



❖ The EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.
❖ 译文1:欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不 合时宜了,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销 上多支出13.50英镑。
❖ 译文2:国际商务是管理培训的一个领域,讨论/ 涉及跨国商务活动的特性。
❖ OALD7:take or have sth as a subject; discuss sth 以某事物作为内容; 讨论 某事物: The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章讨论动词. * I'll deal with decimals in the next lesson. 下一堂课我要讲小数.
❖ 译文:难怪各跨国公司一直都在以人的速度发展 着,这些跨国公司现在主宰着整个国际市场的许 多领域。
❖ Equally important are concerns about the growing protectionism. The United States and European Union are becoming more assertive in holding China to account over its World Trade Organization obligations.
第七单元 词义引申翻译法
❖一.逻辑引申 ❖二.语用引申 ❖三.修辞性引申 ❖四.词义概念范围调整

商务翻译(汉译英)Unit 6 中外合资经营合同

商务翻译(汉译英)Unit 6 中外合资经营合同
Any disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with, the contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties. In case no settlement can be reached through consultations, the disputes shall be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedure. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
我害怕起来了,而且越来越害怕。 Then fear set in and commenced to build up.
他突然发现地毯上有个深色斑点。 A dark stain on the carpet caught his eyes/ suddenly attracted his attention
【Tips for Translation】
主语的确定 (二) 主语必须符合英美人的思维视角
由于中国文化中具有强烈的天人合一的观 念,中国人在表达思想时十分注意主体意识, 常以有生命的、具体的名词或代词作主语, 多用ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ动语态和无主句。

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 8 A Life Saver or a Life Sentence

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 8 A Life Saver or  a Life Sentence

Some might say that if house prices continue to rise in excess of earnings, the only way repayments can remain affordable is by increasing the term of the loan. But others will say this is a ticking timebomb, (reminiscent of the tactics used by those loan consolidation companies that offer people the chance to bring all their debts together into “one easy payment” that is substantially less than their current monthly payments) — but which do this by spreading them over a much longer period, meaning more interest is paid.
3. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive entertaining. 【结构分析】从句主语带有三个并列的谓语keeps...,allows..., and offers... 构成一个三项并列结构,第二个三项中又各有一小的二项 并列结构。 【参考译文】人们常说,电视使人们了解最近发生的大事,使人 跟上最新科学和政治的发展,并向人们提供无终止的既有教育意义又 有娱乐性的节目。

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep

•把“白象”译成“White Elephant”是败笔自不用提, 但将“白熊”商标译成“White Bear”却是成功之笔。 查北京外国语大学编的《汉英词典》,“白熊”的第一 条英译是Polar Bear,因为这是学名,第二条英译是 White Bear。将商标名译成了Polar Bear,似无不可。 但随着近年来国际政治形势的变化。Polar Bear(北极 熊)已另有所指。人们容易把它当作绰号与世界上一种 政治势力联系起来,所以还是译为White Bear为好。 •我国“金鸡牌” 闹钟在国外有较高声誉,但美中不足 的是其译名似嫌欠雅——因为“Golden Cock”中的Cock 在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“阴茎”之义, 使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成 rooster。这一改基本可使原文读者与译文读者具有同样 的审美感受。译者应避免语句和措辞上的问题,如不
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英无译忧汉PP)T整理发布
【Tips for Translation】
•翻译的基本要求(二) •课文是“大众”牌轿车(Volkswagen)的一篇广告正 文。标题已是独出心裁,正文更是别具风味。运用了各 种修辞手段(如拟人、排偶、重复、对照),语言诙谐 幽默,在娓娓谈笑之中让你领悟到 “大众”牌汽车之所 以“其貌不扬”,是因为它“构造特异,功能超群”, 最后引出结论:“大众”牌轿车——金玉其中!标题 “Ugly is only skin-deep”套用了英语谚语Beauty is but skin-deep,真是奇思妙想,令人拍案叫绝。 •广告翻译是一种跨文化劳动。原文的表达具有吸引力、 诱惑力并尊重大众文化和审美水平。如不深谙两种文化 的差异,然后作出适当的文化转换,译文会难以具有上 述三大特点。鉴于此,译者应具备下列基本素质。

