
我是8月份开始准备的(好迟啊! 估计别人二外第一遍都已经看完了),不过一旦下定决心,我就不会三天打鱼,两天晒网,而事实也证明只要你把握好那以后的每一天,不放弃,这也不迟。

对外经济贸易大学-英语学院 研究生 培养计划

1. 培养目标
旨在通过两年的课程学习与研究,使学生能对英美文学的历史时期、流派有基本了解,对英美各名家的代表作进行研读和探讨,打下牢固的理论基础,掌握英美文学的研究方法,达到能用规范、典雅的英文写作学位论文的程度。深化学生的语言与文化修养,使之能适应未来职业上从事文字编辑与写作的要求 ;放眼国际最新学术动向,结合我校实际特点,一方面要坚持本专业的学术要求,另一方面也要考虑到社会的实际需要,着重培养学生的独立思考与研究能力,提高其文化素质,使之成为复合型人才。
2. 研究内容:

2322019年22期总第462期语言文化研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUS如何解决跨文化交际下的中西文化冲突文/张晓雯【摘要】随着文化的不断发展、社会的进步,中西文化交流中还存在着一定的问题。
白色在中国传统文化当中富有悲伤的色彩,只有在逝世或者比较悲伤的层次使用,而西方文化恰恰相反,白色被认为是纯洁的代表,在婚礼主题上被普遍采跨文化交际(intercultural Communication)是指不同文化间的相互交流。

2016年对外经济贸易大学国际关系考研专业目录、招生人数、参考书目、历年真题、复试分数线、答题方法、复习经验指导一、2016年对外经济贸易大学国际关系考研招生目录专业代码、名称及研究方向招生人数考试科目备注012国际关系学院接收推免生比例或人数:3人左右030207国际关系7 接收推免生比例或人数:0人左右01按专业招生不分方向①101思想政治理论②201英语一③797国际政治学④897国际关系综合二、2015年对外经济贸易大学国际关系专业考研复试分数线考试科目政治外语专业一专业二总分国际关系42 42 63 63 320 三、2016年对外经济贸易大学国际关系专业考研参考书科目名称书名作者出版社797国际政治学《国际政治学导论》刘胜湘北京大学出版社2010797国际政治学《国际政治概论》王逸舟北京大学出版社2012897国际关系综合《政治学基础》王浦劬等北京大学出版社,2006897国际关系综合《外交学》金正昆中国人民大学出版社2007年897国际关系综合《国际关系史》袁明北京大学出版社2005四、2012年对外经济贸易大学国际关系考研真题797国际政治学一、判断题1、国家利益具有主观性、客观性和整体性的特点2、法律意义上的国家主权观念始于第一次世界大战之后3、国际政治中的国家崛起一般指的是大国崛起4、民族主义始终是近现代历史上一支积极进步的政治力量5、国际体系的历史演变取决于行为体国际交互行为的范围与层次6、威斯特伐利亚秩序是历史上第一个真正具有世界意义的世界秩序7、以苏、美两大力量为中心对峙的雅尔塔格局是迄今为止唯一的冷战格局8、第二次世界大战后出现的联合国是人类历史上第一个全球性的国际政治组织9、一国拥有某种权力资源,该国并不必然拥有该种权力10、著名的克莱因综合国力公式为PN=(C+E+W)*(S+M)。

对外经济贸易大学《跨文化交际(英)》期末考试I. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true orfalse. Write T for “true” and F for “false”. (每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. The term “intercultural communication” was first used by Geert Hofstede in1959.2. Hall defines culture as the "software of the mind" that guides us in ourdaily interactions.3. In most of Africa, Argentina and Peru, putting one’s index finger to his templemeans ‘You are crazy.’4. Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizesyour experiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people.5. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture.They are the innermost “skin of the onion.”6. People from some cultures may lower their gaze to convey respect, whereasthis may be understood as evading or even insulting in other cultures.7. Unbuttoning one’s coat is a sign of openness, friendliness or willingness to reachan agreement.8. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must providefor a win-lose situation.9. Edward Hall’s theory states that the four levels embody the total conceptof culture like an onion – symbols, heroes, rituals, and values.10. Successful intercultural business communication involves knowing theethnocentrisms of persons in other cultures. Understanding the mindsets of both oneself and the person of another culture will result in more efficient communication.11. Ethnocentrism is the belief that somebody else’s cultural background, includingways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbalcommunication, is better than our own.12. People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do notlike change as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultures.13. When dealing with German business people, you should avoid jokes andother forms of humor during the actual business sessions.14. In the business circle, American business people use first names immediately.15. Companies should avoid sending female employees to the Middle East, as inArab countries men may refuse to work with women.16. In Southeast Asia, you should avoid presenting your business card with your righthand.17. When accepting a business card, German business people carefully look at thecard, observe the title and organization, acknowledge with a nod that theyhave digested the information, and perhaps make a relevant comment or aska polite question.18. The OK sign may be interpreted as asking for money by Japanese businesspeople.19. Nonverbal communication is important to the study of interculturalcommunication because a great deal of nonverbal behavior speaks auniversal language.20. In short, intercultural communication competence requires sufficientawareness knowledge, motivations, and skills. Each of these components alone is sufficient to achieve intercultural communication competence.II. Translation: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. stereotypes2. paralanguage3. ethnocentrism4. masculinity5. high-context culture6. monochronic time7. speech act 8. conversation taboos9. vocal qualifiers 10. power distance11. 译码12.偏见13. 文化震惊14.不确定性回避15. 概念意义16.语用错误17. 礼貌原则18.归纳法19. 空间语言20.礼仪与礼节III. Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer. (每题 1 分,共20 分)1. Understanding another culture .a. enables businesspeople to know why foreign associates believe andact as they dob. is best achieved through “do’s and don’ts” listsc. is important for businesspeople because they can appear to bebetter informedd. isn’t necessary for businesspeople2. Non-linear languages .a. are object orientedb. see time as a continuum of present, past andfuture c. are circular, tradition oriented andsubjectived. lead to short-range planning in business practices3. Which statement about values is incorrecta. