Unit 15 The Land and the Peoples__ of the Dreaming

Unit 15  The Land and the Peoples__ of the Dreaming
Unit 15  The Land and the Peoples__ of the Dreaming

Unit 15 The Land and the Peoples of the Dreaming



1. The natural environment of Australia(澳大利亚的自然环境)

2. Distinctive features of the land (这片土地的特征)

3. Distinctive animals of the land(这片土地上独特的动物)

4. The indigenous peoples(原著民)

5. Dreaming and Dreamtime(“梦创信仰”和“梦创时代”)

6. The concept of Terra Nullius (“无人拥有的土地”的概念)

7. Impact of colonization on the indigenous peoples (殖民化对原著民的冲击)

8. Policies of segregation and assimilation(种族隔离政策和同化政策)


1. The natural environment of Australia(澳大利亚的自然环境)


Australia is the largest island (最大的岛); the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world (最小、最平和最干的大陆). The country also includes Tasmania(塔斯马尼亚岛), an island just to the south, the Torres Straits Islands (托雷斯海峡岛屿) off the northern coast of the mainland and a small number of islands in the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. 80% of Australia’s

population lives in the eastern, southern and southwestern borders of the country and in Mediterranean and temperate climates(温带地中海型气候).


2. Distinctive features of the land (这片土地的特征)

Two of the country’s most distinctive physical features are the Great Dividing Range (大分水岭), which extends as an almost unbroken series of plateaus down the East Coast of Australia, from northern Queensland, through New South Wales and into Victoria and the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁), the largest coral structure in the world, which extends along he coast of Queensland.


Uluru(Ayes Rock) (澳大利亚中部一块在平坦的沙漠中天然形成的红色花岗岩巨石) —Located in the flat desert of the center of Australia, it is the largest monolith (独块巨石)in the world. It is a holy place for the Aboriginal people living around it. It is also called Ayers Rock by white settlers.(如右图) . 乌鲁鲁,也称作艾尔斯巨岩,位于澳大利亚中部,是一块在平坦的沙漠中天然形成的巨大岩石,高达348米, 圆周竟然达9.4公里。也是当地原住民部落的圣地,已被列为世界自然和文化遗产。

Devils Marbles (魔鬼大理石):位于澳大利亚中部,北方领土内,巨大的花岗岩巨石叠摞在一起,颇为壮观。同时这里也是当地原住民的圣地,他们认为这些巨石是他们的祖先彩虹蛇的卵。(如右图)

3. Distinctive animals of the land(这片土地上独特的动物)

Australia’s distinctive flora and fauna evolved through its long period as an island continent (澳大利亚独特的动植物群是由其大陆岛的地理特征逐渐演变形成的)。Animals unique to the continent include: the platypus(鸭嘴兽), kangaroo (袋鼠), koala(树袋熊) and wombat(毛鼻袋鼠)。(如下图)

4. The indigenous peoples(原著民)

Since the First Fleet bringing the first convicts (罪犯) to Australia arrived in 1788, there have been only 8 generations of settlers. However, there have been at least 18,500 generations of the Peoples of the Dreaming since 47,000 years ago. 自从1788年英国载着罪犯的第一批舰队到达澳大利亚以来,一共才只经过了8代人,而梦创时代的后人(即原住民)从47,000年前开始已有18,500 代人在这片土地上生活。

Young indigenous women were forced to help the white settlers in sealing(捕猎海豹), which was one of the first industries of Australia. White sealers and pastoralists exploited indigenous

people’s knowledge of the land and created wealth for the colonizers(捕猎海豹者和大牧场主剥


5. Dreaming and Dreamtime(“梦创信仰”和“梦创时代”)

The Dreaming is the belief system from ancient times that has bound indigenous groups together. The central principle of the Dreaming is that the people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land. The people don't own the land, instead the land owns the people. The stories of the Dreaming provide principles of how people should live and interact with each other. They also provide knowledge of the land so that the indigenous people can survive in the life-threatening environment. (* The Dreaming privileges the guardianship over the ownership of the land.).


6. The concept of Terra Nullius (“无人拥有的土地”的概念)

Terra Nullius is from Latin. It means a land that is owned by no one. The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people's land. It served to legitimize their taking possession of the land and devalue the indigenous people as uncivilized and not fully human.一词来源于拉丁语,意思是无人拥有的土地。英国殖民者把澳大利亚大陆称为“无人拥有的”土地,不仅能使他们合法地占有原住民的土地,还使他们能把已在这片土地上生活的原住民看成为半人类,当然也就是没有文明进化的人。

7. Impact of colonization on the indigenous peoples (殖民化对原住民的冲击)

1) The indigenous people were dispossessed of the landthey had lived on for tens of thousands of years. 原住民生活了几万年的土地被剥夺了.

