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4)Some armed policemen have to wear bulletproof Vests, a piece of clothing that can protect their chests ( 胸 部 ) and that are used to stop bullets or a vest which cannot be passed through by bullets. 5)This strict officer is a martinet, a person who demands total obedience ( 服 从 ) to rules, descipline and orders. 6)His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 7)Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool at different speeds.
Leabharlann Baidu
根据上下文正确猜出生词词义: 1. 根据定义或解释说明猜测生词的词义 1)根据定义或解释说明猜测词义 在be或be called等判断词出现的判断句中,生词是被解释说明的 表语,或是用来下定义的主语。 ①A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a carpenter. ②A mosquito is a small flying pest that thrust the skin and then drink blood. 定语从句或同位语对其先行词起修饰或解释说明的作用,有助于 猜出该先行词的词义。 ③Modern medicine began with the stethoscope, a medical tool used for listening to the movements of a person’s lungs and his heartbeats. ④Perhaps the most astonishing theory comes out of the medical research of kinesics, the study of body movement which was suggested by the famous doctor and professor named Sweeny.
(2)Birds fly with their wings, and they pick up their foods, and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding objects. 这段文字的已知部分和我们对鸟的常识可以准确地猜测 出wings的词意是:( 翅膀)beaks的词意是:( 喙 )claws的 词意是:( 爪子 )。 (3)When you throw a stone into still water of a lake, you will watch a ripple spread in rings on the surface of water. 这段文字的已知部分和我们的常识告诉我们ripple的词 义是:( 涟漪 )。 (4)Most of the roses are beginning to winter because of the cold. 句子的已知部分和我们的常识告诉我们:因为严寒,大 多数月季花正在开始( 枯萎 )。
8)If you want to build your new houses with stones of regular shape, you’d better consult excellent stonemasons, whose jobs is cutting stones into the desired shapes for building. 9)Some organizations of United Nations prefer to take on polyglots as their workers— those who can understand as well as speak many languages. 10)On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, both for their eggs and their meat.
5. 根据同等关系猜测词意 所谓同等关系,指的是一个词,一组词或短语在句中作 同一成分,而且它们的词意都属于同一义域。在这样的词 组和短语中,通常有并列连词and或者or等作同等关系的 标志词。据此,只要我们认识其中一个或几个词或短语, 即可确定同等关系中生词的词性,在句中的作用和大概的 义域。 (1)In the ancient city of Rome, we visited every mansion, church, battle site, theatre and other public halls. (2)There is no reason to insult and defame the man simply because you do not agree with him.( 诋毁 ) (3)At forty-two he was in his prime and always full of energy. ( 盛年时期 ) (4)Trees, shrubs, flowers and grass are basic to parks or large gardens. ( 灌木 )
2. 根据对比关系猜测生词的词义 在but, however, yet, otherwise或though这些表示意义转 折的连词出现的句子中,其前后的词有明显的对比关系。 根据已知的内容,通过这种对比关系,很容易猜出生词的 词义,例如: ①If you agree, write―yes‖; if you dissent, write―no‖. ②Some human actions are learned, but quite a few other actions are innate. ③Though Tom’s face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. ④John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things, his wife, however, is very thrifty. ⑤Although a large number of people considered him to have stolen the money, I was sure that he was innocent of the theft(n. 偷窃).
①Rubber can be made to stretch more than nine times its normal length because it is very elastic. ②The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow. ③He’s such a shrewd businessman that he loses no money in any trade. ④Turgid with the water of the melting(融化的)snow, the rivers would soon overflow their banks. ⑤She wanted the hairdresser (美发师) to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 通过上面五个句子的因果关系,依据已知部分,可以猜 出elastic的词义是:( );turbid的词义是:( );shrewd 的词义是:( );turgid with的词义是:( );trim是个动 词,其词义是:( )。
通过上面各句的对比,不难猜出 dissent 的意义是: 不 同 意 , 不 赞 同 ; innate 的 词 义 是 : 天 生 的 ; grubby的词义是肮脏的;thrifty的词义是:节俭的; innocent的词义是:无辜的。 3. 通过因果关系猜测词义 because, since与as是连结原因状语从句的从属连 词, so 是连结表示结果的并列句的连词 , so … that与such … that的中that是连结结果状语从句的 。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中,通过因果 关系,依据已知部分,就能猜出生词的词义,例 如:
【试题答案】 1. 1)考古学 2)磁铁 3)指南针 4)防弹背心 (马甲) 5)要求严格服从纪律和命令的人 6)动物学家 7)淬火 8)石匠 9)懂而且会说多种语言的人 10)家 禽
4. 根据生活常识猜测词意 运用逻辑推理能力,自身的生活经验及生活常 识,根据上下文能读懂的部分,正确猜出生词词 意,是一种行之有效的猜测词意的方法。下面两 段文字中分别有三个下面划线的生词,依据已知 内容,利用生活常识,可以较为准确地猜出它们 的词意。 (1)Fishes live in water and have fins which help them to swim. Most fishes have slimy skins covered with scales, so it is difficult to get firm hold of them. 这段文字的已知部分和已具备的生活常识清楚 地告诉我们这三个生词 fins,slimy和scales的词意 鳍,滑溜,鱼鳞 分别是:( )。
【模拟试题】 利用上述三种猜词技巧猜出下列练习中划线生词的词义 1. 根据定义或解释说明猜出下列各句中划线的生词词义 1)Archaeology is the study of the buried remains of ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools and weapons. 2)A magnet is a piece of iron or steel which can pull other pieces of iron to itself, and a magnet is sometimes used by some people to find their lost bits of iron from the places where it’s difficult for them to find them without a magnet. 3)Travellers in deserts or thick forests always bring with them compasses, a kind of very helpful instruments that help them to know the directions and which always consist of a freely-moving MAGNETIC needle that always moves to point to the north.
有时标点符号中的破折号“——‖也可引出起解释 说明作用的同位语或具有同义的短语或从句。 ⑤Down from the sky came a dark funnel-like( 漏 斗状的 ) cloud. This dark cloud reached the ground all of a sudden. This terrible tornado—a wind which went round and round as fast as 500 miles an hour and picked up everything in its path, such as large trees, cars and even houses. 只要读懂以上五句话,猜出 carpenter 的词义是 “ 木 匠 ” , mosquito 的 词 义 是 “ 蚊 子 ” , stethoscope 的词义是“听诊器”, kinesics 的词义 是“人体运动学”,而 tornado 的词义是“龙卷风 ”应是完全可能的。