



Lesson 1 Engineering Drawings1.assembly drawing 转配图2.balloon 零件序号3.detail drawing 零件图4.view 视图5.full-section view 全剖视图6.Broken-sectional view 局部视图7.Convention 惯例,规范8.Cutting-plane 剖切图9.Sketch drawing 草图10.Interchangeable 可互换的11.Craftsman 工匠,工人12.Tolerance 公差13.Procurement 采购,获得14.Exploded drawing 分解示图15.Pattern maker 模型工,翻铸工16.Machinist 机械师,机工Lesson 2 mechanics1.mechanics 力学2.Acceleration 加速度3.Deformation 变形4.Stress 应力5.Sub discipline 分支学科6.Static 静力学7.Dynamics 动力学8.Mechanics of material材料力学9.Fluid mechanics 流体力学10.Kinematics 运动学11.Continuum mechanics连续介质力学12.static equilibrium 静力平衡13.Newton’s first law14.Susceptibility 敏感性15.Newton’s second law of motion16.Yield strength 屈服强度17.ultimate strength 极限强度18.Failure by bucking 屈曲破坏19.Stiffness 刚度20.Young’s modulus 杨氏模量21.Macroscopic 宏量22.Microscopic 微量putational fluid dynamics (CFD)计算流体力学24.trajectory 轨道25.Astrophysics 天体物理学26.Celestial 天空的27.Robotics 机器人学28.Biomechanics 生物力学29.Rigid body 刚体Lesson 3 Engineering Materials1.polymer 聚合物2.Ceramics 陶瓷3.Stiff 硬的,刚性的4.Fracture 断裂,折断5.Transparent 透明的,显然的6.Lustrous 有光泽的7.Delocalized 不受位置限制的8.Ferrous 铁的,含铁的9.Nonferrous 不含铁的,非铁的10.Tailored 定制的,特制的11.Hardness 硬度12.Tensile strength 抗拉强度13.Toughness 韧性14.Quenching 淬火15.Tempering 回火16.Stainless 不锈的17.Shield 防护,屏蔽,遮挡Lesson4 Mechanical Design1.mechanism 机构,机械2.Thermal 热量,热的3.Switch 开关4.Cam 凸轮5.Valve 阀门6.Beam 梁7.Phenomena 现象8.Screw 螺钉,螺杆9.Fasteners 紧固件10.Spring 弹簧11.Gear 齿轮12.Durability 耐用性13.Femur 股骨14.Quadriceps 四头肌15.Optimization method 最优化方法16.Stiffness 硬度17.Stock 原料,备品18.Noninterference 互不干扰Lesson5 machinery component1.pulley 滑轮,带轮2.Torque 扭矩,转(力)距3.Sheave 滑轮车,槽轮4.Disassembly 拆卸分解5.Stock 棒料,库存6.Woodruff key 半圆键,月牙键7.Axle 轮轴,车轴8.Spline 花键,用花键连接9.Bushing 轴瓦,轴衬10.Involute spline 渐开线花键11.Spindle 主轴,轴12.Groove 沟,槽;刻沟,刻槽13.Residual stress 残余应力14.Coupling 联轴器15.Distortion 变形,绕曲16.Misalignment 未对准(线),非对中17.Referred to as 把。


What is a “survey” and what are the usual ways of conducting a survey?
Surveys are methods of gathering information from individuals. Surveys have a variety of purposes, and can be conducted in many ways. Surveys may be conducted to gather information through a printed questionnaire, over the telephone, by mail, in person, by diskette, or on the web. This information is collected
Read and Think
• For certainty, we must survey the entire population. It’s as simple as that. Of course in practice we can’t do this, because there isn’t enough time or money for such an undertaking. A typical target is that of 95% confidence. Expressed simply, this means that we survey enough people that we can be 95% sure that the outcome applies to the population as well as the survey group. Note that ‘95% sure’ in this case has a precise mathematical meaning. It means that if we repeated the survey many times, 19 times out of 20 (=0.95) we would obtain a result that was compatible with that of the population.



高级值班机工业务目录第一篇机工业务第一章轮机工程第一节轮机安全值班第二节主推进动力装置的操作及运行管理第三节辅助机械的操作及运行管理第四节燃油的管理第五节其他设备的安全操作与管理第二章船舶电气第一节电气设备的安全使用和操作第二节触电的原因和预防触电应采取的措施第三章维护与修理第一节轮机日常维护修理工作程序和注意事项第二节油漆、润滑和清洁材料与设备的使用第三节表面清理技术第四节废料安全处置第五节液压工具、测量仪器的应用与维护第四章船舶作业管理与人员管理第一节船用物料管理第二节船舶防污染第三节船舶防污染技术与设备第四节轮机部安全作业注意事项第二篇动力设备操作与金工工艺第五章动力设备操作第一节轮机工程实操项目一机舱监视与报警系统的使用操作实操项目二发电柴油机故障应急操作实操项目三失电应急操作实操项目四船舶主柴油机备车、机动操纵与完车管理实操项目五船舶主柴油机定速后的运行管理实操项目六燃油加装时的操作与管理实操项目七燃油驳运时的操作与管理实操项目八舱底水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目九压载水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目十液压甲板机械的启动与停用实操项目十一液压系统的日常管理第二节电气、电子和控制工程实操项目十二发电机手动准同步并车、并联运行发电机组的负荷转移及分配、发电机组的解列第三节维护与修理实操项目十三通用工具实操项目十四专用工具实操项目十五量具第四节防污染设备实操项目十六油水分离器的操作与管理实操项目十七生活污水处理装置的操作和运行管理实操项目十八焚烧炉的操作和运行管理第六章金工工艺第一节车工工艺实操项目一卡盘、量具、刻度盘的使用以及刀具的磨制、车刀安装实操项目二车削台阶轴实操项目三车削锥体实操项目四车削螺纹柱第二节钳工工艺实操项目五钳工夹具、量具的使用实操项目六方块铁画线、钻孔、攻丝实操项目七方块铁錾切、锯割、锉削实操项目八螺栓拆卸与紧固实操项目九轴承的装卸实操项目十螺纹表面修复与断节螺栓的拆卸实操项目十一螺帽加工第三节电气焊工艺实操项目十二钢板平对接焊实操项目十三管子对接焊实操项目十四管板垂直角焊实操项目十五补焊实操项目十六钢板平对接焊实操项目十七管子对接焊实操项目十八气割附录1 MARPOL 73/78六个附则附录2 防污染法规参考文献高级值班机工英语目录Unit 1 Ship's Main Propulsion PlantLesson 1 A Brief Introduction to the Marine Diesel EnginesLesson 2 Diesel Engine ConstructionLesson 3 Main Diesel Engine Fuel Oil SystemLesson 4 Main Diesel Engine Lubricating SystemLesson 5 Main Diesel Engine Cooling Water SystemLesson 6 Main Diesel Engine Starting SystemUnit 2 Marine Auxiliary MachineryLesson 7 Marine BoilersLesson 8 Marine Pumps (A)Lesson 9 Marine Pollution Prevention EquipmentLesson 10 Oil SeparatorLesson 11 Deck Machinery (A)Unit 3 Marine Engineering ManagementLesson 12 Stand by Engine and Finished with EngineLesson 13 Safety Precaution on Working in Machinery SpaceLesson 14 Basic Knowledge of Fire and ExplosionLesson 15 Marine Emergency Arrangement and EquipmentLesson 16 BunkeringLesson 17 Lube Oil, Stores and Spare PartsUnit 4 International Conventions and RegulationsLesson 18 STCW Convention (A)Lesson 19 MARPOL Convention (A)Lesson 20 SOLAS Convention (A)Lesson 21 ISM Code (A)Lesson 22 ISPS Code (A)Lesson 23 ILO ConventionLesson 24 PSC Inspection (A)Unit 5 Watchkeeping and Engine Room LogbookLesson 25 Engine Room WatchkeepingLesson 26 Engine Room LogbookKey to ExercisesReferences高级值班机工英语听力与会话目录Unit 1 Daily EnglishLesson 1 Daily EnglishPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 2 Common terms on boardPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 2 Daily Engine Room BusinessLesson 3 Main Engine System OperationPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 6 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(III)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 3 Communication with BridgeLesson 7 Stand by EnginePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 4 EmergenciesLesson 8 Emergency Situation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 9 Emergency Situation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 5 BunkeringLesson 10 BunkeringPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 6 PSC InspectionLesson 11 Port State Control InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 7 ISM/ISPS InspectionLesson 12 ISM/ISPS InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 8 Engine Room MaintenanceLesson 13 Engine Room MaintenancePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsKey to ExercisesAppendixReferences(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。


