

雷克萨斯LS 500 LS 500h宣传手册说明书

雷克萨斯LS 500 LS 500h宣传手册说明书

L S —— 全新诠释,非同一般这一车型曾创造了一个公司,改变了整个产业。




为“旗舰”赋予新的含义,这是只有雷克萨斯才能创造的杰作——Lexus LS ,全新面世。

LS 500使用高性能LC 轿跑平台打造,采用轿跑动感造型,配备雷克萨斯有史以来第一款双涡轮增压310千瓦发动机,以及领先的10速自动变速器,将高性能与精密设计集于一身,造就LS Sports Luxury 的旗舰水准,用全世界独一无二的匠心工艺,为您呈现极致感官享受。

LS 500h Hybrid Drive突破性的雷克萨斯多级混动驾驶系统,带来全然一新的出色混动性能。





LS F Sport这是有史以来最振奋人心的LS 驾驶感受。

以LFA 为灵感的仪表盘、运动座椅、加大制动盘、铝制踏板,以及雷克萨斯首款主动稳定系统,赋予LS 前所未有的强劲性能。

L S之艺每一项工程技术的成就,每一次肾上腺素的激升,每一个毫无瑕疵的表面,均由人开始,由人完工。





LS Sports Luxury 纺锤形格栅每天8个小时,历时6个多月,5000多个手工立面,每一个都经过精确校准,确保呈现光影反射的效果,只为实现一个目标:打造有史以来最有远见、最为震撼的LS。

2017年Volvo XC60各版本的功能介绍说明书

2017年Volvo XC60各版本的功能介绍说明书

2017 VOLVO XC60 T5 INSCRIPTIONVOICE COMMANDS STEERING WHEEL COMMANDSINSTRUMENT CLUSTERCENTER STACKThe Sensus Connect In-Vehicle Infotainment System offers the following features:The phone integration system lets drivers pair a phone, either while the vehicle is parked or in motion. To connect a phone with Bluetooth, drivers use the rotary wheel and refer to the center stack display. Once the phone is paired, drivers can dial numbers using the rotary wheel in the center stack and place calls to contacts in their phonebook using theXC60’s rotary wheel. Alternatively, drivers can access phone-related controls using voice commands. No functions are locked out while driving.When drivers used the center stack controls to access calling and dialing functions, they were met with long interaction times and very high visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand. The center stack is cluttered with small buttons, including a full dial pad. Overall, using the center console controls for this function placed very high demand on drivers.The on-road study data found voice commands for calling and dialing functions placed very high demand on drivers. Using voice commands to complete tasks was not only lengthy, taking an average of 40 seconds u, but also imposed high levels of both visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand on drivers. Researchers^ attribute this poor performance to the system’s frequent misinterpretation of commands and long pauses while the system attempts to process commands, often leaving drivers confused and frustrated.Overall, calling and dialing generated very high demand on drivers in the on-road study. Drivers using the calling and dialing functions in the Volvo XC60 struggled to do so in a timely manner, leading to excessive cognitive (mental) and visual (eyes-off-road) demand.With a phone paired, drivers can read text messages displayed on the center stack screen and have the voice command system read aloud message content. There is no function in the vehicle to send or reply to a text message.Accessing text message functions via the center stack controls placed high demand on drivers in the on-road study. When drivers loaded messages on the center stack, the messages were displayed in their entirety on the screen for drivers to read while driving. This imposed high visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand as drivers attempted to read the message while driving.Voice commands for text messaging functions took an average of 27 seconds u to complete a task, resulting in a high demand on drivers. Voice commands were frequently misunderstood by the system during on-road testing, lengthening the time it took drivers to listen to a text message. High amounts of visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand were observed as drivers looked to the screen in an attempt to reconcile errors made by the system.Overall, while text messaging functions in the XC60 are limited to listening to or reading a message, and not replying, this function still places high demand on drivers.^Researchers with expertise about how humans interact with technology evaluated the usability of the infotainment system in stationary vehicles.The audio entertainment system gives access to: AM, FM, and XM radio; CD player; USB port; Bluetooth; iPod audio; and an auxiliary audio input. Drivers can access audio using voice commands, the center stack display’s rotary wheel and steering wheel controls. No functions are locked out while driving.Using center stack controls to control audio entertainment placed high demand on drivers in the on-road study. While the Volvo XC60 does not have a touch screen, the rotary wheel and accompanying physical buttons on the center console force drivers to press multiple buttons around the console to complete a task, causing very high visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand.Drivers using voice commands to control audio entertainment were met with very lengthy interaction times and experienced very high cognitive (mental) demand. Using this function places high demand on drivers, as the voice commands are often misunderstood by the system, and subsequently, the system executed unintended actions. Interacting with the audio system in the Volvo XC60 placed very high levels of demand on drivers in the study, both visually and mentally, regardless of how they attempted to access it.The infotainment system includes turn-by-turn navigation, offering drivers visual and verbal directions to a location. Turn-by-turn navigation can be set via voice commands and the center stack display with the rotary wheel. No functions are locked out while driving.Using center stack controls to interact with the navigation system in the Volvo XC60 placed very high demand on drivers in the on-road study. The display is cluttered and uses a split screen to show the navigation map in two different ways, confusing drivers about where to look for navigation options. There are a multitude of ways to select a destination, even by input of latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. Overall, the system’s slow processing of user input required major wait times, causing lengthy interactions with very high visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand.Voice commands used to interact with the navigation system placed very high demand on drivers in our on-road study. The XC60’s voice command system is poor at understanding commands and the process to select a destination involves multiple steps. Drivers were met with high visual (eyes-off-road) and cognitive (mental) demand for an average of 76 seconds u as they searched through more than 20 point of interest categories for a destination.The navigation system in the Volvo XC60 places very high demand on drivers, regardless of interaction type.The Volvo XC60 has a voice command system that lets drivers access audio entertainment, phone and turn-by-turn navigation. It includes a synthetic female voice that confirms entries and provides feedback whendrivers give commands.The XC60’s instrument cluster, located behind the steering wheel, has an 8-inch, all-digital display, replacing the standard dials and gauges. Drivers can control the display content using an additional switch locatedbehind the steering wheel.The steering wheel contains 17 dedicated buttons, including those found on the switch behind the steeringwheel. Drivers can access cruise control, audio entertainment and voice commands using the steering wheel controls.VEHICLE SALES SUMMARYThe 2017 Volvo XC60 is the 163rd best-selling vehicle in the United States, with 8,809 vehicles sold between June 2015 and June 20161.。

龙生九子—— 对比试驾奔驰GLC、沃尔沃XC60、林肯MKC

龙生九子—— 对比试驾奔驰GLC、沃尔沃XC60、林肯MKC





撰文/王小雷 摄影/ 杨浩东林肯MKC设计:家族式特征明显,外观设计就能体现出品牌内涵视觉是一切感知的开始,视觉印象的好坏,有时候甚至可以越过性能和质量这些更重要的因素,成为决定一款产品命运的关键性因素。


每一代产品都有其独特的视觉特征,全新的奔驰GLC 在启用全新的命名规则的同时,也换上了全新的设计理念和外形效果,曾经的奔驰GLK 以鲜明的棱角和直线线条凸显SUV 车型的硬派质感。

