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桐油制备C 21二元酸聚酰胺固化剂合并生物柴油


,黄 坤1



,张 燕1

,万 历2

,陈 瑶




摘 要:由桐酸甲酯和丙烯酸经D iels-Alder 加成反应制备了C 21二元酸(TMA A),并以此为原料制备了C 21二元酸聚酰胺固化剂。T MA A 的最佳合成条件为:反应温度180e ,反应时间3h,桐酸甲酯和丙烯酸的质量比为1B 01247,阻聚剂对苯二酚的加入量为丙烯酸质量的1%,产率为85%。TM AA 聚酰胺固化物和C 36二聚酸聚酰胺固化物相比,具有更高的弹性模量、弯曲强度、弯曲模量、压缩强度、压缩模量和玻璃化温度。但由于其碳链短,断裂伸长率较低。从加成反应物中可分离出未反应的脂肪酸甲酯,分离条件:180~240e P 01267kPa,得率(相对于未反应脂肪酸总质量)85%。性能测试表明该脂肪酸甲酯与生物柴油(BD F)性能相似,可作为液体燃料使用。关键词:生物柴油;C 21二元酸;桐酸甲酯;聚酰胺固化剂

中图分类号:T Q32316 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7432(2009)01-0020-04

Preparation of biodiesel and epoxy curing agent C 21diacid polyamide from tung oil

X IA Jian-ling 1,2

,HU ANG K un 1

,NIE Xiao-an 1,2

,YA NG Xiao-hua 1

,Z HAN G Yan 1

,WA N Li 2

,C HEN Yao


(11Institute o f Chemic al Industry o f Fore st Products,CA F,Nanjing 210042,China ;

21Nanjing G ene ral Com pany for Science and Tec hnology Deve lopme nt o f Institute o f Chemic al

Industry o f Fore st Products,C A F ,Nan jing 210042,China )

Abstract :C 21diacid(T M A A)and biodiesel were propared by Diels-Alder reac tion of methyl eleosteara te and acrylic acid 1The best reaction c onditions of T M A A were as f ollow s:p -benz enediol as the polymerization inhibitor and the a mount 1%of acrylic acid,reaction temperature 180e ,reac tion time 3h ,raw material mass ratio of methyl eleostear 2ate P acrylic acid 1B 01247and the yield of TM AA was 85%1Compared to the cured products of polyamide from C 36dimer acid ,the cured produc t of polyamide from T M A A had higher elastic modulus,bending strength,bending modulus,com 2

pression strength,compression modulus and glass transition temperature,but lower elongation at break for its shorter car 2bon chain 1The unreactive methyl esters of fatty acid c ould be separated from addition products 1The separation conditions of the unreacted fatty acid was also determined :180~240e P 01267kPa 1The yeild of separated product w as 85%(based on the tolal unreacted fatty acid)and the test showed it could be used as liquid f uel for its similar properties of the biodiedsel from other oils 1

Key words :biodiesel;C 21diacid;methyl eleostearate;polyamide curing agent =收稿日期>2008-10-13;=修回日期>2008-10-21

=基金项目>/十一五0国家科技支撑计划(2007B AD41B 06);农业科技成果转化资金项目(2007GB24320422)

=作者简介>夏建陵(1958)),女,江苏南京人,研究员,硕士生导师,从事天然资源化学利用、环氧树脂固化剂的研究与开发。E-m ail:xiajianling@1261co m 。

0 引 言

生物柴油(B DF)是一种清洁含氧燃料,具有可再生、易于生物降解、燃烧排放污染物比柴油低、基本无温室效应等优点。在德国和美国等欧美国家,生物柴油的生产已经有一定的规模。据统计生物柴油已成为美国增长最快的一种替代石油、柴油、燃料[1]

。在AS T M 标准中,生物柴油定义为/用于压燃式发动机的,来自于可再生的脂类如植物油和动物脂肪的长链脂肪酸单酯0。脂肪酸酯作为发动机燃料的可行性来自于其分子结构和较高的

能量密度。作为柴油的品质参数之一,十六烷值(C N)同样适用于判定燃料生物柴油的品质。脂肪酸链中的不饱和键是导致C N 下降的最重要因素。不饱和键的数目及位置对CN 、碘值(I V,Iodine val 2


20#热固性树脂Ther mosetting Resin

第24卷第1期V ol 124 No 11


Jan 12009
