四年级语文上册第一单元测试题篇1 一、本事小展区(一)读拼音,写词语,注意把字写美观。
四年级语文上册第一单元测试题篇2 一、积存运用。
(10分)fán nǎo sù zào chóng gāo sī niàn qīng luó( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )zǐ páo jìn tòu zhāo xiá bēi huān lí hé( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2.比一比,再组词。
(B)A.同一报文的不同分组可以由不同的传输路径通过通信子网B.在每次数据传输前必须在发送方与接收方间建立一条逻辑连接C.同一报文的不同分组到达目的结点时可能出现乱序、丢失现象D.每个分组在传输过程中都必须带有目的地址与源地址8.传统的基于IP 协议的网络不能适应多媒体网络应用的需求,改进传统网络协议的主要方法是( )。
多协议标识交换MPLSA.I、Ⅱ和ⅣB.I、III 和ⅣC.I、Ⅱ和IIID.Ⅱ、III 和Ⅳ9.以下关于环状拓扑特点的描述中,错误的是( )。
(12分)1.在没有括号的算式里,如果只有加减法或者只有乘除法,都要( )按顺序计算;如果既有加减法,又有乘除法,要先算( )法,再算( )法;如果算式里有括号,应先算( )的,再算( )的。
2.在计算200×5-(147+465)时,可以先同时算( )法和( )法,再算( )。
3.根据500÷125=4,4+404=408组成一个综合算式是 ( )4.0除以一个( )的数,还得0。
5. 加法、减法、乘法和除法统称( )。
6.把这组用图形表示的算式改写成一个算式:△-○=□ □×△=○ □÷○=◇( )二、小法官巧断案。
( )25×4÷25×4=1 ( )3. 0除以一个非零的数还得0。
( )4.两个不等于0的相同数相除,商一定是1。
( )5.被减数、减数、差的和等于被减数的2倍。
( )6.32-8×3和32÷8×3的运算顺序相同。
( )三、精心筛选。
) (10分)1.与12÷4结果相等的式子是( )①(12×2)÷(4×4) ②(12÷2)÷(4÷2)③(12+2)÷(4+2) ④(12-2)÷(12-2)2.98+2-98+2=( )①1 ②0 ③4 ④1003.75与25的和除以36与16的差,商是多少?正确列式是( )①75+25÷36-16 ②(75+25)÷(36-16)③(36-16)÷(75+25)4. 在计算(-36×47)÷44时,首先算( )法。
北师大数学四年级上册第一单元试题一、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 10个一万是(),10个十万是(),10个一百万是(),10个一千万是()。
2. 从个位起,第()位是万位,第()位是亿位。
3. 一个数的百万位、万位和百位上都是6,其他各位上都是0,这个数是(),读作()。
4. 一个数由3个千万、4个十万、6个千和8个百组成,这个数写作()。
二、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 最小的自然数是0。
2. 两个计数单位之间的进率都是10。
3. 一个数的近似数一定比这个数大。
4. 读80088000时要读两个0。
5. 写数时,哪一位上一个单位也没有就在那一位上写0。
初中一年级数学第一单元测试题一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. -2的相反数是()A. 2B. -2C. (1)/(2)D. -(1)/(2)解析:相反数是指绝对值相等,正负号相反的两个数。
所以 -2的相反数是2,答案为A。
2. 下列各数中,是正数的是()A. -3B. -(1)/(2)C. 0D. 2解析:正数是大于0的数,在给出的选项中,-3和-(1)/(2)是负数,0既不是正数也不是负数,2是正数,答案为D。
3. 计算:- 3+1的值是()A. -2B. 4C. -4解析:先求绝对值,-3 = 3,然后再计算3 + 1=4,答案为B。
4. 有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列结论正确的是()A. a>bB. a = bC. a<bD. 无法确定解析:在数轴上,右边的数总比左边的数大。
5. 比 -3大2的数是()A. -1B. -5C. 1D. 5解析:比一个数大几就用这个数加上几,所以比 -3大2的数是-3+2=-1,答案为A。
6. 计算:(-2)+(-3)的结果是()A. 5B. -5C. 1解析:同号两数相加,取相同的符号,并把绝对值相加。
所以(-2)+(-3)=-(2 + 3)=-5,答案为B。
7. 计算:3-(-2)的结果是()A. 1B. -1C. 5D. -5解析:减去一个数等于加上这个数的相反数,所以3-(-2)=3 + 2 = 5,答案为C。
8. 一个数的绝对值是5,则这个数是()A. 5B. -5C.±5D. 0解析:绝对值是指一个数在数轴上所对应点到原点的距离,到原点距离为5的点有两个,分别是5和 -5,所以这个数是±5,答案为C。
9. 下列计算正确的是()A. (-1)^2=-1B. -1^2 = 1C. (-1)^3=-1D. -1^3=1解析:(-1)^2=(-1)×(-1) = 1;-1^2=-1;(-1)^3=(-1)×(-1)×(-1)=-1;-1^3=-1,所以正确的是C。
人教版初一上册科学第一单元测试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个不是科学探究的基本方法?A. 观察B. 实验C. 调查D. 推理答案:D2. 下列哪个过程不属于科学探究?A. 提出问题B. 收集证据C. 得出结论D. 玩耍答案:D二、填空题1. 科学探究的七个环节是:提出问题、猜想与假设、制定计划(或设计方案)、进行实验、收集证据、解释与结论、______。
答案:反思与评价2. 控制变量法是实验设计中的一种方法,主要用于多因素问题,通过控制其中一个或多个因素,来研究其对实验结果的影响。
答案:正确三、简答题1. 请简述科学探究的基本环节。
2. 请解释什么是控制变量法,并给出一个应用实例。
四、实验题1. 实验名称:研究压力对摩擦力的影响实验材料:木块、桌子、砝码、弹簧测力计实验步骤:1. 将木块放在桌子上,用弹簧测力计沿水平方向拉木块,记录测力计的示数。
2. 在木块上放置砝码,再次用弹簧测力计沿水平方向拉木块,记录测力计的示数。
3. 比较两次示数的大小,分析压力对摩擦力的影响。
人教版高一语文第一册 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)
人教版高一语文第一册 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)大单元思维知识整合一、重点单词1.teenage adj.十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的→ teenager n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年2.ballet n.芭蕾舞3.volunteer n.志愿者→ voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的4.debate n.辩论;争论vt.&vi.辩论;争论5.prefer vt.较喜欢→ preference n.偏爱6.content n.内容;主题adj.满意的;满足的vt.使满意7.movement n.动作;运动;活动→ move vt.&vi.移动;搬动vi.行动;搬家;进展;(机器等)活动8.greenhouse n.温室;暖房9.suitable adj.合适的;适用的→ suit vt.&vi.适合;合身;适宜n.西装;套装10.actually adv.事实上;的确→ actual adj.实际的;真实的11.challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向……挑战12.title n.(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔13.topic n.