Safety first.
6.Which ports do you often call at? We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.
7.What’s your marital status? I’m single.
8.How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa to Australia.
My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as required in the muster list.
1.What’s your date of birth?
My date of birth is May 18th, 1990. 2.What’s your seaman’s book number?
Charpter one Common English Lesson one Daily English
Topics:1.Please say something about yourself.
My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m from China,I’m 20years old and I’m a sailor. I am responsible for the maintenance and repair of the ship.Sometimes I am also on duty with the officers on the bridge.I would like to read books and watch TV in my spare time.


Chapter 7 Embarking and Disembarking Pilots Chapter 8 Deck Equipment, Riggings and Fitting Chapter 9 Shipboard Maintenance and Repair Chapter 10 Shipboard Safe Navigational Watch Chapter 11 Ship Security Chapter 12 Fire-fighting and life-saving
bosun 水手长 Sounding tape 測深绳 Dust bin 垃圾桶
1 in the office Charming 令人着迷的 Adorable 令人喜爱的
2 Passing PSC inspection psc(port state control) 港口国控制 Painting work 油漆工作 Poop deck 尾楼甲板 All deck hand 所有甲板人员 Deserve 值得
Thanks 感谢
1 Helping each other 彼此帮助 parcel 包裹 2 Assistance onboard 船上帮忙
steel mesh 钢网 Main deck 主甲板
1 Late for work Oversleep 睡过头 2 breaking a tool 打破工具
2 Meeting at the gangway A.B 一水 ability seaman Show around 参观
1 Saying goodbye after dinner wonderful meal 美妙晚餐



值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 1 Daily English:1.What is your name?My name is _______.2.How old are you?I am XXX.3.What is your marital status?I am XXX.4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family.5.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for two years.6.How many countries have you ever been to?I have been to two countries.7.Do you like your job?Yes。

I like my job.8.What is your favorite color?XXX blue.9.Which season do you like best?I like spring the best.10.What kind of music do you like?I like pop music.Lesson 2 XXX:1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX.2.What is the difference een port and starboard?Port is the left side of the ship and starboard is the right side.3.What is the meaning of bow?Bow is the front part of the ship.4.What is the meaning of stern?XXX is the back part of the ship.5.What is the meaning of deck?Deck is the floor of the ship.The n of clarifier is to remove solid impurities from oil。


你的婚姻状况是什么? 已婚/单身。
你家里有几口人? 三个人
你在船上工作多久了? 2个年。
你曾经去过几个国家? 2个国家
你喜欢你的工作吗? 是的,我很喜欢我的工作。
你最喜欢的颜色是? 蓝色。
你最喜欢哪个季节? 夏天
你喜欢什么类型的音乐? 蓝调
Lesson 2 Common terms on board (5题)
To separate/remove impurities and some water from oil. 吐 赛普瑞特/锐目 因普瑞推斯 安得 萨姆 沃特儿 夫绕目 奥由
7. What is the function of pump? 沃特 A子 的 方克申 奥夫 怕木破 To transfer the liquid. 吐 串斯佛 的 累亏的
8. The gear pump is belongs to the positive displacement pump. True or false?
的 给儿 怕木破 A子 比浪子 吐 的 炮C腿五 dei斯坡累斯门特 怕木破.促 奥 fao斯
True. 促
9. What kind of liquid is the gear pump suitable for? 沃特 卡因的 奥夫 累亏的 A子 的 给儿 怕木破 秀尔特包 fao
D型锅炉属于哪种锅炉,水管 锅炉还是火管(烟管)锅炉?
Lesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(Ⅱ) (10题)
1. Who is in charge of the anti-pollution equipment on board? 户 A子 因 叉子 奥夫 的 安腿-破鲁森 A亏破门特 昂 爆的 The 4thengineer. (fourth [fɔ:θ]) 佛是 安真呢儿 2. What anti-pollution equipment do you know? 沃特 安腿-破鲁森 A亏破门特 都 由 NO



