
高二英语听力新闻听力练习题30题(答案解析)1. What was the main topic discussed at the recent United Nations General Assembly?A. Climate change solutionsB. Global economic recoveryC. Promoting cultural diversityD. Strengthening international security答案:A。
2. Which country recently launched a new trade policy to boost its exports?A. ChinaB. JapanC. GermanyD. Brazil答案:D。
3. In the news about cultural exchange between the US and France, what form of art was mainly involved?A. PaintingB. MusicC. DanceD. Theater答案:B。
4. According to the news, which international organization is providing aid to African countries for education?A. The World BankB. The International Monetary FundC. UNESCOD. The Red Cross答案:C。

英语6级听力原文Passage OneM: Hi, I'm Mike, an employee with Rosewood Corporation. Welcome to our company and congratulations on being hired.W: Thanks, Mike. It's great to be here. Can you tell me something about this corporation?M: Sure. Rosewood is a leading computer hardware company located in Silicon Valley. We produce a wide range of products, including servers, printers and consumer goods. In the past few years, we have seen exponential growth due to our quality products and customer service.W: That sounds great. What is my new role here?M: You will be working in our marketing department as a media specialist. Your main responsibility will include developing and managing various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote our products on a global level.W: OK. I am familiar with these platforms. Can you tell me more about the company culture here?M: Sure. Our company culture is based on innovation, teamwork and dedication. We believe in providing equal opportunities and fostering a cooperative and supportive work environment.W: That sounds amazing. I'm really excited to start working here.M: We are happy to have you onboard, and we look forward to seeing you thrive here at Rosewood.Passage TwoW: Hello, and welcome to today's travel show. I'm your host, Jane. Today, we will be exploring the beauty and culture of Paris, France.M: Paris is one of the most loved and visited cities in the world, with millions of tourists flocking to it every year. Can you tell us more about the city, Jane?W: Certainly. Paris is known as the city of lights and is famous for its stunning architecture, delicious food, and fashionable shopping. It is also home to famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre museum, which houses the famous painting, the Mona Lisa.M: Wow, that sounds amazing. But what about the language barrier? Do you need to know French to travel to Paris?W: Although French is the official language of France, you can easily get by with minimal French knowledge. Most people in Paris speak English, and you can also download translator apps on your phone to help you communicate.M: That's good to know. What about the food?W: The food in Paris is simply delicious, and you will find manycafes and restaurants offering French delicacies such as croissants, crepes, and baguettes. French wine is also a must-try when in Paris.M: Sounds like an amazing experience. I can't wait to visit Paris one day.W: It truly is, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great travel destination. Thanks for tuning in today, and don't forget to join us next time for another exciting journey.。

Unit 6Public HealthSection A warming up1. life expectancy2. regulators abortion3. rabies4. infected withcases 5. bird flu immune 6. outbreaks-borne 7. prescription medicines 8. AIDS 9. antiviral10. MedicareSection B 1. BTapescript: 1. The problem of obesity is spreading into many different aspects of Americans ’ lives. Now researchers have confirmed that some children are so fat they can’ t fit into car safety seats designed fordski.2. Two more Indian states have banned the sale of soft drinks produced by . giantsCoca-cola and Pepsi-cola after a test by an environmental group showed highpesticide levels. This brings the total number of states to six where there is a partialor full ban of the soft drinks.3.An Asian expert says disease and natural disasters may pose a great securitythreat to the region than conventional political conflicts.4.The United Nations say opium cultivation in Afghanistan has declined for the firsttime since 2001 as tens of thousands of farmers have given up opium poppies forlegal crops.5.The authorities in Iran have warned that if the dangerously high level of airpollution in the capital‘’ Teheran continues, there could be thousandsiesof. casualt Section CItem 1 1. ATapescript: The number of people infected with HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS,is still rising and has passed 14 million worldwide for the first time. The UnitedNations said there had been five million new infections this year and warned thatAIDS was outstripping global and national efforts to contain it. Sub-Saharan Africaremains the worst affected region. In Asia, where more than eight million people are infected, the UN says infection rates are rising sharply. It warned that Pakistan, in particular, was on the verge of a serious epidemic.Item 2 Task 11. TTask 2 1. international conference malaria West African state scientific findingsin lost GDP3. world population’s is transmittedTapescript: The biggest ever international conference on malaria has begun in theWest African state of Cameroon to discuss the latest scientific findings on the disease which kills more than million people worldwide each year. 75 percent of those victimsare African children. Of the 2,000 delegates meeting in the capital Yaounde, 80% arefrom Africa. The disease costs the continent more than 12 billion dollars in lost GDPeach year. The latest research suggests that 41% ofthe world ’ s population live inareas where malaria is transmitted.Item 3 1. Whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E.coli bacteria. 2. Bad spinach from Natural Selection foods 3. Earth Bound Farm 4. It has recalled the spinach. 5. get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers. 6.One person died and dozens were sick in 19 states.Tapescript: The Food and Drug Administration is investigating whether more thanone food company is responsible for an outbreak of bacteria. Officials have linkedbad spinach from natural Selection Foods as one source of the . the company saysthe products are sold under the brand name Earth Bound Farm. Doctor DavidAtchison with the FDA says Natural Selection Foods has voluntarily recalled thespinach. The FDA advises shoppers to get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or othercontainers. At least one person has died. Dozens of others have gotten sick in atleast 19 states.Section D EU Health Experts Meet to (1) Formulate Measures to contain the (2)Bird FluRecent outbreaks (3)German authorities confirmed the (4) presence of the H5N1virus in (5) wild swans. Outbreaks have also been reported in (6) the Balkans, (7)Turkey, the Caspian Sea areascountermeasures Increase surveillance and (8) toughen import bans (9) dedicatean additional million dollars for surveillance and (10) testing programsorder farmers to keep poultries indoors (11) to prevent transmission of the disease.Tapescript: European health experts have gathered in Bussel to formulate a responseto recent bird flu outbreaks among migratory birds. The Panel today endorsedmeasures that would increase surveillance and toughen import bans, such as theEuropean Union ’plan,s suspending the imports of untreated feathe rs from non-EUcountries. The European Commission has dedicated an additional million dollars forbird surveillance and testing programs. German authorities today confirmed thepresence of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus in wild swans on an island in the Baltic Sea.Outbreaks have been confirmed in the Balkans, Turkey, the Caspian Seas andelsewhere. Several EUcountries have ordered farmers to keep poultries indoors toprevent transmission of the disease. But the World Organization for Animal Health inParis says this is not necessary at the present time.Item 2Task 11. DTask 21. F 3. TTapescript: A week after a toxic waste scandal brought down the government ofIvory Coast teams of Ivorian and French experts are still trying to establish exactlywhat the material was composed of. Tons of waste from a ship were dumped inleaking drums in at least 11 open air locations in Ivory Coast’ s biggest city Abidja Our correspondent James Copnall is there. The latest health ministry figures showthat nearly 16,000 people have sought treatment and 6 have died as a result of thetoxic waste. The numbers increased dramatically each day. This does notnecessarily mean that the health situation is deteriorating just as rapidly, however, astate of panic seems to have set in. meanwhile, teams of French and Ivorian expertswere attempting to find out what exactly the toxic waste was composed of.Item 31.It has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possibleinfluence pandemic.2.The updated strategy needs cities, states, and businesses to prepare now tokeep operating on their own and not on federal help.3.It could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time. The infection could remain active in a community for up to two months.4.The pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States.5.it tends to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus startspassing from person to person.Tapescript: The White House has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic. The plan warns cities, states and businesses that they should prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help, and says that a flu pandemic could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time and that the infection could remain active in a community for up to two months. In the worst place, the report says, a pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States. Influenza pandemic tend to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person. Scientists are currently worried that the Asian bird flu might mutate into that kind of virus.Section E1.The move is expected to reduce expenses involved in the drug that has been hailed as a life-saving treatment.2.in the study patients who cut their smoking in half also cut their risk of lungcancer by 27%.3.European Union officials continue to reassure the public that the apparentspread of the avian flu virus is at this point a threat to animals not humans.4. One hundred and twenty-three identification cards had been issued to patients who need them to prove to law enforcement personnel that they used marijuana for medical purposes.5.Analysts say total spending on research into malaria last year accounted for only about one third of one percent of total medical research and development funding.。
英语四级听力新题型模拟2021(第6套) 短篇新闻(3)

英语四级听力新题型模拟2021(第6套) 短篇新闻(3)avXEVpbqsb+DmqQX-&k,c=_ Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.QS50_aLTaY0TpNm[%m0 5A.To raise money for African humanitarian efforts.B.To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.C.To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.D.To make a new version of the song.IdI]3C3,#hn*a5q 6A.Quincy Jones and Smoky Robinson.B.Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones.C.Smoky Robinson and Michael Jackson.D.Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.WBPRj5T-APOhRPBesHwY 7A.145.B.25.C.100.D.45.0XCo;3j-8]9Q447qO4%TePbxF=A%^ZqBTeOZAivITUr%pbP~YXm]q +jmbiJky!J_TEn7e(=jsko3nx6E|](-KsS0)R@ News Item Threexy4,8E-U@6ZYx@am7g(5)Dozens of recording stars began gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday, to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief. The words and music are an updated version of "We Are the World ", a song that raised at least 30 million dollars for African humanitarian programmes 25 years ago. (6) Lionel Richie, who co-wrote the first song with Michael Jackson, is organizing the effort. The original producer, Quincy Jones, is using the same studio he used in 1985. Reporters and security surrounded Henson Studios, anticipating the arrival of cars delivering the stars Monday afternoon for what is expected to be a marathon recording session. (7) Smoky Robinson, who sang on the original, said the list of 100 singers asked to take part does not include any of the 45 stars from the previous version. Organizers have not said when the song might be ready for theworld to hear.W~3|WiK*)o 5.Why did the singers meet in Hollywood?6.Who wrote the song "We Are the World"?7.How many singers were asked to take part in the recording this time?.YQep-.H@#U]eM,cxw 短篇新闻(三)eO+C[RCZ)V(i%(.5d 周一,近百名歌手齐聚好莱坞的一间录音棚,共同为一首歌献声,希望能以此为海地地震灾民募捐Bu|Y#+O-xozS。