而今天的奔驰GLC 则是和全新C 级、A 级等车型一样,换上了圆润的线面组合。

虽然说这款拥有轿跑造型的进口GLC 与国产版在外形上有着较大的差异,但是其坚持时尚路线的决心是显而易见的,显然这种赏心悦目的时尚都市风才最适合GLC 这种以城市功能为主的SUV 车型。





视觉跨度最大的当属林肯MKC ,不过也许只有对于我这样岁数稍大一些的人会有这样的感触,原因在于我对林肯品牌的认知更多的是从儿童时代那些肌肉感十足的加长林肯而来。



一般来讲,燃油蒸发控制系统 (EVAP)通常只在低负载状态下接通,例 如平稳驾驶或怠速运行时,这是因为在这 些情况下,系统可充分利用发动机进气歧 管中的负压产生排放流量,将炭罐内的燃 油蒸气引入燃烧室。但通过研究发现,当 炭罐在某些低负载条件下接通时,也会对 尾气排放产生负面影响。因此,为了应对 更为严格的排放法规,新一代VEA发动机 采用了Dual Purge系统,使得炭罐在增压 状态下也可以工作。
上一代发动机采用了电子调节式节温 器,其目的是通过可调节的冷却液循环流
量来提升效率并降低排放,但从实际效果 来看,并未达到预期,反而造成了机油消 耗量的增加。因此,新一代发动机改回了 蜡式节温器,其开启温度为90℃。新发动 机油底壳的外观也发生了改变,不再有2个 向后的隆起,所以机油容量降低了0.3 L, 变更为5.6 L。
1 1(发动机制动时)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 倒挡
表2 各挡位执行元件工作情况

制动器 B1 B2
● ●
单向离合器 F1 ● ●
● ●
为了控制这些执行元件,TG-81SC自 动变速器在阀体内集成了9个电磁阀,其 位置如图6所示。其中,SL1~SL5为线性 压力电磁阀,其阀芯位置由变速器控制单 元(TCM)通过脉冲宽度调制(PWM) 信号控制,断电后电磁阀闭合。电磁阀 SL1~SL4分别无级控制离合器C1~C4, 电磁阀SL5则无级控制制动器B1。电磁阀 S1和S2为开关型设计,由TCM向其提供 12 V电压,断电后电磁阀闭合。
图5 TG81-SC自动变速器结构原理图



目录汽车品牌口号收集 (2)1千里马 (3)2.另U克 (3)3.东南菱帅 (4)4.上海大众 (5)5•奥迪AUDI (6)6.新甲壳虫New Beatle (8)7•高尔夫GOLF (8)8•夏朗SHARAN (8)9•捷达JETTA (9)10•宝莱BORA (9)11.高尔GOL (10)12。

.......................................................... 马自达福美来323 10 13•马自达6 Mazda6 .. (10)14•福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (10)16。

---------- 梅塞德斯.................................... 奔驰Mercedes-Benz 12 17。

............................................................. 沃尔沃VOLVO 1318.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__eep (14)21•绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23•雪佛兰CHEVROLET (15)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25•威乐VELA (16)26•本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28。

中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31•三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

...................................................................... 红旗2233.吉利 (22)34•华普汽车MAPLEAUTOMOBILE (22)35•江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (22)37。


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硬盘驱动器 进寻请请远..................... 旧拨
媒体播 器 - 兼容文件格式............ 旧择
通过 致U下/U分B 输入 接外部音源......... 旧只
通过 致U下/U分B 输入 接外部音源......... 旧叫
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HGM4100LT 发电机组控制器
用户手册ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
前 言 ...............................................................................................................................................4 1 概述.................................................................................................................................................5 2 性能特点..........................................................................................................................................5 3 规格.................................................................................................................................................7 4 操作.................................................................................................................................................8

