinforcements[ri:?n?f?:sm? nt]arrived,itwastoolate.That?sall.Thankyouverymuch!篇二:艾森豪威尔在诺曼底登陆前的演讲艾森豪威尔在诺曼底登陆前的演讲soldiers,sailorsandAirmenoftheAlliedexpeditionaryFo rces:Youareabouttoembarkuponthegreatcrusade,towardw hichwehavestriventhesemanymonths.Theeyesoftheworlda reuponyou.Thehopesandprayersofliberty-lovingpeoplee verywheremarchwithyou.IncompanywithourbraveAlliesan dbrothers-in-armsonotherFrontsyouwillbringaboutthed estructionofthegermanwarmachine,theeliminationofnaz ityrannyoveroppressedpeoplesofeurope,andsecurityfor ourselvesinafreeworld.Yourtaskwillnotbeaneasyone.Yourenemyiswelltrained,w ellequippedandbattle-hardened.hewillfightsavagely.butthisistheyear1944!muchhashappenedsincethenazitri umphsof1940-41.Theunitednationshaveinflicteduponthe germansgreatdefeats,inopenbattle,man-to-man.ourairo ffensivehasseriouslyreducedtheirstrengthintheairand theircapacitytowagewarontheground.ourhomeFrontshave givenusanoverwhelmingsuperiorityinweaponsandmunitio nsofwar,andplacedatourdisposalgreatreservesoftraine dfightingmen.Thetidehasturned!Thefreemenoftheworlda remarchingtogethertoVictory!Ihavefullconfidenceinyourcourage,devotiontodutyands killinbattle.wewillacceptnothinglessthanfullvictory!goodLuck!AndletusallbeseechtheblessingofAlmightygod uponthisgreatandnobleundertakingsoldiers,sailors,andairmenoftheAlliedexpeditionaryF orce:[各位联合远征军的海陆空战士们:]youareabouttoembarkuponthegreatcrusadetowardswhichwehavestriventhesemanymonths.??[你们马上就要踏上征程去进行一场伟大的圣战,为此我们已精心准备了数月。

关于美国南北战争的英语演讲稿关于美国南北战争的英语演讲稿篇一:美国内战中英文介绍1.Civil WarThe American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to simply as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25 states supported the federal government ("the Union"). After four years of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained uesolved.In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion as avowals of treason. After a Republican victory, but before the new administration took office on March 4, 1861, seven cotton states declared their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both the outgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion. The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. No country in the world recognized the Confederacy.Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by calling for a volunteer army from each state to recapture federal property, which led to declarations of secession by four more slave states. Both sides raised armies as the Union seized control of the border states early in the war and established a naval blockade. Land warfare in the East was inconclusive in 1861–62, as the Confederacy beat back Union efforts to capture its capital, Richmond, Virginia, notably during the Peninsular Campaign. In September 1862, theConfederate campaign in Maryland ended in defeat at the Battle of Antietam, which dissuaded the British from intervening.[2] Days after that battle, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made ending slavery a war goal.[3]In 1863, Confederate general Robert E. Lee's northward advance ended in defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg. To the west, the Union gained control of the Mississippi River after the Battle of Shiloh and Siege of Vicksburg, splitting the Confederacy in two and destroying much of their western army. Due to his western successes, Ulysses S. Grant was given command of the eastern army in 1864, and organized the armies of William T ecumseh Sherman, Philip Sheridan and others to attack the Confederacy from all directions, increasing the North's advantage in manpower. Grant restructured the union army, and put other generals in command of divisions of the army that were to support his push into Virginia. He fought several battles of attrition against Leethrough the Overland Campaign to seize Richmond, though in the face of fierce resistance he altered hisplans and led the Siege of Petersburg which nearly finished off the rest of Lee's army. Meanwhile, Sherman captured Atlanta and marched to the sea, destroying Confederate infrastructure along the way. When the Confederate attempt to defend Petersburg failed, the Confederate army retreated but was pursued and defeated, which resulted in Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.The American Civil War was one of the earliest true industrial wars. Railroads, the telegraph, steamships, and mass-produced weapons were employed extensively. The practices of total war, developed by Sherman in Georgia, and of trench warfare around Petersburg foreshadowed World War I in Europe. It remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilian casualties. Historian John Huddleston estimates the death toll at ten percent of all Northern males 20–45 years old, and 30 percent of all Southern white males aged 18–40.[4] Victory for the North meant the end of the Confederacy and of slavery in the United States, and strengthened the roleof the federal government. The social, political, economic and racial issues of the war decisively shaped the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877.美国南北战争(1861-1865),通常被称为在美国南北战争,是一场内战,战斗在美利坚合众国。

