



《二次根式》单元测试卷班级姓名一、选择题1.下列各式中,不是二次根式的是()A.B C D 2.化简(-3)2的结果是( )A.3 B.-3 C.±3 D.93.下列四个等式中,不成立的是( )A.23-1=2(3+1)(3-1)(3+1)=2(3+1)2=3+1B.2(2+3)=2+ 6 C.(1-2)2=3-2 2 D.(3-2)2=3-24.代数式x+4x-2中,x的取值范围是( )A.x≥-4 B.x>2 C.x≥-4且x≠2 D.x>-4且x≠2 5.计算:48+23-75的结果是( )A. 3 B.1 C.5 3 D.63-75 6.若2x+1+|y+3|=0,则(x+y)2的值为( )A.52B.-52C.72D.-727.已知x、y为实数,y=x-2+2-x +4,则y x的值等于( ) A.8 B.4 C.6 D.168.如果2)224x x +--<(,那么的值等于( )A 、x +4B 、x -C 、x --4D 、x9.实数a 、b 在数轴上的对应位置如图所示,则(a -b)2+|b|的值为()A .a -2bB .aC .-aD .a +2b10.有两棵树,高度分别为6米、2米,它们相距5米,一只小鸟从一棵树的树梢飞到另一棵树的树梢,至少飞了多少米( )A .41 B. C .3 D .9二、填空题11.当x_______时,-3+x 有意义. 12.计算: (22-3)(3+22)=________。