Lexus GS 系列产品说明书

 Lexus GS 系列产品说明书

G S 151 GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.2GS shown in Riviera Red // Options shown.3GS350 shown in Atomic Silver // Options shown.45GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.GS 350 F SPORT shown in Cabernet leather with Striated Aluminum trim // Options shown.6Inside the GS F SPORT, a 16-way power-adjustable sport driver’s seat with power side bolsters, four-way lumbar and added thigh support hugs your body the way the vehicle hugs curves. It’s an intense connection, made even stronger with the F SPORT–badged steering wheel and shift knob trimmed in perforated leather, and aluminum sport pedals.F SPORT DESIGN7GS HYBRID The GS is, above all else, a performance vehicle. And the GS Hybrid is mostcertainly not the exception to that rule. Boasting 338 total system horsepower,1an Adaptive Variable Suspension and the efficiency of a hybrid, it offers animpressive 34-mpg4 highway rating and rockets from 0 to 60 in a mere5.6 seconds.1,5 In addition to exclusive styling, the new GSh F SPORT addsVariable Gear-Ratio Steering and available Lexus Dynamic Handling withDynamic Rear Steering, ensuring that performance remains a top priority.8GS450h F SPORT shown in Obsidian // Options shown.910GS 350 shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.11Lexus engineers traveled the equivalent of 26 times around the Earth—from the ice-covered streets of Moscow to the extreme heat of Death Valley—all to develop the precise driving feel and responsiveness of the GS, no matter the conditions. Strap yourself in and carve through that first turn, and you’ll quickly discover it was worth every inch.OUR TEST TRACK WAS A MILLION MILES LONG.12GS350 shown in Flaxen leather with Linear Espresso wood trim // Options shown.13Options shown.306 HORSEPOWER1With more standard horsepower than its German competitors15 andan eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters (RWD),the GS takes driver engagement to new heights.17GS350 F SPORT shown in Deep Sea Mica // Options shown.1618A 19G. Available power rear sunshade H. Remote Touch 2 controller I. Available rear-seat climate and audio controls J. Contrast stitching K. Available color Heads-up Display L. Available rear spoiler. For a complete list of Genuine Lexus Accessories, visit /GS/accessoriesOptions shown.2021GS 350 shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown.By monitoring current driving conditions, available all-wheel drive automatically allocates engine power between the front and rear wheels from a rear-biased 30/70 (front/rear ) torque split to 50/50, depending on conditions. This can provide enhanced traction and control on a wide range of road surfaces and in inclement weather.ALL-WEATHER DRIVE22PACKAGES KEYSTANDARD FEATURESINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSSmartAccess 16,17 with push- button Start/Stop //Dual-zone automatic climate control with interior air filter and smog sensor // Power tilt-and-telescopic steering column // Lexus Memory System // Power tilt-and-slide moonroof // Electrochromic auto-dimming mirrors //HomeLink ® // Perforated leather-trimmed interior // 10-way (including lumbar ) power front seats // Drive Mode Select // 8.0-inch high-resolution colormultimedia display // Remote Touch 2 // USB iPod ®18 integration // Traffic and weather updates 13 via HD Radio 13 // Bluetooth ®19 // Backup camera 3 // Siri Eyes Free 11 // Lexus Enform Remote 10 app and Lexus Enform Safety Connect.20 Subscription required. One-year trial subscription includedGS PREMIUM PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )Rain-sensing wipers // H eated and ventilated front seats // Power rear sunshade // Climate ConciergeLUXURY PACKAGE (Available on GS 350)(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // 18-inch split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish // Semi-aniline leather interior trim // Linear Espresso wood interior trim // Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel // 18-way power front seats // Lexus Memory System for front-passenger seat // Three-zone automatic climate control // Rear-door manual sunshades // Adaptive Front Lighting System 26 // LED foglampsNAVIGATION PACKAGE (Standard on GS 350)Navigation System // 12.3-inch high-resolution split-screen multimedia display // Compatible mobile-phone integration // Enhanced Bluetooth technology 19 // Lexus Enform Destinations. Subscription required. One-year trial subscriptionincluded // Subscription-free Lexus Enform App Suite 27 with Bing,™ iHeartRadio, , OpenTable,® Pandora,®28 Yelp ® and Facebook PlacesCOLD WEATHER PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )H eated steering wheel // H igh-intensity interior heater // H eadlamp washers (GS 350 RWD; standard on AWD; not available on GS 450h ) // Windshield-wiper deicer // Water-repellent front-door glass // LED headlamps (GS F SPORT )GS 350/GS 450h F SPORT(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment ) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // 19-inch split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finish // F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // Variable Gear-RatioSteering (VGRS) (RWD only ) // 14.0-in, two-piece front-brake rotors with monoblock four-piston calipers (RWD only ) // 16-way F SPORT driver’s seat // Striated Aluminum interior trim // Black headliner // F SPORT exterior styling including unique front bumper, upper and lower grille inserts, rear valance and rear spoilerPower trunk open/close // Mark Levinson Premium Audio System 14 // Pre-Collision System (PCS )21 with Driver Attention Monitor,21 Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 22 // Lane Keep Assist 9 with Lane Departure Warning 23 // Blind Spot Monitor 8 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert 24 and power-folding outside mirrors // Color Heads-up Display // Intuitive Parking Assist 25 // Lexus Dynamic Handling with Dynamic Rear Steering(GS F SPORT RWD, required on GSh F SPORT ) // H eated rear seats (Luxury Package )WHEELS What is Lexus Enform? Lexus Enform is Lexus-branded connected services and currently consists of the following products: Lexus EnformSafety Connect, Lexus Enform Destinations, Lexus Enform Remote and Lexus Enform App Suite. To learn more visit /enform.LEXUS ENFORM18-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finishStandard18-in split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish Luxury PackageF SPORT 19-in full-face forged alloy wheels 7Available19-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finishGS F SPORTF SPORT 19-in forgedalloy wheels 7 Available23KEY SPECS306HP15.7S 1,5/ 5.8S 1,5/ 5.6S1,5GS/GS F SPORTGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWD GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINEPERFORMANCE19 / 29 / 2329// 19 / 26 / 212929 / 34 / 3129GS RWD/GS F SPORT RWD GSh/GSh F SPORTGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDFUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY/HIGHWAY/COMBINED)8-SPEEDGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFT6-SPEEDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFTE CVTGSh/GSh F SPORTELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLEDCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSIONEST MPGEST MPG0–60 INWIDTH 72.4 IN HEIGHT57.3 IN (RWD, Hybrid)57.9 IN (AWD)OVERALL LENGTH 190.7 INWHEELBASE 112.2 INFor a complete list of features and to view configurations available in your area, please visit /GSbuild.GS shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.338HP1GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINE ATKINSON-CYCLETOTAL SYSTEM R WDAWDSTANDARD GS/GS F SPORT GSh/GSh F SPORTAVAILABLEGS/GS F SPORTDRIVETRAINOR24INTERIORTRIMFLAXENLEATHERCABERNET*LEATHERLIGHT GRAYLEATHERBLACK WITH WHITEPERFORATIONS*LEATHERBLACKLEATHERMATTE DARKBROWN WALNUT†STRIATEDALUMINUM*LINEAR ESPRESSOWOOD‡MATTE BAMBOOGS350GS450hGS/GSh F SPORT*F SPORT exclusive†G S350, GS350 PremiumPackage only‡GS350 Luxury Package only25EXTERIORDEEP SEA MICA STARFIRE PEARL NEBULA GRAY PEARLMETEOR BLUE MICA OBSIDIAN RIVIERA REDLIQUID PLATINUMATOMIC SILVERFIRE AGATE PEARL ULTRA WHITE*FPOFSC LogoWARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the GS Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 2. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions. 3. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. You should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 4. 2015 GS 450h EPA 29/34/31 city/hwy/combined mpg ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 5. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 6. CAUTION! When driving a hybrid vehicle, pay special attention to the area around the vehicle. Because there is little vehicle noise in electric-only mode, pedestrians, people riding bicycles or other people and vehicles in the area may not be aware of the vehicle starting off or approaching them, so take extra care while driving. EV mode works under certain conditions at low speeds for up to a mile. See Owner’s Manual . 7. 18- or 19-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 15,000 miles, depending upon driving conditions. 8. Do not rely exclusively on the Blind Spot Monitor. Always look over your shoulder and use your turn signal. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the monitor. For a complete list of limitations and directions regarding use of the monitor, see Owner’s Manual . 9. Lane Keep Assist is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions. It provides a visual and audible alert and slight steering force when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 10. Use only if aware of circumstances surrounding the vehicle, and it is legal & safe to do so (e.g., car uncovered in open area, no people or pets in or nearby). If vehicle has not been driven for over a week, services will not be available until next time vehicle is started. Functionality depends on many factors, such as vehicle and smartphone connectivity. See usage precautions, service limitations & Owner’s Manual . Data charges may apply. Registration, app download are required. Must have active Safety Connect subscription. Annual fee required after 1-year trial. 11. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Siri ® is available in Beta only on iPhone ® 4S, iPhone ® 5, iPad ® with Retina ® display, iPad ® mini, & iPod ® touch, 5th gen. & requires Internet access. Siri ® is not available in all languages or all areas & features vary by area. Data charges may apply. See & phone carrier for details. 12. iPhone ® and iPad ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 13. HD Radio™ Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. 14. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 15. Based on data from Audi A6 2.0T with 19-in Sport Package, BMW 5 Series 535i with M Sport Package & Mercedes-Benz E-Class E350 with Sport Styling Package manufacturers’ websites. 16. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 17. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key/fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Yellow Pages or by contacting . 18. iTunes ® and iPod ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 19. The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Lexus is under license. A compatible Bluetooth -enabled phone must first be paired. Phone performance depends on software, coverage & carrier. 20. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 21. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. The included Driver Attention Monitor is designed to alert the driver if a potential hazard is detected ahead and the driver’s face appears to be turned away. They are not collision-avoidance systems and are not substitutes for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 22. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 23. Lane Departure Warning is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions and provide visual and audible alerts when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 24. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm rear clearance. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the system. To learn more, see Owner’s Manual . 25. Do not rely exclusively on the Intuitive Parking Assist system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for details. 26. The Adaptive Front Lighting System helps improve vision at night. Situations such as dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 27. Apps/services vary by phone/carrier; functionality depends on many factors. Select apps use large amounts of data; you are responsible for charges. Apps & services subject to change. See /enform for details. 28. PANDORA ®, the PANDORA ® logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission. 29. 2015 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 30. FaceTime ® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of publishing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P5-093 (09/14) 00217GSBRO15 Printed in U.S.A. (90M ) ©2014 Lexus.THE L EXUS D ELIVERY A ND T ECHNOLOGY S PECIALISTS. To assist you in getting the most out of your GS, the Lexus Delivery Specialist will conduct a personalized delivery focused on every feature, setting and function you desire. To answer questions that arise after delivery, the Lexus Technology Specialist can offer expert guidance in person or without you ever leaving the driveway, via camera-enabled iPad ®12 apps like FaceTime.®30 Learn more about our Lexus Delivery and Technology Specialist services at /specialists.SERVICES AS INNOV ATIVE AS THE GS ITSELF .。




