
未经允许,请勿外传~Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).The evolution of warehouse management systems (WMS) is very similar to that of many other software solutions. Initially a system to control movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, the role of WMS is expanding to including light manufacturing, transportation management, order management, and complete accounting systems. To use the grandfather of operations-related software, MRP, as a comparison, material requirements planning (MRP) started as a system for planning raw material requirements in a manufacturing environment. Soon MRP evolved into manufacturing resource planning (MRPII), which took the basic MRP system and added scheduling and capacity planning logic. Eventually MRPII evolved into enterprise resource planning (ERP), incorporating all the MRPII functionality with full financials and customer and vendor management functionality. Now, whether WMS evolving into a warehouse-focused ERP system is a good thing or not is up to debate. What is clear is that the expansion of the overlap in functionality between Warehouse Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning, Transportation Management Systems, Supply Chain Planning, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, and Manufacturing Execution Systems will only increase the level ofconfusion among companies looking for software solutions for their operations.Even though WMS continues to gain added functionality, the initialcore functionality of a WMS has not really changed. The primary purposeof a WMS is to control the movement and storage of materials within an operation and process the associated transactions. Directed picking, directed replenishment, and directed put away are the key to WMS. The detailed setup and processing within a WMS can vary significantly fromone software vendor to another, however the basic logic will use a combination of item, location, quantity, unit of measure, and1order information to determine where to stock, where to pick, and in what sequence to perform these operations.At a bare minimum, a WMS should:Have a flexible location system.Utilize user-defined parameters to direct warehouse tasks and uselivedocuments to execute these tasks.Have some built-in level of integration with data collection devices.Do You Really Need WMS?Not every warehouse needs a WMS. Certainly any warehouse couldbenefit from some of the functionality but is the benefit great enoughto justify the initial and ongoing costs associated with WMS? Warehouse Management Systems are big, complex, data intensive, applications. They tend to require a lot of initial setup, a lot of system resources to run, and a lot of ongoing data management to continue to run. That’s ri ght, you need to "manage" your warehouse "management" system. Often times, large operations will end up creating a new IS department with the sole responsibility of managing the WMS.The Claims:WMS will reduce inventory!WMS will reduce labor costs!WMS will increase storage capacity!WMS will increase customer service!WMS will increase inventory accuracy!The Reality:The implementation of a WMS along with automated data collectionwill likely give you increases in accuracy, reduction in labor costs (provided the labor required to maintain the system is less than the labor saved on the warehouse floor), and a greater ability to servicethe customer by reducing cycle times. Expectations of inventoryreduction and increased storage capacity are less likely. Whileincreased accuracy and efficiencies in the receiving process may reduce the level of safety stock required, the impact of this reduction will likely be negligible in comparison to overall inventory levels. The predominant factors that control inventory levels are2lot sizing, lead times, and demand variability. It is unlikely that a WMS will have a significant impact on any of these factors. And while a WMS certainly provides the tools for more organized storage which may result in increased storage capacity, this improvement will be relative to just how sloppy your pre-WMS processes were.Beyond labor efficiencies, the determining factors in deciding to implement a WMS tend to be more often associated with the need to do something to service your customers that your current system does not support (or does not support well) such as first-in-first-out, cross-docking, automated pick replenishment, wave picking, lot tracking, yard management, automated data collection, automated material handling equipment, etc.SetupThe setup requirements of WMS can be extensive. The characteristics of each item and location must be maintained either at the detail level or by grouping similar items and locations into categories. An example of item characteristics at the detail level would include exact dimensions and weight of each item in each unit of measure the item is stocked (each, cases, pallets, etc) as well as information such as whether it can be mixed with other items in a location, whether it is rack able, max stack height, max quantity per location, hazard classifications, finished goods or raw material, fast versus slow mover, etc. Although some operations will need to set up each item this way,most operations will benefit by creating groups of similar products. For example, if you are a distributor of music CDs you would create groups for single CDs, and double CDs, maintaining the detailed dimension and weight information at the group level and only needing to attach the group code to each item. You would likely need to maintain detailed information on special items such as boxed sets or CDs in special packaging. You would also create groups for the different types of locations within your warehouse. An example would be to create three different groups (P1, P2, P3) for the three different sized forward picking locations you use for your CD picking. You then set up the quantity of single CDs that will fit in a P1, P2, and P3 location, quantity of double CDs that fit in a P1, P2, P3 location etc. You would likely also be setting up case quantities, and pallet quantities of each CD group and quantities of cases and pallets per each reserve storage location group.If this sounds simple, it is…well… sort of. In reality most operations have a much morediverse product mix and will require much more system setup. And setting up the physical characteristics of the product and locations is only part of the picture. You have set up enough so that the system knows where a product can fit and how many will fit in that location. You now need to set up the information needed to let the system decide exactly which location to pick3from, replenish from/to, and put away to, and in what sequence these events should occur (remember WMS is all about “directed” m ovement). You do this by assigning specific logic to the various combinations of item/order/quantity/location information that will occur.Below I have listed some of the logic used in determining actual locations and sequences.Location Sequence. This is the simplest logic; you simply define a flow through your warehouse and assign a sequence number to each location. In order picking this is used to sequence your picks to flow through the warehouse, in put away the logic would look for the first location in the sequence in which the product would fit.Zone Logic. By breaking down your storage locations into zones you can direct picking, put away, or replenishment to or from specific areas of your warehouse. Since zone logic only designates an area, you will need to combine this with some other type of logic to determine exact location within the zone.Fixed Location. Logic uses predetermined fixed locations per item in picking, put away, and replenishment. Fixed locations are most often used as the primary picking location in piece pick and case-pick operations, however, they can also be used for secondary storage.Random Location. Since computers cannot be truly random (nor would you want them to be) the term random location is a little misleading. Random locations generally refer to areas where products are not storedin designated fixed locations. Like zone logic, you will need some additional logic to determine exact locations.First-in-first-out (FIFO). Directs picking from the oldest inventory first.Last-in-first-out (LIFO). Opposite of FIFO. I didn't think there were any realapplications for this logic until a visitor to my site sent an email describing their operation that distributes perishable goods domestically and overseas. They use LIFO for their overseas customers (because of longer in-transit times) and FIFO for their domestic customers.Pick-to-clear. Logic directs picking to the locations with the smallest quantities on hand. This logic is great for space utilization.Reserved Locations. This is used when you want to predetermine specific locations to put away to or pick from. An application for reserved locations would be cross-docking, where you may specify certain quantities of an inbound shipment be moved to specific outbound staging locations or directly to an awaiting outbound trailer.Maximize Cube. Cube logic is found in most WMS systems however it is seldom used. Cube logic basically uses unit dimensions to calculate cube (cubic inches per unit) and then compares this to the cube capacity of the location to determine how much will fit. Now if the units are capable of being stacked into the location in a manner that fills every cubic inch of4space in the location, cube logic will work. Since this rarely happens in the real world, cube logic tends to be impractical.Consolidate. Looks to see if there is already a location with the same product stored in it with available capacity. May also create additional moves to consolidate like product stored in multiple locations.Lot Sequence. Used for picking or replenishment, this will use the lot number or lot date to determine locations to pick from or replenish from.It’s very common to combine multiple logic methods to determine the best location. Forexample you may chose to use pick-to-clear logic within first-in-first-out logic when there are multiple locations with the same receipt date. You also may change the logic based upon current workload. During busy periods you may chose logic that optimizes productivity while during slower periods you switch to logic that optimizes space utilization.Other Functionality/ConsiderationsWave Picking/Batch Picking/Zone Picking. Support for various picking methods variesfrom one system to another. In high-volume fulfillment operations, picking logic can be a critical factor in WMS selection. See my article on Order Picking for more info on these methods.Task Interleaving. Task interleaving describes functionality that mixes dissimilar tasks such as picking and put away to obtain maximum productivity. Used primarily in full-pallet-load operations, task interleaving will direct a lift truck operator to put away a pallet on his/her way to the next pick. In large warehouses this can greatly reduce travel time, not only increasing productivity, but also reducing wear on the lift trucks and saving on energy costs by reducing lift truck fuel consumption. Task interleaving is also used with cycle counting programs to coordinate a cycle count with a picking or put away task.Integration with Automated Material Handling Equipment. If you are planning onusing automated material handling equipment such as carousels, ASRS units, AGNS, pick-to-light systems, or separation systems, you’ll want to consider this during the software selection process. Since these types of automation are very expensive and are usually a core component of your warehouse, you may find that the equipment will drive the selection of the WMS. As with automated data collection, you should be working closely with the equipment manufacturers during the software selection process.5Advanced Shipment Notifications (ASN). If your vendors are capableof sendingadvanced shipment notifications (preferably electronically) and attaching compliance labels to the shipments you will want to make sure that the WMS can use this to automate your receiving process. In addition, if you have requirements to provide ASNs for customers, you will also want to verify this functionality.Yard Management. Yard management describes the function of managing the contents (inventory) of trailers parked outside the warehouse, or the empty trailers themselves. Yard management is generally associated with cross docking operations and may include the management of both inbound and outbound trailers.Labor Tracking/Capacity Planning. Some WMS systems provide functionality relatedto labor reporting and capacity planning. Anyone that has worked in manufacturing should be familiar with this type of logic. Basically, you set up standard labor hours and machine (usually lift trucks) hours per task and set the available labor and machine hours per shift. The WMS system will use this info to determine capacity and load. Manufacturing has been using capacity planning for decades with mixed results. The need to factor in efficiency and utilization to determine rated capacity is an example of the shortcomings of this process. Not that I’m necessarily against capacity planning in warehousing, I just think most operations don’t really need it and can avoid the disap pointment of trying to make it work. I am, however, a big advocate of labor tracking for individual productivity measurement. Most WMS maintain enough datato create productivity reporting. Since productivity is measured differently from one operation to another you can assume you will have to do some minor modifications here (usually in the form of custom reporting).Integration with existing accounting/ERP systems. Unless the WMS vendor hasalready created a specific interface with your accounting/ERP system (such as those provided by an approved business partner) you can expect to spend some significant programming dollars here. While we are all hoping that integration issues will be magically resolved someday by a standardized interface, we isn’t there yet. Ideally you’ll want an integrator that has already integrated the WMS you chose with the business software you are using. Since this is not always possible you at least want an integrator that is very familiar with one of the systems.WMS + everything else = ? As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a lot ofother modules are being added to WMS packages. These would include full financials, light manufacturing, transportation management, purchasing, and sales order management. I don’t see t his as aunilateral move of WMS from an add-on module to a core system, but rather an optional approach that has applications in specific industries such as 3PLs. Using ERP systems6as a point of reference, it is unlikely that this add-onfunctionality will match the functionality of best-of-breed applications available separately. If warehousing/distribution is your core business function and you don’t want to have to deal with the integration issues of incorporating separate financials, order processing, etc. you mayfind these WMS based business systems are a good fit.Implementation TipsOutside of the standard “don’t underestimate”, “thoroughlytest”, “train, train, train” implementation tips that apply to any business software installation ,it’s i mportant to emphasize that WMSare very data dependent and restrictive by design. That is, you need to have all of the various data elements in place for the system tofunction properly. And, when they are in place, you must operate within the set parameters.When implementing a WMS, you are adding an additional layer of technology onto your system. And with each layer of technology there is additional overhead and additional sources of potential problems. Now don’t take this as a condemnation of Warehouse Management Systems. Coming from a warehousing background I definitely appreciate the functionality WMS have to offer, and, in many warehouses, this functionality is essential to their ability to serve their customers and remain competitive. It’s just impo rtant to note that every solution hasits downsides and having a good understanding of the potential implications will allow managers to make better decisions related to the levels of technology that best suits their unique environment.仓库管理系统( WMS )仓库管理系统( WMS )的演变与许多其他软件解决方案是非常相似的。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)互利共赢的供应商质量控制前言近年来,随着对供应链的重视,供应商管理正逐渐成为企业和学术界的关注对象,IS09000族标准以及QS 9000标准都对供应商的管理提出了相应的要求,与供应商管理有关的研究成果正逐渐增多,一些软件巨头也推出了供应商关系管理的软件,但是在这些研究成果和应用软件中,涉及到的供应商质量控制的内容只是一些最基本的要求,而供应商质量控制恰恰是供应商管理的最基本、最重要的内容。
中英文文献翻译-仓库管理系统( WMS )