《高级职业英语》教学辅导(第1单元)UNIT 1 JOBSWords and Expressions:1.line n. a job, activitye. g What line of work are you in?I am a teache匸A police officer was wounded in the line of duty( = while working).2.entrepreneur n. a person controlling a commercial undertakinge.g. He's an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software.3.pharmacist n. (US ) a person who is skilled in preparing medicines4.solicitor n. lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises clients onlegal matters and speaks on their behalf in lower courts5.cater V. provide foode. g. We can cater for all age groups.catering n. the activity or business of providing food and drink for people6.check on n. examining in detail; keep a watch one. g. The FBI did a thorough background check on him.Keep a check on the popularity of his company's products.7・ popularity n. quality of being liked or admirede.g. The governor's popularity will probably guarantee his reelection.8.involve v. include (someone or somebody) in an activitye.g. The operation involves inserting a small tube into the heart.9.carry out to perform or complete (a job or activity); or fulfille.g. I was elected to carry out a project.10> transaction n. buying or selling thingse.g. This was the biggest estate transaction in the city's history.11. make v. be or become (something), esp. by having the necessary characteristicse. g. I don't think he will make a good lawyer.12< outgoing adj. friendly and willing to meet new peoplee. g. a very outgoing person13.optimistic adj. thinking of the good part in a situation rather than the badpart, or feeling that in the future good things are likelier tohappen than bad thingse.g. Pm optimistic that we can work out a solution.14.intrepid adj. very brave and willing to risk being in a dangerous situatione. g. An explorer must be very intrepid.15.original adj. different from anything or anyone else and therefore new andinteresting.e.g. Our teacher said that we'd better come up with something original ・16.get worn out to get extremely tirede. g. We got worn out after our long walk.17・ be quick on the uptake to understand quicklye. g. Mary is quick on the uptake when learning computer.18< n A H level advanced level (in the UK), a GCE examination of a standardhigher than "ordinary level and GCSE"GCE—General Certificate of EducationGCSE一General Certification of Secondary Education19< retail n. the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in smallamounts, for their own use20. on the grounds that becausee.g. He refused to answer on the grounds that he promised to keep it secret. on thegrounds of (something) = because of (something)e.g. Please excuse him on the grounds of his youth.Vocabulary Exercise:1. Give the Chinese version to the following words1)to put out fires ____________________2)to rescue people __________________3)to assemble table lamps __________________4)an observant writer __________________5)to teach geometry __________________6)get frustrated __________________7)full-time job __________________8)part-time job __________________9)working hours ____________________10)a hair stylist __________________11)space-saving style __________________12)domestic duties___________________13)outgoing mail ____________________14)incoming mail ___________________15)run the office ____________________16)deal with routine telephone calls ___________17)confirm appointments ___________________18)scattered-brained __________________19)quick on the uptake __________________20)bio-data __________________21)check-out till _________________22)move stock ___________________23)work on an hourly basis __________________24)pursue one's ambition __________________25)place orders __________________26)do a course _________27)shift manager __________28)entrance test __________29)paramedic course _________KEY:WritingWrite a curriculum vitae of yourself according to the sample and type your workSample WritingName: Sheila Homer Date of Birth: 18/4/1959 Nationality: British Marital Status: Married Present Occupation: Operational shift Manager for the Clifton Ambulance Service Responsibilities: Providing ambulance service, allocating overtime, sorting ort wages, checking copies of patient forms.EDUCATIONqualificationDiploma in Secretarial course Certificate CertificateWORKING EXPERIENCE1977—1982 1985一present Secretary in Clifton Carpet FactoryOperational Shift Manager in Clifton Ambulance ServiceINTERESTS:Music, traveling, stamp collecting REFEREESMr. David Williams (Manager) &M FS . Ann Smith (Director)I ) 灭火 2)救人 3)组装台灯 6)受到挫折7)全职工作 8)兼职工作 4)善于观察的作家 5)教几何15)管理办公室 19)理解得很决 16)处理日常电话 20)个人情况 24)实现理想 9)工作时间 13)要发出的信函 17)确认约会21)收银台10)发型师 14)收到的信函 ⑻精神不集中的22)整理货物 26)学习一门课程 29)医务辅助人员课程 30)幽默感Years1975—1977 1984—1985 1989—1990course/ institution Clifton Technical collage Accident and Emergency Paramedic Course。

lesson 1daily English

lesson 1daily English

English Listening and Speaking for (Senior) Duty Motormen(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话姓名:________________班级:________________ 成绩:__________________Lesson1 Daily EnglishTask 1 Picture ListeningLook at the pictures,listen carefully and choose what you hear.1.2.1.A. A fine day. B. A low tide.C. Good weather.D.The bad sea condition.3.4.3. A.The cloudy day B.The blue skyC.The rainy dayD.The shine day5. 6.5. A.The island B.The mountainC.The riverD.The shore2.A.The iceberg B.The shoreC.The coastD.The ice-cream4.A.The sand shore B.The deep seaC.The sea coastD.The stone6.A.The mountain B.The islandC.The riverD.The shore7.8.7. A. The mountain B.The treeC.The riverD.The shore9.10.9. A. The leaf B.The treeC.The glassD.The flower11. 12.11.A. The rough seaB.The fine dayC.The good dayD.The low tide13. 14. 13. A container ship B. A general cargo ship C. A bulk carrier D. An oil tanker8.A.The car B.The bus C.The public bus D. The sea bus10.A.The mountain B.The island C.The river D.The shore 12.A.International Management Organization B.International Machine Organization C.International Maritime Organization D.International Maritime Officer14.A. A gas tanker B. A passenger ship C. A bulk carrier D. An oil tanker15.A. A gas tankerB. A passenger shipC. A bulk carrierD. An oil tanker15.Task 2 Sentence ListeningListen to the following sentences carefully and choose the best one according to what you hear.1.A. You have helped me a lot. B.Your words help me a lot.C. What can you do to help me?D. What can I do to help you?2.A. Mike is a Brazilian. B. Mike is an American.C. Mike is British.D. Mike is Swedish.3.A. The train will arrive in half an hour.B. The train will arrive in five hours.C. The train will reach the place in five minutes.D. The train will arrive at five o'clock.4. A. I like summer best. B. I like winter best.C. I like autumn best.D.Spring is my favorite season.5.A. Tell me your name,please. B. Go along this road.C. Go ahead please.D. Show me the way,please.6.A. I'll call on Lucy. B.I am Lucy.C.Lucy will ask me to do it.D.I will ask Lucy to deal with it.7. A.I have bought some vegetables. B.I have bought some meat.C.I have bought some fruits.D.I have bought some drinks.8.A. I usually go to work by bus. B. I often go to work on foot.C. I never go to work on foot.D. I often go to work by bus.9.A. The bridge is on the right . B. The bridge is on the left.C. The bridge is one level up.D. The bridge is one level down.10. A. I'm late because I got up late. B. I'm late because of the traffic jam.C. I'm late because I'm busy today.D. I'm late because I don't want to come here. Task 3 Dialogue ListeningListen to the following dialogues carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.1.Q:Where is the second speaker from?A:China. B:Japan. C: Canada. D:America.2.Q:What is the first speaker doing here?A:Teaching. B:Looking for a job. C: Doing business. D: Studying.3.Q: Can Jim take the phone call?A:Yes,he can. B.Yes, he can’t. C. No, he can’t D. No, he won’t.4.Q:Where does the dialogue most probably take place?A. In a bookstore.B.In a grocery.C. In a department store.D.In a stationery store.5.Q:What does the second speaker mean?A:He doesn’t want to ask Mr. Steve himself.B.He doesn’t want to work for Mr. Steve.C. Mr. Steve may have broken the watch.D. Mr. Steve might fix the watch.6.Q:What does the second speaker mean?A:He doesn’t mind the first speaker’s sitting down.B. He doesn’t want the first speaker to sit down.C.He’ll mind if the first speaker sits down.D. He doesn’t want the first speaker to sit with her.7.Q:Where did this dialogue take place?A.On a telephone.B.In a hotel.C. In a supermarket.D. In an office.8.Q:What does the second speaker mean?A. He received two job offers.B. He was also offered a job.C. He was the first to receive an offer.D. He received too many offers.9.Q:What is the first speaker going to do?A: He says good-bye to the chief engineer. B.He has a good trip by ship.C. He is going to fly home.D. He is going to work aboard ship.10.Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place?A. In the messroom.B.In the galley.C. In the restaurant.D. In the shop. Task 4 Conversation ListeningListen to the following conversations carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.Conversation1Q1:What kind of car will they get?A.BENS.B.POLO.C.PORSCHE.D. BUICK.Q2:When will they go to look at the car?A. This Sunday.B. This Friday.C. This Monday.D. This Saturday.Q3:Where will they get a car?A. In the garage at the center of the town.B. In the garage down the road.C. At the point of sales of cars .D. In the market.Conversation2Q1:When was Yanny Smith born?A.On the 7th of April 1973.B. On the 17th of April 1973.C. On the 7th of April 1937D.On the 17th of April 1937.Q2:What is his marital status?A.Single.B. MarriedC. Divorced.D. Widower.Q3: What is his position on board?A.He is the first engineer.B.He is the second engineer.C. He is the third engineer.D.He is the fourth engineer.Q4:What is mot mentioned in the conversation?A.The age.B. The marital status.C. The nationality.D. The position. Conversation 3Q1: Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the messroom.B. In the galley.C. In the restaurant.D. In the supermarket.Q2: What does the customer want to have?A. Chicken and fish soup.B. Chicken soup and fish.C. Pork and fish soup.D. Pork soup and fish.Q3:What vegetable does the customer want to have?A.Potatoes.B. Tomatoes.C. Carrots.D. Cabbages.Q4:What drink does he want to have?A. Apple juice.B. Orange juice.C. Coffee.D. Tea.。



