
the time when sth. is just starting to be developed Eg: Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium.
time off:调休 holiday:一般指法定假日,不用上学或上班的假期 days off:纯粹指不用上班,休息的日子或一段时间,例如周末 leave:可当假期,通常是自己申请的休假。
Half work, half vacation: Meet the “workcation”
clock off
sb. in a hotel whose job is to help guests by telling them about places to visit, restaurants to eat in, etc. Eg: One skill that will always be a top priority for a hotel concierge is the ability to deal with people , preferably in their own language.
perk ≈ fringe, benefit, perquisite
sth. that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car Eg: Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance.
商务英语阅读Unit 1-叶兴国ppt课件

such that ...:如此…。 如:
Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep.他们如此焦虑,难
Business English: A Reading Course
multinational company do? 5. According to the last part of the passage, what does
globalization do?
Business English: A Reading Course
Notes on the Text:
1. Summarize the main idea of the Supplementary Reading: New Thinking for a New Financial Order on P9 with no more than 50 words.
2. Finish Part V Test Yourself on P10.
Business English: A Reading Course
II. Free answer.
III. Translation
1.我对中国文化有足够了解,我知道人们当众对抗是 罕见的, 所以我想和我的老板单独交谈。
one-on-one assessment of your boss? 3. What is the entrepreneurial cultures according to Rohit? 4. According to the last part of the passage, what does a
商务英语阅读第一册上 Unit 2

The survey revealed that 47 percent of Americans don’t know when it’s appropriate to see a mental health professional and 68 percent don’t know how to find a mental health professional to help them.
Unit 2
Psychology in Daily Life
Reading One
Reading One
Check your comprehension
Answer the following questions with the information from the
text. What training does a psychologist need to receive before he / she can practice independently in any health car arena?
Reading One
the italicized parts.
Check your vocabulary
Paraphrase the following sentences with a special focus on
When you have a question about your emotional health, psychห้องสมุดไป่ตู้logists can be a great resource.
Unit 2
Psychology in Daily Life
Pre-reading Questions
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

1 All organizations create products for customers. Thus all organizations have a number of similarities that relate to the activities necessary to create goods and services. It is the role of production and operation management to acquire the necessary resources to create that product, to plan the specific steps through which those resources must pass to become a finished product and to make sure the product conforms to the standards of appearance, performance and reliability. conform, 使一致,使遵守
D. international trade _______________________
Unit Introduction
8. tell you exactly what you need to do to meet the ISO 9001∶2000 Quality Management Standard.
Unit Introduction
Check that you understand the following
professional words or expressions. Most of them are common when they are introduced in general English. But they would have particular meanings when they are used to describe production and operation

Business EnglishExtensive Reading (1)商务英语阅读(1)Ⅰ. Reading ComprehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet.Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best.“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,”he says.But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11.In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.Similarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water.Nevertheless,soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share.As diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink companies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.As a result some restaurants are selling bottled water.According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want itRegardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。

Exterior details of the 200-foot-long (61 m) by 134foot-wide (41 m) building were executed in red sandstone; the entrance doors, windows, and skylights were of glass.
The Larkin Administration Building
It was noted for many innovations, including air conditioning, stained glass windows, built-in desk furniture, and suspended toilet bowls.
• John D. Larkin began a modest soap
factory in Buffalo, New York, in 1875 and marketed two products: Sweet Home Soap, a yellow laundry soap, and Crème Oatmeal, a toilet soap.
The Larkin Administration Building
At the heart of the physical presence of the Larkin company was the Larkin Administration Building, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and constructed in 1906. It proved the success of the Larkin Idea and ushered in the glory years of the company. This red brick building was five stories tall and was intended to be both practical and yet convey the humane principles of John D. Larkin.
最新文档-商务英语阅读(上册)unit 1-PPT精品文档

