
雅思口语 Part 2思路拓展方法第一: WH描述法当考生在面无从下手,能利用“WH Questions”来引思路的拓展。
“ WH”指的是“ what, when, where, who(whom) , why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。
比如要求考生描述 a place you like ,那么就要明确个place 具体的是什么,是一个 restaurant 是一个 caf é,个地方位于哪儿,喜它的原因是什么 (comfortable 或 pleasant 或 not expensive ⋯.) ,去的率怎(once a month ⋯) ,等等。
例子,可用比口化的表达方式,如such as ,like ”,会更加自然一些。
例如,目要求“Describe a special shop”,当然,描述个 shop 里有一些 special goods 是必不可少的,不若是能出例子的会更加具体形象,如 In the shop, you can alwaysfind some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-madefloating lantern(手工制作的浮式灯), photo books, tiny chinapot( 小瓷 ), and Nepali jewelries and things like that 。
如Describe a concert hall ,就能使用数据支撑法来回答,即The Civil Concert Hall holds about 50 to 60 shows onan average each year, receiving almost 30,000 audiences, andpart of them come to this hall simply because of itscomfortable seats and great sound and lighting effects.出些数据,听者就能音的模和条件有个更直的了解。

一、5个W5个W即:when, where, who, what, why, 这种方法为口语拓展的最常用方法,当我们被要求描述一些客观事物或事件时,如:Could you describe your accommodation? Please describe your favorite traditional festival等等,时常用5W法来进行拓展,这有些类似于我们中文中的记叙文五大要素。
这种方法考生最容易想到,也最好上手,我们来看下列几个范例:A: What kind of accommodation do you live in?(时间):Well, my apartment is a rather old building, but recently it’s renovated (翻新).(地点):Its geographical location(地理位置)is ideal with easy transportation. In fact, it’s one of the most ideal district(理想区域)in my hometown.(人物):The people in my neighborhood are extremely hospitable(热情好客)and warm-hearted.(什么和意义):略(注:不需要所有的层次都用上,回答问题时间本来就有限,同学们可以视情况而定。
)B: Which cinema do you often go to?(时间):The cinema is recently established and it looks brand new.(地点):It’s within walking distance(只需步行的距离)from the apartment I live. (什么):The cinema hashigh quality audio facilities(高质量音响设备).(原因):I love it a lot because of its excellent sound and visual effect(视听觉效果). C: Tell me something about your favourite traditional festival in China.(时间):It’s definitely spring festival, which begins on Jan.1st of lunar calendar. (地点):No matter where you are, on this festival, you will go back home for a family reunion.(人物):We usually spend this festival with friends and relatives.(什么):watch spring festival gala(春晚), set off fireworks, get lucky money wrapped in red envelope(收压岁钱)二、抽象具体此类方法很适合于回答一些抽象或理论性问题,如被问到what’s happiness?或what’s the importance of money?又或者what’s value of education in your perspective?等问题时,很多同学会觉得问题很深奥而无从下手,这时我们就可以通过举自己的经历或自己熟悉的例子来化解抽象话题,然后再通过个例上升到总体的观点。

• Places and people are renowned for a particular quality, characteristic, or skills. • 例如:Florence is renowned for its beautiful building. • If someone is notorious they are famous for something bad. • 例如:Many politicians are notorious hypocrites.
• Harry Potter is an educational novel series.
• great fantastic interesting magical
• Harry Potter is awesome.
• awesome 敬畏的,令人可怕的
• Standing in awe before the lightening, he tremble terribly.
• • • • • • • • 两次连用表示强调 driven ambitious intelligent talented approachable easy-going diligent conscientious peaceful optimistic refined introspective role-model perfectionist
was remarried and now lives a happy
• POPULARITY template • As a (an) ______, he / she is liked and respected by all _____, • and few would deny that • not only has he influenced the lives of many people who have _____, • but also those of their friends, family members and even children.
拓展策略及分析雅思口语Part 2描述题

