在此,我们向贵公司提出以下几点检测申请:1. 检测项目:请贵公司根据我国相关法规和标准,对我们公司的智能手机进行全面检测,包括但不限于电磁兼容性、射频性能、网络通信性能、硬件性能、软件性能、电池续航能力等方面。
2. 检测标准:请贵公司参照国家和国际相关标准,对我们的产品进行严格检测。
3. 检测时间:我们希望贵公司能够在收到申请后的10个工作日内完成检测。
4. 检测费用:我们愿意承担本次检测的全部费用,并支付贵公司相应的检测费用。
5. 检测结果:请贵公司在检测完成后,向我们提供详细的检测报告,并加盖贵公司公章。
1. 公司介绍我们的公司是一家成立多年的玩具制造商,总部位于XXXX城市。
2. 产品概述我们的产品系列涵盖了各个年龄段的儿童,从婴幼儿到青少年。
3. 安全保障为了确保我们的玩具产品的安全性,我们秉承以下原则:- 使用符合国家和国际标准的原材料进行生产;- 采用环保材料,避免对儿童身体健康造成危害;- 对所有产品进行严格的质量控制和安全检测,并保持良好的生产记录;- 关注产品的细节和特殊要求,确保设计和加工过程中没有任何安全隐患。
4. 安全检测要求基于以上的安全保障原则,我们希望贵机构进行全面的安全检测,包括但不限于以下方面:- 材料成分检测:确保使用的原材料符合国家和国际安全标准;- 填充物检测:对填充玩具中使用的材料进行测试,确保没有有害物质;- 强度测试:测试产品的结构强度和耐用性,确保在正常使用条件下不会导致意外伤害;- 辐射检测:对电子玩具和光学玩具进行辐射测试,确保不会产生对健康有害的辐射;- 小零件检测:检测产品中的小零件,确保不存在误食窒息的危险。
5. 附加信息在附件中,我们提供了产品的详细制造工艺、材料清单等相关信息,以供贵机构参考。
T e l:(8621)68549667F a x:(8621)68549665E m a i l:S T I C@s h c i q.g o v.c n玩具测试委托表Toys Test Application Form 编号Form NO. :A. 检验类别Test Tpye:□出口商品注册登记□首件□委托□3C(□CQC □CCLC)(□型式试验□工厂检查□扩项□变更□)B. 单位信息Company Info.:联系人Connect person:申请单位Name:电话Telephone:传真Fax:地址Address:邮件Email:付款单位 Payer: 联系人Connect person:地址Address: 电话Telephone: 测试费用Test Charge:□已付□未付□协议□月结□预付元C. 样品信息Sample Info.:样品名称Sample Name: 样品数量Quantity:样品货号Item No.: 申请测试年龄Age grading for testing:其他信息Other Info.: □进口□出口□非进出口■国别贸易商/制造商Vendor/ Supplier/ Manufacturer: 所附资料Information Attached: □原材料清单□一致性声明□相片□D. 测试项目要求(请在适当空格内打“X”) Test(s) Required:(please tick appropriate boxes)Chinese Standard中国玩具安全标准□GB6675--- Physical and Mechanical T ests 物理和机械测试□GB6675 ---Flammability T est 易燃性能测试□GB6675 ---T oxic Element T est (Mix/Individual) 毒性元素测试□GB19865 --Electrical T oys Safety 电玩具安全□GB5296.5Instructions for use of products of consumer interest-Part 5 T oys消费品使用说明 第五部分玩具US ASTM F963美国玩具安全标准□Physical and Mechanical T ests 物理和机械测试□Flammability T est易燃性能测试□Heavy Metals T est重金属元素测试□Battery Operated T oys T est 电池操作玩具测试□DEHP Content邻苯二甲酸酯含量European Standard 欧洲玩具安全标准□EN71 Part 1 --Physical and Mechanical T ests 物理和机械测试□EN71 Part 2 --Flammability T ests 易燃性能测试□EN71 Part 3 --T oxic Element T est)毒性元素测试□EN71 Part 6 --Graphical Symbol for Age Warning Labelin g年龄标签□EN62115 ------Electrical T oys Safety电动玩具的安全US CPSIA 美国消费品改进法 (HR4040)□Lead Content in Surface Coating (□40ppm/ □90ppm) 涂层材料铅□Lead Content in Substrate(□300ppm/ □ppm) 基底材料铅□Phthalates Content邻苯二甲酸酯European 2005/84/EC指令□Phthalates Content 邻苯二甲酸酯JP Standard日本玩具安全标准□ ST2002International Standard ISO 8124 国际玩具安全标准□ISO 8124 1--Physical and Mechanical T ests物理和机械测试□ISO 8124 2--Flammability T est易燃性能测试□ISO 8124 3--Heavy Metals T est重金属元素测试 □IEC62115 --Electrical T oys Safety电动玩具的安全童车类标准□GB14746 儿童自行车安全要求□GB14748 儿童推车安全要求□GB14749 婴儿学步车安全要求□GB14747 儿童三轮车安全要求食品接触材料标准□GB12651 与食物接触的陶瓷制品□GB11678 聚四氟乙烯涂料(PTFE)□GB9684 不锈钢食具容器□GB9687 聚乙烯成型品(PE)□GB9688 聚丙烯成型品(PP)□日本370号令日本食品卫生法European RoHS指令□XRF 初筛□ Heavy Metals重金属(□Pb □Hg □Cr □Cd)□ Flame Retardants阻燃剂(PBB&PBDE)涂料标准□GB18581 室内装饰装修材料溶剂型木器涂料中有害物质限量□GB18583 室内装饰装修材料胶粘剂中有害物质限量其他指定测试Other Specified Test:E. 服务要求Service Required*:□中文报告Chinese report□英文报告English report□附相片Report Attached Photo(□加包装Package attached □不加包装Without package □其它Others )完成日期Perfection Date: □正常□加急:月日之前报告送递服务Report Service: □自取Self Pick-up □电邮Email □快递Express Delivery(客户付费Applicant payment)报告寄至 Report Delivery To: (中文地址:)退回样品Return Sample: □No 不需要□Yes 需要(客户自行承担快递费用)*以上将出现在测试报告上,请准确填写,报告完成后如需修改报告内容,将收取报告修改费。
Toys Test Requisition Form 玩具测试申请表※Service Required (测试服务): (所有※项目为必填项)Regular 普通件Express 加急件 (40% Surcharge)*Shuttle 特急件 (100% Surcharge)*Same Day 当天件 (150% Surcharge)pricelist of which we have seen a copy and upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out hereon and overleaf.(我们要求进行以上测试,并将依照无锡天祥技术服务有限公司所制定的现有统一价目表来收费;附加相关的条款请参看背页) 以上资料请如实填写,报告完成后如需修改报告内容,将收取报告修改费用。
Date 日期:Authorized Signature and※ Company Chop of the Applicant申请公司盖章及代表签名:Notes : No Comment may be given for some of the test items if related standard or specification is not available. 如无相关标准和说明,本公司将不对所测试样品给予评价。
Intertek Testing Services Wuxi Ltd.No.8 Fubei Road, Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi 214101, Jiangsu, China无锡天祥质量技术服务有限公司江苏无锡锡山经济开发区府北路8号 (邮编:214101)Tel: +86 510 8821 4567 Fax: +86 510 8820 0428 E-mail: consumergoods.wuxi@Form No.: 9313108Phthalate Component Sorting InstructionPhthalate测试分胶说明Date日期: Sample State样品状态:Finished Product成品 Parts 部件Toys or Children care article End Use: Toys or Children care article玩具或儿童护理用品最终用途:玩具或儿童护理用品Non Toys or Children care article Non Toys or Children care article非玩具或儿童护理用品非玩具或儿童护理用品Test Request 测试要求:CPSIA美国联邦 (HR 4040) CARLIFORNIA加州EU欧盟 (2005/84/EC) CA Prop65 加州65法案DnHP ASTM F963 Company/ Buyer Name:Instruction说明:1. Individual Mix单独测试混合测试2. Accessible Parts Accessible & Inaccessible Parts可接触部件不可接触部件3. Soft Plastic/PVC Plastic/High Risk Materials All Plastics All Materials软质塑胶/聚氯乙稀塑胶/高风险材料所有塑胶所有材料4. Coatings (Pls select either one if the sample is not tested for “All Materials”):涂层 (如果上一项您没有选择所有材料,请在以下选项中选择) :All Coatings 测试所有涂层No Test on Coating 不测试涂层Test substrate with coating 底材带着涂层测试Other Instruction其他说明:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES WUXI LTD.TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS1. Intertek Testing Services Wuxi Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) agrees to provide its services in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained (Hereinafter “theConditions”). The Conditions may only be modified by a variation expressed in writing and signed on behalf of the Company by a director and no other action on the part of the Company or its employees or agents shall be construed as an acceptance of any other terms and conditions.2. The Company acts for the person or body from whom the request to provide its services has originated (hereinafter “the Principal”). No other party is entitled to give instructions to the Companyunless agreed by the Company.3. All rights (including but not limited to copyright) in any test reports, surveys, certificates of inspection or other material produced by the Company in the course of providing its services shall remainvested in the Company. The Principal shall not reproduce or make copies, publish or disclose the contents of any such material or extracts thereof to any third party without the Company s prior written consent, which may be refused at its discretion. The Principal further undertakes that its servants and agents shall keep confidential and shall not publish or otherwise use any information that may be acquired relating to the Company s activities.4. 