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4
- 殖民主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。
对于英语中以实喻虚的形象表现手法,翻译时应想方设法维系原 文的具体性及形象性,一个常用的手段即是从“实”到“实”,将英 语的以实喻虚译成汉语的以实喻虚。 The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt. - 考古学家变魔术似地把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。 - 考古学家用神奇的铁铲把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. - 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists.
The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. -该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. - 少时所学,到老不忘。 How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? - 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?
2.用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。 What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. - 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. - 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的 威胁。

商务翻译 英译汉 Unit 2

商务翻译  英译汉 Unit 2
• 其次,了解该广告受众国的文化传统以及消费 心理,了解在翻译时应注意的禁忌。无论任何 国家、民族都存在许多这样那样的忌讳,对于 千百年来形成的民族风俗,我们应给予必要的 尊重,这也同时会影响到出口商品的销路问题。
• 一、 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理;否 则的话,就会在出口商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。
• 首先应深入地了解所译广告及商品的特点。这 包括:第一,掌握商品的特征 ,即品质和品位; 第二,了解原广告策划的6M,即围绕具体的广 告目标,在策划中应该考虑以下六个方面(简 称6M):Market市场、Message信息、 Media媒体、Motion活动、Measurement评估、 Money金钱。
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
• It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.

商务英语翻译 Unit 9

商务英语翻译 Unit 9

译文:毫无疑问,我们还必须作出更大的努力来对抗全 球变暖的威胁,这个威胁最能清楚地体现各国的 命运是如何紧紧相连的。
5. This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 译文:买卖双方同意按下列条款购买、出售下述商品, 并签订本合同。(reduction)
John… preached the baptism of repentance unto the forgiveness of sins.
John preached the message to the people; John baptized the people; The people repented of their sins; God forgave the people their sins; The people sinned. John preached that the people should repent and be baptized so that god would forgive the evil they had done. John preached, ―Repent and be baptized so that God will forgive the evil you have done.‖
译文:我的母亲简· 兰普顿· 克莱门斯88岁才去世。这对于 一位40岁就身体虚弱、被认为痼疾缠身、注定不久于 世的人来说,是难得的高龄。



past decade, especially in China since
Foreign direct investments of FDI for the country is playing an active role it. 是正常的贸易地位。受惠国只是享有被征收
overseeing 23deaprtments in charge of 产品。更理想的是,各国集中专门生产它的
19、 2000 年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改 考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通
different affairs.
zones, the increased use of electronic
conformity with those in the L/C.
communication, and the transport practices.
change in
付款则要晚于这个时间。 In the case of documents against
是促进世界和各国经济发展的最有效的工 具。
17、《买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一 致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定简单、
neighbours separated only by a strip of
Technology, capital and ready markets are 可靠地确定各自的责任》 。
in an-other.
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC)

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 4 “××”牌羊绒衫 (广告)

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 4 “××”牌羊绒衫 (广告)
商标词作为一种专用符号, 是一种特殊类型的宣传广告。根据 美国广告大师E1 S1 鲁易斯( E1 S1Lewis) 的AIDI 原则, 一个成功 的广告应当具备以下四点: Attention (引人注意) , Interest (使 人感兴趣) , Desire (引发欲望) , Action (促成行动) 。由此可 见, 一个成功的商标译名应该是能吸引目的语消费者, 激发美好的 想象与购买欲望。由于不同语言存在不同的特点, 不同国家、民族 由于地理位置、自然环境、生活习俗、宗教信仰、经济发展等文化 背景的不同, 人们的思维方式、审美取向、价值观念等方面存在着 许多差异。因此, 商标词的翻译不应拘泥于原文, 而应灵活处理, 使商标译名产生和原商标词相等或接近相等的宣传效果。例如, “龙”、“凤”在汉语文化中是“权威、吉祥、力量”的象征, 因 而有不少商品以此命名。但在英语文化中“dragon”是一种凶残肆 虐怪物, 是邪恶的象征, 所以, 英语中没有用“dragon”作商标的。 这就是为什么著名药品企业沈阳飞龙, 英译名不是“Flying Dragon” 而是“Pharon”的原因。不过, 在商品词的翻译中, 也毋须谈 “dragon”色变, 避之犹恐不及。
(1) 谐音取义法 这种译法是在翻译时尽量选用与原商标词谐音而又有褒 义(或新意) 的词, 并能充分展示出商品的特色。以下几例可 谓运用此法之佳译。 Coke - cola : 可口可乐Coca 和cola 原为两种植物的 名称, 它们具有提神醒脑的功效。原名Coke - cola 给人们 提供了产品的原料以及功效方面的信息。译名“可口可乐” 在中国文化中给人带来美好的联想, “可口”一词给人一种 味道好的感觉, “可乐”则表示“可以带来快乐”。此外, 译名与原商标词在发音上很相近, 节奏也相符, 并且形式上 都具有同样的美感。Coke - cola 译为“可口可乐”, 真是 绝妙之译。