拓展策略及分析雅思口语Part 2描述题雅思口语第二部分的卡片题对很多考生而言是个挑战,其难点在于话题拓展不开,无话可说。
策略一:4W+1H疑问词法4W— When, Where, Who, What, Why;1H— How【真题实例】 Describe a festival that is popular in your country.You should say:What the festival isWhat time of year it isWhat people do during this festivalWhether this festival has changed in recent years.【答题思路】以该例为代表的事件题最容易从时间,地点,人物角度入手探寻素材。
就该题而言,what time=when, what people do=how, 对照4W+1H, 我们还可以自己加三点提示,即where to celebrate, with whom to spend,和why it is important to celebrate。
【细节详解】è卡片提示(4点)(what)The Spring Festival, is one of the\major traditional festivals in China.(when)It falls on the first day of the first lunar month.(what to do)Ways to celebrate the Chinese new year vary from place to place, but generally speaking, setting fireworks and firecrackers is a shared tradition and people across China decorate their house with the red color.(whether)In recent years, Spring festival is more like a time for family get-together and personal relaxation , not a tradition to celebrate.è可增加的内容(3点)(where) Chinese people would like to spend the holiday at home, watching TV or playing mahjong.(who) On this day, family members who study or work away from home all come back and stay together. It is a time for family reunion.(why) It is essential to have such a festival to celebrate, coz it offers the working people a chance to slow down, to strengthen the family bond and more importantly, to remember their tradition.【旁征博引】对于卡片题的另外三类主流话题(人物,地点,物品),这种拓展方法同样适用。

出现这种状况的原因是大家往往倾向于从事物本身的特点出发想原因,参见以下例子:(请注意黑体字因果逻辑连接词的替换):△ I’m quite into music for the reason that it never fails to cheer me up.△ I love my name coz it makes people easily remember me.△ I enjoy playing computer games as it’s really fun and it’s a great way to loosen up.从这个角度出发想原因并没错,但是当这条路走不通的时候,可以从其他角度发散思维。
例如回想一下自己以往好的或者糟糕的经历,参考以下例子:△ I can’t stand public transportation coz every time I take a bus or subway, especially during rush hours, it’s packed like sardines and I feel like I’m going to die.△ Swimming would be the last thing (that) I want to do. And as I see it, it’s mainly because once I almost drowned in a river when I was little. It was so horrible.其次可以想想身边人对你的影响,参考以下例子:△ I’m a big fan of classical music thanks to my mom, who used to put on some music by Beethoven or Schubert at home when I was a kid.△I find it great to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie, Lily, who is a super fan of cycling. Actually, she always invites me to some local cycling events and gradually it’s become a necessary part of my life as well.总结一下,当刚刚听到问题没有思路时,可以从以下几个方面来找灵感:事物本身特点、自己过去经历(开心的/不开心的)、其他人的影响。
【优质】IELTS口试成功的四大策略-范文word版 (1页)

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Four atrategies for all the candidates to succeed in the IELTS Speaking
One : 固定句型的使用
在考试中熟练地使用固定句型有助于最大程度地使考生摆脱 Chinglish
Two : 亮点词汇的使用
Three : 答案的思路和角度应由特色且有个性
brilliant ideas 有助于考生扩大谈话范围,增加谈话内容。
Four : 不要忽视你的 gestures % facial expressions 的使用。

5个一定要提前练习的雅思口语奇葩卡片题Describe a good part of your personality/racter.描述你性格中的一个优点You should say:what it is;what this part of your personality or racter is like;how it affects your life or work;and explain why you think it is good.一开始看到 a racter 的时候,还以为要描述一个或者是的角色,没想到居然是要我赞美自己~这个话题最难的部分,就是如何夸得恰到好处,既能够突出性格特点,又能够让考觉得我把自己夸得好有道理~这一题最好选一些能体会出生活细节的性格特点:1. Outgoing, easygoing什么的估计说的把。
2. 在西方这个爱猫爱狗的文化下,我们是不是有可以心机地表示一下自己喜欢小猫小狗呢?有爱心,照顾流浪猫狗也是一个good racter嘛~(为了高分不择手段的boy/girl。
)3. creativity也是西方人欣赏的特点,不妨跟a creative person这一题一起准备。
Describe an imrtant objectthat your family has kept for a long time.描述一件家传之宝。
You should say:what the object is;where it came from;how long has been in your family;and explain why your family has kept it for long.这个话题最难的部分当然就是最后一小问why!最后一定要提前准备,否则估计临场很难说出理由。