When pursuing international business, private enterprises and governments have to decide how to carry out their business, such as what mode of operation to use. A company has a number of modes from which to choose.
purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.
International trade has been carried on between countries and geographical regions for thousands of years. Over the centuries, international trade, although periodically interrupted by wars and natural disasters, has gradually expanded, usually at a faster pace than the expansion of world output. The impetus for the existence and expansion of international trade is the same as that for any commercial transaction: value
A direct investment is one that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company. Such a direct investment is also a foreign direct investment (FDI). Control need not be a 100-percent or even 50-percent interest. When two or more companies share ownership of an FDI, the operation is a joint venture. When a government joins accompany in an FDI, the operation is called a mixed venture, which is a type of joint venture.
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。
商务英语阅读第一册上 Unit

➢What does Dr. Cantor suggest people should do to maintain good mental health?
According to Dr. Cantor, learning to talk about
one’s problems and concerns is an important part of
span life
Pre-reading Expressions
Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about what one can do handle psychological problems:
have a sense of control over events.
Make a schedule for yourself for the day so that you can structure your activities toward some productive end.
Moderate your competitive feelings so that you’re not constantly going forth to do battle with work, play, or other people.
I often feel emotionally "numb", as if nothing can affect me, not even the death of someone close to me.
I sometimes get really embarrassed, ashamed or angry with myself about the way that I feel.
商务英语阅读:Lesson 1

1)do sth. (just ) for interest ; 2)a person of wide interests; 3)Her main interests are music, tennis and cooking.
Advantages of Licensing
Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty. 一些公司选择许可经营,因为他们可以直接收取 知识产权使用费,而不必支付现金去开办业务。
Now, Read Aloud Paragraph 9.
The residents of one country supply
to another. Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI for short )
Two Categories Portfolio Investment
现金交易 关税区 货币兑换
domestic business
transaction in cash
customs areas ( currency ) conversion
What does international business refer to ?
- International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export, such as business between Hong Kong and Taiwan

Investors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods by linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected to make its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange.The total value of the company based in Hangzhou has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percent share of the company. That would mean the company could raise as much as $20 billion in the public stock sale.After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most valuable technology companies in the world. Apple for example, has a market value 市值of about $600 billion, Google is valued atabout $390 billion, and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.The e-commerce company is responsible for most online sales in China. It dealt with more exchanges last year than U.S. companies Amazon and eBay combined. And it has more than 230 million active buyers.Scott Kennedy is director of Indiana University's Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business."Alibaba has grown from a very small company doing e-commerce 15 years ago or so to now being th e dominant e-business company in China," Kennedy said.Mr. Kennedy says Alibaba has expanded into new areas while growing its share of thee-commerce market."It is also involved in banking and other areas and has just been growing so dramatically thatit now accounts for 80 percent of e-commerce in China," Kennedy said.He says the company is profitable which is unusual for a technology company first offering an IPO. Alibaba has chosen to sell its stock to the public on the New York Stock Exchange rather than in China. Scott Kennedy says that selling stock on Chinese exchanges has been difficult."Chinese companies have been trying to raise capital on stock markets for a long time. Within China listing has been difficult and that market has not done very well," Kennedy said.He says that the Chinese economy has grown quickly over the years, but has not supported strong stock market activity. The California based Internet company Yahoo owns about one-forth of Alibaba. The IPO in September could increase the value of Yahoo's share. China is now the world's second largest market for e-commerce.。
商务英语阅读Unit 1-叶兴国

2. Finish Part V Test Yourself on P10.
Three questions:
1. Why should we do Business English Reading?
2. What does Business English Reading mainly deal with?
3. How can we do the Business English Reading effectively?
such that ...:如此…。 如: Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep.他们如此焦虑,难
Business English: A Reading Course
Business English: A Reading Course
1. Can you mention some multinational companies in China? 2. Do you want to be a member of these multinational companies? Why?
3. What are the differences between these multinational companies and the local companies in China?
Business English: A Reading Course

The abrupt change put him at the end of his tether.
Pre-reading Expressions
Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about different
Resolve / grapple with / cope with / race with the plight Stand up to / live through difficulty Come to terms with / be reconciled to the failure He has the courage to face the music. When faced with obstacles, he simply throws in the towel.
Pre-reading Expressions
Collocations that are possible to go with the target word “challenge”:
take up / meet / pick up the challenge rise to the challenge of risk look upon something as a challenge to greater exertions. The challenges of this new world have given impetus to changes. He can always turn a challenge to advantage.
Don’t like changes and challenges Change is a threat to our life which has already been under control. Change is bad. We're failing in some way if our lห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ves are in confusion. So we must fix it and get it back to normal. Changes are challenges, are failures! I am afraid of taking up the challenge and grappling with the plight.
商务英语阅读上册unit (1)_OK

