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浙江英语高考新题型--读后续写不但给学生带来了新的挑战,而且给教师的教学带来了不少的困惑。虽然已有好多届的经历,但教师如何教,学生如何学,仍是当前师生面临的一大课题。根据《考试说明》,该题主要有以下几个方面的能力要求:1. 理解前文,衔接合理;2. 情节连贯,符合逻辑;3. 正确表达,语言优美。但笔者认为,这几点要求只是给师生提供了该题的能力要求,或者说是提供了总体的教学目标,但对于平时教学的具体指导与训练,没有多少实质的意义,且所给的范例又少之又少,今年高考甚至都不给范文了。近来,看到王玉艳编著的《新高考英语读后续写实践指南》一书(—A Practical Guide To English Continuation Writing For The New College Entrance Examination),最有价值的是作者提出了在日常的写作教学中进行“微技能”训练的这一想法,对平时的教学有一定的借鉴作用。可惜的是,有些实例对于大多数高中生来说实在太难,让人望而生畏。不过,还是让人看到了努力的方向。

因为读后续写是记叙文为主,所以根据记叙文的特点,可以在以下方面加以积累与训练:1. 时间表达; 2. 情感表达;3. 心理活动;4. 动作描写;5. 事件及经过;6. 感悟;7. 可套用的句式。如浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题,可以让学生在这几个方面去欣赏并模仿。

Paragraph 1: As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting (动作) behind, "Stop, stop!" And at that moment (时间), Arthur suddenly (时间) realized (心理) that maybe (心理) the young man was the bank robber. Arthur was a bit frightened (情感), and he continued to rush (动作) until he saw a taxi. He stopped it, jumped in with the suitcase and told (动作) the driver, "Go to the police station, please. The man shouting (动作) behind is the bank thief !" The taxi raced away like the wind.

Paragraph 2: The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur told (动作) the police what had happened. On hearing (时间) his story, the police was determined to(心理) find out the truth about the robbery. They opened the suitcase and to their surprise (情感), they spotted (动作) a large sum of money inside it. Then (时间) the police asked Arthur to describe the young man and the other suitcase. Later (时间), with the information, the police arrested (动作) the robber. The police and the bank both thanked Arthur a lot.





One day, 有一天

Early in the morning,


One Sunday afternoon


the other day = a few days ago


The next/following day,…


Just then, …= Just at that moment


After that, =Later on, …. Then …


After a while, …一会儿以后

about half an hour later, ...


In the end/ at last/ finally,…


from then on, 从那以后,

from now on 从今以后



Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: ….”

His wife’s disease took away his appetite.

Ben seemed surprised to hear this.

When he heard this, he was turning with anger/ was wild with joy. Her face brightened up/lit up (with pleasure).

Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction.

Nervous and worried, I called my mom and told her what had happened.

To our delight and relief, there was nothing seriously wrong with him. Though cleaning up the rubbish was a tough task, our hearts were filled with joy.

My birthday always makes me feel cheerful.

I was pleased beyond description/words that I got this job.

He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried. All the frustration and stress that had been building inside of me came to a complete stop.
