菲律宾 Philippines 英文简介
![菲律宾 Philippines 英文简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc0af7364b73f242336c5f93.png)
The population in philippines is about 9.22 million. over 85% of the population is Malays. And there are also Chinese ,Arabs ,I ndians, Spaniard and Americans. Natives is only a little part of the population.
The main places to visit
Boracay is a very pleasant place to have a vacation. You can not noly play water sports, but also relax yourself. The beach there is very beautiful. It is very comfortable to walk on the soft beach barefoot.
Marriage custom
Before the ceremony ,the bridegroom and bride’s parents light a candle. Then they use the lighted candle to light the marriage candle. Which symbolizes two families’ combine.
A unique blend of tropical paradise and business haven
Welcome to Philippines
Battan Day (巴丹 日) On April 9th The government of philippines set up the festival in order to memorize soldiers killed in the World 2
简称 所属洲 首都 主要城市 国庆日 国歌 国家代码 官方语言 货币 时区 政治体制
菲律宾共和国 Republic of the Philippines 菲律宾 亚洲 大马尼拉市 宿务,达沃,奎松等 1898年6月12日 《菲律宾民族进行曲》 PHL 英语 菲律宾比索 UTC+8 总统制共和制
Republic of the Philippines
菲律宾地图 菲律宾国旗
菲律宾共和国(Republic of the Philippines)
● 简称菲律宾(Philippines),位于亚洲东南部。北隔巴士海峡与中国台湾省遥遥相对,南和西 南隔苏拉威西海、巴拉巴克海峡与印度尼西亚、马来西亚相望,西濒南海,东临太平洋。共有大 小岛屿7000多个,其中吕宋岛、棉兰老岛、萨马岛等11个主要岛屿占全国总面积的96%。海岸线 长约18533千米,总面积29.97万平方千米。属季风型热带雨林气候,高温多雨,湿度大,台风 多。年均气温27℃,年降水量2000-3000毫米。截至2022年7月,菲律宾全国划分为吕宋、维萨 亚和棉兰老三大部分。全国设有首都地区、科迪勒拉行政区、棉兰老穆斯林自治区等18个地区, 下设81个省和117个市,首都为大马尼拉市。2022年,菲律宾人口约1.1亿
● 铁路
● 菲律宾铁路主要集中于吕宋岛,现有运营铁路线约76.9千米。由于铁路设施远远无法满足交通需 要,菲律宾政府大力发展铁路建设,计划在吕宋岛和棉兰老岛新建南北铁路、棉兰老铁路等,以 改善居民出行交通和满足货运需求。菲律宾交通部预计,2022年之后菲运营铁路线将达到1200 千米。
● 空运
● 菲律宾国内航线遍及40多个城市,主要机场有首都马尼拉的尼诺·阿基诺国际机场、宿务市的麦克 坦国际机场和达沃机场等。菲律宾与30多个国家(地区)签订了国际航运协议,每天或每周都有 多个航班从马尼拉飞往亚洲国家和地区以及美国、欧洲与中东地区的主要城市。
他们不喝烈性酒。他 他们不喝烈性酒。 们和其他马来人一样喜欢 吃鱼, 吃鱼,喜欢使用有刺激性 的调味品,进食时用手抓。 的调味品,进食时用手抓。 咀嚼槟榔的习惯在菲律宾 穆斯林中十分流行。 穆斯林中十分流行。
菲律宾丰富的海 鲜类
菲律宾女子的国服叫“ 菲律宾女子的国服叫“特尔 诺”。这是一种圆领短袖连 衣裙。由于它两袖挺直,两 边高出肩稍许,宛如蝴蝶展 边高出肩稍许,宛如蝴蝶展 翅,所以也叫“蝴蝶服” 翅,所以也叫“蝴蝶服”。
圣地亚哥城堡是王城最古老 工事之一,位于“ 工事之一,位于“围墙内的 城市”的西北端。 城市”的西北端。城堡始建 1571年 于1571年,强制性地使用了 菲律宾的劳力,前后耗时150 菲律宾的劳力,前后耗时150 西班牙人到来之前, 年,西班牙人到来之前,城 堡坐落处原先是菲律宾最后 一个统治者Rajah 一个统治者Rajah Sulayman 的住所。 的住所。城堡是西班牙人对 付潜在入侵者的主要防御地。 付潜在入侵者的主要防御地。 圣地亚哥城堡也被称为“ 圣地亚哥城堡也被称为“自 由圣地” 由圣地”,以纪念在西班牙 和日本占领期间被关押和迫 害的菲律宾人。 害的菲律宾人。圣地亚哥城 堡在二次大战中被毁坏, 堡在二次大战中被毁坏,经 过重建后现在变成了一个公 园供人们散步的地方。 园供人们散步的地方。
菲律 宾比 索
[货币兑换] 货币兑换] 1人民币元=6.9151菲律宾比索 人民币元=6.9151菲律宾比索 1菲律宾比索=0.1446人民币元 菲律宾比索=0.1446人民币元
被称为“桑巴吉塔” 被称为“桑巴吉塔” 的茉莉花
主要作物有椰子、甘蔗、蕉 主要作物有椰子、甘蔗、 烟草、香蕉、菠萝、 麻、烟草、香蕉、菠萝、杧 玉米等。 果、稻、玉米等。菲律宾是 世界上最大的椰子生产国和 出口国,椰干和椰油输出占 出口国,椰干和椰油输出占 世界首位. 世界首位.亚洲最大的香蕉输 出国,人称“ 出国,人称“亚洲香蕉大 王”。
英文版简介 菲律宾