13.= 14写出一个无理数,使它与2的积为有理数: 。

15.化简:216.若正三角形的边长为25cm ,则这个正三角形的面积是_______cm 2。

17.当x =2+3时,x 2-4x +2005=_________。

18.观察下列等式:①121-=2+1;②231-=3+2;③341-=4+3;……,请用字母表示你所发现的规律: 。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版湘教版数学八年级下册第一单元测试题(时间:120分钟 分值:120分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.下列长度的三条线段能组成直角三角形的是( )A .42A .33) A .3B .4C .5D .无法求出第3题图第4题图4 ) A.833mB 5.如图,PQ A.3B .2 C .3 D .2 3第5题图第6题图6.如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,∠A =30°,AB 的垂直平分线分别交AB 和AC 于点D ,E ,AE =2,则CE 的长为( )A .1 B. 2 C.3D. 57.如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,AC =12,BC =5,AM =AC ,BN =BC ,则MN 的长为( )A .2B .2.6C .3D .48.如图,AB ∥CD ,BP 和CP 分别平分∠ABC 和∠DCB ,AD 过点P ,且与AB 垂直.若AD =8,则点P 到BC 的距离是( ) A .8 B .6 C .4 D .2第7题图第8题图第10题图9.设a,b是直角三角形的两条直角边,若该三角形的周长为6,斜边长为2.5,则ab的值是()A.1.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.310.如图,∠ABC=90°,AB=6,BC=8,AD=CD=7,若点P到AC的距离为5,则点P 在四边形A.0个B11.在Rt12.已知,.13________________.第13题图第14题图14线AB15.AB=80.1米,参考数据:2≈1.41,3≈1.73).第15题图第16题图1617.如图,在等腰△ABC中,AB=AC,BC边上的高AD=6cm,腰AB上的高CE=8cm,则△ABC的周长等于________cm.第17题图第18题图18.如图,AB=6,点O是AB的中点,直线l经过点O,∠1=120°,点P是直线l上一点,当△APB为直角三角形时,AP=____________.三、解答题(共66分)19.(6分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD是AB边上的中线,将△ADC沿AC边所在的直线折叠,使点D落在点E处,得到四边形ABCE.求证:EC∥AB.20.(8分)证明命题“角的平分线上的点到角的两边的距离相等”,要根据题意,画出图形,并用符号表示已知和求证,写出证明过程,下面是小明同学根据题意画出的图形,并写出了不完整的已知和求证.已知:如图,∠AOC=∠BOC,点P在OC上,______________________________________________________________________________________________.求证:________.请你补全已知和求证,并写出证明过程.21.(10分)如图,∠A=∠B=90°,E是AB上的一点,且AE=BC,∠1=∠2.(1)Rt△ADE与Rt△BEC全等吗?并说明理由;(2)△CDE是不是直角三角形?并说明理由.22.(10分)如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AD是∠BAC的平分线,DE⊥AB于点E,点F 在AC上,BD=DF.求证:(1)CF=EB;(2)AB=AF+2EB.23.(10分)如图,一根长63的木棒(AB),斜靠在与地面(OM)垂直的墙(ON)上,与地面的倾斜角(∠ABO)为60°.当木棒A端沿墙下滑到点A′时,B端沿地面向右滑行至点B′.(1)求OB的长;(2)当AA′=1时,求BB′的长.24.(10分)如图所示,在Rt△ABC中,AB=CB,ED⊥CB,垂足为D点,且∠CED=60°,∠EAB=30°,AE=2,求CB的长.25.(12分)如图,南北方向PQ以东为我国领海,以西为公海,晚上10时28分,我国边防反偷渡巡逻101号艇在A处发现其正西方向的C处有一艘可疑船只正向我国领海靠近,便立即通知正在PQ上B处巡逻的103号艇注意其动向,经测量AC=10海里,AB=6海里,BC=8海里,若该船只的速度为12.8海里/时,则可疑船只最早何时进入我国领海?参考答案与解析1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.D10.A 解析:过点D 作DE ⊥AC ,BF ⊥AC ,垂足分别为E ,F .在Rt △ABC 中,AC =AB 2+BC 2=10,BF =6×810=4.8<5;在△ACD 中,∵AD =CD ,∴AE =CE =5,DE =72-52=26<5,则点P 在四边形ABCD 边上的个数为0个.故选A. 14.2 15.2.916.3π2+1 解析:如图所示,∵无弹性的丝带从A 至C ,绕了1.5圈,∴展开后AB =1.5×2π3或33或37.19.证明:∵CD 是AB 边上的中线,且∠ACB =90°,∴CD =AD ,∴∠CAD =∠ACD .(3分)又∵△ACE 是由△ACD 沿AC 边所在的直线折叠而成,∴∠ECA =∠ACD ,∴∠ECA =∠CAD ,∴EC ∥AB .(6分)20.解:PD ⊥OA ,PE ⊥OB ,垂足分别为点D ,E (2分) PD =PE (4分) 证明如下:∵PD ⊥OA ,PE ⊥OB ,∴∠PDO =∠PEO =90°.在△PDO 和△PEO 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧∠PDO =∠PEO ,∠AOC =∠BOC ,OP =OP ,∴△PDO ≌△PEO (AAS),∴PD =PE .(8分) 21.解:(1)全等.(1分)理由如下:∵∠1=∠2,∴DE =CE .∵∠A =∠B =90°,AE =BC ,∴Rt △ADE ≌Rt △BEC (HL).(5分)(2)△CDE 是直角三角形.(6分)理由如下:∵Rt △ADE ≌Rt △BEC ,∴∠AED =∠BCE .∵∠BCE +∠BEC =90°,∴∠BEC +∠AED =90°,∴∠DEC =90°,∴△CDE 是直角三角形.(10分)22.证明:(1)∵AD 是∠BAC 的平分线,DE ⊥AB ,DC ⊥AC ,∴DE =DC .(2分)在Rt △DCF和Rt △(2)在Rt 分)∴23)(2)在Rt ′=AB =分)24.解:过E 点作EF ⊥AB ,垂足为点F .∵∠EAB =30°,AE =2,∴EF =1,∴BD =1.(3分)又∵∠-30°=3,∴25且∠海里.只从被发现到进入我国领海的时间为6.4÷12.8=0.5(小时),(10分)∴可疑船只最早10时58分进入我国领海.(12分)湘教版数学八年级下册第二单元测试题(时间:120分钟分值:120分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.如果一个多边形的内角和是720°,那么这个多边形是()A.四边形B.五边形C.六边形D.七边形2.在下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()3.下列命题是真命题的是()ABCD4.A.3.5 B.4 C.7 D.14第4题图第5题图第6题图5BC 的长为(A.6DCAC.7两位同学的作法分别如下:对于甲、乙两人的作法,可判断()A.甲正确,乙错误B.甲错误,乙正确C.甲、乙均正确D.甲、乙均错误8.在▱ABCD中,AB=3,BC=4,当▱ABCD的面积最大时,下列结论:①AC=5;②∠A+∠C=180°;③AC⊥BD;④AC=BD,其中正确的有()A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④9.为增加绿化面积,某小区将原来正方形地砖更换为如图所示的正八边形植草砖,更换后,图中阴影部分为植草区域.设正八边形与其内部小正方形的边长都为a,则阴影部分的面积为()A.2a2 B.3a2 C.4a2 D.5a210.,AE=CF=A.71112点C两地之间的距离是________米.第12题图第13题图13一个条件1415.如图,在▱ABCD中,BE平分∠ABC,BC=6,DE=2,则▱ABCD的周长等于________.第15题图第16题图16角∠A,AD=________.17.如图,在正方形ABCD中,AC为对角线,点E在AB边上,EF⊥AC于点F,连接EC,AF=3,△EFC的周长为12,则EC的长为________.第17题图第18题图18.如图,菱形ABCD中,点E,F分别是BC,CD的中点,过点E作EG⊥AD于点G,连接GF,EF.若∠A=80°,则∠DGF的度数为________.三、解答题(共66分)19.(8分)一个多边形内角和的度数比外角和的度数的4倍多180度,求这个多边形的边数.20.(8分)如图,在锐角三角形ABC中,AD⊥BC于点D,点E,F,G分别是AC,AB,BC的中点.求证:FG=DE.21.(12分)如图,在▱ABCD中,点E,F为对角线AC上的两点,且AE=CF,连接DE,BF.(1)写出图中所有的全等三角形;(2)求证:DE∥BF.22.(12分)如图,在▱ABCD中,E,F分别是边AD,BC上的点,且AE=CF,直线EF 分别交BA的延长线,DC的延长线于点G,H,交BD于点O.(1)求证:△ABE≌△CDF;(2)连接DG,若DG=BG,则四边形BEDF是什么特殊四边形?请说明理由.23.(12分)如图,将矩形ABCD折叠使A,C重合,折痕交BC于E,交AD于F,连接AE,CF,AC.(1)求证:四边形AECF为菱形;(2)若AB=4,BC=8,①求菱形AECF的边长;②求折痕EF的长.24.(14分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,过点C的直线MN∥AB,D为AB边上一点,过点D作DE⊥BC,交直线MN于点E,垂足为点F,连接CD,BE.(1)求证:CE=AD;(2)当点D为AB的中点时,四边形BECD是什么特殊四边形?说明你的理由;(3)若点D为AB的中点,当∠A的大小满足什么条件时,四边形BECD是正方形?请说明你的理由.参考答案与解析1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D7.C8.B解析:根据平行四边形的面积公式及“垂线段最短”的性质可知,当其面积最大时,其一边上的高与邻边重合,即其形状为矩形.此时,AC=AB2+BC2=32+42=5,故①正确;∠A=∠C=90°,∴∠A+∠C=180°,故②正确;若AC⊥BD,则此矩形又为正方形,有AB=BC,显然不符合题意,故③错误;根据矩形的对角线相等的性质,可知AC =BD,故④正确,综上可知,①②④正确.故选B.9.A10.C解析:如图所示,由题意易证△ABE≌△CDF.∴∠ABE=∠CDF.∵∠AEB=∠,,=EF,n=)(2)证明:∵AE=CF,∴AF=CE.(8分)∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB=CD,AB ∥CD,∴∠BAF=∠DCE.在△ABF和△CDE中,AB=CD,∠BAF=∠DCE,AF=CE,∴△ABF≌△CDE(SAS),∴∠AFB=∠CED,∴DE∥BF.(12分)22.(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB=CD,∠BAE=∠DCF.(3分)又∵AE=CF,∴△ABE≌△CDF.(6分)(2)解:四边形BEDF是菱形.(7分)理由如下:∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AD =BC,AD∥BC.∵AE=CF,∴DE=BF,∴四边形BEDF是平行四边形,∴BO=DO.(9分)又∵BG=DG,∴GO⊥BD,∴四边形BEDF是菱形.(12分)23.(1)证明:∵矩形ABCD折叠使A,C重合,折痕为EF,∴OA=OC,EF⊥AC,EA=EC .∵AD ∥BC ,∴∠F AC =∠ECA .(2分)在△AOF 和△COE 中,⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧∠F AO =∠ECO ,AO =CO ,∠AOF =∠COE ,∴△AOF≌△COE ,∴OF =OE .(4分)∴四边形AECF 为菱形.(6分)(2)解:①设菱形AECF 的边长为x ,则AE =CE =x ,BE =BC -CE =8-x .(7分)在Rt △ABE 中,∵BE 2+AB 2=AE 2,∴(8-x )2+42=x 2,解得x =5,即菱形的边长为5.(9分)②在Rt △ABC 中,AC =AB 2+BC 2=45,∴OA =12AC =2 5.在Rt △AOE 中,OE =AE 2-AO 2=5,∴EF =2OE =2 5.(12分) 24.(1)证明:∵DE ⊥BC ,∴∠DFB =90°.∵∠ACB =90°,∴∠ACB =∠DFB ,∴AC ∥DE .(2分)∵MN ∥AB ,∴四边形ADEC 是平行四边形,∴CE =AD .(4分)(2)解:四边形BECD 是菱形.(5分)理由如下:∵点D 为AB 的中点,∴AD =BD .∵CE =AD ,∴BD =CE .∵BD ∥CE ,∴四边形BECD 是平行四边形.(7分)∵∠ACB =90°,点D 为AB 的中点,∴CD =BD ,∴四边形BECD 是菱形.(9分)(3)解:当∠A =45°时,四边形BECD 是正方形.(10分)理由如下:∵∠ACB =90°,∠A =45°,∴∠ABC =∠A =45°,∴AC =BC .∵点D 为BA 的中点,∴CD ⊥AB ,∴∠CDB =90°.(12分)由(2)知四边形BECD 是菱形,∴四边形BECD 是正方形.即当∠A =45°时,四边形BECD 是正方形.(14分)。

















八年级下册第一二单元综合测试题班级_______ 姓名______________ 成绩_______一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1、下列不等式中,是一元一次不等式的是( )A 、x 1 +1>2B 、x 2>9C 、2x +y ≤5D 、21 (x -3)<0 2.如图1,某同学把一块三角形的玻璃打碎成三片,现在他要到玻璃店去配一块完全一样形状的玻璃.那么最省事的办法是带( )去配.A . ①B . ②C . ③D . ①和②3、若不等式2x <4的解都能使关于x 的一次不等式(a ﹣1)x <a+5成立,则a 的取值范围是( )A 、1<a≤7B 、a≤7C 、a <1或a≥7D 、a=74、若关于x 的方程3x +2m =2的解是正数,则m 的取值范围是( )A 、m >1B 、m <1C 、m ≥1D 、m ≤1 5、如果不等式组213(1)x x x m->-⎧⎨<⎩的解集是x <2,那么m 的取值范围是( )A 、m=2B 、m >2C 、m <2D 、m≥26.如图6,A 、C 、E 三点在同一条直线上,△DAC 和△EBC 都是等边三角形,AE 、BD 分别与CD 、CE 交于点M 、N ,有如下结论:① △ACE ≌△DCB ;② CM =CN ;③ AC =DN. 其中,正确结论的个数是( ).A .3个B .2个C . 1个D .0个7.要测量河两岸相对的两点A 、B 的距离,先在AB 的垂线BF 上取两点C ,D ,使CD=BC ,再作出BF 的垂线DE ,使A ,C ,E 在同一条直线上(如图7),可以证明ABC ∆≌EDC ∆,得ED=AB. 因此,测得DE 的长就是AB 的长,在这里判定ABC ∆≌EDC ∆的条件是( ).A .ASAB .SASC .SSSD .HL8、某抢险地段需实行爆破.操作人员点燃导火线后,要在炸药爆炸前跑到400米以外的安全区域、已知导火线的燃烧速度是1.2厘米/秒,操作人员跑步的速度是5米/秒.为了保证操作人员的安全,导火线的长度要超过( )A 、66厘米B 、76厘米C 、86厘米D 、96厘米9、若1-=a a ,则a 只能是 ( )A .1-≤aB .0<aC .1-≥aD .0≤a10、已知ax <2a (a ≠0)是关于x 的不等式,那么它的解集是( )A.、x <2 B 、x >-2 C 、当a >0时,x <2 D 、a >0时,x <2;当a <0时,x >2二、填空题(每空2分。