二战时期演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿World War 2Brief introduce:AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war.World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies.Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on .Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945and played a leading role who against German domination of , Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler.4. Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of the war.note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil .Reason:The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They tried their whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world. While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,after that ,the worldwar 2 broke out.Process:InEuro.Break outIn September,1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Poland which led Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later. After that , Germany captured France and some other small western European countries.Then ,on , Germany opening of the second front and attack the USSR.1. Leningrad Defence :In the north, the Northern Army Group surrounded the Leningrad ,it was the symbol of the culture in the Soviet . Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. When food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. Finally ,the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad on January 15, 1944. This war is the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.The Battle of Moscow :Moscow is the capital of the Union of SovietSocialist Republics (USSR) and it is also the largest Soviet city. Moscow was regarded as the political center ,so Stalin ordered that all the Red Army soldiers should never step back. This battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of USSR in3.The Battle of Stalingrad :By the summer of 1942. In the south, the Southern Army Group pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the Soviet .This war was a major battle of World War II . During this battle, the Soviet given the Germany Army a heavy blow .Afterwards, the German can never leaded off an attack. So it's the turning points of the war.In Asian.Japan attacked to Pearl Harbor in 1941,12,7.Then America joined the war.The battle of SongHu :In the Asian battlefield .China played a very important role .She suffered from the main attack of Japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.Class2The turning points. 石张磊 7号Normandy landings : In 1944, the second European front was opened, Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy. It means Germany will trend to failure in near future.Finally battles. After the Allies occupied Berlin, in 1945,5,8. Germany surrendered. On August,1945 , the Us dropped 2 atom bombs on Japan ,finally ,Japanese surrendered .The World War 2 came to the end.My thought: In my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to be honest ,the Germany Army was the most powerful forces in that time .But Adolf Hitler had made 3 unforgivable mistakes which let Germany went to fail.First ,he didn't try his best to beat Britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let Germany spent more resources . Second ,he didn't overcame the Lenin Ziegler ,so Germany Army couldn't success to meet with Finland, the country was attacked by the Soviet in 1939, and the powerful Northern Army group couldn't go to south to surround the Soviet Army .Finally ,the most important point is that Hitler adopted a policy of genocide .Due to that reason , many enemy was forcedto do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.Result:World War 2 let more than 60 million people lose their lives and gave people endless trauma .But ,in the other side ,many countries became socialist or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence .Of course ,in order to avoid war happen again ,In April 1945, just at the end of the war, the United Nations organization started in America .It is the most important organization which is committed to maintaining world peace.Tag:If you are interested in World War 2 or even have some different ideas. I'm very glad to communicate with you and to give you some more details after class.Thank you for listening.篇二:丘吉尔二战演讲[丘吉尔二战演讲]丘吉尔二战演讲1940年,从伦敦白厅的地下深处,在那些被称为内阁战时用房的建筑群里,温斯顿丘吉尔拯救了英国,丘吉尔二战演讲。

二战时期美国历史英文作文The United States and World War II: A Pivotal Era in American HistoryThe United States' involvement in World War II was a defining moment in its history, shaping the nation's role on the global stage and having a lasting impact on its domestic and foreign policies. The war years, from 1941 to 1945, were a period of immense sacrifice, innovation, and transformation for the American people, as they grappled with the challenges of a global conflict and emerged as a superpower.The road to US involvement in the war was a complex one, marked by a growing awareness of the threat posed by the Axis powers and a gradual shift in public opinion. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States had maintained a policy of isolationism, reluctant to become entangled in the affairs of Europe and Asia. However, the increasing aggression of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and imperial Japan, coupled with the horrors of the Holocaust and other atrocities, gradually eroded this stance.President Franklin D. Roosevelt, recognizing the importance of supporting the Allies in their fight against the Axis, sought to providematerial aid and resources to Great Britain and other nations through programs like the Lend-Lease Act. This gradual involvement ultimately led to the US entering the war following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which shocked the nation and galvanized public support for military action.Once the United States joined the war effort, the mobilization of its resources and manpower was unprecedented. Millions of Americans, both men and women, answered the call to serve in the armed forces, with over 16 million individuals ultimately donning the uniform. The country's industrial base was transformed, as factories shifted production to meet the demands of the war, churning out tanks, planes, ships, and other vital equipment.The role of women in the war effort was particularly significant, as they stepped into jobs traditionally held by men, working in factories, shipyards, and other industries essential to the war effort. The iconic "Rosie the Riveter" became a symbol of the American woman's contribution to the war, challenging traditional gender roles and paving the way for greater female participation in the workforce and society.The African American community also played a crucial role in the war, despite facing continued discrimination and segregation. Thousands of African Americans served in the military, including the