英文原文Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).The evolution of warehouse management systems (WMS) is very similar to that of many other software solutions. Initially a system to control movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, the role of WMS is expanding to including light manufacturing, transportation management, order management, and complete accounting systems. To use the grandfather of operations-related software, MRP, as a comparison, material requirements planning (MRP) started as a system for planning raw material requirements in a manufacturing environment. Soon MRP evolved into manufacturing resource planning (MRPII), which took the basic MRP system and added scheduling and capacity planning logic. Eventually MRPII evolved into enterprise resource planning (ERP), incorporating all the MRPII functionality with full financials and customer and vendor management functionality. Now, whether WMS evolving into a warehouse-focused ERP system is a good thing or not is up to debate. What is clear is that the expansion of the overlap in functionality between Warehouse Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning, Transportation Management Systems, Supply Chain Planning, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, and Manufacturing Execution Systems will only increase the level of confusion among companies looking for software solutions for their operations.Even though WMS continues to gain added functionality, the initial core functionality of a WMS has not really changed. The primary purpose of a WMS is to control the movement and storage of materials within an operation and process the associated transactions. Directed picking, directed replenishment, and directed put away are the key to WMS. The detailed setup and processing within a WMS can vary significantly from one software vendor to another, however the basic logic will use a combination of item, location, quantity, unit of measure, and order information to determine where to stock, where to pick, and in what sequence to perform these operations.Have a flexible location system.Utilize user-defined parameters to direct warehouse tasks and use liveHave some built-in level of integration with data collection devices.Do You Really Need WMS?Not every warehouse needs a WMS. Certainly any warehouse could benefit from some of the functionality but is the benefit great enough to justify the initial and ongoing costs associated with WMS? Warehouse Management Systems are big, complex, data intensive, applications. They tend to require a lot of initial setup, a lot of system resources to run, and a lot of ongoing data management to con tinue to run. That’s right, you need to "manage" your warehouse "management" system. Often times, large operations will end up creating a new IS department with the sole responsibility of managing the WMS.The Claims:WMS will reduce inventory!WMS will reduce labor costs!WMS will increase storage capacity!WMS will increase customer service!WMS will increase inventory accuracy!The Reality:The implementation of a WMS along with automated data collection will likely give you increases in accuracy, reduction in labor costs (provided the labor required to maintain the system is less than the labor saved on the warehouse floor), and a greater ability to service the customer by reducing cycle times. Expectations of inventory reduction and increased storage capacity are less likely. While increased accuracy and efficiencies in the receiving process may reduce the level of safety stock required, the impact of this reduction will likely be negligible in comparison to overall inventory levels. The predominant factors that control inventory levels are lot sizing, lead times, and demand variability. It is unlikely that a WMS will have a significant impact on any of these factors. And while a WMS certainly provides the tools for more organized storage which may result in increased storage capacity, this improvement will be relative to just how sloppy your pre-WMS processes were.Beyond labor efficiencies, the determining factors in deciding to implement a WMS tend to be more often associated with the need to do something to service your customers that your current system does not support (or does not support well) such as first-in-first-out, cross-docking, automated pick replenishment, wave picking, lot tracking, yard management, automated data collection, automated material handling equipment, etc.SetupThe setup requirements of WMS can be extensive. The characteristics of each item and location must be maintained either at the detail level or by grouping similar items and locationsinto categories. An example of item characteristics at the detail level would include exact dimensions and weight of each item in each unit of measure the item is stocked (each, cases, pallets, etc) as well as information such as whether it can be mixed with other items in a location, whether it is rack able, max stack height, max quantity per location, hazard classifications, finished goods or raw material, fast versus slow mover, etc. Although some operations will need to set up each item this way, most operations will benefit by creating groups of similar products. For example, if you are a distributor of music CDs you would create groups for single CDs, and double CDs, maintaining the detailed dimension and weight information at the group level and only needing to attach the group code to each item. You would likely need to maintain detailed information on special items such as boxed sets or CDs in special packaging. You would also create groups for the different types of locations within your warehouse. An example would be to create three different groups (P1, P2, P3) for the three different sized forward picking locations you use for your CD picking. You then set up the quantity of single CDs that will fit in a P1, P2, and P3 location, quantity of double CDs that fit in a P1, P2, P3 location etc. You would likely also be setting up case quantities, and pallet quantities of each CD group and quantities of cases and pallets per each reserve storage location group.If this sounds simple, it is…well… sort of. In reality most operations have a much more diverse product mix and will require much more system setup. And setting up the physical characteristics of the product and locations is only part of the picture. You have set up enough so that the system knows where a product can fit and how many will fit in that location. You now need to set up the information needed to let the system decide exactly which location to pick from, replenish from/to, and put away to, and in what sequence these events should occur (remember WMS is all about “directed” movement). You do this by assigni ng specific logic to the various combinations of item/order/quantity/location information that will occur.Below I have listed some of the logic used in determining actual locations and sequences.Location Sequence. This is the simplest logic; you simply define a flow through your warehouse and assign a sequence number to each location. In order picking this is used to sequence your picks to flow through the warehouse, in put away the logic would look for the first location in the sequence in which the product would fit.Zone Logic. By breaking down your storage locations into zones you can direct picking, put away, or replenishment to or from specific areas of your warehouse. Since zone logic only designates an area, you will need to combine this with some other type of logic to determine exact location within the zone.Fixed Location. Logic uses predetermined fixed locations per item in picking, put away, and replenishment. Fixed locations are most often used as the primary picking location in piece pick and case-pick operations, however, they can also be used for secondary storage.Random Location. Since computers cannot be truly random (nor would you want them to be) the term random location is a little misleading. Random locations generally refer to areas where products are not stored in designated fixed locations. Like zone logic, you will need some additional logic to determine exact locations.First-in-first-out (FIFO).Directs picking from the oldest inventory first.Last-in-first-out (LIFO).Opposite of FIFO. I didn't think there were any real applications for this logic until a visitor to my site sent an email describing their operation that distributes perishable goods domestically and overseas. They use LIFO for their overseas customers (because of longer in-transit times) and FIFO for their domestic customers.Pick-to-clear. Logic directs picking to the locations with the smallest quantities on hand. This logic is great for space utilization.Reserved Locations. This is used when you want to predetermine specific locations to put away to or pick from. An application for reserved locations would be cross-docking, where you may specify certain quantities of an inbound shipment be moved to specific outbound staging locations or directly to an awaiting outbound trailer.Maximize Cube. Cube logic is found in most WMS systems however it is seldom used. Cube logic basically uses unit dimensions to calculate cube (cubic inches per unit) and then compares this to the cube capacity of the location to determine how much will fit. Now if the units are capable of being stacked into the location in a manner that fills every cubic inch of space in the location, cube logic will work. Since this rarely happens in the real world, cube logic tends to be impractical.Consolidate. Looks to see if there is already a location with the same product stored in it with available capacity. May also create additional moves to consolidate like product stored in multiple locations.Lot Sequence. Used for picking or replenishment, this will use the lot number or lot date to determine locations to pick from or replenish from.It’s very common to combine multiple logic methods to determine the best location. For example you may chose to use pick-to-clear logic within first-in-first-out logic when there are multiple locations with the same receipt date. You also may change the logic based upon current workload. During busy periods you may chose logic that optimizes productivity while during slower periods you switch to logic that optimizes space utilization.Other Functionality/ConsiderationsWave Picking/Batch Picking/Zone Picking. Support for various picking methods varies from one system to another. In high-volume fulfillment operations, picking logic can be a critical factor in WMS selection. See my article on Order Picking for more info on these methods.Task Interleaving. Task interleaving describes functionality that mixes dissimilar tasks such as picking and put away to obtain maximum productivity. Used primarily in full-pallet-load operations, task interleaving will direct a lift truck operator to put away a pallet on his/her way to the next pick. In large warehouses this can greatly reduce travel time, not only increasing productivity, but also reducing wear on the lift trucks and saving on energy costs by reducing lift truck fuel consumption. Task interleaving is also used with cycle counting programs to coordinate a cycle count with a picking or put away task.Integration with Automated Material Handling Equipment. If you are planning on using automated material handling equipment such as carousels, ASRS units, AGNS, pick-to-light systems, or separation systems, you’ll wa nt to consider this during the software selection process. Since these types of automation are very expensive and are usually a core component of your warehouse, you may find that the equipment will drive the selection of the WMS. As with automated data collection, you should be working closely with the equipment manufacturers during the software selection process.Advanced Shipment Notifications (ASN). If your vendors are capable of sending advanced shipment notifications (preferably electronically) and attaching compliance labels to the shipments you will want to make sure that the WMS can use this to automate your receiving process. In addition, if you have requirements to provide ASNs for customers, you will also want to verify this functionality.Yard Management. Yard management describes the function of managing the contents (inventory) of trailers parked outside the warehouse, or the empty trailers themselves. Yard management is generally associated with cross docking operations and may include the management of both inbound and outbound trailers.Labor Tracking/Capacity Planning. Some WMS systems provide functionality related to labor reporting and capacity planning. Anyone that has worked in manufacturing should be familiar with this type of logic. Basically, you set up standard labor hours and machine (usually lift trucks) hours per task and set the available labor and machine hours per shift. The WMS system will use this info to determine capacity and load. Manufacturing has been using capacity planning for decades with mixed results. The need to factor in efficiency and utilization to determine rated capacity is an example of the shortcomings of this process. Not that I’m necessarily against capacity planning in warehousing, I just think most operations don’t really need it and can avoid the disappointment of trying to make it work. I am, however, a bigadvocate of labor tracking for individual productivity measurement. Most WMS maintain enough data to create productivity reporting. Since productivity is measured differently from one operation to another you can assume you will have to do some minor modifications here (usually in the form of custom reporting).Integration with existing accounting/ERP systems. Unless the WMS vendor has already created a specific interface with your accounting/ERP system (such as those provided by an approved business partner) you can expect to spend some significant programming dollars here. While we are all hoping that integration issues will be magically resolved someday by a standardized interface, we isn’t there yet. Ideally you’ll want an integrator that has already integrated the WMS you chose with the business software you are using. Since this is not always possible you at least want an integrator that is very familiar with one of the systems.WMS + everything else = ? As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a lot of other modules are being added to WMS packages. These would include full financials, light manufacturing, transportation management, purchasing, and sales order management. I don’t see this as a unilateral move of WMS from an add-on module to a core system, but rather an optional approach that has applications in specific industries such as 3PLs. Using ERP systems as a point of reference, it is unlikely that this add-on functionality will match the functionality ofbest-of-breed applications available separately. If warehousing/distribution is your core business function and you don’t want to have to deal with the integration issues of incorporating separate financials, order processing, etc. you may find these WMS based business systems are a good fit.Implementation TipsOutside of the standard “don’t underestimate”, “thoroughly test”, “train, train, train” implementation tips that apply to any business software installation ,it’s important to emphasize that WMS are very data dependent and restrictive by design. That is, you need to have all of the various data elements in place for the system to function properly. And, when they are in place, you must operate within the set parameters.When implementing a WMS, you are adding an additional layer of technology onto your system. And with each layer of technology there is additional overhead and additional sources of potential problems. Now don’t take this as a condemnation of Warehouse Management Systems. Coming from a warehousing background I definitely appreciate the functionality WMS have to offer, and, in many warehouses, this functionality is essential to their ability to serve their customers and remain competitive. It’s just important to note that every solution has its downsides and having a good understanding of the potential implications will allow managers to make better decisions related to the levels of technology that best suits their unique environment.中文译文仓库管理系统( WMS )仓库管理系统( WMS )的演变与许多其他软件解决方案是很像的。