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 10 China’s Big Plan

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 10 China’s Big Plan

二、 数字转换
在汉语里,数字后面跟随着名词,所表达的信息 一清二楚。而英语中数字的内涵远比汉语中的数字 丰富得多。这些数字到底指什么,对中国学生来说 有时是个谜。所以我们在翻译数字的时候,有必要 根据汉语的表达习惯作适当变通。如: 1. Think twice 三思而行 2. In two minds 三心二意 3. At sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 4. To the nines 十全十美 5. One in a thousand 百里挑一
2. My sister is so thin that she looks strikingly attractive. 我妹妹那么苗条,看起来迷人极了。
3. He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. 他是个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。 4. My sister is so thin that she looks sick. 我妹妹 骨瘦如柴,看上去有病。 例句中的ambition、thin、reputation 三词本身都属 中性词,在句中前言后语的约束下修辞色彩发生变化,尤其 是“thin”在前面的例句中含义是“苗条”,而在后面的例 句中含义却是“骨瘦如柴”,二者在语义上差别很大。所以 翻译的时候要求译者对原文从形式到内容有全面细微的理解 和感受,然后调动视点转移的翻译手法,用恰如其分的译文, 使读者也获得等效的理解和感受。
The plan also calls for an increase in research and development spending from its current 1.23% of GDP to 2.5% by 2020, putting China in the same range as OECD countries’ current scores. According to Denis Simon of the State University of New York’s Levin Institute, who advises the Chinese government on science policy, this move comes just in time. “If China doesn’t do this right,” he says, “it risks becoming a good 20th-century industrial economy just when it needs to figure out how to be a 21st-century knowledge-based economy.”



商务英语汉译英(一)根据英语的表达习惯确定词义1、向.......提出索赔lodge a claim against2、既得利益vested interests3、公司上下将齐心协力,努力使公司发展成具有国际竞争力的高科技企业集团。

The management together with the rank and file of our company is determined to make consorted efforts to foster the business to grow into a high-tech focused conglomerate with a competitive edge on the international market.4、本公司本着平等互利、互通有无的原则,积极开展与世界各地老客户的业务往来,并竭诚为各位朋友提供优质服务。

We hold to the tenet of equality ,mutual benefit and mutual complement in developing business connections with old and new customers in the world and shall make every effort to give the best services to our customers.5、本公司还承办商品及原材料的来样、来样加工,补偿贸易,合作生产,合资经营等业务。

The business scope of our corporation also covers/includes customer-oriented processing with supplied materials and samples, compensation trade, co-operation in manufacturing and the partnering of joint ventures with external businesses.6、同时,我国政府已同瑞典、罗马尼亚、德国、丹麦、荷兰签订了相互促进和保护投资协定,同加拿大、美国、法国、比利时-卢森堡经济联盟、芬兰、挪威、泰国、意大利、奥地利签订了投资保护协定,还同日本、美国、法国、德国、英国、比利时等国签订了双重征税协定。