话题;标题14.confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的→ confused adj.糊涂的;迷惑的→ confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑15.fluent adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的→ fluently adv.流利地;流畅地16.graduate vt.&vi.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生→ graduation n.毕业17.recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍18.advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的→ advance n.前进;发展vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进19.literature n.文学;文学作品20.extra adj.额外的;附加的21.obviously adv.显然;明显地→ obvious adj.明显的;显而易见的22.quit vt.&vi.停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)23.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的→ responsibility n.责任;义务24.solution n.解决方法;答案→ solve v.解决;解答25.schedule n.工作计划;日程安排vt.安排;预定26.adventure n.冒险;奇遇27.youth n.青年时期;青春28.expert n.专家;行家adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的29.behavior n.行为;举止→ behave v.表现得体;表现30.generation n.一代(人)31.attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)→ attraction n.吸引力;喜欢→ attractive adj.有吸引力的;引人入胜的;诱人的32.focus vt.&vi.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距n.中心;重点;焦点33.addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的→ addict n.对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人v.使上瘾→ addiction n.入迷;上瘾34.adult n.成年人adj.成年的;成熟的二、重点短语1.be interested in ...对……感兴趣2.clean up 打扫干净3.be suitable for ...对……适合的4.prepare for ...为……做准备5.think about... 考虑......6.sign up (for sth.)报名(参加课程)7.be good at... 擅长......8.on one's own独自地;独立地;靠自己的力量9.so that 以便;为了;结果10.hand out 取出;把……拿出来;分发;施舍11.get used to... 习惯于;适应12.be responsible for... 对……负责13.be worried about ...担心;为……忧虑14.keep up with 跟上;赶上15.deal with... 处理;对待;对付16.do well in... 擅长;在……方面做得好17.try out for... 参加……的选拔;争取成为(团队等的一员)18.make a fire生火19.give a speech发表演讲20.have fun 玩得开心21.be attracted to... 喜爱22.focus on 集中;特别关注23.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干某事三、重点句型1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.从初中到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。
四年级第一单元测试题一、基础知识(35分)1. 看拼音,写词语。
(8分)题目:例如“zhú jiàn()”“yán jiū()”等。
例如“zhú jiàn”对应的是“逐渐”,“yán jiū”对应的是“研究”。
2. 给下列加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。
(6分)题目:如“薄雾(bó báo)”“运载(zài zǎi)”等。
3. 比一比,再组词。
4. 补充词语,并选择合适的词语填空。
二、句子练习(20分)1. 按要求写句子。
第一单元测试题单项选择( ) 1. Did you ________ some medicine?A. takeB. eatC. drink( ) 3. ________ you have a sore throat?A. DoB. AreC. Can( ) 4. You be quiet when you are in the reading room.A. shouldB. shouldn’tC.canD. can’t( ) 5. —Mom, I play computer games?—Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first.A. mustB. mayC. willD. need( ) 6. —What’s the matter with yo u?—I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed..A. a; /B. a; theC. a; aD. the; the( ) 7. —I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible.—A. All right.B. Is that so?C. Sorry to hear that.D. I’m afr aid so.( ) 8. The now is that we have lots of to ask.A. question; problemB. question; problemsC. problem; questionsD. problem; question ( ) 9. He speaks very good English but he knows English people.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little( )10. Mrs Jenny gave us on how to learn English well.A. some advicesB. many advicesC. some adviceD. an advice( )11. —Why don’t you go to the shop on foot?—It takes me time.A. much tooB. too muchC. very muchD. too many( ) 12. ___his surprise, she succeeded in climbing up the high mountain.A At B. To C. In D. On( )13. _____ her husband,she has now become a famous film star.A. BecauseB. Thanks toC. Thanks forD. With the help( )14.–How does Jack usually go to work?