文献信息:文献标题:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for Inventory Management(库存管理的多准则决策框架)国外作者:PK Krishnadevarajan,S Balasubramanian,N Kannan,V Ravichandran文献出处:《International Journal of Management》,2016,7(1):85-93 字数统计:英文3228单词,17138字符;中文5509汉字外文文献:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for InventoryManagementAbstract Inventory management is a process / practice that every company undertakes. Most companies fail to apply a comprehensive set of criteria to rank their products / items. The criteria are too few or subjective in nature. Inventory is required to stay in business and meet customer needs. If it is not done right it causes deterioration in customer service and could lead to damages to both customer and supplier relations and eventually cause business breakdown. A simple multi-criteria driven holistic framework developed by industry input is critical to the success of inventory management. An inventory management framework using FIVE main-criteria categories (revenue, customer service, profitability, growth, risk), 21 (between 3 and 6 in each category) metrics and 4 ranks (A, B, C, D) is presented in this paper to assist companies with their inventory management process. The framework that is presented has been developed through literature review, surveys, interviews and focus groups with several industry owners, inventory managers and business managers. The interaction with companies led to a set of THREE critical questions:1.Is there a comprehensive inventory management framework?2.What inventory metrics should be tracked or monitored on a routine basis?3.How do implement a multi-criteria inventory classification?This paper is an attempt to answer these critical questions and provide a framework that is developed by bringing together existing literature available and input/findings from industry executives in the area of inventory management.Key words: Inventory, Inventory Management, Inventory Classification, Inventory Ranking, Multi-Criteria Inventory Management.1.INTRODUCTIONInventory is a critical asset and resource that is handled extensively by most businesses. Managing inventory effectively has been something that every company strives for; however, it is also an area where companies often have failed and still continue to fail. Companies handle multiple items / products but treat all items equally because the business objective is to serve the customer. As a result they end up having excess inventory of the wrong items. As businesses expand there are so many products in inventory and the company ends up having more stocking inventory for each product or end up investing more in the wrong inventory. Item/inventory stratification is the process of ranking items based on relevant factors applicable to the business environment. According to Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran S., Lawrence F.B. and Rao B (2015) and Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, S Balasubramanian and N Kannan (2015) you should classify items into a certain number of categories (typically less than five) so that managing them day-to-day does not become unwieldy. This is especially needed when handling several hundreds or thousands of items, where identifying and focusing on the most critical items is of utmost importance to allow resources to be used effectively and efficiently. This stratification process is typically done at a physical location level (at branches or distribution centers) across the entire company, although it could be applied at higher levels (regions or the entire company). The item stratification process is usually not well-defined or given due importance, and it often gets over-simplified. The inventory stratification process should address several metrics and a multi-criteria approachmust be taken for effective inventory management. This paper attempts to present a comprehensive framework that could assist companies in choosing the right set of metrics to perform inventory ranking for their business.2.FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENTThe process of inventory classification actually begins by developing or choosing a framework that suits the company’s vision and goals. The development process of the proposed inventory framework process took place in two stages. The first stage was to look at existing literature to understand the different factors/criteria that are being used for inventory evaluation by various industries/businesses. The second stage was interaction with companies to gather input, understand metrics used and challenges faced in executing the inventory classification process.2.1.Literature Review(Pareto, 1906) observed that about 20% of the population of a country has about 80% of its wealth (also known as the 80-20 rule). This rule holds true for items sold by a firm: about 20% of items account for about 80% of a firm’s revenue.(Flores and Whybark, 1987) present an inventory ranking model driven by criticality and dollar-usage. The first stage is for the users to rank the items based on criticality, the second stage ranks items based on dollar/currency usage. Based on usage, items are ranked as A, B or C.(Flores, Olson and Dorai, 1992) propose the use of AHP as a means for decision makers to custom design a formula reflecting the relative importance of each unit of inventory item based on a weighted value of the criteria utilized. The factors applied are – total annual usage (quantity), average unit cost (currency), annual usage (currency), lead time and criticality. They also present a reclassification model based on the following factors and weights: criticality (42%), followed by lead time (41%), annual dollar usage (9.2%), and average unit cost (7.8%).(Schreibfeder, 2005) recommend a combination model using cost of goods sold (procurement price from supplier), number of transactions (orders or hits), and profitability (gross margin).(Lawrence, Gunasekaran and Krishnadevarajan, 2009) state that best practices in item stratification are based on multiple factors such as sales, logistics (hits), and profitability (gross margin currency or percentage, or gross margin return on inventory investment [GMROII]) that help to attain the optimal solution in most cases. Companies, however, can include more factors specific to their business environment, such as lead time, sense of urgency, product dependency, criticality, product life cycle and logistics costs. They also present a model to classify items based on demand pattern. A demand stability index (DSI) is established using three criteria – demand frequency or usage frequency, demand size and demand variability.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, Lawrence and Rao, 2013) rank items into 4 categories (High, medium-plus, medium-minus, low) for risk management and price sensitivity. Ranking is based on unit cost of the item. Items are also ranked based on annual usage (currency), hits, gross margin (currency) and gross margin (percentage). The final ranks are Critical (A & B items), important (C items) and non-critical (D items).(Dhoka and Choudary, 2013) classify items based on demand predictability (XYZ Analysis). Items which have uniform demand are ranked as X, varying demand as Y, and abnormal demand as Z.(Hatefi, Torabi and Bagheri, 2014) present a modified linear optimization method that enables inventory managers to classify a number of inventory items in the presence of both qualitative and quantitative criteria without any subjectivity. The four factors used are ADU (Annual dollar usage), CF (critical factor – very critical [VC], moderately critical [MC] or non-critical [NC]), AUC (Average unit cost) and LT (Lead Time). Items are ranked as A, B, or C.(Xue, 2014) connects the characteristics of materials supply and the relationship between parts and production, a classification model based on materials attributes. The several criteria applied in the decision tree model are: Parts usage rate, carrying-holding-possession costs, ordering-purchase costs, shortage cost, and delivery ability.(Šarić, Šimunović, Pezer and Šimunović, 2014) present a research on inventory ABC classification using various multi-criteria methods (AHP) method and clusteranalysis) and neural networks. The model uses 4 criteria – Annual cost, Criticality, Lead Time 1 and Lead Time 2.(Kumar, Rajan and Balan, 2014) rank items based on their cost in bill of materials (ABC ranking). “A” items -70% higher value of items of bill of material, “B” items – 20% Medium value of items of Bill of material and “C” items – 10% Lower value of items of Bill of material. They also determine vital, essential, and desirable components required for assembly (VED analysis).(Sarmah and Moharana, 2015) present a model that has 5 criteria – consumption rate, unit price, replenishment lead time, commonality and criticality.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Balasubramanian, and Kannan, 2015) present a strategic business stratification framework based on: suppliers, product, demand, space, service, market, customer and people.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Vignesh, Balasubramanian and Kannan, 2015) present a framework for supplier classification based on several categories: convenience, customer service, profitability (financial), growth, innovation, inventory, quality and risk. A similar framework can be extended based on the supplier classification for items or products.2.2.Industry FeedbackInteraction with companies was performed through surveys, interviews and focus groups with several industry owners, inventory/purchasing managers and business managers. The objective was to get an idea of the metrics being utilized for inventory classification, challenges faced, inventory framework deployed and the effectiveness of their current inventory performance management processes. Key findings from the industry interaction were the following:•Lack of a inventory management framework. Understanding where the process began and where it ended was the key challenge. Who should take ownership of this process in the company? Often, data was missing or currently not captured in the system in-order to create various metrics to help with inventory management. Internally, all companies did not have a goal or objective regarding what they would like to achieve with the inventory management process. No concrete data drivendiscussions or goal setting took place. Most of the inventory ranking was based on experience.•What to track? Companies either tracked too many metrics or did not track anything. Even if they tracked too many metrics most of them were subjective and anecdotal. They lacked a significant number of quantitative metrics to act on something meaningful. Companies wanted a set of metrics they could choose from and then set a process in place to capture the relevant data to compute those metrics. If multiple metrics are used to track inventory performance, is there a methodology to combine various metrics to develop a single rank (ease of decision making) for each item/product?•Reporting and Scorecards: The next challenge was that even if a few companies had the required data and were able to compute the metrics they did not have an effective way of reporting this information back to the purchasing team or anyone who influenced inventory decision. They lacked reporting tools and templates for the performance metrics.•Continuous Improvement: The steps that need to be established to continually improve the inventory management process at the company did not exist. Several companies had gone down the path of implementing a version of the inventory management but could not sustain the same due to lack of accountability/ownership, failing to change the metrics when the industry dynamics changed, and execution challenges.The focus of this paper is to propose a simple, yet holistic framework, list of metrics to track and a multi-criteria ranking method for inventory management.3.INVENTORY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKThe approach used to layout an inventory framework is bridging the gap between what was seen in the literature review and the feedback from industry. The key objectives in the framework development were the following:•Metrics should be quantitative (objective and data driven). There will be only a few qualitative metrics.•The framework should be holistic and comprehensive at the same time easy understand.•Scalability and flexibility of the framework is important as companies adopt it into their inventory management process.•Apply a multi-criteria approach but provide the ability to get one single final rank (A, B, C or D) for a given item or product so that inventory policies and strategies can be established at a final rank level.•Provide a starting point for ranking criteria – what determines an A, B, C or D item for each metric used in the framework.Most companies measure inventory solely based on sales or usage. This is because almost all companies just focus on sales primarily. The proposed framework provides 5 categories based on which items should be ranked (shown in illustration 1). It varies from ‘revenue’ to ‘risk’. These 5 categories have a set of metrics (21 metrics in total), formula to compute the metric and a ranking scale that places each items in one of 4 ranks – A, B, C or D. Companies can choose the categories that are most relevant to their current business priority and then choose a set of factors/metrics under each category to rank their items / products.Illustration 1: Inventory Classification Categories and MetricsThe five categories of the inventory framework address several inventory metrics. The definition of each metrics, corresponding formula (calculation method) and thecriteria to determine A, B, C and D ranks is listed in illustration 2. Choosing one metric from each category is recommended. However, companies should customize the framework in alignment with their growth goals and customer requirements.Illustration 2: Inventory Management – Metrics, Definition and Criteria3.1.Final Item RankVarious metrics that could be applied to determine item ranks (across 5 categories) were addressed in the previous sections. Decision-making process becomes challenging when there are multiple ranks (while using multiple metrics across the 5 categories) pointing in different directions. In this situation, a weighted stratification matrix helps determine a final rank for each item (Lawrence, Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, 2011). The final item rank depends on three factors:•Weights given for each factor: This input captures the importance of each factor. Weights may vary depending on the environment, but an example when a company applies 5 metrics to rank their items could be: Sales currency = 25%; Hits = 20%; GMROII = 20%, Number of customers = 20%; and Pricing variability = 15%. If a company chooses to include additional factors, the weights may be distributed accordingly.•The relative importance of A, B, C, and D ranks: Example: A=40; B=30; C=20; and D=10.•Score the range for the final score: The above weights are converted to a scale of 10 to 40, resulting in a best score of 40 (ranked A in all categories) and a least score of 10 (ranked D in all categories). The 30 points in the range of 10 to 40 is divided into four groups. Example: A=32.6 to 40; B=25.1 to 32.5; C=17.6 to 25; and D=10 to 17.5.With these parameters, a final rank can be determined for a given item. If an item is ranked as A, B , Cand D according to sales currency, hits, GMROII, number of customers and pricing variability respectively; this item’s final performance score is computed as follows:Final supplier score = [(25% x 30) + (20% x 20) + (20% x 40) + (20% x 30) +(15% x 10)] = 27This score falls between the ranges of 25.1 to 32.5, so this item gets a final rank of “B”.3.2.Summary of Item RankingThe various steps that are involved in the ranking of items can be summarized as follows:•Step 1: Customize the framework according to the company’s requirement. This includes both the categories as well as the metrics under each category.•Step 2: Determine the cut-off values for each metric – the criteria that ranks items as A, B, C or D. This is a very important step.•Step 3: Choose key metrics that will determine item ranks.•Step 4: Rank the items for each metric using company-specific cut-off values.•Step 5: Assign weights to each factor.•Step 6: Compute final rank for each item.•Step 7: Using a cross-functional team to determine inventory policies and strategies for A, B, C and D items based on the final rank.4.CONCLUSIONThe proposed inventory framework provides a guideline for companies with their inventory management process. Determining the right items to stock (inventory investment) and managing them effectively is key to good customer service and business sustainability. Measuring items on data driven objective criteria is critical to maintaining profitable-sustainable business relationships with customers and suppliers.中文译文:库存管理的多准则决策框架摘要库存管理是每个公司都需要进行的一个过程/实践。