4.1 The Company undertakes to exercise due care and skill in the performance of its services and accepts responsibility only where such skill and care is not exercised.4.2. The liability of the Company in respect of any claims for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising in respect of any breach of contract and/or any failure toexercise due skill and care by the Company shall in no circumstances exceed a total aggregate sum equal to ten (10) times the amount of the fee or commission payable in respect of the specific service required under the particular contract with the Company which gives rise to such claims provided however that the Company shall have no liability in respect of any claims for indirect or consequential loss including loss of profit and/or loss of future business and/or loss of production and/or cancellation of contracts entered into by the Principal.4.3. 4.3 The Company shall not in any event be liable for any loss or damage caused by delay in performance or non-performance of any of its services where the same is occasioned by anycause whatsoever that is beyond the Company s control including but not limited to war, civil disturbance, requisitioning, governmental restriction, prohibitions or enactment of any kind import or export regulations, strike or trade dispute (whether involving its own employees or those of any other person), difficulties in obtaining workmen or materials, breakdown of machinery, fire or accident. Should any such event occur the Company may cancel or suspend any contract for the provision of services without incurring any liability whatsoever.4.4. The Company will not be liable to the Principal for any loss or damage whatsoever sustained by the Principal as a result of any failure by the Company to comply with any time estimate givenby the Company relating to the provision of its services. [See clause 9.1] [See clause 9.2]5. 5.1 Subject to the Principal s instructions as accepted by the Company, the test reports, surveys, certificates of inspection or other material produced by the Company shall contain statements ofopinion made with due care within the limitation of the instructions received by the Company. The Company is under no obligation to refer to or report upon any facts or circumstances which are outside the specific instructions received.5.2. For pre-shipment inspection or survey of goods, the Company s inspector shall perform the inspection or survey when goods are 100% Completed, packed and marked (unless otherwiseagreed between the Company and the Principal). Goods for inspection or survey shall be unpacked in the presence of the Company s inspector and inspection or survey shall, subject to Condition 5.3, take place at the place specified by the Principal.5.3. If the Company s inspector finds that the location is not suitable for carrying out a proper inspection or survey of goods or where necessary equipment for inspection or survey is not availablethe inspector may, if practical in the circumstances, draw samples of goods from the location and carry out the inspection or survey at the premises of the Company. The Principal shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in relation thereto.5.4. Reports, surveys or certificates issued following testing or analysis of samples contain the Company s specific opinion on those samples only but do not express any opinion upon the bulkfrom which the samples were drawn. If an opinion on the bulk is requested special arrangements in writing must be made in advance with the Company for the inspection and sampling of the bulk. In no circumstances shall the Company s responsibility extend beyond inspection, testing and reporting upon the samples actually drawn from the bulk and inspected, tested and surveyed by the Company and any inference to be drawn from the results of such inspection or survey or testing shall be entirely at the discretion and at the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Principal.6. The Company shall be entitled at its discretion to delegate the performance of the whole or any part of the services contracted for with the Principal to any agent or subcontractor.7. Every officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of the Company shall have the benefit of the limitations of liability and the indemnities contained in the Conditions. So far as relates to such limitationsand indemnities, any contract entered into by the Company is entered into not only on its own behalf but also as agent and trustee for every such person as aforesaid.8. If the requirements of the Principal necessitate the analysis of samples by the Principal or by any third party the Company will pass on the results of the analysis but without responsibility for