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我想我们更应该时常问问自己:Do you see the needs? Do you meet the needs? (你看到旅客的需求了么?你满足旅客的需求了么?)

一,准备会pre-flight briefing

2,句型useful phrases

Cabin crew, please make a crosscheck about the

grooming of each crew member.

乘务员,请互查一下妆容。Please make a self-introduction to others. 请大家介绍一下自己吧。Your certificate is expired. 你的证件过期了。

Your apron is not tidy and clean. 你的围裙不清洁也不平整。You are short of backup stocking. 你缺少备份丝袜。

Your makeup need to be improved. 你的化妆还不到位。

The broadcaster, read the landmark along our route please. 由广播员将今日执行航班的地标宣读一下。

Explain the reason of the delay and the estimated waiting time as well as the apology if a delay exceeds 10 minutes. 超过起飞时间10分钟,向旅客广播延误原因,预计等待时间,并致歉。

Inform passengers of the latest information every 20 minutes after the first announcement of the delay. 延误后,每20分钟广播一次最新航班动态。

Would you please tell us when and how to do the exit seat passenger evaluation?你能告诉大家什么时候和怎么评估出口座位旅客么?

Please review the air defense and scheme for 请为我们复习一下防劫机预


How to inform the captain when the plane is

hijacked?/How to communicate with the flight

crew in case of hijacking?


If the plane is hijacked, and flight attendants are requested to open the cockpit door, the attendant should communicate with the pilot through interphone and deliver such a message,” I’m attendant ***, I want to talk with the captain of this journey.” Or make a forceful strike on the cockpit door. 如果乘务员在航班中被劫机,被要求打开驾驶舱门,用内话机进行联络时,应说:“我是乘务员***,我想同这趟旅行机长讲话,”或猛击驾驶舱门一下。

Do you know the CIQ regulations of our destination country? 你知道我们的目的地国家的海关、入境、检疫规定吗?

Check the emergency lights as hearing my order, and report to me as soon as possible. 在下达检查应急灯光指令后请大家立即到位进行检查并马上向我汇报。

You will have enough time to check equipments before interphone check, and please report to me through interphone. 测试内话系统前会给大家检查设备的时间,请大家将检查结果通过内话告诉我。

Now I’ll distribute the checklist Please check the facilities according to the list after boarding and return it to me after landing. 现在发放机型检查单,上机后请按单上内容一一核对,确认后在飞机落地后交还给我。

Please prepare the demo kits if the video system is broken or there is no video system at all, and do the demonstration according to the regulations. 如果录像设备故障(无录像设备)请大家确认演示用品,按规定进行安全演示。

Before boarding and after landing, flight attendants shall exercise strict clearance check in the cabin(including crew rest area, toilets, cloakrooms, overhead lockers, galleys, food-carts and ovens, etc) 飞机上客前及旅客下机后,乘务员要对客舱进行严格的清舱检查。(包括机组休息室、厕所、衣帽间、行李架、服务舱、餐车及烤箱等)

It’s not allowed to take advantage of the job by taking along anything to anyone. 严禁利用职务之便帮别人捎、买、带。

Arrange concrete cabin service according to the relevant route features. Prepare to handle special situations and serve special passengers in advance. Pay attention to details and attitudes in economy class and to individuality in first/business class. 结合航线特点对客舱服务工作做出布置。并对特殊情况和特殊旅客的处置预案进行准备,注意两微服务即微笑和细微,以及“两舱“服务。

Pursers, do you have any other reminders for us? 请问二乘、三乘,还有其他需要提醒的吗?

Any more questions? 请问大家还有其他问题吗?There is still some time before the shuttle bus comes, 离开车还有一段时间,请大家