供应商管理库存系统外文文献翻译最新译文文献出处:Kannan G, Grigore M C, Devika K, et al. An analysis of the general benefits of a centralised VMI system based on the EOQ model [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(1): 172-188.An analysis of the general benefits of a centralised VMI systembased on the EOQ modelG. Kannan, M. C. Grigore, K. Devika & A. Senthilkumar1.IntroductionDue to the global expansion of large companies, competition all over the world is becoming stronger and therefore an increasing need to obtain competitive prices is pushing industries to take on new challenging, strategic methods. One of the recently recognised methods is the replacement of the traditional supply chain with the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) supply chain. It has been proven in many different papers that the VMI supply chain is superior to the traditional supply chain and can bring significant cost savings to the participants.A traditional supply chain refers to the system within which each of the members at the different stages make decisions regarding replenishment quantities and timing so as to minimise cost at their end of the supply chain. The supply chain usually consists of all stages, starting at the raw material supplier and continuing on until the finished product reaches the end customer. All the different stages are linked by their common aim of providing the right product to the right customer in the promised time.VMI is a replenishment supply chain technique that has beenimplemented since the beginning of the 1980s by Wall-Mart and Procter & Gamble (Waller et al. 1999), and has its roots back in 1958 when Magee (1958) first introduced the concept.Within a VMI agreement, the upstream supply chain member (the vendor) takes responsibility for managing the inventory of the downstream member (the buyer) within specific levels previously agreed upon without the need for orders from the customer side to be placed. Therefore, the vendor can focus on optimising production efficiency and capacity planning, while the customer has to improve forecastaccuracy.The success of VMI is dependent on communication between the partners, their willingness to share data, collaboration and coordination, and an information technology system which enables fast access to critical information (Duchessi and Chengalur-Smith 2008).The general characteristics of a traditional supply chain and of a VMI supply chain, formed by three stage.The research here is meant to offer a simple overview of the possible outcomes after VMI implementation in a two-stage supply chain, between the vendor and its multiple buyers. The analysis focuses on the overall supply chain cost impact, which VMI can show under specific conditions, based on the practical experience learned in the pharmaceutical industry.Using VMI in a supply chain brings transparency regarding essential information among the partners, thus giving the opportunity at each stage to adjust the decisions in a timely manner and avoid emergency situations.The VMI supply chain implies coordination between the partnering stages, continuous information sharing, and regularmeetings where critical issues are discussed and follow-up actions are noted.The general benefits model analysed in this paper is based on the economic ordering quantity (EOQ) model and is an extension of Bookbinder et al.'s (2010) paper. As an extension of the aforementioned work, the model has been adjusted to integrate different requirements and constraints from within the pharmaceutical industry. It has been further extended from analysing a one-vendor, one-buyer deterministic demand case to analysing a one-vendor, multiple-buyer stochastic demand case.The mathematical model applies to two echelons, the vendor and its multiple buyers. An observation is made here to distinguish that the buyers are not the end-consumers but represent sales organisations from each country. At the same time both the vendor and buyers belong to the same organisation.In the literature, one of the main challenges when implementing VMI has beenidentified in providing the right incentives for all partners to do their best for the supply chain and the right contract to share the overall profits (Nagarajan and Rajagopalan 2008).The fact that both stages belong to the same organisation facilitates simpler developments further. There is no need for complicated contracts for profit sharing between the two partners in a VMI case, as the most important thing is the total supply chain profit. It can be assumed that both partners have the right incentives to increase overall supply chain profits.Based on the assumptions above, the traditional supply chain model is developed according to its general characteristics within which the centralised organisation does not show anyimpact, while the VMI model is developed as and when decisions are taken centrally to obtain overall supply chain cost reductions.2. Literature reviewThe literature review of this paper is divided into two categories: first, an overview of general positive characteristics observed after the VMI implementation (or) assumed to occur behind the theoretical model and then the second part looks at the literature which clearly focused on the EOQ modeling to determine the potential benefits of a VMI supply chain.2.1 General characteristics of VMI outcomesThis section verifies the outcomes of a VMI relationship and presents a short literature review of different benefits which have been recognised by other authors to be the outcome of VMI partnerships. A couple of articles have directly addressed the general benefits which can be achieved from a VMI partnership without necessarily developing a model to prove their arguments but through empirical research.Lee et al. (2008) analysed how lean systems would perform with VMI, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and continuous replenishment and identified that expenses can be significantly decreased and flexibility improved under VMI. Elvander et al. (2007) developed a framework for a VMI configuration with four categories: inventory-related dimensions, information-related dimensions, decision-making dimensions, and a systemintegration level. Dorling et al. (2006) evaluated VMI under oligopolistic competition and defined five steps towards VMI implementation. Donget al. (2007) surveyed the literature and identified that VMI is adopted when the supplier deals with high market competitiveness and when there is good cooperationbetween the supplier and the buyer.Blatherwick (1998), Disney et al. (2003), and Sari (2008) identified that VMI can be outperformed by other strategies in specific situations.2.2 General benefits models of VMI based on the EOQ modelThe literature review presented below focuses strictly on research papers which have developed specific models to evaluate the benefits of a VMI supply chain based on EOQ modelling.Bookbinder et al. (2010), Yao et al. (2007), and Razmi et al. (2010) evaluated the supply chain costs under a traditional supply chain compared to a VMI situation. All cases considered a two-echelon model formed by a vendor and a buyer, and the model development was based on the EOQ formula.Bookbinder et al. (2010) compared three cases: the traditional supply chain, VMI, and central decision making. The difference between traditional supply chains and VMI was obtained through transferring the cost of placing an order, which was incurred by the buyer, to the vendor under the VMI. Also, the vendor's cost of placing an order has been considered to be lower than the buyer's. One of the findings of the model is that both the vendor and the buyer are better off as long as the vendor's holding costs divided by the buyer's holding cost are higher than the ordering cost.Yao et al. (2007) showed that total costs can be decreased under VMI as long as the ordering cost of the vendor is lower than that of the buyer. However, results also show that the buyer has greater benefits than the vendor.Razmi et al. (2010) effectuated a sensitivity analysis by varying the parameter values of the total cost function whileincluding a backordering cost in the calculation. While in the traditional supply chain model both the vendor and the customer incurred costs, in the case of VMI all the costs have been attributed to the vendor. Pasandideh et al. (2010) used an EOQ model to evaluate the impact of differentparameters on the total cost when applying VMI and when shortage is backlogged. The EOQ model developed showed that VMI could bring important cost savings but this has its limitations on the values of the ordering costs of the two participants.Zhang et al. (2007) analysed the total cost function incurred under a VMI partnership where an exponential function of the ordering costs was taken. The model was applied to a one-vendor, one-buyer case and proved that decreasing the ordering cost represents an investment which brings lower costs for all buyers. Teng et al. (2005) used integer programming to extend the classic economic production quantity (EPQ) model to allow for time varying cost, with deterministic demand. The findings showed that the total cost is a convex function of the number of replenishments, for which the minimum number should be identified for savings to be obtained. Chen and Wei (2011) examined the optimal dynamic joint decisions using a calculus-based formulation combined with dynamic programming techniques in a vertically decentralised single manufacturer Stackelberg and single-retailer channel over a multi-period planning horizon subject to deteriorating goods and multivariate demand function. Niranjan et al. (2011) analysed the issues surrounding the VMI implementation using 15 features categorised as product related, company related, or supplier related. In addition to the researchers mentioned in Table 1, the following researchers have also analysed the benefits of the VMIsystem (Disney and Towill 2002b, Sourirajan et al. 2008, Bakal and Geunes 2009, Battini et al. 2009, Wang 2009, Liu and ?etinkaya 2010, Borade et al. 2011).Zhang et al. (2007) developed an integrated VMI, where a joint cost model was built under the assumption of constant demand rate and production. The model evaluates the impact on the total cost function when varying the ordering cost. Ordering costs can be reduced through a VMI partnership, and the partners can share the benefits. Later, a model to indicate the general benefits which a VMI partnership could bring, and adjusted to the pharmaceutical case, will be developed.Many authors have focused their attention on the analysis of the VMI performance based on constant demand characteristics, for which the EOQ model represents the basis for the analysis. While researching the general benefits of VMIbased on EOQ model literature, one of the gaps identified is the fact that evaluations were done strictly between one vendor and one buyer. The only exception is identified in Zhang et al. (2007), who considered two buyers but focused on order cost reduction evaluation.Based on the findings in the literature, this paper extends previous research and analyses the possible benefits when dealing with one vendor and multiple buyers assuming a stochastic, constant type of demand.3. Problem definition and research scopeThe objective of this paper is to develop a relevant model which integrates specific constraints from the pharmaceutical industry and which has the ability to project the possible cost differences between a traditional supply chain and a VMI supply chain.Some of the aspects which the model will integrate are: constant demand, variable demand, evaluation of a two-stage supply chain composed of a vendor and his multiple buyers, and identification of the importance of fast reaction to demand changes and maintenance of a high customer service level as defined by the industry.The characteristics are integrated in both traditional and VMI supply chains, while the model is based on the EOQ model rational with the purpose of highlighting cost differences between the two. Under the VMI supply chain, the transportation cost and the cost of issuing an order are transferred from the buyer to the vendor.The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 4 develops the mathematical model for the traditional and VMI supply chains, and this is then numerically applied in Section 5. The results of the numerical application are discussed in Section 6, and Section 7 presents an overall conclusion of the paper and identifies directions for further research opportunities.3.1 Research highlightsThe model developed in this paper extends previous works which based their analysis of traditional versus VMI supply chains on EOQ models by acknowledging demand variability and integrating preventive actions.Another difference which is captured within this model represents the extendednumber of buyers evaluated. While previous research focused on one-vendor, one-buyer cases, the model here integrates one vendor and multiple buyers.Evaluating the situation of multiple buyers with whom the vendor has the possibility to establish VMI partnerships givesmore flexibility to the vendor to consolidate specific product demands. Based on this opportunity, the model is structured to evaluate benefits depending on the number of products shared among more buyers.译文基于经济订购量模式的供应商管理库存系统的综合效益分析G. Kannan, M. C. Grigore, K. Devika & A. Senthilkumar1 引言由于大公司的全球化扩张,世界各地的竞争越来越强烈,因此越来越需要获得具有竞争力的价格,这对企业来说是一个全新的挑战,但也是推动产业发展的战略方法。


自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。
由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。
这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。
关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。
Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。
就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。

仓库管理系统英文的参考文献英文回答:Warehouse Management System (WMS)。
A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software application that supports the day-to-day operations of a warehouse. It helps businesses keep track of their inventory, manage their warehouse space, and optimize their shipping and receiving processes.Benefits of using a WMS:Improved inventory accuracy.Reduced labor costs.Increased warehouse space utilization.Improved customer service.Reduced shipping costs.Features of a WMS:Inventory management.Warehouse space management.Shipping and receiving management. Reporting and analytics.Types of WMS:On-premise WMS.Cloud-based WMS.Hybrid WMS.Choosing the right WMS:When choosing a WMS, businesses should consider the following factors:The size and complexity of their warehouse.The volume of inventory they manage.Their shipping and receiving requirements.Their budget.Their IT resources.Implementation of a WMS:Implementing a WMS can be a complex process. However, with careful planning and execution, businesses can reap the many benefits that a WMS has to offer.中文回答:仓库管理系统 (WMS)。

该模块连结着供应链的作业与营运目标,主要包括需求/供给规划(Demand/Supply Planning)与规划基础建设(infrastructure)两项活动,对所有采购运筹流程、制造运筹流程与配送运筹流程进行规划与控制。

供应链管理外文翻译文献供应链管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Supply Chain ManagementThe so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, istribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the rofessional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.That is, to meet a certain level of customer service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport, distribution and sales management.From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain anagement of rich content.First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken intoaccount, including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because their supply chain performance is also influential.Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem, so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level, tactical and operational level Level, and so on.Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives. For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers, although most manufacturers are willing toimplement long-term production operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing. In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example, the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits, such as HP,IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the remarkable achievements made is proof.Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply chain management, including the five basic elements.Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of high quality for customers and high-value products or services.Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes, including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents, including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the measurement.Delivery: a lot of "insider" as "logistics", is to adjust the user's orders receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing system, receiving payments.Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer applications to provide support for the problem.Source70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst, Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982, "Financial Times" magazine in an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver was that the word will soon disappear, but "SCM" not only not disappeared, and quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement, logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.EvolutionSupply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain management in the development process, many experts and scholars have putforth a lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal process2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms 3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the relationship.ApplySupply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning, logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance, procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management, distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing, design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3, identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking3, partners must Fewer but Better.CaseAs China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN, AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the changes. In the "distribution of services is a" concept, Digital China through the implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations, increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system can provide more value-added services, with more and more "IT services" color.供应链管理所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。

