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1.Origin [n.] : origin of species 物种起源

by origin 籍贯

eg: Most American is European by origin.

*original [adj.] :original idea 原创思想

*originality [n.] 原创性

*originate [v.] 起源于

eg: Human beings are believed to have originated in Africa

2.identity [n.] 身份,特性

identity card 身份证 a sense of own identity 个性意识

*identify [v.] 确认: identify the death 确认死亡

辨认:identify the handwriting 辨认笔迹

identify ... with ...

Eg: Does your teacher identify himself with your guys ? 使关系密切Eg: Never identify wealth with happiness. 使等同于

*identifiable [adj.] 可识别的——unidentifiable [adj.]

UFO: Unidentifiable Flying Object

*identical [adj.] 完全一样的(exactly the same)

Eg: No two things or persons in the world are identical.


*raw [adj.] 生的,未加工的

raw material 原材料raw meat 生肉

*crude [adj.] 天然的,未加工的,粗糙的

crude oil 原油crude idea 还未完善的想法

*primitive [adj.] 原始的,远古的/ [n.] 原始人

primitive society 原始社会primitive forest 原始森林


*primary [adj.] 初级的,基本的,主要的

primary school 小学——secondary school 中学

*prime [adj.] 主要的,最好的,基本的

prime minister 首相

*preliminary [adj.] 初步的,开始的,预备的

preliminary match 预选赛


*postpone [v.] 推迟

Never postpone what you can do today till tomorrow.

*postgraduate [n.] 研究生

*postwar [adj.] 战后的

*posterior to :after eg: posterior to his death 死后

——prior to :before eg: prior to his birth 出生之前

priority [n.] 优先权attach priority to

Eg :Most city families attach priority to their children’s education.