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2023年12月英语四级听力(第1套)听力翻译News Report1新闻报道1Have you noticed how similar you are to your friends?你有没有注意到你和你的朋友有多相似?It may be because your brains operate in harmony with each other.这可能是因为你们的大脑相互协调地运作。
We know that friends are more likely to be the same age,gender and ethnic background as each other.我们知道,朋友之间更可能有相同的年龄、性别和种族背景。
Now it seems their brains are alike,too.现在看来,大脑也很相似。
Researchers at the University of California scanned the brains of42classmates while they watched videos intended to provoke varying responses.加州大学的研究人员扫描了42位同学的大脑,同时让他们观看旨在引起不同反应的视频。
Some people might find a romantic scene touching,for instance,while others would feel it was embarrassing.例如,有些人可能会觉得浪漫的场景很感人,而另一些人则会觉得尴尬。
The activity of friends'brains was more similar than that of people who didn't know each other, particularly in regions involved in attention,emotion and language.朋友之间的大脑活动比不认识的人更相似,尤其是在涉及注意力、情感和语言的区域。

Test 1 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]There are about 650,000 school-aged Syrian refugee children in Turkey. Government officials estimate onlt about one-third of them are going to school. Educating the refugee children is an enormous task. One . official says that a huge school system like the one in New York City would be overwhelmed.The United States says it is working with the United Nations to help bridge the education gap for refugee children. Without school, the effects will be negative and long-lasting.The United States provided Turkey with aid for education earlier. [2]In December, it offered an additional $24 million. Human Rights Watch says a quality education will ensure a more stable future for these organization says about 90 percent of children in refugee camps run by the Turkish government attend school. But most of the children living outside of those camps are not receiving education.1.What is the news report mainly aboutA) Education problems of American children.B) Education problems of Syrian children in Turkey.C) A statement published by Human Rights Watch.D) Many children in Turkey don’t receive education.2.What did the United States do to help refugee childrenA) They built long-lasting schools in Turkey.B) They established a huge school systems in Turkey.C) They offered financial support to Turkey.D) They sent refugee children to refugee camps.Test 1 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3]Eleven Taliban fighters attacked an important airport in southern Afghanistan early Tuesday, killing at least 50 people, Afghan officials said.The Afghan Defense Ministry said 38 civilians, 10 soldiers and two police officers were killed.The attack on the Kandahar Air Field lasted 20 hours, reported the Washington Post. Among the dead were women and children, the newspaper wrote. The airport includes a military base with troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,or NATO. There were no reports that NATO troops were killed or injured in the attack.A spokesman for the Taliban says fighters entered the base and attacked local and foreign military troops. He said more than 150 soldiers were killed in the attack. The Taliban often makes claims about the results of their attacks that are not true. [4]Taliban attacks have grown in number and strength in Afghanistan this year after the withdrawal last year of combat troops from other countries.3.What did Taliban fighters do early TuesdayA) They killed no more than 50 people.B) They fired against NATO troops.C) They attacked an airport in Afghanistan.D) They killed 10 children, and two police officers.4.What led to the growth of Taliban attacks in AfghanistanA) Withdrawal of combat troops from other countries.B) False claims of foreign military troops.C) Decline of the local troops’ strength.D) Last year’s victory over foreign troops.Test 1 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.[5]The Australian state of Tasmania is considering raising the legal age for buying cigarettes to at least 21 and potentially as high as 25. If the plan goes ahead, it will give Tasmania some of the toughest tobacco laws in the world. The current legal age to purchase, possess, or smoke cigarettes of all the Australian states is 18. Critics have complained the proposed restrictions would be a violation of civil liberties. Australia already has some of the world’s toughest anti-smoking policies. It introduced so-called plain packaging 4 years ago, [6]where packs are colored in an identical olive brown and covered in health warnings that include pictures. The country is also the most expensive place in the world to buy cigarettes—from around $15 a pack.Parts of the world already ban cigarette sales to those under 21, including Kuwait and next year Hawaii. Around 1 in 5 Tasmanians smoke, with the vast majority taking up the habit before the age of 25. [7]The Tasmanian government proposals are part of the 5-year plan to make the state Australia’s healthiest by 2025.5.What does the state of Tasmania plan to doA) Violate the civil liberties in Australia.B) Increase the legal age to buy cigarettes.C) Introduce a plan called plain packaging.D) Raise the price of cigarettes in Australia.6. According to plain packaging, what should be included in the packs of cigaretteA) Details of anti-smoking policies.B) Pictures with olive trees.C) Health warnings including pictures.D) Data of cigarette sales worldwide.7. What’s the purpose of the Tasmanian government proposalsA) To follow the anti-smoking trend in Kuwait and Hawaii.B) To make Tasmania Australia’s healthiest city by 2025.C) To ease existing tough anti-smoking policies.D) To have more tough anti-smoking policies.Test 2 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of girls married in Africa is expected to double in the next 35 years, experts say. [1]That means almost half, or 310 million girls, by 2050 will be married before they reach adulthood, says a United Nations’ report. The African Unionsays it wants to end child marriage in Africa.Delegates at a summit in Zambia are expected to set 18 years old as the lowest legal for marriage across the continent. Marriage before age 18 is already against the law in most African countries.Yet the UN says more than 125 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday. Experts say most were given to men in traditional or religious unions in violation of the law.[2]African Union chairwoman Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma says local culture that undervalues girls and women is to blame. Poverty and lack of education are also responsible, experts say.1. What do we learn from the United Nation’s reportA) The number of adult girls is expected to double by 2050.B) Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050.C) Half women will be married before reaching adulthood by 2050.D) The legal marriage age will set above 18 by 2050.2. What is the reason for child marriage in AfricaA) Poverty and lack of education.B) The low legal age for marriage.C) Local culture that undervalues children.D) High risks of becoming teenage mothers.Test 2 News report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3]Waste products from a popular alcoholic drink could be used in the future to make biofuel. Researchers say the new fuel,less oil could cut pollution that studies have linked to climate change. Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. And a Scottish professor has found how to take the byproducts from distilling whisky and turn them into a form of alcohol called biobutanol. Biobutanol can be used as a fuel. Whisky comes from grain, such as corn, and wheat.Martin Tangney is director of the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University in Edinburgh. He says less than 10 percent of what comes out can be considered whisky. [4]The rest is mainly one of two unwanted byproducts: strong beer and wheat. Tangney says the two byproducts can be produced to create a new material: biobutanol.3.What is the news report mainly aboutA) Waste products of whisky could make biofuel.B) Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world.C) A new fuel called Biobutanol is found by a Scottish professor.D) There are many waste products in making whisky.4.What are the unwanted products in making whiskyA) Corn and sugar cane.B) Rye and corn.C) Strong beer and wheat.D) Rice and wheat.Test 2 News report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.For many years, human resources director Pete Tapaskar says it's been a challenge to fill all the jobs at his suburban Chicago-based technology company. [5]Getting high skilled people is still a challenge.Elizabeth Sue is principal policy analyst for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, who studies Chicago’s recent immigration trends. She said “They are slowly moving into the south, especially Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia. [6]Whatwe are seeing right now is a substantially decreased total of international in-immigrations. Prior to the recession we were between 50 and 60 thousand most years. Now since 2010, we’ve been at about 23- to 24-thousand international in-migrations on a net basis.” [6]She says that dramatic drop - as much as two-thirds some years - contributions to Chicago’s overall still population growth.Tapaskar says there are many reasons why immigrants choose to live in Southern states instead of Chicago. [7]“The environment there is ideal for starting a business, could be the taxes there are low, and employers are getting a lot of benefits from the state government.”But Tapaskar says one thing that could bring new immigrants to Chicago is increasing the number of work visas that would attract the highly skilled tech workers his business needs.5.What is the problem for the technology companies in ChicagoA) Getting high skilled people.B) Promoting company’s technology.C) Finding enough employees.D) Increasing members of immigrants.6. What do we learn from about international iin-immigrations in ChicagoA) The number of them decreases dramatically.B) They mainly move from south states.C) They come to Chicago without work visa.D) The number of them increases after the recession.7. Why do immigrants choose southern states instead of ChicagoA) The law of immigrants.B) The environment for companies.C) The number of work visas.D) Higher salary and better titles.Test 3 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]In a statement, the US president says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States. The asset freeze is being imposed on four Sudanese identified by the . Security Council as being involved in organizing and carrying out cruel and violent actions in Darfur. The president’s order comes days before rallies are planned in Washington and throughout the United States to protest the three-year war in Darfur.[2]Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally. Clooney, who just returned from a trip to the Darfur region, told reporters in Washington the world’s attenti on needs to be focused on what he called the “first massive murder of the 21st century.”1.Why is the . president taking actions in DarfurA) The asset of the US there has been frozen.B) The conflict there threatens the . national security.C) Rallies are planned to protest the war there.D) The . Security Council is involved in the issue there.2. Who is scheduled to speak at the rallyA) Four Sudanese.B) The . president.C) Reporters.D) George Clooney.Test 3 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.When the top . oil companies announced huge increases in profits this week, many consumer advocates raised companies. At a time when American motorists are paying record-levelprices for gasoline, [3]some in the . Congress think the oil companies profits should be examined closely. The . Senate Finance Committee is seeking tax return information on top . oil companies from the Internal Revenue Service and some politicians are calling for a windfall profits tax. Pf course, oil companies oppose such a move, citing similar or even higher profit increases in other industries, such as real estate, that have not caused controversy. [4]Oil industry analysts, however, say a windfall profits tax might be counterproductive. Bob Tippee, editor of Houston-based Oil and Gas Journal, says large oil company profits could benefit consumers in the end.3. What are the reactions to the oil companies’ huge increases in profitsA) Consumers give up motorcycles.B) Some politicians suggest cutting down prices of gasoline.C) Oil companies are not satisfied with it.D) Some congressmen think oil companies should be examined.4. What do the oil industry analysts think of the windfall profits taxA) It might not work.B) Consumers will finally benefit from it.C) It is good for oil industry.D) It should also be imposed on other industries.Test 3 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.An earthquake measuring on the Richter scale has hit northeast India, near its borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, killing at least nine people. [5]The quake hit at 4:35 am local time about 29 km northwest of Imphal, the capital of Manipur state, according to the US Geological Survey. Strong quakes have been felt across the region. The earthquake was originally reported to have measured on the Richter scale. India’s Meteorological Department said it struck at a depth of 17 km.The earthquake cracked walls and [6] a newly-built six-story building in Imphal collapsed, police said. Other buildings were also reported to have been damaged. At least six people have been killed in Manipur and more than 30 injured, the Press Trust of India news agency reported. In the neighboring Bangladesh, three people were reported dead while dozens were being treated in hospital for injuries sustained during the quake. [7]A 23-year-old man died when he suffereda stroke after the quake while two others died of heart attacks, news agency