5个一定要提前练习的雅思口语奇葩卡片题_5个一定要提前练习的雅思口语奇葩卡片题!Describe a good part of your personality/character.描述你性格中的一个优点You should say:what it is;what this part of your personality or character is like;how it affects your life or work;and explain why you think it is good.一开始看到a character 的时候,还以为要描述一个电影或者是小说的角色,没想到居然是要我赞美自己~这个话题最难的部分,就是如何夸得恰到好处,既能够突出性格特点,又能够让考官觉得我把自己夸得好有道理~这一题最好选一些能体会出生活细节的性格特点:1. Outgoing,easygoing什么的估计说的人大把。
2. 在西方这个爱猫爱狗的文化下,我们是不是有可以心机地表示一下自己喜欢小猫小狗呢?有爱心,照顾流浪猫狗也是一个good character 嘛~(为了高分不择手段的boy/girl。
)3. creativity也是西方人欣赏的特点,不妨跟a creative person这一题一起准备。
Describe an important objectthat your family has kept for a long time.描述一件家传之宝。
You should say:what the object is;where it came from;how long has been in your family;and explain why your family has kept it for long.这个话题最难的部分当然就是最后一小问why!最后一定要提前准备,否则估计临场很难说出理由。

怎样拓宽雅思口语答题思路话柄一:信息具体化首先第一种思路就是把答案具体化,描述一下具体的内容和细节,也就是对”what” 这个词进行展开,比如考到Do you like flowers? 如果你的答案是肯定的,那么接下来就可以告诉考官你喜欢那些花,比如百合花lily、牡丹花peony 或者康乃馨carnation之类的,也就是说你可以用适当举例子的方式来做到有话说。
或者比如考到Do you like music? 考生在回答问题的时候就可以谈一谈具体喜欢音乐的类型,比如说pop music、jazz、R&B或者rock & roll。
比如pop music中很多人喜欢的Adele的经典歌曲”Someone like you”。
所以就可以说I got really thrilled when I attended Lady Gaga’s concert in Sydney.话柄三:时空渲染第三种思路就是讲讲你具体看到这种事物或者具体做这件事的时间和地点,也就是说对”when /where”这两个词进行展开。