itsaccuracy. Where the Company is only able to witness an analysis by the Principal or by any third party the company will provide confirmation, if such be the case, that a correct sample has been analyzed but will not otherwise be responsible for the accuracy of such analysis.9. The Principal will :9.1. ensure that instructions to the Company are given in due time and are accompanied by sufficient information to enable the required services to be performed effectively;9.2. accept that documents reflecting arrangements or agreements made between the Principal and any third party, or third party documents such as copies of contracts of sale, letters of credit,bills of lading, etc. are -if received by the Company considered to be for information only, without extending or restricting the services to be provided or obligations accepted by the Company.9.3. procure all necessary access for the Company s representatives to enable the required services to be performed effectively;9.4. supply, if required, any special equipment and personnel necessary for the performance of the required services;9.5. ensure that all necessary measures are taken for safety and security of working conditions, sites and installations during the performance of the required services;9.6. take all necessary steps to eliminate or remedy any obstruction to or interruptions in the performance of the required services and repack all inspected goods immediately after any inspectionor survey of them;9.7. inform the Company in advance of any known hazards of dangers, actual or potential, associated with any request for the provision of services by the Company including but not limited to thepresence or risk of radiation, toxic or noxious or explosive elements or materials, environmental pollution or poisons;10. The Principal shall guarantee, hold harmless and indemnify the Company and its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors against:10.1. all claims made by any third party for any loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising relating to the performance, purported performance or nonperformance of anyof services to the extent that the aggregate of any such claims relating to any one service exceeds the limit mentioned in Condition any loss or damage suffered by the Company as a result of the provision of services by the Company to the Principal otherwise than resulting from the Company s own error, negligence orwilful default.11. 11.1 The Principal will punctually pay the Company immediately upon presentation of the relevant invoice or within such other period as may have been agreed in writing by the Company allcharges rendered by the Company failing which interest will become due at the rate of 1.5 per cent per month from the date of invoice until payment. The Principal further agrees and undertakes to reimburse the Company all disbursements reasonably incurred in connection with the provision of its services.11.2. The Principal shall not be entitled to retain or defer payment of any sums due to the Company on account of any dispute, cross claim or set off which it may allege against the Company.11.3. In the event of any suspension of payment arrangement with creditors, bankruptcy , insolvency, receivership or cessation of business or failure of the Principal to pay part or all of any sumsowing to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to suspend all further performance of its services and withhold the issue of any test report, survey, certificate of inspection or other material requested forthwith and without liability until payment of all sums owing to the Company together with interest thereon is made.12. Without prejudice to any rights the Company may have at law or under the Conditions, the Company has the following rights in the event of non-payment of sums owing to the Company as set outbelow :12.1. The Company has a general and particular lien over all samples delivered to be tested for all claims and sums owing by the Principal to the Company under any contract whatsoever and inany other way whatsoever.12.2. During the currency of any such lien the Company is entitled to be paid reasonable storage charges for samples retained in the Company s custody.12.3. Without prejudice to the Company s lien and other rights under Conditions 12.1 to 12.2 above, if test, inspection or survey of the goods takes place on the premises of the Company, theCompany may give notice to the Principal that the goods (or any part thereof) are ready for collection and the Principal shall collect the same within three (3) working days (Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays excepted). Upon the expiry of this period, if the goods are not collected by the Principal, at the sole discretion of the Company the goods may be deemed abandoned and/or destroyed.12.4. Without prejudice to Conditions 12.3 above, the Company shall have the discretion to store the goods (or any of them) at their own premises or elsewhere at the Principal s expense if thePrincipal has deposited the goods at the Company s premises for the performance of these services and has subsequently failed to collect the said goods.12.5. The expenses by way of disbursements that the Company may reclaim from the Principal include all reasonable costs incurred by the Company (whether by way of storage, insurance orotherwise) in respect of the goods and it is expressly declared that it shall be reasonable but not mandatory for the Company to effect comprehensive insurance in respect of the goods.12.6. Without prejudice to the Company s lien and other rights