Psssage1It was Sunday, and the weather was sunny. I went to the countryside with my friends. There were green fields everywhere. We could see farmers working busily in the fields.Some children were playing under the trees. Suddenly, we saw a group of ducks enjoying themselves in the river. So we ran over happily. but the ducks were frightened by the noise of us and hurried off. We all laughed. We were having a wonderful time and didn't go home until very late. What a wonderful day we had!Passage2I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. Here is my advice about how to keep healthy. A balanced diet can help you to keep in good health. You'd better eat more healthy food. It's good for you to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and drink milk everyday. And you should do more exercise, such as playing ball games, running, swimming and so on. Good food and exercise will be helpful. You also need enough sleep. It's really important. What's more, keep yourself happy. Try to smile everyday. I hope you will be better and enjoy your life.Passage 3I had a pleasant day last month. In the morning. I got up late and then began to do my homework. It took me about two hours to finish it, Next. I had fun playing computer games. While my mother was cooking lunch, I cleaned the house and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, I played tennis happily with my friends. Before I went to bed. I listened to music. It made me relaxed. What a happy day I had!Passage4Good mooring, everyone. I'm very glad to be here to introduce myself. My name a Jack, I'm a student from LuShan School. I'm in Class 11 Grade 9. I'm 14 years old. My favorite sport is basketball and a member of the basketball team of my school. In my spare time. I like reading. It is said that books are man's best friends. So of course I've learned lots of knowledge from kinds of books. Sometimes I share good books with my friends. I have a very happy family. My father is a doctor, my mother is a writer. They both like reading and staying at home with me. I love my parents very much. And they're proud of me. That's all. Thank youLesson2Passage IThis is our ship. She is a bulk carries. Her name is BLUE STAR. There are two departments on the ship.They are the deck department and the engine department. I am a motorman. I belong to the engine department, The chief engineer, three engineers and three motormen are in our department. The chief engineer is in charge of the engine department. We engineers and motormen work in the engine roomPassage 2I am Wang Wei, a motorman. I work in the engine room .I am on watch twice a day. Each watch lasts four hours.At the beginning of the watch,I must check the working conditions of all machinery and equipment. Then I should inspect the levels and temperature of relevant oil tanks and water tanks. I should observe the exhaust temperature of cash cylinder and cooling water inlet and outlet temperature. And I also check something in the logbook of the generator diesel engine,etc. Though I am always busy every day, I like my job very much.This is our workshop. It is in the engine room, marry small machines arc here. such as the lathe. drilling machine, electrode welding machine, etc. A toolbox is in the corner of the workshop. There are a lot of tools in it. They are hand drills, hammers, pliers, cutting pliers, pincers, shifting spanners, saws, files and so on.We often use tools during our maintenance and repair workLesson3Passage lThe engine department is one of the most important department on board. There are 10 people. They are four engineers and six motormen. We are from different countries. So we have to speak English .We should get along well with each other and respect others' culture and customs. We should keep the engine room clean and tidy.Passage 2Our ship hat a gross tonnage of 5,000 tons. It carries bulk cargo, such as cement, sand. grains, coal and so on. We often call at Singapore. Hong Kong. Dalian and Qingdao. As a motorman. I should keep all the machines in the engine room in good order, so that it sails smoothly. We should carry out the officer's orders at once. We all work very hard on board.Passage 3Our ship is in the shipyard now. We are here for the voyage repair. Some machines and equipment need repairing. A motor often fails to start. The emergency generator does not work well. There is also something wrong with the steering gear. The workers from the shipyard do the most repair itemsLesson4Passage 1A pump is a machine used to raise liquid from a low point to a high point. It simply provides the liquid with an increase in energy enabling it to flow or build up pressure. The pumping action can be achieved in many ways according to the type of the pomp employed.Passage 2Shanghai Harbor is one of the largest sea ports in the world. Every day. a lot of ships with imported goods arrive here and everyday a lot of ships with goods for export sail away from there to all parts of the world.Passage 3There is much emergency equipment on board .They are emergency power supply. emergency steering gear, watertight door. quick closing device for the fuel oil system and so on. Every man should keep the equipment in good order and check them regularlyLesson55-1The motorman should be on duty m the engine control room from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the UMS. During the watch, he should check the working conditions of all the equipment in the engine room,levels of all tanks and engine room bilge wells. He should keep the engine room clean and tidy.5-2The workshop is 10 the engine room, there are many machines in it, such as lathe, welding machine, drilling machine and so on. There is a tool box in the workshop. Them are some tools like , spanners,screwdrivers and so on.5-3The oil level detector is used to control the opening and closing of the electric magnetic valve and the oil content of the separated water is detected by the oil content detector. When the oil content is less than 15 ppm . the separated water is delivered overboard. If the oil content is more than 15 ppm . the separated water is returned to the oil sludge tank.Lesson66-1The cooling water circulating pump did not work smoothly. It did not build up any pressure. The engineers dismantled it and examined it carefully. Later they found out the trouble, and then they renewed some worn-out parts with the spare parts.6-2This is our workshop. It is small. Some lathes are in the workshop. They are a planner. a grinder, a saw machine and so on. A toolbox is in the middle of the workshop. Some tools are in the box. They are saws,files ,screwdrivers and so on. The workshop is in the engine room.6-3After the last voyage of the year, the ship will go to the shipyard for the annual repair. Before that time, the chief engineer must make up the repair list. The main engine will be checked and defective parts will be renewed during the repair.Lesson77-1Stand by engine for sailingWhen instructions have been received that the main engine is to be prepared for running, the following procedures for any make of marine diesel engine should be followed.1)Check the fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water and starting air system of the M.E.2)Check that all valves in the various system are operational and have no leakage.3)Warm up the main engine.4)Check through the crankcase.5)Check the turbochargers.6)Engage the turning gear and give the engine at least one complete turn.7)The scavenge drains should be cranked open;the drains from diaphragm glands should be slightly open.8)Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn the engine over slowly on air.9)Start the engine on air briefly on both directions and then close all indicator cocks.10)Give the main diesel engine a brief trial on power ahead and asternLesson8In the case of a fire in the