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Financial risk assessement in merger and

acquisition - based on merger between

Meidi and Kuca




At present, the trend of economic globalization is unstoppable. In order to achieve the goal of spreading business worldwide, enterprises of various countries have become more and more aware of the importance and necessity of participating in global competition. Compared with enterprises in other developed countries, the time of Chinese enterprises spent participating in the global competition is short. However, in recent years, with the deepening of economic integration, Chinese enterprises have joined the strategic development path of international competition and globalization in the tide of merger and acquisition of businesses abroad. With the continuous development of China's economy and the increasing international influence of Chinese enterprises, transnational mergers and acquisitions have become an important tool for Chinese enterprises to spread their influences worldwide. By acquiring foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises can absorb advanced technology from abroad, expand global market share and enhance international competitiveness. The socialist market economy in China provides Chinese enterprises with ample opportunities for overseas mergers and acquisitions. Taking the Meidi and KUKA merger as an example, this paper analyzes the financial risk of mergers and acquisitions,s and suggests countermeasures to prevent it.

Key words: Chinese company; Enterprise acquisition and merger; Financial risk; Countermeasures

摘要 (1)

Abstract (1)

一、引言 (1)

二、文献综述 (1)

(一)国外研究现状 (1)

(二)国内研究现状 (2)

三、相关理论概述 (4)

(一)企业并购财务风险的界定 (4)

(二)企业并购财务风险的界分类 (4)

1.定价风险 (4)

2.融资风险 (4)

3.支付风险 (4)

(三)并购财务风险的特点 (4)

1.不确定性 (4)

2.信息不对称性 (5)

3.流动性 (5)

四、美的和库卡并购案例分析 (5)

(一)案例简介 (5)

(二)美的并购库卡财务风险分析 (6)

1.并购前对目标企业的价值评估风险分析 (6)

2.并购中的融资支付风险分析 (8)

3.并购后的整合风险分析 (11)

五、企业并购财务风险的防范对策 (13)

(一)实施自我评估,拓宽融资渠道 (13)

(二)购买跨国保险,控制偿债风险 (13)

(三)实施全面的资金预算管理 (14)

(四)制定经营计划实现盈利风险管理 (14)

五、结论 (15)