You'd expect nothing less from the man who turned a tiny c ompany called Blue Ribbon Sports into Nike Corp., a multibillio n-dollar enterprise and a household name. With a net worth of $ 5.3 billion, Knight ranks sixth on Forbes's latest list of the richest Americans. Blue Ribbon Sports cleared $3,240 in its first year, 19 64. In fiscal year 1996, Nike's revenue hit $6.5 billion (with $550 million in income). Nowadays Nike has become a $12 billion glo bal business, selling apparel and equipment with an ever wider ra nge of shoes. "In a very short period of time, Phil Knight create d one of the greatest American commerce stories of the 20th cen tury," says sports agent David Falk.
人民大2023商务英语阅读(第1册)(第二版)课件Unit 4 Employees

Words and Expressions
candid adj. saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts 坦率的;坦诚的 (TEM-8)
Natalie is candid about the problems she is having with Steve.
The process can be painful but it leads to greater selfawareness.
Words and Expressions
hallmark n. a feature or quality that is typical of sb./sth. 特征;特点 (TEM-8)
但在引导这些对话方面,你也可以发挥重要作用:提 出正确的问题并深入挖掘。
have an important role to play 的意思为“起到重要作 用”。
Notes on Text A
2. By actively soliciting feedback from employees, you open the door to more honest discussions.
Words and Expressions
retribution n. severe punishment for sth. seriously wrong that sb. has done 严惩;惩罚 (TEM-8)
People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.
Words and Expressions
商务英语阅读第一册上 Unit 4

Pre-reading Expressions
Some most frequently asked questions in job interviews:
What do you expect from a supervisor?
I appreciate a work environment where supervisors try to make personal connections with their employees.
Pre-reading Expressions
What factors do you / will you take into account when choosing a job?
Your interest. Your aptitude and competence. Salary and insurance.
Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.
I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time.
Pre-reading Expressions

罗婉 louissweet@
Unit 1
Getting to "Yes" with the Business Plan(Ⅰ)
Business Language
In this unit we’re going to introduce some tips on making a good business plan. You will meet a lot of words and technical terms related to business plan and the practical reading will help you be familiar with those words. Of course you will also continue to learn some reading skills about how to identify the main idea of a paragraph by finding the topic sentence.
possible to finance an idea or a team even before there
is any product or patent.
• In 1999, " gold rush entrepreneurship" flourished and was fed by an abundance of funding. However, the times when anyone could get financed are over; investors are looking for wellstructured, credible projects.

Business Contract Reading
To ensure compliance with terms and conditions
Identify the parties involved and their roles
Key Points in Reading a Business Contract
Vocabulary Building
Active Learning
Expand your vocabulary by learning common business terms, vocabulary, and phrases used in different business contexts
Business English is a specialized subset of English used in business and commercial contexts It encompassed the language of international trade, finance, marketing, management, and other business related fields
Purpose of Reports To provide information about a project or topic
To make recommendations for future actions
Business Report Reading
To document processes or procedures
Fundamentals of Business English
商务英语阅读 Unit 1 International Business

3.Sቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱbsidye
4.Quota 5.NTB
8.specific duty
9.Tariff 10.tariff rate quota
a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public
b c
d e
tax figured as a percentage on the value of goods
non tariff barrier
Quotas permitting a stipulated amount of goods to enter the nation duty-free or at a low rate, while charging a much higher duty for subsequent imports when the amount is reached.
• 3 .Specific rate duty :A specific rate duty is a tariff levied on imports, defined in terms of a specific amount per unit, such as cents per kilogram. By contrast, an ad valorem duty is a charge levied on imports defined in terms of a fixed percentage of value. • 4. Tariff-rate quota: A tariff-rate quota (TRQ) is a trade policy tool used to protect a domestically-produced commodity or product from competitive imports. • 5 .Economic efficiency: In economics, the term economic efficiency refers to the use of resources so as to maximize the production of goods and services. An economic system is said to be more efficient than another (in relative terms) if it can provide more goods and services for society without using more resources In absolute terms, a situation can be called economically efficient.