engine room, each person on board has to carry out his assigned duty. Each person has a specific task to do Fire drills are conducted as soon as the ship departs on a long ually it is about one day after departure.Engineering staffs will attend to equipment in the engine room. In case of fire in the machinery space,the engineering staffs will play the major role in controlling the fire, and putting it out. In case of fire on the deck, the navigation staffs will be the front line fire fighters, while the engineering staffs will play a supporting role.In a normal situation, the captain and the chief engineer will be overall in charge of the Fire-fighting operation, and the chief officer and the second engineer officer will assist them.8-2Engine room preparations for collision are as follows:The chief engineer should go to the engine room quickly and command other duty personnel to prepare for maneuvering the main engine; reduce the speed of the main engine while the ship is in shallow water and ask for information from the bridge frequently; change the low-level sea chest to a high one;sound relevant tanks.Lesson99-1Emergency response to engine room flooding;1) Secure all watertight doors, hatches and ventilators to ensure maximum available watertight integrity.2)All available pumps, including portable salvage pumps, are to be immediately utilized to control the ingress of water.3)Find the leaks and try to stop it with a collision-mat (blanket, cotton-wadding, etc.), steel patch or concrete patch.9-2In case of oil spill on board, firstly it should be reported to the master, then actions taken according to the SOPEP. If it is out of control, and the ship cannot handle it, the master should ask the port authorities for help and assistants. All crewmembers should control the on spill under the master`s command. They should try their best to remove oil spilled.Finally, all the activities above should be recorded in the Oil Record Book. including: when occurred, position of the ship when occurred, approximate quantity and type of oil and so onLesson1010-1On the way here, we renewed some of the filters with the ship's spares and we didn't have enough stores on board. Our chief engineer telegraphed the ship chandler and asked him to prepare some filters for us. Besides, one of our safety valves didn't work well. The chief engineer decided to replace it. So he order one. He also asked the ship chandler to bring some nuts on board. He gave the producer's names and the specifications of the spare parts at the same time. The ship chandler agreed to deliver these things on board as soon as possible.When a motorman or an engineer is on duty, he is working in the engine room. Each watch lasts four hours. Each person is on duty twice a day. It is now half past seven in the morning. Our second engineer is on duty. He is taking the oil pressure. The assistant engineer is helping him. He is measuring the cylinder cooling water outlet temperature. The motorman is pumping out the bilge water. They are going to hand over the shift.10-3The motorman, or oiler is under the leadership of the second engineer and duty engineer. His routine work is to maintain the equipment, such as repairing motors, overhauling pistons, welding pipes, cleaning purifier, dismantling pumps, etc. He usually does the preparation for warming up, standing by the main engine before sailing, and he is responsible for the work associated with stopping the engine. While on duty, he shall make an inspection tour every half an hour. He checks relevant equipment, adjusts the parameters to ensure the normal supply of power and steam.Lesson1111-1One of the most important knowledge that a seaman has to know is how to prevent and put out fire. Should a big fire occur in a ship, there is almost no other place to go except the surrounding seas. So it is necessary to know how a fire can start, we have to know the concept of the fire triangle. A fire can only start when there is fuel, heat and oxygen. If one of these is absent or removed, the fire does not exist. So to prevent fires, the best thing to do is to isolate either one of them or better still, all of them.1-2Post State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in other national ports by PSC officers for the purpose of verifying that the competency of the master and officers on board, the condition of a ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international conventions (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, LOAD LINE 66, ITC 69, etc.) and that the vessel is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international law. Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject. while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorize by the Party. Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given no more favorable treatment.11-3In addition to the above said certificates and documents, the following will be given priority by the PSCO: Life-saving equipment, emergency starting and running tests, nautical publications,navigational equipment, emergency generator, hull corrosion and damages, main engine and aux. engine, oily water separator 15 ppm alarm, oil discharge monitor. steering gear, emergency training and drills, fire safety control plan, emergency lighting / batteries. cleanliness in engine room, cleanliness in accommodation and so on.Lesson1212-1Before working on oil or chemical cargo pumps or pipelines, they should be washed through.After pumping certain chemicals, it may be necessary to use a solvent to wash the pump. As an extra precaution, protective clothing and breathing apparatus may be necessary. Work on pumps should only be carried out when tanks are in a safe condition. Hydraulic or steam lines to pump motors must be closed securely and the power system shut down.12-2In July 1998 the ISM Code became mandatory for passenger ships, tankers and high-speed craft. The Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by "the Company", which is defined as the shipowner or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer , who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship.12-3"Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility.has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Coda.passage 4The Company should establish procedures for the preparation of plans and instructions, including checklists as appropriate, for key shipboard operations concerning the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution. The various tasks involved should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.Lesson13Lesson13Essential Machinery and Maintenance( 重要机械及其维护保养)A:Could you tell me what are the important items for maintenance in the engine room?B:Sure.you'd better take notes in your notebook. Well,the systems and machinery identified for programmed tests are as follows(以下是这些需要定期进行测试的系统和机械设备的清单):M/E pneumatic remote control systems (主机气动遥控装置)M/E main lubricating oil pumps(主机滑油油泵)M/E camshaft lubricating oil pumps (主机凸轮轴润滑油泵)M/E crosshead lubricating oil pumps (主机十字头润滑油泵)M/E turbo-blower lubricating oil pumps (主机增压器润滑油泵)M/E fuel oil supply pumps (主机燃油供应泵)M/E fuel oil circulating pumps (主机燃油循环泵)M/E fuel oil booster pumps (主机燃油增压泵)M/E jacket water pumps (主机缸套冷却水泵)main sea water supply pumps (主海水泵)auxiliary sea water supply pumps (辅海水泵)main low temperature cooling pumps(主低温冷却泵)main generator engines and alternators(主发电机原动机及交流发电机)all associated generator electric driven pumps (所有发电机驱动的泵)boiler feed pumps (锅炉给水泵)exhaust gas boiler circulating pumps(废气锅炉循环泵)steering gear motors and pumps (舵机马达和液压泵)steering gear telemotor motors and pumps (舵机液压传动操舵装置马达和液压泵)steering gear control systems (舵机控制系统)emergency generator (应急发电机)emergency fire pump(应急消防泵)main fire pump(主消防泵),andemergency stop and remote closing devices(应急停止和遥控关闭装置)Are you clear now?A:Yes,thank you,sir。



