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To: James Wong, Principal Human resources Officer

From: Jack Lee, Human Resources Officer

Date: 30 April, 2011

Subject: Recommendations for future training courses on “Improving Business English Writing”

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

In accordance with your request of 10 April, I have conducted a survey among staff to investigate the effectiveness of the training course.

1.2 Background

Last year our company found that the staff had problems in carrying out their work because of their poor skills in writing business English. We therefore organized a training course on “Improving Business English Writing”.

1.3 Procedure

Data for this report were collected between 14 April and 23 April. I conducted the survey by sending out questionnaires to the staff who attended the course. 250 staff (150 senior staff and 100 junior staff) were randomly selected to answer the paper.


2.1 The most important finding is that most senior staff are satisfied with the effectiveness of teacher and usefulness of course materials, but the proportion of junior staff who are satisfied is rather small(less than one quarter)

2.2The survey also shows that more than half of senior and junior staff

are dissatisfied with the current class size (50 students per class).

2.3The final problem is that the majority of senior staff and the minority

of junior staff are satisfied with the pace of course and the relevance of course to job.

2.4The overall usefulness of course have very different satisfaction rates

among senior and junior staff (75% and 30%),which is a unwelcome result. The significant distance shows that the course didn’t live up to the expectation.

3 Conclusion

The findings clearly indicate that most of senior staff are satisfied with overall usefulness of the course, especially on the aspects of effectiveness of teacher, usefulness of course materials and relevance of course of course to job. However, the satisfaction rate of junior staff is far

behind .Besides, both groups are dissatisfied with the class size. It can be concluded that to improve the effectiveness of course, our company should reform the agenda of the class: make the class smaller and independent, select the teachers and course materials strictly, etc.

4 Recommendations

4.1 Since junior staff show their differences from senior staff, we should provide two kinds of classes for both groups. Thinking of their complaint of class size, the size of each class can be limited to 20,for we have adequate funding and full management support.

4.2 In view of the dissatisfaction to the effectiveness of teachers

and usefulness of course materials, we should choose teachers rich in experience and suitable course materials.

4.3 Given their view on the pace of course, we believe that the company urgently needs to offer enough extending hours and autonomy to teachers to grasp the pace flexibly.

4.4 As the relevance of course to job is not satisfactory, the company should spare enough time before course to work out exact needs of course participants.