Business EnglishExtensive Reading (1)商务英语阅读(1)Ⅰ. Reading prehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet. Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water,which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur Wiesenberger,who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best.“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,”he says.But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11.In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.Similarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water.Nevertheless,soft-drink panies view bottled water as the next battle-groundfor market share.As diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink panies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.As a result some restaurants are selling bottled water.According to an article in The Wall Street Journal,some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want it Regardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。
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Check your vocabulary
Match the words on the right with that on the left.
cachet unflattering skyrocket fickle indigo brisk sturdy salvage rugged broker surge leverage diversify recoup aspiration empowerment
save sth from loss, fire, wreck, etc active, energetic often changing, not constant respect or admiration that sb gets because of reputation (price, ect) rise to a very high level making someone look less attractive or seem worse give variety to sth, vary the process of giving lawful power or authority to sb to act persons who buys and sells things for others, middleman deep blue dye obtained from plants get back what one has spent, lost ect; strong desire or amibition rough, uneven, rocky move forward in or like waves strong, solid, determined, firm action or power of a lever, power, influence
Pre-reading Expressions
Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about changes and challenges
jump at the opportunity to do something new weather the storms of life They went through thick and thin. When opportunity knocks, he simply takes it. The abrupt change put him at the end of his tether.
Pre-readire your attitudes towards changes and challenges in life?
Like changes and challenges Don’t like changes and challenges
➢Change is a natural occurrence in life that no one can avoid. ➢Changes are challenges, are chances! So we can jump at the opportunity to do something new! ➢We become stronger after conquering the challenges in life.
Unit 6
Changes and Challenges in Life
Pre-reading Questions
How do you define changes in life? Give example to illustrate?
Changes are different choices you make at various stages of life.
look upon something as a challenge to greater exertions.
The challenges of this new world have given impetus to changes.
He can always turn a challenge to advantage.
He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children. He loves his family.
She’s the branch manager at the local grocery store. She’s proud of her new job.
Baby bust is the term applied to the period of time from 1965 1976. It refers to a sharp decrease in the number of babies born among a particular group of people. “Baby Busters" is a term which is used interchangeably with "Generation X" and "13th Generation" to describe those people born between approximately 1964 and 1977.
Background Information
Wall street (华尔街)
Wall street was named for a wall that protected Manhattan from enemies and warring Indians and now has become the center of business in the city of New York, ad has come to be known as the financial center of the world. The massive bronze statue of a bull, the symbol of Wall Street, has long been a mascot (福神) for traders on Wall Street and is located at Wall Street and Broadway. This financial district also offers a wealth of fantastic sites such as the Chase Manhattan Bank and Plaza, the Marine Midland Bank (海丰银行), the Chamber of Commerce and so on.
➢Change is a threat to our life which has already been under control. ➢Change is bad. We're failing in some way if our lives are in confusion. So we must fix it and get it back to normal. ➢Changes are challenges, are failures! I am afraid of taking up the challenge and grappling with the plight.
Background Information
leveraged buyout
The acquisition ( 收 购 , 获 取 ) of another company using a significant amount of borrowed money (bonds or loans) to meet the cost of acquisition. The purpose of leveraged buyouts is to allow companies to make large acquisitions without having to commit a lot of capital.
Unit 6
Changes and Challenges in Life
Reading One
Background Information
Baby boom (生育高峰) and baby bust (生育低谷)
Baby boom is the term applied to the period of time from January 1, 1946 to December 31, 1964 when there was a boom in the birth rate. This period of time saw over 77 million births occur. In part because of their sheer numbers, the generation born during this period has had a profound impact on society and the economy throughout all the stages of their lives.
Pre-reading Questions
How have you coped with the changes and challenges in your life?
Stand up to the changes and challenges in your life and face the music?
Pre-reading Expressions