文献信息:文献标题:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for Inventory Management(库存管理的多准则决策框架)国外作者:PK Krishnadevarajan,S Balasubramanian,N Kannan,V Ravichandran文献出处:《International Journal of Management》,2016,7(1):85-93 字数统计:英文 3228 单词,17138 字符;中文 5509 汉字外文文献:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for InventoryManagementAbstract Inventory management is a process / practice that every company undertakes. Most companies fail to apply a comprehensive set of criteria to rank their products / items. The criteria are too few or subjective in nature. Inventory is required to stay in business and meet customer needs. If it is not done right it causes deterioration in customer service and could lead to damages to both customer and supplier relations and eventually cause business breakdown. A simple multi-criteria driven holistic framework developed by industry input is critical to the success of inventory management. An inventory management framework using FIVE main- criteria categories (revenue, customer service, profitability, growth, risk), 21 (between 3 and 6 in each category) metrics and 4 ranks (A, B, C, D) is presented in this paper to assist companies with their inventory management process. The framework that is presented has been developed through literature review, surveys, interviews and focusgroups with several industry owners, inventory managers and business managers. The interaction with companies led to a set of THREE critical questions:1.Is there a comprehensive inventory managementframework?2.What inventory metrics should be tracked or monitored on a routine basis?3.How do implement a multi-criteria inventory classification?This paper is an attempt to answer these critical questions and provide a framework that is developed by bringing together existing literature available and input/findings from industry executives in the area of inventory management.Key words: Inventory, Inventory Management, Inventory Classification, Inventory Ranking, Multi-Criteria Inventory Management.1.INTRODUCTIONInventory is a critical asset and resource that is handled extensively by most businesses. Managing inventory effectively has been something that every company strives for; however, it is also an area where companies often have failed and still continue to fail. Companies handle multiple items / products but treat all items equally because the business objective is to serve the customer. As a result they end up having excess inventory of the wrong items. As businesses expand there are so many products in inventory and the company ends up having more stocking inventory for each product or end up investing more in the wrong inventory. Item/inventory stratification is the process of ranking items based on relevant factors applicable to the business environment. According to Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran S., Lawrence F.B. and Rao B (2015) and Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, S Balasubramanian and N Kannan (2015) you should classify items into a certain number of categories (typically less than five) so that managing them day-to-day does not become unwieldy. This is especially needed when handling several hundreds orthousands of items, where identifying and focusing on the most critical items is of utmost importance to allow resources to be used effectively and efficiently. This stratification process is typically done at a physical location level (at branches or distribution centers) across the entire company, although it could be applied at higher levels (regions or the entire company). The item stratification process is usually not well-defined or given due importance, and it often gets over-simplified. The inventory stratification process should address several metrics and a multi-criteria approach must be taken for effective inventory management. This paper attempts to present a comprehensive framework that could assist companies in choosing the right set of metrics to perform inventory ranking for their business.2.FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENTThe process of inventory classification actually begins by developing or choosing a framework that suits the company’s vision and goals. The development process of the proposed inventory framework process took place in two stages. The first stage was to look at existing literature to understand the different factors/criteria that are being used for inventory evaluation by various industries/businesses. The second stage was interaction with companies to gather input, understand metrics used and challenges faced in executing the inventory classification process.2.1.Literature Review(Pareto, 1906) observed that about 20% of the population of a country has about 80% of its wealth (also known as the 80-20 rule). This rule holds true for items sold by a firm: about 20% of items accou nt for about 80% of a firm’s revenue.(Flores and Whybark, 1987) present an inventory ranking model driven by criticality and dollar-usage. The first stage is for the users to rank the items based on criticality, the second stage ranks items based on dollar/currency usage. Based on usage, items are ranked as A, B or C.(Flores, Olson and Dorai, 1992) propose the use of AHP as a means for decision makers to custom design a formula reflecting the relative importance of each unit of inventory item based on a weighted value of the criteria utilized. The factors applied are –total annual usage (quantity), average unit cost (currency), annual usage (currency), lead time and criticality. They also present a reclassification model based on the following factors and weights: criticality (42%), followed by lead time (41%), annual dollar usage (9.2%), and average unit cost (7.8%).(Schreibfeder, 2005) recommend a combination model using cost of goods sold (procurement price from supplier), number of transactions (orders or hits), and profitability (gross margin).(Lawrence, Gunasekaran and Krishnadevarajan, 2009) state that best practices in item stratification are based on multiple factors such as sales, logistics (hits), and profitability (gross margin currency or percentage, or gross margin return on inventory investment [GMROII]) that help to attain the optimal solution in most cases. Companies, however, can include more factors specific to their business environment, such as lead time, sense of urgency, product dependency, criticality, product life cycle and logistics costs. They also present a model to classify items based on demand pattern. A demand stability index (DSI) is established using three criteria – demand frequency or usage frequency, demand size and demand variability.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, Lawrence and Rao, 2013) rank items into 4 categories (High, medium-plus, medium-minus, low) for risk management and price sensitivity. Ranking is based on unit cost of the item. Items are also ranked based on annual usage (currency), hits, gross margin (currency) and gross margin (percentage). The final ranks are Critical (A & B items), important (C items) and non-critical (D items).(Dhoka and Choudary, 2013) classify items based on demand predictability (XYZ Analysis). Items which have uniform demand are ranked as X, varying demand as Y, and abnormal demand as Z.(Hatefi, Torabi and Bagheri, 2014) present a modified linear optimization method that enables inventory managers to classify a number of inventory items in the presence of both qualitative and quantitative criteria without any subjectivity. The four factors used are ADU (Annual dollar usage), CF (critical factor –very critical [VC], moderately critical [MC] or non-critical [NC]), AUC (Average unit cost) and LT (Lead Time). Items are ranked as A, B, or C.(Xue, 2014) connects the characteristics of materials supply and the relationship between parts and production, a classification model based on materials attributes. The several criteria applied in the decision tree model are: Parts usage rate, carrying- holding-possession costs, ordering-purchase costs, shortage cost, and delivery a bility.(Šarić, Šimunović, Pezer and Šimunović, 2014) present a research on inve ntory ABC classification using various multi-criteria methods (AHP) method and cluster analysis) and neural networks. The model uses 4 criteria –Annual cost, Criticality, Lead Time 1 and Lead Time 2.(Kumar, Rajan and Balan, 2014) rank items based on their cost in bill of materials (ABC ranking). “A” items -70% higher value of items of bill of material, “B” items –20% Medium value of items of Bill of material and “C” items – 10% Lower value of items of Bill of material. They also determine vital, essential, and desirable components required for assembly (VED analysis).(Sarmah and Moharana, 2015) present a model that has 5 criteria – consumption rate, unit price, replenishment lead time, commonality and criticality.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Balasubramanian, and Kannan, 2015) present a strategic business stratification framework based on: suppliers, product, demand, space, service, market, customer and people.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Vignesh, Balasubramanian and Kannan, 2015) present a framework for supplier classification based on several categories: convenience, customer service, profitability (financial), growth, innovation, inventory,quality and risk. A similar framework can be extended based on the supplier classification for items or products.2.2.Industry FeedbackInteraction with companies was performed through surveys, interviews and focus groups with several industry owners, inventory/purchasing managers and business managers. The objective was to get an idea of the metrics being utilized for inventory classification, challenges faced, inventory framework deployed and the effectiveness of their current inventory performance management processes. Key findings from the industry interaction were the following:•Lack of a inventory management framework. Understanding where the process began and where it ended was the key challenge. Who should take ownership of this process in the company? Often, data was missing or currently not captured in the system in-order to create various metrics to help with inventory management. Internally, all companies did not have a goal or objective regarding what they would like to achieve with the inventory management process. No concrete data driven discussions or goal setting took place. Most of the inventory ranking was based on experience.•What to track? Companies either tracked too many metrics or did not track anything. Even if they tracked too many metrics most of them were subjective and anecdotal. They lacked a significant number of quantitative metrics to act on something meaningful. Companies wanted a set of metrics they could choose from and then set a process in place to capture the relevant data to compute those metrics. If multiple metrics are used to track inventory performance, is there a methodology to combine various metrics to develop a single rank (ease of decision making) for each item/product?•Reporting and Scorecards: The next challenge was that even if a few companieshad the required data and were able to compute the metrics they did not have an effective way of reporting this information back to the purchasing team or anyone who influenced inventory decision. They lacked reporting tools and templates for the performance metrics.•Continuous Improvement: The steps that need to be established to continually improve the inventory management process at the company did not exist. Several companies had gone down the path of implementing a version of the inventory management but could not sustain the same due to lack of accountability/ownership, failing to change the metrics when the industry dynamics changed, and execution challenges.The focus of this paper is to propose a simple, yet holistic framework, list of metrics to track and a multi-criteria ranking method for inventory management.3.INVENTORY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKThe approach used to layout an inventory framework is bridging the gap between what was seen in the literature review and the feedback from industry. The key objectives in the framework development were the following:•Metrics should be quantitative (objective and data driven). There will be only a few qualitative metrics.•The framework should be holistic and comprehensive at the same time easy understand.•Scalability and flexibility of the framework is important as companies adopt it into their inventory management process.•Apply a multi-criteria approach but provide the ability to get one single finalrank (A, B, C or D) for a given item or product so that inventory policies and strategies can be established at a final rank level.•Provide a starting point for ranking criteria – what determines an A, B, C or D item for each metric used in the framework.Most companies measure inventory solely based on sales or usage. This is because almost all companies just focus on sales primarily. The proposed framework provides 5 categories based on which items should be ranked (shown in illustration 1). It varies from ‘revenue’ to ‘risk’. These 5 categories have a set of metrics (21 metrics in total), formula to compute the metric and a ranking scale that places each items in one of 4 ranks –A, B, C or D. Companies can choose the categories that are most relevant to their current business priority and then choose a set of factors/metrics under each category to rank their items / products.Illustration 1: Inventory Classification Categories and MetricsThe five categories of the inventory framework address several inventory metrics.The definition of each metrics, corresponding formula (calculation method) and the criteria to determine A, B, C and D ranks is listed in illustration 2. Choosing one metric from each category is recommended. However, companies should customize the framework in alignment with their growth goals and customer requirements.Illustration 2: Inventory Management – Metrics, Definition and Criteria3.1.Final Item RankVarious metrics that could be applied to determine item ranks (across 5 categories) were addressed in the previous sections. Decision-making process becomes challenging when there are multiple ranks (while using multiple metrics across the 5 categories) pointing in different directions. In this situation, a weightedstratification matrix helps determine a final rank for each item (Lawrence, Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, 2011). The final item rank depends on three factors:•Weights given for each factor: This input captures the importance of eachfactor. Weights may vary depending on the environment, but an example when a company applies 5 metrics to rank their items could be: Sales currency = 25%; Hits = 20%; GMROII = 20%, Number of customers = 20%; and Pricing variability = 15%. If a company chooses to include additional factors, the weights may be distributed accordingly.•The relative importance of A, B, C, and D ranks: Example: A=40; B=30; C=20; and D=10.•Score the range for the final score: The above weights are converted to a scale of 10 to 40, resulting in a best score of 40 (ranked A in all categories) and a least score of 10 (ranked D in all categories). The 30 points in the range of 10 to 40 is divided into four groups. Example: A=32.6 to 40; B=25.1 to 32.5; C=17.6 to 25; and D=10 to 17.5.With these parameters, a final rank can be determined for a given item. If an item is ranked as A, B , Cand D according to sales currency, hits, GMROII, number of customers and pricing variability respectively; this item’s final performance score is computed as follows:Final supplier score = [(25% x 30) + (20% x 20) + (20% x 40) + (20% x 30) + (15% x 10)] = 27This score falls between the ranges of 25.1 to 32.5, so this item gets a final rank of “B”.3.2.Summary of Item RankingThe various steps that are involved in the ranking of items can be summarized asfollows:•Step 1: Customize the framework according to the company’s requirement. This includes both the categories as well as the metrics under each category.•Step 2: Determine the cut-off values for each metric – the criteria that ranks items as A, B, C or D. This is a very important step.•Step 3: Choose key metrics that will determine item ranks.•Step 4: Rank the items for each metric using company-specific cut-off values.•Step 5: Assign weights to each factor.•Step 6: Compute final rank for each item.•Step 7: Using a cross-functional team to determine inventory policies and strategies for A, B, C and D items based on the final rank.4.CONCLUSIONThe proposed inventory framework provides a guideline for companies with their inventory management process. Determining the right items to stock (inventory investment) and managing them effectively is key to good customer service and business sustainability. Measuring items on data driven objective criteria is critical to maintaining profitable-sustainable business relationships with customers and suppliers.中文译文:库存管理的多准则决策框架摘要库存管理是每个公司都需要进行的一个过程/实践。