2023雅思口语四大必考题及参考答案四大必考题:Study or work、Hometown、Accommodation及The area you live in。
一、Study or work答案(一)Study1.Do you work or are you a student?I'm a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing.I'm a student, and I'm a freshman in Tsinghua University.I'm a student, a high school student.2.What subject are you studying?I'm studying for a Master's degree in Tsinghua University, specializing in the field of Math Studies.3.Why did you choose that subject?I chose math because I liked it in high school. I was always strong in math and science, so it seemed like a natural progression. Also, I did some research on career opportunities, and it seemed to be a subject with a promising future.4.What would you like to do in the future?I would love to be a teacher. Most of the women in my family are teachers, they have a huge impact on my life. I think it is wonderful to get to change people's lives by what I say or do on the stage. It requires a person to be responsible and caring, and I want to be such a person.5.What are the most popular subjects in China?It's hard to say nowadays. You know, due to the globalization, our country is much more developed than ever. Every subject has something to offer to the society. Students just choose their subjects based on what they are interested in, which then, in turn, can become a trend.6.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like?Definitely! I think interest is the best motivator, if I choose something I'm keen on, I will be willing to sacrifice my leisure time because it is a worthwhile sacrifice to me. In addition, when I face some difficulties, I will do my best to overcome the problems. Quitting in the middle will never be an option. We should consider carefully our choice from the start, rather than carelessly choosing the wrong path, then regretting it.7.Are you looking forward to working?I have been wanting to work full time, that's for sure. I can now imagine myself waking up early in the morning, getting my business attire on and sitting behind my office desk. I wonder how it feels to work with other professionals and with the boss always around… It could be stressful but interesting, I guess. The best part I would say would be to finally receive a salary and spend my own money. I would not have to bother my parents then. But, like most things in life, it really depends on what the job is and whether the environment is positive or not.8.Do you like your subject? (Why? / Why not?)Honestly, I don't. I am halfway through my college career. But reality struck me when the material we learned in class was much more difficult and the assignments weren't fun. I'm thinking about changing my own major now.9.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?I am not a morning person, I'm afraid. But to be honest, studying in the afternoon is even worse. I get really sleepy from one to four in the afternoon. So, actually, my brain is at its best in the evening. It works better then. I can stay sharp even until very late at night10.Is your subject interesting to you?Absolutely. I find computer science really stimulating. Imagine creating somethinguseful just using codes and numbers. It requires a good level of imagination and quite a good level of number skills, critical thinking and logic skills as well as a keen ability to solve problems.11.Is there any kind of technology you can use in study?For studying I use a computer and my phone. I often download research papers and read them on my phone and make notes onto the notes section of my phone too. I use my computer to actually write essays and do other homework tasks. (二)work1.What work do you do?I am a teacher at a high school. I started there in Jan 2015 after graduating from college. I would say it is a pretty challenging job.2. Why did you choose to do that type of job?Teaching is my passion. I don't view my career as a "job" per say. I see it more as my calling in life. It is my life's purpose.3. Do you like your job?Definitely! I enjoy the variety and special projects where I can take ownership of the final product. My job provides me with both, so yes, it is a good job and I find it very rewarding.I'm not interested in my job… because it is so mundane and repetitive, two traits I despise and try to stay away from. I hope to find a better job that challenges me to aspire to new heights.4. Do you miss being a student?I definitely do! Sometimes I just wonder what would have happened if I had studied harder when I was in university. I just miss the days when I had nothing to worry about but the exams. Now, all the pressure from work and family is difficult to deal with.5. Is it very interesting?Most of the time, yes! The daily challenges from new projects provide constant opportunities to learn new things and to some extent re-invent myself. Every day is unique. My colleagues provide me with support but also healthy competition. I find my job most interesting when I am challenged to reach outside of my comfort zone.6.Is there any kind of technology you use at work?)I use mainly a laptop computer and my phone at work. Sometimes I also use a photocopier scanner, and a video camera if I'm making short promotional videos with my company. But mainly, I just use a computer.7.Can you manage your time well when you work?Yes, I am a project manager in my office, so I am quite good at managing my time and the other people's time on the team. I've worked as an IT manager for several years now.8.Who helps you most at work?My team members – I have a great team and they are all hardworking, supportive, smart and attentive to the needs of others and the project goals.