冀教版Unit1 和 Unit2 测试题八年级下英语班级姓名得分一.单项选择(20分)’t be scared him.A. inB. atC. toD. of( ) 2. There will a math exam this evening.A. haveB. doC. be( ) 3. Tony I am in Class 4.We are in Class 1.A. Both;andB. Either;orC. Not;butD. Neither;nor( ) 4. This morning I saw many people in the park.A.runB.runsC.runningD.to run( ) 5. Thank you the flowers and postcards.A.toB. withC. forD. about( ) 6. My mother didn’t go to bed she finished cleaning the house.A.whenB.untilC.as soon asD.while( ) 7. More and more people have fun morning exercise.A.doingB. doC. doesD.did( ) 8. We think a season fine ,warm weather and clear ,fresh air.A.about ;ofB.of;forC.of;aboutD.of;of( ) 9. The baby is sleeping.Please stop .( )10. Hurry!There’s no time shopping.A.goesB.wentC.goingD.to go( )11. is good to do some exercise in the morning.A.ThisB. ItC.ThatD.One( )12. They arrived Shanghai a cold morning.A.in;inB.in;onC.at;onD.at;in( )13. Mike likes swimming.So I.( )14. They turn the old building a library.( )15. —, Li Lei? —It’s windy and cold.A. What’s the weatherB. How is the weather’s the temperature D. Is it windy today( )16.You must keep your room .A.cleanB.cleansC.cleaningD.to clean( )17.The boy is to carry the heavy box.A.strong enoughB.enough strongC.weak enoughD.enough weak’s continue after reading the poem.A.writeB.to writeC.writingD.of writing( )19.Please use cotton clothes.A.to make( )20.We looked around,but we found .A.nothing strangeB.anything strangeC.strange somethingD.strange anything二. 完形填空(10分)A plant makes its own food in its leaves. Water comes to the leaves through the 1 .Air gets into the leaves through very 2 holes. The green coloring(绿色素)in the leaves uses the water and air to 3 the food for the plant. It also needs sunshine because a plant can make food only when the sun is 4. But some plants don’t need 5 water. They live in very dry places. They 6 water in their stems.Animals and people could not 7 without green plants. They both eat plants. People and some animals 8 eat the meat of some animals and these animals eat plants. So plants are very 9 to all living things. Someone says, ”Protecting the plants is protecting 10.”Don’t you think so? ( )1. A. flowers B. roots C. seeds D. leaves( )2. A. small B. big C. good D. bad( )3. A. buy B. bring C. make D. pass( )4. A. rising B. setting C. going D. shining( )5. A. few B. much C. little D. many( )6. .keep B. make C. take D. have( )7. A. plant B. eat C. live D. feed( )8. A. don’t B. also C. never D. always( )9. A. new B. hard C. easy D. important( )10. A .tress B. animals C. ourselves D. the sun三. 阅读理解(40分)AJack and Robert are sportsmen, but they are different. Jack is a runner. Every morning he goes swimming for one hour. Then he does strength training (力量训练) and practices running.He likes fish, beef and eggs. He eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, too. He hardly ever eats junk food (垃圾食品). Jack says he can’t be fat, or he can’t run fast. Robert is a sumo wrestler (相扑手). He weighs more than 150 kg, because he eats a lot and sleeps a long time. Robert only has lunch and supper every day, but he eats much. And he usually sleeps from the early evening to the next noon. He only practices in the afternoon. The training is usually very hard. These habits help him keep fat and be a good sumo wrestler.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。