其主要功能包括:1. 订单管理:SCMS可以帮助企业实现订单的自动化处理和跟踪。
2. 库存管理:SCMS可以提供准确的库存信息,并帮助企业优化库存的管理和控制。
3. 运输管理:SCMS可以协调和优化供应链中的运输活动。
4. 供应商管理:SCMS可以帮助企业管理供应商的信息和合作关系。
SCMS的优势使用供应链管理系统(SCMS)可以带来以下几个优势:1. 提高运作效率:SCMS可以实现供应链的可见性,帮助企业实时了解各个环节的情况,并及时作出调整。
2. 降低成本:通过优化库存管理和运输规划,SCMS可以帮助企业减少库存成本和运输成本。
3. 提升客户满意度:SCMS可以提供准确的订单跟踪和交付信息,帮助企业提高客户满意度。

A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. The supply chain includes not only the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and even customers themselves. Within each organization, such as a manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request. These functions include, but are not limited to, new product, development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, and customer service.Consider a customer walking into a Wal-Mart store to purchase detergent. The supply chain begins with the customer and his or her need for detergent. The next stage of this supply chain is the Wal-Mart retail store that the customer visits. Wal-Mart stocks its shelves using inventory that may have been supplied from a finished-goods warehouse or a distributor using trucks supplied by a third party. The distributor in turn is stocked by the manufacturer (say, Procter &Gamble [P&G] in this case). The P&G manufacturing plant receives raw material from a variety of suppliers, who may themselves have been supplied by lower-tier suppliers. For example, packaging material may come from Pactiv Corporation (formerly Tenneco Packaging) while Pactiv receives raw materials to manufacture the packaging from other suppliers. This supply chain is illustrated in Figure 1—1, with the arrows corresponding to the direction of physical product flow.A supply chain is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information, product, and funds between different stages. In our example, Wal-Mart provides the product, as well as pricing and availability information, to the customer. The customer transfers funds to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart conveys point-of-sales data as well as replenishment orders to the warehouse or distributor, who transfers the replenishment order via trucks back to the store. Wal-Mart transfers funds to the distributor after the replenishment. The distributor also provides pricing information and sends delivery schedules to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart may send back packaging material to be recycled. Similar information, material, and fund flows take place across the entire supply chain.In another example, when a customer makes a purchase online from Dell Computer, the supply chain includes, among others, the customer, Dell's Web site, the Dell assembly plant, and all of Dell's suppliers and their suppliers. The Web site provides the customer with information regarding pricing, product variety, and product availability. Having made a product choice, the customer enters the order information and pays for the product. The customer may later return to the Web site to check the status of the order. Stages further up the supply chain use customer order information to fill the request. That process involves an additional flow of information, product, and funds among various stages of thesupply chain.These examples illustrate that the customer is an integral part of the supply chain. In fact, the primary purpose of any supply chain is to satisfy customer needs and, in the process, generate profit for itself. The term supply chain conjures up images of product or supply moving from suppliers to manufacturers to distributors to retailers to customers along a chain. This is certainly part of the supply chain, but it is also important to visualize information, funds, and product flows along both directions of this chain. The term supply chain may also imply that only one player is involved at each stage. In reality, a manufacturer may receive material from several suppliers and then supply several distributors. Thus, most supply chains are actually networks. It may be more accurate to use the term supply network or supply web to describe the structure of most supply chains, as shown in Figure 1-2.A typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages, including the following: Customers, Retailers, Wholesalers/distributors, Manufacturers, Component/raw material suppliersEach stage in a supply chain is connected through the flow of products, information, and funds. These flows often occur in both directions and may be managed by one of the stages or an intermediary.Each stage in Figure 1-2 need not be present in a supply chain. As discussed in Chapter 4, the appropriate design of the supply chaindepends on both the customer's needs and the roles played by the stages involved. For example, Dell has two supply chain structures that it uses to serve its customers.For its corporate clients and also some individuals who want a customized personal computer (PC), Dell builds to order; that is, a customer order initiates manufacturing at Dell. For these customers, Dell does not have a separate retailer, distributor, or wholesaler in the supply chain. Since 2007, Dell has also sold its PCs through Wal-Mart in the United States and the GOME Group, China's largest electronics retailer. Both Wal-Mart and the GOME Group carry Dell machines in inventory. This supply chain thus contains an extra stage (the retailer) compared to the direct sales model also used by Dell.In the case of other retail stores, the supply chain may also contain a wholesaler or distributor between the store and the manufacturer.The objective of every supply chain should be to maximize the overall value generated. The value (also known as supply chain surplus) a supply chain generates is the difference between what the value of the final product is to the customer and the costs the supply chain incurs in filling the customer's request.Supply Chain Surplus=Customer Value-Supply Chain CostThe value of the final product may vary for each customer and can be estimated by the maximum amount the customer is willing to pay forit. The difference between the value of the product and its price remains with the customer as consumer surplus. The rest of the supply chain surplus becomes supply chain profitability, the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain. For example, a customer purchasing a wireless muter from Best Buy pays $60, which represents the revenue the supply chain receives. Customers who purchase the muter clearly value it at or above $60. Thus, part of the supply chain surplus is left with the customer as consumer surplus. The rest stays with the supply chain as profit. Best Buy and other stages of the supply chain incur costs to convey information, produce components, store them, transport them, transfer funds, and so on. The difference between the $60 that the customer paid and the sum of all costs incurred by the supply chain to produce and distribute the muter represents the supply chain profitability.Supply chain profitability is the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages and intermediaries. The higher the supply chain profitability, the more successful is the supply chain.For most profit-making supply chains, the supply chain surplus will be strongly correlated with profits. Supply chain success should be measured in terms of supply chain profitability and not in terms of the profits at an individual stage. (In subsequent chapters, we see that a focus on profitability at individual stages may lead to a reduction inoverall supply chain profits.)A focus on growing the supply chain surplus pushes all members of the supply chain toward growing the size of the overall pie.Having defined the success of a supply chain in terms of supply chain profitability, the next logical step is to look for sources of value, revenue, and cost. For any supply chain, there is only one source of revenue: the customer. The value obtained by a customer purchasing detergent at Wal-Mart depends upon several factors, including the functionality of the detergent, how far the customer has to travel to Wal-Mart, and the likelihood of finding the detergent in stock. The customer is the only one providing positive cash flow for the Wal-Mart supply chain. All other cash flows are simply fund exchanges that occur within the supply chain, given that different stages have different owners. When Wal-Mart pays its supplier, it is taking a portion of the funds the customer provides and passing that money on to the supplier. All flows of information, product, or funds generate costs within the supply chain. Thus, the appropriate management of these flows is a key to supply chain success. Effective supply chain management involves the management of supply chain assets and product, information, and fund flows to maximize total supply chain surplus. A growth in supply chain surplus increases the size of the total pie, allowing contributing members of the supply chain to benefit.In this book, we have a strong focus on analyzing all supply chain decisions in terms of their impact on the supply chain surplus. These decisions and their impact can vary for a wide variety of reasons. For instance, consider the difference in the supply chain structure for fast-moving consumer goods observed in the United States and India. U.S. distributors play a much smaller role in this supply chain compared to their Indian counterparts. We argue that the difference in supply chain structure can be explained by the impact a distributor has on the supply chain surplus in the two countries.Retailing in the United States is largely consolidated, with large chains buying consumer goods from most manufacturers. This consolidation gives retailers sufficient scale that the introduction of an intermediary such as a distributor does little to reduce costs and may actually increase costs because of an additional transaction. In contrast, India has millions of small retail outlets. The small size of Indian retail outlets limits the amount of inventory they can hold, thus requiring frequent replenishment-an order can be compared with the weekly grocery shopping for a family in the United States. The only way for a manufacturer to keep transportation costs low is to bring full truckloads of product close to the market and then distribute locally using "milk runs" with smaller vehicles. The presence of an intermediary who can receive a full truckload shipment, break bulk, and then make smallerdeliveries to the retailers is crucial if transportation costs are to be kept low. Most Indian distributors are one-stop shops, stocking everything from cooking oil to soaps and detergents made by a variety of manufacturers. Besides the convenience provided by one-stop shopping, distributors in India are also able to reduce transportation costs for outbound delivery to the retailer by aggregating products across multiple manufacturers during the delivery runs. Distributors in India also handle collections, because their cost of collection is significantly lower than that of each manufacturer collecting from retailers on its own would be. Thus, the important role of distributors in India can be explained by the growth in supply chain surplus that results from their presence. The supply chain surplus argument implies that as retailing in India begins to consolidate, the role of distributors will diminish.There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and funds) and the success of a supply chain. Wal-Mart, Amazon, and Seven-Eleven Japan are examples of companies that have built their success on superior design, planning, and operation of their supply chain. In contrast, the failure of many online businesses such as Webvan can be attributed to weaknesses in their supply chain design and planning. The rise and subsequent fall of the bookstore chain Borders illustrates how a failure to adapt its supply chain to a changing environment and customer expectations hurt itsperformance. Dell Computer is another example of a company that had to revise its supply chain design in response to changing technology and customer needs. We discuss these examples later in this section.Wal-Mart has been a leader at using supply chain design, planning, and operation to achieve success. From its beginning, the company invested heavily in transportation and information infrastructure to facilitate the effective flow of goods and information. Wal-Mart designed its supply chain with clusters of stores around distribution centers to facilitate frequent replenishment at its retail stores in a cost-effective manner. Frequent replenishment allows stores to match supply and demand more effectively than the competition. Wal-Mart has been a leader in sharing information and collaborating with suppliers to bring down costs and improve product availability. The results are impressive. In its 2010 annual report, the company reported a net income of more than $14.3 billion on revenues of about $408 billion. These are dramatic results for a company that reached annual sales of only $1 billion in 1980. The growth in sales represents an annual compounded growth rate of more than 20 percent.。