二、Hometown答案1.Has your hometown changed much these years?Absolutely! Take traffic as an example, the most common transport facility used to be buses, it could be really crowded sometimes since people didn't have any other options. However, today, BRT and subway systems have made people's lives easier than ever.2.Is that a big city or a small place?This city is so huge. I often get lost here. Like the other day, I travelled to a new neighborhood that had this restaurant people were raving about. I made a wrongturn and it took me 20 minutes to figure out where I was.3.How long have you been living here?For about half my life, so that is about 10 years. I went to school here, and now I'm working in the same city. In fact, time has gone by really quickly because so there's so much to do here and I've been so active.4.For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?Well, first of all, there are a great number of opportunities for both education and job-hunting in big cities, which explains why people from small cities, towns and villages are flooding to big cities nowadays. Plus, the fact that cities offer more modern facilities and conveniences makes them even more attractive to people.5.Is there anything you dislike about it?Unfortunately, this city has a huge problem with pollution, especially air pollution. The air is so contaminated that we all have to wear masks every time we go out of the house. This problem has escalated to a serious level that it's been catching the attention of the international community. I hope that the government will be able to save this city before the problem gets worse.6.What do you like most about your hometown?What I love the most about it is the mystery. I mean there are so many places inside this city that I have yet to explore. I could spend years checking out every restaurant and attraction Beijing has to offer.7.Where in your country do you live?I live in Beijing. However, since the city is so big, it would take hours to even scratch the surface, but to sum it up, Beijing is the political and cultural heart, and one of the major economic centers of the world today.三、Accommodation答案1.Are the transport facilities in your city very good?Honestly, I wish they were better. I have to walk 20 minutes to the bus stop, and the subway takes another 30 minutes when I get to work. My dream home is a house located right next to a bus stop or subway terminal.2.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?My family loves to stay in the living room as this is the only place in the flat where we can do a lot of things together. We play board games, watch films and TV programs. We play cards sometimes and we spend time working on huge puzzles together.3.Do you live in a house or a flat?I live in a flat, and my flat is situated in a quiet little neighborhood on the north side of city. My parents first moved there in 2000 when they wanted to start a new life and raise a family.4.Do you plan to live here for a long time?Not really! I want to blaze my own trail and live in a place that forces me to reach out and meet new people. I was thinking about moving to Shanghai for a few days to gain a bit more cultural experience of the world.5.Do you live alone or with your family?I'm a student at the moment, and I live with my parents. Actually I quite like it, because my mother is the best cook that I know - it's always wonderful to have a tasty meal after a day of school work. We also talk about our days with each other while we're enjoying dinner, it just feels good.6.How long have you lived there?I've lived there for three years and I really love my place. Since it's on the 11th floor, it's well ventilated and there is plenty of sunshine. I love to sink into the soft sofa to watch TV and eat snacks. There's a large shopping centre within 5 minutes' walk so it's very convenient for me to go shopping, watch movies and eat out. Iwish it was my apartment.7.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?At weekends, I spend most of my time studying and sleeping in my room. On weekdays, I spend time in the kitchen, baking some cakes or sweet stuff for my mother. Sometimes, we watch films in the living room. On Sundays, we usually clean the house and do some laundry.8.Which is your favourite room in your home?I think it must be my bedroom. My bedroom is not that big but quite neat. There are some posters of Kobe Bryant on the wall because he is my favorite basketball player. My room is kind of a private space for me - I usually play some video games, do my homework and play the guitar in it.9.What's the difference between where you are living now and where you lived in the past? (If you want to say you have not lived elsewhere)I have not moved home at all. I have lived in the same flat since I was born. I love our small place. I have a lot of good memories here, and I treasure them. I'd happily stay here for many more years?10.What can you see when you look out the window of your room?I can see the whole community from my window. In the morning, people are going to school or work, everyone is in a hurry. However, in the evening, it is not that fast-paced anymore. I can see parents taking a walk after dinner and children playing games in the neighborhood.11.Would you be willing to live in the countryside in the future?In the future, probably. There is a peacefulness I enjoy when visiting the countryside. People there are friendly and always willing to start a conversation. I think when I retire, living in the countryside is a nice option to me.四、The area you live in答案1.Where do you like to go in that area?The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadium is not very spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoor swimming pool with a small number of people so I can swim whenever I want. That's really awesome!2.Do you know any famous people in your area?Actually yes! I am aware that a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I feel very proud every time I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are living in the area that I come from. So, I suppose my city is an artistic and poetic area.3.How has your area changed in recent years?Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadays in my city. I can see more and more skyscrapers having been built and the public transportation system is becoming more diversified and completed. But for me, the most fantastic change is that there is greater diversity in restaurants! Now I can taste genuine foreign food in my city. How marvelous it is!4.Do you like the area that you live in now?Of course, yes! There are so many aspects in this area that take my fancy. The climate of it is perfect to me, although the winter is a bit freezing. And the modernity there is what attracts me most. Living in this place, I feel that I can always keep pace with times.。