renownedTuskegee Airmen, the first African American military aviators in the US armed forces. The war also catalyzed the civil rights movement, as the fight for equality and justice on the home front became intertwined with the fight for freedom abroad.The war's impact on the American home front was profound, as the country grappled with rationing, conservation efforts, and the emotional toll of having loved ones serving overseas. Families were torn apart, with fathers, sons, and brothers fighting on distant battlefields, and the nation mourned the loss of over 400,000 American lives.Despite the immense challenges, the American spirit of resilience and determination shone through. Communities came together to support the war effort, participating in scrap metal drives, victory gardens, and other initiatives to contribute to the cause. The American public also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the ideals of democracy and freedom, rallying behind the war effort and the fight against fascism.The end of the war in 1945 marked a significant turning point in American history. The United States emerged as a global superpower, with a strengthened military, an expanded industrial base, and a newfound confidence on the international stage. The country's role in the Allied victory, as well as the sacrifices made by its citizens,cemented its status as a leader in the post-war world order.The legacy of World War II continues to shape American society and politics today. The GI Bill, which provided educational and housing benefits to returning veterans, helped to create the middle class and fueled the country's economic prosperity in the decades following the war. The war also led to the development of new technologies, such as jet engines and nuclear power, which had far-reaching implications for both military and civilian applications.Moreover, the United States' experience in World War II has informed its approach to foreign policy and national security, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation, the promotion of democratic values, and the prevention of future global conflicts. The lessons learned from the war continue to be studied and debated, as the nation grapples with the complexities of its role in the world and the ongoing challenges of maintaining peace and stability.In conclusion, the United States' involvement in World War II was a pivotal moment in its history, shaping the nation's identity, institutions, and global influence. The sacrifices made by the American people, the innovations that emerged from the war effort, and the lasting impact on the country's domestic and foreign policiesall contribute to the enduring significance of this era in American history.。

Ladies and Gentlemen,As we stand on this hallowed ground, surrounded by the echoes of history, it is with profound respect and a deep sense of purpose that I address you today. We gather not just to remember, but to honor the legacy ofthe Greatest Generation—a generation that faced the darkest hour of human history and emerged not only victorious but also as a beacon of hope for the world.The clouds of war hung heavy over Europe and Asia, casting a shadow of uncertainty and despair upon the innocent. Yet, in the face of this existential threat, America stepped forward with a resolve that would define our nation and the course of history. Today, I stand before youto invoke that same spirit, to call upon the unwavering spirit of America that led us through the trials of World War II.Let us remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who on December 29, 1941, addressed the nation in a speech that would resonate through the ages:"We have nothing to fear but fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreatinto advance."In those fateful days, fear was indeed a formidable foe. But it was not fear that drove us to battle. It was the unyielding determination to protect our freedoms, our families, and our way of life. It was the courage to face the unknown, to step into the abyss, and to emerge stronger than before.The story of America in World War II is a testament to the power of the human spirit. It is a story of ordinary men and women who rose to extraordinary heights, bound together by a common cause and a shared destiny.Consider the young soldiers who left their homes and families, theirlives and their dreams, to fight for a cause greater than themselves. They braved the cold of the Aleutians, the jungles of the Pacific, and the sands of North Africa. They faced enemy fire, starvation, anddisease, yet they never wavered. Their sacrifice and bravery are etched into the annals of history, a testament to the enduring strength of the American spirit.But the story of World War II is not just about the soldiers. It is also about the families left behind. The mothers and fathers, the sisters and brothers, who worried and prayed for their loved ones at the front. The children who grew up without their parents, who learned to live with the fear of loss. These silent heroes, whose strength and resilience were just as vital to the war effort, remind us that victory is not measured solely in terms of military success.In the face of such adversity, America's resolve was unbreakable. We banded together, each contributing our part to the war effort. Factories turned into assembly lines, producing the weapons and equipment needed to defeat the Axis powers. Citizens took to the home front, rationing food and goods, and working tirelessly to support the war effort. The entire nation was mobilized, united in a common purpose.The technological innovations of the war era were nothing short of miraculous. From the development of radar and sonar to the creation of the atomic bomb, America's ingenuity and resourcefulness played apivotal role in our ultimate victory. These advancements did not just change the course of the war; they laid the foundation for the technological revolution that would define the 20th