![英文版简介 菲律宾](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/253d7e290066f5335a8121ee.png)
• Philippines annual average temperature is 27.60C. The maximum average temperature is 33-390C, the lowest average temperature is 16.7-20.90C. In addition to high mountain areas, the rest of the year-round temperature is very small, the hottest and coldest month temperature does not exceed 30C, so no clear distinction between hot season and cool season. Large diurnal temperature range than annual temperature. The national average temperature difference between 6-12C, usually smaller diurnal temperature range during the rainy season, dry season more.
The Philippines is a beautiful archipelago country, its scenery is colorful, including volcanic blast ,coconut beach cloth, water sky and lake, scenery is beautiful. The Philippines also has subtropical, abundant fruits, seafood perennial and so on .The Philippines is a multiethnic country, due to historical reasons, it combines features of many customs of the East and West, rich exotic. She is the third largest English-speaking countries. Among the historical sites in Manila, St. Augustine Church forceful simplicity, Malacanang fresh beautiful example of Spanish architecture. Luo Haisi 10 km long coastal road, ne side is a modern high-rise building, one side is the vast and boundless sea, Xiuse boundless.
(二)饮食习惯 菲律宾全国有70%的人以大米为主食,
其余的人以玉米为主食。喜食椰汁煮饭 或椰汁煮木薯,流行嚼槟榔。
Halo-halo 烤肉 椰子汁煮木薯 香蕉叶饱饭 槟榔
1、国庆节: 6月12日 2、新年:公历元旦是菲律宾的新年,既有
第六节 菲律宾
第六节 菲律宾
一、菲律宾地理、人文概况 二、菲律宾简史 三、菲律宾经济与政治 四、菲律宾文化 五、菲律宾习俗 六、菲律宾旅游和旅游发展 七、对外政策和中菲关系 附:景点图片、复习思考题
Republic of the Philippines
10、国花:茉莉花(菲称“山谷巴达 ”
附:景点图片、复习思考题 ◎麦克坦岛是航海探险家麦哲伦殉难之地。 热情好客是菲律宾的性格。 每逢旱季,山上的草干枯后变为咖啡色,酷似一大堆巧克力,这个名字因此得名。 1565年,一场大火将宿雾夷为平地,唯有此"圣婴像"完好如初,当地人称之为神迹,而加以膜拜。 3、圣周节:菲律宾天主教派为纪念耶稣受难和复活而举行的宗教活动。 ◎百胜滩位于马尼拉东南约105公里,其著名的百胜滩瀑布落差约有100米,以刺激紧张的泛舟活动而闻名。 5%选票的微弱多数当选总统。 ◎黎刹公园位于厄米塔区的北边。 热带风光,著名旅游城市。 3、圣周节:菲律宾天主教派为纪念耶稣受难和复活而举行的宗教活动。 上门作客时,不能拒绝主人的茶点。 5%选票的微弱多数当选总统。
菲律宾拥有美丽的文化景点和建筑,因此受 到外国游客的欢迎。 Philippines has a beautiful cultural attractions and buildings, so by the foreign visitors welcome. 菲律宾政府为了鼓励外商投资旅游业,推广 了一项(PIPP)菲律宾投资计划,以促进外 商投资和市场开发。 The government of Philippines in order to encourage foreign investment in the tourism industry, the promotion of a (PIPP) Philippines investment plan, in order to facilitate foreign investment and market development. Therefore, the best investment opportunities in Philippines's tourism industry
服务业在国民经济中占有主要地位,其产值 占国民生产总值的52%左右。近几年来,服 务业产值逐年增长。 The service industry plays a major role in the national economy, its output value accounted for about 52% of the gross national production. In recent years, service industry output value increased year by year.