1. 阅读广泛阅读是丰富思路的重要途径之一。
2. 增加词汇量词汇是语言表达的基础,考生应该注重词汇的积累。
3. 多听多说口语考试主要是考察考生的口语交流能力,因此,多听多说是非常重要的。
4. 扩展话题范围在备考雅思口语时,考生要主动拓展话题范围,不仅仅局限于书本上或者培训班上的一些常见话题。
5. 增加观察力和思考深度考生可以通过增加观察力和思考深度来获得更多的话题思路。

下面我们来看一下真题演示:1. “WH问题”Part1 真题:Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores?思路演示:Well,I’m more into small shops if I would like to buy things that are special, you know, something like shoes,or accessories. But if I need to buy foods or electrical equipment, then it’s more likely that I woul d go to a department store, which is more reliable …2. “Yes/No问题”Part 3真题:Do you think healthy eating is important?思路演示:Yes,eating healthy foods is necessary in many ways,especially that it can prevent some diseases like diabetes. But I think that it is fine to eat a little unhealthy foods in moderation,in fact,we have to say that most of the fast foods are tastier than healthy foods…二.雅思口语答题思路拓展方法之:多重细节造成答案过短的主要原因之一就是“只回答”考官所提的问题。

《雅思口语卡片题的四种高分拓展策略_雅思口语考试题库》摘要:Q”引导思路拓展包括“, , r, (), , ( xl, , lg, , )”,xl (l r bg rbl, l, )(…)(300 vrg r r)(3 l ),lg lr, bk, , l lr g lk教学程当问到学生雅思口语三部分考试哪部分难以对付多数情况下学生会认r 是令人头痛部分现r 话题越越细化、刁钻虽然有分钟准备但紧张考试环境下部分学生都称脑子是空白以导致不充分准备让分钟描述变得非常惨白无奈收尾给考官感觉始终印象不深刻无法达到通细致描述想亲尝试愿通分析学生r 回答例发现不少学要么仅将话题卡给问题提示作以简单回答要么使用较明显模板回答方式也就是我们常说无关紧要话填塞容上空白如 rll v l rb, lk ll l 这也是国学生雅思口语0国和地区垫底原因这将总结出四种r 描述题拓展策略策略细节描述法当考生面对话题无从下手可以利用” Q”引导思路拓展包括“, , r, (), , ( xl, , lg, , )”例如rb rr r lk 首先须明确( Bkr)( v r g), r ( g)(rgr r );其次是整描述重(rbl, l, ) xl (l r bg rbl, l, )(…)(300 vrg r r)(3 l )但是提醒考生回答不可机械地按照每作答否则描述样会非常死板乏味即要灵活然渡每l r Bkr vr , b 5 rv r qr , lk r , q rrg Bkr br 5 r g l rl, b b rr r g Bkr rg r, ’ b lr l b l vr rgr g g ’ rbbl b rll l k l , rgg r , , r, bk r bl r r rBkr r r r, rg r l rk g r rbl r rk, vg r Bkr ll b vr l g ll gr r lv vr r g b zz bl rr r Bkr , Bg r, g z ll , rr ‘r kg r Bg r z, ll v r ll lk , r ’ l r rlx, , rk, r策略二举例支撑法r 话题描述如仅有描述仍会让整陈述略显有些平淡所以朗阁海外考试研究心建议考生描述加上相应例子这样可以增加描述容丰富性和生动性但是 r 里例子并不定要非常正式举例如“r xl”;口语化些表达方式会更然些如“ lk”比如”rb l ”除了描述这里有些l g外若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性, l l rg , lg lr, bk, , l lr g lk策略三数据支撑法r 话题属细节描述题适当候如能够使用数据进步支撑描述可以增强话题描述真实性和说力但是建议考生使用数据候不要太夸张数而且频率不应多使用次数据就可以了另外与雅思写作有别是写作引用数据有出处或但回答口语r 问题这出处可以省略否则会导致回答容是背诵嫌疑降低真实性这就与我们初衷背道相驰了比如“rb r ll”我们可以通数据支撑这样描述“ vl r ll l b 50 60 vrg r, rvg l 30,000 , r ll lb rbl gr lgg ”有了数据支撑可以使我们对音乐厅规模和条件有更直观了而不是简单地描述“ r ll vr lr llq”策略四比较对照法分钟描述除了单方面地进行描述外可以通描述类事物进行比较方式使容更加全面细致但是这部分毕竟是口语考试所以选用比较类词语应口语化连接词“lklrlkb r r”等例如“rb gz”我们这样描述gz ’v b rg rl (xg gz), l vr g bk, v, , l g ll r r k rg l gz lk rl gz, ’ vr r g k r r rr rl r, ’ ’ br 通对比方式可以令考官加深对描述印象也丰富了枯燥话题陈述容以上四种策略可以助考生拓展雅思口语r 回答让描述题不再变得单调乏味通举例和数据支撑法增强容真实性细节法和比较对照法弥补考生题目上“无话可说”问题终取得理想分数。
关于雅思口语考试形式和应对策略 雅思口语考试题库