• 就网上银行服务是否有能力正是新存款人的身份或者是否有能力确保 客户交易安全这一问题,已经受到人们的高度关注。
• 人们关注的焦点在于网上银行服务是否能够校验新存款人的身份、保 证客户能够安全地交易。
• This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair (P77).
• economy: the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way
• firm • practice • manufacturer • business
• 该公司运行稳健,其秘密就在于其整体生产体系,即从初期的开发和 设计一直到采购和生产等,都非常卓越。
• 该公司运营稳健,秘诀在于整个生产系统从初始阶段的开发设计一直 到采购生产,每个环节都非常出色。
• A sense of restlessness and hopelessness still prevails among nonmanufacturers, small and midsize firms and regional economies (P79).
• 该公司的工会及其业务伙伴提出了反对意见,这成为签订协议的障碍。 • 该公司的工会和商业合作伙伴提出了反对意见,这成为签订协议的障
• The dollar’s accelerated depreciation could hurt not only the Japanese economy, but the global economy as a whole (P77).

商务翻译英译汉 Unit (2)

商务翻译英译汉 Unit  (2)

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。
Unit 2
Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.


经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 可读性 保留原文风格,
品牌、广告、推 介或促销文字
措辞精炼、生动活泼、 认同感、 不拘一格,考虑 富有美感、创新。 宣传效 受众背景。

The Continuum for Business Translation
转换成相应的目 标语通用格式。
保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
商务翻译 具体文本类型 语言特点 类别
译文强 翻译策略 调
法律性文 件
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规
合同、提单、发 范、准确;多术语、
专业论著、教科 书、论文、经贸 文件
直译:当商标意象在中西文化中具有类似含义时,可根据 原商标的含义,在译入语中选择与其意义相同或相近的词 语译出。
Snow (雪花啤酒);True Color (真彩水笔);F人对其的接受):Bosideng(波司 登);QiSheng(奇声)
语言特点:构思奇巧;感召力强;简洁生动;富于 美感
Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。 (Cannon 佳能打印机)
A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond 戴比尔斯钻石) Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell
Adapted from
不同类别的文本有不同的目的和功能,在翻译中往 往需要采取不同的翻译原则和策略。

商务笔译2月19日---汉译英 Unit 1

商务笔译2月19日---汉译英 Unit 1

【Version for Reference】
BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer), as a way of investment, is still a new concept in China. It is also not long for BOT to gain importance in foreign countries. That is because this project which embraces the three stages of BOT (build, operate, transfer) is completed by a package arrangement so it has its own characteristic. BOT is mainly applicable to infrastructure projects such as highway, underground railway, bridge, dock and power plant in a developing country or zone which is especially short of capital but is eager to embark on reform and opening to the outside world. It involves at the same time government, group in charge of preparation for project construction, construction contractor, banking and financing institutions, operation management company and other, thus forming nearly integral coordinated operation. Besides, in the whole BOT project, about ten contracts, big and small, need to be concluded with various parties.



• Speculation that some major banks may find themselves with capital shortfalls and then nationalized is driving investors to dump the banks’ shares (P78).
• 美元在加速贬值,它所损害的不仅仅是日本经济,还有整 个世界的经济。
• 美元加速贬值,不仅损害了日本经济,也伤及了全球整体 的经济形势。
• The secret to the company’s robust performance is the excellence in its total production system, from the initial development and design through to procurement and production (P77).
• consolidate: to join together a group of companies to become one
• Concerns have been raised over the ability of Internet banking services to verify the identity of new depositors or to guarantee the security of customer transactions (P76).
• Extremely keen competition between American and Japanese vehicle manufacturers in the American market has compelled us to bring down the price for the time being (P75).