AFP quoted police as saying. A university student, who jumped from a fourth-floor balcony to escape, was among the severely wounded, the agency added.5. When did the earthquake happenA) At 4:35 pm local time. B) At 4:35 am local time.C) At 4:25 am local time. D) At 4:25 pm local time.6. What do we know about the earthquake from the news reportA) The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B) India’s Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C) A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake.D) Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.7. Why did the 23-year-old man dieA) The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake.B) India’s Meteorological Department has predicted the earthquake.C) A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake.D) Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake.Test 4 News Report 1Question 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of Americans over the age of 65 is expected to double between now and 2030. This next generation of retirees will be the healthiest, best educated, and most wealthy in American history. [1]But many of them won’t have a retirement benefit their parents’ generation fought hard to get. It is something known as a defined-benefit plan, or “pensio n”. Retired workers who have a pension continue to be paid a certain percentage of their highest annual salary-usually anywhere from one to three percent-multiplied by the number of years they worked for the company. Pensions first became popular during World War Ⅱ, when a federally-approved wage-freeze meant unions had to negotiate for retirement benefits, instead of pay increases. [2]Pensions reached the height of their popularity in the late 1970s, when more than 60 percent of Americans had one.1.What problem does the next generation of retirees haveA) Their health becomes worse.B) They don’t fight as hard as before.C) They won’t get the benefit of pension.D) They receive less education.2. When did pensions reach the height of their popularityA) In the late 1970s.B) In the early 1970s.C) During World War II.D) In the late 1960s.Test 4 News Report 2Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.US government kealth and safty officials are investigating the cause of the recent explosion at a West Virginia coal mine, which killed 12 miners. [3]The accident was apparently an error in an industry which has prided itself on miner safety at a time of extraordinary expansion. Mine companies operate in 27 states, from West Virginia in the east to Montana in the west, producing a total of about one billion tons a year, or more than a third of the world’s coal supply. The . economy is dependent on coal production. Coal-fired power plants generate about 50 percent of the nation’s electricity. More than half the nation’s coal is mined underground by thousands of men and women who daily risk injury and death. [4]But the occupation has become muchsafer since the late 1960s, when the . Congress passed laws requiring federal mine inspetions.3. What do we learn about the recent explosion at a coal mineA) Nobody was injured in it.B) It was caused by an error.C) It killed 27 miners.D) It affected national electricity supply.4. What made the mining industry safer in the late 1960sA) Extraordinary expansion of mine companies.B) The laws requiring federal mine inspections.C) The decline of coal supply in the world.D) An accident causing thousands of death.Test 4 News Report 3Question 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.When it comes to dieting, losin weight fast holds some appeal. Maybe that’s why . News & World Report has added a Fast Weight-Loss Diet category to its annual rankings of best diet plans. And one of the diets that comes out on top is the Health Management Resources (HMR) program.[5]HMR is a meal replacement diet that can be done on your own at home or under medical supervision. Instead of made-at-home meals, dieters can order low-calorie milk, soups,nutrition bars and multigrain cereal.The . News reviewers say [6]the plus side to the HMR diet is its quick-start option and the convenience of having meals delivered to you. The down side is “the milk lacks variety,” and it’s tough to eat out while on this diet.[7] “A common misunderstanding is that losing weight quickly is not healthy, not sustainable, and will just lead to future weight re-gain,” wrote Carol Addy, the chief medical officer at HMR, in a release. But she says, to the contrary, “numerous studies demonstrate that following a lifestyle change program which promotes fast initial weight loss can result in better long-term success.”5. What is the HMR programA) An express company that delivers food.B) A meal replacement diet.C) A report on fast weight-loss diet category.D) An annual ranking of best diet plans.6. What is the advantage of HMR programA) The food is made by medical workers.B) The food is healthier than made-at-home meal.C) The food is delivered to dieters directly.D) Dieters can order a variety of food.7. What’s the common misunderstanding about losing weight fastA) It is tough to achieve.B) It may change our lifestyle.C) It is unhealthy and unsustainable.D) It can lead to future diseases.Test 5 News Report 1Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.Two months ago, Zogby International, a Wahington-based research organization, conducted a public opinion poll in six Arab countries:Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The respondents, randomly chosen from different neighborhoods in various cities of each country, [1]were asked to give their opinion on a number of issues, including concerns facing their country and their personal life, economic development, employment opportunities and the likelihood of peace in the Middle East.[2]Overall, respondents expressed more satisfaction with their lives and more optimism about their future than they did in the poll conducted ten years ago. In Lebanon,both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.This is not surprising, says James Rauch, a professorat the University of California. “The Lebanese have experienced an enormous change now with the end of the Syrian occupation. They would have good reasons to be optimistic.”1.What were the respondents asked to comment onA) Their personal life.B) Educational opportunities.C) Political development.D) Their views on international issues.2. What do we learn about the result of the pollA) In Morocco, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.B) Optimism grows generally in the Arab world in recent years.C) Many Arab countries have improved the income of their citizens.D) There is an acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab world.Test 5 News Report 2Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3] In October the Ugandan opposition leader, Kizza Basigye, returned to Kampala to prepare for the presidential electionsnext year. Three weeks later he was arrested. The Ugandan government says he must answer the charges, but his supporters say it’s an attempt by Ugandan President Museveni to Prevent Dr. Basigye running against him. [4]The incident is threatening to darken the country’s first multi-party elections in two decades. Western nations which provide essential economic support to Uganda have held up Uganda as a role model in the region, opposition leaders are calling on them to take a stand. In this edition of Analysis, Lucy Williamson looks at whether Uganda’s relationship with its donors is feeling the strain.3. Why did Kizza Basigye return to KampalaA) To arrest the leader of the opposition party.B) To prepare for the presidential elections.C) To answer his charges at home.D) To protect his supporters.4. What is the consequence of Basigye’s incidentA) Ug anda’s multi-party elections were darkened.B) Economic support from western nations was cut off.C) Uganda’s role model in the region was canceled.D) Uganda’s relationship with its donors felt strained.Test 5 News Report 3Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.At the end of every year, . weather researchers look back at what the nation’s weather was like, and what they saw last year was weird. [5]The year was hot and annoyed by all manner of extreme weather events that did a lot of expensive damage.December, in fact, was a fitting end.“This is the first time in our 121-year period of record that a month has been both the wettest and the warmest month on record,” says Jake Crouch, a weather researcher. The rest of the year was very wet and hot too, he says-the second-hottest period on record for the US.[6]The cause: a warming climate and a super strong El Nino. El Nino is a weather phenomenon out of the ocean that hits every few years and affects weather globally.Together, climate and a very strong El Nino pushed the weather in the US, as warm as its 20th century average.And even when the atmosphere is only that much warmer, it holds more moisture, [7]leading to record snows in the Northeast last February and March, and record rain in the South and Midwest.5. What was weather in the US like last yearA) It was wet and cold.B) It was hot and dry.C) It was cold and terrible.D) It was hot and terrible.6. What made last year’s weather so wiredA) All the extreme weather events.B) El Nino and a warmer climate.C) Light snows and record rain.D) The land’s surrounded by ocean.7. What happened in the Northwest of the US last February and MarchA) There was record-breaking snowfall.B) There was record-breaking rainfall.C) It were the warmest months ever recorded.D) It were the wettest months ever recorded.Text 6 News Report 1Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1]February is Black History Month in the United States, when Americans are enco uraged to learn about and appreciate the many contributions African Americans have made to Americansociety. Those efforts got a boost this week [2]when the Simthsonian Institution announced its plan to build a National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall, where, in about 10 years, it will join the rest of the capital city’s famed national museums and monuments. There is much to do before the museum is actually built. An architect must be chosen, the collection must be assembled, and half the museum’s $300-$500 million price tag must be provided from private donors. Lonnie Bunch, the director, of the new museum, says the museum really desires to create an opportunity for millions of Americans to engage in and understand African American history.1. What are Americans encouraged to do in Black American historyA) Learn about the history of American society.B) Appreciate the contributions of African Americans.C) Visit famed national museums and monuments.D) Donate money to build new museums.2. What is the plan of the Smithsonian InstitutionA) To join association of museums.B) To collect money from architects.C) To choose donors.D) To build a new museum.Test 6 News Report 2Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.When the tsunami hit Thailand last year, hundreds of Burmese migrants working in beach front hotels were among the victims. Thai officials have identified 80 Burmese migrant workers among the dead. [3]But they believe several of the more than 800 unidentified bodies are likely to be Burmese. Thousands of Burmese migrant workers are employed along Thailand’s Andaman Sea coast-a source of cheap labor for contractors who often overlook the need to register the workers.[4]Those who survived the tsunami often found their jobs, homes, and belongings were gone, and that they were unable to get government aid. Adison Kurdmongkol, a Thai labor activist, says the disaster called attention to the problems the Burmese migrants faced even before the tsunami.2.How many unidentified bodies are likely to be BurmeseA) Several.B) 80. C) More than 800. D) Several hundred.4. What happened to the surviving Burmese after last year’s tsunamiA) They were employed by contractors.B) They overlooked the government aid.C) They called attention to the problems of migrants.D) They were unable to get government aid.Test 6 News report 3Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.[5]The Paris agreement to curb climate change calls for a dramatic shift away from fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses the emit, especially carton dioxide.Switching to renewable energy helps, but that won’t happen fast enough to keep temperatures from rising to dangerous levels. That’s why scientists and researchers all over the world also are working on new ways of keeping carbon out of the atmosphere.[6]At an industrial site in Alberta, a province in North America. Royal Dutch Shell, an oil company, recently hosted a grand opening for its Quest carbon capture and storage project.It’s part of Shell’s oil sands business. Turning oil sands into crude oil emits a lot of carbon dioxide. So Shell tries to capture some of that greenhouse gas before it gets into the air.The technology in the quest project has been around for a while, but it’s still expensive: The cost of building and operating this one plant over the next decade is about $970 million. For all that money, it captures only a third of the CO2 that’s produced here.[7]For many companies, such a plant isn’t an attractive investment because it’s not profitable.5. What’s the purpose of Paris agreementA) To help companies make more money.B) To gain reputation around the world.C) To keep temperatures at a low level.D) To control the change of climate.6. What is the content of Shell’s Quest projectA) Transportation of sands and oil.B) Way to stop emitting carbon dioxide.C) Capture and storage of carbon dioxide.D) Method of exploring more oil.7. Why doesn’t Quest’s plant attract to many companiesA) Because it needs government’s suport.B) Because it’s hard to acquire the technology.C) Because it’s not easy to make a profit.D) Because it requires a lot of money.。