century and beyond.But let us not forget the moral courage that guided us through those dark times. America stood as a beacon of freedom and democracy, a light in the darkness. Our leaders, like President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin, were united in their commitment to defeat tyranny and restore peace. Their words and actions inspired millions, giving them hope in the face of despair.Today, as we reflect on the sacrifices of those who fought and those who supported them, we must also consider the lessons we have learned. The Greatest Generation taught us that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. They showed us that unity and perseverance canovercome the greatest challenges. And they reminded us that the power of love and hope can overcome even the darkest times.As we stand on the cusp of a new era, with our own set of challenges and uncertainties, we must draw upon the spirit of those who came before us. The unwavering resolve that led America to victory in World War II is still within us. It is the same spirit that brought us through the Great Depression, that allowed us to land on the moon, and that has driven us to innovate and lead in every field of human endeavor.So let us not be daunted by the complexities of our time. Let us not be consumed by fear. Instead, let us embrace the spirit of America, the spirit of the Greatest Generation. Let us be bold, let us be courageous, let us be united in our pursuit of a better world.As we move forward, let us remember that the legacy of World War II is not just a story of past triumphs. It is a call to action, a reminder that we have the power to shape our destiny. It is a call to be the stewards of our values, the protectors of our freedoms, and the architects of a future that is bright and full of promise.Ladies and Gentlemen, let us honor the memory of those who fought and died for our country. Let us live up to the standards they set, the example they gave. Let us carry the torch of their sacrifice, and let it guide us as we continue to write the story of America.Thank you. God bless America. And may God bless us all.。

关于美国二战的英语演讲稿第一篇:关于美国二战的英语演讲稿world war 2 brief introduce: as we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945.today , l d like to give you a brief introduce about this war.world war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the axis and the allies.now, let s look at picture , the allies mainly contains : america, the soviet union , britain and china , the axis contains : german , italy , japan and so on.then ,lets know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.adolf hitler: the core characters in germany of world war 2.in 1939,he against poland which launched the second world war 4.roosevelt:,although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of usa who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: the versailles treaty was regarded as the fuse of the war.note2: nazi ,this name is full of attractive,but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil.reason: the outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as im concerned , the most important reasons are that.in a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the axis went to the way of fascist.they tried their whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.in the meantime ,the axis were not satisfied with the versailles treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world.while ,unfortunately ,the allies faced to the ambitions of the axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic.so ,after that ,the world war 2 broke out.process: in euro.in september,1939,germany launched a lightening attack on poland which led britain and france declared war on germany 2days later.after that , germany captured france and some other small western european countries.then ,on 1941.6.22, germany opening of the second front and attack the ussr.1.leningrad defence : in the north, the northern army group surrounded the leningrad ,it was the symbol of the culture in the soviet.despite great suffering, however, the people of leningrad refused to surrender.when food ran out, people died from hunger and disease.finally ,the red army broke the three-year siege of leningrad on january 15, 1944.this war is the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.the battle of moscow : moscow is the capital of the union of soviet socialist republics(ussr)and it is also the largest soviet city.moscow was regarded as the political center ,so stalin ordered that all the red army soldiers should never step back.this battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of ussr in 1942.01.07.3.the battle of stalingrad :by the summer of 1942.in the south, the southern army group pushed east to stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the soviet.this war was a major battle of world war ii.during this battle, the soviet given the germany army a heavy blow.afterwards, the german can never leaded off an attack.so its the turning points of the war.in asian.japan attacked to pearl harbor in 1941,12,7.then america joined the war.the battle of songhu :in the asian battlefield.china played a very important role.she suffered from the main attack of japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.class2 the turning points.石张磊7号normandy landings : in 1944, the second european front was opened, britain and the us landed on the beaches of normandy.it means germany will trend to failure in near future.finally battles.after the allies occupied berlin, in 1945,5,8.germany surrendered.on august,1945 , the us dropped2 atom bombs on japan ,finally ,japanese surrendered.the world war 2 came to the end.my thought: in my humble opinion ,despite the non,just to be honest ,the germany army was the most powerful forces in that time.but adolf hitler had made3 unforgivable mistakes which let germany went to fail.first ,he didnt try his best to beat britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let germany spent more resources.second ,he didnt overcame the lenin ziegler ,so germany army couldnt success to meet with finland, the country was attacked by the soviet in 1939, and the powerful northern army group couldnt go to south to surround the soviet army.finally ,the most important point is that hitler adopted a policy of genocide.due to that reason , many enemy was forced to do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.result: tag: thank you for listening.