under Conditions 12.1 to 12.5 above, the risk and property in the goods shall remain at all times in the Principal.13. In the event of the Company being prevented by reason of any cause whatsoever outside the Company s control from performing or completing any service for which an order has been given or anagreement made, the Principal will pay to the Company :13.1. the amount of all abortive expenditure actually made or incurred; and13.2. a proportion of the agreed fee or commission equal to the proportion (if any) of the service actually carried out; and the Company shall be relieved of all responsibility whatsoever for the partialor total non-performance of the required service.14. The Company shall be deemed by the Principal to have provided qualified services pursuant to the terms and conditions under this Conditions unless objection or suit is brought within twelve (12)months after the date of the performance by the Company of the service which gives rise to the claim or in the event of any alleged non-performance within twelve (12) months of the date when such service should have been completed.15. In the event that any unforeseen additional time or costs are incurred in the course of carrying out any of its services the Company shall be entitled to render additional charges as shall reasonablyreflect such additional time and costs incurred.16. All proprietary and non-public information relating to the Principal that is held by the Company will not be disclosed by the Company to third parties except where the Company is required to disclosesuch information either (i) to China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment ("CNAS") or other accreditation bodies for the purposes of an accreditation assessment of the Company's activities or (ii) pursuant to any legal or regulatory requirement to which the Company shall be subject."17. All contracts for provision of services by the Company and the Conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter “PRC”) forthe purpose of any arbitral or litigation proceedings such contracts shall be deemed to have been made and performed in PRC If any provision contained in the Conditions is and/or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under the laws of PRC, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.18. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to the provision of, or any agreement to provide, services by the Company shall be submitted to the Shanghai Sub-commission of China InternationalEconomic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules and procedure. The Arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both Parties. All the fees relating to the arbitration shall be borne by the losing Party.客户填表 / 送检须知1.本公司按照测试申请表和实验室测试报告背面所列明的条款和条件进行测试,请详细阅读。
材料清单(Materials List)GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE服务通用条款1 总则1.1 除非另有书面协议,或与法规、法律的强制规定不一致时,东莞市欧冠检测技术服务有限公司或任何有关联的公司及它们的代理(单称“公司”)作出的所有报价或服务,以及所产生的合同或其它约定,都受本服务通用条款(以下称为“通用条款”)约束。
1.2 除非本公司事先收到客户相反的书面指令,任何其他方都无权做出指令,特别是关于服务范围或提交的报告及证书(“测试报告”)方面的指令。
1.3 除非本公司接获委托人之事前书面指示中有相反之意思表示,其它任何人皆无权给予指示,尤其对于服务范围或因此而生报告、证书之交付(下称“测试报告”)。
2 提供服务2.1 本公司根据所确认的委托人具体指令,以合理审慎的技能提供服务。
若无此指令,则根据:2.1.1 本公司的任何标准委托单或标准规格单中的条款;2.1.2 任何有关的贸易惯例、作法或实践;2.1.3 本公司认为在技术、操作和财务方面适当的方法。
2.2 对样品检测后出具的测试报告仅仅反映本公司对该样品的评价,不反映对被抽取样品的一批货物的评价。
2.3 本公司出具的测试报告只反映在工作当时所记录的事实,而且限于所收到指令的范围内,若无指令时,则限于所用的本条款2.1 中给出的可选择参照的范围。
2.4 本公司可委派代理或分包商承担全部或部分服务,客户授权本公司向代理或分包商提供其所承担服务的全部必要的信息。
2.5 本公司如收到涉及客户和第三方签订的契约或文件,如销售合同、信用证、提单等,这些文件仅供参考,而不扩展或限制经本公司承担的服务范围或职责。
测试原因:□合同内约定□客户在合同外提出(收测试费元,收费协议 □已签 □未签)
29.四溴双酚A TBBP-A
36.二甲苯麝香Musk xylene
Sample Name
Item No./Part No.
Testing items
*测试项目(Test Item):
37.酮麝香Keton Musk
Service Requirement
*是否需要证书(Test Certificate):YesNo
*服务类型(Service Level):Regular标准服务5个工作日完成
广州环宇标准及检测技术有限公司GUANGZHOU WORLDWIDE STANDARDS AND TESTING CO. LTD.No. 110, Dongguanzhuang Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Tel: (86) 20-87236520, Fax: (86) 20-87237226广州市天河区东莞庄路110号 Website: Rpt Drf: IV#:APPLICATION FOR TOY TESTING玩具测试申请单Pick-up Service, Please call tel: (86) 20-87236019 收板服务电话:(86) 20-87236019Please fill in English/X Mark box请用英文填写/或在选择格内打“×”FOR OFFICE USE / 本公司填写:Application No:申请号:Received:接收日期:Committed:完成日期:Customer No:顾客号:Reviewed By:复核者:Applicant: / 申请商:Supplier/Manufacturer: / 供应商 / 制造商: Address: / 地址:Address: / 地址:Contact Person: / 联系人:Contact Person: / 联系人:Tel. No. :电话:Fax No. :传真:Tel. No. :电话:Fax No. :传真:Sample Description / 样品名称描述:Style/Item No.: 类型/型号:P.O./Ref. No.:定货编号/参考号:Country of Origin: 制造国:Destination:目的地国:Age Grading for Testing: 测试年龄要求: Special Instructions:特殊要求:.Tests Required / 测试要求: (请在适合的空格内填×) Europe 欧洲EN71Part 1 Physical & Mechanical Test 物理机械性能测试EN71Part 2 Flammability Test 易燃性能测试EN71Part 3 Migration of Toxic Elements Test 毒性元素测试EN62115 (Please attach circuit diagram) 电动玩具安全性能测试EMC电磁兼容测试(Please attach circuit diagram)Packaging Materials Test (Directive 94/62/EEC)欧洲包装材料测试DIN 53160 - Colour fastness to sweat and Saliva颜色牢固度测试DIN 53704 - Phenol content 苯酚含量测试Formaldehyde content 甲醛含量测试Total Cadmium Content (91/338/EEC) 总镉含量测试Six Phthalates Content (2005/84/EC) 邻苯二甲酸盐含量测试RoHS (2002/95/EC)四种重金属含量PBB+PBDE阻燃剂测试 RoHS 六项测试Azo Dyes 偶氮染料测试Nickel Release 金属中镍的释放量测试CANADA 加拿大玩具安全标准C.R.C. c 931 Hazardous Products (Toys) RegulationsPhysical &Mechanical Test 物理机械性能测试Flammability Test 易燃性能测试Toxicological Test 毒性元素测试GB 中华人民共和国玩具安全标准GB6675-2003 (Part 1)GB6675-2003 ( Part 2)GB6675-2003 (Part 3) GB5296.5-2006(包装说明)GB19865-2005 (Battery operated toys)U.S.A ASTM F963 / CPSC Regulation 美国Physical & Mechanical Test 物理机械性能测试Flammability Test 易燃性能测试Total Lead content 