第六套Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.D. French forces are going to land at the airport.2A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the capital Bamako.C. To protect the town.D. To fight against Islamist militants.News Item One(1) French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali, (2) the last major town they have yet to secure in their drive against Islamist militants. French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft, including helicopters, landed there last night. Islamist militants were reported to have already left the town and it was unclear who was in charge. (2) France—the former colonial power in Mali—launched a military operation this month after Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south. French army spokesman confirms that "French troops were deployed overnight in Kidal". One regional security source told the Press that French aircraft had landed at Kidal and that protection helicopters are in the sky. Kidal, 930 miles north-east of the capital Bamako, was until recently under the control of the Islamist militants.1. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?2. Why did the French launch the military operation?参考答案:【小题1】B【小题2】C习题解析:【小题1】新闻开头提到French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali,指出法国军方声称他们已经到达了马里的北部城镇基达尔,因而B项表述符合新闻原文,故选B。

This is Ray McCarthy with the news. Reports are ing in of a major train crash in Japan. A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Toykyo is reported to have hit an oning goods train. Both were traveling at high speed. Figures are not yet available but it is believed that the death toll could be as high as 300, with hundreds more injured. Emergency and rescue services rushed to the scene. But our reporter says it will take days to clear the track and to establish the numbers of the dead and injured. There was a similar accident on the same stretch of track four years ago.这里是雷·麦卡锡进展新闻报道。

Summary 1Almost three weeks ago in Syria, more than 1,000 innocent people-including hundreds of children-were murdered in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century. And the United States has presented a powerful case to the world that the Syrian government was responsible for this horrific attack on its own people.This was not only a direct attack on human dignity; it is a serious threat to our national security. There's a reason governments representing 98 percent of the world's people have agreed to ban the use of chemical weapons.Not only because they cause death and destruction in the most indiscriminate (任意的,无差别的)and inhumane way possible-but because they can also fall into the hands of terrorist groups who wish to do us harm.That's why, last weekend, I announced that, as Commander in Chief, I decided that the United States should take military action against the Syrian regime. This is not a decision I made lightly.Deciding to use military force is the most solemn decision we can make as a nation. As the leader of the world's oldest Constitutional democracy, I also know that our country will be stronger if we act together, and our actions will be more effective.That's why I asked Members of Congress to debate this issue and vote on authorizing the use of force. What we're talking about is not an open-ended intervention.This would not be another Iraq or Afghanistan. There would be no American boots on the ground. Any action we take would be limited, both in time andscope-designed to deter the Syrian government from gassing its own people again and degrade its ability to do so.I know that the American people are weary after a decade of war, even as the war in Iraq has ended, and the war in Afghanistan is winding down.That's why we're not putting our troops in the middle of somebody else's war. But we are the United States of America. We cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we've seen out of Syria.Failing to respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk that chemical weapons could be used again; that they would fall into the hands of terrorists who might use them against us, and it would send a horrible signal to other nations that there would be no consequences for their use of these weapons. All of which would pose a serious threat to our national security.That's why we can't ignore chemical weapons attacks like this one-even if they happen halfway around the world. And that's why I call on Members of Congress, from both parties, to come together and stand up for the kind of world we want to live in; the kind of world we want to leave our children and future generations.Thank you.Summary 2This week, when I addressed the nation on Syria, I said that – in part because of the credible threat of U.S. military force –there is the possibility of a diplomatic solution. Russia has indicated a new willingness to join with the international community in pushing Syria to give up its chemical weapons, which the Assad regime used in an attack that killed more than 1,000 people on August 21. I also asked Congress to postpone a vote on the use of military force while we pursue this diplomatic path. And that’s what we’re doing.At my direction, Secretary of State Kerry is in discussions with his Russian counterpart. But we’re making it clear that this can’t be a stalling tactic. Any agreement needs to verify that the Assad regime and Russia are keeping their commitments: that means working to turn Syria’s chemical weapons over to international control and ultimately destroying them. This would allow us to achieve our goal – deterring the Syrian regime from using chemical weapons, degrading their ability to use them, and making it clear to the world that we won’t tolerate their use.We’ve seen indications of progr ess. As recently as a week ago, the Assad regime would not admit that it possessed chemical weapons. Today, it does. Syria has signaled a willingness to join with 189 other nations, representing 98 percent of humanity, in abiding by an international agreement that prohibits the use of chemical weapons. And Russia has staked its own credibility on supporting this outcome.These are all positive developments. We’ll keep working with the international community to see that Assad gives up his chemical weapons so that they can be destroyed. We will continue rallying support from allies around the world who agree on the need for action to deter the use of chemical weapons in Syria. And if current discussions produce a serious plan, I’m prepared to move forward with it.But we are not just going to take Russia and Assad’s word for it. We need to see concrete actions to demonstrate that Assad is serious about giving up his chemical weapons. And since this plan emerged only with a credible threat of U.S. military action, we will maintain our military posture in the region to keep the pressure on the Assad regime. And if diplomacy fails, the United States and the international community must remain prepared to act.The use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world is an affront to human dignity and a threat to the security of people everywhere. As I have said for weeks, the international community must respond to this outrage. A dictator must not be allowed to gas children in their beds with impunity. And we cannot risk poison gas becoming the new weapon of choice for tyrants and terrorists the world over.We have a duty to preserve a world free from the fear of chemical weapons for our children. But if there is any chance of achieving that goal without resorting to force, then I believe we have a responsibility to pursue that path. Thank you.。