The Philippines
• With an area of 280,000 square kilometers and a population of 92.2 millions,The Philippines is an island country that is made up of 7107 islands located in eastern Asia and the western Pacific occean .The Philippines is an English-speaking country.In the history ,It was a colony of the United States and Japan.
菲律宾 Philippines 英文简介
![菲律宾 Philippines 英文简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc0af7364b73f242336c5f93.png)
There are more than 70 languages in philippines. The national language is Filipino. And English is the official language.
Important festival
A unique blend of tropical paradise and business haven
Welcome to Philippinesn philippines is about 9.22 million. over 85% of the population is Malays. And there are also Chinese ,Arabs ,I ndians, Spaniard and Americans. Natives is only a little part of the population.
Battan Day (巴丹 日) On April 9th The government of philippines set up the festival in order to memorize soldiers killed in the World 2
Rizal day(黎刹节) On December 30th The festival aims at memorizing the father of the nation——Dr. Jose Riza, who is killed by the Spanizard.
National flower
Jasmine The color of the flower is white. And it smells very sweet. It also stands for love. When a gentleman expresses his love for the lady, he will send her the jasmine.
马尼拉 (Manila) 位于菲律宾最大岛屿吕宋岛西岸,濒马尼 拉湾。它是全国政治、经济、文化的中心,也是全国最大 的交通枢纽和贸易港口。人口1090万(2005年4 月)。年平均气温28℃。 马尼拉建城历史悠久,16世纪已是著名商港。1898 年,美国取代西班牙统治菲律宾后,马尼拉市区逐渐扩大。 第二次世界大战中,城市遭到严重破坏,1946年菲律 宾独立后重建。马尼拉市区被巴石河分成南北两部分,建 在巴石河上的六座桥梁将南北两岸连接起来。1975年 11月,菲律宾政府决定把马尼拉、卡洛奥坎、奎松、帕 萨伊4个市和玛卡蒂等13个区组成大马尼拉市,面积达 626.58平方公里。
菲律宾各个民族的传统婚姻习俗差异很大。一般菲律宾人 多半是自由恋爱结婚。在广大农村则流行男青年弹吉他用 歌声向他所倾心的姑娘求爱。在恋爱中,男子多赠女方以 化妆品、水果、花束等,花的颜色则以白色和桃色为佳, 茶色和红色乃属禁忌之色。结婚仪式均在教堂中举行。菲 律宾穆斯林的婚姻由父母决定。男方须通过媒人向女方家 庭提出求婚,并交付聘金。婚礼仪式由伊斯兰阿訇主持, 并举行盛大宴会款待客人。菲律宾实行早婚制,少女十二 三岁便被视为已达结婚年龄。另外在菲律宾的法律规定一 个男子最多可以拥有四个妻子。
通常在婚礼上,新娘要身穿传统的白色婚纱,而新郎则身着菲律宾传 统男式礼服(barong)。这种礼服是一种透明的系扣男式衬衣,通 常用来参加一些特殊聚会或重大场合。婚礼的主办人将会参加婚礼, 见证新人结拜为夫妻。而这些主办人同时意味着指导和帮助,即新婚 夫妇在需要时可以得到他们慷慨的帮助。 在婚礼中,有两种人扮演最重要的角色,一种是“栓盖头的人”, 通常由一男一女组成,到婚礼进行到一定时候,他们就将一个巨大的 面纱小心的栓在新娘的头顶和新郎的肩上。这个盖头象征着新婚夫妻 将像这块面纱一样合二为一。另一种扮演重要角色的人就是“牵绳 人”。当新娘和新郎被栓好盖头以后,牵绳人就用一根白线以“8” 字形松松的绕过新娘和新郎的脖子。这根白线意味着新娘和新郎将一 生不分离。 婚礼中还要点燃结婚蜡烛。新娘和新郎各方家长已提前点燃一根 蜡烛,放在结婚蜡烛两侧。新郎和新娘各拿自己父母点燃的蜡烛去点 燃结婚蜡烛。这个仪式象征着两个家庭从此因儿女的爱和终生结合而 联合起来。另外,婚礼中还有一个重要的传统风俗就是牧师向新娘和 新郎手上抛洒硬币,这些硬币被称为“定金”,象征忠诚和财富。