2016年北师大版八年级数学下册第一二章测试题三套附答案北师大版八年级数学下册第一章测试题〔试卷满分100分,时间120分钟〕请同学们认真思考、认真解答,相信你会成功!一、选择题〔每小题3分,共30分〕1.当时,多项式的值小于0,则k 的值为 [ ].A .B .C .D .2.同时满足不等式和的整数x 是 [ ].A .1,2,3B .0,1,2,3C .1,2,3,4D .0,1,2,3,43.若三个连续正奇数的和不大于27,则这样的奇数组有 [ ].A .3组B .4组C .5组D .6组4.如果,则 [ ].A .B .C .D .5.某数的2倍加上5不大于这个数的3倍减去4,则该数的范围是 [ ].A .B .C .D .6.不等式组的正整数解的个数是 [ ].A .1B .2C .3D .47.关于x 的不等式组有四个整数解,则a 的取值范围是 [ ].A .B .21-=x 12-+kx x 23-<k 23<k 23->k 23>k 2124xx -<-3316-≥-x x 0>>a b b a 11->-b a 11<b a 11-<-a b ->-9>x 9≥x 9<x 9≤x ⎩⎨⎧<>+72013x x ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+>++-<a x x x x 4231)3(3225411-≤<-a 25411-<≤-aC .D . 8.已知关于x 的不等式组的解集为,则的值为 [ ]. A .-2 B .C .-4 D . 9.不等式组的解集是,则m 的取值范围是 [ ].A .B .C .D .10.现用 甲、乙两种运输车将46吨抗旱物资运往灾区,甲种运输车载重5吨,乙种运输车载重4吨,安排车辆不超过10辆,则甲种运输车至少应安排 [ ].A .4辆B .5辆C .6辆D .7辆二、填空题〔每小题3分,共30分〕1.若代数式的值不小于-3,则t 的取值范围是_________. 2.不等式的正数解是1,2,3,则k 的取值范围是________.3.若,则x 的取值范围是________.4.若,用"<"或">"号填空:2a______,_____. 5.若,则x 的取值范围是_______. 6.如果不等式组有解,则m 的取值范围是_______. 7.若不等式组的解集为,则的值等于_______.8.函数,,使的最小整数是________. 9.如果关于x 的不等式和的解集相同,则a 的值为________.10.一次测验共出5道题,做对一题得一分,已知26人的平均分不少于4.8分,最低的得25411-≤≤-a 25411-<<-a ⎩⎨⎧+<-≥-122b a x b a x 53<≤x a b 21-41-⎩⎨⎧>-<+-mx x x 624>x 4≥m 4≤m 4<m 4=m 2151--+t t 03≤-k x 0)3)(2(>-+x x b a <b a +33a b -11|1|-=--x x ⎩⎨⎧><m x x 5⎩⎨⎧>-<-3212b x a x 11<<-x )3)(3(+-b a 2151+-=x y 1212+=x y 21y y <5)1(+<-a x a 42<x3分,至少有3人得4分,则得5分的有_______人.三、解答题〔本大题,共40分〕1.〔本题8分〕解下列不等式〔组〕:〔1〕; 〔2〕2.〔本题8分〕已知关于x,y 的方程组的解为非负数,求整数m 的值.3.〔本题6分〕若关于x 的方程的解大于关于x 的方程的解,求a 的取值范围.4.〔本题8分〕有人问一位老师,他所教的班有多少学生,老师说:"一半的学生在学数学,四分之一的学生在学音乐,七分之一的学生念外语,还剩下不足6位同学在操场踢足球".试问这个班共有多少位学生?1312523-+≥-x x ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<--+->++-.,021331215)1(2)5(7x x x x ⎩⎨⎧=+=+3135y x m y x 52)4(3+=+a x 3)43(4)14(-=+x a x a5.〔本题10分〕某食品厂生产的一种巧克力糖每千克成本为24元,其销售方案有如下两种:方案一:若直接给本厂设在##的门市部销售,则每千克售价为32元,但门市部每月需上缴有关费用2400元;方案二:若直接批发给本地超市销售,则出厂价为每千克28元.若每月只能按一种方案销售,且每种方案都能按月销售完当月产品,设该厂每月的销售量为xkg .〔1〕你若是厂长,应如何选择销售方案,可使工厂当月所获利润更大?〔2〕厂长看到会计送来的第一季度销售量与利润关系的报表后〔下表〕,发现该表填写的销售量...与实际有不符之处,请找出不符之处,并计算第一季度的实际销量总量.四、探索题〔每小题10,共20分〕1.甲从一个鱼摊上买了三条鱼,平均每条a 元,又从另一个鱼摊上买了两条鱼,平均每条b 元,后来他又以每条元的价格把鱼全部卖给了乙,请问甲会赚钱还是赔钱?并说明原因. 2b a2.随着教育改革的不断深入,素质教育的全面推进,某市中学生利用假期参加社会实践活动的越来越多.王伟同学在本市丁牌公司实习时,计划发展部给了他一份实习作业:在下述条件下规划出下月的产量.假如公司生产部有工人200名,每个工人每2小时可生产一件丁牌产品,每个工人的月劳动时间不超过192小时,本月将剩余原料60吨,下个月准备购进300吨,每件丁牌产品需原料20千克.经市场调查,预计下个月市场对丁牌产品需求量为16000件,公司准备充分保证市场需求.请你和王伟同学一起规划出下个月产量范围.北师大版八年级数学下册第一章测试题参考答案一、选择题1.C2.B3.B提示:设三个连续奇数中间的一个为x,则 .解得 .所以.所以 只能取1,3,5,7.4.C5.B6.C7.B提示:不等式组的解集为. 27)2()2(≤+++-x x x 9≤x 72≤-x 2-x ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+>++-<a x x x x 4231)3(32a x 428-<<因为不等式组有四个整数解,所以. 解得. 8.A提示:不等式组的解集为. 由题意,得 解得 . 则. 9.B10.C二、填空题1. 2.提示:不等式的解集为 .因为不等式的正数解是1,2,3,所以 .所以. 3.或提示:由题意,得 或前一个不等式的解集为,后一个不等式的解集为4.<,>5.6.⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+>++-<a x x x x 4231)3(32134212≤-<a 25411-<≤-a ⎩⎨⎧+<-≥-122b a x b a x 212++<≤+b a x b a ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=+52123b a b a ⎩⎨⎧=-=63b a 2163-=-=a b 337≤t 129<≤k 03≤-k x 3k x ≤03≤-k x 433<≤k 129<≤k 3>x 2-<x ⎩⎨⎧>->+0302x x ⎩⎨⎧<-<+0302x x 3>x 2-<x 1<x 5<m7.-2提示:不等式组的解集为 ,由题意,得 解得 所以.8.09.710.22提示:设得5分的有x 人,若最低得3分的有1人,得4分的有3人,则,且,解得 .应取最小整数解,得 x=22.三、解答题1.解:〔1〕去分母,得 .去括号,得移项,合并同类项,得 .两边都除以-1,得.〔2〕 解不等式①,得 .解不等式②,得. 所以,原不等式组的解集是. 2.解:解方程组 得. ⎩⎨⎧>-<-3212b x a x 2123+<<+a x b ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+-=+121123a b ⎩⎨⎧-==21b a 2)32()31()3)(3(-=+-⨯-=+-b a 22≤x 8.4284)25(35⨯≥⨯-++x x 8.21≥x 15)12(5)23(3-+≥-x x 1551069-+≥-x x 4-≥-x 4≤x ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<--+->++-.,021331215)1(2)5(7x x x x 2>x 25>x 25>x ⎩⎨⎧=+=+3135y x m y x ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=-=23152331m y m x ① ②由题意,得解得 . 因为m 为整数,所以m 只能为7,8,9,10.3.解:因为方程的解为,方程的解为.由题意,得.解得 . 4.解:设该班共有x 位同学,则 .∴.∴.又∵,,,都是正整数,则x 是2,4,7的最小公倍数.∴. 故该班共有学生28人.5.解:〔1〕设利润为y 元.方案1:,方案2:.当时,;当时,;当时,.即当时,选择方案1;当时,任选一个方案均可;当时,选择方案2.〔2〕由〔1〕可知当时,利润为2400元.一月份利润2000<2400,则,由4x=2000,得 x=500,故一月份不符.三月份利润5600>2400,则,由,得 x=1000,故三月份不符. 二月份符合实际.故第一季度的实际销售量=500+600+1000=2100〔kg 〕.四、探索题1.解:买5条鱼所花的钱为:,卖掉5条鱼所得的钱为:⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥-≥-0231502331m m 331531≤≤m 52)4(3+=+a x 372-=a x 3)43(4)14(-=+x a x a a x 316-=a a 316372->-187>a 6)742(<++-x x x x 6283<x 56<x x 2x 4x 7x 28=x 240082400)2432(1-=--=x x y x x y 4)2428(2=-=x x 424008>-600>x x x 424008=-600=x x x 424008<-600<x 600>x 600=x 600<x 600=x 600<x 600>x 560024008=-x 600=x b a 23+.则. 当时,,所以甲会赔钱. 当时,,所以甲会赚钱. 当时,,所以甲不赔不赚. 2.解:设下个月生产量为x 件,根据题意,得解得 .