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 10 网上购物潮

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 10 网上购物潮
将②这一形容词组来修饰“ young friends”,将③ 与④结合起来作定语从句后置,仍然修饰“young friends”,行文就顺了,原意的表达也清楚了。将⑤单独 成句以强调这些成绩优异的青年的缺点,正是作者的本意。 添加“who”等下划线的词非常必要,能使译文形合意顺, 符合英语表达习惯。
英语的从句前必须根据其语法功能用when、where、 who、that、as等表示关联词将其与主句连接起来,汉语 不重视这种形式衔接,更注重语义单位连贯,这是汉族人 重视整体、重综合思维方式的一种表现,也是汉语语法隐 含性(covertness)的一种表示。
一个句子里,某些词语要先说,某些词语要后说,先说 的词语是主位( theme),后说的词语是述位(rheme), 这主位—述位(theme-rheme)结构便是句子的信息结 构。它是作者思维方式的反应。由于篇章中的句子都不是 孤立的句子,彼此都有联系,一个句子的信息结构往往反 映出它与前面句子的联系,这种联系体现在它往往选用前 句提到的已知信息作主位,所以,已知信息与主位往往重 合。当句子的成分既是已知信息又处于主位时,这一成分 便称为主题(topic),句子其余部分便是述题 (comment)。汉语是主题显著 (topic-prominent)语 言。汉语的句子强调意义和功能,建构在意念主轴 (thought-pivot)上,出现在句首的成分犹如文章的题目, 而后面的部分则是就这个题目做文章,说明它的实际含义。
①I have come across a great many young friends,②bright and diligent,③do exceedingly well in studies, ④but they are rather weak in Chinese,⑤ even can't write a smooth Chinese letter.⑥When

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第5单元 凝练翻译法

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第5单元  凝练翻译法
• 译文一:然而据摩根大通的估计,货币市场基金 已经给法国银行贷出了约2000亿美元的贷款。 惠誉国际一份关于10大货币市场基金的调查显示, 尽管希腊财政状况令人担忧,但这些贷款仍占了 基金管理下资产的12%,与去年接近。(95个字)
• 译文二:然而,根据世界500强摩根大通公司估 计,货币市场基金向法国银行提供了约2000亿 美元的贷款。这个数字,根据惠誉国际就10家最 大的一流货币市场基金进行调查的结果显示,尽
• 译文:当美元兑换日元快要降至低于123日元时
,日本央行就会在下午三点钟不到的时候干预市 场。
• 这里的汉语译文将“was”省略未译。
• 另一种减译法——精炼压缩, 则是指把英语中较 为复杂的结构包括从句压缩成精炼的汉语词组。 如将“the exchange of needed goods” 翻译成“互 通有无”,将“suitable for men, women and children”翻译成“男女老少皆宜”等,都属于精练 压缩翻译法。
• 就翻译而言,在一种语言的凝练表达中需要的成 分,在另外一种语言的凝练表达中有可能不需要, 这时,就可以采用凝练翻译法——即,将这些不 需要的成分略去不译,从而使得译文简洁晓畅、 “文约而意丰”。
• 英汉两种语言在语法上差异就很大。这些差异体 现在:
• 英语有冠词,而汉语却没有;
• 英语重形合、连接词较多,汉语重意合、连接词 较少;
• You shall facilitate the foreign trade enterprises by adopting measures such as holiday appointment inspection application, telephone inspection application, fax inspection application, advance inspection application, and clockwise wait for inspection.
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