六级听力英语新闻材料以下是2017年12月六级听力考试英语新闻材料部分题目及原文:新闻一:题目:Engineering Students Design “Smart Shoes” to Identify Balance Issues原文:Engineering students at the University of Michigan have designed a pair of “smart shoes” that can identify balance issues and falls risk in older adults. The shoes contain sensors that track the wearer’s gait, or walking pattern, and send the data to a mobile app. The app then analyzes the data and provides feedback on the wearer’s balance and stability. The creators hope that the smart shoes can help identify the early signs of balance disorders in older adults, potentially preventing falls and improving overall health.新闻二:题目:New Study Finds Microplastics in the Human Gut原文:A new study has found microplastics in the human gut. Researchers analyzed the stool samples of 25 people from diverse backgrounds and found evidence of microplastics in every sample. Microplastics are small plastic particles that are shed from products like clothing and cosmetics and can be ingested through food and water. The study’s findings raise concerns about the potential health effects of microplastics, especially in individuals who may be exposed to higher levels of these particles.新闻三:题目:AI-Powered Robot to Replace Farm Workers原文:An Israeli company has developed an AI-powered robot that can replace human farm workers. The robot, called “Farmhand,” is capable of performing a range of tasks on a farm, including planting, weeding, harvesting, and sorting crops. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify crop diseases and pests and can spray pesticides only where needed, reducing the amount of chemical used. The creators hope thatFarmhand will make agriculture more efficient and sustainable by reducing labor costs and environmental impact.新闻四:题目:Researchers Develop New Technique to Produce Graphene原文:Researchers have developed a new technique to produce graphene, a material with a range of potential applications in electronics, composites, and other fields. The new method involves using a chemical vapor deposition process to grow graphene directly on a substrate, such as a silicon wafer or a polymer film. The resulting graphene film is thin, uniform, and defect-free, making it suitable for use in high-performance electronic devices and other applications. The researchers hope that their technique will help to accelerate the commercialization of graphene-based products.。

2023年12月大学英语六级考试听力原文(第1套)Conversation One.Hello, Doctor.Hello, please take a seat. I have your test results here, and it's good news.The blood test came back clear. There is no indication of any digestive issues.So then, why do I feel so poorly all the time?It's probably due to overwork and stress.No, it can't be. I've always been working hard, but I've never felt stress. Other people suffer and complain about that, but I don't. It must be something else.What you have just described is a common sentiment.Many people who suffer from stress fail to recognize it.You told me you often work long into the night, right?Yes, most days in fact. But I've been doing that for about 20 years now. That doesn't matter. You could have been suffering from stress for 20 years without knowing it.And now it's catching up to you.But what about my feeling tired all the time, and not being able to sleep well at night?Those are common consequences of stress.And if you don't sleep well, then of course you will feel fatigued.I'm going to prescribe some special sleeping pills for you.They have a soft, gentle effect, and are made from natural ingredients. So your stomach should tolerate them fine, and there shouldn't be any negative side effects.Take one with your dinner, and come see me after a month.If there is no improvement, I'll give you something stronger.Thank you, Doctor.That's not all. You should try and work less. Is there any way you can decrease your workload?Um, I'd have to think about it. I'm a restaurant manager, and this industry is very competitive.There are many things to keep track of and stay on top of.I recommend you think about delegating some responsibilities to someone else.I'm not asking you to retire, just to slow down a bit. It's for your own health.Questions 1 and 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 1:What do we learn about the man from his test results? Question 2:What does the woman think is a common phenomenon among many people?Question 3: What does the woman say she will do for the man?Question 4: What does the man say about the industry he is engaged in?Conversation Two.Today on People in the News, our guest is John Williams.The name may not sound familiar to you, but John was once an acclaimed basketball player.John, you stunned fans by leaving the sport at just 25. Why did you retire so early?Meg, I loved being an athlete, but I didn't love being a celebrity.I was in the limelight when I was still a high school student, and went professional right after high school graduation, which was a mistake.I was a shy kid, and I wasn't ready for all the media attention.But walking away from millions of dollars at the height of your career? Most people wouldn't be able to resist the lure of such a high salary. When you left the sport, there was speculation that you were having issues with your teammates, or even an injury.Not at all. It was hard to quit.I was tempted to stay in the game, because I loved basketball, and I loved my team.As for money, I turned professional at 18, so I'd actually earned a lot and saved most of it, because I had great financial advisors.I knew basketball wasn't a career with a lot of longevity for most players. So I wanted to change careers while I was still young.Okay, that was 20 years ago, and you're back in the news.You've created a foundation that works to get more kids playing team sports. Why?I went to university, and I studied public health and learned about the seriousness of the obesity epidemic, particularly among kids and adolescents in poor communities.I've spent the last two decades trying to alleviate the problem. The Foundation is just the latest attempt.The Foundation uses private donations to support basketball teams for girls and boys in primary school, right?Actually, we support teams for secondary school students, too. And also has some public funding.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 5: Why did John Williams leave the sport of basketball at just 25?Question 6: What does the man say about basketball as a career for most players?Question 7: What do we learn from the woman about John Williams 20 years later?Question 8:What has the man spent the last two decades trying to do?Passage One.Kate Atkinson was born in York, England in 1951.She worked hard to gain her credentials as an author.She studied English literature at University in Scotland.After graduating in 1974, she researched a doctorate on American literature.Later, she taught at the university she graduated from, and began writing short stories in 1981.She began writing for women's magazines after winning the 1986 Women's Own Short Story Competition.Her first novel, Behind the Scenes at the Museum, won the 1995 UK Book of the Year award.The book is set in Yorkshire and has been adapted for radio, theatre, and TV.She has written two plays for a theatre in Edinburgh.The first was called Nice and the second, Abandonment, performed as part of the Edinburgh Festival in August 2000.Whatever genre Atkinson writes in, her books touch on the themes of love and loss and how to carry on.They are always presented with ingenuity and a wicked sense of humor. Her books tend to be populated by odd, sometimes sinful, and generally flawed eccentrics who become credible by virtue of being so fully realized.Her books have frequently been described as comedies of manners.That is to say, comedies that represent the complex and sophisticated code of behavior current in fashionable circles of society.Where appearances count more than true moral character.A comedy of manners tends to reward its clever and deceitful characters, rather than punish their bad deeds.The humor of a comedy of manners relies on verbal wit and playful teasing. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. Question 9:When did Kate Atkinson begin to write fbr women's magazines? Question 10: What did Kate Atkinson's books touch on?Question 11: What do we learn about the clever and deceitful characters in a comedy of manners?Passage Two.Why is adaptability an important skill to exercise in the workplace? Simply put, adaptability is a skill employers are increasingly looking for.When you spend time learning a new task rather than resisting it, your productivity goes up.You can also serve as an example to your co-workers who may be havingtrouble adapting, and can help lead your team forward.Strategy consultant, Dori Clark, explains it to us this way.I'd say that adaptability is an important skill in the workplace because, frankly, circumstances change.Competitors introduce new products, the economy might enter a recession, customer preferences differ over time, and more.If you shake your fist at the sky and say why can't it stay the same, that's not going to do very much good.Instead, you need to recognize when circumstances have changed.So you can take appropriate action based on what is, rather than how you wish the world would be.That enables you to make more accurate inform and effective choices. Also, the workplace itself has been evolving.Today's work culture and management style is often based on teamwork, rather than a rigid hierarchy.Brainstorming, which requires creativity, flexibility, and emotional intelligence, is a typical problem solving technique.Employees who are unable or unwilling to participate will not easily move forward in the company.Employees who are flexible demonstrate other skills too.They can reprioritize quickly when changes occur and suggest additional modifications when something is not working.They can also regroup quickly when a setback occurs, adapting to the new situation confidently and without overreacting.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. Question 12:Why does the speaker say adaptability is an important skill to exercise in the workplace?Question 13:What does adaptability enable us to do according to strategy consultant Dorie Clark?Question 14:What do we learn about today's work culture from the passage? Question 15:What are employees with adaptability able to do when changes occur?Recording One.What makes humans different from other species?Some philosophers argue it's morals or ethics.While some scientists assert it's our greater cognitive development, but I argue that the main difference is our desire to combat routine. This makes being creative a biological mandate, as what we seek in art and technology is surprise, not simply a fulfillment of expectations. As a result, a wild imagination has characterized the history of our species.We build intricate habitats, devise complex recipes for our food, wear clothes that reflect constant changes in fashion, communicate withelaborate signs, symbols, and sounds, and travel between habitats on wings and wheels of our own design.To satisfy our appetite for novelty, innovation is key. But who innovates? Now, many people, both laymen and experts, believe that only geniuses innovate.But I believe that innovation is not something that only a few people do. The innovative drive lives in every human brain, and the resulting war against the repetitive is what powers the massive changes that distinguish one generation from the next.The drive to create the new is a trait of being human.We build cultures by the hundreds and tell new stories by the millions. We create and surround ourselves with things that have never existed before, while animals do not.But where do our new ideas come from?According to many, new ideas come from seemingly nowhere, to great minds. From this perspective, new ideas are almost like magic.They come in a flash of inspiration to a select few.However, the reality is that, across the spectrum of human activities, Prior work propels the creative process.We may think of innovation as being the result of inspiration or genius, but it's really the result of developing the ideas of others further. This happens in technology, where one invention enables or inspires further inventions.And it happens in the arts, as writers, composers, and painters.Use the work of previous artists in their own work.The human brain works from precedent.We take the ideas we've inherited and put them together into some new shape.What is a true creator? Is a creator a genius who makes something out of nothing? No.Creators are simply humans who use what they inherit who absorb the past and manipulate it to create possible futures.Thus, humans are creators as a rule rather than as an exception. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. Question 16: What question does the speaker address in this talk? Question 17: What does the speaker believe about innovation?Question 18: How does the human brain work according to the speaker?Recording Two.Many dog owners would tell you that their dog somehow knows when they're ill or upset, and, according to researchers who study dog cognition, those pet owners are right.Dogs do know when their human companions are having a rough time.Not only can your dog sense when you have a cold, but domestic dogs haveshown an aptitude for detecting both much smaller mood fluctuations and far more serious physical conditions.This is because dogs are extremely sensitive to changes in the people they're familiar with, and illness causes change.If a person is infected with a virus or bacteria, for example, their odour will be abnormal, and dogs are able to smell that change even if a human can't, because dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than humans. Researchers have also found that a person's mood, which can be an indicator of a larger illness, triggers a dog's sense of smell.Human emotions manifest physically in chemical signals that are emitted by the body, and dogs are able to smell those as well.Beyond smell, dogs gather information from a person's voice in order to sense changes.In 2014, Researchers discovered that dogs have an area of the brain similar to one in humans that allows them to understand emotional cues in the tone of a speaker's voice, beyond what they'd be able to pick up from familiar words alone.A person's voice can also carry indicators of illness.What's not understood quite so well is what dogs understand about these changes.Humans send out lots of cues, but whether dogs know some of these cues mean illness isn't clear.What we perceive as concern on a dog's part might be more like increased curiosity or suspicion that something is wrong with us, and sticking close by is a great way to gather more information about the situation. Some researchers assert dogs will one day help doctors diagnose diseases. As some dogs have already demonstrated the ability to detect an assortment of ailments, including diabetes and certain types of cancer.But those researchers concede that's probably in the distant future. For now, research suggests dog ownership can have an array of benefits in and of itself.Keeping a pet dog has been shown to bolster health and boost mood. Dogs also help people relax, and they can be a particular comfort to those with chronic diseases.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard. Question 19: What view of many dog owners win support from researchers studying dog cognition?Question 20: Why can dogs detect their owner's abnormal odor according to the speaker?Question 21: What does research suggest for now about dog ownership?Recording Three.Earlier this month, the think tank called Onward published a report A Question of Degree, which argues that degrees in the creative arts arenot good value for money.Ministers, according to Onward, should crack down on courses that offer extremely limited value for money to students ten years after graduation, restricting the ability of such courses to recruit new students, if the average graduate earns below the student loans payment threshold. Courses like science, technology, engineering, and math, and economics, where the average graduate earns a lot, should be favored.The report provides insight into a government review which looks at how to reform technical education and how to ensure students get good value for money.At first glance, it might even seem like Onward have a point. According to their data, the majority of creative arts students earn less than 25,000 pounds a year, ten years after graduation.The average male creative arts students, indeed, apparently earn much less than they would had they simply never gone to university.This isn't really good for anyone, and it's certainly no good for graduates, who are forced to endure a lifestyle where they can never save up, never buy a house, never hope to retire.Onward have identified a real problem.Creative arts graduates from top universities like Oxford, with a high proportion of privately educated students, have fairly good work prospects.Well, 40 percent of all graduates, regardless of their degree, are on less than 25,000 pounds a year, 5 years after graduation.This suggests that the problem isn't really to do with specific students studying specific degrees, but really with the economy as a whole. Regardless of what they've studied, young people find it hard to get ahead, unless they're lucky enough to be born with successful parents.If ministers want to make education pay for young people, they need to look beyond the higher education sector, towards the wider world.The rewards that education gives us are not measurable.They are not always instantly obvious, and certainly not always direct. An education makes you a different person from the one you would have been if you hadn't received it.We need to look at the value of education, not in the context of a bank balance, but of a life.If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted with talk of value for money, we will all be made poorer as a result.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard. Question 22: What does Onward's report propose ministers should do? Question 23: What does the speaker think of Onward's arguments? Question 24:What do we learn about British college graduates five years after graduation?Question 25:What does the speaker say actually accounts for the problemidentified by Onward?。
新闻英语视听说(Unit 6) 听力文本与练习答案