2) They were killed in violent skirmishes and massacres(在小冲突和大屠杀中被杀害)

3) They contracted the diseases brought by the white settlers and as a result, their population fell drastically.(感染上白色殖民者带来的疾病,人口迅速下降)

8. Policies of segregation and assimilation(种族隔离政策和同化政策)

The policy of assimilation was implemented at the beginning of the 20th century. It was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior. To implement the policy, indigenous (aboriginal) children were taken away from their parents to be put into protected reserves, whose purpose was to destroy the culture of the Dreaming and replace it with Christianity. The impact of the policy is devastating on the indigenous people, as their children grew up losing both their families and culture. In nature, it is the extension of the policy of segregation.20世纪初,澳大利亚实施了同化政策。同化政策是基于这样一种认识上的,即白人文化是进步的、高级的,而梦创文化是低劣的,只是一种迷信。为了实施这一政策,原住民的孩子们被迫离开他们的父母,被带到“保护区”。设置这些



Unit 2 Working the land Part I a Pioneer for all People Although he is one of China’s most famous scientists, Yuan Longping consider s himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggle d for the past five decade s. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field s. Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain. Born in 1930, Dr Yuan graduate d from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. Dr Yuan search ed for a way to increase rice harvest s without expand ing the area of the fields. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce only fifty million tons of rice. In a recent harvest, however, nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produce d. These increased harvests mean that 22% of the world’s people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China. Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tool s in the battle to rid the world of hunger. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life. However, he doesn’t care about being famous. He feel s it gives him less freedom to do his research. He would much rather keep time for his hobbies. He enjoy s listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. Spend ing money on himself or lead ing a comfortable life also means very little to him. Indeed, he believe s that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer trouble s. He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. Just dream ing for things, however, cost s nothing. Long ago Dr yuan had a dream about rice plants as tall as sorghum. Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. Now, many years later, Dr Yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe. One dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people.


Unit2Workingtheland unit 2 working the land teaching aims:1. target languagea.words and phrasessunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather than b. important sentencesthis special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. p10he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. p102. ability goals enable ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. by talking they can exchange their experience with each other. by reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. in fact this world faces a serious problem —starvation. so after reading the passage about dr yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. of course they will learn from dr yuan some noble character.3. learning ability goals help ss learn how to describe dr yuan longping including his personality.teaching important points a. help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.b. grasp the usage of some words and expressions.c. how to

Unit2 Working the land 教案

Unit2Working the land Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge objectives (1).important words Sunburt.decade.super.output.crop.hunger.disturb.expand.circulate. Vietnam.battle.freedom.therefore.equip.grain.export. (2).important phrases Struggle for, Thanks to, Ri d…of, Be satisfied with, would… rather. (3).important sentence pattern Finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. 2. Ability objectives Improve students’ reading ability through reading activities. 3. Affective objectives (1) After learning the passage, students are expected to know about Yuan Longping and his quality. (2)Enable students to know Dr Yuan’s key secret to success. Teaching important points 1. List the words .phases and sentences listed above. 2. Enable students to improve their reading comprehension. Teaching difficult points


Unit2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and pre-reading. Step 1 Lead-in. Poem By Li Shen Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day. Then let one student recite the poem in Chinese. Step 2 Warming up by questioning Hello, everyone. We shall read about man who works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it? (For reference: Mr. Li, I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.) Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there? (For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterday. It is a small mountain village 75 li n orth of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncle’s family. I like that small beautiful village very much. ) Who are from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming? Step 3 Pre-reading and talking Questioning and answering Rice is main food in South China. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?