4 The Philippines has a tropical wet climate dominated by a rainy season and a dry season
5 Manila is the capital of the
Philippines and the second most
The Philippines
Team Members 2
ShanguangLeabharlann Xiongneng3
Nyi Nyi
Sports and recreation
Manila Celebes sea
1 The Philippines is an
archipelago of 7,107 islands with a total land area, including inland bodies of water, of approximately 300,000 square kilometers .
concentration in the suburb of metropolitan Manila. In addition, night fog the mets recently also become attract foreign investment and local another site. The Philippines mining has large potential, with lots of reserves, nickel and copper chromite. In the recent pola bay island outside the natural gas found, is
29.97万平方公里; 约等于:广西壮族自治区 (23.6万)+ 台湾省 (3.6万+ 海南省 (3.4万)
年)。联合国1998年发 表的一份报告中把菲律 础的菲律宾语, 宾列为世界上人口最稠 官方语:英语。 密的国家之一。 宗教信仰:国民约84% 马来族占全国人口的85 信奉天主教,4.9%信奉 %以上,包括他加禄人、 伊斯兰教,少数人信奉 伊洛戈人、邦班牙人、 独立教和基督教新教, 比萨亚人和比科尔人等; 华人多信奉佛教,原住 少数民族和外国后裔有 民多信奉原始宗教。 华人、印尼人、阿拉伯 人、印度人、西班牙人 和美国人,还有为数不 多的原住民。
的象征。 用于求婚, 在国际交往中, 也献给外国贵宾, 以表示纯真的友谊。
纳拉树,是紫檀木的一种。 高大挺拔,终年常绿,迎
着太阳开放出金光灿烂的 花朵。木质坚硬细致,受 伤时渗出一种猩红色的液 体。象征自己民族血管里 流动着的,而又随时准备 为捍卫独立洒在祖国大地 上的鲜血。这种树可作为 染料和制药原料。选择其 作为国树,以象征本民族 坚强不屈,乐于献身的高 尚品质。
实行总统制。总统是国家元首、 政府首脑兼武装部队总司令。 本届总统阿基诺三世 祖籍福建。
由24名议员组成,由全国直接选举产生,任期6年, 每三年改选1/2,可连任两届。众议院由250名议员组 成,其中200名由各省、市按人口比例分配,从全国 各选区选出;25名由参选获胜政党委派,另外25名由 总统任命。众议员任期3年,可连任三届。本届国会 于2010年7月选举产生。现任参议长恩里莱(Juan Ponce ENRILE),众议长贝尔蒙特(Feliciano BELMONTE, Jr.)
1 RMB=7.3506 Peso
• The Philippines is one of the richest countries in Asia in the 60s and 70s just like Japan .At present, it is a new industry country and a new market in world economy.In 2004,it ranks 37 in the world by purchasing power according to the World Bank
The Philippines
• With an area of 280,000 square kilometers and a population of 92.2 millions,The Philippines is an island country that is made up of 7107 islands located in eastern Asia and the western Pacific occean .The Philippines is an English-speaking country.In the history ,It was a colony of the United States and Japan.