l I/O模块或适配器电缆连至PC时,不要连接或断开I/O模块或15针USB适配器与本设备的电缆连接。







1照明LED2LED瞄准器3-4*安装孔(M3X 3.5毫米)5触发按钮6电源指示灯7训练状态/触发状态指示灯8读码成功/不成功指示灯9网络状态指示灯10错误指示器11调谐按钮12电源、I/O和RS-232接口13以太网接口镜头选件、镜头盖、照明和滤波器6.2毫米镜头套件DM150-LENS-62红外线 6.2毫米镜头套件,3位置,带红外线LEDDMA-KIT-IR-62红外线16毫米镜头套件DMA-KIT-IR-16带扩展光学接口的16毫米镜头(需要使用扩展前盖和大功率红色LED)DM260-LENS-16使用 6.2毫米镜头或16毫米镜头的液体镜头模块(LLM)DMA-LLM-150-260ImageMax 套件DM260-KIT-16LL透明镜头盖*DM150-CVR-CLR透明镜头盖,静电保护*DM150-CVR-ESD偏振前盖*DM260-LENS-62CVR-F***扩展镜头盖,非偏振**扩展镜头盖,半偏振**扩展镜头盖,全偏振**DM260-LENS-16CVR***DM260-LENS-16CVR-P***DM260-LENS-16CVR-F***C 型接口镜头适配器,IP40DM260-CMNT-00C 型接口镜头适配器,IP65DM260-CMNT-CVR蓝色带通滤波器DM150-BP470电缆和其他连接电缆24伏,I/O,RS-232CCBL-05-01连接电缆RS-232CCB-M12xDB9Y-05适配器电缆,M12x12至M8x4/M8x5,0.5米DM260-ADAP-M12M8X-Coded至RJ45以太网电缆CCB-84901-2001-xx,其中xx可以是02、05、10、15或30,表示长度(以米为单位)适配器电缆,ETH,M12,X-CODED/A-CODED,0.5米CCB-M12x8MS-XCAC通用安装架DM100-UBRK-000可旋转安装架DM100-PIVOTM-00 DataMan362至DataMan262适配器套件DM-ADAP-PLT安装过程和规格的详细说明,请参阅DataMan®260参考手册,它使用DataMan设置工具进行安装。