City Disease1Task One: Traffic Congestion and Soaring Housing PricesIn this part the program is turned on to the 12th Five-Year-Plan that beginsin 2011. And one focus of that is to tackle challenges during China’s urbanization.When cities become larger, how can they also become more livable? Our reporter Wang Guan joined us here in the studio. He did a bit of research on a problem perhaps few of us can escape today, which is called traffic congestion. So Wang Guan, looks like traffic in big cities is getting worse and seriously compromising our quality of life!Oh! Yes, James. Few would argue that China, as an emerging economy, needs to sell cars. In fact, it sold more cars than any other country since 2009. This is also the problem. Take Beijing for example, the city where we are living. The city already has more than 4 million vehicles. And in the first half of this year, nearly two-thousand a day were added to the street. If this trend continues, in 4 years time, the capital will have 7 million cars.To put the figure into perspective, the maximum capacity for the city’s urban area is 200-thousand vehicles. In other words, should Beijing’s first, second and third ring roads become congested, they can only accommodate less than a quarter of a million vehicles, let alone seven million.And it’s amazing also to find out how OFTEN Beijingers use their vehicles. For example, recently I have did a little bit of research that according to the Beijing Traffic Research Center, the annual mileage of Beijing residen ts’ cars is 15 thousand kilometers, twice the number of Tokyo and 1.5 times than the residents in London. And 40 percent of the times, Beijingers use their cars for trips less than 5 kilometers, which is considered not necessary for taking rides with cars.Let’s look at Beijing and the other big cities, including many many big cities in China. But what about China’s smaller cities, especially its many many towns?We learned soaring housing prices is a major issue in Chinese second-tier cities. For example, in the first quarter, home prices increased more than 10 percent in cities such as Haikou, Kunming and Shenzhen, as are shown. You can see right now as shown in yellow. And also in cities including Nanjing, Shantou and Tangshan, the figure reached nearly 20 percent.The rising real estate price is believed to be associated with a controversial land-bidding system. Now developers who offer the highest price, and possibly withthe strongest connections with key local officials, get the land, regardless of their2 professional track record or credentials.A report submitted by the NPC standing committee says in 2009, less than 30 percent of the central governments budget for affordable housing was duly spent by local officials.So the lack of supervision and transparency we see here are believed to be a cause, which also gives rise to irregular dealings and corruption in other spheres of the society. That includes illegal land-grabbing, cronyism in the workplace, and academic misconduct. All these prevented these second-tier and third-tier Chinese cities from becoming fairer.Task Two: Difficulties in Buying a HouseSpecial Report: Global Financial CrisisAs the US economy goes into recession Americans are finding it’s difficult to buy a house. Real estate agents are having a tough time. Zeng Siwei takes a look at the current US housing market.John Jameson is the president of a consulting firm in Washington. He can earn more than 700-thousand US dollars a year. Thirteen years ago, John bought a villa in Washington for 250-thousand dollars. But he moved out after he and his wife divorced. Since then, he has been living with his daughter in a rented apartment. John now wants a change. This villa costs nearly 2.5 million dollars. It’s merely three blocks away from his office.(John Jameson, Home Buyer)All makes it the best of Washington. And it’s got a lot of space. It’s got back yard, front yard, windows on the side, and a lot of bedrooms and a big basement and a nice family area. John decides to buy the villa and apply for a mortgage from the bank.(John Jameson, Home Buyer)“I have a good income from my business. I have a lot of savings and a perfect credit record. So I thought they’re gonna say, ‘No problem, we’ll give you a loan immediately.’ That’s what I thought.”But it turns out to be opposite.(John Jameson, Home Buyer)“It was what they told me. One, I’m gonna have to go to see very senior management in the bank. And two, the loan is gonna require a much much larger down payment than just six months ago.”A higher down payment is not a big deal for John. But he has to wait longer for the mortgage approval. And that’s what really makes him anxious. The banks have their own explanation for raising the threshold. According to statistics from the National Association of Realtors, ten percent of US home buyers with mortgages are behind on their payments for more than a month, or face foreclosures during the third quarter. The stricter evaluation procedures and higher down payment are preventing many low-income Americans from buying houses. This is creating tough times for real estate agents.3 (Wang Jianyu, Real Estate Agent)“It used to take one or two months to sell a house. Now it normally needs three to four months, or even more.”Real estate developers face the same woes.In 2008, nearly five million homes have been sold in the US, over 12 percent down from last year. And the sales volume for new homes is 486 thousand, over 37 percent less from 2007.(Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist, National Association Realtors)“I n some places home prices are still rising, for closure rates are declining and people are still buying homes. But in other areas home prices are coming down so fast, so quickly that it is causing people to be underwater, meaning that their home values is less than the mortgage that they owe. So there is a large market variation and overall the US housing market right now is struggling.”In the sluggish market, John Jameson only wants a home where he and his daughter can enjoy a more comfortable life. John anxiously looks forward to the mortgage approval, and of course, the day they will move into the new home. Task Three: Aging PopulationChina’s aging population is growing rapidly. The latest projection is that in 2050 one out of three Chinese will be over 60 years old! This issue, not surprisingly, has generated heated debate in the annual session of the top advisory body, the CPPCC. Wang Guan takes a close look.China is likely to grow old before it grows rich. That’s the concern of some CPPCC members att ending the body’s annual sessions in Beijing.According to the latest figures, China currently has 20 million people over 80 years of age. That number will quadruple in 40 years. And by 2050, 400 million Chinese will be above 60 years old which means one in every four Chinese will belong to that category.The United Nations maintains that a country with more than ten percent of its population over 60 is an aging society.However, targeted services lag far behind.In most Chinese cities, senior citizens’ hom es are few and far between. The existing ones can’t provide senior residents with sufficient activities. That’s why for most Chinese, when they grow old, they stay with their children or spouses.(Yang Chao, CPPCC member)“Senior citizens’ homes should inc lude recreational centers, hospitals and senior citizens’ universities...where they can draw, read books, play ball -games, swim and form discussion groups. It should be a place to empower the senior citizens once again.”Some CPPCC members suggest that more of the national budget should go towards serving China’s aging population, namely by building more infrastructure and improve service in senior citizens’ homes. They say the government should encourage insurance companies to be more involved in providing services for senior4 citizens. (Yang Chao)“Commercial organizations should play a bigger role. The government should also have some favorable policies such as tax reduction for senior citizens.” CPPCC members say for those senior citizens who prefer to stay in their own homes, relevant services should be expanded. Besides regular food delivery and medical services, psychological counseling, for example, should also be provided.High Rise Apartments Vulnerable to FireThis catastrophe is being blamed on careless actions by welders. While the investigation continues, the blaze has set off alarm bells over fire safety in tower blocks, which are considered vulnerable in such circumstances.Zhang Mimi brings us more.Monday afternoon’s inten se blaze in this downtown apartment building has left a blackened and painful scar on a once peaceful neighborhood.Vehicles are not allowed within one block of the gutted ( 羊肠小道,内脏) building, but Shanghai residents from near and far continue to visit the scene, mourning the deceased and sharing opinions of the fire.(A Shanghai resident said)“My colleague was inside the building alone when the fire broke out..(A Shanghai resident)“Everyone should be prepared and be aware of the fire safety measures.” It’s believed that unlicensed welders ignited flammable nylon netting and bamboo on the scaffolding ( 脚手架). At least 53 people died and the intensity of the blaze has laid bare the risks and dangers of high rise living. The towering buildings can produce a stack effect, which quickly spreads the smoke to a height where even the tallest ladder can not reach.Professor Chen Baosheng, an expert in disaster prevention, says once a fire breaks out, the fire doors, smoke detectors and automatic sprinklers ( 洒水装置) should mitigate ( 减轻) the disastrous effects.(Prof. Chen Baosheng, Dept. of architecture of Tongji University)“Just like this stadium. Each building should be divided into different zones for preventing fires. Smoke detectors and sprinklers should be installed every 3.6 meters and fire doors should remain closed at all times.”Shanghai is home to the wo rld’s largest number of high rises. There are currently over 14-thousand buildings that are over eight stories in height. Five-hundred are over one hundred meters. While some believe the web of tower blocks display the city’s wealth, and the country’s fast urbanization, others worry these buildings fall short of adequate fire safety measures and enforcement.Experts have yet to find out whether this particular building had properly installed fire safety equipment. Professor Chen warns that proper regulation is5 urgently needed. (Professor Chen Baosheng)“Fire prevention technologies in high -rises are up-to-date. But I think we should step up efforts in terms of regulations and maintenance. Fire doors and exits should not be blocked and in the case of this bui lding, the welding should be supervised.”The massive blaze has many Shanghai residents checking out the fire prevention equipment in their own building. Many say they need to learn more about what to do during an emergency.High-rise fire fighting poses a global challenge. Fanned by strong wind, a blaze could engulf a thirty story building in half a minute, leaving residents little chances of survival. The tragedy at this complex calls for serious attention from the government to tighten enforcement of safety measures and to stop such deadly disaster from being a common occurrence.练习答案Unit Six City DiseaseTask One:1. C B B D C2. 1) soaring 2) 10 percent 3) figure 4) controversial 5) highest price 6) connections 7) track record 8) affordable9) which also gives rise to irregular dealings and corruption10) All these prevented these second-tier and third-tier Chinese cities from becoming fairer.Task Two:1. D C B A BTask Three:1. B A D B C2. 1) more than ten percent 2) targeted services 3) few and far between 4) existing5) sufficient 6) spouses 7) senior citizens’ universities 8) empower9) national budget should go towards serving China’s aging population10) government should encourage insurance companies to be more involved in providing services for senior citizens。