总铅含量测试Soluble metals in surface Coating (8 Elements)可溶性测试Stuffing Cleanliness Test(In-house method GTC/TPM/CHM/011)*Battery Operated Toy Test 电池驱动玩具测试Food Contacting Articles(FDA)与食品接触类测试Heavy Metals in Packaging Materials (CONEG)美国包装材料测试US CPSIA 美国消费品安全改进法 H.R.4040Total Lead content 总铅含量测试Phthalates content( 3 or 6 Phthalates)邻苯二甲酸盐测试Australian Standard / New Zealand 澳大利亚/新西兰玩具安全标准AS/NZS ISO 8124-1 Physical & Mechanical Test 物理机械性能测试AS/NZS ISO 8124-2 Flammability Test 易燃性能测试AS/NZS ISO 8124-3 Toxic Elements Test 毒性元素测试AS/NZS 62115 电动玩具安全性能测试Mattel 美泰标准(QSOP)Hasbro 孩之宝标准(SRS)*Further information regarding our in – house methodsplease direct contact our companyOther Test (Please Specify):其它规范(请详细说明):Service Required (Sample pick-up time not included ) : 服务要求 (不包括取板时间):Regular 正常 Express(40% Surcharge) 加快 (加收费40%) Immediate(100% Surcharge) 特快 (加收费100%)Returned Test Samples / 返回测试样品:Yes 是No 否报告是否附图片:Yes 是No 否*Service charge may be levied if samples are to be returned by mail/courier. Otherwise, samples submitted for testing will be scrapped at the discretion of GWSTC upon completion of the test. 测试样品在测试完后将被销毁,如果选用邮寄/专递服务,按情况收取相关费用。
玩具原材料检验报告单玩具原材料检验报告单报告编号:XYZ-2021-001批号:TOY-2021-001报告日期:2021年XX月XX日1. 报告概述本次检验旨在对玩具原材料进行质量检验,以确保其符合相关的标准和安全要求。
2. 样品信息样品名称:玩具原材料生产商:XXX有限公司生产日期:2021年XX月XX日3. 检验项目及方法3.1 外观质量检验对样品进行目测检查,包括颜色、形状、表面平整度等方面的评估,并与相关标准进行比较。
3.2 厚度测量使用厚度测量仪器对样品进行测量,以验证材料的厚度是否符合标准要求。
3.3 力学性能测试使用万能材料试验机对样品进行拉伸测试,测量样品的强度和延展性,并将结果与相关标准进行比较。
4. 检验结果4.1 外观质量检验结果样品整体外观无明显破损,表面平整,颜色均匀,没有明显色差。
4.2 厚度测量结果经测量,样品厚度为Xmm,符合标准要求。
4.3 力学性能测试结果拉伸测试结果显示,样品具有较高的强度和良好的延展性,符合相关标准的要求。
5. 结论经过对玩具原材料样品的检验,通过外观质量检验、厚度测量和力学性能测试,样品符合相关标准和安全要求。
6. 建议建议生产商在生产过程中继续严格按照标准进行控制,确保玩具原材料的质量稳定性,并提高生产效率和产品质量。
7. 备注本检验报告仅针对所检样品,不对生产全过程或其他批次的玩具原材料质量进行评估。
TOYS TESTING APPLICATION FORM / 玩具测试申请表Effective Date: April 8, 2009 Report No./报告编号:LETTERS / REPORTS / CERTIFICATES: Letters / Reports / Certificates of STR are issued for the exclusive use of the Customer to whom they are addressed. No quotation from reports / certificates or use of the STR’s name is permitted except by STR’s express written authorization. Letters / reports / certificates apply only to the specific materials, products or processes tested, examined or surveyed and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently identical or similar materials, products or processes. Reports / Certificates of STR do not relieve sellers / suppliers from their contractual responsibilities with regard to the quality / quantity of the goods in delivery nor do they prejudice the Customer’s right to claim against sellers / suppliers for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during STR’s random inspection or testing or audit. The liability of STR to the Customer in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or howsoever, and whatever the cause thereof, (a) for any loss of profit, business, contracts, revenues, or anticipating savings; or (b) for any special indirect or consequential damage of any nature whatsoever, shall be limited to the amount of the fee paid in respect of the specific Work(s) which give rise to such claim. For Reports / Certificates, see reverse for Terms and Conditions of Service.SHFAF-001 (20080201)TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICESpecialized Technology Resources (H.K.) Ltd. (“STR”) undertakes to provide services (“Work(s)”) to its Customer subject to the terms and conditions (“Terms”) contained herein.The term of limitation of liability contained herein has been conspicuously marked to draw to the attention of the Customer. The Customer is advised by STR to take separate legal advice and is fully aware of the meaning and the legal significance of this term. The Customer agrees that this term is integral part of this Agreement.COMPUTATION OF CHARGES AND PAYMENT1.1 (a) Consulting time shall be charged on a daily basis.(b) Where the personnel of STR are assigned to its Customer for any in-house projects, the Customer shall be billed on an hourly basis on the compensation rates of its personnel.1.2 Disbursements incurred on the Customer’s behalf such as expenditure for communications, transportation, travel, purchase of any materials, tools, equipment, components or parts which are directly relatedto the Work(s) shall be billed at costs and shall additionally include STR’s reasonable handling charge at the discretion of STR.1.3 Where in the opinion of STR the Work(s) are time consuming entailing the use of special equipment and disbursements, the Customer shall be charged on an “equipment-hour” basis on the time spent.1.4 Payments shall be made in Hong Kong Dollars at STR’s address or at such other address and in such manner as STR may from time to time specify. Payment made by post shall be at the risk of theCustomer.1.5 The Customer undertakes during the continuance of this Agreement: -(a) to punctually pay all billings rendered to the Customer from time to time;(b) unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment is to be made within seven (7) days from the date of Invoice or Debit Note;(c) where the Customer shall fail to pay within time, STR shall charge interest on overdue invoices at the rate of 2% per month;(d) STR shall have a lien on any goods of the Customer until payment but the exercise of such lien shall not prevent interest from accruing.1.6 If the Customer shall fail to pay STR for any reason under Clause 1.5 or if the Customer shall commit a breach of any of its obligation under this Agreement or if a receiver of the Customer is appointed or ifany resolution or petition to wind up the Customer’s business shall