—He ______ drive a car, but now he ______ there to lose weight.A. used to; is used to walkB. was used to; is used to walkingC. was used to; is used to walkD. used to; is used to walking( ) 15. We can't get off the bus until the bus_________.A. stopB. will stopC. stoppedD. stops( ) 16.--What's the matter?--________.A. I have got a coldB. I have a penC. I don't think soD. It looks well ( ) 17. Her face__________ white at last.A. turnB. turnedC. likeD. get( ) 18. We_________ that he _________ come.A. believe ,won'tB. not believe ,willC. don't believe, willD. believe, not( ) 19. He has a lot of money, but he never helps_________.A. otherB. the otherC. the othersD. others( ) 20. Do you enjoy ___________ English?A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads( ) 21. I hope _______. Health is important to us.A. to stay healthB. to stay healthyC. staying healthD. staying healthy ( ) 22. Liu Yuan can't find his ruler. Look! He's___________ it here and there.A. looking forB. looking afterC. looking atD. looking up ( ) 23. --__________I watch TV now?--No, you __________ finish your work first.A. Must, needn'tB. Can, mayC. May, mustD. May, mustn't ( ) 24. –My mother is ill, I must stay at home and look after her.–______A. I am sorry to hear that.B. That’s OK.C. Really? Thank you.D. I think so.( ) 25. I think you should ________ some light music.A. listenB. soundC. listen toD. hear( ) 26. You should drink hot water ______ honey.A. atB. withC. ofD. in( ) 14. You should lie down and rest. Ann doesn’t eat anything ______ six hours.A. ofB. forC. atD. to( ) 27. It’s important ______ a balanced diet.A. to eatB. eatsC. eatingD. of eat( ) 28. –You are stressed out. You should listen to some music.–That ______ a good idea.A. likeB. sounds likeC. soundsD. sound like( ) 29. ______ it’s raining hard, ______ the children are playing basketball outside.A. Although, butB. Although, /C. /, althoughD. But, although ( ) 30. Jack looks ______ today. What is happening to him?A. carefullyB. sadC. happilyD. sadly( ) 31. My mother got ______ when she knew I didn’t pass the exam.A. happyB. excitedC. angryD. thirsty( ) 32. He works very hard. Every night he doesn't go to bed ________eleven o'clock.A. afterB. untilC. sinceD. in( ) 33.You have a sore throat. You should drink some hot tea ______ honey.A. withB. andC. ofD. for( )34. The boy has a stomachache. He shouldn’t eat ______.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything( ) 35. It’s important ______ the piano well.A. of him to playB. for him to playC. of him playingD. for him playing ( ) 36. We have ______ work to do today.A. much tooB. too manyC. too muchD. a lot( ) 37. She’s ______. She wants something to eat.A. thirstyB. tiredC. hungryD. hot( ) 38. David Beckham decided to __________ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.A. put offB. deal withC. break offD. give up39. The song I believe I can fly tells us that believing in ________ is very importantA themselves B. itself C. ourselves D. yourselves40. Please keep on _________ and never give up.A. tryB. tryingC. to tryD. triedII. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
大学英语第一单元测试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听对话,选择正确答案。
- 问题一:What is the man going to do tomorrow?A) Go to the library.B) Go to the cinema.C) Stay at home.答案:A- 问题二:What does the woman think of the weather?A) It's too cold.B) It's just right.C) It's too hot.答案:B2. 听短文,完成以下信息。
- 短文摘要:The passage talks about the importance of communication skills in the workplace.- 问题一:What is the main topic of the passage?答案:The importance of communication skills.- 问题二:Why are communication skills important?答案:They help to build relationships and resolve conflicts.二、词汇与语法(共30分)1. 选择填空。