RACE Newsletter09/04/2018CAR:NEW : FLASH_0675 VOLVO BOSCH EDC17CP22/CP48/CP68 CANATTENTION!In order to run the writing procedure with the serial protocol flash_0675 it is necessary to perform first the PATCH UNLOCK with the New Trasdata - plugin 158 / 681 / 743.Please check the specific manual.VOLVO C30 Mk2/C70/S40/V50 Mk2/V40 Mk2-3 2.0L 16V D3 110kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO C30 Mk2/V60 2.4L 20V D5 132kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO C70/ S60 Mk2/V60/XC60 2.0L 20V D3 120kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO S60 Mk2/XC70 Mk3/S80Mk3/V60/V70 Mk3/XC60/XC70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 158kW EDC17CP22/CP48VOLVO S80 Mk2/V70 Mk3/XC60 2.4L 20V D5 151kW EDC17CP22VOLVO V50 Mk2 2.0L 20V D5 130kW EDC17CP22VOLVO V70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 130kW EDC17CP22VOLVO X C60 2.4L 20V D4 120-129kW EDC17CP22VOLVO X C70 Mk3/XC60/ XC70 Mk3/XC90/V60 2.4L 20V D5 120kW EDC17CP22/CP48/CP68VOLVO S60 Mk2/V60/V70 Mk3 2.0L 20V D3 100kW EDC17CP48VOLVO S80 Mk3/V60/V70 Mk3/XC70 Mk3 2.0L 16V D4 120kW EDC17CP48VOLVO S80 Mk3 2.4L 20V D4 120kW EDC17CP48VOLVO V40 Mk3 2.0L 16V D4 130kW EDC17CP48VOLVO V60 2.4L 20V D6 HYBRID 158kW EDC17CP48 VOLVO X C60 2.0L 20V D5 100kW EDC17CP48VOLVO X C60/XC70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D4 133kW EDC17CP48VOLVO X C60 2.4L 20V D4 140kW EDC17CP68VOLVO X C70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 133kW EDC17CP68VOLVO X C70 Mk3 2.4L 20V D5 162kW EDC17CP68NEW : FLASH_0676 MERCEDES DELPHI CRD3.E/P CANATTENTION!In order to run the writing procedure with the serial protocol flash_0676 it is necessary to perform first the PATCH UNLOCK with the New Trasdata - plugin 935.Please check the specific manual.MERCEDES A CLASS W176 A200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES A CLASS W176 A220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES B CLASS W246 B200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES C CLASS W205 C220 2.2L 16V CDI 100-120-125kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES C CLASS W205 C250 2.2L 16V CDI 152kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES CLA CLASS C117 CLA200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES CLA CLASS C117 CLA220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES GLA CLASS X156 GLA200 2.2L 16V CDI 100kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES GLA CLASS X156 GLA220 2.2L 16V CDI 130kW CRD3.E/PMERCEDES SPRINTER W906 316-516 2.2L CDI 105-120kW CRD3.E/PTRUCK:NEW: FLASH_0677 CUMMINS – TEREX ATLAS TRUCK CM570 CANTEREX TRUCKS TA300 10.8L QSM 276kW CM570TRACTOR:NEW: FLASH_0674 CUMMINS – TIGERCAT TRACTOR CM2250 CANTIGERCAT FELLER BUNCHERS 724E 6.7L QSB 164kW CM2250SW : 3.0.186 DLL : 1.0.197 FW: 12.09 build 0002 MOTOROLA MPC500 CPUs:ADD : 01 - MOTOROLA MPC500BOSCH EDC7C1 MPC555/MPC556 INTERNATIONAL DieselNEW - plugin 1037 – INTERNATIONAL BUS 3100 4.8L 110kW EDC7C1 STMICROELECTRONICS CPUs:ADD : 02 - STMICROELECTRONICS ST10BOSCH DCU15 ST10C167 DAF AdBlue DCUNEW - plugin 1032 – FENDT 300 VARIO 313 4.4L 99kWINFINEON TRICORE CPUs:ADD : 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSW CANLINEBOSCH REXROTH SRC 9-34 TC1796 AGCO GEARBOX CVTNEW – plugin 951 – AGCO GEARBOX CVTBOSCH ME17.9.71 TC1724 PSA PetrolNEW – plugin 1035 – PEUGEOT 206 1.6L 16V 82kW ME17.9.71BOSCH ME17.2.4/BMS-MP TC1791/TC1793 BMW MOTORRAD PetrolNEW – plugin 1057 – BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 R my2017 1.0L 121kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 RR my2017 1.0L 146kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD S SERIES S 1000 XR my2017 1.0L 121kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD F SERIES F 800 R/GT my2017 1.0L 66kW ME17.2.4BMW MOTORRAD R SERIES R 1200 GS my2017 1.0L 92kW ME17.2.4BOSCH MEVD17.8.4 TC1797 BMW PetrolNEW – plugin 1065 – BMW 3 SERIES F30/F31/F35 320i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 135kW MEVD17.8.4BMW 5 SERIES F10/F11/F18 520i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 135kW MEVD17.8.4BMW 5 SERIES F10/F11/F18 525i 2.0L L4 16V TURBO 160kW MEVD17.8.4ADD : 04 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 TPROT2/4/7BOSCH MED17.0.7 TC1782 FORD PetrolNEW – plugin 1064 – FORD FIESTA 7 1.0L 12V Ecoboost 74kW MED17.0.7ADD: 23 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 GPT VAGBOSCH ME17.5.22 TC1724 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 1039 – VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN GRAN LAVIDA 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN POLO 5 (6R, 6C) 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22SKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 1.6L 8V MPI 81kW ME17.5.22ADD: 28 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH MEDC17 GPT FORDBOSCH EDC17CP05 TC1797 FORD DieselNEW – plugin 1042 – FORD F250 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 287kW EDC17CP05FORD F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 224kW EDC17CP05FORD F250/F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 298kW EDC17CP05FORD F250/F350 6.7L V8 32V TD SUPERDUTY 328kW EDC17CP05Important: F34NTA15 flat cable is required to operate in GPT modeNEW: 61 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCH EDC17 TPROT13 VM MOTORIBOSCH EDC17C49 TC1797 AEBI-SCHMIDT DieselNEW – plugin 1070 – AEBI-SCHMIDT MT750 4.5L V6 115kW EDC17C49ADD: 46 - INFINEON TRICORE CONTINENTAL ACM_MCM MEB TRUCK CAN LINETEMIC ACM2.1/AT25256 TC1796 ACM MERCEDES TRUCKNEW – plugin 1029 – ACM MERCEDES TRUCKWARNING: in order to communicate with this ECU ACM2.1/AT25256 using the plugin 1029 it is required the new cable F34NTA20F34NTA20ADD: 46 - INFINEON TRICORE CONTINENTAL ACM_MCM MEB TRUCK CAN LINECONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO HDEP MCM2.1 TC1797 MERCEDES TRUCK E6 DieselNEW – plugin 1030 – MERCEDES TRUCK EURO6PONSEE FORWARDERS EURO6CLAAS JAGUAR EURO6FENDT KATANA 65 EURO6WARNING: in order to communicate with this ECU HDEP MCM2.1 using the plugin 1030 it is required the new cable F34NTA19F34NTA19ADD: 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENS SSM VAGCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO Simos18.X TC1791_384/TC1793_384 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 830 –AUDI A1 (8X) 1.8L 16V TFSI 141kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A3 (8V) 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A3 (8V) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A4 (B8-B9) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-140-165-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A6 (C7) 1.8L 16V TFSI 140kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A6 (C7) 2.0L 16V TFSI 183-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A7 (4G) 1.8L 16V TFSI 140kW SIMOS18.XAUDI A7 (4G) 2.0L 16V TFSI 140-162-183-185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q3 (8U) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q5 (8RB) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-162kW SIMOS18.XAUDI Q7 (4M) 2.0L 16V TFSI 185kW SIMOS18.XAUDI S1 (8X) 2.0L 16V TFSI 170kW SIMOS18.XAUDI S3 (8V) 2.0L 16V TFSI 205-210-220kW SIMOS18.XAUDI TT (FV) 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XAUDI TT (FV) 2.0L 16V TFSI 161-169-210-228kW SIMOS18.XSEAT LEON (5F) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XSEAT LEON (5F) 2.0L 16V TSI CUPRA 195kW SIMOS18.XSKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XSKODA OCTAVIA (5E) 2.0L 16V TSI RS-GTI 162-169kW SIMOS18.XSKODA SUPERB (3V) 1.8L 16V TSI-TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN EOS (1F8) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN BEETLE (A5)/JETTA 6-7 1.8L 16V TFSI 125kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN BEETLE (A5)/JETTA 6 2.0L 16V TFSI 154-155-162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 1.8L 16V TFSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V TFSI 162-205kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V GTI 155-162-169-194kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN GOLF 7 2.0L 16V R 213-220kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN LAMANDO 1.8L 16V TSI 132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN LAMANDO 2.0L 16V TFSI 161kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN PASSAT (B7-B8-B9) 1.8L 16V TFSI 125-132kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN PASSAT (B8-B9) 2.0L 16V TFSI 162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN POLO (6C) 1.8L 16V TSI-GTI 141kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO 3 2.0L 16V TFSI-GTS-WRC 132-162kW SIMOS18.XVOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1.8L 16V TSI 132kW SIMOS18.XPORSCHE MACAN (95B) 2.0L 16V TFSI 185kW SIMOS18.XCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO Simos12.X TC1797 VAG PetrolNEW – plugin 1067 –AUDI A3 (8V-8P) 1.8L 16V FSI-TFSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A4 (B8) 1.8L 16V TFSI 125kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A4 (B8) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 1.8L 16V TFSI 106-125-130kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A5 (8F/8T) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165-169kW SIMOS12.XAUDI A7 (4G) 2.0L 16V TFSI 165kW SIMOS12.XAUDI Q5 (8RB) 2.0L 16V TFSI 132-165-169kW SIMOS12.XAUDI S3 (8P) 2.0L 16V TFSI 205-210-220kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (8J) 1.8L 16V FSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (FV) 1.8L 16V TSI 162kW SIMOS12.XAUDI TT (8J) 2.0L 16V TFSI 210-228kW SIMOS12.XImportant: F34NTA18 flat cable is required to operate in SSM modeMOTOROLA MPC55XX CPUs:ADD : 06 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX JTAGCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO CM2250 MPC5566 PETERBILT DieselNEW – plugin 1028 – PETERBILT 386 15.0L ISX15 298kW CM2250ADD : 43 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX BAMCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO MPC5534 ACM VOLVONEW – plugin 1041 – VOLVO WHEEL LOADERS ACMRENESAS SH7050 CPUs:ADD : 07 - RENESAS SH7050DELPHI DCM3.7AP SH72543R CASE/DOOSAN/NEW HOLLAND DieselNEW - plugin 1034 – CASE FARMALL 55 C CVT 2.2L 39.5kW DCM3.7APMITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX CPUs:ADD : 08 – MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/8XXXMITSUBISHI F8T86571 MH8115F YAMAHA PetrolNEW – plugin 1033 – YAMAHA ATV WOLVERINE X4 0.85L 50kW F8T86571MITSUBISHI E6T32xxx MH8102F MITSUBISHI PetrolNEW – plugin 1038 – MITSUBISHI PAJERO V60 3.5L V6 24V 150kW E6T32xxxMITSUBISHI 33920-98J80 MH8115F SUZUKI PetrolNEW – plugin 1040 – SUZUKI MARINE DF 300 3.6L V6 220kW 33920-98J80NEC CPUs:ADD : 36 - NEC NBDDENSO 270536-6941 NEC 76F0040GD TOYOTA PetrolNEW - plugin 1031 – TOYOTA RAV4 (A2) 2.0L 16V 4L 110kW 270536-6941DENSO 275036-7581 NEC 76F0085 TOYOTA PetrolNEW - plugin 1068 – TOYOTA HILUX/VIGO (AN120-AN130) 2.7L 16V L4 VVT-i DOHC FLEX 120kW 275036-7581 FREESCALE ST MPC56XX SPC56X CPUs:ADD : 37 – FREESCALE ST MPC56XX SPC56XCONTINENTAL-SIEMENS-VDO CM2350 MPC5674F GENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE DieselNEW – plugin 638 – GENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE CM2350AGENERIC CUMMINS ENGINE CM2350BDelphi DCM6.2AP MPC5674F HYUNDAI DieselNEW – plugin 1024 – HYUNDAI i20 Mk2 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APKIA RIO/K2 (YB) 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APADD : 44 – FREESCALE MPC56XX BAMDelphi DCM6.2AP MPC5674F HYUNDAI DieselNEW - plugin 1063 – HYUNDAI i20 Mk2 1.1L CRDi 55kW DCK6.2APKIA RIO/K2 (YB) 1.1L 12V CRDi 55kW DCM6.2APNEW PLUG-IN LISTPLGID ECU Brand ECU Model Brand Connection Type Micro Flash Ext Category638 Continental-Siemens-VDO CM2350Generic CumminsEngine37 - FREESCALE/STMPC56XX/SPC56X JTAG MPC5674F TRUCK830 Continental SIMOS18.x VAG 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENSSSM VAG TC1791_384/TC1793_384 CAR951 BOSCH REXROTH SRC 9-34 GEARBOXCVT AGCO03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1796 M58BW032FB TRACTOR1024 Delphi DCM6.2AP Hyundai 37 - FREESCALE/STMPC56XX/SPC56X JTAG MPC5674F CAR1028 Continental-Siemens-VDO CM2250 Peterbilt 06 - MOTOROLA MPC5500 JTAG MPC5566 TRUCK1029 Temic ACM2.1/AT25256 MEB Truck 46 - INFINEON TRICORE TEMIC MCMACM MERCEDES OBD TC1796 TRUCK1030 Continental-Siemens-VDO HDEP MCM2.1 MEB Truck46 - INFINEON TRICORE TEMIC MCMACM MERCEDES OBD TC1797 TRUCK1031 Denso 275036-6941 Toyota 36 - NEC NBD 76F0040GD CAR 1032 Bosch DCU15 DAF 02 - STMICROELECTRONICS ST10 ST10C167 AM29F400BT TRUCK 1033 Mitsubishi F8T86571 Yamaha 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8115F BIKE1034 Delphi DCM3.7AP Case/Doosan/NewHolland 07 - RENESAS SH7050 SH72543RTRUCKTRACTOR1035 Bosch ME17.9.71 PSA 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1724 CAR1037 Bosch EDC7C1 International 01 - MOTOROLA MPC500 MPC555/MPC556 TRUCK 1038 Mitsubishi E6T32xxx Mitsubishi 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8102F CAR1039 Bosch ME17.5.22 VAG 23 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 GPT VAG TC1724 CAR1040 Mitsubishi 33920-98J80 Suzuki 08 - MITSUBISHI MH7XXX/MH8XXX MH8102F MARINE1041 Continental-Siemens-VDO ACM Volvo 43 - MOTOROLA MPC55XX BAM MPC5534 TRUCK1042 Bosch EDC17CP05 Ford 28 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 GPT FORD TC1797 CAR1057 BOSCH ME17.2.4/BMS-MP BMW 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1791/TC1793 BIKE1063 Delphi DCM6.2AP Hyundai 44 - FREESCALE MPC56XX BAM MPC5674F CAR1064 Bosch MED17.0.7 Ford 04 - INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHMEDC17 TPROT2/4/7 TC1782 CAR1065 Bosch MEVD17.8.4 BMW 03 - INFINEON TRICORE NO PSWCANLINE TC1797 CAR1067 Continental SIMOS12.x VAG 50 - INFINEON TRICORE SIEMENSSSM VAG TC1797 CAR1068 Denso 275036-7581 Toyota 36 - NEC NBD 76F0085 CAR1070 BOSCH EDC17C49 AEBI SCMIDT 61 – INFINEON TRICORE BOSCHEDC17 TPROT13 VM MOTORI TC1797 TRUCKDIMSPORT S.r.l.。

