U n i t W o r k i n g t h e l a n d练习题及答案 集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

Unit 2 Working the land 一. 单词和短语翻译(每小题1分) 1. 发现,发觉 2. 国籍 3. 毕业于 4. 生产,制造 5. 坚持;要求 6. 评论,议论 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. It is no use_____________ ( complain ). 2. We succeeded in____________ (finish) the task ahead of time. 3. His ____________ (late) for class made his teacher very angry. 4. John finished_____________ (read) the book yesterday. 5. _____________ (collect) information is very important to businessmen. 6. Tom could not help____________ (jump) when he heard the news. 7. I should say sorry to Kate. I regret____________ (refuse) to help her that day. 8. Everybody was made unhappy because he insisted on____________ (stop) the work. 9. __________ (do) morning exercises is very important to us. 10. It is not worth___________ (see) the movie for the second time. 三. 单词拼写和短语填空。根据下列句子及所缺单词的首字母或汉语意思,写 出单词的正确形式。(共27小题;每空1分,满分31分) 1. A c________ change takes place in paper when it burns. 2. We must r________ ourselves of these old ideas. 3. Not having had food for over forty hours, we were all weak from h_________. 4. The baby is hungry but it is too young to ______ (喂养) itself yet. 5. It was a new form of ________ (细菌) and nobody knew how it would affect humans. 6. The cookies are made from g________ and fruit. 7. Farmers consider rabbits to be p________, because they destroy some crops they grow. 8. The violent film is not s________ for children. 9. This food provides the ________(营养) your dog needs. 10. The average o ________ of the factory is 20 cars a day. 11. Many African children die of h_________ because of lack of food. 12. Sydney's population e__________rapidly in the 1960s. 13. Look, the fish are s__________for survival because the water level has dropped in the lake. 14. Yesterday 1 bought 10 flavors of ice-cream---enough to s______my roommates. 15. I am a bit c _ . Is that her husband or her son she is with

Unit 2 working the land基础测试题

Unit 2 working the land基础测试题 姓名________ 班级__________ 得分______________ 一.单词拼写(每个1分,共15分) 1. He ________________(挣扎) to his feet and dragged slowly ahead. 2. The________________(令人不安的) news made him disturbed. 3. He is ________________(迷惑) about his future. 4. He________________(后悔) that he had missed the lecture by Professor Smith. 5. Water ________________(膨胀) when it freezes. 6. The minister(部长) refused to ________________(作出评论) on this accident. 7. Great changes have taken place in our school in the past two ________________(十年). 8. Over the past half century, using ________________(化学的)fertilizers has become very common in farming. 9. The ________________(发现) of new land made Columbus(哥伦布) world-famous. 10. (饥饿) is the best sauce. 11. Her shoulders were badly (晒伤). 12. Anot her (超级) skyscraper is being built. 13. Manufacturing (产量) has increased by 8%. 14. Farmers produce millions of tons of g to feed the nation. 15. Would you mind writing a s of the passage? About 200 words are OK. 二、完成句子(每个空1分,共30分) 1. 袁隆平认为自己是个农民,因为他在田里耕作,进行科学研究。 Yuan Longping _________ himself ___ _______, for he works the land to do his research. 2. 多亏了他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多的办法。 ______ ____his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to _____ the world _______hunger. 3. 袁博士很满意他的生活。 Dr Yuan is quite _______ ____ his life. 4. 他宁愿把时间花在自己的业余爱好上。 He _________much _________ keep time for his hobbles. 5. 在自己身上花钱或者享受舒适的生活对袁博士来说意义不大。 Spending money on himself or ______ ____ _______ _______ also means very little to him. 6. 事实上,他认为一个人有了太多钱,他的麻烦事只会更多,而不是更少。Indeed, he believes that a person with too much money has more_______ _______ fewer troubles. 7. 食物中的化学成分会在人体中堆积。 These chemicals in the food supply ______ ___ in people's bodies over time. 8. 很多化学成分能导致癌症或其它疾病。 Many of these chemicals can______ ___ cancer or other illnesses. 9. 农民关心的是保持土壤肥沃并且免受病害。

Unit 2 Working the land教案

Unit 2 Working the land教案 Unit 2 Working the land The First Period Reading Teaching goalablleaabout agriculture, countryside and farming. Help Ss learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping includingalTeaching important and difficula. Held the text and graain ideaxt. b. Grasp the usagwords and exHow to help students leaabout agricultuTeaching methods Talking, qug-and-answering activity and reading. Teaching aids A tader, aand a compuⅠ Greeting and leadingT: Hello, ev: Hello, teaT: In last unit we leagreat women. Today we’ll learn a famous man. Who will it be? Alet’s look at the two pictures on Page 9. What ale doing? Ss: They are plantingT: Can you tellg about rice? S: Rice growu: Bulawe can also findT: Yeah. You are right. In faa cereal grain that has been grown for at least 5,000 years and is eaten by 2.4 billle everyday throughout the world. In Australia, farmers