篇二:专业英语演讲稿(stealth material)stealth material introduction chapter1:good afternoon everyone!today, i will give you a presentation about the stealth material.chapter2:firstly, lets look at a group of pictures.it is a piece of invisibility cloak, which we can wear it from being seen by others.maybe everyone of us all want to have a trying of the amazing thing.chapter3:looking at the pictures, how wonderful they are!this is the stealth material that i want to introduce to you today.增加攻击性,获得最直接的军事效益。
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world war 2brief introduce:as we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939to 1945. today , l d like to give you a brief introduce about this war. world war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the greatpowers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the axis and the allies. now, let s look at picture , the allies mainly contains : america, the sovietunion , britain and china , the axis contains : german , italy , japan and so on . then ,lets know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.adolf hitler: the core characters in germany of world war2.in 1939,he againstpoland which launched the second world war 4. roosevelt:,although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leaderof usa who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit. note1: the versailles treaty was regarded as the fuse of the war. note2:nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil . reason:the outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as im concerned , the mostimportant reasons are that. in a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , theaxis went to the way of fascist. they tried their whole country power and resourcesto develop the arms and to prepare for expansion. in the meantime ,the axis were not satisfied with the versailles treaty and theyall wanted to control the whole world. while ,unfortunately ,the allies faced to theambitions of the axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . so ,afterthat ,the world war 2 broke out. process:in euro.in september,1939,germany launched a lightening attack on poland which ledbritain and france declared war on germany 2 days later. after that , germanycaptured france and some other small western european countries. then ,on 1941.6.22, germany opening of the second front and attack the ussr.1. leningrad defence :in the north, the northern army group surrounded the leningrad ,it wasthe symbol of the culture in the soviet . despite great suffering, however, thepeople of leningrad refused to surrender. when food ran out, people died fromhunger and disease. finally ,the red army broke the three-year siege of leningradon january 15, 1944. this war is the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.the battle of moscow :moscow is the capital of the union of soviet socialist republics (ussr) and itis also the largest soviet city. moscow was regarded as the political center ,so stalinordered that all the red army soldiers should never step back. this battle lastedfor about 6 month, and ended with the victory of ussr in 1942.01.07.3.the battle of stalingrad :by the summer of 1942. in the south, the southern army group pushed east tostalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the soviet .thiswar was a major battle of world war ii . during this battle, the soviet given thegermany army a heavy blow .afterwards, the german can never leaded off an attack.so its the turning points of the war. in asian.japan attacked to pearl harbor in 1941,12,7.then america joined the war. the battle of songhu :in the asian battlefield .china played a very importantrole .she suffered from the main attack of japan, and she also made great sacrificeto anti fascist. class2the turning points. 石张磊 7号normandy landings : in 1944, the second european front was opened, britain andthe us landed on the beaches of normandy. it means germany will trend to failure innear future. finally battles. after the allies occupied berlin, in 1945,5,8. germanysurrendered. on august,1945 , the us dropped 2 atom bombs on japan ,finally ,japanesesurrendered .the world war 2 came to the end. my thought: in my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to be honest ,thegermany army was the most powerful forces in that time .but adolf hitler had made3 unforgivable mistakes which let germany went to fail. first ,he didnt try his best to beat britain , so he forced to fight on two frontswhich let germany spent more resources . second ,he didnt overcame the leninziegler ,so germany army couldnt success to meet with finland, the country wasattacked by the soviet in 1939, and the powerful northern army group couldnt go tosouth to surround the soviet army .finally ,the most important point is that hitleradopted a policy of genocide .due to that reason , many enemy was forced to do lifeand death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight. result:tag:thank you for listening.篇二:专业英语演讲稿(stealth material) stealth material introduction chapter1:good afternoon everyone! today, i will give you a presentation aboutthe stealth material.chapter2:firstly, lets look at a group of pictures. it is a piece of invisibilitycloak, which we can wear it from being seen by others. maybe everyone of us all wantto have a trying of the amazing thing. chapter3:looking at the pictures, how wonderful they are! this is the stealthmaterial that i want to introduce to you today.增加攻击性,获得最直接的军事效益。