be passed or presented (except for the purpose of reconstruction), STR may without prejudice to its other rights either suspend or terminate the Agreement and in such an event STR may also suspend or terminate any other existing contracts without being liable to damages.OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER2.1 If the Customer intends to make any change(s) to the Work(s) hereunder or assign any other work to STR prior to the completion of Work(s), such a change or new assignment shall only be effective inwriting between both of the parties. If STR suffers from any loss or damage due to such a change or new assignment, the Customer shall compensate STR for such losses and damages.2.2 If the Work(s) undertaken by STR hereunder requires any assistance from the Customer, the Customer shall be obliged to provide all necessary and reasonable assistance which STR may deem fit. If theWork(s) undertaken by STR hereunder cannot be completed due to the Customer’s failure to perform its obligation to assist, STR shall have the right to demand the Customer to perform its obligation withina reasonable period of time and may appropriately extend the time limit for STR to complete its Work(s). If upon the expiration of such reasonable time period the Customer still fails to perform its obligationto assist, STR may terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any other rights of STR hereunder or under any applicable laws and regulations.SAMPLES3.1 Customer shall abide by all applicable regulations when shipping samples to STR. Improper shipping may result in additional charges for costs incurred by STR: (a) to identify samples to STR; and (b)damages done to STR personnel or property as a result of improper packaging, labeling or omission of identifying documents. STR shall have the right to refuse receipt of any shipment that, in its discretion, is unsafe or has been shipped improperly. Any costs associated by refusal to accept shipment under this clause are the sole responsibility of the Customer. The Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless STR for any and all damages, expenses, fines, judgments, liabilities and costs (including attorney’s fee) incurred by STR and arising from the improper packaging or shipment of the samples by the Customer.PATENT RIGHTS4.1 Any invention made in the performance of Work(s) for the Customer by STR within the field of Work(s) undertaken for the Customer shall belong to the Customer.4.2 STR’s use of the aforesaid inventions shall be free of any royalty fees provided that the use of such inventions are confined to the performance of Work(s) for the Customer.CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT OF INFORMATION5.1 Unless otherwise specifically agreed between the parties, the Work(s) rendered by STR to the Customer shall be on a non-exclusive best-efforts basis.5.2 It is explicitly agreed by STR and the Customer that all technical information (whether contained in models, drawings, reproductions of drawings, written reports, letters, memoranda or notes or in any otherform) shall be kept strictly confidential by STR for the purposes of this Agreement and STR shall at all times use all reasonable efforts to prevent disclosure to third parties of any part thereof unless STR shall have first obtained the written consent of the Customer specifically authorizing such disclosure PROVIDED ALWAYS AND IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the confidentiality shall extend for a period of five (5) years from the date of completion of its Work(s) and PROVIDED FURTHER that STR shall not be liable under this clause if through no fault of STR the information is generally known to the public;or the information is generally known to STR; or is independently developed by STR without recourse to the materials provided by the Customer; or the information is necessary for performance by STR under this Agreement; or is disclosed in accordance with a judgment or order issued by a competent court of any jurisdiction to which the Terms are subject, or with an order, notice or requirement issued bya governmental authority; or is disclosed to the certification or accreditation bodies with which the information are relevant to the scope of certification or accreditation in order to assess STR’s competenceand compliance with the relevant certification or accreditation criteria.5.3 STR undertakes that the identity of its Customers and the nature of Work(s) rendered shall be kept confidential unless the Customer agrees in writing to their release PROVIDED ALWAYS that STR shallnot be liable under this clause if through no fault act or failure on its part the identity of the Customer is generally known to the public.DATA AND DOCUMENT RETENTION6.1 (a) After the Work(s) are rendered, STR may retain a copy of all documents relating to the Work(s) (the “Supporting Documents”) for as long as STR, in its sole discretion, deems fit.(b) Unless otherwise specified or required by the applicable law, the Supporting Documents over three (3) years of age will be automatically destroyed by STR without prior notice to the Customer. Shouldany or all Supporting Documents less than three (3) years are scheduled to be destroyed, STR shall give the Customer thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Customer’s last known address of its intention to destroy the Supporting Documents. Unless the Customer makes a written request to STR reaching STR before the expiration of the said thirty (30) days seeking delivery of those documents to the Customer at the Customer’s expenses, those documents shall be destroyed.(c) The Customer shall indemnify STR for any costs or expenses in responding to or opposing any subpoena, the production of any documents in Court seeking the disclosure of the said documents or anyinformation contained therein.SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES7.1 It is mutually agreed that neither party shall solicit the employees of the other for employment or hire unless prior written consent to do so is obtained.E-MAIL DISCLAIMER8.1 STR shall upon written request of the Customer send the final report(s) / result(s) hereunder by e-mail rather than by paper hard copy. STR considers e-mail a valuable and efficient tool, however, STRhereby gives cautions to the Customer that the report(s) / result(s) in electronic version may inadvertently be modified once it is in the Customer’s word processing system. Further, the current e-mail transmission technology may allow for interception of message(s) and report(s) / result(s) by third parties. STR shall not be held responsible for these risks, which are out of its control. Should report(s) / result(s) be sent to the Customer by e-mail on its request, such a request SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE AN ACCEPTANCE OF THE RISK THAT THE REPORT(S) / RESULT(S) MAY BE INTERCEPTED BY THIRD PARTIES. The Customer shall agree that the report(s) / result(s) shall be sent by STR unencrypted. Transmission of the report(s) / result(s) (or other material(s) requested by the Customer) via the internet or other public network shall not be considered to constitute a breach of any confidentiality or other provisions of this Agreement between STR and the Customer, and STR shall in no way be liable for any damages resulting from such a transmission. Additionally, STR shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer for any changes made to the report(s) / result(s) after it has been transmitted.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY9.1 Subject to Clause 9.2 and notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, in no circumstances (except where STR has willfully refused to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or underany order placed pursuant to Clause 2.1) shall STR be liable, in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise howsoever, and whatever the cause thereof, (a) for any loss of profit, business, contracts, revenues, or anticipating savings; or (b) for any special indirect or consequential damage of any nature whatsoever.9.2 If and to the extent that the Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 71 Laws of Hong Kong) applies to this Agreement and that STR is held liable to the Customer, notwithstanding Clause 9.1 andanything contained in this Agreement, STR’s liability to the Customer, in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or howsoever otherwise arising, shall in respect of this Agreement be limited to the amount of the fee paid in respect of the specific Work which gives rise to such claim.INDEMNITY10.1 In the event of actual or threatened suit against STR in relation to the Work(s) undertaken on behalf of the Customer or in relation to any of the Products or the Trade Mark or Patent of the Customer or ofany allegation of infringement of any letters patent, registered design, trade mark or trade name, the Customer shall indemnify STR harmless from any liability, action, claim, demand, costs, charges and expenses arising therefrom or expenses including solicitors fees, counsel fees in defending such action PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Customer will at its own election either effect any settlement or compromise or at its own expenses defend any such action or proceeding and the Customer shall pay the costs of any settlement or compromise effected.EFFECT OF PROPOSAL11.1 The accompanying proposal is valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the proposal unless extended in writing by STR. Upon the acceptance of such proposal, this Terms shall form part of thisAgreement with the Customer and notwithstanding any prior discussions or prior oral or written agreements to the contrary, the Terms herein shall be applicable and take precedence over any conflicting terms contained in any documents submitted by the Customer.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS12.1 Any provision of this Agreement prohibited by or regarded as unlawful or unenforceable under any applicable law actually applied by any court of competent jurisdiction shall, to the extent required by suchlaw, be severed by this Agreement and rendered ineffective so far as is possible without modifying the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Where however the provisions of any such applicable law may be waived, they are hereby waived by the parties hereto to the full extent permitted by such law to the end that this Agreement shall be valid and binding agreement enforceable in accordance with the Terms.12.2 A certificate signed by any officer of STR as to the amount due from the Customer hereunder at the date of such certificate shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive evidence of the amount due. 12.