菲律宾的介绍 英语国家概况课
![菲律宾的介绍 英语国家概况课](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/564c5406fc4ffe473368ab44.png)
Thanks for your watching
Manila in the Claws of Light
It’s a Filipino drama film. It is considered as one of the classics of Filipino cinema
Various sports and pastimes are popular in the Philippines including basketball, boxing, c ockfighting, volleyball, football, badminton, karate, billiards.e ct. The Philippines has participated in the Summer Olympic Games since 1924 and was the first country in Southeast Asia to compete and win a medal.
Christmas Day
Maundy Thursday(濯足节)
Many Catholic churches will hand out special coins known as “Maundy money” to the aged and poor. Some priests washing the feet of 12 people to symbolize Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
菲律宾 英文简介 PPT课件
![菲律宾 英文简介 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d5d5cce028ea81c758f57883.png)
The Philippines has several religions,but some have a few believers.The majority of Philippines believe in Catholicism ,and some others believe in Islam,besides Chinese there believe in Buddhism. Catholicism church Islam church Buddhism temple
1 RMB=6.8776 Peso
• The Philippine来自 is one of the richest countries in Asia in the 60s and 70s just like Japan .At present, it is a new industry country and a new market in world economy.In 2004,it ranks 37 in the world by purchasing power according to the World Bank
The capital city is Manila,It’s the centre of the country’s politics,economy,culture and religion.And it has a beautiful name,that is ,”The garden of tropical flowers(热带花园 之都)”
Native house
Philippines: A Geographical OverviewThe Philippines, an archipelago of more than 7,100 islands, is a beautiful and diverse country located in Southeast Asia. Spanning across a total area of approximately 300,000 square kilometers, it boasts a rich cultural heritage and a unique geographical landscape.The Philippine archipelago is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, with the Philippine Sea to the east and the Celebes Sea to the southwest. The country is bordered by several territories, including Taiwan to the north, Palau to the east, Indonesia to the south and southwest, Malaysia to the southwest, and the southern tip of China's Guangdong province to the northwest. The Philippine landscape is predominantly mountainous, with many volcanoes and active volcanic islands. The archipelago's highest peak is Mount Apo, located on the island of Mindanao, with an elevation of 2,954 meters. The country's geographical diversity also includes coral reefs, beaches, rainforests, and deserts.The Philippines has a tropical marine climate, with warm temperatures and high humidity year-round. The rainy season typically lasts from May to October, while the dry season spans from November to April. This climate supportsa diverse range of flora and fauna, including many endemic species found only in the Philippines.The archipelago's diverse geographical features havealso influenced its economic development. The country'smain industries include agriculture, fishing, and tourism, all of which rely heavily on its natural resources