- 例句:I have never been to Paris, but it is a place Iwould like to _______.A) visitB) visitsC) visiting答案:A2. 改错。
- 例句:She don't like to eat vegetables.答案:She doesn't like to eat vegetables.三、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,回答后面的问题。
- 短文摘要:The text describes the benefits of learning a second language.- 问题一:What are the benefits of learning a second language mentioned in the text?答案:It can improve cognitive skills, enhance job opportunities, and promote cultural understanding.- 问题二:According to the text, what is the best age to start learning a second language?答案:The best age is during childhood.四、写作(共20分)1. 写一篇短文,描述你理想中的大学生活。
上图中一共有( )个图形。
从左边数,长方形排在第( )个,第( )个和第( )个是三角形。
从右边数,第( )个是平行四边形,第( )个是圆。
1. 给长方形涂上绿色,正方形涂上红色。
2. 给三角形涂上绿色,圆涂上黄色。
3. 给正方形涂上蓝色。
1.图中的正方形有( )个,长方形有( )个,三角形有( )个,平行四边形有( )个,圆有( )个。
2.(1)○有( )个,□有( )个,△有( )个,▭有( )个。
(2)○有( )个,□有( )个,△有( )个。
折出来的是( )体,其中②号面与( )号面相对。
八、把一张正方形纸对折两次,能折成什么图形?参考答案一、6 3 1 6 2 3二、略三、四、提示:根据平面图形和立体图形的特征来解答。
五、1. 2 3 3 1 22. (1)7 1 1 1 (2)2 2 3六、提示:根据正方形和长方形的特征来画。
( )个( )个( )个( )个四、选一选。
1. Wang Nan is f________ China.2. My mother is a d________.3. Song Xiu is at school. She is a s________.4. -Is she Maria-No, she isn't. H________ name is Jane.II.选择填空。
(16分)1. -________are they from-They are from Tokyo.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. How2. Chengdu is________Sichuan.A. inB. fromC. /D. to3. -Who is this-________.A. That is RoseB. This is RoseC. I'm RoseD. He is Rose4. ________name is Jack.A. HeB. HerC. HisD. You5. -Are you from Germany-________.A. Yes, I amB. No, I amC. Yes, I'm notD. No, he isn't6. I live in(住在)Shenyang, ________my father ________mother are in Shanghai now.A. and; butB. but; butC. and; andD. but; and7. -________-It's here.A. Where are you fromB. Where is BeijingC. Who is itD. How are you8.________ Changsha.A. WelcomeB. Welcome toC. Please toD. Meet toIII.连词成句。
高一第一单元测试题及答案一、选择题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)1. 设函数 f(x) = 2x + 3,则当 x = -1 时,f(x) 的值是多少?A. -2B. 1C. 3D. 5答案:C. 32. 若 a + b = 5 且 a - b = 3,则 a 的值是多少?A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 1答案:A. 43. 一元二次方程 x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0 的解为:A. x = -2 或 x = -3B. x = 2 或 x = 3C. x = 2 或 x = -3D. x = -2 或 x = 3答案:C. x = 2 或 x = -34. 已知函数 f(x) 的图像关于 x 轴对称,且 f(-2) = 4,则 f(2) 的值为多少?A. 4B. -4C. 2D. -2答案:A. 45. 若 a:b = 3:4,且 b:c = 5:2,则 a:c 的值为:A. 5:3B. 3:5C. 5:8D. 8:5答案:C. 5:86. a + b = 7,b + c = 9,a + c = 11,则 a + b + c 的值为多少?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9答案:D. 97. 若正方形的面积为 49 平方厘米,则其周长为多少厘米?A. 14B. 28C. 7D. 21答案:B. 288. 一辆汽车从 A 城到 B 城以恒定的速度行驶,全程为 360 公里,甲车在 C 处超过乙车,并与乙车相遇。
若甲车行驶的时间是乙车行驶时间的 2 倍,则甲车在超过乙车时,两车分别离 A 城的距离为:A. 180 公里,120 公里B. 270 公里,90 公里C. 240 公里,120 公里D. 300 公里,60 公里答案:C. 240 公里,120 公里9. 若 a:b = 2:5,且 b:c = 3:4,则 a:b:c 的值为:A. 2:3:5B. 4:5:2C. 3:5:4D. 5:4:3答案:D. 5:4:310. 若正方体的表面积为 96 平方厘米,则它的体积为多少立方厘米?A. 144B. 216C. 1728D. 512答案:B. 21611. 化简:x^2 - 5x + 6 + 2x - 2A. x^2 - 3x + 4B. x^2 - 3x + 2C. x^2 + 3x - 4D. x^2 + 3x + 2答案:B. x^2 - 3x + 212. 已知直角三角形的斜边长为 5cm,其中一条直角边为 3cm,则另一条直角边长为多少厘米?A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 9答案:D. 913. 某种纸片的长度与宽度的比为 3:2,若长度增加 5 厘米,宽度减少 5 厘米,则新纸片的长度与宽度的比为:A. 2:3B. 2:1C. 4:3D. 6:5答案:A. 2:314. 若正方形的周长为 48 厘米,则其面积为多少平方厘米?A. 144B. 576C. 36D. 196答案:A. 14415. 化简:2(3x + 4) + 3(x - 1)A. 9x + 5B. 5x - 2C. 9x + 2D. 5x + 9答案:A. 9x + 516. 若 x = -1/2,则 4x^2 - 1 的值是多少?A. 0B. 5/4C. -5/4D. 3/2答案:A. 017. 直角三角形的两条直角边分别为 a 和 b,斜边长为 c,则根据勾股定理可得:A. a^2 + b^2 = c^2B. a^2 + c^2 = b^2C. b^2 + c^2 = a^2D. a^2 = b^2 + c^2答案:A. a^2 + b^2 = c^218. 已知函数 f(x) = x^2 - 4x + 3,则 f(2) 的值是多少?A. -1B. 0C. 1D. 4答案:B. 019. 若直角三角形的斜边长为 25 厘米,其中一条直角边长为 7 厘米,则另一条直角边长为多少厘米?A. 18B. 15C. 24D. 20答案:B. 1520. 若 a/b = 1/3,且 b/c = 3/4,则 a/c 的值为:A. 1/12B. 1/4C. 1/3D. 1/2答案:D. 1/2二、填空题(共8题,每题4分,共32分)21. 一个正方形的周长为16cm,则其面积为 ______ 平方厘米。
