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摘要贵州是我国石斛主产区之一。经调研,我省有石斛属植物22种1变种。贵州石斛主产于黔北和黔西南等地,黔北以金钗石斛,黔西南以环草石斛为主,特别是赤水金钗石斛与兴义环草石斛尤为著名。“赤水金钗石斛”,己于2006年获国家地理标志。我省赤水、兴义等地不但野生石斛资源丰富,金钗石斛与环草石斛的保护抚育与仿野生栽培也有50多年历史。目前,赤水金钗石斛与兴义环草石斛的规范化种植与GAP 生产基地建设己取得可喜成效,建立了石斛组培快繁中心,己初步形成“试验示范基地-乡镇技术服务站-药农大户-农户”四级石斛生产技术网络,正在形成与壮大以赤水金钗石斛和兴义环草石斛为重点的贵州石斛产业,其具有广阔发展空间和良好市场前景。


The Current Development and Prospect of Guizhou's Herba Dendrobii

Ran Maoxiong

The Researching Office for Chinese Traditional Medicine and Herbal of Guizhou Province, China (Guiyang 550002,E-mail: ranmoxiong@) Summary : Guizhou province is one of the main areas for producing Herba Dendrobii. By investigating and researching, we know that there are 22 kinds and one variation of Herba Dendrobii in the province. Guizhou Herba Dendrobii mainly exists in the north and southwest of Guizhou Province. The north produces Noble dendrobium (especially in Chishui County) and the southwest is Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe (in Xingyi County). Chishui's Noble dendrobium has gain the sign issued by The National Geography Magazine. In Chishui County and Xingyi County of Guizhou, not only are there abundant wild resources of Noble dendrobium, but also ones and Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe grown by man, which have been for 50 years. In present, the base of planting Chishui Noble dendrobium and Xingyi

Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe in standardization or GAP production have achieved preferable success. The technical training centers for planting Herba Dendrobii have beep set, and the primary incorporate systems of demonstrational experiment base, village technical service agency, pesticide traders and farmers have formed. The industries of Chishui Noble dendrobium and Xingyi Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe are posing step by step. The foreground of market and development is nice.

Key words : Resources of Guizhou Herba Dendrobii,Noble dendrobium, Dendrobium loddigesii,Planting standardizationally and GAP production base

1 概述

石斛是我国著名地道常用药材,其原植物为兰科植物环草石斛Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe. 、马鞭石斛Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. var. oculatum Hook. 、黄草石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum Wall. 、铁皮石斛Dendrobium candidum Wall. 或金钗石斛Dendrobium nobile Lindl.。药用部位:以新鲜茎或干燥茎入药[1]。别名:林兰、禁生(《神农本草经》),杜兰(《名医别录》),金钗花、千年润(《本草纲目》),黄草(《药物出产辨》),吊兰花(《中国药用植物志》)等。


2 石斛资源分布与主产区

石斛为石斛属(Dendrobium Sw.)植物,石斛属是兰科中最大的属之一。石斛属植物大多数种类都集中分布在北纬15°30′~25°12′之间,且越向北延而种类则逐渐减少。我国药用石斛的原植物主要来源于兰科石斛属植物,其次有的地区尚将金石斛属(Ephemerantha)、石仙桃属(Pholidota Lindl.)、石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum