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered to form a partnership between the parties. No party shall represent that it acts as agent for another or has any capacity to bind another in any contractual orother arrangements.12.4 Save as herein otherwise provided any notice required to be given hereunder shall be sufficiently given if given in writing or by facsimile, email, internet or other possible means to the last known postaladdress or fax number or email address of the addresses and every notice shall be deemed to have been received and given at the time when in the course of transmission it should have been delivered at the address or fax number or email address to which it was sent.12.5 This report or certificate does not relieve seller(s) / supplier(s) from their contractual responsibility with regards to the quality/quantity of this delivery nor does it prejudice the Customer’s right to claimtowards seller(s) / supplier(s) for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during STR’s random inspection or testing or audit.GOVERNING LAW13.1 This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties shall in all respects be governed, construed, interpreted and operated in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of Hong Kong.FAF-005Effective Date: February 1, 2005。
广东产品检测报告申请一、申请人信息- 申请人姓名:(填写申请人的姓名)- 申请人性别:(填写申请人的性别)- 申请人出生日期:(填写申请人的出生日期)- 申请人手机号码:(填写申请人的手机号码)- 申请人电子邮箱:(填写申请人的电子邮箱)二、申请产品信息- 产品名称:(填写产品的名称)- 产品型号:(填写产品的型号)- 产品用途:(填写产品的主要用途)- 产品描述:(对产品进行简要描述)- 生产厂商:(填写产品的生产厂商)- 生产厂商联系方式:(填写生产厂商的联系方式)- 区域销售范围:(填写产品的区域销售范围)三、申请理由(在这里简要说明申请产品进行检测的原因,可以包括但不限于以下内容)- 法规要求:某些产品需要符合特定的法规和标准,为了确保产品合规,需要进行产品检测。
- 提升竞争力:产品检测报告可以作为产品质量的证明,可以提高产品的竞争力,吸引更多的消费者。
- 提高品牌声誉:通过产品检测报告展示产品的良好质量,可以帮助提高品牌的声誉和形象。
- 保障消费者权益:产品检测可以确保产品的安全性和质量,保障消费者的权益。
四、申请检测机构- 机构名称:(填写申请产品检测的机构名称)- 机构地址:(填写机构的详细地址)- 机构联系人:(填写机构的联系人姓名)- 机构联系方式:(填写机构的联系电话和电子邮箱)五、检测要求(在这里具体说明需要进行的检测项目和要求,可以根据产品的特性进行选择,以下为示例)1. 产品安全性检测:- 化学成分检测:(填写所需化学成分检测的项目和标准)- 重金属检测:(填写所需重金属检测的项目和标准)- 有害物质检测:(填写所需有害物质检测的项目和标准)2. 产品性能检测:- 功能性能检测:(填写所需功能性能检测的项目和标准)- 电气性能检测:(填写所需电气性能检测的项目和标准)- 可靠性检测:(填写所需可靠性检测的项目和标准)3. 包装要求:- 包装材料检测:(填写所需包装材料检测的项目和标准)- 包装规范性检测:(填写所需包装规范性检测的项目和标准)六、费用与时限- 检测费用:(填写申请产品检测的费用金额,以及费用支付方式)- 检测时限:(填写申请产品检测的预计时限)七、其他说明(在这里可以填写其他需要说明的内容,如特殊要求、合作方式等)请根据以上信息填写完整申请并提交给指定机构,待机构确认后,将安排相应的产品检测,并在规定时限内提供检测报告。
EN71, ASTM F963, ISO 8124, EN62115, CPSIA HR4040, 色牢度, 其他有害物质测试:1、测试样品3只/型号(测试完毕可按要求退还,但需要进行破坏性测试,有可能导致样品损毁。
);2、填写测试申请单,并签字盖章提交我方;3、确认报价单,并签字盖章提交我方;4、对于涉与到涂层的,提供油漆原材料(≥10g);对于电玩具EMC, EN62115测试,还需在以上资料基础之上,附加:5、复杂产品提供产品使用说明书/用户手册(中文或英文)。
送检客户在寄样之前填写CTS测试申请表(见所附第3页)送检客户在寄样之前请填写CTS玩具测试申请表请特别留意以下内容:■填写申请表,要求字迹清晰,填写工整,用英文填写;■清晰选择或填写测试项目、方法与特别要求;■正式签发的证书和测试报告中, 申请人名称、地址、产品名称、型号,将以本表格中所填写内容为准,认证程序一旦正式进展,如需更改,将产生手续费用;■请仔细核对表格中所填内容是否正确,并签字盖章予以确认。
欢迎登录我司下载测试申请表:.cts-lab.测试申请表和样品一起寄往:CTS检测XX测试室XX XX大道中379号大创工业园B栋■寄送样品请在快递单上注明寄样公司名称、详细联系方式与我司联系人,以便跟进。
■确认报价单,签名盖章后回传;■交付测试费用,回传汇款底单;请到我公司交款或者电汇至CTS的银行XX:公司名称:XX测势界检测产品技术XX银行:招商银行XX市科技园支行XX:120 905 657 610 501温馨提示:为加快您的测试进程,请将报价确认单和汇款凭证一起回传,并注明报价单号CTS********和业务员的名字。
二、实验装置和工具:1. 实验小玩具2. 计时器3. 测量尺4. 记录表格三、实验步骤:1. 外观评估:观察实验小玩具的外观设计、颜色是否吸引人,符合孩子的审美需求,并记录评估结果。
2. 材料评估:评估实验小玩具的材质是否耐用、环保,并记录评估结果。
3. 使用便捷性评估:通过实际操作测试使用实验小玩具的便捷性,包括是否易于操作、是否需要额外的工具,以及是否容易拆卸和清洁,并记录评估结果。
4. 功能评估:通过实际操作测试实验小玩具的功能,包括是否符合标称功能,并记录评估结果。
5. 性能评估:通过实验测试实验小玩具的性能,包括耐久性、稳定性,以及电池寿命等方面,并记录评估结果。
四、实验结果:1. 外观评估结果:实验小玩具的外观设计符合孩子的审美需求,颜色鲜艳,吸引力强。
2. 材料评估结果:实验小玩具的材质耐用,无毒无害,环保。
3. 使用便捷性评估结果:实验小玩具操作简单,无需额外工具,容易拆卸和清洁。
4. 功能评估结果:实验小玩具的功能符合标称功能,无明显缺陷。
5. 性能评估结果:实验小玩具的耐久性、稳定性良好,电池寿命长。
五、实验结论:通过对实验小玩具的测评,我们得出以下结论:1. 实验小玩具的外观设计和颜色能够吸引孩子的注意力。
2. 实验小玩具的材料耐用且环保,不会对孩子的健康造成影响。
3. 实验小玩具的使用便捷,易于操作、拆卸和清洁。
4. 实验小玩具的功能符合标称功能,没有明显缺陷。
5. 实验小玩具具有良好的耐久性和稳定性,电池寿命长。
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European StandardEN71欧洲标准EN71
EN71-1:Physical and Mechanical Tests物理和机械测试
300 mg/kg
300 mg/kg
300 mg/kg
30 mg/kg
30 mg/kg
Canadian (Toys) Regulation(SOR/2011-17)
Physical and Mechanical Tests物理和机械测试
Flammability Test易燃性能测试
Toxic Element Test毒性元素测试(总Pb+总Hg+5大可溶金属)
China Standard GB 6675-2003中国标准GB 6675-2003
★Report service报告送递服务Fax传真Email电子邮件Self pick-up客户自取Express delivery快递到付
Delivery to (if different from the above)发票或报告邮寄地址:
AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 :Physical and Mechanical Tests物理和机械测试
AS/NZS ISO 8124.2 :Flammability Test易燃性能测试
Migration of certain elements特定元素的迁移测试
AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2003AS/NZS ISO 8124.7–2003(指画颜料)
For Powder & Liquid, please list the compositionToxicityYesNo
★Service required服务类型(星期六,星期日及节假日不计入工作日内):具体测试周期请参见对应的报价单
★Return sample是否退还样品?Yes需要No不需要样品数量:
★Authorized Signature and Company Chop of the applicant★立创(LCTECH)代表签名:
Attn (联系人):E-mail(电子邮件):
Official Use Only (内部专用)
CS (客服专员)
Lab in (进单日期)
Lab out (出单日期)
★Sample Description:★样品名称:
100 mg/kg
RG 10-530436
100 mg/kg
600 mg/kg
90 mg/kg
90 mg/kg
Flammability Test易燃性能测试
Lead Element Test含铅量测试
Heavy Metals Test特定元素的迁移测试
DEHP Content邻苯二甲酸二酯含量
US CPSC Regulation美国标准CPSC(消费品:油漆或涂层)
Physical and Mechanical Tests物理和机械测试
100 mg/kg
100 mg/kg
100 mg/kg
1000 mg/kg
200 mg/kg
30 mg/kg
90 mg/kg
100 mg/kg
100 mg/kg
5 mg/kg
10 mg/kg
SB No.929
ASTM F2923-2011儿童饰品法案Lead铅(Pb)Cadmium镉(Cd)Ni-release镍释放7大可溶金属物理性能测试
Proposition 65加州65法案(请填写附表2确认项目)
华盛顿州儿童产品安全法-CHCC (请提供测试项目清单)
ISO 8124.3 : Migration of certain elements特定元素的迁移测试
91/338/EEC Cadmiun Content镉含量
2005/84/EC Six(6)PhthalatesContent六种邻苯二甲酸盐
★Sample materials:★样品材质:
Model No./Ref.No.型号/参考型号:
Country of origin生产国:Exporting countries出口国:
Age group适合年龄组:Other information其他信息:
GB 6675Part 1– Physical and Mechanical Tests物理机械性能
GB 6675Part2– Flammability易燃性能
GB 6675Part3–Migration of certain elements特性是否
Flammability Test易燃性能测试
Lead Element Test含铅量测
US “ConsumerProductSafetyImprovementAct of2008”–CPSIA(H.R.4040)(消费品:涂层+基材)
Lead Element Test含铅量测试
Report in English英文报告Report in Chinese中文报告 报价单号:
Please fulfill in English/Chinese, column with★must be fulfilled (请务必用中、英文完整填写带有★号的栏目)
★Applicant Name:
EN71-2:Flammability Test易燃性能测试
EN71-3:Migration of certain elements特定元素的迁移测试