全国2015年中考英语 阅读理解任务型阅读专题练习(一)

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On a Friday night, a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance (人口)of the subway station. The music was so great that people put some money into his hat.

The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it:"A George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim(认领)if.”After a while a man named George Sang ran here quickly and got back his important thing.

The important thing was a lottery ticket(彩票). Sang bought it and won a prize of $500, 000. But when he gave $50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, he threw the lottery ticket, too. The violinist was a college student. That morning, he was going to Vienna for his education. However, when he found the ticket, he canceled the flight and returned to the entrance.

He said, "Although I don't have much money, I live happily. If I lose honesty (诚实),1 won't be happy forever.”


61. His hat was put into some money because he played quite well,


62. What was the important thing that George Sang put into the hat?

63. What did the violinist do when he found the ticket?

64.The young violinist came to the entrance again in order Io return the lottery ticket to George Sang, didn't he?




I remember when I was growing up ,my mom always said ,“Half the fun of doing anything is sharing it with others .” It’s so true .Friends allow us to enjoy the taste of our success and our joys and comfort us in our challenging moments. They provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves .I’ve always lo oked at friends as the family members.They enrich our lives .As Robert Louis Steven once said,‘‘A friend is a present which you give yourself.’’

To be a good friend,①成为一个好的听众是很重要的.Hear what you r friend says first rather than making conclusions(结论)quickly. Sometimes it is useful to repeated their words back to them, it can help them to realize whether their words were what they wanted to say.

Patience is also important in being a good friend. You know the old golden rule, “C are for others they way you would like them to care fo r you.” The support of a friend during a difficult time could make the difference between success and failure. ② Encour agement and confidence are the best gifts that can change a person’s life.

We should choose our friends carefully, because they can have a huge effect on our life. As someone told me“The attitudes of your friends are like the button(按钮) on a lift. They will either take you up or down.

66. What’s the opinion of Robert Steven about friends?

67.Is patience important in being a good friend?

68.Why should we choose our friends carefully?




When I was new in junior high school, I knew no one. Most students talked only to people they knew, so I felt lonely. I had to come home crying. Moth er asked me what the worst time was and I said it was at lunch time.

She said, “You are not the only lonely person. There are others that are alone. Tomorrow I want you to look around the lunchroom to see if other people are eating by themselves. I want you to go to one of them and ask if you can join him or her.”