即下个月生产量不少于16000件,不多于18000件.2)(525b a b a +=+⨯2)23(2)(5a b b a b a -=+-+b a >02<-a b b a <02>-a b b a =02=-a b ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥⨯+≤⨯≤.,,160001000)30060(202001922x x x 1800016000≤≤x北师大版八年级数学下册第二章测试题1仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!〔时间90分钟 满分120分〕一、精心选一选〔每题4分,总共32分〕1.下列各式中从左到右的变形属于分解因式的是〔 〕.A.2(1)a a b a ab a +-=+-B.22(1)2a a a a --=--C.2249(23)(23)a b a b a b -+=-++D.121(2)x x x +=+2.把多项式-8a 2b 3c +16a 2b 2c 2-24a 3bc 3分解因式,应提的公因式是< >,A.-8a 2bcB.2a 2b 2c 3C.-4abcD. 24a 3b 3c 33. 下列因式分解错误的是〔 〕A .B .C .D .4.下列多项式中,可以用平方差公式分解因式的是〔 〕A.x 2+1B.-x 2+1C.x 2-2D.-x 2-15.把-6<x -y>2-3y<y -x>2分解因式,结果是< >.A.-3<x -y>2<2+y>B. -<x -y>2<6-3y>C.3<x -y>2<y +2>D. 3<x -y>2<y -2> 6.下列各式中,能用完全平方公式分解因式的是< >.A.4x 2-2x +1B.4x 2+4x -1C.x 2-xy +y 2 D .x 2-x +错误!7.把代数式269mx mx m -+分解因式,下列结果中正确的是A .2(3)m x +B .(3)(3)m x x +-C .2(4)m x -D .2(3)m x -8.比较左、右两图的阴影部分面积,式分解公式< >.A.))((22b a b a b a -+=-B.2222)(b ab a b a ++=+C.2222)(b ab a b a +-=-D.)(2b a a ab a -=-二、耐心填一填〔每空4分,总共32分〕22()()x y x y x y -=+-2269(3)x x x ++=+2()x xy x x y +=+222()x y x y +=+1.2a 2b -6ab 2分解因式时,应提取的公因式是.2.-x -1=-<____________>.3. 因式分解:=-822a .4.多项式与的公因式是. 5.若a +b=2011,a -b=1,z 则a 2-b 2=_________________.6.因式分解:1+4a 2-4a=______________________.7.已知长方形的面积是2916a -〔43a >〕,若一边长为34a +,则另一边长为________________.8.如果a 2+ma +121是一个完全平方式,则m =________或_______.三、用心算一算〔共36分〕1.〔20分〕因式分解:<1>4x 2-16y 2; 〔2〕()()()()a b x y b a x y ----+〔3〕x 2-10x +25; 〔4〕2.〔5分〕利用因式分解进行计算:〔1〕0.746×13.6+0.54×13.6+27.2×13.6;3.〔满分5分〕若2m n -=-,求mn n m -+222的值?4.〔6分〕3221-可以被10和20之间某两个数整除,求这两个数.92-x 962++x x ()22241x x -+北师大版八年级数学下册第二章测试题2仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!〔时间90分钟 满分120分〕一、精心选一选〔每题4分,总共32分〕1.下列各式从左到右的变形中,是因式分解的为< >A.bx ax b a x -=-)(B.222)1)(1(1y x x y x ++-=+-C.)1)(1(12-+=-x x xD.c b a x c bx ax ++=++)(2.下列多项式,不能运用平方差公式分解的是< >A.42+-mB.22y x --C.122-y xD.412-x 3.若4x 2-mxy +9y 2是一个完全平方式,则m 的值为< >A.6B.±6C.12D.±124.下列多项式分解结果为()()y x y x -+-22的是< >A.224y x +B.224y x -C.224y x +-D.224y x --5.对于任何整数m ,多项式2(45)9m +-都能〔 〕A.被8整除B.被m 整除C.被<m -1>整除D.被<2m+1>整除6.要在二次三项式x 2+□x-6的□中填上一个整数,使它能按x 2+〔a +b 〕x +ab 型分解为〔x+a 〕〔x +b 〕的形式,则这些数只能是 〔 〕A .1,-1;B .5,-5;C .1,-1,5,-5;D .以上答案都不对7.已知a=2012x+2009,b=2012x+2010,c=2012x+2011,则多项式a 2+b 2+c 2-ab-bc-ca 的值为〔 〕A.0B.1C.2D.38.满足m 2+n 2+2m -6n +10=0的是〔 〕A.m=1, n=3B.m=1,n=-3C.m=-1,n=-3D.m=-1,n=3二、耐心填一填〔每空4分,总共36分〕1.分解因式a 2b 2-b 2=.2.分解因式2x 2-2x +21=______________ 3.已知正方形的面积是2269y xy x ++ 〔0x >,0y >〕,利用分解因式,写出表示该正方形的边长的代数式.4.若x 2+mx +16=<x -4>2,则m =___________________.5.若x -y=2,xy=3则-x 2y +xy 2的值为________.6.学习了用平方差公式分解因式后,在完成老师布置的练习时,小明将一道题记错了一个符号,他记成了-4x 2-9y 2,请你帮小明想一想,老师布置的原题可能是________.7.如果多项式142+x 加上一个单项式以后,将成为一个整式完全平方式,则加上的单项式是.8.请写出一个三项式,使它能先"提公因式",再"运用公式"来分解.你编写的三项式是________,分解因式的结果是________.三、用心算一算〔共44分〕1.<16分〕分解因式<1>-x 3+2x 2-x <2> a 2-b 2+2b -12.〔8分〕利用分解因式计算:20112010201020082010220102323-+-⨯-3.〔10分〕在三个整式2222,2,x xy y xy x ++中,请你任意选出两个进行加〔或减〕运算,使所得整式可以因式分解,并进行因式分解4.〔10分〕若3-=+b a ,1=ab ,求32232121ab b a b a ++的值四、拓广探索〔共28分〕1. <14分〕阅读下题的解题过程:已知a 、b 、c 是△ABC 的三边,且满足222244a c b c a b -=-,试判断△ABC 的形状.解:∵ 222244a c b c a b -=- 〔A 〕 ∴ 2222222()()()c a b a b a b -=+- 〔B 〕∴ 222c a b =+ 〔C 〕 ∴ △ABC 是直角三角形 〔D 〕问:〔1〕上述解题过程,从哪一步开始出现错误?请写出该步的代号;〔2〕错误的原因为;〔3〕本题正确的结论是;北师大版八年级数学下册第二章测试题<1>参考答案: 一、1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.A二、1. 2ab 2. x +1 3. 2<a +2><a -2> 4. x +3 5. 2011 6. <2a-1>27. 3a-4 8.22 、-22三、1.<1>解原式=4<x 2-4y 2>=4<x +2y><x -2y><2>解原式=〔a -b><x -y +x +y>=2x<a -b><3>解原式=〔x -5>2<4>解原式=〔x 2+1+2x><x 2+1-2x>=<x +1>2<x -1>22.解原式=13.6〔7.46+0.54+2〕13.6×10=136 3.解当m -n=-2时,原式=22)2(2)(222222=-=-=+-n m n mn m 4.因为()()()()()161616882121212121+-=++-, ()()()()1684421212121=+++-,又因为42117+=,42115-=,所以3221-可以被10和20之间的15,17两个数整除. 四、1.长为a +2b,宽为a +b2.解:〔1〕原式=x 2-4x +4-1=<x -2>2-1=<x -2+1><x -2-1>=<x -1><x -3><2> 原式=x 2+2x +1+1=〔x +1>2+1 因为〔x +1>2≥0 所以原式有最小值,此时,x=-1北师大版八年级数学下册第一章测试题<2>参考答案: 一、1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D二、1.b2<a +1><a -1> 2. 2<x -21>2 3. 3x +y 4. -8 5.-6 6. -4x 2+9y 2或4x 2-9y 2 7. -4x 2、4x 、-4x 、4x 4、-18.答案不唯一如:a 2x -2ax +x x<a -1>2三、1.解原式=-x<x 2-2x +1>=-x<x -1>2 2. 解原式=a 2-〔b 2-2b +1〕=a 2-<b -1>2=<a +b -1><a -b +1>3.解:222(2)222();x xy x x xy x x y ++=+=+或222(2)();y xy x x y ++=+或2222(2)(2)()();x xy y xy x y x y x y +-+=-=+-或2222(2)(2)()().y xy x xy y x y x y x +-+=-=+-4.解:当a +b=-3,ab=1时,原式=21ab<a 2+2ab +b 2>=21ab<a +b>2=21×1×<-3>2=29 四、 1. 〔1〕〔C 〕〔2〕()22a b -可以为零〔3〕本题正确的结论是:由第〔B 〕步 2222222()()()c a b a b a b -=+-可得:()()222220a b c a b ---=所以△ABC 是直角三角形或等腰三角。