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons ina culture.b. Values are learned by contacts with family members, teachers,and religious leaders.c. Values will be influenced by what is seen on television or read innewspapers.d. People in various cultures have basically similar values.4. People from cultures that follow the monochronic time system tendto a. do one thing at a time.b. be committed to people.c. borrow and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationships.5. Which statement regarding haptics is incorrecta. In Thailand, it is offensive to touch the head.b. Japan is considered a "don't touch" culture.c. Greece is considered a "touch" culture.d. In Latin American countries, touching between men is unacceptable.6. The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is .a. a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipb. a view of group orientation structure of social relationshipc. a view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipd. none of the above7. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone fromanother culture include all of the following except:a. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.8. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshakea. In the ., a handshake should be firm.b.An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival anddeparture. d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.9. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrecta. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c. When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with thefacts and goes to generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation withdifferent cultures.10. Which statement is incorrecta. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledgeof another culture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messagesin intercultural encounters.d. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watchthe behavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.11. Language is important because ita. helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls howwe perceive others.b. allows us to be understood by foreigners.c. is determined by colonialism.d. is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12. Which of the following countries uses high-context languagea. Canadab. Germanyc. Japand. United States13. Slang is generallya. understood by everyone.b. spoken by the masses.c. easily translated.d. used by subgroups.14. Nonverbal communication does not includea. chromatics.b. chronemics.c. haptics.d. semantics.15. Dominance, harmony, and subjugation are all value orientations that correspond to which of the following cultural problemsa. What is the nature of human beingsb. What is the relationship of humans to naturec. What is the orientation of humans to timed. What is the human orientation to activity16. Proverbs are significant to the study of intercultural communicationbecause .a. they provide a compact description of a culture’s valuesb. they tell a great deal about what a culture praises and what itrejects c. they unite a people with the wisdom of their ancestorsd. all of the above17. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidancea. One group's truth should not be imposed onothers. b. Scientific opponents cannot be personalfriends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.18. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is thata. language is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b. two languages can represent the same social reality.c. the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speakthe language.d. language functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.19. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated bya. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possesscertain personal and professional qualifications.20. Which of the following statement is incorrecta. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpful whenconversing with persons in another culture.b. We need to keep things in perspective and not get offended each timewe deal with someone who has a different attitude toward touchingc. Good advice when communicating with persons in other cultures isto keep gestures to a minimumd. Although oral communication varies from culture to culture, non-verbal communication is almost always interpreted the same in eachculture.IV. Answer the following essay question. (共 20 分)Compare and contrast the following proverbs from two different cultures: “It is the duck that squawks that gets shot” and “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”How do people from these cultures perceive silence and talk In light of their different perceptions, how might they view each other What problems might arise in their interactionsV. Case Analysis: Analyze the following conversation from an intercultural perspective. (共 20 分)The following conversation took place between two Chinese friends.A: We’re going to New Orleans this weekend.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be thereA: Three days.B: Do you need a ride to the airport I’ll take you.A: Are you sure it’s not too much troubleB: No, no. It’s no trouble at all.Case Analysis: Analyze the following conversation f rom an intercultural perspective.参考答案及评分标准A 卷VI. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for “true” a nd F for “false”. (每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T11. F 12. F 13. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. FVII.Translation: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese.(每题 1 分,共20 分)1. stereotypes 定势/刻板印象2. paralanguage 辅助语言/副语言3. ethnocentrism 民族中心主义4. masculinity 男性特征5. high-context culture 高语境文化6. m onochronic t ime 单一时间观念7. speech act 言语行为8. conversation taboos 对话禁忌9. vocal qualifiers 声音修饰10. power distance 权力距离11. 译码 decoding 12. 偏见prejudice13. 文化震惊 cultural shock 14. 不确定性回避uncertaintyavoidance15. 概念意义 denotational meaning 16. 语用错误 pragmatic f ailure17. 礼貌原则 the Politeness Principle 18. 归纳法inductivepattern19. 空间语言 spatial language/proximics 20. 礼仪与礼节etiquette andprotocolVIII. Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer. (每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. a2. a3. d4. a5. d6. a7. a8. d9. c 10. b11. a 12. c 13. d 14. d 15. b 16. d 17. a 18. d 19. d 20. d IX. Answer the following essay question. (共 20 分)测试重点: Compare and contrast the proverbs “It is the duck that squawks that gets shot”and “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”The former is an English proverbwhile the latter is a Chinese proverb. In light of their different perceptions, the two cultures might differ in terms of silence and talk etc. and problems might arise in their interactions.评分标准:从以上角度进行分析,其他根据具体答题情况酌情。

对外经贸大学跨文化交际导论期末考试题对外经济贸易大学《跨文化交际(英)》期末考试I.True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is tme orfalse. Write T for "true” and F for “false”.(每题 1 分? 共20 分)1.The tenn “intercultural coniniumcation M was fiist used by Geert Hofstede ill 1959.2? Hall defines culture as the "software of the mind" that guides us ill our daily interactions ?3.In most of Afiica, Argentina and Peru, putting one^s index finger to his temple means'You are crazy/4.Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes yourexperiences and guides your behavior toward a paiticular group of people?5.\alues aie social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a cultme?They are the imiennost “skin of the oniony6.People from some cultures may lower their gaze to convey respect, whereas this may betuiderstood as evading or even insulting in other cultiues?7.Unbuttoning one^s coat is a sign of openness, fi iendliness or willingness to reach anagieement.8.In order for iiitercultiiral negotiation to be successful, the parties must providefor a wiii-lose situation.9.Edward Hall's theory states that the fdur levels embody the total concept of culturelike an onion 一symbols, heroes, rituals, and values?10. Successfill intercultiual business conununication involves knowing the ethnocentrismsof persons in other cultaes. Understanding the mindsets of both oneself and the person of another culture will result in more efficient communication.11? Etlmocentrism is the belief that somebody else,s cultural background、including ways of analyzing problenis, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and non verbalcommunication, is better than our own?12? People ill the United States place a greater emphasis on liistory and do not like change as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultiwes.13.When dealing with German business people, you should avoid jokes and other forms ofhumor during the actual business sessions.14.In the business ciicle, American business people use fii st names immediately.15? Companies should avoid sending female employees to the Middle East, as in Aiab coimtries men may refiise to work with women.16.In Southeast Asia, you should avoid presenting your business card with your right hand17.Wlien accepting a business card, Gennan business people carefiilly look at the card、observe the title and organizatioiL acknowledge with a nod that they have digested the information, and perhaps make arelevant comment or ask a polite question.18.The OK sign may be iiiteipreted as asking for money by Japanese business people.19.Nonverbal communication is important to the study of intercultmal communicationbecause a great deal of nonverbal behavior speaks a universal language.20.In short,iiitercultiiral communication competence requiies sufficient awarenessknowledge, motivations, and skills. Each of these components alone is sufficient to achieve intercultmal conmiunication conopetence?II.Tdmskdion: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese.(每题 1 分?共20 分)1. stereotypes3.etlinocentrism5.high-context culture 7.speech act9.vocal qualifiers 2.paralangiiage4.masculinity6.monochronic time 8.conversation taboos 10.power distance12.偏见14.不确定性回避16.语用错误18.归纳法20.礼仪与礼节III. Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer.(每题 1 分,共20分)1? Understanding another cultuie ____________ .a. enables businesspeople to know why foreign associates believe and act as theydob ? is best achieved tlirough “do's and don'ts^ listsc. is important for businesspeople because they can appear to be better informedd. isn't necessary for businesspeople2. Non-liiiear languages ________ .a. are object orientedb ? see time as a continuum of present, past and fiitiirec.are circular, tradition oriented and subjective d. lead to short-range planning in business practices3? Which statement about values is incorivct?a. \alues are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in aculture.b. \alues are learned by contacts with family members, teachers, and religiousleaders.c. "Values will be influenced by what is seen on television or read innewspapers.d. People in various cultiues have basically similar values.4. People from cultiues that follow the monoclironic time system tend toa.do one thing at a time. b. be committed to people.11.