三、手机发送地图:1、手机和车子先联网,注册VOLVO ID。




4、详细方法可参考论坛车友光头菜的帖子:VOLVO车载SENSUS NAVI (导航)“发送到车”详细使用案例!求精!四、陡坡缓降功能:带有陡坡缓降功能的车型,该功能只能在手动1档和R档的情况下能用。



A 参见“锁定和解锁”(页码27)。


B 参见“检查雨刷片”(页码39)。

C 参见“保养”(页码136)。

D 参见“拖曳点”(页码134)。

E 参见“更换灯泡”(页码47)。

F 胎压参见“技术规格”(页码162)。

G 参见“更换车轮”(页码155)。

E133220BCDE F GE133222A 参见“电动车窗”(页码57)。







参见“远光和近 光”(页码41)。



















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Volvo 货车配置指南.pdf_1702088767.2710843说明书

Volvo 货车配置指南.pdf_1702088767.2710843说明书

Important NotesChassis DimensionsCab Height: +39 mm for CAB-CRW.Front Axle to Back of Cab: +1186 mm for CAB-CRW, +237 mm for CAB-SSLP. D-measure includes a front clearance of 50 mm and for rigid trucks also a subframe of 120 mm.Height can vary ± 20 mm for leaf and ± 10 mm for air suspension. All dimensions are for unladen chassis and any tag axles down.Weight and dimensions are based upon the following tyres:Chassis weight includes oil, water, AdBlue, 0 litres fuel and without driver. Kerb weight can vary ± 3%.Turning diameters are theoretically calculated.Legal weights can differ from country to country.For more detailed weight information, including optional equipment weights, ask your Volvo sales contact to enter your specification into the Volvo Weight Front Axle Tyres: 275/70R22.5Chassis Dimensions [mm]WB Wheelbase3350350038004100A Overall Chassis Length6645 6975 7425 7955 D Center of rear axle to front of body 2690 2840 3140 3440 N Rear Overhang (Min.) 1515 1685 1885 2085 NRear Overhang (Max.)1975215523052535Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Min.) 459 483 524 568 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Max.) 772 810 881 954Chassis Weights [kg]Front Axle 3625 3620 3625 3625 Rear Axle 1815 1835 1860 1885 Kerb Weight5440 5455 5485 5510 Payload (including body, driver, fuel, etc.) 8560 8545 8515 8490Turning Diameter [mm]Turning Circle Diameter Kerb to Kerb 14200 14700 15800 16900Turning Circle Diameter Wall to Wall15200 15700 1680017900Plated Weights [kg]PlatedDesignGross Vehicle Weight14000 14000 Gross Combination Weight 16500 16500 Front Axle 5600 5600 Rear Axle 9200 9200■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).■ UNIFORM Transport Adaption - Basic platform vehicleCORE COMPONENTS ■ RAD-L80 Rear suspension - 80mm parabolic rear springs □ CAB-CRW Cab - Four-door, six seat crewcabDesigned and built to Swedish impact and ECE R29 regulations□ CAB-DAY Cab - Day, with steel safety cage design.Designed and built to Swedish impact and ECE R29 regulations□ CAB-SSLP Cab - Comfort with additional storage space or optional fold upbunk behind the driver - with steel safety cage design. Designed and built to Swedish impact and ECE R29 regulations.■ EU6SCR Emission level - Euro VI step E ■ D8K250 Engine - D8K250 six-cylinder 7.7 litre developing 250hp at2100rpm.Peak torque 950Nm at 900-1700rpm.□ D8K280 Engine - D8K280 six-cylinder 7.7 litre developing 280hp at2100rpm.Peak torque 1050Nm at 950-1700rpm.■ ZTO1006 Gearbox - Manual 6-speed overdrive □ EBR-CEB Engine brake type - Compression - producing 170kW at2800rpm■ EBR-EPG Engine brake type - Exhaust brake controlled by steeringcolumn switchPackages □ DRIVEFL Cab Package - Drive □ VISIFL Visibility package□ AUDIODAB Audio System - Digital DAB AM/FM Radio with Bluetooth -without CD player■ AUDIOPD Audio - Preparation for DAB radio including amplifier and aerial CHASSIS ■ FST-PAR3 Front suspension - Parabolic front springs with shockabsorbers and anti-roll bar■ FAL5.6 Front Axle Design Capacity - 5.6 tonne ■ RAL9.2 Rear axle design capacity - 9.2 tonne ■ RSTAB1 Rear anti-roll bar - Normal stiffness ■ EBS-MED Brake package - EBS medium including traction control & hillhold■ RST-PAR3 Rear suspension - Stiffer parabolic rear springs ■ FST8080 Chassis frame thickness - 8 mm web and flange ■ 2BATT170 Battery Capacity - 2 x 170 Ah on the left-hand side ■ R130P Right fuel tank - 130-litre plastic Min volume 130l Max volume 215l ■ UL-FUEL Left fuel tank - Without ■ ADTP-R Adblue tank position - Chassis mounted on the right-hand side □ WHC-FIX1 Wheel chock - One fixed design □ WHC-FIX2 Wheel chocks - Two fixed design□ TOWMBRH Tow member - High mounted in centre of frame - Check theGCW in the "Truck Use" section of this specification□ C-RO40AG Drawbar coupling - Rockinger 400 G145■ TOWF-NO1 Front towing device - One pin in bumper □ TOWF-NO2 Front towing device - Two pins in bumper□ TOWR-ONE Light trailer coupling - Pintle type hitch attached to rear crossmember for an unbraked trailer□ TREL15 Trailer electrical connection - Single 15 pin - ADR certified□ RFEND-TRear mud wings - Temporary on drive axle for transport delivery only□ 2024GSR GSR2 Safety Package - includes moving off information, cyclistand pedestrian side sensors, reverse camera, driver alert support, tyre pressure monitoring, intelligent speed assist, alcohol lock preparation interface, emergency brake lights and automatic headlight switchingWHEELS & TYRES ■ RT-STEEL Wheels - Steel rims □ SPWT-F Spare wheel & tyre - Spare with front tyre pattern □ SWCP-T Spare wheel supplied temporarily strapped to chassis □ SWCP-TP Spare wheel carrier tranport mounted on frame (spare wheelcarrier not included)□ JACK-10T 10 tonne bottle jack□ GAUGE-TP Tyre pressure gaugeDRIVELINE EQUIPMENT ■ CS39A-O Clutch - Single plate 395mm (16") □ TC-HWO Transmission oil cooler - water to oil■ 1COMP500 Air compressor - Single cylinder 360 cc - 500 litres per minute □ 2COM1080 Air compressor - Two-cylinder 1080 litres per minute ■ AIRIN-HI Air intake - Mounted behind cab on the left-hand side □ AIRIN-RL Air intake - Chassis mounted behind cab on the left-hand side ■ ACL1ST Air filter - Single element □ ACL1ST-S Air filter - two-stage element ■ 24AL110B Alternator capacity - 110 amp □ CCV-C Closed crankcase ventilation ■ CCV-OX Open crankcase ventilation with oil separator and amaintenance free gas centrifuge□ EST-AID Engine starting aid -Preheating element in the air inlet manifold □ PTER-100 Engine power-take-off - Rear-mounted with DIN100/ISO7646flange□ PTER-DIN Engine power-take-off - Rear-mounted with DIN5462 (female)splined shaft for a close-coupled pump□ PTER1400 Engine power-take-off - Rear-mounted with SAE 1410 flange □ PR-HF4S Live-drive PTO for Allison gearbox output 400Nm for flangeconnectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PR-HF4SH Live-drive high speed PTO for Allison gearbox output 400Nmfor hydraulic pump connectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PR-HF6S Live-drive PTO for Allison gearbox output 600Nm for flangeconnectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PR-HP4S Live-drive PTO for Allison gearbox output 400Nm for hydraulicpump connectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PR-HP4SH Live-drive high speed PTO for Allison gearbox output 400Nmfor hydraulic pump connectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PR-HP6S Live-drive PTO for Allison gearbox output 600Nm for hydraulicpump connectionmounted on the side of the torque convertor□ PTR-FH5 Rear PTO Gearbox S88 flange DIN connection □ PTR-PH4 Rear PTO Gearbox S88 pump DIN connection □ PTR-PK Electrical and solenoid prep kit for gearbox PTO □ PTR-ZF4 Rear PTO Gearbox 320Nm flange connection □ PTR-ZF6 Rear PTO Gearbox 320Nm flange connection ■ ETC Electronic throttle control - dash mounted switch for PTOspeed controlCAB INTERIOR □ STWPOS-L Steering wheel position - LEFT-HAND DRIVE ■ STWPOS-R Steering wheel position - RIGHT-HAND DRIVEdemand from 21/08/2023CAB EXTERIOR□ SUNV-B Exterior sun visor - Smoked grey■ SUNV-PK Exterior sun visor preparation kit only□ BEACON-P Roof beacons - switch and wiring preparation only□ BEACONA2 Roof-mounted beacons - Two LED amber beacons mounteddirect on roofSUPERSTRUCTURE PREPARATIONS□ FBA-BTF Lower front body attachments - For torsionally flexible -platform body□ FBA-BTSF Lower front body attachments - For torsionally semi-flexiblebody - box or curtainsider□ RBA-T2 Rear body attachments - Divided□ TAILPREP Taillift preparation kit - cab switch and warning in driver displayDELIVERY SERVICES□ TGW-4G Telematics gateway - GSM/GPRS/4G modem, WLAN■ WVTA EC Whole Vehicle Type Approved - First stage chassis cab■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).。