2022年人教版八年级英语下册Units1-2单元复习检测题【满分100分】第一部分听力技能(共两节,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. What’s the matter with Peter?A. He has a cold.B. He has a stomachache.C. He has a toothache.( )2. How can the girl raise some money for the charity?A. Clean up streets.B. Sell newspapers.C. Repair bikes.( )3. Who can’t go to the movies?A. Sandy.B. Bill.C. David.( )4. What suggestion does dad give his daughter?A. Say sorry to her friend.B. Have a fight again.C. Forget about the whole thing.( )5. Where was Mike last night?A. At home.B. At school.C. On the street.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。


(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)( )6. What is Mark going to do this weekend?A. To clean up the city park.B. To visit the city park.C. To play in the city park.( )7. How will Mark’s sister help the children?A. She’ll visit them.B. She’ll take care of them.C. She’ll teach them to sing.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。



人教版八年级下册英语1-2单元测试题Unit 1 What’s the matter?Written test part (共95分)Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )21. No one can help you all the time. You should be ______ control of your life.A. forB. atC. onD. in( )22. I was eating in the dining hall when I ______ the news that Li Na said good-bye to her fans.A. hearB. heardC. am hearingD. was hearing( )23. Linda was unlucky. She cut ______ on some broken glass.A. myselfB. yourselfC. herselfD. himself( )24. Tom, put the keys on the table ______ I can remember to take them with me when I go out.A. as long asB. unlessC. so thatD. because( )25. The boy didn’t get an education so he has problems ______ a job.A. to findB. findingC. findD. found( )26. After dinner, Dale’s father is used to ______ on the b ed for a rest.A. lieB. lyingC. riskD. risking( )27. I found myself in a difficult ______. I must do something to get out of it.A. competitionB. discussionC. predictionD. situation( )28. One of his fingers was ______ in the accident.A. made upB. taken onC. put upD. cut off( )29. If you eat all that chocolate in a day, it’ll make you ______.A. sickB. hungryC. tiredD. creative( )30. A dictionary tells you what words ______.A. wonderB. chooseC. meanD. solve( )31. On my way home, I saw more than 100 women ______ in the square.A. to danceB. are dancingC. to dancingD. dancing( )32. —Why does Sue look upset?—She went to the bookstore by bus but she ______ the bus at the wrong stop.A. got offB. got upC. turned offD. turned up( )33. You ______ drink and drive. It’s too dangerous.A. should B. shouldn’t C. need D. needn’t( )34. The climber hurt himself ______ the mountain.A. climbB. to climbC. climbingD. climbed( )35. —Alice, my head feels hot now.—______.A. Not at allB. You should go to a doctorC. I’m sorryD. You shouldn’t tell it to your motherⅥ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。



图1一、单项选择题(每题2分,共26分): 1、若物体不受外力的作用,则物体( )A .一定静止B .一定做匀速直线运动C .运动状态可能发生改变D .可能做匀速直线运动,也可能静止2、用力推课桌的下部,课桌会沿地面滑动,而推课桌的上部,则课桌可能会翻倒,这说明力的作用效果( ) A .与力的大小有关 B .与力的方向有关 C .与力的作用点有关D .与受力面积有关3、忽略空气阻力,抛出后的小球在空中运动轨迹如图所示,抛出后的小球由于 A .不受力,运动状态发生改变 B .不受力,运动状态不发生改变C .受到重力作用,运动状态发生改变D .受到推力作用,运动状态发生改变4、频闪摄影是研究物体运动时常用一种实验方法,如图1 ABCD 中分别用照相机拍摄(每0.1S 拍摄一次)的小球在不同的运动状态下的照片,其中受到平衡力的作用的是( )5、关于惯性,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .物体在静止时不容易被推动,所以物体在静止时比运动时惯性大B .物体高速运动时不容易停下来所以物体速度越大,惯性越大C .当物体没有受到力作用时,物体就不能保持匀速直线运动或静止状态D .惯性是物体的固有属性,任何物体在任何情况下都有惯性6、惯性在日常生活和生产中有利有弊,下面四种现象有弊的是 ( ) A .锤头松了,把锤柄在地面上撞击几下,锤头就紧紧的套在锤柄上B .往锅炉内添煤时,不用把铲子送进炉灶内,煤就随着铲子运动的方向进入灶内C .汽车刹车时,站在车内的人向前倾倒D .拍打衣服可以去掉衣服上的尘土- 7、当猴子倒挂树枝上静止时,下列说法正确的是( ) A .树枝对猴子的拉力和猴子所受的重力是一对平衡力 B .猴子对树枝的拉力和猴子所受的重力是一对平衡力 C .猴子对树枝的拉力和树枝对猴子的拉力是一对平衡力 D .猴子所受的重力和树枝所受的重力是一对平衡力8、如图3,升降机以1m /s 的速度匀速上升时,升降机对人的支持力为500N .下列说法正确的是( )A .升降机静止在十楼时对人的支持力小于500NB .升降机以1.5m /s 速度匀速上升时对人的支持力大于500NC .升降机以2m /s 速度匀速下降时对人的支持力等于500ND .升降机以1m /s 速度匀速下降时对人的支持力小于500N 9、与1N 的力的大小相当的是( )A 、托起两个鸡蛋所用的力B 、一头大象的体重C 、一名中学生的体重D 、托起一只蚂蚁所用的力10、如图4所示,关于物体所受重力的方向,下列表示正确的是 ( )11、一列在平直轨道上匀速行驶的列车,车厢内顶上的一颗小螺丝钉松动后掉在地板上,则小螺丝钉落在地板上的位置是( )A .正下方B .正下方的前侧C .正下方的后侧D .不能确定12、如图5所示,一物体在外力F 的作用下,以5m/s 的速度做匀速直线运动,如果突然将力F 撤去,则物体:( )A.立即停止B.继续以5m/s 的速度做匀速直线运动C.先向右运动,然后向左运动D.继续向右运动,但速度逐渐减小直至停止13、一杯水放在列车内的水平桌面上,如果水面突然发生了如图6所示的变化,则列车的运动状态可能发生的变化是 ( ) A .列车突然向右启动或向左运动时突然刹车 B .列车突然向左启动或向右运动时突然刹车 C .列车突然加速 D .列车突然减速 二、填空题:(每空1分,共30分)(g 都取10N/kg )1. 重35000N 的飞机,悬停在空中,则直升飞机受到的空气作用力是______N ,方向为_________。

八下第一、二单元综合测试 部编人教版八年级下册

八下第一、二单元综合测试  部编人教版八年级下册
















2023年八年级下学期Unit 1-Unit 2单元测试英语考试(江西省抚州市临川区)

2023年八年级下学期Unit 1-Unit 2单元测试英语考试(江西省抚州市临川区)

单选题Take the medicine three times a day. It can make you than before. A. feel better B. to feel betteC. feeling betterD. feel well【答案】A【解析】试题句意:这个药一天吃三次。



单选题— The greenway has become a popular place for people on the weekends.—That’s right. And you ________ drive your car on it because it is a path for cycling and walking.A.mayB.mustC.shouldn’tD.don’t have to【答案】C【解析】句意:——绿道已成为人们周末的热门去处。




may可以;must必须;shouldn’t不应该;don’t have to 不必;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“不应该做某事”,所以应该用shouldn’t,故选C。

单选题She is tall and slim, ______ short, curly hair.A.hasB.haveC.ofD.with【答案】D【解析】试题句意:她既高又瘦,长着短的卷发。


has做独立的谓语,此句缺少个状语,故选D单选题We have worked so long. Shall we stop ______ a rest?A. haveB. to havingC. havingD. to have【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:我们已经工作了很长时间。

