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姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________ 学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________第一册第一单元Part 1 Short conversationsDirections:In this section you will hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.1.A. The man doesn't want to see Mr Hanks.B. Mr Baker is in an inferior position to Mr Hanks.C. Mr Baker used to be in charge.D. Mr Hanks doesn't want to see the man.2.A. They need to make more efforts.B. They'll have more work to do tomorrow.C. They'll need to finish the work as soon as possible.D. More than half of the work has been done.3.A. She felt very sorry.B. She was in a hurry.C. She felt a bit annoyed.D. She was surprised.4.A. He'll miss the meeting that afternoon.B. He won't miss the meeting that afternoon.C. He can't have an appointment with the host.D. He is a hard-working man.5.A. She didn't fulfill her promise.B. Her mother would be very angry.C. She can't finish the job ahead of schedule.D. She would be the last to finish the job.6.A. At a restaurant.B. In the office.C. At the cinema.D. At a department store.7.A. Salesman and customer.B. Teacher and student.C. Repairman and customer.D. Husband and wife.8.A. She didn't like working in a company.B. She was not good at doing business.C. She didn't like machines.D. She didn't like accounting.9.A. He has enough money to buy a new computer.B. He does not have enough money to buy a computer.C. He will spend much money on his house.D. He wants to buy a new house and a new computer.10.A. Mrs Fox wants to go abroad.B. Mrs Fox has no family.C. Mrs Fox is in hospital.D. There are five people in Mrs Fox's family.Part 2 Long conversationsDirections:In this section you will hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the same conversation.11.A. Distraction from work at the office.B. Small capacity of the office.C. Fierce competition between colleagues.D. Tense relationship among people.12.A. Talk about the problem with Peterson.B. Find a spare room as a meeting room.C. Stop the students from coming to the office.D. Find a quiet place to work in.13.A. It is a small office room.B. It is a storage room.C. It is a meeting room.D. It is a classroom.Questions 14 to 16 are based on the same conversation.14.A. She was shy when speaking before people.B. She forgot to prepare for the presentation.C. She made a serious mistake.D. She forgot to give a presentation.15.A. Look at the audience.B. Forget about the audience.C. Take a psychology course.D. Make good preparation.16.A. He looked like children.B. He felt nervous all the time.C. He liked history very much.D. His face got red very easily.Questions 17 to 20 are based on the same conversation.17.A. At a travel agency.B. At the Foreign Affairs Office.C. At the University Students' Council.D. At the Volunteer Club.18.A. To inquire about the Freshers' Fair.B. To ask him to attend a meeting.C. To find out his schedule for next week.D. To see if he has time to help the overseas students.19.A. A tour guide.B. A teacher.C. A student.D. A clerk.20.A. Saturday afternoon.B. Thursday afternoon.C. Saturday morning.D. Friday morning.Part 3 Understanding PassagesDirections:In this section you will hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 21 to 23 are based on the same passage.21.A. At least four.B. At least five.C. At least eight.D. At least nine.22.A. Biology.B. English.C. Science.D. Chemistry.23.A. Students