2023年新款法国汽车品牌Renault的Austral E-Tech全半径油电双驱全新产品说明书

2023年新款法国汽车品牌Renault的Austral E-Tech全半径油电双驱全新产品说明书

01. interior trims02. range walks03. engines04. specification01. interior trims technotechno esprit Alpine & iconic esprit Alpine02. range walksdesign• 19” komah black diamond-cut alloy wheels• shark fin antenna• leatherette & grey gradient fabric upholstery• tinted rear windows• electric folding wing mirrors with heater on-board experience• 12” OpenR link: connected multimedia system with Google built-in • 12.3” driver information display• multi-sense (comfort, eco, perso, sport)• height-adjustable passenger seat• leather steering wheel(1)• frameless rear view mirror with rain &light sensoradvanced driver assistance systems• cruise control• speed limiter• safe stopping distance warning• predictive hybrid driving• 9.3” head-up display• rear, front & side park assist• rear view camera• rear cross parking prevention• driver attention alert• blind spot warning• rear automatic emergency braking• active emergency braking system• emergency brake assist withintersection function• traffic sign recognition• lane departure warning• lane keeping assist• emergency lane keep assist• matrix LED vision headlights• LED adaptive vision• hill start assist• auto low/high beamdesign• 20” daytona black diamond-cut alloy wheels• glossy black front & rear logos• matte grey badge• esprit Alpine carbon fabric & Alcantara upholstery with blue stitching• aluminum pedal unit on-board experience• heated front driver & passenger seats• heated steering wheel• electric power boot opening• electric driver seat with massagefunctionadvanced driver assistance systems• adaptive cruise control• active driver assist• traffic sign recognition with speed alert• lane change warningtechnotechno esprit Alpinedesign• panoramic sunroof on-board experience• Harman Kardon audio system• 4Control advanced: 4-wheel steering• wireless phone chargeradvanced driving assistance systems• 360 around view 3D camera(1) please contact your sales advisor for more details on the leather materials used. Android Auto™ is a Google Inc. brand. Apple CarPlay™ is an Apple Inc. brand. Google is a brand of Google LLC. iconic esprit Alpine03. engineE-Tech full hybrid 200hpenergy Unleaded petrol (E10)+ full hybridengineinternal combustion engine 3 cylinders, 1.2 l turbocharged 96 kW / 205 Nmcapacity (cc)1,199electric motor (kW/Nm)50/205max. power (kW EEC) at (rpm)146 (200 hp)max. torque Nm EEC (Nm) at (rpm) 205 + 205 (not accumulable)gearbox multimode automatic 15 combinationsbatterybattery type lithium-ionvoltage (V)400capacity (kWh)2chassis and steeringtyre dimensions205/55 R19235/45 R20power-assisted steering yes (electric)turning circle (m)11.4 (10.1 with 4Control advanced)performancemaximum speed (mph)1090-62mph (s)8.41,000 m from standing start (s)30.8mid-range acceleration: 50mph to 70mph (s) 5.6certificationprotocol WLTP(1)emission control standard Euro 6D-FullWLTP fuel consumption and emissions(2) (from)CO2 (g/km)105-110consumption over a combined cycle (mpg)60.1volumes and weightsfuel tank (l)55 without reserve (3 litres of reserve)kerb weight (kg)1,517/1,627gross vehicle weight (GVW) (kg)2,101/2,153gross train weight (GTW) (kg)3,601/3,653max. braked towing weight (kg)1,500(1) WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures): this new protocol provides results much closer to those found in daily use compared to the NEDC protocol. (2) fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are certified using a standard, regulatory method. It is identical for all manufacturers and allows vehicles to be compared.04. spe c ifi c ationtechno technoesprit Alpineiconic esprit Alpineadvanced driving assistance systemscruise control•••speed limiter•••adaptive cruise control-••predictive hybrid driving•••active driver assist -••traffic sign recognition•••9.3" head up display•••parkingrear park assist•••front park assist •••side park assist•••rear view camera••-360° around view camera--•safetysafe stopping distance warning•••rear cross parking prevention•••driver attention alert•••blind spot warning•••rear automatic emergency braking•••active emergency btaking system (city/suburban/pedestrian/cyclist)•••emergency brake assist with intersection function•••lane depature warning•••lane keeping assist •••emergency lane keep assist •••hill start assist•••traffic sign recognition with speed alert-••lane change warning-••anti-lock braking system•••isofix child seat •••lightingmatrix LED vision headlights•••LED adaptive vision•••auto low/high beam•••interior ambient lighting•••on-board experiencerear bench that can slide back 16cm•••hands-free keycard with keyless entry•••automatic dual-zone air conditioning•••automatic windscreen wipers•••automatic handbrake-••manual boot opening•--electric boot opening-••multi sense: 4 driving modes•••12" OpenR link: connected multimedia system with Google built-in•••12.3” driver information display•••Arkamys auditorium audio system with 8 speakers••-Harman Kardon audiotorium system with 12 speakers--•2 front & 2 rear USB-C ports•••electric folding wing mirrors with heater•••electric driver seat with massage function-••heated driver and passenger seats-••heated steering wheel-••top grain leather steering wheel•••wireless smartphone charger--•leatherette & grey gradient fabric upholstery•--esprit Alpine carbon fabric & Alcantara upholstery with blue stitching--•4Control advanced--•designshark fin aerial•••flush roof bars•••false floor in boot•••front bumper with body-coloured sports blade•--front bumper with shadow grey sports blade-••19" komah black diamond-cut alloy wheels•--20" daytona diamond-cut alloy wheels-••aluminum pedal unit-••frameless rear view mirror with rain & light sensor•••tinted rear windows•••custom steering wheel with Alcantara insert-••panoramic sunroof--•connected servicesemergency call•••auto-update included for 5 years•••navigation pack: connected multimedia system with Google built-in includingnavigation pack (Google Maps and Google Assistant) provided free of charge for5 years and infotainment pack (Google Play) with 3 GB included•••• : standard. -: unavailable.* please contact your sales advisor for more details on the leather materials used. All seats mentioned as being leather in this document are composed of real leather and coated textile.。



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移动应用程序可从苹果应用商店 (App Store) 或谷歌市场 (Google play) 下载至移动设备。

另外,更多有关您的汽车的信息,请登录 温度系统控制器大灯开关组合仪表板Infotainment 系统电话互联网外部声音设备中控台中的按钮菜单系统的设置维修中心/预订保养ECO*调节座椅调节方向盘电动尾门*03 您的驾驶环境重新添加燃油车辆维护储物区域AUX/USB 端口和 12 V 插座04 汽车中的功能05 提示起动/停止功能*行人保护系统*02 汽车中的驾驶员支持系统遥控钥匙Keyless*锁止系统起动和关闭发动机驻车制动器雨刮器轮胎压力监测*01 起动和驾驶遥控钥匙如何工作?01解锁车门和尾门并解除警报。

该功能可在MY CAR(我的汽车)中进行设定。
















E-NCAP新规:独家深度解析乘员头颈保护【图1】E-NCAP认为挥鞭伤是可预防伤害E-NCAP 2月新规综合首测,雪铁龙C3毕加索只得了0.3分,在去年底单项测验中更是爆出中国车友熟悉的大发特锐、标致308CC抱得鸭蛋零分,其他车型的首考也好不到那去,八成需改进的试验结果让车企大跌眼睛。







Rear Impact (Whiplash),即E-NCAP的后部碰撞颈部挥鞭效应测试,也在实践的摸索中渐成规范。



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