and unique landscapes. The Philippines is also rich in mineral resources, such as gold, copper, and nickel, which are extracted from various locations throughout the archipelago. In recent years, the Philippines has faced several challenges related to its geography. These include climate change-induced natural disasters such as typhoons and floods, as well as environmental degradation caused by deforestation and pollution. However, the country has made significant progress in addressing these issues through sustainable development programs and environmentalprotection initiatives.Overall, the Philippines' geographical diversity and unique natural beauty have made it a popular destinationfor tourists and adventurers from around the world. Itsrich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes offer aunique experience that is truly unforgettable.**菲律宾:地理概览**菲律宾是一个由超过7100个岛屿组成的群岛国家,位于东南亚,美丽而多元。
旅游业是菲外汇收入重要来源之一。2003年接待游客220万 人次,比上年增长14%,旅游业收入16.4亿美元,并创造380 万个就业机会。
主要旅游点有:百胜滩、蓝色港湾、碧瑶市、马荣火山、伊 富高省原始梯田等。
马尼拉大教堂是马尼拉天 主教大主教管区的主要建 筑,最初的教堂建于1581 年,马尼拉大教堂是菲律 宾最大和最古老的天主教 堂,1958年由梵蒂冈出资 修复,是广大的教徒心中 的圣地,信奉天主教的菲律 宾人每个周日都在这里做 礼拜。
菲律宾首都马尼拉,是一 座风光秀丽的城市,人口 159万,全国最大港口和政 治、经济、文化中心。位 于吕宋岛西岸,马尼拉湾 畔,据说它的名称来自开 放在帕西河畔的尼拉特花。 由于受西班牙统治300年之 久,所以颇具西欧情调。 马尼拉是一个传统与现代 集合的都会、古老建筑物 与新式高楼大厦相林立、 现代化购物商场夹杂着旧 式街贩、庄严肃穆的博物 馆与热闹的士高酒吧相辉 映。
菲律宾是一个充满了活力和魅力的国家,东西文化的融合使这 个美丽的国家蒙上了神秘的面纱,对游客具有强烈的吸引力, 旅游业发展较快,但总量仍不大,入境游客主要来自于东北亚、 东南亚、西欧和北美旅游区。1992年菲律宾就是中国全面开放 的出境旅游目的地国家,但中国居民去菲旅游的总的游客数仍 然不多,不过菲律宾多年来一直都是中国十大主要客源国之一,
首都 马尼拉 最高建筑
马拉 卡南
马尼拉市内与巴石河平行的一 条街上有座壮观的宫殿,它就 是菲律宾总统府——马拉卡南 宫,原意为“高贵人居住的地 方”,马拉卡南宫始建于1802年, 已有两千年的历史。现在已经 成为菲律宾总统官邸,其外部 建筑风格清静秀丽,是西班牙 建筑艺术的典范。是菲律宾共 和国的最高行政中心,这里有 总统办公室和居住大楼、行政 大楼,历届菲律宾总统都在这 里执政、举行国事会议、接见 和宴请外国元首、政府首脑以 及高级官员代表团。总统的 “接见人民日”也在这里举行20。
目前陳牧師在華神上密集課程,請為他的學習 目前陳牧師在華神上密集課程, 目前陳牧師在華神上密集課程 代禱, 代禱,還有他在台期間到各處的分享能成為多人 的造就。求主保守他出入的平安, 的造就。求主保守他出入的平安,在忙碌的課業 及奔波中能有健康的身體及靈裡的安穩。 及奔波中能有健康的身體及靈裡的安穩。 請為陳牧師在當地教會開拓事工代禱,目前有 請為陳牧師在當地教會開拓事工代禱, 請為陳牧師在當地教會開拓事工代禱 三個區域, 間教會 間教會, 三個區域,8間教會,目前各地開始了同工的培 求神在培訓的教材及師資上賜下智慧, 訓,求神在培訓的教材及師資上賜下智慧,讓更 多的同工能在這樣的培訓中, 多的同工能在這樣的培訓中,堅立他們的心志及 擴充他們對神的認識及信心。 擴充他們對神的認識及信心。
911之後,各方關注菲律賓南方島嶼上與 之後, 之後 蓋達組織聯繫的極端伊斯蘭團體, 蓋達組織聯繫的極端伊斯蘭團體,當地基 督徒亦成為他們攻擊的對象, 督徒亦成為他們攻擊的對象,請位政府能 有效的抑制暴力的行動代求。 有效的抑制暴力的行動代求。 菲律賓天然資源豐富,國民教育水平亦高, 菲律賓天然資源豐富,國民教育水平亦高, 但歷任政府未能處理嚴重的社會和經濟問 阻礙當地發展,更令半數人口窮困, 題,阻礙當地發展,更令半數人口窮困, 求神政府的官員能主動謀求公平與正義, 求神政府的官員能主動謀求公平與正義, 改變政治文化中的貪污及腐敗情況。 改變政治文化中的貪污及腐敗情況。
菲律賓Philippines 菲律賓Philippines
菲律賓Phil得 政治 宗教 馬尼拉Manila 300,000平方公里(8TW) 約7,610萬人 官方語言菲律賓語、英語、識字率95﹪ 約2,600美金 1565-1898由西班牙統治、1898-1946由 美國統治、1946獨立、目前是多黨民主 有宗教自由,但天主教的影響力巨大, 南方穆斯林企圖建立伊斯蘭自治國。
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菲律宾是个农业国,农业人口占总人口的2/3以上,有40%的劳动力 靠农业为生。椰子、甘蔗、马尼拉麻和烟草是菲律宾的四大经济作物. 菲律宾盛产椰子、香蕉、芒果、凤梨,其中椰子产量和出口量均占全世 界总产量和出口量的六成以上。 Philippines is an agricultural country, the agricultural population accounts for 2 / 3 above, 40% of the labor force depends on agriculture for a living. Coconut, sugar cane, Manila hemp and tobacco is the four major economic crops in Philippines. Philippines is rich in coconut, banana, mango, pineapple, wherein the output and export volume accounted for the world total coconut both output and export volume of six into above.