译码 13.文化震惊 15.概念意义 17.礼貌原则 19.空间语言c?boiTOW and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationsliips.5? Which statement regarding haptics is incorrect?a.Ill Thailand, it is offensive to touch the head.b.Japan is considered a "don't touch11 culture.c.Greece is considered a ”touch” culture?d.Ill Latin American comitries, touching between men is miacceptable.6. The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is _________ ?a. a view of hierarchical stmcture of social relationshipb. a view of group orientation stmctiue of social relationsliipc. a view of individual orientation stnictiire of social relationshipd.none of the above7? General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another cultiu e include all of the following except:a.politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b.avoid telling jokes.c.avoid personal questions.d.keep the conversation positive.8.Wliich statement best describes an incorrect handshake?a.Ill the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b? An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c.Germans repeat a bnisque handshake upon anival and departure.d. A British handshake is film and repeated frequently.9.Which statement refeniiig to thouglit patterns is inconvct?/doc/fb7560339.html,ns typically use theinductive method of reasoning.b? Thouglit patterns impact oral conmiunication.c.Wlien using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts andgoes to generalizations.d.Recognizing different thouglit patterns is important in negotiation withdifferent cultxues.10.Which statement is incoiTect?a.Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge ofanother cultured nonverbal conmiimication patterns.b.Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures?c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultiiral encounters.d.When in another culture、an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.11 ? Language is important because it ________a.helps us shape concepts, contiols how we think, and controls how we perceiveothers.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners?c.is determined by colonialism?d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12.Which of the following comitries uses liigh-context language?a.Canadab.Germanyc.Japand.United States13.Slang is generally _______a.imderstood by everyone.b.spoken by the masses.c.easily translated./doc/fb7560339.html,ed by subgroups?14.Nonverbal conmiunication does not include __________a.chromatics.b.clironemics.c.haptics.d.semantics.15.Dominance, harmony and subjugation are all value orientations that conespond to。



2012 .4
通过调查,我们发现当前国内 MTI 课程设置存在着 与英语语言文学专业下设的翻译方向未有明显区 别、课程结构不合理、特色不突出等问题。
一、目前 MTI 课程设置中的问题
1.与学术型学位研究生教育区别不明显 MTI 教育是专业学位研究生教育,不同于英语 语言文学专业下设的以培养学术型研究生为主的翻 译方向研究生教育。 学术型学位研究生教育侧重理 论、学术研究,强调培养从事研究和发现客观规律的 科研后备人才。 专业学位作为具有职业背景的一种 学位类型,“与学术型学位虽处于同一层次,但专业 学位研究生教育职业指向性非常明确,设立专业学 位主要是为了满足特定社会职业的专业人才需求, 专业学位表征的主要是其获得者具备了特定社会职 业所要求的专业能力和素养,具备了从业的基本条 件,能够运用专业领域已有的理论、知识和技术有效 地从事专业工作,合理地解决专业问题”[1]。 体现在课程设置上,学术型学位研究生教育的 课程设置有明显的学科化、理论性、专业性特征,即 课程设置一般遵照专业基础课、专业课、专业方向课 的方式进行组织,而作为有明确职业导向的专业学 位,MTI 的课程设置则应注重实践性,并在课程内容 上加大与其他相关学科知识的交叉和融合。 但在调 查中我们发现,有些培养单位显然没有深刻把握专 业学位的内涵,基本上仍沿用翻译方向研究生教育 的课程组织模式,课程体系要素相对局限于本学科 范围之内,或者即使加大一些偏重技能培训和实践 性的选修课比重,但从根本上看也是换汤不换药,学 科化、学术化的倾向非常明显,更像是在学术型学位 教育的基础上做了一些改良而已。 表 1 是某 MTI 培养单位笔译方向的课程表,可 以看出其必修课的构成与学术型翻译研究生的基本 相似,构成要素多为本学科学位基础课和专业课。选 修课中除翻译研究方法论、计算机辅助翻译、国际政 治翻译和法律翻译等研究方法类课程和交叉学科课 程较好地体现了 MTI 专业学位的特色外,设置的其 他选修课与学术型翻译研究生课程并无大的区别。 2.课程结构不合理 课程结构指课程体系的各组成部分之间的比例


第一部分:关于对外经济贸易大学英语学院简介:第二部分:关于对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研复习专业指导:一、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究方向:01 商务英语02 跨文化商务交际03 翻译学二、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研考试科目:101思想政治理论272二外俄语或273二外法语或274二外德语或275二外日语或277二外西语761基础英语861综合英语三、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研复试分数线情况一览(近三年):2018年:2017年:2016年:四、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研报录比情况一览(近三年):2018年:2017年:2016年:五、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生拟录取情况(2018年名单):六、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研专业课复习参考书目:《新祥旭对外经贸761、861考研应试宝典》七、对外经济贸易大学英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研辅导授课计划:第一阶段,专业课基础巩固,基础知识部分全面提升,讲解书本上的难点与重点。




对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2009-2010学年第二学期跨文化交际导论(英) 复习大纲课程名称: ENG338a【跨文化交际导论(英)】考核方式: 开卷笔试[占总分的70%]复习范围:以指定教材(第1-9章)为主,课件内容为辅。
试题形式:客观试题50 题,每题2分,题型共三种形式:I. Definition Matching.Match the terms with their definitions. (给术语配对定义,10题,1题2分,共20分)II. True-False. Circle A if the statement is true; circle B if it is false. (判断各句是否正确,20题,1题2分,共40分)III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. (在所给的4个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案,20题,1题2分,共40分)复习方法:●认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这门跨学科课程的特点;●理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的Learning Objectives,不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角度对文化差异进行分析、记忆、总结;●要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力;●参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度,熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。
跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题(答案供参考)Ⅰ. Match the following terms with their definition. (20%)1.the study of the way that people use physical space to convey messages. B2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. E4.the total activity of learning one's culture. C5.social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. DA.Temporal language/chronemicsB.Behavior communicationC.Spatial language/proxemicsD.EnculturationE.Values6. between nations and governments rather than individuals A7. perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C8. a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts B9. volume, pitch, and rate that affects message meaning E10. the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings DA.internationalB.contextC.valueD.stereotypesE.paralanguageⅡ.True or FalseMark A if the statement is true; mark B if it is false.11.When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one'sfamily and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B12.Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A13.Since all cultures share the same basic values, cultures attach the same meanings to thesebasic values. B14.Primary values are the most important. A15.Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. A16.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change ascompared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. B17.The behavior of John lying in bed and reading a novel is a two-way contact. B18.Linear Model is one of the earliest and still the most useful attempts to describe thecommunication process A19.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B20.Intercultural communication as a discipline was not established in U.S. until the 1980s. A21.Without the cultural rules people also can behave properly. B22.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned. A23.Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture. B24.In Germany, business gifts are usually exchanged at the beginning of formal negotiations.A25.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A26.No country is completely self-sufficient. A27.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which the politeness is achievedmay vary significantly. A28.International English is used only by businesspeople who practice English as a secondlanguage. B29.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B30.The process of learning culture is always conscious. B31.Ethnocentrism leads to a objective evaluation of how another culture conducts its dailybusiness. A32.The hierarchy is a theory has not been proven applicable to all the countries. A33.Cultures may differ, but communication practices do not differ. B34.Culture is ongoing and subject to change. A35.The term “co-cultures” suggests the inequal ity between groups. B36.Chinese is an example of linear language. Amunication barriers are caused by the same communication having different meanings indifferent cultures. B38.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A39.Power distance in the United States is comparatively high. B40.Pragmatic failure is the inability to understand what is meant by what is said. A41.Values motivate people. A42.Attitudes are the same thing as values. A43.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have the same values. B44.In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learn the "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture. A45.Social class is unimportant in negotiator selection. B46. Relationship building is important in Arab and Latin America. A47. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed through material possessions. B48. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn their own culture through what is said and done. A48. Consumers in high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to perceive little or no risk in the purchase of new products . A49. Intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, motivations, and skills. A50. Values are enduring attitudes about the preferability of one belief over another. B51. Cultures are so different that we will never be able to communicatesuccessfully. B52. Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A53. Today intercultural communication encounters are different from encountersof the past. A54. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and pastevents, but they may not feel that this distinction is important enough to createa system of verb tense. A55. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of anyculture. B56. Values are learned; they are not innate. A57. Long-term-oriented cultures are characterized by patience, perseverance, and respect forone’s elders and ancestors. A58. Nonverbal aspects are very important in low-context cultures. B59. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussingone's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. A60. Chinese is an example of a linear language. B61. Language serves as the only guide to how a culture perceives reality. A61. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and past events, but they maynot feel that this distinction is important enough to create a system of verb tense. A 62. Globalization is the ability of a corporation to take a product and market it anywhere in theworld. A63. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-losesituation. A64. In some countries, using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way ofdoing business. B65. As they become globalized, companies will have to train their work forces to deal with multiculturality. A66. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to remain closefriends in spite of differing opinions. B66. Even if the language is common to both cultures, one culture may restrict the meaning of certain words. A67. In their business letters, the French do not usually apologize for mistakes. A68. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed throughmaterial possessions. B69. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn the ir own culturethrough what is said and done. A70. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is veryimportant. A、Ⅲ. Multiple ChoicesMark the letter corresponding to the correct response. C1. What country ranks the lowest on individualism?A.AustraliaB. CanadaC.GuatemalaD. United States2.Proponents of which attitude feel that self-interest is an appropriate goal? CA.Uncertainty-reductionB. AttributionC. IndividualismD. Collectivism3. Language is important because it AA.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.B. allows us to be understood by foreigners.C.is determined by colonialism.D.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.4. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? CA.CanadaB. GermanyC.JapanD. United States5. Which one of the following statements is not among the functions of culture offered by Dressler and Carns? CA.Culture makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to respond toour actions.B.Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learnedand that we share in common.C.Culture leads to better understanding in business.D.Culture provides the knowledge and skill necessary for meeting sustenance needs.6. Culture can be classified in all the following ways except Ba)Artifact, concepts and behaviorb)Positive culture and negative culturec) A level of values and a level of resultant behaviour or artifacts of some formd)An invisible level and a visible level7. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the button causingit not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a DA.linear explanation.B.verbose explanation.C.nonlinear explanation.D.why explanation.8. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Ding the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.B.Qualifying slang terms.C.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the second language.9.Which of the following greeting way is somewhat unique to Chinese? BA. Giving regards to others.B. Commenting on something.C. Using address forms as greeting.D. Using nonverbal forms as greeting.10.The styles of paragraph development for oriental countries could be described as DA. a vertical straight line.B. zigzagged lines.C. a circular, spiral lineD. a digressive, back-and-forth zigzag.11. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? CA. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.B. Thought patterns impact oral communication.C.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes togeneralizations.D. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.12. Which statement is incorrect? BA. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.B. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.C. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.D. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior ofthe persons you are talking with and match their style.13.People of which type of society believe their truth is the only truth? AA.IndividualisticB. Strong-uncertainty avoidanceC.CollectivisticD.Weak-uncertainty avoidance14.What we are willing to die for and what we deem worthy of protection is determined byour ___? BA.belief systemB.value systemC.attitude processesD.social organizations15. Slang is generally DA.understood by everyone.B.spoken by the masses.C.easily translated.ed by subgroups.16. Nonverbal communication does not include DA. chromatics.B. chronemics.C. haptics.D. semantics.17. As a result of globalization, new issues facing corporations include DA.cultural differences in work ethicsB.stereotyping by members of international teamsC.personnel who are overqualified for overseas positionsD. a & b18. The classic The Silent Language published in 1959, was written by DA.KluckhohnB.BenedictC.MeadD.Edward Hall19. Which of the following has occurred due to advances in technology? BA.People are beginning to spend more time with family members.B.The number of relationships we have with people have decreased.C.People have more frequent contact with people from other cultures.D.People are gaining a clearer sense of who they really are.20. It is important to study intercultural communication because CA. it is a necessary and worthwhile pursuit.B. most people are more alike than they realize.C. cultural differences bring people together.D. intercultural communication is subjective.21. ______ are the most important. AA. Primary valuesB.Secondary valuesC.Tertiary valuesD.None of the above22. In cultures that tend toward individualism, what aspects are encouraged? DA. competitionB.personal goalsC.individual rightsD.all of the above23. We learn culture DA.from folk tales, legends and mythsB.in conscious or unconscious waysC.through art and mass mediaD.all of the above24. Which statement least represents U.S. values? CA. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness.B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure.C. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future.D.U.S. Americans value equality over inequality.25. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? DA.One group's truth should not be imposed on others.B.Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.C.Citizen protest should be repressed.D.Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people26. Which time orientation is held by cultures that value living and realizing the potential of today? CA.past orientation to timeB.immutable orientation to timeC.present orientation to timeD.mutable orientation to time27. Which of the following value orientations emerged from the Chinese research team? AA.long-term versus short-term orientationB.masculinity/femininity orientationC.preferred form of activity orientationD.uncertainty avoidance orientation28. The notions of masculinity and femininity BA.are universal for every culture across time.B.are not just based on biological differences.C.have not changed through the ages.D.have well-established and understood meanings.29. From what areas of the world do most of today's immigrants to the United States come? D and Latin AmericaB.Mexico and Eastern EuropeC.Haiti and ChinaD.Eastern Europe and the Middle East30. The China Association for Intercultural Communication is held ______. BA. once a yearB. every two yearsC. every three yearsD. every four years31. Who of the following would feel most comfortable with silence during a conversation? Amanager from _____. CE.the United StatesF.GermanyG.Great BritainH.Japan32 Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect? AA.U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe.B.In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded.C.The Japanese attitude toward work is very group-oriented.D.In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age.33. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? DA.The structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakersB.The structure of a language influences thought patterns and worldviews of its speakersnguage functions as a way of shaping one’s experienceD.There is a general agreement concerning the validity of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis34. Which statement is incorrect? Dnguage is a reflection of the environmentnguage is reflection of cultural valuesnguage is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language.D. A good mastering of a foreign language equals a complete understanding of its culture.35. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? Ca. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goesto generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.36. Which statement is incorrect? Ba. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.d.When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.37. Language is important because it Aa.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners.c.is determined by colonialism.d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.38. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? DB.CanadaC.GermanyD.JapanE.United States39. Slang is generally HE.understood by everyone.F.spoken by the masses.G.easily translated.ed by subgroups.40. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture includeall of the following except: Ca. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.41. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake? Ca. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.42. Language is important because it Ee.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.f.allows us to be understood by foreigners.g.is determined by colonialism.h.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.43. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? AF.CanadaG.GermanyH.JapanI.United States44. Slang is generally LI.understood by everyone.J.spoken by the masses.K.easily translated.ed by subgroups.45. Nonverbal communication does not include Da. chromatics.b. chronemics.c.haptics.d. semantics.46. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the buttoncausing it not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a HE.linear explanation.F.verbose explanation.G.nonlinear explanation.H.why explanation.47. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Hing the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.F.Qualifying slang terms.G.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the secondlanguage.48. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? Ba. One group's truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.49. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is that Dnguage is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b.two languages can represent the same social reality.c.the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak thelanguage.nguage functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.50. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated by Da. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal andprofessional qualifications.。


《长江丛刊·理论研究》2017.10对外贸易中跨文化交际能力的应用夏 青【摘 要】对外贸易是国际经济交流的主要方式,在国际经济交往中占有重要的地位。
【关键词】对外贸易 跨文化 交际能力一、跨文化交际能力Spitzberg(1989)认为,跨文化交际能力是指即在跨文化交际语境中(特定场景),交际者得体(符合目的文化的社会规范、行为模式和价值取向)、有效(实现交际目标)的行为。
Yong Yun Kim认为跨文化交际能力由认知能力、情感能力和行为能力构成,三者互相联系、互相影响,不可分割。
Judith Martin和Thomas Nakayama认为,跨文化交际能力模式包括知识因素、情感因素、心智活动特征和情景特征四个要素。
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