人教版英语八年级下册试题1-2单元测试卷八下1-2单元测试卷一、单项选择题(15分)1. ---Mom,I’m not feeling well. —Oh, dear! ________A.What’s wrong?B.Not at all.C.All right.D.Thank you!2. Students shouldn’t go to school_______ breakfast. It’s bad for their health.A. withB. withoutC. forD. by3. --How do you like Li Yundi?- A cool guy! His music _______ really beautiful.A. tastesB. soundsC. smellsD. looks4. You shouldn’t ________ your hope. Everythin g will be better.A.give upB.fix upC.cheer upD.put up6. Her mother is ill.She has to stay at home and ______ her mother.A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look over7. Andrea Bocelli never________,which makes him a successful singer.A.takes awayB.gives awayC.gets upD.gives up8. Don’t _______ the people in trouble. Try to help them.A.hear fromB.go over/doc/228fc1b230126edb6f1aff00bed5 b9f3f80f7256.html ugh atD.look like9. —Why did you get up late this morning? —_________I stayed up late last night.A.BecauseB.SoC.Because ofD.But10. A lot of meeting were______ because of the dangerous disease.A.turned offB.set offC.put offD.taken off11. To our________, the little girl is the first to go to bed.A.surprisesB.surpriseC.surprisedD.surprising12. - -What did your sister do?—She _________the bus at the bus stop and went home.A.got toB.got upC.got downD.got off13_____ the teenager, the old man was sent to the hospital in time.A.Thanks forB.Because ofC.Thanks toD.Because14. Pollution is a serious problem. Scientists have _______ some good ways to save it./doc/228fc1b230126edb6f1aff00bed5 b9f3f80f7256.html e up with/doc/228fc1b230126edb6f1aff00bed5 b9f3f80f7256.html e on/doc/228fc1b230126edb6f1aff00bed5 b9f3f80f7256.html e out/doc/228fc1b230126edb6f1aff00bed5 b9f3f80f7256.html e up15. My father often cooks some delicious food _______for us at home.A.herselfB.ourselvesC.himselfD.yourselves二、完形填空(15分)A)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。



八年级下册英语Units1-2单元测试卷一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.As volunteer, Rick helps disabled in his free time.A. a; aB. a; the C.不填;a D.不填;the( )2. Usually Danny is late for meetings. But this time, our surprise, hearrived on time.A. ontoB. intoC. toD. by( )3. Minnie knows the of Chinese, so she’s trying to learn it well.A. situation B information C. importance D.experience( )4.-Mr. Smith feels because his children live far away.-If so, let’s go to visit him every Saturday morning and cheer him up.A. excitedB.relaxedC. unluckyD. lonely( )5.How careless Sam was! He cut again.A.hisB.himselfC.herD.herself( )6. These boys hard enough and finally won the basketball game.A.hurtB.hitC.changedD.trained( )7.-Brain, you look a little tired. You stop practicing the guitar and take a break.-OK. Thanks for your advice.A.shouldB.shouldn’tC.mightD.mightn’t( )8. Why are you in the office? Your doctor has told you for a week!A. restedB. restingC. to restD. rest ( )9. Simon went to Hainan his vacation last year.A.spendB. spendingC. to spend D spent( )10. We can’t put off the plan. Sports Day is only two weeks from now.A. to makeB. makingC. makeD. made( )11. Li Hua used to in the morning, but now he is used to in the Evening.A. read: readB. reading, readC. read; readingD. reading; reading( )12. Although Chinese isn’t easy to learn, Danny won’t.A. turn it offB. cut it offC. fix it upD. give it up( )13. We’re all the coffee and we need to buy some this afternoon.A. getting IntoB. falling intoC. getting out ofD. running out of( )14. - ? It seems that you have a cold.-Oh, no I' m just too tired.A. What do you wantB. What’s the matterC. How was your dayD. How do you like it( )15. -It’s snowing, Becky! What about playing with snow after school?- .Let’s ask Jill to go with us!A. That’s all right B That looks very niceC. That s too badD. That sounds interesting二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。



八年级英语下册Unit1-2单元测试题听力部分(共30分)I. 听句子一遍,选出相应的图片序号,其中有幅图片多余的。

(5分)A B C D E F1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II.听对话两遍,选择相应的应答语。

(5分)( )6. A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. No, it isn’t.( )7. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s Monda y. C. It’s June 27.( )8. A. I’m listening to music. B. I watched TV. C. I was doing some reading. ( )9. A. Good idea. B. By bike. C. Enjoy yourself.( )10. A. That’s all right. B. Yes ,you are . C. Too bad .III.听对话和问题两遍,根据所听内容,选择正确的答案。

(10分)( )11. A. Yes, she thinks so. B. No, she doesn’t think so.C. She thinks there will be less pollution.( )12. A. His clothes are not in style. B. His clothes are in style.C. He should buy some new clothes.( )13. A. 25yuan B.50yuan C.75yuan( )14. A. Lucy B. Mary C. Marcia( )15. A. On Saturday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.IV、听短文三遍,填入所缺单词(10分)Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help, I always thought I was 16 at school. But I just found out that my friends were planning a 17 party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me, Everyone else in my class was invited 18 me, and I don’t know why. I can’t think what I did 19 . I’m very 20 and I don’t know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me?YoursLonely Kid16 17 18 19 20笔试部分(120分)Ⅰ.单项选择题(共20分)( )21.I think there will be____ people and_____ pollution.A .fewer, many B.less, fewer C.more, less D.less, fewer( )22. I hope your dream will ____.A. come trueB. come outC. come inD. come on( )23.There are __ __ young trees on the hill.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of( )24.He says he __ a teacher in 10 years.A.isB.will beC.is going toD.will have( )25.Shanghai is very beautiful and I ______it.A. fall in love withB. fall in like withC. fall in love inD. feel in love with ( )26.This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has ____ a huge body and the coat is___small.A. so; suchB. so; soC. such; suchD. such; so( )27.There_____a sports meeting in our school next week.A. will holdB. will haveC. is going to beD. is going( )28. Mary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the cinema_____ her.A. exceptB. besidesC. forD. without( )29. will you fly to Hongkong ? In three weeks .A. How farB. How longC. How soonD. How old( )30. Your friend is _____ than you, so you should be as ____ as him.A. popular, friendlierB. more popular, friendlyC. more popular, friendlierD. most popular, friendly( )31. Yang Liwei is one of ________ in Chinese history.A. the most important personsB. most important personC. the most important personD. more important person( )32. You will _________ go swimming when summer comes .A. be able toB. canC. couldD. are able to( )33.I will live an apartment _____ my best friends.A. withB. toC. inD. for( )34. While the alien _______ the museum, the boy called the TV station .A. visitingB. was visitingC. visitedD. visit( )35. I have no m oney . He doesn’t have any money ,_______ .A. eitherB. tooC. alsoD. but( )36.---What’s wrong ?---I have a coldA. What’s this?B. Can I help you?C. What’s up?D. What would you like?( )37.Paul and I good friends. We get along well because we both like sports.A. get upB. get onC. get intoD. get to( )38.She is able to swim at the age of ten.A. is going to swimB. like to swimC. can swimD. could swim( )39.Don't talk to me about that fellow.A. talk aboutB. talk withC. talk showD. talk back( )40.I think she’ll fly to Beijing this Sunday.A. on footB. by trainC. by planeD. by busⅢ.完形填空(共10分)We live in computer age (时代). People 41 scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 42 couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 43 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 44 . But they can do a lot of work; many people like to use them. Some people 45 have them at home.Computers become very important because they can work 46 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 47 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to 48 . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to 49 . Computers can also remember what you 50 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?( )41. A. like B. as C. and D. with( )42. A. students B. scientists C. teachers D. computers ( )43. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )44. A. cheap B. cheaper C. more expensive D. expensive ( )45. A. even B. still C. already D. yet( )46. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower( )47. A. help B. make C. stop D. use( )48. A. write B. play C. study D. learn( )49. A. sing B. study C. dance D. watch( )50. A. put in B. put on C. put into D. put upⅣ.阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)(A)根据短文内容,选择正确答案In order to safeguard(保证)the education of all Hope Chinese Scholl(HCS)students and the normal running of the school, the following rules should be followed:★ Be quiet in classroom and hallways. Do not run or shout in classrooms or hallways.★ Do not drink or eat in classrooms or hallways.★ Stay in the school during school time as well as rest time. Do not heave the school or play out of the school area during school time. This includes rest time.★ Do not scribble on any desks or walls.★ Be respectful(尊敬)to teachers and parents.★ Help teachers and other students to keep the classroom clean. Do not move desks, chairs, and other furniture in the classroom without the teacher’s instructions.( )51. Students in HCS can in classrooms.A. runB. readC. shoutD. eat( )52. Students can’t during the time between classes at HCS.A. playB. leave schoolC. speakD. stay in classrooms( )53. The underlined work “scribble” means “” in Chinese.A. 肆意摇晃B. 随意拿走C. 乱写乱画D. 胡乱搬动( )54. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Looking after school furniture.B. Keeping the classrooms clean.C. Respecting teachers.D. Doing homework.( )55. The best title for this passage is “.”A. Hope Chinese SchoolB. How to Keep the School CleanC. The Rules of HCSD. How to Get on with Teachers(B)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