个人收集整理仅供参考学习 Unit 2 Working the land Period 4 Using language: Extensive reading Teaching aims: I. Topics: Chemical or organic farming II. Useful words and expressions: Chemical, production, bacteria, pest, nutrition, mineral, discovery, focus, soil, reduce, root, skim, underline, summary, comment, build up, lead to, focus on, keep...free from/ of b5E2RGbCAP III. Ability and emotion 1. Develop Ss’ reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.p1EanqFDPw 2. Have Ss tell about modern agriculture and organic farming.DXDiTa9E3d 3. Let Ss have a better understanding of organic farming and pay attention to the quality of food we eat.RTCrpUDGiT Step1 Leading in Ask Ss what they know about organic farming. Collect their ideas on the blackboard. 5PCzVD7HxA Step 2 Skimming Ask Ss to skim the passage and find the main idea of this passage and each paragraph.jLBHrnAILg Paragraph&passage Main idea Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Passage Step 3 Scanning 1 Ask Ss to scan the passage to locate particular information and answer the following questions in Exercise 1 an then fill in the form about the methods and advantages in Exercise 2. xHAQX74J0X Methods of organic farming Advantages of methods 1.Farmers use natural waste from animal. This makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile. 1 / 7

高二英语:Working the land教学设计

新修订高中阶段原创精品配套教材 Working the land 教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 Working the land 教师:风老师 风顺第二中学 编订:FoonShion教育

Working the land unit 2 working the land 核心单词 1. struggle v.挣扎;努力;拼搏;斗争 n. (为争取自由、政治权利等而进行的)斗争,奋斗 常用结构: struggle with与……斗争 struggle for 为争取……而斗争 struggle against与……斗争;为反对……而斗争struggle to do sth. (=make great efforts to do sth.) 努力做某事 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 she struggled to keep back the tears. 她努力忍住泪水。it was a hard struggle to get my work done on time. 为使工作按时完成, 我做了一番努力。 易混辨析 struggle/fight

struggle指较长时间的、激烈的斗争,往往指肉体及精神上的战斗。 fight意为“搏斗,打斗,打架”,表示“斗争”时,包含体力和勇猛的因素。 高手过招 (1)单项填空 the working people have never stopped their struggle unfair treatment. (XX?01?山西太原五中检测) a. against b. for c. from d. to (2)完成句子(原创) ①我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。 we should help those who are still . ②他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。 they had to . (1)解析:选a。struggle against意为“同……作斗争”;struggle for意为“为了……而斗争”。 (2)①struggling for independence ②struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties 2. expand v.扩大;扩展;增加;增长;(使)膨胀;阐述;使变大常用结构: expand...into...将……扩展/发展成……

Unit 2 Working the land单词讲解

必修四第二单元Working the land 重点单词讲解 1.struggle vt. & vi.斗争;拼搏;努力 struggle with与……斗争;和……一起战斗struggle...for 为争取……而斗争struggle...against与……斗争;为反对……而斗争struggle+不定式,如: A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free. 一只鸟被网罩住了,挣扎着想要逃脱。struggle to one’ s feet挣扎着站起来 a life-and-death struggle生死搏斗 struggle还可以作名词,意思是“斗争;搏斗;努力;挣扎;难事”等。如: With a struggle,he controlled his feelings. 他费力地控制住了自己的感情。 2.expand vt. & vi.使变大;伸展;阐述 expand指向四面八方的扩大扩张 extend 强调向某一方向的延长 spread 指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播、蔓延,也指把某物铺开,把胳膊张开 【练习】用expand,extend,spread,stretch的适当形式填空。 1). The man _______ the information around. 2). The empire _______ its country in the 16th century. 3). The road builders worked hard to _______ the high way. Keys: 1). spread 2). expanded 3). extend 3.circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传 【例句】Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。 【考点】1)形容词:circular圆形的;循环的; 名词:circulation循环;流通;发行量; 2)circulation 作“(报纸、杂志等的)发行量”解时,是可数名词。 4.thanks to thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为 1). Thanks to your help, much trouble was saved. 多亏你的帮助, 减少了许多麻烦。 2). Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 多亏这个倒霉天气, 比赛取消了。thanks to 相当于because of /owing to /due to /thanks to /on account of /as a result of 5.rid rid sb./sth. of... 使某人/某物摆脱…… 1). Many people are working hard to rid the world of famine. 很多人在努力使世界不再有饥荒。 2). The dentist rid him of the pain by taking out his bad tooth. 牙科医生把他的坏牙拔掉,使他免除痛苦。[重点用法] rid 短语: be rid of 摆脱get rid of 摆脱;除掉;去掉 rid a house of mice 清除室内老鼠rid oneself of debt 还清债务 [类似用法动词] inform/ warn/ cure sb. of… 通知/警告/治愈某人…… 6.be satisfied with be satisfied with = be content with 对……表示满足或满意 1). I was not satisfied with the result. 我对那个结果感到不满意。 2). You’ve done well at school. I’m very satisfied with you. 你在学校干得不错,我对你很满意。[重点用法] sth. satisfy sb. 某事使某人满意sb. is satisfied with sth. 对……表示满足或满意 be satisfied to do 对做……感到满意be satisfied that clause 对做……感到满意 a satisfied smile 满意的微笑 a satisfied customer 感到满意的顾客 feel a sense of satisfaction感到满足to sb’ s / sth’ s satisfaction 使某人满意的是 far from satisfactory 远远不能令人满足it is satisfying (to do sth) 做某事是令人满意的 a satisfactory explanation / performance令人满意的解释/演出 get/ob tain satisfaction from one’ s work 从自己的工作中得到满足 7.would rather 1). I’ d rather walk than take a bus. 我愿意走路而不愿意坐公共汽车。 2). “Some more wine?” “Thank you, I’ d rather not. I have to drive home.” [重点用法] would rather do A (than do B) = would (prefer to) do A (rather than do B) 宁愿做甲事(而不做乙事) would rather sb. did sth.宁愿某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气) 8.therefore adv.因此, 所以=for that reason=consequently常用于连接两个并列分句,其前加“and”或分号“;”。 1)He was ill, and therefore could not come. 他病了, 所以未能来。 2)He has broken his leg and therefore he can't walk.他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了。 3)We do not have enough money. Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。 9.equip vt. & vi.配备;装备 【考点聚焦】1)名词:equipment n.[u] 装备;设备 常用搭配:office equipment 办公设备sports equipment 运动器械 2)与equip相关的词组:equip with 配备…… 3)equip的过去式和过去分词都是equipped;现在分词是equipping。 10.export vt. & vi.输出;出口


必修4 Unit2 Working the land 1 struggle [?str?gl]vi.搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取n.打斗;竞争;奋斗 【例句】They had to struggle against/with all kinds of difficulties. 他们必须和各种各样的困难作斗争。 After 5 years’ of struggle,people in Wenchuan are living a normal life now.经过五年的努力,现在汶川人民的生活步入了正轨。 【搭配】struggle against/with与……斗争struggle for 为争取……而斗争struggle to do 努力去做struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 a life-and-death struggle生死搏斗 【辨析】battle, war, campaign, struggle, fight 这些名词均有“战斗,战争”之意。 ?battle:侧重指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。 ?war:是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。 ?campaign:通常指在一场大的战争中在某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动。 也可作引申用。 ?struggle:指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。 ?fight:最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。 2 hunger [?h??g?(r)] n.饿,饥饿;欲望vt.& vi.(使)饥饿 【例句】His hunger for knowledge drove him to the library. 他对知识的强烈愿望驱使他上图书馆。 These students hunger for new knowledge and ideas. 这些学生渴望学到新知识,获得新思想。 【搭配】have a hunger for 渴望hunger for 渴望得到 【拓展延伸】“渴望得到某物/渴望做某事”的多种表达法归纳如下: hunger for sth. long for sth. hope for sth. wish for sth. be eager for sth. desire sth. hunger to do sth long to do sth hope to do sth wish to do sth be eager to do sth. desire to do sth. 3 expand [?k?sp?nd] vt.使…变大;扩张;详述vi.扩展;发展;张开;展开 【例句】In ten years the city’s population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该市人口增加了百分之十二。 【搭配】expand...into...将……扩展/发展成……expand on 阐述;详谈 【辨析】expand/extend/spread/stretch expand 意为“展开,扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 extend 意为“伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度,宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 spread 意为“传播;蔓延;铺开”。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。 stretch 意为“伸展(身体等),拉长;连绵”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。 【拓展延伸】expansion n.展开;膨胀;扩展expansive adj.广阔的;易膨胀的 4rid [r?d] vt.使摆脱,解除,免除 【例句】You are supposed to rid yourself of carelessness,for it often leads to trouble. 你应该