Task 1 Picture listening
3. Four-stroke engine. A. Cross head engine. B. Tow-stroke engine. C. Generator. D. Four-stroke engine. 4. In-line engine. A. V-engine. B. Tow-stroke engine. C. In-line engine. D. Crosshead engine.
Task 2 Sentence listening
3. We
have to clean the filters quite often.
A. We have already cleaned the filters. B. The filters need to be cleaned. C. The filters are sometimes choked. D. The filters need cleaning frequently. 4. We'd
Q: How do they maintain the oily water separator? A. They flush filters with steam at regular intervals. B. They usually flush filers with sea water. C. They always flush filers with sea water. D. They flush filters with steam sometimes. 2. Sl: Duty motorman, change the main engine over to diesel oil.



问答题Lesson 1Task21.what is your name?My name is XieYuanPing2. How old are you?I’m 24 years old.3. What is your marital status?I am single4. How many people are there in your family?There are six people in my family.5. How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 2 years.6. How many countries have you ever been to?I have been to two countries.7. Do you like your job?Yes,I like my job very much8. What is your favorite color?My favorite color is Green.9. which season do you like best?I like Spring best.10. what kind of music do you like?I like pop music.Lesson 2Task21. How many department are there on board ship?There are two departments.2. Could you list some common machinery on board?Main engine,Generator engine,Boiler,Purifier,Compressor, Windlass, Deck crane, Mooring winch and so on.3. Who is responsible for the engine department?The chief engineer is responsible for the engine department.4. Who is responsible for the deck department?The chief officer is responsible for the deck department.5. What does UMS stand for?UMS stands for Unattended Machinery Space.Lesson 3Task21. What are the four strokes in a four-stroke engine?They are suction, compression, expansion and exhaust strokes.2. What are the major systems required for the operation of an engine?Fuel oil system, lube oil system, cooling water system, start air system3. What are the moving parts?They are crankshaft, connecting rod and piston.4. What are the fixed parts?They are bed plate, frame, scavenge air box and cylinder block.5. What kind of main engine have you served?I have worked on container ship and oil tanker.6.what machine must be used to treat fuel oil before being used?Oil separator7.what are the two type of cooling system?Sea water cooling system and fresh water cooling system。


Students need to develop good search methods and skills using periodical indexes and online databases, as well as Internet search engines.
The learning environment
The ‘lesson’ is the usual teaching mode. Time spent in class takes up most of students’ learning
Lectures, tutorials , seminars and lab sessions are features of university teaching. These are conducted face-to-face and, increasingly, online.
Students may use the Internet and newspapers for research.
University lecturers usually give out long reading lists. They may point out what is essential to read from the list and what is desirable to read but not crucial.
We rely on you to do the work. 我们依靠你们去做这件事。 You can rely on my watch keeping time. 你可以放心,我的表走得很准。
3. exclusively: adv. not including others; only专有地,唯一地 For example:



fuel oil
lube oil 润滑油
engine room 机舱
cylinder 气缸
Harbor 港口
motorman 机工
chief engineer 轮机长
captain 船长
deck department 甲板部
engine department 轮机部
8 Log all working (parameters/ micrometers) at every four hours intervals.
9 The capacity of the lifeboat is (efficient/sufficient) for all of you. 10 Have you checked the (automatics/automatic)
1 I Will check up the repair (list /nest) with you now. 2 The (blades/plates) of the pump were damaged by your motormen. 3 The (figure/future) you wrote down is not correct. 4 There is something wrong with the (model/motor). 5 The pump (casting/casing) should be dismounted.
2. I want to know about the work shift. A. How about the work? B. How about the work arrangement? C. How about the workers' arrival? D. How about the高级w机o工r值k班e听r力s?与会话课件



