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Task One: Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure

Section A

Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to interpret the meanings of words in different contexts. Read each of the following sentences carefully and select one word or phrase from the four choices that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence, and then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (20%)

1. Psychologists have done extensive studies of how well patients comply with doctors orders.

[A] obey [B] understand

[C] improve with [D] agree with

2. Stars are composed of intensely hot gases and derive their energy from nuclear reactions occurring in the interiors.

[A]extremely [B]uniformly

[C]explosively [D] continually

3. From1775 to 1776 the Americans undertook an unsuccessful campaign against the British in Canada.

[A] wage [B] headed

[C] Paid for [D] attended to

4. Because of its old mannerisms, the praying mantis has always intrigued human beings.

[A]fascinate [B]aggravated

[C]offended [D]terrified

5. Industrial self-sufficiency in the United States developed simultaneously with the mass production of textiles in New England.

[A]smoothly [B]concurrently

[C]effectively [D]spontaneously

6. The initial appearance of the silver three-cent piece coincided with the first issue of three-cent stamps in 1851.

[A] occurred at the same time as [B] collided with

[C] was necessitated by [D] was similar to

7. Chicago’s O’ Hare International Airport accommodates forty-four million passengers per year.

[A] amazes [B] lures

[C] handles [D] counts

8. Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and highways as well as with urban affairs.

[A] outlandish [B] exclusive

[C] exempted [D] remote

9. The introduction of the bus signaled the eventual demise of the trolley car as

a form of travel.

[A] designation [B] mechanization

[C] disappearance [D] friskiness

10. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson forcefully decried the indiscriminate use of pesticides.

[A] haphazard [B] unpleasant

[C] regional [D] periodic

11.After its founding, the United States government followed a policy explicitly designed to aid national shipping.

[A] prematurely [B] economically

[C] specifically [D] proudly

12.Before social inequality can be alleviated, its principal causes must be diagnosed.

[A] denounced [B] relieved

[C] analyzed [D] controlled

13. Astronauts are subjected to the most rigorous training that has ever been devised for human beings.

[A] demanded [B] created

[C] diagnosed [D] allowed

14. Weight lifting is the gymnastic sport of lifting weights in a prescribed manner.

[A] vigorous [B] popular

[C] certain [D] careful

15. Project Skylab was designed to demonstrate that a person can work and live inspace for prolonged periods without ill effects

[A] unexpected [B] obvious

[C] adverse [D] immediate

16. Plays that entail direct interaction between actor and audience present no unusual difficulties for actors.

[A] advocate [B] involve

[C] elicit [D] exaggerate

17. Since speech is such a familiar activity, it is often regarded as a universal endowment.

[A] event [B] habit

[C] trait [D] gift

18. In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the species that prevail in the forests.

[A] rebuild [B] invade

[C] dominate [D] tend