菲律宾农产品出口主要是椰子类产品、水果、水 产品,椰子类产品主要是椰子油,其次是干椰子 粉、椰肉油饼. Philippines exports of agricultural products is the main coconut products, fruits, aquatic products, coconut products mainly coconut oil, coconut powder, coconut, followed by dry cake.
After these two things, relations with Philippines China become worsen.
菲律宾是一个自然风光美丽的群岛国家,共 有7000多座岛屿,是最受西方文化影响的亚 洲国家之一。 Philippines is a beautiful natural scenery archipelago, a total of more than 7000 islands, is one of the most under the influence of western culture in Asian countries.
中国与菲律宾在黄 岩岛问题上出现分 歧,菲律宾视图霸 占黄岩岛。 Chinese and Philippines on the Huangyan island issue appeared divided, Philippines view to occupy the island of Huangyan.
菲律宾拥有美丽的文化景点和建筑,因此受 到外国游客的欢迎。 Philippines has a beautiful cultural attractions and buildings, so by the foreign visitors welcome. 菲律宾政府为了鼓励外商投资旅游业,推广 了一项(PIPP)菲律宾投资计划,以促进外 商投资和市场开发。 The government of Philippines in order to encourage foreign investment in the tourism industry, the promotion of a (PIPP) Philippines investment plan, in order to facilitate foreign investment and market development. Therefore, the best investment opportunities in Philippines's tourism industry
旅游业是菲外汇收入重要来源之一,主要旅 游点有:百胜滩、蓝色港湾、碧瑶市等 Tourism is one of the Philippine foreign exchange income important source, the main tourist spots are: Pagsanjan, blue harbour, Baguio City etc.
水产资源丰富,金枪鱼资源居世 界前列。 Rich in aquatic resources, tuna resources in the world.
矿产资源主要有铜、金、银、铁、铬、镍等 20余种 Copper, gold, silver, iron, chromium, nickel and so on more than 20 kinds of main mineral resources
1 RMB=7.3506 Peso
• The Philippines is one of the richest countries in Asia in the 60s and 70s just like Japan .At present, it is a new industry country and a new market in world economy.In 2004,it ranks 37 in the world by purchasing power according to the World Bank • Its currency is Peso(比索)
水果主要是香蕉、菠萝、芒果;水产品 主要是虾、金枪鱼和海藻及卡拉胶。 The fruit is mainly bananas, pineapple, mango; aquatic products mainly shrimp, tuna and seaweed and carrageenan.
中国与菲律宾于1975年6月9日建交。建交以来,中国与菲律宾总体发展顺利,各领域 合作成绩显著 Chinese and Philippines established diplomatic relations in June 9, 1975. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Philippines overall development China and smooth cooperation in various fields, remarkable achievements.
在菲律宾,中国游客多次被绑架,中国政 府要求菲律宾作出解释与道歉。但是,菲 律宾的态度很坚定,不肯道歉,还说自己 没错。 In Philippines, many China tourists kidnapped, China government asked Philippines to explain and apologize. However, Philippines's attitude is very firm, refused to apologize, said in their own right.
森林资源丰富,有红木、樟 木等名贵木材,面积125 0万公顷 Rich in forest resources, with a mahogany, camphor and other valuable timber, the area of 12500000 hectares 丰富的地热资源,预计有20.9亿 桶原油标准能源 Rich geothermal resources, an estimated 2090000000 barrels of crude oil standard for energy
The capital city is Manila(马尼拉),It’s the centre of the country’s politics,economy,culture and religion.And it has a beautiful name,that is ,”The garden of tropical flowers(热带花园之都)”
服务业在国民经济中占有主要地位,其产值 占国民生产总值的52%左右。近几年来,服 务业产值逐年增长。 The service industry plays a major role in the national economy, its output value accounted for about 52% of the gross national production. In recent years, service industry output value increased year by year.
The Philippines
• With an area of 280,000 square kilometers and a population of 92.2 millions,The Philippines is an island country that is made up of 7107 islands located in eastern Asia and the western Pacific occean .The Philippines is an English-speaking country.In the history ,It was a colony of the United States and Japan.