11规则-高级值班机工英语-会话部分-朗读Lesson1Psssage1It was Sunday, and the weather was sunny. I went to the countryside with my friends. There weregreen fields everywhere. We could see farmers working busily in the fields.Some children were playing under the trees. Suddenly, we saw a group of ducks enjoying themselves in the river. So we ran over happily. but the ducks were frightened by the noise of us and hurried off. We all laughed. We were having a wonderful time and didn't go home until very late. What a wonderful day we had!Passage2I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. Here is my advice about how to keep healthy. A balanced diet can help you to keep in good health. You'd better eat more healthy food. It's good for you to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and drink milk everyday. And you should do more exercise, such as playingball games, running, swimming and so on. Good food and exercise will be helpful. You also need enough sleep. It's really important. What's more, keep yourself happy. Try to smile everyday. I hope you will be better and enjoy your life. Passage 3I had a pleasant day last month. In the morning.I got up late and then began to do my homework. It took me about two hours to finish it, Next. I had fun playing computer games. While my mother was cooking lunch, I cleaned the house and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, I played tennis happily with my friends. Before I went to bed. I listened to music. It made me relaxed. What a happy day I had!Passage4Good mooring, everyone. I'm very glad to be here to introduce myself. My name a Jack, I'm a student from LuShan School. I'm in Class 11 Grade 9. I'm 14 years old. My favorite sport is basketball and a member of the basketball team of my school. In my spare time. I likeengine room .I am on watch twice a day. Each watch lasts four hours.At the beginning of the watch,I must check the working conditions of all machinery and equipment. Then I should inspect the levels and temperature of relevant oil tanks and water tanks. I should observe the exhaust temperature of cash cylinder and cooling water inlet and outlet temperature. And I also check something in the logbook of the generator diesel engine,etc. Though I am always busy every day, I like my job very much. Passage 3This is our workshop. It is in the engine room, marry small machines arc here. such as the lathe. drilling machine, electrode welding machine, etc. A toolbox is in the corner of the workshop. There are a lot of tools in it. They are hand drills, hammers, pliers, cutting pliers, pincers, shifting spanners, saws, files and so on.We often use tools during our maintenance and repair workLesson3Passage lThe engine department is one of the most important department on board. There are 10 people. They are four engineers and six motormen. We are from different countries. So we have to speak English .We should get along well with each other and respect others' culture and customs. We should keep the engine room clean and tidy.Passage 2Our ship hat a gross tonnage of 5,000 tons. It carries bulk cargo, such as cement, sand. grains, coal and so on. We often call at Singapore. Hong Kong. Dalian and Qingdao. As a motorman. I should keep all the machines in the engine room in good order, so that it sails smoothly. We should carry out the officer's orders at once. We all work very hard on board.Passage 3Our ship is in the shipyard now. We are here for the voyage repair. Some machines and equipment need repairing. A motor often fails to start. The emergency generator does not work well. There is also something wrong with the steering gear. The workers from the shipyard do the most repair itemsLesson4Passage 1A pump is a machine used to raise liquid from a low point to a high point. It simply provides the liquid with an increase in energy enabling it to flow or build up pressure. The pumping action can be achieved in many ways according to the type of the pomp employed.Passage 2Shanghai Harbor is one of the largest sea ports in the world. Every day. a lot of ships with imported goods arrive here and everyday a lot of ships with goods for export sail away fromthere to all parts of the world.Passage 3There is much emergency equipment on board .They are emergency power supply. emergency steering gear, watertight door. quick closing device for the fuel oil system and so on. Every man should keep the equipment in good order and check them regularlyLesson55-1The motorman should be on duty m the engine control room from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the UMS. During the watch, he should check the working conditions of all the equipment in the engine room, levels of all tanks and engine room bilge wells. He should keep the engine room clean and tidy.5-2The workshop is 10 the engine room, there are many machines in it, such as lathe, weldingmachine, drilling machine and so on. There is a tool box in the workshop. Them are some tools like files,saws, spanners,screwdrivers and so on. 5-3The oil level detector is used to control the opening and closing of the electric magnetic valve and the oil content of the separated water is detected by the oil content detector. When the oil content is less than 15 ppm . the separated water is delivered overboard. If the oil content is more than 15 ppm . the separated water is returned to the oil sludge tank.Lesson66-1The cooling water circulating pump did not work smoothly. It did not build up any pressure. The engineers dismantled it and examined it carefully. Later they found out the trouble, and then they renewed some worn-out parts with the spare parts.6-2This is our workshop. It is small. Some lathes are in the workshop. They are a planner. a grinder, a saw machine and so on. A toolbox is in the middle of the workshop. Some tools are in the box. They are saws,files ,screwdrivers and so on. The workshop is in the engine room.6-3After the last voyage of the year, the ship will go to the shipyard for the annual repair. Before that time, the chief engineer must make up the repair list. The main engine will be checked and defective parts will be renewed during the repair.Lesson77-1Stand by engine for sailingWhen instructions have been received that the main engine is to be prepared for running, the following procedures for any make of marine diesel engine should be followed.1)Check the fuel, lubricating oil, cooling waterand starting air system of the M.E.2)Check that all valves in the various system are operational and have no leakage.3)Warm up the main engine.4)Check through the crankcase.5)Check the turbochargers.6)Engage the turning gear and give the engine at least one complete turn.7)The scavenge drains should be cranked open;the drains from diaphragm glands should be slightly open.8)Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn the engine over slowly on air.9)Start the engine on air briefly on both directions and then close all indicator cocks. 10)Give the main diesel engine a brief trial on power ahead and asternLesson88-1In the case of a fire in the engine room, eachperson on board has to carry out his assigned duty. Each person has a specific task to do Fire drills are conducted as soon as the ship departs on a long ually it is about one day after departure.Engineering staffs will attend to equipment in the engine room. In case of fire in the machinery space,the engineering staffs will play the major role in controlling the fire, and putting it out. In case of fire on the deck, the navigation staffs will be the front line fire fighters, while the engineering staffs will play a supporting role.In a normal situation, the captain and the chief engineer will be overall in charge of the Fire-fighting operation, and the chief officer and the second engineer officer will assist them.8-2Engine room preparations for collision are as follows:The chief engineer should go to the engine room quickly and command other duty personnel to prepare for maneuvering the main engine;reduce the speed of the main engine while the ship is in shallow water and ask for information from the bridge frequently; change the low-level sea chest to a high one;sound relevant tanks.Lesson99-1Emergency response to engine room flooding; 1) Secure all watertight doors, hatches and ventilators to ensure maximum available watertight integrity.2)All available pumps, including portable salvage pumps, are to be immediately utilized to control the ingress of water.3)Find the leaks and try to stop it with a collision-mat (blanket, cotton-wadding, etc.), steel patch or concrete patch.9-2In case of oil spill on board, firstly it should be reported to the master, then actions taken according to the SOPEP. If it is out of control, and the ship cannot handle it, the master shouldask the port authorities for help and assistants. All crewmembers should control the on spill under the master`s command. They should try their best to remove oil spilled.Finally, all the activities above should be recorded in the Oil Record Book. including: when occurred, position of the ship when occurred, approximate quantity and type of oil and so onLesson1010-1On the way here, we renewed some of the filters with the ship's spares and we didn't have enough stores on board. Our chief engineer telegraphed the ship chandler and asked him to prepare some filters for us. Besides, one of our safety valves didn't work well. The chief engineer decided to replace it. So he order one. He also asked the ship chandler to bring some nuts on board. He gave the producer's names and the specifications of the spare parts at thesame time. The ship chandler agreed to deliver these things on board as soon as possible.10-2When a motorman or an engineer is on duty, he is working in the engine room. Each watch lasts four hours. Each person is on duty twice a day. It is now half past seven in the morning. Our second engineer is on duty. He is taking the oil pressure. The assistant engineer is helping him. He is measuring the cylinder cooling water outlet temperature. The motorman is pumping out the bilge water. They are going to hand over the shift.10-3The motorman, or oiler is under the leadership of the second engineer and duty engineer. His routine work is to maintain the equipment, such as repairing motors, overhauling pistons, welding pipes, cleaning purifier, dismantlingpumps, etc. He usually does the preparation for warming up, standing by the main engine before sailing, and he is responsible for the work associated with stopping the engine. While on duty, he shall make an inspection tour every half an hour. He checks relevant equipment, adjusts the parameters to ensure the normal supply of power and steam.Lesson1111-1One of the most important knowledge that a seaman has to know is how to prevent and put out fire. Should a big fire occur in a ship, there is almost no other place to go except the surrounding seas. So it is necessary to know how a fire can start, we have to know the concept of the fire triangle. A fire can only start when there is fuel, heat and oxygen. If one of these is absent or removed, the fire does not exist. So to prevent fires, the best thing to do is to isolate either oneof them or better still, all of them.1-2Post State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in other national ports by PSC officers for the purpose of verifying that the competency of the master and officers on board, the condition of a ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international conventions (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, LOAD LINE 66, ITC 69, etc.) and that the vessel is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international law. Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject. while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorize by the Party. Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given no more favorable treatment.11-3In addition to the above said certificates and documents, the following will be given priority by the PSCO: Life-saving equipment,emergency starting and running tests, nautical publications,navigational equipment, emergency generator, hull corrosion and damages, main engine and aux. engine, oily water separator 15 ppm alarm, oil discharge monitor. steering gear, emergency training and drills, fire safety control plan, emergency lighting / batteries. cleanliness in engine room, cleanliness in accommodation and so on.Lesson1212-1Before working on oil or chemical cargo pumps or pipelines, they should be washed through. After pumping certain chemicals, it may be necessary to use a solvent to wash the pump. As an extra precaution, protective clothing and breathing apparatus may be necessary. Work on pumps should only be carried out when tanks are in a safe condition. Hydraulic or steam lines to pump motors must be closed securely and the power system shut down.12-2In July 1998 the ISM Code became mandatory for passenger ships, tankers and high-speed craft. The Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by "the Company", which is defined as the shipowner or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer , who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship. 12-3"Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility.has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Coda. passage 4The Company should establish procedures for the preparation of plans and instructions, including checklists as appropriate, for keyshipboard operations concerning the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution. The various tasks involved should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.Lesson13Lesson13Essential Machinery and Maintenance( 重要机械及其维护保养)A:Could you tell me what are the important items for maintenance in the engine room?B:Sure.you'd better take notes in your notebook. Well,the systems and machinery identified for programmed tests are as follows(以下是这些需要定期进行测试的系统和机械设备的清单):M/E pneumatic remote control systems (主机气动遥控装置)M/E main lubricating oil pumps(主机滑油油泵)M/E camshaft lubricating oil pumps (主机凸轮轴润滑油泵)M/E crosshead lubricating oil pumps (主机十字头润滑油泵)M/E turbo-blower lubricating oil pumps (主机增压器润滑油泵)M/E fuel oil supply pumps (主机燃油供应泵)M/E fuel oil circulating pumps (主机燃油循环泵)M/E fuel oil booster pumps (主机燃油增压泵)M/E jacket water pumps (主机缸套冷却水泵)main sea water supply pumps (主海水泵)auxiliary sea water supply pumps (辅海水泵)main low temperature cooling pumps(主低温冷却泵)main generator engines and alternators (主发电机原动机及交流发电机)all associated generator electric driven pumps (所有发电机驱动的泵)boiler feed pumps (锅炉给水泵)exhaust gas boiler circulating pumps(废气锅炉循环泵)steering gear motors and pumps (舵机马达和液压泵)steering gear telemotor motors and pumps (舵机液压传动操舵装置马达和液压泵)steering gear control systems (舵机控制系统)emergency generator (应急发电机)emergency fire pump(应急消防泵)main fire pump(主消防泵),andemergency stop and remote closing devices (应急停止和遥控关闭装置)Are you clear now?A:Yes,thank you,sir。