must pass a national examination.B. Those who do best in their studies have a greater chance.C. Students can seek to enter a number of medical schools.D. It is no longer difficult to gain entrance to a medical school.Questions 24 to 26 are based on the same passage.24.A. College tuitions were lower this year than before.B. The cost of going to college is higher than Americans' household income.C. Tuition increases more slowly than Americans' household income.D. Tuition at state-run universities is going up even faster.25.A. Because schools are taking advantage of the sellers' market.B. Because it is going to have an impact on America's future.C. Because a college degree can help to earn a middle-class income.D. Because it influences students' choices like whether to go to graduate school or not.26.A. Satisfied.B. Worried.C. Optimistic.D. Indifferent.Questions 27 to 30 are based on the same passage.27.A. Almost half adults have at least one mental disorder.B. Many college-age adults have mental disorders but few seek treatment.C. Most of the college students seek treatment for their mental disorders.D. Mental disorders are no longer a problem with college-age adults.28.A. 5,000.B. 2,001.C. 2,002.D. 2,000.29.A. Almost half of the Americans are college graduates.B. College students are more likely to suffer mental disorders.C. College students are less likely to have a drug-use disorder.D. Non-college students are less likely to have mental disorders.30.A. Personality disorder.B. Drug-use disorder.C. Tobacco disorder.D. Alcohol disorder.Questions 31 to 34 are based on the same passage.31.A. The killer was a student of science.B. Thirty people were killed.C. The killer was shot by the police.D. The killer committed suicide after the shootings.32.A. Classes were not resumed until one week later.B. University officials acted more quickly to deal with mentally troubled people.C. School administrators nationwide are making new security policies and communications systems.D. Foreign students are rejecting admission offers because of the tragedy.33.A. India.B. Japan.C. China.D. South Korea.34.A. Virginia Tech has been well-known since its establishment.B. Its Engineering College enjoys a great international reputation.C. Fewer students are applying for Virginia Tech this year.D. More students become interested in Virginia Tech.Questions 35 to 38 are based on the same passage.35.A. Overwhelming.B. Confusing.C. Interesting.D. Frightening.36.A. Join lots of clubs.B. Pass on wisdom to other freshers.C. Go out with others in the same boat.D. Call home or old friends.37.A. It is strange that freshers should feel confused about university life.B. The freshers should take chance to talk to professors.C. Freshers should give their neighbours cups of tea or slices of toast.D. Keeping your door open is a sign that you are friendly to your neighbours.38.A. Ironical.B. Encouraging.C. Worrying.D. Humorous.Part 4 Compound DictationDirections:In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Questions 39 to 49 are based on the same passage.If I were a freshman again I should not work so many hours as I did. I had put in enough hours with my books, but I did not (39)----------- much. I had little concentration. Just like many students, I spent a great deal of time in getting ready to work. With a book in hand, I looked out of the window at the clouds or at the pretty girls passing along the street, and all the time I (40) ----------- myself with the idea that I am working.For many evenings, when the work was heavy, I would (41) ----------- to begin early and complete all the tasks; but I could spend half an hour in (42)-----------my