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Beginning a class ( 开始上课)

1. Let’s start class. =It’s time for class. 上课

2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好

3. Good morning /afternoon, boysand girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好ﻫ

4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐ﻫ

5. Wh

o is on duty today? 今天谁值日?

6. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了吗?

7. Is anyone anybody absent?有人缺席吗? ﻫ8. Who’s absent? 谁没来?

ﻫ9.Let’s begin our class. 咱们上课吧.

10. We’ll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课. ﻫ11. What day is it today? 今天星期几?ﻫ12. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?

In Class ( 课堂上) ﻫ13.Let’sbegin a new lesson.。们开始学新

14. We’lllearn something new .我们讲学新知识.


15. Let’s learnsome new words/ sentences.咱们学些新单词/句子

16.Let’s review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.

19. Al17. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗? ﻫ18. Start.开始ﻫ

l together.大家一起来.

20. Read all together now.大家一起读.

21.Sit down ,please.请坐端正.ﻫ22. Stop talking. don’t talk.不许说话.

24. Look atmy mouth, please.23. Be quiet, please.请安静.ﻫ


26. Hurry. Hurry up, plea25. Quickly, /be quick, please. 请迅速点。ﻫ

se. = Please a littlefaster.请快点。

27. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?

29. Is that clear? 听清楚了28. Can youfollow me? 你能听懂我的话吗? ﻫ


32. P 30. Listen, please.请听。ﻫ

31. Please listen to me. 请注意听我说。ﻫ

lease listen tothe tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音。

33. Listen carefully, please.请仔细听。ﻫ34. Look carefully.仔细看。

36. P35. Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.请看黑板/幻灯片。ﻫ

37. Can you spell thlease answer my questions.请回答我的问题。ﻫ

38. Spell theword...., please.请拼e word....? 你能拼读这个单词吗?ﻫ


39. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音。

40. Say after me, please.请跟我说。

42. Try to keep up with me, pl41. Read after me, please.请跟我读。ﻫ


43. Please say it again.请再说一遍。

44. Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.请再作一次。

ﻫ45. Who’s going to ... ?谁准备.........?

47. Pleasecome to the front.

46. Who wantsto...? 谁想要.............? ﻫ


48.In pairs, please.请两人一组练习。

49. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.请按小组练习ﻫ5

0. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗?

51. Let’s do it. One by one ,please.请一个接一个地做。

52. Now you, please. =Would you, please? = It’s your turnnow! = yo u want to try? 请你来ﻫ53. Next, please.请下一个。ﻫ54. No

55. Put up your hands, please. / rw ( you)do the same.现在你做同一个。ﻫ

aise your hands, please.请举手。ﻫ56. Put down your hands, plea

57. Put it/ them into Chinese/Engl se. / Hands down,please.请放下手。ﻫ

ish.把它们译成汉语。/英语。ﻫ58. In English, please.请用英语。

ﻫ59. What’s this in English/ Chinese?这个用英语/汉语怎么说?ﻫ60. Please take out your books.请拿出你们的书。ﻫ61. Please open you

r books to page.请打开书,翻到46页。ﻫ62. Turnto page4.翻到第4页。ﻫ63. Closeyour books ,please.请把书和上。

65. Plea

64. Who can pronounce this correctly? 谁能发这个音?ﻫ

se say this letter/ word/ sentence to the class.请读出这个字母/单词/句子。

66. How do youread this sound / letter/ word?你怎么读这个字母/单词的音?

67. Pardon? I can’t hear you clearly. Louder,please.请原谅.我没能听清你的话请大点声。ﻫ68. Please to back to your seat. 请回到你的座

69. Who can help him/her?谁能帮助他?


70. Will you please help me? 请你帮助我好吗?ﻫ71. Can you try? / Try, please/do you want to try it? =Think it over and try anot

her ﻫAnswer. = Thinkit over and then give me your answer. ﻫ你能试一下吗?请再试一下

72. Don’t be afraid.别害怕。

73. Don’t be shy.别害羞。

75. Try your bes74. Think it over and try again.仔细想一下,再试。ﻫ