News Report One新闻一A JetBlue Airlines flight from West Palm Beach to New York City was forced to turn around and land Sunday morning after the plane struck a bird.【1】周日上午,捷蓝航空公司一架从西棕滩飞往纽约的飞机在撞上一只鸟后被迫掉头降落。
The flight from Palm Beach International Airport to LaGuardia Airport turned around just minutes after takeoff following the strike.这架从棕桐滩国际机场飞往拉瓜迪亚机场的飞机在起飞几分钟后就因撞上鸟而掉头。
No injuries were reported on the plane,and the flight took off once again seven and a half hours after the first attempt.飞机上没有人员伤亡报告。
"It was like a split second of panic that resulted in this nervous reaction on the plane,"said passenger Brian Healy."There was total quiet and then there was relief when the plane came to a stop."【2】乘客布莱恩·希利说:“那就像一瞬间的恐慌......造成飞机上乘客的紧张反应。

六下Unit7-8综合练习班级_______ 姓名_______学号______分数________听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。
(10分)()1.A.artist B. asking C. art()2.A.winter B. water C. windy()3.A.everything B. anything C .something ()e in B. come up C. come down ()5.A.turn right B. on my right C. That’s right ()6.A.Big Ben B. London Eye C. Tower Bridge ()7.A.National Day B. New Year’s Day C. Children’s Day ()8.A.have a rest B. have a party C. have dinner ()9.A.September B. December C. November ()10.A.Ocean Park B. train station C. Disneyland 二、听录音,选择正确的答句。
(10分)()1.A.No,I don’t B.I want to fly to the Moon.C. Yes, I want to fly to the moon.()2.A.Yes,I am. B. At seven. C. Seven()3.A.Yes,I am. B. No, I wasn’t. C.I was at home.()4.A.I want to be a cook. B.I’m going t o have a picnic.C. He will go to Shanghai with his brother.()5.A.It’s Lucy. B.It’s Lucy’s. C.They’re Lucy’s.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。

高二英语听力新闻听力阅读理解20题1<背景文章>In recent times, a significant event has shaken the international community. A major earthquake struck a densely populated region. The quake, measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, hit without much warning. The impact was felt across several countries. Buildings collapsed, roads were damaged, and communication lines were disrupted. Rescue teams from around the world rushed to the affected area to provide assistance. The international community also came together to offer financial support and supplies. The earthquake has had a profound impact on the lives of thousands of people. It has also led to a reevaluation of disaster preparedness measures in many regions.1. What was the magnitude of the earthquake?A. 6.5B. 7.5C. 8.5D. 9.5答案:B。
原因:文章中明确提到“The quake, measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale.”。