3. 广告正文(body)的英译
广告正文是对产品性能特点较为具体的介绍 目的:进一步打动消费者,促成购买行为 对比英、汉广告正文语言特征——审美习惯和历史
英文:通顺流畅;简洁明了;无大话、空话。 汉语:表达夸张、空泛;多宣传套话,冗余信息;
往需要采取不同的翻译原则和策略。 根据广告的定义推出广告的基本功能为:
信息功能(informative function) 美感功能(aesthetic function) 表情功能(expressive function) 呼唤功能(vocative function):使受众做出预期反应
书面或电子信件、 由过去规范的书面语 备忘录、通知等 到现在的简明、非正 式语言。 经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 专栏文章 活泼。 品牌、广告、推 介或促销文字
准确、 完整 可读性
报刊文章商业宣传 品商务翻译 类别 法律性文 件
译文强 翻译策略 调
Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage
or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages. Adapted from /wiki/Advertising
商务翻译 类别
法律性文 件
译文强 翻译策略 调
忠实原 意 直译(适当简 约) ;尽量保持 原文句子结构, 以免引起歧义。 直译为主;可采 用较灵活的表达 方式以提高可读 性。 转换成相应的目 标语通用格式。 保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规 合同、提单、发 范、准确;多术语、 票等 被动语态、长句、限 定性短语及从句。 (中文相对简约) 专业论著、教科 书、论文、经贸 文件 用词规范、准确;多 术语、名词、被动语 态、长句;多案例、 数据、图表。
1. Brand (商标;品牌)
2. Message (广告词) 3. Body (正文)
1. 商标(brand)的翻译
商标,又称品牌;不是 logo——公司标志
立形象。商标的命名影响消费者对商品的好 恶,是广告翻译成败的关键。 复杂的语际符号转换,需充分考虑文化背景 的不同和审美习惯的差异,不必拘泥于语言 层面的对应。 翻译方法:直译;音译;音意结合;转译
对外宣传,促进文化交流。 因此,汉语广告英译原则:
做到功能相似,达到良好的宣传效果 不强调高度忠实于原文,而应灵活变通、创新 遵循英语广告文体特点 尊重英语民族文化背景,追求受众认同感。
The Three Components of an Advertisement
文表达出来;既照顾到原意,又兼顾译语读者的阅读习惯 和审美心理。
我有我品质(龙的牌吸尘器):What we do, we do well 国酒茅台,相伴辉煌(茅台酒):Good and vigorous spirit (双关)
Lucky (乐凯); Joyoung (九阳); Symbol (穗宝床垫)
Skyworth(创维电器); Gracewell(婷美内衣)
2. 广告词(message)的翻译
The message can be compared to the “soul” of an
忠实原 意 直译(适当简 约) ;尽量保持 原文句子结构, 以免引起歧义。 直译为主;可采 用较灵活的表达 方式以提高可读 性。 转换成相应的汉 语通用格式。 保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规 合同、提单、发票 范、准确;多术语、 等 被动语态、长句、限 定性短语及从句。 (中文相对简约) 专业论著、教科书、用词规范、准确;多 论文、经贸文件 术语、名词、被动语 态、长句;多案例、 数据、图表。 书面或电子信件、 由过去规范的书面语 备忘录、通知等 到现在的简明、非正 式语言。 经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 专栏文章 活泼。
一切皆有可能(李宁服饰): Anything is possible. 沟通从心开始 (中国移动): Reaching out from the heart. 方寸之间,容纳天地 (某信用卡): A big world in a small card
完整、 准确 可读性
商业宣传 品
品牌、广告、推介 措辞精炼、生动活泼、 认同感、 不拘一格,考虑 或促销文字 富有美感、创新。 宣传效 受众背景。 果
The Continuum for Business Translation
直译 Literal
advertisement and is expected to leave a deep impression on the receiver. 语言特点:构思奇巧;感召力强;简洁生动;富于 美感
Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(Cannon 佳能打印机) A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond 戴比尔斯钻石) Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell 麦斯威尔咖啡) Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(Sprite 雪碧)
诞生了!IdeaPad系列产品以时尚动感的外观设计、 尖端科技的娱乐应用设计以及体贴入微的人性关怀 设计,创造三维体验设计的时尚娱乐精品,给用户 带来耳目一新的娱乐应用体验。 Lenovo is a world leader in business notebook computing. Now we are offering our users with the new IdeaPad line. Stylish designs… Rich, theater-style sound… State-of-the-art entertainment applications… IdeaPad notebooks offer an exciting collection of stylish and feature-rich notebooks, each engineered to make the user experience—your experience—a great one.
观景塔、游泳池、酒吧间、日光浴室外,佳肴美点, 中西皆备,并有宽敞的游步甲板,游客饱览沿途风 光,华丽而舒适的客房均有空调设备,令您有宾至 如归的感受。 Being a deluxe cruiser to tour the Yangtze River, “The Great Wall” has indoor and open-air observation towers, a swimming pool,a bar,a solarium as well as Chinese and Western restaurants and a spacious deck. AIl the cabins are superb, comfortable and air-conditioned.
Business Translation from Chinese to English
Advertisement or commercial; advertising (做广告;广告宣