文献信息:文献标题:Logistics Cost Calculation of Implementation Warehouse Management System: A Case Study(实施仓储管理系统的物流成本计算:案例研究)国外作者:Tomáš Ku era文献出处:《MATEC Web of Conferences》, 2017字数统计:英文 2741 单词,13573 字符;中文 4043 汉字外文文献:Logistics Cost Calculation of Implementation Warehouse Management System: A Case StudyAbstract Warehouse management system can take full advantage of the resources and provide efficient warehousing services. The paper aims to show advantages and disadvantages of the warehouse management system in a chosen enterprise, which is focused on logistics services and transportation. The paper can bring new innovative approach for warehousing and presents how logistics enterprise can reduce logistics costs. This approach includes cost reduction of the establishment, operation and savings in the overall assessment of the implementation of the warehouse management system. The innovative warehouse management system will be demonstrated as the case study, which is classified as a qualitative scientific method, in the chosen logistics enterprise. The paper is based on the research of the world literature, analyses of the internal logistics processes, data and finally enterprise documents. The paper discovers costs related to personnel costs, handling equipmentcosts and costs for material identification. Implementation of the warehouse management system will reduce overall logistics costs of warehousing and extend the warehouse management system to other parts of the logistics chain.1.IntroductionAt present time companies try to minimize the costs of logistics. The concept of warehousing is very closely linked to logistics and distribution. Warehousing is within the logistics chain, one of the activities cannot be omitted. Warehousing addresses many crucial issues, inventory levels, ordering cycles, warehouse equipment and their spatial distribution, distribution of warehouse and inventory management. At high inventory levels incurred by companies fixed cost for each additional unit of inventory. Possession of inventory on hand may be necessary for the company due to preserve their source of supply. Warehousing is one of the most important parts of the entire logistics system. Warehousing is a link between manufacturers and customers, it provides storage for many products (e.g. raw materials, parts, semi-finished products, components and finished products). Warehouses allow to bridge space and time. Manufacturing inventories ensure optimal continuity of the production. Inventories of goods for ensuring smooth supply of the final customer.2.Theoretical background and methodologyWith the constant technological advancement, the companies started to invest in new systems to support competitiveness in the market in which they operate. The trend of reducing the cost of warehousing is the maximum use of warehouse space, the minimum number of transfers, effective solution to the warehousing points or reducing the number of species of stored inventory. These costs are significant, if the free warehouse space on someone's rented, or if with a higher warehousing amount of enterprise must pay for additional rented premises, or energy, or heat. Warehousemanagers are usually interested in providing high quality services to their customers at minimum cost. From a tactical, strategic and operational point of view, the main issues concern both the warehouse and the inventory management.Warehousing systems and material handling systems play a pivotal and critical role in the supply chain, and requirements for warehousing and handling operations have significantly increased in recent years.Warehousing refers to activities associated with inventory management. These activities take place within the warehouse area, it is mainly the receipt of goods, purchase goods handling, picking, gathering and activities related to sorting.Warehouse management is not just a purchase, warehousing and transport within the warehouse; this is a more complex system that exceeds the physical boundaries of warehouses. Warehouse Management System (hereinafter WMS) is used to increase performance and warehousing for better management decisions for holding only strictly necessary supplies needed for the manufacturing process. WMS can take full advantage of the resources and provide efficient warehousing services provided by the plan, organize, control and coordination processes. WMS is a necessary approach for every warehouse. An automated warehousing system provides less effort, more efficient, and reliable results compared to manual handled system. WMS is designed to help reduce costs through effective warehouse processes. The tool known as WMS is a system that facilitates the handling operations and storage materials through defined parameters, but the deployment of this system need to go through steps that impact positively and negatively the company's various sectors.The need for automating the warehouse arises from the fact that manual handling may cause human errors which may affect the warehouse utilization.The case study, as one of the qualitative research methods, was chosen because it counts among the most frequently used methods within the research focused on the implementation of different management approaches into practice of organizations.Case study is defined as an empirical survey of the current phenomenon in its natural environment, using multiple sources of evidence. Study cases are selected based on pre- defined conditions of the case.The aim of this paper is to show advantages and disadvantages of the warehouse management system in a chosen logistics service provider (Ewals Cargo Care), which is focused on logistics services and transportation. The paper will bring new innovative approach for warehousing and presents how the logistics enterprise can reduce logistics costs, mainly personnel costs. This is especially thanks to the implementation of warehouse management system. Data used in the case study is based on real logistics processes in logistics service provider. The paper discovers costs related to personnel costs, handling equipment costs and costs for material identification.3.Case study: Warehouse management system in logistics service providerThe case study is focused on new innovative approach for warehousing and presents how logistics service provider (Ewals Cargo Care) can reduce logistics costs, thanks to the implementation of warehouse management system. Ewals Cargo Care (hereinafter ECC) is a transport and logistics company operating in the market for more than 110 years. For its customers, primarily in the automotive, electronics, paper and packaging industry, manufacturers and distributors of consumer electronics provides services both in the field of transport, as well as services related to warehousing and handling of goods.The company's goal is always to find the optimal solution for shipping process on the way from supplier to customer, with the possibility of combining shipment, transhipment or use consolidation warehouses. ECC fully uses its years of experience, skills and knowledge to find and implemented for customers the most effective solution with the least impact on the environment.The case study compares two models. The first one is the existing warehouse system and the second one is the new innovative WMS. For the design of WMS implementation was used analysis of current warehouse management based on fixed warehouse positions and common software that keeps track of inventory about individual stock items. The current system of fixed positions does not allow variable use of empty warehouse cells for current needs income and material warehouse. Proposal for the implementation of WMS in turn allows almost 100% utilization of warehouse capacity and reducing the administrative handling time needed to process goods receipt, put-away, warehousing and distribution of goods to the production. For the current calculation of measured values required for the proposal to introduce managed warehouse was used ECC customer production plan in 2017. Of these production plans, can derive data needed to analyse the personnel and technical complexity in the case of implementation of WMS.Tab. 1 shows the personnel costs in the existing warehouse system. Personnel costs are governed by wage regulation in the ECC. Based on the number of employees (32 people) are determined by the total personnel costs, which amounts to 1,183,000 CZK per month.Table 1. Personnel costs – current state – existing warehouse systemRequired operating personnel warehouse in 2017 could be changed about the implementation of WMS. In tab. 2 lists the personnel costs in the warehouse after implementation of WMS. Out of 32 employees after the implementation of softwareand hardware WMS has been optimized six workers. Personnel costs would be reduced from the amount 1,183,000 CZK to 967,000 CZK per month.Table 2. Personnel costs – state after implementation of WMSIn tab. 3 is an overview of the necessary handling equipment in the warehouse before and after the implementation of WMS. The changes that have occurred since the implementation of WMS are saving one forklift (yellow highlighted box in the tab.3). Number of forklifts can be reduced because WMS reduces the number of forklift drivers. Monthly savings is 24,242 CZK.Table 3. Handling equipment costsTab. 4 shows the hardware and software costs of implementation WMS. These costs include software and hardware equipment (radio frequency terminal equipment, radio frequency network including installation and the necessary printers for printing identification cards). The monthly depreciation of software is 36,944 CZK and maintenance is 7,875 CZK. Monthly depreciation on hardware is 19,168 CZK. Total monthly costs for software and hardware of WMS are 63,987 CZK.Table 4. Hardware and software costs of implementing WMSTab. 5 expresses the logistics costs for material identification in the ECC warehouse. From the available data to determine the total number of printed identification cards (hereinafter IDC) is 660,294 pieces. Print of one IDC worth 0.61 CZK, so they are identifiable costs to the total number of IDC calculated the amount to 402,779 CZK. Costs of hardware and software (column HW and SW) are fixed monthly 29,637 CZK. This amount includes the use of personal computer and printers including consumables. Total yearly costs for material identification are 758,423 C ZK. Table 5. Logistics costs for material identification, HW and SW equipment – existing warehousesystemTab. 6 shows the costs for material identification in case of implementation WMS. IDC costs will change, because new IDCs are cheaper. One identification card costs only 0.24 CZK. Changes that occur with this implementation shall remain in hardware and software. Monthly operating costs of hardware and software of WMSare from tab. 4 totally 63,987 CZK per month. As is apparent from a comparison of the tables, the implementation of WMS will increase the total cost of the material identification from 758,423 CZK to 926,318 CZK per year.Table 6. Logistics costs for material identification, HW and SW equipment – WMSTab. 7 expresses the total cost evaluation, the use of an existing type of warehousing at fixed positions. The right part of the table shows implementation of the WMS. The total savings would be 6 people, so it would reduce personnel costs. WMS could reduce the costs of the warehouse equipment of the forklift. Costs for material identification would increase slightly, but the total yearly cost savings would amount to 2,715,009 CZK.Table 7. Yearly evaluation of total costs4.ConclusionWMS brings many positive impacts. WMS means in practice that all movement of the material is controlled by software, material is identified by a bar code transmitted with a radio frequency terminal. Workers are minimized errors and increasing the productivity. Processes performed by the warehouse staff can monitor and evaluate at any moment. The system minimizes the complaint allows the merging of orders and guarantees compliance with FIFO (First In First Out).The aim of this paper was reduced the logistics costs of warehousing in the ECC and propose the implementation of WMS for reasons of logistics cost savings. With the implementation of WMS will be savings on the cost side. Overall it will be reduced the necessary operating staff consists of 32 to 26 workers, also will be reduced the required handling (warehouse equipment) and slightly will be increased the logistics costs for material identification. Total yearly savings are 2,715,009 C ZK.中文译文:实施仓储管理系统的物流成本计算:案例研究摘要仓储管理系统可充分利用资源,提供高效的仓储服务。

仓储专用术语中英文对照仓库管理系统:Warehouse Management SystemWMSalternate tiers row pattern 交错码放AGV 无人搬运车库存:inventoryanchoring 膨胀螺丝AS/RS Automatic Storage Retrieval System自动存取机/系统自动存取仓储系统自动仓库系统assembly packaging集合包装average inventory平均存货battery电瓶beam横撑,横梁belt conveyor皮带式输送机带block pattern row pattern整齐码放bonded warehouse国际物流中心保税仓库brick pattern砌砖式码放buffer stock缓冲储备cantilever shalving悬臂架cargo freight货物carrying搬运chain conveyor链条式输送机带charger充电机cold chain system冷冻链系统common carrier公共承运人consolidation装运整合container terminal集装箱中转站contract carrier契约承运人contract logistics契约物流counterbalance truck平衡式电动柴油、电动、瓦斯堆高机cycle inventory周期存货delivery配送depalletizer托盘拆垛机devanning拆箱diagonal bracing斜撑dock leveller月台调整板dock shelter月台门封充气式,非充气式double-deep pallet racking双层深式重型物料钢架drive-in pallet racking直入式重型物料钢架dry cargo干货dunnage填充electronic data interchange电子资料交换EDIexport processing zone加工出口区fill rate供应比率floor utilization percentage地面面积利用率flowdynamic racking重型流力架flowdynamic rack shelving轻型料盒、纸箱流力架forklift truck叉车four-way reach truck四向式电动堆高机frame支柱组frame feet脚底板frame joint柱连杆freight container货物集装箱general cargo一般货物hand pallet truck油压拖板车horizontal bracing横撑industrial door工业门industrial vehicle工业车辆intermodal transportation复合一贯运输lashing捆扎加固levelling plate垫片LGV激光引导无人搬运车load efficient装载效率loading and unloading装卸logistical utilities物流效用logistics物流materials handling物料搬运mezzanines floor积层架mini-load AS/RS料盒式自动仓库系统mobile dock leveller月台桥板mobile shelving移动柜net unit load size净单元货载尺寸operation area理货区order picking truck电动拣料车order picking指令拣选order shipped complete订货完成率packaged cargo包装货物packaging包装pallet托盘,木质栈板pallet container栈板笼架pallet pool system通用托盘系统pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架palletization托盘化palletizer托盘堆垛机palletizing pattern托盘装载方式pick up货物聚集picking拣货,拣选作业pictorial marking for handling货运标识pinwheel pattern针轮式码放plan view size平面尺寸plastic bin物料盒plastic pallet塑胶栈板platform物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model物流标准powered pallet truck电动拖板车powered stacker自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking后推式重型物料钢架rack货架rack notice标示牌reach truck前伸式电动堆高机returnable container通用容器roll container笼车roller conveyor滚筒式输送机带safety pin插销safety stock安全储备scrubber洗地机shed临时周转仓库shelving轻量型物料钢架shuttle car梭车slat conveyor条板式输送机带slotted-angle shelving角钢架sorting分类special cargo特殊货物spot stock现场储备stacker crane自动存取机高架吊车stacking堆垛stockout frequency缺货频率storage存储support bar跨梁surface utilization percentage表面利用率sweeper扫地机table trolley物流台车third part logistics第三方物流third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商transit inventory中转存货transportation运输transportation package size by modular coordination运输包装系列尺寸tray conveyor盘式输送机带truck terminal卡车货运站turntable转盘变更输送方向unit load单元货载unit load system单元货载系统upright支柱upright protctors护脚value added network—VAN加值网络vanning装箱vertical conveyor垂直输送机very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse仓库WCS Warehouse Control System仓储控制系统WMS Warehouse Management System仓储管理系统。
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中英文外文翻译Inventory Optimization in Supply Chain:Zero Inventory ApproachManaging optimal inventory in the supply chain is critical for an enterprise. The ability to increase inventory turns and the use of best inventory practices will reduce inventory costs across the supply chain. Moving towards zero inventory will result in effective inventory management in the business process. Inventory Optimization Solutions can be implemented easily using inventory optimization software. With Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, inventory can be updated in real time without product movement, scanning or human involvement. Companies have to adopt best practices to optimize operational processes and lower their cost structure through inventory strategies.IntroductionWith supply chain planning and latest software, companies are managing their inventory in the best possible manner, keeping inventory holdings to the minimum without sacrificing the customer service needs. The zero inventory concept has been around since the 1980s. It tries to reduce inventory to a minimum and enhances profit margins by reducing the need for warehousing and expenses related to it.The concept of a supply chain is to have items flowing from one stage of supply to the next, both within the business and outside, in a seamless fashion. Any stock in the system is caused by either delay between the processes (demand, distribution, transfer, recording and production) or by the variation in theflow. Eliminating/reducing stock can be achieved by: linking processes, making the same throughput rate on processes, locating processes near each other and coordinating flows. Recent advanced software has made zero inventory strategy executable."Inventory optimization is an emerging practical approach to balancinginvestment and service-level goals over a very large assortment of Stock-Keeping Units (SKUs). In contrast to traditional ‘one-at-a-time’ marginal stock level setting, inventory optimization simultaneously determines all SKU stock levels to fulfill total service and investment constraints or objectives".Inventory optimization techniques provide a new logic to drive the system with information systems. To effectively manage inventory, businesses must also optimize the costs of buying, holding, producing, moving and selling inventory.The objective of inventory optimization is to sustain minimal levels of inventory while providing the maximum possible levels of service. Supply Chain Design and Optimization (SCDO) is an inventory optimization solution which helps companies satisfy customer demands while balancing limitations on supply and the need for operational efficiency. Inventory optimization focuses on modeling uncertainty and variability and minimizing the risks they impose on the supply chain.Inventory optimization can help resolve total supply chain cost options like:•In-house manufacturing vs. contract manufacturing;•Domestic vs. off shore; and•New supplier's cost vs. current suppliers' cost.Companies can benefit from inventory optimization, provided they control their supply chain processes and the complexity of supply chain. In case the supply chain is very complex, besides inventory optimization, network design has to be used to reap the benefits fully. This paper covers various inventory models that are available and then describes the technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and networking used for the optimization of inventory. The paper also describes the software solutions available for achieving the same. It concludes by giving a few examples where inventory optimization has been successfully implemented. Inventory ModelsHexagon ModelThe hexagon model was developed due to the need to structure day-to-day work, reduce headcount and other inventory costs and improve customer satisfaction.In the first phase, operation strategies were established in alignment with inte-rnal customers. Later, continuous improvement plans and business continuity pl-ans were added. Thefive strategies used were: forecasting future consumption,setting financial targets to minimize inventory costs, preparing daily reports to monitor inventory operational performance,studying critical success indicators to track the accomplishments, to form inventory strategic objectives and inventor-y health and operating strategies. The hexagon model is a combination of two triangular structures (Figure 1).The upper triangle focuses on the soft management of human resources, customer orientation and supplier relations; the lower focuses on the execution of inventory plans with their success criteria, continuous improvement methodology and business continuity plans.The inventory indicators are: total inventory value, availability of spares, days of inventory, cost of inventory, cost saving and cash saving output expen-diture and quality improvement. The hexagon model combines the elements of the people involved in managing inventory with operational excellence (Figur2).Managing inventory with operational excellence was achieved by reducing the number of employees in the material department, changing the mix of peo-ple skills such as introducing engineering into the department structure and reducing the cost of ownership of the material department to the operation that it supports.Normally, this is implemented with reduction in headcount of material department, having less people with engineering skills in the department. Operation results include, improvement in raw material supply line quality indicators, competitive days of inventory and improved and stabilized spares availability. And the financial results include, increase in cost savings and reduced cost of inventory. It can be established by outsourcing some of the inventory functions as required. The level of efficiency of the inventory managed can be measured to a specific risk level, changing requirements or changes in the environment.Just-In-Time (JIT)Just-in-time (JIT) inventory system is a concept developed by the Japanese, wherein, the suppliers deliver the materials to the factory JIT for their processing, eliminating the need for storage and retrieval. The rate of output and the rate of supply of inputs are synchronized, to manage a zero inventory.The main benefits of JIT are: set up times are significantly reduced in the factory,the flow of goods from warehouse to shelves improves, employees who possess multiple skills are utilized more efficiently, better consistency of scheduling and consistency of employee work hours, increased emphasis on supplier relationships and continuous round the clock supplies keeping workers productive and businesses focused on turnover.And though a JIT system might even be a necessity, given the inventory demands of certain business types, its many advantages are realized only when some significant risks like delays in movement of goods over long distances are mitigated.Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) is a planning and management system in which the vendor is responsible for maintaining the customer’s inventory levels. VMI is defined as a process or mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information. VMI is a combination of e-commerce, software and people. It has resulted in the dramatic reduction of inventory across the supply chain. VMI is categorized in the real world as collaboration, automation and cost transference.The main objectives of VMI are better, cheaper and faster transactions. In order to establish the VMI process, management commitment, data synchronization, setting up agreements, data exchange, ordering, invoice matching and measurement have to be undertaken. The benefits of VMI to an organization are reduction in inventory besides reduction of stock-outs and increase in customer satisfaction. Accurate information which is required for optimizing the supply chain is facilitated by efficient transfer of information. The concept of VMI would be successful only when there is trust between the organization and its suppliers as all the demand information is available to the suppliers which can be revealed to the competitors. VMI optimizes inventory in supply chain and reduces stock-outs by proper planning and centralized forecasting.Consignment ModelConsignment inventory model is an extension of VMI where the vendor places inventory at the customer’s location while retaining ownership of the inventory. The consignment inventory model works best in the case of new and unproven products where there is a high degree of demand uncertainty, highly expensive products andservice parts for critical equipment. The types of consignment inventory ownership transfer models are: pay as sold during a pre-defined period, ownership changes after a pre-defined period, and order to order consignment.The issues that the VMI and consignment inventory model encounter are cost of developing VMI system, invoicing problems, cash flow problems, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) problems and obsolete stock.Enabling PracticesThe decision makers have to make prudent decisions on future course of action of a project relating to the following variables: Forecasting and Inventory Management, Inventory Management practices, Inventory Planning, Optimal purchase, Multichannel Inventory, Moving towards zero inventory.To improve inventory management for better forecasting, the 14 best practices that will most likely benefit business the most are:•Synchronize promotions;•Revamp the organizational structure;•Take a longer view of item planning;•Enforce vendor compliance;•Track key inventory metrics;•Select the right systems;•Master the art of master scheduling;•Adhere to exception reporting;•Identify lost demands;•Plan by assortment;•Track inbound receipts;•Create coverage reports;•Balance under stock/overstock; and•Optimize SKUs.This will leverage the retailer’s ability to buy larger quantities across all channels while buying only what is required for a specified period in order to manage risk in a better way. In most multichannel companies, inventory is the largest asset on the balance sheet, which means that their profitability will be determined to a large degreeby the way they plan, forecast, and manage inventory (Curt Barry, 2007). They can follow some steps like creating a strategy, integrating planning and forecasting, equipping with the best-laid plans and building strong vendor relationships and effective liquidation.Moving Towards Zero InventoryAt the fore is the development and widespread adoption of nimble, sophisticated software systems such as Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems, as well as dedicated supply chain management software systems. These systems offer manufacturers greater functionality. To implement ‘Zero Stock’ system, companies need to have a good information system to handle customer orders, sub-contractor orders, product inventory and all issues related to production. If the company has no IT infrastructure, it will need to build it from the scratch.A good information system can help managers to get accurate data and make strategic decisions. IT infrastructure is not a cost, but an investment. A company can use RFID method, network inventory and other software tools for inventory optimization.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)RFID is an automatic identification method, which relies on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.RFID use in enterprise supply chain management increases the efficiency of inventory tracking and management. RFID application develops asset utilization by tracking reusable assets and provides visibility, improves quality control by tagging raw material, work-in-progress, and finished goods inventory, improves production execution and supply chain performance by providing accurate, timely and detailed information to enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution system.The status of inventory can be obtained automatically by using RFID. There are many benefits of using RFID such as reduced inventory, reduced time, reduced errors, accessibility increase, high security, etc.Network InventoryA Network Inventory Management System (NIMS) tracks movement of itemsacross the system and thus can locate malfunctioning equipment/process and provide information required to diagnose and correct problem areas. It also determines where capacity is to be added, calculates impact of market conditions, assesses impact of new products and the impact of a new customer. NIMS is very important when the complexity of a supply chain is high. It determines the manufacturing and distribution strategies for the future. It should take into consideration production, location, inventory and transportation.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management, is an essential component of robust network management architecture. NIMS provide information that administrators can use to improve network management performance and help develop effective network asset control processes.A network inventory solution manages network resource information for multiple network technologies as well as multiple vendors in one common accurate database. It is an extremely useful tool for improving several operation processes, such as resource trouble management, service assurance, network planning and provisioning, field maintenance and spare parts management.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management, is an essential component of strong network management architecture. In addition, software tools that provide planning, design and life cycle management for network assets should prominently appear on enterprise radar screens.Inventory Optimization Softwarei2 Inventory Optimizationi2 solutions enable customers to realize top and bottom-line benefits through the use of superior inventory management practices. i2 Inventory Optimization can help companies monitor, manage, and optimize strategies to decide—what to make, what to buy and from whom, what inventories to carry, where, in what form and how much—across the supply chain. It enables customers to learn and continuously improve inventory management policies and processes, strategic analysis and optimization.Product-oriented industry can install i2 Inventory Optimization and developsupply chain. Through this, the company can reduce inventory levels and overall logistics costs. It can also get higher service level performance, greater customer satisfaction, improved asset utilization, accelerated inventory turns, better product availability, reduced risk, and more precise and comprehensive supply chain visibility.Oracle Inventory OptimizationOracle Inventory Optimization considers the demand, supply, constraints and variability in extended supply chain to optimize strategic inventory investment decisions. It allows retailers to provide higher service levels to customers at a lower total cost. Oracle Inventory Optimization is part of the Oracle e-Business Suite, an integrated set of applications that are engineered to work together.Oracle Inventory Optimization provides solutions when demand and supply are in ambiguity. It provides graphic representation of the plan. It calculates cost and risk.MRO SoftwareMRO Software (now a part of IBM's Tivoli software business) announced a marketing alliance with inventory optimization specialists Xtivity to enhance the service offering of inventory management solutions for MRO Software customers. MRO offers Xtivity's Inventory Optimizer (xIO) service as an extension of its asset and service management solutions.Structured Query Language (SQL)Successful implementation of an inventory optimization solution requires significant effort and can pose certain risks to companies implementing such solutions. Structured Query Language (SQL) can be used on a common ERP platform. An optimal inventory policy can be determined by using it. Along with it, other metrics such as projected inventory levels, projected backlogs and their confidence bands can also be calculated. The only drawback of this method is that it may not be possible to obtain quick real-time results because of architectural and algorithmic complexity. However, potential scenarios can be analyzed in anticipation of results stored prior to user requests.Some ExamplesToyota’s Practice in IndiaToyota, a quality conscious company working towards zero inventory has selected Mitsui and Transport Corporation of India Ltd. (TCI) for their entire logistic solutions encompassing planning, transportation, warehousing, distribution and MIS and related documentation. Infrastructure is a bottleneck that continues to dog economic growth in India. Transystem renders services like procurement, consolidation and transportation of original equipment manufacturer's parts, through milk run operations from various suppliers all over India on a JIT basis, transportation of Complete Built-up Units (CBU) from plant to all dealers in the country and operation of CBU yards, coordination and transportation of Knock Down (KD) parts from port of entry to manufacturing plant, transportation of aftermarket parts to dealers by road and air to Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt. Ltd.Wal-MartWal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business, as well as the largest toy seller in the US, with an estimated 22% share of the toy market. Wal-Mart also operates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and UK.Wal-Mart keeps close track of the inventories by extensively adopting vendor-managed inventory to streamline the flow of goods from manufacturer to the store shelf. This results in more turns and therefore fewer inventories.Wal-Mart is an early adopter of RFID to monitor the movement of stocks in different stages of supply chain. The company keeps tabs on all of its merchandize by outfitting its products with RFID.Wal-Mart has indicated recently that it is moving towards the aggressive theoretical zero inventory model.Chordus Inc.Chordus Inc. has the largest division of office furniture in USA. It has advanced logistics and a model of zero inventory. It has Internet-based system for distribution network with real-time updates and low costs. Chordus determined that only SAP R/3 could accommodate this cutting-edge operational model for its network of 150 dealer-owned franchises in 44 states supported by five nationwide Distribution Centers (DCs) and a fleet of 65 delivery trucks.Small Scale Cycle Industry Around LudhianaIn and around Ludhiana, there are many small bicycle units, which are not organized. They have a sharp focus on financial and raw material management enjoying a low employee turnover. They have been practicing zero inventory models which became popular in Japan only much later. Raw material is brought into the unit in the morning, processed during the day and by evening the finished product is passed on to the next unit. Thus, the chain continues till the ultimate finished product is manufactured. In this way, the bicycles used to be produced in Ludhiana at half the production cost of TI Cycles. Even the large manufacturers of cycles, like Hero cycles, Atlas cycles and Avon cycles are reported to maintain only one week's inventory.ConclusionInventory managers are faced with high service-level requirements and many SKUs appreciate the complexity of inventory optimization, as well as the explicit control that is needed over total investment in warehousing, moving and logistics. Inventory optimization can provide both an enormous performance improvement for the supply chain and ongoing continuous improvements over competitors. The company achieves the stability needed to have enough stock to meet unpredictable demands without wasteful allocation of capital. Having the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time improves customer satisfaction, market share and bottom line. Certainly, the organizations that are able to take inventory optimization to the enterprise level will reap greater benefits. Zero inventory may be wishful thinking, but embracing new technologies and processes to manage one's inventory more efficiently could move one much closer to that ideal.供应链库存优化:零库存方法对于一个企业来说,在供应链中优化库存管理是至关重要的。