高级职业英语读写教程第一册 Unit 1

高级职业英语读写教程第一册 Unit 1

Task 1 Listen and Repeat Task 2 Listen and Complete Task 3 Role Playing Task 4 Just Do It
Task 5 Challenge Yourself
Task 1 Listen and Repeat Task 2 Listen and Judge Task 3 Listen and Decide Task 4 Listen and Complete
Section 1 Activity One
1) c 2) h 3) a 4) i 5) j 6) f 7)g 8)d 9) e 10) b
Section 1 Activity One
Task 2 Listen and write
Activity 1 Task Check-ups
Task 1 Listen and Write
Script: 1 adjust to 2 environment 3 dorm 4 familiar 5 freshman 6 The first day I came here I got totally confused. 7 I still need time to adapt myself to everything.
adapt to
confused sophomore
social life club
deal with
Section 1
Activity Two
Listen and repeat

机械专业英语1Special English for Mechanical Engineering

机械专业英语1Special English for Mechanical Engineering
The course of
Special English for Mechanical Engineering
1. 单词特点
(1) 专业性词汇较多,且词形复杂,记忆难度大。
chrome-moly steel — 铬钼钢
antifriction bearing— 滚动轴承
epicyclic gear— 行星齿轮
A-frame A形架
V-slot V形槽 O-ring O形环
Y-connection Y形连接(星形连接) zigzag wave 锯齿形波
U-shaped magnet 马蹄形磁铁
V-belt 三角皮带
cabinet file 半圆锉
twist drill 麻花钻 X-ray X射线
slide-crank mechanism —曲柄滑块机构
detail drawing — 零件图
four-bar linkage —四连杆机构
(i)派生法-在一个词的前面或后面加上词缀来构成新词 的方法。
anti-反,防;如antiknock抗震的,,antinoise抗噪声的, dis-不,相反;如discharge放电 pre-预先,在前;如preheat预热,preamplifier前置放大器 semi-半:semiconductor半导体,semiautomatic半自动化的
hertz 赫兹(频率) 赫
newton 牛顿(力、重量) 牛
pascal 帕斯卡(压力、强度) 帕 watt 瓦特(功率)瓦



6. I will ask Lucy to do it. D. I will ask Lucy to deal with it.我叫路西做。 7. I have bought some apples and pears in the supermarket. C.I have bought some fruits.我买了水果 8. I usually go to work on foot but if the weather is bad I will go by bus. B.I often go to work on foot.我通常走路上班 9.Please turn right and go up these stairs one level you will find the bridge. C.The bridge is one level up.驾驶台在上面一层 10.I'm sorry for being late I was caught in a traffic jam. B. I'm late because of the traffic jam.因为堵车,所以我迟到 了。
D:Mr. Steve might fix the watch.史蒂芬先生可能会修手表 。 6.S1:Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?打扰了,我坐这里
我叫王东,你在中国工作吗? S1: No. I'm studing here.不是,我在这里学习。 Q:What is the first speaker doing here?第一个说话者在这里做什么? D.studing 学习。
S1: Hello.This is Dave speaking. Could I speak to Jim,please.你好,我是大卫,可以和吉米通话吗? S2:I'm afraid he's not in at the moment.恐怕此刻不在 Q:Can't Jim take the phone call?吉米不能接电话吗? C.No, he can't. 是的,他不是接电话。
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Task 1 Picture listening
11. A. The rough sea. B. The fine day. C. The good day. D. The low tide. 12. A. International Management Organization. B. International Machine Organization. C. International Maritime Organization. D. International Maritime Officer.
Part Ⅱ Listening Skills Task 1 Picture listening
Look at the pictures, listen carefully and choose what you hear. 1. A. A fine day. B. A low tide. C. Good weather. D. The bad sea condition. 2. A. The iceberg. B. The shore. C. The coast. D. The ice-cream.
1. Q: Where is the second speaker from? A. China. B. Japan. C. Canada. D. America. 2. Q: What is the first speaker doing here? A. Teaching. B. Looking for a job. C. Doing business. D. Studying.
Task 1 Picture listening
3. A. The cloudy day. B. The blue sky. C. The rainy day. D. The shine day. 4. A. The sand shore. B. The deep sea. C. The sea coast. D. The stone.
Task 2 Sentence listening
5. A. Tell me your name, please. B. Go along this road. C. Go ahead please. D. Show me the way, please. 6. A. I’ll call on Lucy. B. I am Lucy. C. Lucy will ask me to do it. D. I will ask Lucy to deal with it.
Task 3 Dialogue listening
3. Q: Can’t Jim take the phone call? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he can’t. C. No, he can’t. D. No, he won’t. 4. Q: Where does the dialogue most probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a grocery store. C. In a department store. D. In a stationery store.
Task 1 Picture listening
13. A. A container ship. B. A general cargo ship. C. A bulk carrier. D. An oil tanker. 14. A. A gas tanker. B. A passenger ship. C. A bulk carrier. D. A oil tanker.
Task 2 Sentence listening
9. A. The bridge is on the right. B. The bridge is on the left. C. The bridge is one level up. D. The bridge is one level down. 10. A. I’m late because I got up late. B. I’m late because of the traffic jam. C. I’m late because I’m busy today. D. I’m late because I don’t want to come here.
Task 2 Sentence listening
3. A. The train will arrive in half an hour. B. The train will arrive in five hours. C. The train will reach the place in five minutes. D. The train will arrive at five o’clock. 4. A. I like summer best. B. I like winter best. C. I like autumn best. D. Spring is my favorite season.
Useful Expressions
11.How far is it from here? 12.May I speak to…? 13.Can I leave a message? 14.Who is speaking? 15.How much is it? 16.When will we arrive? 17.Show me your passport. 18.Anything to declare? 19.Can you make it cheaper? 20.Let me try it on. 21.Do you mind if I smoke? 22.What is the date today? 23.What’s the matter with you? 24.I want to see a doctor. 25.You’d better take a rest.
Task 1 Picture listening
5. A. The island. B. The mountain. C. The river. D. The shore. 6. A. The mountain. B. The island. C. The river. D. The shore.
Task 2 Sentence listening
7. A. I have bought some vegetables. B. I have bought some meat. C. I have bought some fruits. D. I have bought some drinks. 8. A. I usually go to work by bus. B. I often go to work on foot. C. I never go to work on foot. D. I often go to work by bus.
Task 3 Dialogue listening Listen to the following dialogues carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.
Task 1 Picture listening
15. A. A gas tanker. B. A passenger ship. C. A bulk carrier. D. A oil tanker.
Task 3 Dialogue listening
5. Q: What does the second speaker mean? A. He doesn’t want to ask Mr. Steve himself. B. He doesn’t want to work for Mr. Steve. C. Mr. Steve may have broker the watch. D. Mr. Steve might fix the watch. 6. Q: What does the second speaker mean? A. He doesn’t mind the first speaker’s sitting down. B. He doesn’t want the first speaker to sit down. C. He’ll mind if the first speaker sits down. D. He doesn’t want the first speaker to sitting with her.