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注意事项:1.本试卷满分为100 分,考试时间为80 分钟。



八年级下U n i t1-2 基础测试卷姓名得分I.单项填空( )1. There’s rain on the road, so she should drive carefully.A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.many too( )2.My father likes tea nothing in it. A.of B.without C.with D.have( )3.You should look after ,classmates. A.yourselves B.yourself C.herself D.himself ( )4.You shouldn’t make mistakes .A.in same wayB.at same wayC.in the same wayD.at the same way( )5.I saw him when I passed by. A.ran B.run C.runs D.running( )6.We should be careful when we the bus. A.get down B.get out C.get up D.get o ff ( )7.—Did you catch your plane?—Yes. We got there just .A.o n timeB.at timesC.in timeD.in the time( )8. I couldn’t myself and hit him in the face. .A.enjoy B.control C.stop D.hurt( )ually, leaves trees in autumn.A.f all downB.fall offC.get downD.get off( )10. I don’t know how to do with the problems. Could you give me ?A.an adviceB. advicesC.some adviceD. some advices( )11. Smoking is bad for your health. You should .A.give up itB.give up themC.give it upD.give them up( )12.I don’t know if he tomorrow. If he , please let me know.A.w ill come;comesB.will come;will comeC. comes; comeses;will come( )13. I think I should keep on the guitar at home. A.play B.to play C.played D.playing ( )14.Mr Green five days ago.His made us very sad.A.dead;diedB.death;diedC.died;deathD.died; dead( )15 .The book is for us to read.A.good enoughB.enough g oodC.too goodD.good too( )16. My uncle isn’t at the moment, so I have to stay at home to take care of him.A.feel wellB. feeling well.C. feeling goodD. feel good( )17. —Tony, What’s matter with you?— I have toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /( )18. How is the young man? A. He is twenty. B. He is a doctor. C. He’s very well. D. He’s Bob. ( )19. Bob a cold And Mary and Sue colds ,too . They shouldn’t exercise .A has; hasB has; haveC have ; hasD have ; have( )20.As a student , Nacy with her new classmates now.A used to studying B. is used to study C. is used to studying D. used to studyA OK. B. Too bad. C.I am also ill D. I’m sorry to hear ( )21. ---My mother is ill. ---that( )22. It’s important in good health. A.keep B. keeping C. to keep D.kept( )23.Bill money after three months A run out B. ran out of C was run out of D.runs out of( )24.Bob used to in the countryside . But now he is used to in the big city .A live ; liveB live; living C. living ; living D living , live( )25.You can never imagine the great difficulty I had her QQ number..A.t o getB.getting C got D. not to get( )26. The radio says there is going to be a heavy rain this afternoon.I think we should planting the trees until tomorrow.A.put onB. put upC. put offD. put down( )27. You have to leave now you can catch the early bus.A. so thatB. untilC.ifD.because( )28. His grandparents live in a small house, but they don’t feel .A. lonely, aloneB. alone, aloneC. lonely, lonelyD. alone, lonely( )29. Daming’s help , they solved the problems successfully .A .As forB Thanks forC Thanks toD According to( )30.--- will he come back? --in two days.A.How farB. How longC. How oftenD. How soon( )31.---This problem is too difficult.Can you show me ,Wang Lin?---Sure..A.what to work it out B.what to work out it C.how to work it out D.how work out it ( )32--- I didn’t feel well today.---You stay in bed and have a good rest.A.shouldB. canC. would D must( )33To our , the little girl is the first to go to bed.A. surprisesB. surpriseC. surprisedD. surprising( )34. Our parents often tell us alone in the river in summer.A.not swimB. to not swimC. not swimmingD. not to siwm( )35. ----Why do you speak in a loud voice?--- Because I want to make myself clearly.A.such, hearB. so, heardC. such, heardD. so, hear( )36. --Jill, we'll have training with the dog. ---Great. That's what I'm expecting.A.six-monthsB. a six-monthsC. six months'D. six-month's( )37. Seeing their teacher into the classroom, they stopped at once.A. walk; tellingB. entering; to speakC. enter; to tellD. walking; talking( )38.You shouldn’t your hope. Everything will be better.A. give upB. fix upC. cheer upD. put up( )39.People a lot of meetings because of the dangerous illness.A. turned offB. set offC. put offD. taken off( )40. energy(能源),turn off the hot water after you take a shower.A. SaveB.SavingC. SavedD. To save( )41.Pollution is a serious problem. Scientists have some good ways to save it.A. come up withB. come onC. come outD. come up( )42.Some people plan to a volunteer program to help the disabled children.A. put upB. think upC. set upD. cheer up( )43. Remember to the lights when you leave your classroom.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D. turn down( )44. Kate didn’t go to the movie last night because she had to her sick dog at home.A. look atB. look upC. look forD.care for( )45. We found necessary to protect animals in danger. A. it B. this C. that D./( )46. The good news of our football team winning the game everybody there.A. cheered outB. cheered upC. cheered onD. cheered for( )47.Everyone was when they heard the newsA.e xciting;excitedB.excited; excitingC.exciting;excitingD.excited;excited( )48. It takes me two hours my homework every day. A.doing B.to do C.did D.does( )49.The glass of water is too hot. Would you please give me some cold water ?A.drinkB.drinkingC.to drinkD.drunk( )50. Uncle Ted was very rich. But now h e has no place t o .A.liveB. l ive onC.live inD.live withⅡ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写51Oh,your head feels hot, you must have a f .52.If you have a , you should see a dentist.53.I have a cough and keep on c day and night. 54.We all know the i of English study.55.Can’t you see the “No smoking” s ? 56.The o of the shop is an old man.57.I think I can f up the clock. 58.Something is wrong with the TV. It needs r .59.I f you want to help others, you can do some v work.60.T he lady is b . She can’t see anything. 61.There is a (通知)on the wall.62.We can’t walk without our legs or (脚) 63.He did it all out of (善良).64.Can you (理解)your teacher when she speaks English?65.A car needs (轮子) to run on the road. 66.He got a (撞击)on his head.67.The young people like to take (冒险). 68.The (乘客)look friendly on the train.69.Lily’s mother(期待)her to be a nurse in the future.70.“Life is like going on a long (旅行).”my grandma always said to me.III.用所给单词的适当形式填空71.Li Ying always does her homework by (she).72.To (he) surprise , great changes have taken place in China.73 .This is one of the most exciting (thing) about doing dangerous sports.74.Li Lei is a mountain (climb). He likes climbing the mountains.75.M y computer was (break)yesterday.76.H ave you already made a (decide) to choose support him?77.He has a smile with (satisfy) on his face.78.H e can stay there for ten hours without (move).79.(drink) some hot tea with honey is good for you.80.They agreed (help) each other.81. There is a wallet (lie) on the street.82 . After losing his arm, he wrote a book (call) Between a Rock and a Hard Place83. Success means (work) hard. 84. What can we do (help) them by then?.85.I often see them (play) basketball on the playground.IV.句型转换。