books and getting myself seated in a comfortable chair. All this time I imagined I was working. If I were a freshman I should plan my work, I should try to (43)-----------concentration—I should work harder but not so long.As a freshman, I should take more work that I have no special (44) ----------- for or that I find difficult. I like an easy time, just like any one else, and I do not wish to give the (45)-----------that I think it's wrong for a student to follow the (46)-----------he enjoys or to do the work he likes. I think that those things we do most easily we shall do best; but I have found that training comes through struggle, and that people who resist most are developed most. (47)-----------. Half the things I am forced to do during the busy days of the college year are unpleasant things and things I dislike doing. (48) -----------. However, it was those things that help me grow and grow fast. (49) -----------.Questions 50 to 60 are based on the same passage.What is good education? Is it one that covers as much as possible of human history and (50) -----------, past and present? Or one that gives graduates the ability to find a job when they leave school? Is it a broad education or a (51)-----------one? Should it provide students with a (52)-----------collection of facts? Or merely train them to think? Should a future engineer gain only the knowledge that will enable him to do his job properly, or would a richer background improve his (53) ----------- ability as well as his personal life?In the 18th and the 19th centuries, the question was not even worth asking. A good education was, of course, a broad one based on the humanities. An (54) ----------- man knew "something about everything". He was (55) ----------- with the great deeds and the great ideas of the past. He had read (56) -----------; he was able to use his own language correctly and often (57)-----------. He could join in any conversation about plants, planets, painters, or politics. He was at ease in the world, (58) -----------.But sciences and techniques have changed a great deal since the latter part of the 19th century, and the world has changed too. It has become more complex and increasinglyspecialized. (59) -----------. It is not only the scientist and the physician who need a long special training now, but the administrator, the computer expert, the accountant, and the business manager. (60) -----------. The best qualified wins.Questions 61 to 71 are based on the same passage.The campus of a large American university (61) ----------- a small city. With stores, restaurants, and banks, most campuses can meet your most (62)-----------needs. Many campuses also offer numerous forms of (63) -----------, including sporting events, live theater, movies, and (64) -----------. Typically, the larger the university, the more activities it supports.Universities also have a wide (65)-----------of support services available to their students, and to international students in (66) -----------. Some provide (67) ----------- in finding housing and childcare (68) ----------- or in improving your spoken or written English. They may haveon-campus healthcare facilities and provide information on current health issues and health insurance. (69) -----------.The list of services that may be available can be quite extensive. (70) -----------.Figuring out where to go for specific needs can be confusing, especially at larger universities—but it's worth it to seek out the information you need. (71) -----------. You can also ask for help from people who have worked at the university for some time and are knowledgeable about the university and local area.。