Test 1Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.[1] In a statement, the US president says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States. The asset freeze is being imposed on four Sudanese identified by the . Security Council as being involved in organizing and carrying out cruel and violent actions in Darfur. The president’s order comes days before rallies are planned in Washington and throughout the United States to protest the three-year war in Darfur.[2]Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally. Clooney, who just returned from a trip to the Darfur region, told reporters in Washington the world’s attention need to be focused on what he called the “first massive murder of the 21st century.”1. Why is the . president taking actions in Darfur2. Who is scheduled to speak at the rallyQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3] In October the Ugandan opposition leader, Kizza Basigye, returned to Kampala to prepare for the presidential elections next year. Three weeks later he was arrested. The Ugandan government says he must answer the charges, but his supporters say it’s an attempt by Ugandan President Museveni to Prevent Dr. Basigye running against him. [4]The incident is threatening to darken the country’s first multi-party elections in two decades. Western nations which provide essential economic support to Uganda have held up Uganda as a role model in the region, opposition leaders are calling on them to take a stand. In this edition of Analysis, Lucy Williamson looks at whether Uganda’s relationship with its donors is feeling the strain.3. Why did Kizza Basigye return to Kampala4. What is the consequence of Basigye’s incidentQuestions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item.[5]Up to 32 people were killed in two bomb attacks Monday in the Syrian city of Homs, near the border with Lebanon. The second attack killed people who gathered to see the damage of an earlier car bomb. A suicide bomber entered the crowd and exploded a bomb hidden in clothing.The attacks took place in the al-Zahraa district, in the central part of the city.[6]State-controlled media say 19 people were killed in the two bombings. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 32 people were killed. Many others were hurt.It was the second major attack in Homs since the government and rebel forces reached a cease-fire agreement this month. The government will take back areas of the city controlled by rebels.[7]On December 12, two bombings killed at least 16 people. Those attacks also took place in the al-Zahraa district. The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks.The Wall Street Journal newspaper reports that many people who live in the neighborhood are members of the Alawite sect. The newspaper reports the area is often “attacked by anti-government rebels armed with rockets and vehicle bombs.”5. What do we learn about the bomb attacks from the news report6. What did the state-controlled media say7. What happened on December 12Test 2Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of Americans over the age of 65 is expected to double between now and 2030. This next generation of retirees will be the healthiest, best educated, and most wealthy in American history.[1]But many of them won’t have a retirement benefit their parents’ generation fought hard to get. It is something known as a defined-benefi t plan, or “pension”. Retired workers who have a pension continue to be paid a certain percentage of their highest annual salary-usually anywhere from one to three percent-multiplied by the number of years they worked for the company. Pensions first became popular during World War Ⅱ, when a federally-approved wage-freeze meant unions had to negotiate forretirement benefits, instead of pay increases. [2]Pensions reached the height of their popularity in the late 1970s, when more than 60 percent of Americans had one.1. What problem does the next generation of retirees have2. When did pensions reach the height of their popularityQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.. government health and safety officials are investigating the cause of the recent explosion at a West Virginia coal mine, which killed 12 miners. [3]The accident was apparently an error in an industry which has prided itself on miner safety at a time of extraordinary expansion. Mine companies operate in 27 states, from West Virginia in the east to Montana in the west, producing a total of about one billion tons a year, or more than a third of the world’s coal supply. The . economy is dependent on coal production. Coal-fired power plants generate about 50 percent of the nation’s electricity. More than half the nation’s coal is mined underground by thousands of men and women who daily risk injury and death. [4]But the occupation has become much safer since the late 1960s, when the . Congress passed laws requiring federal mine inspetions.3. What do we learn about the recent explosion at a coal mine4. What made the mining industry safer in the late 1960sQuestions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item.When it comes to dieting, losing weight fast holds some appeal. Maybe that’s why . News & World Report has added a Fast Weight-Loss Diet category to its annual rankings of best diet plans. And one of the diets that comes out on top is the Health Management Resources (HMR) program.[5] HMR is a meal replacement diet that can be done on your own at home or under medical supervision. Instead of made-at-home meals, dieters can order low-calorie milk, soups, nutrition bars and multigrain cereal.The . News reviewers say [6]the plus side to the HMR diet is its quick-start option and the convenience of having meals delivered to you. The down side is “the milk lacks variety,” and it’s tough to eat out while on this diet.[7] “A common misunderstanding is that losing weight quickly is not healthy not sustainable, and will just lead to future weight re-gain,” wrote Carol Addy, the chief medical officer at HMR, in a release. But she says, to the contrary, “numerous studies demonstrate that following a lifestyle change program which promotes fast initial weight loss can result in better long-term success.”5. What is the HMR program6. What is the advantage of HMR program7. What’s the common misunderstanding about losing weight fastTest 3Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.The number of girls married in Africa is expected to double in the next 35 years, experts say.[1]That means almost half, or 310 million girls, by 2050 will be married before they reach adulthood, says a United Nation’s report. The African Union says it wants to end child marriage in Africa.Delegates at a summit in Zambia are expected to set 18 years old as the lowest legal age for marriage across the contient. Marriage before age 18 is already against the law in most African countries.Yet the UN says more then 125 million African women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday. Experts say most were given to men in traditional or religious unions in violation of the law.[2]African Union charwoman Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma says local culture that undervalues girls and women is to blame. Poverty and lack of education are also responsible, experts say.1. What do we learn from the United Nation’s report2. What is the reason for child marriage in AfricaQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.[3] Waste products from a popular alcoholic drink could be used in the future to make biofuel. Researchers say the new fuel, based on whisky, could reduce demand for oil. They say using less oil could cut pollution that studies have linked to climate change.Scotland is the largest producer of whisky in the world. And a Scottish professor has found how to take the waste products from distilling whisky and turn them into a form of alcohol called biobutanol. Biobutanol can be used as a fuel. Whisky comes from grain, such as corn and wheat.Martin Tangney is director of the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University in Edinburgh. He says less than 10 percent of what comes out can be considered whisky. [4]The rest is mainly one of two unwanted products: strong beer and wheat. Tangney says the two byproducts can be produced to createa new material: biobutanol.3. What is the news report mainly about4. What are the unwanted products in making whiskyQuestions 5 and 7 will be based on the following news item.For several years, human resources director Pete Tapaskar says it’s been a challenge to fill all the jobs at his suburban Chicago-based technology company. [5] Getting high skilled people is still a challenge.Elizabeth Sue is principal policy analyst for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, who studies Chicago’s recent immigration trends. She said “They are slowly moving into the south, especially Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia. [6] What we are seeing right now is a substantially decreased total of international in-migrations. Prior to the recession we were between 50 and 60 thousand most years. Now, since 2010, we’ve been at about 23- to 24-thousand international in-migrations on a net basis.” [6] She says that dramatic drop-as much as two-thirds some years-contributes to Chicago’s overall still population growth.Tapaskar says there are many reasons why immigrants choose to live in Southern states instead of Chicago. [7] “The environment there is ideal for starting a business, could be the taxes there are low, and employers are getting a lot of benefits from the state government.”But Tapaskar says one thing that could bring new immigrants to Chicago is increasing the number of work visas that would attract the highly skilled tech workers his business needs.5. What is the problem for the technology companies in Chicago6. What do we learn about international in-migrations in Chicago7. Why do immigrants choose southern states instead of Chicago。
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第六套Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.D. French forces are going to land at the airport.2A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the capital Bamako.C. To protect the town.D. To fight against Islamist militants.News Item One(1) French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali, (2) the last major town they have yet to secure in their drive against Islamist militants. French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft, including helicopters, landed there last night. Islamist militants were reported to have already left the town and it was unclear who was in charge. (2) France—the former colonial power in Mali—launched a military operation this month after Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south. French army spokesman confirms that "French troops were deployed overnight in Kidal". One regional security source told the Press that French aircraft had landed at Kidal and that protection helicopters are in the sky. Kidal, 930 miles north-east of the capital Bamako, was until recently under the control of the Islamist militants.1. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?2. Why did the French launch the military operation?参考答案:【小题1】B【小题2】C习题解析:【小题1】新闻开头提到French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali,指出法国军方声称他们已经到达了马里的北部城镇基达尔,因而B项表述符合新闻原文,故选B。
新闻中提到法国发起此次军事行动是因为Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south,即伊斯兰武装分子显现出对南部的威胁,而新闻开头在提到法军已经进驻基达尔之后,对基达尔镇作进一步的说明中用了secure一词,故表明法国军队发起此次军事行动的目的在于保护基达尔镇,故选C。
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3A. Professor Post is an environmentalist as well.B. Livestock cannot meet the demand for meat.C. Meat grown in a lab is much more delicious.D. Growing meat in a lab cost less than raising livestock.4A. The grown meat tastes just like the real thing.B. The grown meat looks pale and tastes good.C. The grown meat grows from stem cells.D. The grown meat needs adding color.News Item Two(3) Professor Post is developing a way to grow meat in a lab because he believes that livestock farming is not good for the environment, not good for animals nor, he says, is it going to satisfy the growing demand for meat.His aim is to produce a burger that looks and tastes just like the real thing but from what I saw at his lab, which is still a work in progress.(4) The flesh, grown from stem cells, is pale white and tasteless, so food technologists have had to mix in breadcrumbs, caramel and saffron to add flavor and juice to add color. The mixture is then put together to make the burger that will be cooked then eaten by two food writers.Initial testing during the development process suggests that it won't taste great, but according to Professor Post, it will taste good enough.3. Why Professor Post is developing a way to grow meat in a lab?4. Why do the food technologists have to add juice to the grown meat?参考答案:【小题3】B【小题4】D习题解析:【小题3】新闻开头提到了Post 教授在研发一种在实验室种植肉类的办法,随后给出了具体原因:he believes that livestock farming is not good for the environment, not good for animals nor, he says, is it going to satisfy the growing demand for meat,即畜牧对环境和动物都不利,而且也无法满足日益增长的对肉类的需要。
新闻中提到种植的肉颜色惨白而无味,随后紧接着说到so food technologists have had to mix in breadcrumbs, caramel and saffron to add flavor and juice to add color,所以,往种植的肉里添加果汁的原因是为了增加颜色,故选D。
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.5A. To raise money for African humanitarian efforts.B. To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.C. To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.D. To make a new version of the song.6A. Quincy Jones and Smoky Robinson.B. Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones.C. Smoky Robinson and Michael Jackson.D. Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.7A.145.B.25.C.100.D.45.•News Item Three(5)Dozens of recording stars began gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday, to add their voicesto a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief. The words and music are an updated version of "We Are the World ", a song that raised at least 30 million dollars for African humanitarian programmes 25 years ago. (6) Lionel Richie, who co-wrote the first song with Michael Jackson, is organizing the effort. The original producer, Quincy Jones, is using the same studio he used in 1985. Reporters and security surrounded Henson Studios, anticipating the arrival of cars delivering the stars Monday afternoon for what is expected to be a marathon recording session. (7) Smoky Robinson, who sang on the original, said the list of 100 singers asked to take part does not include any of the 45 stars from the previous version. Organizers have not said when the song might be ready for the world to hear.5. Why did the singers meet in Hollywood?6. Who wrote the song "We Are the World"?7. How many singers were asked to take part in the recording this time?参考答案:【小题5】B【小题6】D【小题7】C习题解析:【小题5】新闻开头提到Dozens of recording stars began gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday, to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief,指出近百名歌手齐聚好莱坞的一间录音棚,共同为一首歌献声,希望能以此为海地地震灾民募捐,故选B。