第二阶段为individ-ual long tum,考官随机抽取一张题目卡,考生预备一分钟,然后就该题目进行1-2分钟的个人陈述。
第三阶段为two-way discussion,考官和考生围绕第二阶段的话题进行4-5分钟的交谈,但考官询问的问题在广度和深度上都有所增加。
雅思口语考试题库 总结突破雅思口语的方法

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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2 的话题越来越细化、刁钻,虽然有1分钟的准备时间,但在紧张的考试环境下,大部分学生都称脑子是空白的,以导致不充分的准备让1-2分钟的描述变得非常的惨白,无奈收尾,给考官的感觉始终印象不深刻,无法达到通过细致的描述想亲自尝试的意愿。
如 If I really have to choose a place to describe, Id like to tell you that .is
such the place.这也是中国学生雅思口语在40个国家和地区垫底的原因之一。
在这篇文章中,将总结出四种Part 2描述题的拓展策略。
策略一:WH细节描述法当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括“what, when, where, who(whom), why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。
例如,Describe a restaurant or cafe you like.首先须明确what(the
Bookworm),when(some five years ago), where (down the south of Chengdu),who(foreigners for most of time);其次是整个描述的重点why(fortable, pleasant, intimate ),how exactly (detailed description of being fortable, pleasant, and intimate),how often(once a month…),how much(30-40 yuan on average per person),how many(3 in Whole China)。
Sle answer:The Bookworm is my favorite cafe in this city, which is about
15 minutes drive from the Tianfu Square down the south, and unlike other fancy cafes in the downtown, it sits in a quiet surrounding.The
Bookworm was born 5 years ago with the help of a journalist, who soonbecame the business partner and co-owner of Chengdu Bookworm.During
these years, it’s been popular and weled by almost every foreigner in Chengdu.I
guess it’s probably because the cafe is really the place that can make them feel at home, ranging from the food, coffee, inside decoration, and those books written and published from their country.The Bookworm creates a warm and intimate atmosphere, offering its customers home style food and drink.When
you get annoyed from a trouble in study or at work, having a rest at Bookworm will be the very pleasant thing to chill out.Thegreatest
part is the live music every Friday night at which you can enjoy the best jazz and blues.There
are three Bookworms in China, Beijing has the first, and Chengdu and Suzhou follow the step, therefore if
you‘re taking a trip to Beijing or Suzhou, you can still have the opportunity to enjoy the nice little cafe.I
like the cafe, for it’s the place where I can relax, eat, drink, read and enjoy music.策略二:举例支撑法在Part
2里例子,并不一定要非常正式的举例,如“For exle”;口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as,like”。
比如,”Describe a special shop”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性。
In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali
jewelries and things like that.策略三:数据支撑法Part 2话题属于细节描述题,在适当的时候如果能够使用数据来进一步支撑描述,可以增强话题描述的真实性和说服力。
另外,与雅思写作有别的是,在写作中引用数据时最好有个出处或来源,但在回答口语Part 2问题时,这个出处可以省略,否则会导致回答内容是背诵的嫌疑,降低真实性,这就与我们的初衷背道相驰了。
比如“Describe a concert hall”,我们可以通过数据的支撑来这样描述“The Civil Concert Hall holds about 50 to 60 shows on an average each year, receiving almost 30,000 audiences, and part of them e to this hall simplybecause of its fortable seats andgreat sound and lighting effects.”有了数据的支撑,可以使我们对音乐厅的规模和条有个更直观的了解,而不是简单地描述“the
concert hall is very popular and well-equipped.”策略四:比较对照法1-2分钟的描述中,除了单方面地进行描述外,可以通过描述同类事物进行比较的方式来使内容更加全面细致。
但是,这个部分毕竟是口语考试,所以选用的比较类的词语应为口语化的连接词,“unlike,similar,like,be different from”等。
例如“Describe a magazine”,我们这样来描述:The magazine I’ve been reading recently is O2 (Oxygen Magazine), which mainly covers good books, movies, music, and life design as well as eco protection are the key topics throughout the whole magazine.Unlike
the normal magazines, you cannot find any pany’s advertisement on it.Another
thing makes it different from the ordinary ones is that it uses recycled paper, and that’s what it’s aimed
since it was born.通过对比的方式,可以令考官加深对描述的印象,也丰富了枯燥话题的陈述内容。